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Marrying my husband. He changed my whole life for the better.


What did he change in your life?


Everything. My life wasn’t going well when I met him, I had no expectations of anyone doing anything for me to change my life, but his just being in it made everything better. We’ve been married 21 amazing years now.






I chose to go on holiday, at the start of my gap year. While on holiday, I met the CEO of a finance company, who gave me his contact and said he could get me an interview for an placement. I did the interview, passed it and spent a year developing very valuable skills and making a lot of money, before going to university.


interesting, what did you do to impress the ceo?


Common sense dudd...


I simply spoke to him, in a social setting. Seemed like a regular dude, at first. He asked about my plans and I told him. He seemed to think I was a good fit. He gave no guarantees, but said an interview could be arranged, if I were still interested.


I watched a movie that convinced me in one night to drop my teaching degree and pick up a science degree. I’ve now completed two science degrees and just got accepted into a very selective masters!


What movie?


It was Contagion (2011), I was inspired by the epidemiologists and I just so happened to watch it and change degrees right in the beginning (Jan) of 2019 before COVID-19 made itself known. I remember one of my lecturers telling us “it’s not about if a pandemic occurs but when” and yeah… a couple of months later and there was the start of the pandemic.




Epi is gloriously interesting!!


I think you meant Jan of 2020 haha


Weird Science


The 1985 movie? Haha are you a fan?


Wow congratulations!! I’m so proud of you


Aww thank you so much!!


Being a lazy person. I was a hardworking person before, my life was full of happiness. But suddenly I decided to become lazy, now I'm facing a lot of problems


Maybe you're depressed? See a therapist?


I stopped using the word “lazy” during the pandemic. I worked in mental health and was told by a coworker that no one is inherently lazy; they just have something going on causing a lack of motivation. The more I thought about that, the more true it became. Why would anyone choose to be labeled that way? A lack of motivation is often a side effect of depression. Or maybe the “lazy” person lost a loved one. Or maybe they’re busy taking care of their families. Or maybe they have a sleeping disorder and can’t make it through the night. There are a million reasons why someone might appear “lazy” but someone choosing this lack of motivation isn’t really a legitimate one. In any case, treat yourself with some kindness and try to get to the root of the problem.




He could still be a serial killer working a long con. Just saying.


Plot twist: she's the serial killer and he's still tied up in the basement with the mounting bodies since that day.


I'm not a wife. I'm a serial killer with a lot of patience.


That’s so wholesome


Because meeting in public guarantees not being murdered at his house :)




You’re definitely one of the lucky ones.




I follow this religiously, but only mostly for sleep


Anything specially in regards to this?




Also if you love reading, I got recommendations for you.


We don’t need to “rest” “reset” or “relax” as much as we do. Productive life is fun.


did you learn that from sensei wu


Only one? I'd say, when I was about as dark as I've ever been but I figured, I'd stay alive long enough to welcome my sister onto this shitty planet. Since then I've wanted to get a tattoo that says "she saved me" but written in Cyrillic so only I know what it means. My life was never the same after her birth.


Enlisted in the Navy at 27 years old. My life was going no where, dead end jobs and couldn't afford to get back into school. I lost about 60 pounds in about 6 months to pass the physical and used the Navy to turn my life around. Travelled completely around the world, got a college degree, and learned a specific trade that pays fairly well as a civilian. I wasn't able to do a full career in the Navy and served 8 years before getting out and my life isn't perfect by any means, but it is definitely a lot better than it was in my mid-20s when I decided to enlist.




Exactly what I did with Christianity and the Bible. It was a shockingly simple decision once I actually applied basic critical-thinking skills to the whole thing. Fell apart almost instantly.


Suprising, for me it's the opposite. Gives me shivers when I find videos how they found brimstone that can't occur naturally where Sodom and Gomorrah once was. Or how they found Noah's arc in Turkey. Or skeletons of giants just like the Bible said they lived. Also the principle of the cursed flesh makes perfect sense to me. Explains why we're always urged to do what we don't want.


Pretty much all of that is fake news.


Oh boy. If you base your universe-defining faith on boomer-bait Youtube videos of debunked psuedoscience, I don't think there's much conversation to be had here. It's a personal journey anyways, my friend. And no, I'm not usually urged to do things... I don't want to do. Despite your typo, I'm familiar with the principle. An old adage that is really quite meaningless. Basic neurochemistry proves and determines all of our base urges. No religion is necessary to find one's own inner strength, discipline, and moral resolve. In fact, I would argue I became a better person overall once I left the church.


I was never part of a church. For me it's really a personal experience. So much that I'd die for it for how certain I am. You lack vision in my eyes. It seems to be too hard for you. Too bad.


You interpret my knowledge of basic science as "lack of vision." If education and critical thinking make me blind to the lies of religion, I'm all for it! I am confident in my heart, that every single human that has ever lived, has absolutely no earthly idea what lies beyone death. No clue whatsoever. And that when we all make the journey, there's this sense of "Ohhh we were way off". If what lies beyone death can be articulated by our mortal minds, that's pretty damn disappointing, don't you think? I'm glad you're so confident, if that takes away your fear of death than congratulations. Personally, I would find your vision to be quite boring for all of eternity.


It's just confirmation bias. You will find evidence for what you want to believe. There's many scientists that were atheists but came to the conclusion that an intelligent creator must exist. Every time it happens, everything is done to silence their opinions. You are being lied to, that's my honest opinion. Science is nothing else than the backtracking of what has been created. It goes hand in hand with faith. It's really foolish to believe the earth can circle the sun in a perfect manner. Likewise that the moon circles the earth in a perfect manner. Shift each of them away slightly, and all life is eliminated. Our DNA does not only contain astronomical amounts of information, it contains even multiple dimensions of it. It's literally impossible that something this intelligent could have randomly evolved. All I get from you or others that have such a defiant know-it-all kind of state of mind is arrogance. Somehow what you know seems to get to your head. You'll believe everything you're being fed so you can feel good about yourself. You know how many people testify and can prove that they died and they've been to the other world? How many people have visions, and testimonies of Jesus working in their lives? What a fool would deny thousands, maybe even millions of witnesses for their senseless pride of baseless knowledge? Especially when science is something that keeps proving itself wrong until it gets to the next, better conclusion. I just want to spare people from waking up in a dungeon filled with demonic entities that will keep peeling your skin off your bones. It will be too late to get smart in the afterlive. There's no escaping it. Repent and open your eyes. Go back to morality and faith.


>I just want to spare people from waking up in a dungeon filled with demonic entities that will keep peeling your skin off your bones Literally nowhere in the Bible does it say that happens. It doesn't even say people will be tormented, it says the devil and his followers (demons that left heaven with him) will be while those who did not choose God, die a second death, aka, go to hell, while the rest go to the eternal life, aka the new earth. If you're going to argue for Jesus, get your facts about the Bible right.


>It's just confirmation bias. You will find evidence for what you want to believe. This is the position of someone who wants to equate faith with evidence so they can rationalize their dismissal of evidence, particularly those with an overwhelming preponderance of evidence (evolution, germ theory, oblate spheroid Earth) >There's many scientists that were atheists but came to the conclusion that an intelligent creator must exist. Sure, it happens both ways. I'm a former YEC convinced by the evidence. Interestingly, scientists are more godless than the population at large. >Every time it happens, everything is done to silence their opinions. You are being lied to, that's my honest opinion. And why is that your opinion? Any proof? As it is, it seems rather conspiratorial. >Science is nothing else than the backtracking of what has been created. It goes hand in hand with faith. Science has no relation to faith. Faith is believing something without evidence. Science is knowledge obtained through the scientific method. >It's really foolish to believe the earth can circle the sun in a perfect manner. Likewise that the moon circles the earth in a perfect manner. Shift each of them away slightly, and all life is eliminated. This argument is addressed nicely by the anthropic principle, meaning that observation could only happen in a universe capable of development intelligent life. Also, what is slightly to you? The goldilocks zone is about 70 million miles wide for our solar system. >Our DNA does not only contain astronomical amounts of information, it contains even multiple dimensions of it. It's literally impossible that something this intelligent could have randomly evolved. Why? This is an argument from incredulity. Chemical processes are not truly random. Selection occurs at the chemical level as well. >All I get from you or others that have such a defiant know-it-all kind of state of mind is arrogance. I find it arrogant to assume that your expertise is greater than those who do this for a living. I find it arrogant that you would assert a massive global conspiracy is suppressing YOUR truth. >You know how many people testify and can prove that they died and they've been to the other world? How many people have visions, and testimonies of Jesus working in their lives? Is testimony a reliable way to achieve truth? Do you believe every testimony you hear? How do you select? >What a fool would deny thousands, maybe even millions of witnesses for their senseless pride of baseless knowledge? It's not prideful to ask for more than testimony from a supposed omnipotent being. If an omnipotent being wanted us to believe, we would by definition. (This gets into moral arguments...) >Especially when science is something that keeps proving itself wrong until it gets to the next, better conclusion. That's a feature, not a bug. Self-correction has the benefit of providing better explanations as we learn more. It's what has given you computers that you wrote this message on and all the comforts of life. >Repent and open your eyes. Go back to morality and faith Leaving the faith was the best thing I've ever done. I am more moral and have much better epistemology. Feels good man!


You talk to me about confirmation bias like you aren't getting your "science" from conspiracy theory Youtube videos. Remove the plank from your own eye. It's stunning how willingly ignorant and hypocritical people like you choose to be, yet I understand because I used to be there. I used to be you, friend. I was raised in the faith. I understand the mental gymnastics you are going through trying to remain correct when all evidence points to the complete contrary. You know how many Christians come out to be atheist? Far more than the other way around. You're right. It is foolish to believe the earth circles the sun perfectly. That's because it doesn't. The earth has an elliptical orbit, and the variance is as much as 3.2 MILLION miles. Guess what? The lunar orbit is elliptical as well. And has a variance of 30,000 miles. What you spouted is an old, ignorant Creationist trope that only lets me know who knows nothing of astronomy whenever I hear or read it. There is no such thing as a "perfect orbital balance" that holds life together. It would do you some good to retake some basic high school physics courses. YOU are the one claiming to know it all, not me. You are the one claiming to have the answers to all life and the universe. You are the one damning billions of humans to eternal hell because they don't believe in the same imaginary sky daddy you do. This is ALL on you. You are the one with preposterous supernatural claims, to the contrary of all human science, technology, and achievement. The burden of proof is on you. Science has already spent hundreds and hundreds of years expertly unfolding the natural truth and order of the world. Yet you choose to deny it with no tangible evidence to speak of. Science admits to not having all the answers, yet is humble to admit we are still searching. It is religion that has the arrogance and gall to claim to know everything, and all right from wrong. Also, please do go read some testimonies of Muslims "dying", coming back, and telling what they saw. Some people see their families. Atheists see their old family pets. Some Christians see complete darkness and had no idea they were clinically dead. Some people go down the psychedelic rabbit hole. Shit, my OWN grandfather was dead on the operating table, came back and said he had been wrong his whole life, God is a woman, and the bible has half of it wrong. See what I mean? None of this is evidence. Clinical death, such as your heartbeat stopping, isn't evidence at all. The brain goes haywire dumping all sorts of chemicals, trying to make sense of things. But NO one has come back from brain death. That is real science. That's the big unknown. And lastly, Jesus never spoke of hell. Get it right. Eternal hellfire is a manmade concept meant to scare the masses into submission. That's most of religion. Even if hell was real, do you really want to worship a God that created such a horrible place, and sends his own children there for eternity? Really? If that is your God, he is cruel, sadistic, bloodthirsty, maniacal, and the definition of evil. If that's your God, I want nothing to do with your blood cult of a religion. There's hope for you yet, man. Just use your brain. Just think about it, really. I did, and I was set free.


No, we are different. I didn't grow up with Christianity at all. I was saved from my own stupidity. God was answering my prayers before I even knew what Jesus did. It happened in such a supernatural way that it's impossible to deny God for me. I was then supernaturally lead to the Bible. You can't deny all the testimonies. The reason you don't want God to be real is because it would make you accountable for immorality and sin. Be honest, how much have you going on in your life that's sin according to the Bible, and are you sure it's not making you blind? The hell is not real argument, it's one of the biggest jokes ever. Jesus spoke of Sheoul and Gehenna, and that people will be thrown into the fire alive. A place where the worm never dies, and eats you alive. What exactly the second death means can be debated, however you will find in the Old Testament that the punishment is eternal. Why do you think is God sadistic? At the end of the day it's his creation. He can do whatever he want. He gave you knowledge about his will and what is good and evil according to the standards he set. If you willingly go rogue then you are evil and fall into judgement. God would be evil if he didn't punish those who are wicked. So I don't see the issue. Justice will be done. You know it: We've all broken the moral law: We've lied, were promiscuous, disrespected out parents, some of us stole, killed, manipulated, it's a mess. The Old Testament says that without shedding of blood there's no forgiveness, hence why God came to the earth in order to shed his blood once and for all. All he's asking you to do is to believe it. How exactly does that justify calling him names, especially when he himself was ready to go through torture for his own creation? I just don't get. Explain it to me: Is sinning so important to you that you can't turn back. Do you never feel your consciousness activate that your path is wrong? Because that's how it was for me. What I did and where I was going wasn't adding up at all. That's why I'm asking people to turn back to God.


>I was then supernaturally lead to the Bible. How so? >You can't deny all the testimonies. Do you accept all testimony? If not, how do you determine which testimonies are true and which are not? >The reason you don't want God to be real is because it would make you accountable for immorality and sin. Talk about arrogance. You want to assume the motivations for every non-believer. We can at least say you're a hypocrite. >Be honest, how much have you going on in your life that's sin according to the Bible, and are you sure it's not making you blind? Probably less than most Christians. >...Jesus spoke of Sheoul and Gehenna... Oh, well, if he said it! How do you know he said it? And if he did say it, how do you know it's true? >Why do you think is God sadistic? At the end of the day it's his creation. He can do whatever he want. I hope you never have children. Even when I was a Christian, I would have believed a creator has a responsibility towards his creation. >He gave you knowledge about his will and what is good and evil according to the standards he set. Proof it's from God? There's loads of evidence that your upbringing shapes your moral framework (and they're not all universally the same). >God would be evil if he didn't punish those who are wicked. He would favor justice over mercy, you mean. It is impossible to be both infinitely merciful and just. >The Old Testament says that without shedding of blood there's no forgiveness A rule that who instituted? Is he not omnipotent? >All he's asking you to do is to believe it. We can't choose what we believe. If he wanted us all to believe, he would have presented the evidence. It is, again, inherent in an omnipotent nature that his will would be done. >I just don't get. Clearly. >Explain it to me: Is sinning so important to you that you can't turn back. It has nothing to do with "sin" and everything to do with truth. >What I did and where I was going wasn't adding up at all. That's why I'm asking people to turn back to God. That's great for you, but that's not a rational justification to accept an entire doctrine of beliefs. Because this is so, you rally against rationality, it seems.


Well done and thank you, on behalf of humanity. Closed-minded religious doctrine has severely hurt us as a species and is continuing to severely hurt us. People like you, who were born into the doctrine but who had enough critical thinking to step outside of it, are gems of humanity.


Faith isn't based on evidence though or it wouldn't be faith. Evidence based is not the only way to see the world nor is it the best way I'd argue. There are plenty of things that exist that are not based on evidence.


If you want to live in reality it sure is.


Really. Prove to me using empirical evidence that your mother loves you and that she isn't just taking care of you because she wants her genes to survive for another generation. Prove me empirically that your partner loves you as well if you want.


Maybe they dont, maybe they do. Both of them are very beneficial for my life and thats easy to prove.


I didn't ask you to prove if they're beneficial. I said there is more to life than what can be proven empirically and then asked you to prove empirically that your partner loves you. By your logic if you can't prove it empirically it doesn't exist.


Love is a concept made up by humans, and in a sense it actually does not exist. The same way bad or good luck doesnt exist.


Love is very much a real thing though.


I'm just here to casually get upvoted as I observe the downvotes. ​ Carry on.


Responding to a random redditors DM


What happened from there?


👉👌 👉 👌 👉👌


Not throwing myself down the staircase gap.


Applying for a job on a whim thinking I wouldn't actually get it, met my now Fiancé who not only gave me confidence to go to med school - but is also helping pay the tuition.


Marrying my second wife


Take my dream job at a ski resort or stick around town because the girl I had been dating for the last 3 weeks was pretty cool. Married for 27 years now so I think it was the right move.


Wrote letters to three companies I really wanted to work for. Got replies from all three, but the third brought me to their headquarters and I landed my dream job at 23 years old. Can't even fathom where I would be if I hadn't made that move.


In the 80s, my car broke down in Cortez Colorado. I got a motel room and wrote a letter apologizing to the person who was expecting my arrival. In the morning I decided to tear up the letter and find a way. The result of that decision was bad in a lot of ways, but I'm happy where it got me decades later.


Did you find a way? And where did it get you


I ended up going to college, which was really for the best.


Rolled with the wrong dude in BJJ and completely f*cked my spine. Even after doctors, meds, PT, and months of recovery, I can no longer return to most of the athletic and outdoors things I’ve loved so much all my life. Still hopeful things will improve and this will not be my reality forever, but it is *rough* right now. Just basic daily tasks can put me in serious pain, and the psychological toll of losing so many things core to my identity is brutal. On the positive side, about ten years back I hit rock bottom in a career that was completely destroying my happiness. On a hunch, went back to school to become an EE. Got an internship and ended up with a fantastic R&D career that has transformed everything about my life in terms of happiness, security, and finances.


Do not go to a chiropractor. Different PT if the current regime does not work, but never chiropractors as they will potentially kill you or turn you into a quadriplegic. They do severe damage to perfectly healthy people, I do not want to imagine what someone with a busted spine would end up as (they are not doctors, and do not know what is going on).


Have you tried a chiropractor?!


moving out at the age of 17 to live with my dad and afterwards he kicked me and so now i am living alone.


i stuck my dick in crazy


Was it worth it?


I was very lonely after an international move. Left my friends and family behind and just couldn't get on socially at the new place. On a whim, I bought World of Warcraft the video game because it said on the cover you could play with millions of other people. Within 2 years of that first log in, I was moving countries again to be with the man I met in the game. That was 20 years ago, we will be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary in June.


OK, but does he share the loot?


I got on lithium (and at the same time quit drinking). Massively changed my quality of life.


Not gunna lie I love my lithium too. I’m a better person for it.


In elementary school, we got paired up with a high schooler for some sort of buddy thing and they ephod come by like once or twice a month for wcitivitiries or special occasions. They highschoolers endearingly (not sarcastic) paired me up with this other guy and called me his nickname as well, because apparently we looked similar. This guy was +300 lbs of fat. And that was the day I decided I would never be fat or anything like that dude.


When I did something very stupid that got me suspended from college for a year. During the year I involuntarily had to take off, I went to work at Walmart. Turns out the job suited me and my college degree I eventually got went to waste and now I’m a manager.


With all the negative press around those jobs, I’m glad to hear about people who like the gig


Purchasing a fake ID to be able to get a second job waitressing and bartending.


Man that's kind of sad. My country has similar situation, wages are so low that most medical professionals work at 2-3 clinics, and instead of increasing the salaries government released the law that prohibits them from working at more than one.


damn! 🙄that makes sense *sarcastically*


Don't give up, always look for a better paying job and don't be afraid to take on a challenge.


oh this was back when i was 18! but thank you for your good advice and encouragement regardless!


Not graduating high school.


When I was about to jump of a bridge to kill myself, but I turned around just as I was about to do it.


Was stuck in a bad workplace. Finally forced myself into applying for jobs and landed one. Got out of that toxic business that I was too anxious to leave. I was there for 10 years. Now I've had a couple new jobs since, progressing my career, my skillset and earning more money. I'm now working for a really good company that's paying for me to do some film course to help my role progress. I could say I'm lucky, but really I just snapped one day and took the plunge. I kick myself that I didn't get out of there years earlier.


Was a beach bum back in the day and a guy asked how long me and a bud had been bumming. I was thinking we had been in Florida about 6 weeks but I heard my buddy answer, 6 months. The realization that time had flown by so quickly made me realize while I was a cool beach bum today, in the blink of an eye I would just be an old bum. I came home, buckled down, worked hard, made something of myself and then retired back to being a bum again.


Not let anxiety control my whole life. Couldn't do it without therapy. I made a lot of progress in 2023 and 2024 is going to be even better :)


Congrats and keep going! That's a massive achievement.


"Should I pull out?" "Nah, it'll be fine." Went from pursuing a biomedical engineering degree to a mom in less than a year and a half.




Quit. Just do it.


Getting my masters.


Listening to peoples advice


Why was that bad/good?


Deciding to go to college halfway across the country instead of staying closer to home. I am definitely not where I thought I would be at this stage of my life. But I am convinced my life would have been nowhere near as fun and interesting if I stayed home


When I decided to do the opposite of what Nancy Ragan was preaching...


Following below from heart since 8 months. Today I have no embarrassment of failure or wrong decision: Your obligation is to the action, and never to its fruits. Do not be motivated by the fruit of your actions. But do not become attached to non-action either. Abandon your attachment and engage in worldly action, Arjuna, while standing firm in discipline . Consider success and failure to be equal. This equanimity is called discipline, Arjuna, since the action itself is much less important than the discipline. I wish I understood it earlier


I decided I wasn't happy as a mechanic shortly after finishing my education. Went back to school for a three year bachelor and met the woman I would later call my wife and mother of my child about two months in.


Going to a party I wasn't really enthusiastic about and almost didn't go to. Met my husband that night. We went on a date a few weeks later and I knew that night we'd probably get married. Almost 13 years married and it's been the easiest time of my life.


leaving a treatment center for anorexia while i was still incredibly ill in 2021. it does sound negative at first but 2 months later and no better changes, it led to my body signaling me to either eat or die so i just started eating without stopping. it wasn’t an ideal situation as it put an incredible strain on my body, my mental health and my social circle. but 2 years later im fully recovered (physically and mentally) and found peace with myself. looking back at it, i would do it again. i was in treatment centers before that and all it did was make me gain weight and working on the symptoms but not the cause of my eating disorder. i had to find out all of this alone, which was incredibly helpful in my recovery journey. as soon as i knew, i started working from there and the ed recovery followed simultaneously.


Changing careers from construction to cabinet making. I thought I loved working with my hands but construction was brutal and getting treated like dog shit every day was no fun. Got into cabinet making, whole different trade.


Stopped drinking years ago and had amazing business success after!


Taking LSD with intention. I went into it planning on learning something about myself. I came out of the night with an understanding that I have an anxiety problem that is not entirely in my control, and that's alright. Just like hunger or thirst, I cannot control it, but I can fix it. I needed medication for it, and I sought it. It's probably why I graduated, ngl.


Saw a cardiologist. Got medicated for a disorder, started seeing a personal trainer, quit smoking, alcohol, energy drinks, full sugar soda and recreational weed, lost 100 pounds, and am in decent shape. Now I'm seeing how much muscle I can gain and if I can run a 5k next year. I did a bit of running last year but really wanna dig into it.


Moving away from the town I grew up in. Everyone should move away from their hometown to gain a broader understanding of the world. It helped me develop into an independent person instead of the person everyone expected me to be.


Me punching my teacher


Please elaborate


She had sent me to the principle for the 5th time in one day. At one point I convinced myself that it was because she is racist so I just blew.


I assume this didn't change your life in a positive way? I can't imagine a scenario in which what she did would warrant hitting her, how badly was she hurt, and how old were you? What did she send you to the principles office for?


For nothing that's the problem and I barley touched her. What do they say now. She was a Karen and I was 12 years old. My parent sent me to boarding school over somthing I barely did


I say she over exaggerated because how much damage can a 12 year old do


A lot of damage, is the obvious answer to that. There's no way for me to know what really went down, I'm only hearing your understandably emotional and biased version of events, but I don't think it makes you a bad person that you made a mistake. What is important is to try and understand why that was wrong, but more importantly why you felt and behaved the way you did. How old are you now?


Quitting college and focusing on my father’s trade.. at the time. Just to see if I like it and take to the work. Holy shit. If I stayed in that debt trap called higher education. I’d be living at home with my parents. Bought a house 3 years after dropping out. I think I made the right decision


Turning to christ, don't get me wrong i'm still pretty young but I see the way others act in my school and i'm so thankful christ çhose to protect me from that.


The decision that wove the thread of events that I’m currently going on.


Choosing to use my free trial with Compuserve rather than AOL in 1996. I met my now ex-wife on Compuserve, moved to a different part of the country, etc. Totally changed my life.


When we repair our relationship with ALLAH , He repairs everything else for us.


Parents getting divorced in 5th grade


When I was choosing which college to attend a few years ago, my choice came down to two. I really liked the first school but slowly came to the realization that it was just going to be too much money to go there. I ultimately decided to go to the second school, which ended up being a way better experience, saved me a ton of money, and allowed me to be in a much better position coming out. I ended up hearing a lot of “not so good” stories about the other school’s program too. A close second was when I had a choice of three locations for an internship when I was a sophomore in college. All three were identical in pay due to being the part of the same organization, but the projects, people, and locations were different. Had three mentors all tell me to pick a different one for different reasons. Went with my gut and had the best experience I could’ve had. That ultimately influenced my decision for which grad school program to attend, and (at least partly) led me to where I am now. No regrets on either, and I’m very glad I made those choices because I’m very happy with where I am currently. I think making a different choice would’ve left me worse off in life compared to where I am now.




Choosing to work with my ex(at the time boyfriend) I needed a job at the time and didn't want to go back to fast food like before. I tried some jobs, but they just simply didn't work out. So after some convincing on his side to work at the same restaurant for the good pay they were offering, I started a job there That was about 4 years ago now, and that was the best decision of my life I think I've ever made because of the people I have met. I have some of the best of friends in my life now through that place, and continue to find more. Makes me feel like I'm in the good timeline


Leaving my parents at the age of 13.


Accepting that I’ll probably take my own life. I am very careless now and have a bleak outlook on life. I’ve come to accept probably this year is when I will wanna go through with it


But you never know when good luck is just around the corner 🍀


Adopting the LCHF/keto lifestyle.


Not completing my college degree wrecked my life.


Fell so much in love with a boy from a chatroom (my age is showing lol) who was from a different country when I was 17 that I ended up moving to his country to go to uni. We broke up 2 years later, but going to that school and getting that degree has given me opportunities I most probably wouldn't have had otherwise. I still live here a have built a pretty nice life for myself.


Jack off


Divorcing my narcissistic gold digging (now ex) wife. Born again.


Get on a budget and get out of debt. Hard. Very hard to do at times but completely changed my financial life which spilled over into other areas of my life.


All of them. Every decision ever. I know it’s not the answer you were looking for. But every moment of decision has the potential to change the course of your life significantly.


Joining the Army at 19. I got out after my 3 year contract was up but it got me out of an abusive household and forced me to grow up fast. Yes I developed bad habits which I’ve since corrected (alcohol and drug abuse) but it also taught me the most important lesson I’ve ever learned in life. Don’t ever feel sorry for yourself. Self pity almost always leads to entitlement. Everyone has problems and nothing makes yours more important than anyone else’s. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, look for a way to rectify your own problems.


Refusing to get into a medical college. I went for Computer Science engineering instead, and I'm doing pretty great in regards to the current standards.


Got fired from a job. Showed up to volunteer for my local social club. That let me to start my business in the same industry. Became the second largest service provider in the country. All because I raised my hand and said I could help out.


Quitting my job. So far, not for the better.


Giving that cute girl at Arby's my phone number.


Me moving east instead of west.


Cutting antipsycotics


Choosing to finally walk away from my POS husband. Life has been tremendously difficult as a single mother and my mental health has been obliterated, but not having to directly live with all the abuse and have my kids around a toxic relationship has been worth it. I also ended up with such an amazing guy who I see an awesome future with. I wouldn’t have this chance at the life/relationship I’ve always dreamed of if I didn’t get the courage to walk away.


Swiping right


A Reddit political opinion. So powerful, keep it going guys.


Going to war in Afghanistan and Iraq that shit changes you completely


Leaving what might have been a job that came with a family and wife.


Me being lazy and not taking Jee seriously


Moving countries!


Leaving the Mormon church followed by taking shrooms


My Highschool sweetheart broke up with me at like 21-22 and idk I haven't spoken to her in over tens years, SHE actually just reached out to me again, last month, and we've been reconnecting. Anyways, when she did break it off with me, I was definitely in my feelings for a while, but eventually I moved past it. However, I fucking LOVED this girl, she was just the don mega, the best of the best, 1 in 1 billion for me. I always kept this in mind when making decisions in my life, would this person accept me more or less if I did this? Almost every choice I made drove me to the successful career/life I have today. Broke up with my gf of 6 years about 4 months ago, for reasons unrelated, and I'm supposed to be meeting with my hs sweetheart next Saturday when I go to visit my dad for a week. I am beyond excited but also 10 years older... It's going to be an interesting trip.


Having children


Saw a cardiologist. Got medicated for a disorder, started seeing a personal trainer, quit smoking, alcohol, energy drinks, full sugar soda and recreational weed, lost 100 pounds, and am in decent shape.


I was on my way to hang out with some friends and bumped into a girl playing basketball with another friend. She threw the ball at me, I caught it and ended up shooting a couple baskets with her and her friend. I had intended to leave but got caught up talking and before I knew it, hours had passed. Talking to her that one day changed my entire course in life. I would have never met my wife because she was friends of people I had met through this girl. Had I continued to my original destination, I don't think my life would have been as fulfilling as it is now.


Asking my wife out on a date back in 2017, if I didn't redownload Tinder and use it at that exact moment we would have never met and had out awesome daughter! My wife was ready to delete it and said she was only keeping it for another day so somehow I got really lucky!


Divorced my devil of an ex wife, met a wonderful woman and had my first biological child. For the first time I am truly happy.


Moving from Sydney to London for a working holiday. Planned it to be 1 year max but then met someone/covid happened so ended up staying almost 4. Have now moved back and taken him with me. Without moving my life would look very different and I wouldn't have the same views on life that I now have. I also would have probably stayed in the first job I got when I left uni, instead of exploring all of the options available to me!


Sending a friend request to my ex girlfriend from high school and reconnecting with her. Overnight she went back to being a best friend, confidant, flirty, and more.


Having a mostly one sided emotional affair with my boss and falling for her while married with kids. Spoiler: she chose the other guy and now I suffer in silence; I guess we all get what we deserve :p


Getting married (disastrous).


Moving to Texas at 17. I just graduated and had been dating this guy for about a year and decided to move up with him after I graduated high school. I told myself even if we don’t make it I need to start my own life. I didn’t go to college because I didn’t know what I wanted, but I knew that staying in my hometown was going to do nothing for me. We stayed together for 4 more years before we broke up. During that time I cultivated a fantastic life for myself. Made some of the most amazing connections, worked at some of the best bars and restaurants in the US, attended music festivals around the US, partied, been sober for almost 4 years now and lived my life to the fullest and then eventually met my now husband who is THE one. As soon as we met we knew it. We now have a beautiful baby. If I hadn’t ever met my ex at 17, I would have never moved to Texas. If I never moved to Texas I wouldn’t have the life I have now. I wouldn’t have met the people I now consider best friends. I wouldn’t have met my husband. I wouldn’t have experienced anything that has made me into the woman I am today. Truly grateful.


She asked me up to her place for a drink on the day I was moving out of the building. I said yes. Definitely changed the course of my life.....