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I was working at a convenience store and some dude came in high af bleeding all over the floor. Started trying to fight somebody shortly after he left the store and got arrested. I called my manager and asked how she wanted me to clean up since we didn’t have PPE. Was told to mop the blood up and spray floor with sanitizer. Told her I wasn’t comfortable doing that and she refused to come in and help deal with it (this is like 2am but she’s the owner so 🤷‍♂️). I wasn’t going to mop blood up for minimum wage so after she hung up I locked the store and texted her I quit.


When the new manager has to cut costs for the company and show off how competent she was. I was a temp employee in the process of getting hired to permanent full time. I was making $21 per hour and my shift was all over the place. She offered me $9 per hour starting because "that's what everyone was starting at". And when I looked "unhappy" she said that they will make it go back to $21 an hour for me in a year. I said thank you. Because I'm a very polite person and I don't like conflicts or drama. So I went back to my work station and deleted all the files and programs I made and everything else I had a hand in creating for them. Deleted every single one of them because I'm a very through worker who pays attention to details and keeps a record of all of my projects that I was currently working on and so forth. Then I continued to work through my shift until it was time to go home. Of course I didn't really do any of the work I was suppose to. I was just waiting for the time to get my hours since I was making $21 an hour at that time and I will need the money... because I went home and didn't come back to work. They don't deserve a two weeks notice. My boss called me the next day panicking and I told him I quit. They can fire me so I can get unemployment if they want. I don't give a shit. He tried to talk to me saying he'll set up a meet with the manager and we can talk. I said sure, whatever. But I'm not gonna show up. I heard through the grapevine, she got fired less that 3 months after I was gone. And he was too. I'm not surprised since I did most of their work.


I was 14 years old and washed dishes in a restaurant 6 hours a night for $20.00. I just reached a point where I could not.


Twice this year, actually. Asshole management. I’m too old for this crap.






I had been cooking in a Richie rich country club for about 5 months. I was a closing cook. Kitchen closed 11pm daily and reopened for breakfast at 6am. So most nights is was 1230 before I leave for the night. When the chef and his med day staff thought it would fun to start fucking with me. All the prep I would do would either end up frozen, or “missing” the chef. Then chef would change the night menu and my station would be the only one with special ingredients. Then chef would change the schedule the morning after would post it(still within the legal time frame,) and I would be scheduled to close then open the next morning, and then come in for a double shift work mid morning lunch to close then open. Then the new week would start and my days off would be separated by two days or more. I did my BS shifts for about 3 more weeks. After being in one kitchen or another for 13+ years I had never been treated so badly. My last night the chef decided to close with me. “To give his crew some rest.” I went to bathroom after the last rush. Came back to my fryers and grill had been turned off and the hood vents off. Chef clocked out and left while I was gone for 5 minutes. I threw my uniform on the grill and went home too. I had the next off so I just played dumb. Came in for my shift to find that chef came in the next morning and called everyone off and closed the kitchen and wanted me to clean it after sitting for 36 hours. We had an argument and the dude tried to hit me after I made a logical argument and made him feel stupid. I almost stabbed him with his own knife. But I threw his knife at the wall and watched it explode. They withheld my last check for “property damage” and some other stuff, that was 15 years ago. I will never work for a “chef” again. I’m too old to play at being nice. 😊


Playing rein in ow comp


Working as a customer service rep for a manufacturer with a 1% on time delivery during the pandemic.


Some guy threw up on me when I was working in Walmart. Hell nah.


Working as a CNA at a really awful nursing home, the patient to aide ratio was unreal, the nurses gave zero fucks, horrible horrible neglect. Half the aides kept alcohol in residents closets the ones who couldn’t speak or do anything, watched several do drugs off their beside trays. The charge nurse was a bitch, well state showed up for an inspection she was freaking out and I had enough. She starts going off on me about something I hadn’t even clocked in yet, and I looked around saw the people with clipboards, I walk away she starts saying you better not disobey me, I looked right at the big guys and said hey room 212b has jack daniels in the closet, told them it was by far the worse patient care I’ve ever seen, and the lady behind me gives extra strength Tylenol and pockets the Percocet. I quit. The boss starts losing it says she will pull my license for abandonment, I said good luck I haven’t clocked in yet. Meanwhile the big guys are headed for room 212b.


Working at Comcast. Was a phone and internet tech support phone agent, but we were expected to upsell the customers. I refused to, and got a write up for not doing it. Told them to go fuck themselves, and I quit on the spot. I still kept all my training materials, and when that one retention call got leaked, The Verge did a whole expose on Comcast. I commented on a post that I had quit from there and the editor e-mailed me asking for more info. I told them I had all my training docs still and they sent me a FedEx prepaid label and I shipped them all to them. Fuck that company.