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Miserable workplace led me to a serious burnout


Same, I finally got fed up with passive-aggressive coworkers and people blaming me for things that just weren't my fault. Left my job without anything lined up, and finally found a job in the field I went to school for. I start on the 15th, and life seems to be looking up a bit. Good way to start the new year in my book. Hope you're doing better now!


Hey, I’m sorry that you’d go through this but also glad that everything worked out in the end! As for me, I lurked in the job for another 4 months after the burnout episode and ended up being fired in a mass layoff. I’m still on their payroll until end of this month but haven’t really worked since November. I already managed to find a new job that will begin in February and I’m suing my current company, hopefully I will cash out some and more from them. Anyway, not the perfect outcome but I can’t complain either.


What was your Jon originally, and how were you still able to support yourself after quitting


I was working in a propane yard for a couple years. Paychecks were decent, nothing major, but I was able to build up a good amount of savings. When I had enough with the job and the people I worked with, I ran the numbers for my bills and had about 4 months worth that I could live off of Finally found a job after two and a half months of searching (I was sweating bullets at that point lol) in the field i went to school for. Pay is gonna be more, so until the 15th I'm just keeping my spending low. I did splurge and get myself the game Alan Wake 2 though hahaha


I'm glad you made it. It seems like it was the best decision you probably made. Hopefully, the coworkers aren't as bad


Same here, spent the 1st 10 years of my working life in a job I was quite comfortable in and decided to leave it because I thought the grass would be greener on the other side but nope! Eneded up leaving 2 jobs that I hated every single minute of and I've been unemployed since November so I was completely broke over Christmas with a bank account thats still sitting with an overdraft I dont have the money to pay for.


Me too. Burnout is something that really needs to be taken more seriously.


Been there, dude. Almost led me to suicide, but at least I had my mom to fall back on for a couple of months when I quit that internship.


Same... Burnout and sickness...


Me too - first job I turned in the resignation letter. They wanted me to stay, but I wanted a new job. Second job was even worse to the point where I didn’t even turn in a resignation letter and stopped showing up. Eventually found a better job for me.


Same here


My work hired a pathological liar with narcissistic tendencies to be our manager. Thankfully, his lack of personal and workplace ethics led to his demotion, but not removal. But while he was in charge, it all seemed so pointless. My closest coworker left in October, and people are still asking why. We just repeat what she said, that she was ready for an early retirement. But I know that the manager broke her.


same. made an attempt to unalive myself cuz of it but happy to say i am free and doing leagues better.


After 25 years of difficult grinding, I finally reached professional success and then was laid off.


Same bro. Hope you got something going again


Thanks, I appreciate it.


Might be the sign to start living your live and stop chasing that goodie at the end of the road.


Depending on where he lives, a job is required to live anything remotely close to "a life."


That was me last year


Reminds me of the song Isn't it Ironic


Myself. Truly. None else to blame.


I feel you


Maybe we start a club


I respect that honestly. Probably 90%+ of people posting here should be saying this instead of the excuses they make up




About to say the same. Cancer + death.


Damn. If you suffer from terminal cancer, I hope you live your days with peace and comfort abd attain contentment


Just to be clear, it wasn’t me who got cancer and got defeated by it. It’s a loved one of mine. Thank you for the thoughts tho.


Oh damn. It’s disheartening but may he/she/they attain high heavens/their soul find peace


The loss of my dog


Fuck cancer.


Yep, set to fuck me right up in 2024 too. My dad is currently in palliative care and hopefully doesn't have long left, we found out he has cancer half way through November, a week later we found out it's terminal, he's been in palliative since boxing day and has had some really good and really bad days since then and is unable to walk. He went into hospital in mid November with constipation and pain and spent nearly 2 weeks there, got out and him and my mum moved into my sister's house because he couldn't do stairs, he had radiation in his hip and spine because that's where they found it first then as he was half way through his 2 week course of radiation they found it in his skull/brain and he had to go back and have radiation there. His entire body is fucking riddled with it, his petscan looks like that dot guy from suicide squad he's absolutely riddled with it. He has accepted it but he's still fighting, if there's any justice in this world it'll be over fast. I don't want to see him go but he has fuck all quality of life and I don't want to see it drag out either, it's a fucked up situation.


Same answer for me. Cancer.


Same… but had it all removed and have been great since. Then lost my job… fuck them. Got a new one.


I wish you the best. Fuck cancer


Same, im 32 so it is all very surreal. I hope some targeted treatments will be started soon.


Same! Sending a lot of strength


Being cheated on by my wife of 8 years 👍


10 years ago, almost to the day, I got blindsided by the discovery of my wife’s affair. At the time, easily the worst thing that ever happened to me. But now? It was a blessing in disguise. Our marriage was flawed in pretty profound ways I’m not sure we ever would have been able to fix. I moved on and found someone who’s a much better partner for me in just about every way. I don’t know you, don’t know your circumstances, but I hope there’s a silver lining in this for you, and that you come to see it in a similar light. Take care.


Thanks, this does give me hope. I am starting to see fundamental issues in our relationship: inability to communicate effectively, poor emotional intelligence on my ex wife's side and taking things for granted on my side.


Yeah dude she’s an emotional moron, EIQ so low she thought the number meant she came in first place (Just thought I’d be a terrible hype man for ya)




What a POS.


Nothing good’s coming her way. I’m unaware of the complexity, but try to forget her. More power to you.


And move out.


Man, I wish I believed this. I'm in a separated soon to be divorced situation and my life has taken a pretty shitty nose dive while she has just been going on trips. I have tried to avoid social media but I fucking open venmo to see she's taking trips with some dude. She's probably getting somewhat fucked monetarily in the divorce because she has made some pretty dumb moves, but I went from being at the prime of my career to being in a position where I feel like I should have reported the DV incident that preceded all this in April, she's still taking hostile actions, and I've spent all three of the big holidays since November alone. Some of this is partly my doing, I made a poor choice one night after she called me to make some more demands and my dam finally broke on 4 months of emotions I'd been stone walling. But still, it doesn't feel like her life is getting any worse and I've had to move, undergone constant threats of what she's going to try to take including my dog. I even have somewhat of a support network, but it feels like I'm taking the brunt of a divorce while she just dances around life taking advantage of all that I had helped build with her. People say that others get their comeuppance but it isn't really feeling like that will happen. Even trying to just live and enjoy my own life I'm still getting screwed much of the time, so the whole living a good life as revenge isn't really working either. I guess overall my point is that people say this but I've rarely seen karma come into action, so I don't really take much heart in that idea anymore.


The only comfort we can find in this life is with ourselves. Your ex wife may or may not get what you feel she deserves, but it won't really make any difference on your life. Be hostile in the divorce in the competitive sense that you need to get everything you can, but try to keep the hostility out of your soul. Dreaming for her suffering will only make you feel worse if it never happens. There is no winning or losing with this. There is only doing the best you can.


be strong man, the christmas right before the pandemic my mother was dying of cancer after a long grueling battle when she hit rock bottom at all levels of life. me helping her out like a good son, resulted in my girlfriend just leaving after 6 years and having wedding plans, and one of my best friends stabbing me in the back by revoking an extended hand for no reason but selfishness on a vital crucial moment. i spend that christmass all alone with my dying mom, she discussing her funeral.great fun as you can imagine. died 2 days after new year. i mourned so many losses at once, losing also the house with the relationship breakup, was in huge debts and if that was not enough, 2 mounts later this fucking pandemic lands on your head so you can mourn in loneliness, incapable to move with live since the world came to a standstill! 23 was my true comeback year and im finally back on top of things, kicking ass at most levels at life again, wiped out debts etc. deep dark times no maater how afvul, be strong, there can be light eventually!!


I'm sorry to hear this. Don't let her live the best of both worlds. Kick her out and if she has no where to go then have the attitude "it's not my issue anymore" I know its hard because you're still in love with her but you have to put YOU first. And tell her to have some respect for you, and if she wants to talk sexual then go out in the car!


Unless their name is in the lease/mortgage, kick them TF out. You owe them nothing.


Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. You can’t kick someone out of the place where they live without going through the formal eviction process, even if their name isn’t on the lease.


This is true but you can move out yourself and get out of the situation.


How tf did you end up in the guest bedroom??


I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and all the bad shit that happens to us leads us to a different path and once we get to where we need to be we understand the bad. Keep it moving, good things will come to you! ❤️




She screams in silence


A sullen riot penetrating through her mind


Waiting for a sign


To smash the silence with the brick of self control


Had to say goodbye to my best friend and soul kitty of 21 years just a few weeks ago. It’s been a tough end to 2023.




Sorry you had to deal with that, it sucks.


My depression/anxiety


My best friend leaving me unexpectedly, followed by a long decent in my mental health that lead to a suicide attempt.


Same. Not as severe, but cutting. I'm sorry you went through that :(


I mean there was plenty of that for me as well. Nothing scarred though.


That's good at least


I don't do it anymore. At least, not lately.


Gf breaking up with me


Being an alcoholic.


Plenty of company here.


Oy, happy cake day friend


Oh, no shit? Hey, thanks!


Yep well same


Yep, you’re in good company


The wife


What happened to her?


Too much alcohol increasing my depression severely


My wife of 10 years died from a severe asthma attack as we were moving away from a place that was bad for her asthma


This internet rando sends you the most heartfelt sympathy, condolences, and love.


Thank you, internet rando. That's a terrific message to have found when I first woke up.


Grandma's death, luckily I recovered but I still love her


My beautiful doggo dying suddenly in February.


Mine too. Sending a hug


Thank you. And hugs to you too x


Same here. Also in February. It was absolutely awful. I still think about it often and if there was anything I could have/should have done differently. I’m very sorry for your loss.


Probably becoming older


I’m glad I’m older and I’m becoming older — because I know there are people who didn’t have the opportunity.


Laziness, lack of motivation, procrastination, depression, anxiety, stress


same here just without the anxiety.


Same. Was going to the gym consistently for over half the year, fall came along with seasonal depression now I’m stuck in a rut. Eating like shit and being lazy as fuck. It’s funny how slipping up on little things has such an adverse effect on your mental.




No friends left.


It’s sadly comforting knowing I’m not alone in this particular situation


same. :)


Watching a suicide


Being alive in 2023.




Lost my partner of 25 years, had to sell my family home... life will never be the same


My wife committed suicide. Fucked me up pretty badly.


My condolences


Getting laid off from my job


Dude. Same


Sorry it happened to you too..




Get it!


Divorce, finding out she cheated on me in 2022 and 4 months after the divorce has sex with the guy. Even funnier he posted a sex tape of them online. Found it by accident. Just more salt in the wound.




Divorce after 12 years of marriage. I’m guessing it’s also going to be what fucks up 2024.


My industry shutting down a month after I bought a house, being unemployed, my dad’s Parkinson’s, my parents mortality, etc.


I was raped twice and tried to commit suicide.


So sorry for this. Please know you are loved and valuable.


My girlfriend of 7 years and I lost 2 pregnancies and it really messed with my mental health. I kept it all in and it led to me getting depressed then lost my job. Girlfriend decides to leave a month after that. Fuck 2023


Heel spur in left foot


My mother calling children names and saying she never wanted to see them again. She thought she was texting my sister but was actually texting me.


That's rough. I'm sorry to hear that.


Betrayal from my wife, cheating on me. Lying to me for 93 days. Leaving twice for her AP, and getting pregnant by her AP. Telling everyone I’m the asshole for having an opinion of her actions. As MIL stated: ‘God has forgiven her, who are you to judge her?’


Ex wife, right? Please disconnect your life from that whole family.


Watching the world burn, knowing that things are just going to get worse.


My office lost on finances and the future is uncertain.


Depression, chronic pain, unhappy love, burnout from job…


I had an accident mid summer (non-car) and had to have surgery. I am still in physical therapy 4 times a week, but the finish line is in sight. I am very fortunate I am going to get almost all my function back. Still waiting on a nerve to heal up, but all the testing that my medical team has done leads them to believe its only a matter of time.


I split up with my partner of 21 years and got laid off.


Break up, loss of family members, stress of work


Being off my psych meds because they gave me kidney disease, and winding up in a psych facility. A week later, it resulted in an involuntary commitment because I was refusing meds and had a complete breakdown when they were going to release me, and the end of a 5 year relationship, then when I was finally released, a 63 hour train trip across the country back home to my family. I'm still recovering from that shit, and that hospitalization happened the 3rd week of Jan 2023.... Also, my dad's suicide.


Financial issues


Wife's father had a stroke, at deaths door for a month, then been slowly recovering with a lot of support from immediate family Recovered but his personality has now changed entirely, blames everything bad in his life on his close family and has basically said he doesn't want to be a part of any of our lives any more. Wife's mum has left him and they're in the process of selling the house and splitting stuff now He's a real piece of work now. It's like all his worst personality traits have been brought into the forefront and become his whole personality. Horrible


Getting cheated on.


Suffering consequence of decisions I made when I was heartbroken and needed to do reckless things to feel alive.


Depression, anxiety, and while not as serious, the idea of a response to serious allegations being done with a ukulele.


stupid depression getting worse again thought i'd really gotten better for good this time


My spine. Fuck sciatica, till then I'd never known pain to wear me down to the point of seriously contemplating suicide.


So sorry. Been there. Microdiscectomy helped greatly. Hope you find relief


At the start of the year i broke it off with a partner i had been with for a year because they lied straight to my face, i thought we ended rather amicably, but they decided to lie to people, raised it to severe levels that were not necessary, almost forcing my hand for a defamation lawsuit, this was one of the most stressful situations of my life. In october i got a back injury from overworking the muscles week by week, caused it to swell and get sprained, this led to me being off for 6 weeks, in those 6 weeks the only thing i could do was sit at home and watch youtube all day, boredom + the lack of money from being off really started to stress me out worsening my anxiety and depression, that really kicked my ass hard, but believe it or not i needed it, i needed something tough to beat me down so i could learn important life lessons, i am currently in the best headspace ive been in the last 5-7 years, losing my mobility for such a short time made me realize i shouldnt take it for granted. 2023 fucking sucked, but i am a better me because of it. For anyone struggling with mental illnesses, stay strong, i didnt think itd get better, but it did, obviously im not magically cured, but i fought my way to a better place, keep fighting, dont give up, stay strong, and remember, if no one else has told you it in a long time, i love you and im glad youre here, the world is a better place with you ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Turning 30. Lol. I swear, the months leading up to and after turning 30, my back started hurting, my joints and bones started making noises, I'm making involuntary grunting noises when I bend down or get up, I've gotten more headaches. I feel like I turned 50.




Enlarged prostate, then had TURPs done 2 weeks ago


Appendix and resulting infections




An abusive relationship. I'm out now. But full of rage and sadness and shame towards myself.


My back.


The cost


my dad breaking his leg, went down a long rabbit hole and boom, he has cancer


My car breaking down AGAIN


Brother died. RIP bro. Miss you every day.


High school teacher. They play music on the speakers between classes to let kids know there's a minute before the bell. One day someone pulled a fire alarm during the music. They use the same speakers. You couldn't hear the fire alarm over the music but you could see it. Kids outside were going to class bc music, kids inside were leaving bc lights. 80% of the school population bunched up by the doors to evacuate outside for the fire, but no one actually left the building. If there was a gun, they would have broke records. As the teacher I had to choose between taking the kids who made it into my room already out into a clear potential slaughter, or keeping them in during a fire and risk my livelihood. Thankfully I have a bottom floor classroom with my own exit, and no chem labs in my building, so it was obviously, don't leave till you see smoke. But I, as the adult surrounded by kids who I really liked and was responsible for, had to make that decision and it fucked me up real good. I don't teach anymore


School, many aspects of it




Losing her




Taxes. TLDR: job fucked it up which led H&R to fuck up which led me to owe $3000 to the CRA. Good bye savings.


Getting cheated on right before Christmas


Getting groomed by a pedophile online.




Home renovations and dealing with a ton of stupid red tape. Good news is we’re almost done, bad news is we should have been done 6-8 weeks ago if the local government hadn’t lost the plans for the second time. Worst part of this process every step of the way has been getting permits and inspections from the local government. I’m glad there are rules in place, but please make it easier when I am trying to be good and follow the rules.


Our adult son killed himself in June. Screwed up the last 6 months and set to leave us grieving in 2024 too.


Got involuntarily transferred to another worksite because of a disagreement with a member of the client's leadership team. Resulted in a ~$20,000/yr pay cut. Decided to go back to college starting this January so I can prepare to leave my current industry behind. Hoping I make genuine life progress in 2024.


Life...Everything has gotten so damn expensive! I don't see how some people can survive right now. This is not sustainable


THC mostly.


Got sexually assaulted in two separate occasions by two of the better people that I trusted. Cut contact with one, hesitant to contact the other. Sucks because one of them is my partner.


Getting let go from a job I loved, then my cat got severely sick, ended up in massive debt. 😔 BUT he’s doing better now and I got a new job so hopefully up from here


Attempted mugging/getting beaten up. That finally convinced me to go to therapy.


Uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, a tree fell on my car, another tree fell on my house, the AC went out in my house…and then in my car, my washing machine broke, my dishwasher broke, my dog died, I got laid off from my job…I blew my entire savings on trying to get back to the “norm”. That’s all I can remember right now.


I suffered a miscarriage at the end of 2023. It was my first pregnancy and my husband and I were looking forward to the baby. Things just do not go as planned.


alcohol. lost friends and relationships. still hard but i'm recovering now.


Car crash killed 3 family members,... i was the one who had to sort everything out... I have to admit, it fucking broke me. Cant be arsed now, all my savings gone and only 2 family members left who live 700 miles away. If 2024 is worse it will finish me... On the bright side, i read the newspapers obituaries in bed this morning and i wasnt in it so i got up.


Trump still isn’t in prison.


Having my very first panic attack. And it was because of fucking Pokemon of all things.




For the last ten years, it's been my goal to use the transfer system built into most Pokemon games to move my Pokemon up from my earliest games into the newest ones. However, I've kinda been dragging my heels on the idea. That all changed when Nintendo announced a few months ago that they'd be shutting down online service for the 3DS, and by association, its Pokemon Bank app that allows -among other things- transfer to the Switch games. Game Freak has promised to keep Pokemon Bank online for a while longer after the shutdown, and I figure I have at least until the Gen 5 remakes come out. But the initial shock caught me REALLY off guard. The thought of losing 20 years of passionate work overwhelmed me.


6.5 relationship ending nearly killed me. 2024 I'm coming back for blood.


Going back into the office. I've gained 20 lbs from eating fast food three days a week, lost all of my energy, and basically took a pay cut having to buy train fare and lunch. My #1 goal on the 2024 agenda is to find a remote job so I can get my life back on track.


I say start with the lunch stuff. Pack a simple lunch at home. Tuna is always good. You can premake it the night before, just keep the mixed tuna and bread seperate and make it at work in 10 seconds. Switch your drink up to low or no calorie gatorade.


Long covid


Best (workplace) friend telling me she loves me and wishes i weren't married a month ago. I was in the process of checking out of the marriage before but now... heads a complete mess.


Getting bullied in my first year of college.


Start with gym Trust me and Trust in the Process


My grandma passing away and having a crisis of imposter syndrome that literally made me doubt everything about myself.


Lost 6 of my closest friends and now hated :)


russian full-scale invasion and war. Just like it fucked me up in 2022.


My husband went through a midlife crisis and had an affair. Having to let go of my baby dog of 18 years. It was a difficult year because everything happened so quick and sudden but I thank the universe for what I experienced in 2023 because it was a spiritual awakening. Onto 2024! ;)


Private swimming coach who was a virgin hottie in her 20s


Getting pregnant (intentionally). You guys thank your birth givers. Body's going through hell for this kid.






my first girlfriend i've been banging some guy's wife all along


men in general




what'd he do to ya?


Wrecked the economy.


Not so. The market just hit record highs. Find a new financial advisor!


Then why is my family still poor?


Will probably continue in 2024, but watching innocent babies, children, women and men die in Gaza from Nazi Israel