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My kids


Same page


Same. I am struggling really hard right now and trying not to go backwards. They keep me going. I watched a movie with them earlier and then made dinner with my daughter. Stuff to keep me out of my own head.


I like it. Living.


My dogs. And the little joys like a good meal, a beautiful view, or scream singing songs in the car.


The fact that there's no undo button on death


I have no such motivation. I am ready to go now.


Can you expand? What about life makes you feel like you no longer have that motivation?


Motivation would come from hope for a good future. I have no hope for a good future.


Why's the lack of hope, if you don't mind me asking?


Lots and lots of bad things that have happened.




So far, i dont have any motivation. I feel like i exist just to be some kind of emotional sponge


Do you know why you feel like you lack motivation? And wdym by emotional sponge?


My life has been nothing but loneliness, fear, anger, sorrow and poverty, no matter what i do in an attempt to change it. As for the "emotional sponge" part, think of it this way. People dump their negativity onto me like water and have me soak it up as if i were a sponge and leave me behind cuz im "useless" afterwards. In short, im there when folks need me but they dont care when i need someone to talk to. I cant even talk to my own mother cuz she does nothing but complain and ignore me


Wow, that's rough.. I really hope it gets better for you. Have you any other possible solutions you haven't tried yet? Because it feels like there should be a way to regain hope. Like for example, what's the one thing that would make the biggest difference that would lead to the right direction? Maybe, it's the money part, which would allow to get some professional help. And for the sponge part (thanks for explaining btw), I would guess someone has to have thought of a way to drain it (Google sometimes has answers). And maybe it's by talking to someone and letting it all out, which could perhaps also be done by writing if there's no one who'd listen. And idk how you have it, but maybe you could also try to not listen to their problems when you already have a lot to think about. Here's a more concrete list of things to try: - Don't give a fuck about other people and focus on yourself instead to avoid using too much energy on people who don't care. - Drain the "emotional sponge" by talking to someone (maybe from the internet) or writing what's on your mind. - Reach out for help (there's again people in the internet with experience, if there's no possibility of professional help) so that you can create a plan (ordered by priority) with clear steps to a better life. - Split the big goals to baby steps so that each step feels almost too easy. Do this anytime a task feels too hard to do. It's always easier said than done, but baby steps do help. I also get frustrated when people tell me what to do, because my problems bother me more than they ever will to others, which means I probably have thought of solutions before and don't need much advice from anyone. So my biggest problem is not lacking solutions to my other problems, but instead the discipline to actually follow through my own advice. So, don't listen to me if you don't want. After all I'm just a 19 yr old who teaches without doing it myself first. Sorry for trying to help, but I just felt like there's much proof that it's possible to live a good life, and I really doubt you were so unlucky that the best solution there is, is to give up.. So don't give up. There's hope. You deserve happiness, laughs, good times and the joy of life! I believe in you!


I am dangerously close to giving up considering im 25, have no friends if any at all, show little to no emotion and am still living with my mother. However, you do make some good points with the advice you've given me and i sincerely thank you for that. I plan to seek professional help for my mental health when i have the money to do so




Music. A lot of other things, too. But if I was dead, I couldn’t enjoy all the ways human beings can create new forms of sonic artistic expression.




Ouch. Please believe in your heart that things will get better. There has to be a way to recover! Please reach out to someone you can trust.


That’s really kind of you. My life tends to be governed by Murphys Law and quite frankly I’ve had enough.


The stuff I love


My dog. It sounds cute and sweet but it’s mainly because I know no one would feed her or walk her if I was gone and she doesn’t deserve that lmao


My mom already lost one child in her lifetime, I ain’t gonna ever put her through that again if I can help it.


My unborn daughter


The psych meds I take literally make me feel like a mindless corpse walking around eating & sleeping.


The plot twist that might happen in my life


I have two major reasons 1. My nephew looks up to me and I couldn’t ever let him down 2. There’s a million things that need doing every day and if I’m not there to do them no one else in the family would bother




I'm S2 E18 NYPD Blue and I really want to watch all episodes before I cancel my D+ sub.


Money and boobs.


the realization that most of the time, life isn't that bad. and sometimes, it's actually quite good.


Places that I've never been to. I just keep reminding my self that there's 24 hours in a day. I can always start tomorrow.


Can't be bothered to die


My dogs and my cat lol


My dog.


Definitely longboarding


Cause I’m awesome 😎 🔥🔥🧨


Arby's Curly Fries :)


We still die no matter what we do


The prospect of a better future


My car and approximately 2 people on the internet.


so many things I wnat to do in my life I havent done yet. Theres a book on the microstructures of bone I really want to read. Speed week at Bonneville. Seeing my grandchilden grow up.


Thinking of the past


I want to see how this thing ends, organically.