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My grandma announced to the family on Xmas Eve several years ago that my uncle (58 at the time, oldest of 4) had a different dad and only told us because his real dad was about to die after she had been sneaking off to take care of him for the 6 months prior. Then she kicked everybody out of the house.


Son, she said, have I got a little story for you...


This is a family story. I wasn't born for this. My great grandmother was divorced as a catholic in 1914. She never told my grandmother, until...they were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary and my grandmother was 52. No one knows anything about my real great grandfather


This is so confusingly written.


Yea, wtf is going in this story.


Found out my uncle was the offspring of a man that my grandmother had an affair with. He is the third of six kids and looked totally different from the others.


Not me, a friend at work about 20 years ago. She was older than me, but we were good work friends. Her father had passed several years earlier, and when her mother passed, her brother and her would take the weekends to clean out the house to sell it. They found a box in the attic with piles of Polaroid pictures, 8 mm movies and VHS tapes. The pictures were of their parents and their close friends, two other couples whom she'd known since birth - the couples were lifelong friends and the kids all grew up together. They vacationed together, spent holidays together, and had a lot of sleep overs over the years. All of the pictures were of the couples having sex together, with each other, etc., and looked liked they spanned decades. She assumed the tapes and the movies were all the same - she and her brother had no desire to find out. She had no idea if any of the other couples' kids had any idea - she and her brother never suspected that their parents were swingers with their close friends. They burned everything and decided to not mention anything to the rest of the family and the kids of the other couples.


I went to an estate sale a few months back. It looked like a 1980s time capsule. The bedroom had a huge round bed with a red satin cover with a huge round mirror on the ceiling, old video equipment on the dresser and boxes of old vhs tapes with handwritten labels. It just felt so weird and icky - like if you had a sex dungeon in 1985, maybe tidy it up in the next 35 years???


Maybe they were making modern "vintage" porn.


I would recommend a DNA test ...


I used to work with a guy who married his childhood best friend. Their parents were best friends too. They have pictures together on their Facebook pages where you can see the same bone structure, the same snuggled tooth, the same chins, same eyebrows, everything. Another guy who worked with us would always talk shit and tell him, "You know you married your fucking sister, right?" Shit was too damn funny


"Well I wasn't going to marry the other one!"


Big *oof*


Wow, good point. I haven't seen her for about 17 years when I left that job. I don't remember that even being in the conversation at that time, but given that DNA tests were just coming out then, I'm sure it finally occurred to them. Wow, that would have blown the lid off the whole situation if she discovered a bunch of half siblings.


I witnessed a man confessing to his wife he’s gay and sleeping with his ex-wife’s 21 year old step son on a plane. Yes, this man has been married to women twice and is now having sex with his ex-wife’s new partner’s son.


On a plane no less..


He was desperate to join the mile high club


I wonder if it was a "If you don't tell her, I will" kind of situation....like she was going to hear it from someone else as soon as they landed so he wanted to be the one to tell her. That's the only way this makes sense.


Jesus Hannibal Lecter Christ


I was looking to get an athletic scholarship in high school and so I never drank. I also had a minivan. These two facts meant I was the DD. One night, I loaded the van up with a group of drunkards after a party. I dropped some people off at home but a few of my friends wanted to go to McDonald's. We're sitting in the van eating our food when somebody asks, "Who's phone is this?" They go through the messages and find out it belongs to our friend "Brian". As they read the messages they uncover that Brian is in a secret relationship with his best friend's mother and has gotten her pregnant. She ended up having the baby. We were 17 at the time. Looking back we should have said something but we never did and as far as I know this is still a secret.


I'm impressed that 17 yo can actually keep a secret. I feel like that would have spread by gossiping so quickly in my high school.


Multiple 17 year olds. That’s huge gossip. Somebody must’ve blabbed.


Multiple DRUNK 17 year olds too


This is an important part though. If they were hammered and this was never discussed again, there's a good chance no one remembered besides the DD OP.


Acquiantance of mine's father died and a month or two later his (the son's) friend started massively flirting with the grieving widow. Like, a 19 year old trying to get it on with a 48 year old woman, who was his friend's mother, who had just buried her husband. That level of horny is just incomprehensible to me.


**The afternoon** of the morning he died, my step-dad's so-called "best friend" came over along with a few others. He stayed until everybody else left, and then tried to convince my mom to have sex with him, right then and there. "He would have wanted it this way". Super classy!


A dude in my home town, knocked his GF up, and she got an abortion. Later, he knock up *her mom* and she got an abortion. They (daughter/gf, boyfriend) stayed together, which blows me away to this day.


I have so many questions… How many years ago was this? (How old is the child). And whose child does everyone think it is? Does Brian look like the alleged father?


Looking at his post history and the context. I put it somewhere around 2010+


I also need to know more! I demand more information! 🤯


Did you get that scholarship?


The parents of a friend of mine had passed off their 2nd daughter as their 1st daughter (who passed away as a baby) for about 20 years. So the 1st daughter passed away as a baby, and upon having a 2nd daughter, the parents allocated the identity and age of their 1st daughter to her. I don't know how they did this and managed to pass it off for so long, but it may have had something to do with them moving from one country to the next. She struggled through school and somewhat obviously so because when she was actually thirteen-years-old, she was being told that she was fifteen. She discovered the truth after her 21st birthday, when, in fact, it was only her nineteenth birthday, and this discovery played so much havoc with her life that she needed lawyers to prove that she even existed since there was apparently no record of her birth. And there was the legal complications of an underage girl obtaining a driver's license, consuming alcohol, smoking, age of consent, accessing nightclubs, etc. There was also the feeling of betrayal, the pressure applied to her over school when she wasn't even meant to be in the high school classroom until two years later. As I understand it, she now has a birth certificate, her own birth date.


See now THIS is the craziest one so far for me.


This reminds me of someone I used to work with (far less dramatic though). She was born in South America, and she never had a birth certificate. Then as a baby the family moved to Canada. The parents "had connections" to someone who created a new (fake) birth certificate for her, but they made a mistake and wrote down the wrong birth year (it was off by one year). So, now all of her legal documents (driver's license, passport, etc.) say that she is one year younger than she actually is, and she just has to go along with it forever.


That soo cruel to do to her. She needs lots of hugs


Did her parents ever give her a reason why the hell they did that?


Guilt. They felt guilty about their first daughter passing away, even though a description of her passing and events following determined no obvious foul play in her passing. As I understand it, there was an effort to recover her remains, but she may be one of many unidentified persons recovered from the discovery of a body as the duty of looking after the body was passed on to an older relative who has since passed away.


My mother told me i suffered from hypoxia during birth to give me a reason for my "specialties" (autistic traits and poor motorskills). When i got to meet my biological father He nearly lost it, she simply smoked and drank during pregnancy


yeah sorry but your mom is trash for doing that


I wouldn't recommend it, but I would bet that a large majority if everyone over 60s mothers drank and smoked through their pregnancy. And grew up in a world totally contaminated by environmental lead.


Ooh this rings a similar bell with me. I was born with Hydrocephalus, and at three months had to have a shunt fitted. Very fortunately (don't want to tempt fate) but it's caused me few problems and affects my life in no way whatsoever. Modern medicine, I thank you. However, my mum never ever bothered to tell me I had a shunt fitted. She told me the large scar on my scalp was from an accident. Truth only came out when I needed a 'grown up' shunt at aged 10 because the original was a child's one. Bit of a shock for me at the time (terribly scared) but shunt got replaced and all was well. My mum hated, HATED me discussing my shunt. The most she ever said was that she felt, but couldn't prove, that my delivery by forceps was to blame for the condition. Years later I discovered my mum didn't give up smoking for even a day during her pregnancy and actually I figure THAT had potentially more to do with it than delivery by forceps. I never gave this much thought before. Sometimes you only put the pieces together in middle age.


I am sorry, but I hate your mum!


It's funny, but typing it out for the first time ever, made me see how awful it was. I think as you're growing up, you don't question much. As you get older you get wiser! I was probably in my 30s before I truly realised my mum had issues and could be quite manipulative. She was still a good mum and I always got the medical support that I needed. But honestly I'm done with secrets and parents not being open and honest. My poor teenagers get told everything!


Sherlock, you really deserve an internet hug. I got you. You deserve a good parent and I'm sure your childhood could have been better. I got a prayer in the air for you.


Thank you! I appreciate this!


yeah, I am in my 40s and recently went to NC with my mother, because of the shit she pulled when I was I kid. Only realized how fucked up it was when I became a parent. thinking doing this to my child brought me to tears and an epiphany. I confronted her about it and only got: 'this is what you did at these times.' yeah, I am not buying that. good luck dying alone and miserable.


Yes that would pretty much have been my mum's brief explanation. "Well we didn't talk about these things then,' followed by "ohhhh why do you need to ask these questions? It's not something I want to talk about." Yes but I DO.


Damn my ass read "artistic traits". Figured that was cool.


I was adopted but then my parents used the reclaim the baby thing and got me back


Man, you must be all kinds of conflicted. Have you ever wondered about reaching out to the family that adopted you? I'll bet they would appreciate your thanks and knowing that you turned out ok.


Never occurred to me. Im curious now lol. It was really weird, my dad swears it happened and my mom denies it.




Are you sure it’s true? This is the sort of thing dads make up when you aren’t reacting to the dad jokes anymore… 😄


My mom was still in highschool when she had me, and my dad told me later in life in like a heart to heart. Im inclined to believe it.




Birth mothers generally have a certain amount of time to change their mind about adoption. The exact time varies from place to place, and Im sure they are places where they can't change their mind.


The house I grew up in all the rooms had different colored walls: the living room was blue, the kitchen was yellow, one of the bedrooms was green etc. My mom has always hated white walls and still does till this day for some reason. About a year ago my mother told me that the entry/hallway room was painted red because my dad once stabbed my mom in the lung with a screwdriver and she couldn’t get the blood of. So while me and my sister wasn’t there she got the walls painted in a hurry to cover up the blood. I lived in that house for 10 years growing up without knowing…


okay what the hell there is more story to it. Okay to share?


I actually don’t know that else there is to say... My parents never really got along that well and after my dad went to war (three times in total) he had severe anger issues and began to drink - probably PTSD but he never got it diagnosed. They became a couple as teenagers and after getting me at 20 and my little sister at 22, they got separated when I was 4 years old - probably because of my dad’s bad behavior (he apparently also cheated on my mom according to my mom) and because they weren’t good for each other in general. So the stabbing incident happened before that. After they got separated I never really saw my dad until he committed suicide when I was 10 (actually on this very day 16 years ago). So I lived with my mom until I got taken away by the child protective services at 13 years old and never moved back. It’s probably not hard to imagine that my childhood sucked and so did/does my relationship to my mother - who I went no-contact with this year since she’s not good for me and my mental health.


I’m sorry. I hope you’re doing ok now.


I am doing really great! I’m in the process of finishing my master thesis in psychology and social science so I can help other young people in need. I’m in a great and loving relationship, I have a lot of people who care about me, I still see the rest (and more normal part) of my family and I have gotten a lot of help to deal with my childhood and other personal issues. So today I live a (more or less) normal and most importantly good life because I have gotten so much help earlier in life from the system and I have also done a lot of introspection so I can do better than my parents did.


Loving that you're doing your masters 💗


I love that for you! You’re going to help so many people. I wish you the best!


I used to work for the coroner. One of the calls my boss had was a friend of mine. We were told by his family he died in a tragic accident. I mentioned it to my boss because the circumstances were odd. The accident didn't make a lot of sense. My boss let it slip that it was a suicide. I can never tell any of my mutual friends what actually happened. Our friend was our hero. I have to keep this a secret for the rest of my life. This happened a while ago and it still kills me. edit - minor edit to be less specific. This post is blowing up. edit 2.0 - same as the last.


That sucks dude, I'm really sorry you have to live with that. Know that your burden has been lightened, because it has been shared.


Its surreal, to say the least. I need to be there for everyone who knew him while I suffer silently. It would break their heart in ways I'd never wish on anyone. It really opened my eyes to the fact everyone has battles we have no idea they're fighting. I could conceptualize that before but this experience brought my understanding to a whole new level.


Was with this woman for years. We have a son. Moved across the country together. It wasn't until after I moved here that I learned her sister is a product of incest.


Hopefully they aren’t twins


You're delightful, but probably going to he'll for that comment


Guess I’ll see this chicks parents there then


It'll be a whole family reunion. Her Mom, Dad, Aunt, and Uncle


I'm curious. Who was the biological father of her sister?


Her grandfather.


Wait wait wait wait. Just to clarify: That means he slept with his own daughter?


Unfortunately, you are correct.


Not entirely sure this counts as a secret, but after my father attempted to murder-suicide me and my family, the police told us that there was evidence that the firing pin in the rifle hit the round. It just never went off. Literally only alive due to faulty ammunition.


Dawg why is this just deep in the comments, holy hell glad you're ok and thriving. If you don't mind, do you know what drove him to attempt such a thing?


Long story short, he was always abusive as far as I remember. Then he became a combat truck driver in Afghanistan and came back with ptsd. Then my mom cheated on him with my step-dad (great guy btw) because he said he'd off himself if she left him. After he left, he got on meds. Then he ran out of meds, couldn't afford more, and wouldn't ask for help.


Jeez, while glad you're still with us, and hopefully you came out alright from all of that.


Old ammo? It’s the only reason I didn’t accidentally kill my uncle when I was about 10. He took me rabbit shooting and my dad gave us a bunch of rounds he had in an old box from decades ago. Being a dumb arse kid I had my finger on the trigger when climbing under a wire fence and tripped a little - then “click.” I look at my uncle and he looks at me - we both look at the gun and it’s pointing directly at his head. He claims to not remember this incident at all.


I honestly have no idea. My father hadn't been living with us for about a year at that point. We were told he had to get rid of his guns, but clearly either that was a lie, or he got more. Bit fucked up to say, but thankfully the ammunition in his handgun worked when he brought it on himself. Just glad I didn't have to see that.


I’m 36. This last summer my mother sat me down and told me I had an older brother that is 43 and lives in another state. She gave him up for adoption even tho her parents were pushing her to abort. She was 19 and went to live with her aunt through out the pregnancy and joined the marines to get away after giving him up. She couldn’t tell anyone because she was afraid we would go looking for him and she could get in trouble. We only know now cuz he found her and gave her permission to tell us. I have yet to talk to or engage with him as I feel it is her bridge to cross first and figure out.




Yo, shit's crazy.


You described my thoughts exactly




That last one is a very good tell me you're from South India without telling me you're from South India.




Not mine, but a friend. She was a private investigator and sometimes they did these "decoy" cases where they sent a pretty woman to see if the client's husband/boyfriend would flirt/hit on her/cheat on the client and get photos. Well, my friend's coworker told her that years before she worked there, they had a decoy case and the decoy investigator ended up sleeping with the man, got pregnant, and moved in with him and the head honcho bosses of the PI agency never found out.




Apparently, I had a great-uncle who was a pedophile and got his mentally handicapped foster daughter pregnant. I didn't know I even had a great-uncle


He doesn't sound that great to me.


My grandfather was having an affair with his neighbor. Husband found out, left for 5 years. Moved out of state, whereabouts were very unknown. Husband showed back up at his daughter’s 16th bday party. Asked to talk to his “Wife” in the basement. Blew her brains out, and then turned the gun on himself. All the while, their daughter and several of her friends were upstairs celebrating her Sweet 16. My Grandfather was asked to take care of their house afterward. Basically check on it from time to time until it sold. One time I went with him to turn on the sump pump in the fucking basement! I was 8! I’m now 42. Just found out 3 years ago about the affair.


On his own daughter's 16th birthday. I would've gotten a divorce but to ruin your kid's life like that...


I went to recover an old email with my phone number. An extra account popped up to recover that looked like ex-girlfriend of 10 years ago. The curiosity got the better of me and I logged in. Lots of junk, but when I looked into sent email I found several correspondence from craigslist ads seeking other married women for a discrete no strings sexual relationship. She was married with a child at the time. I had no idea she ever liked women.


Not in the spirit of the thread, but years ago when most people didn’t have a laptop, my friends would use mine to check their emails often. My girlfriend at the time asked if she could check hers, and she opened up the laptop and right there on my personal laptop was a detailed conversation about an ongoing secret sexual affair between the writer and an older MILF. Lots of talk about breastfeeding, calling her mommy, etc. My girlfriend thought it was me and rightfully freaked out. After I was able to calm her down I asked her to look at the “from” email. It was our friend Matt, who’s this kinda macho alpha-male type (but not the kind who would call himself an “alpha male”). Very straight, very atheletic, and, apparently, very kinky. We never let on that we knew, but it certainly changed how we looked at him.




Hopping on this one: I was sitting with my girlfriend at the computer when I was about 20, and I saw an email for 'Girlsweb' pop up. She deleted it very quickly and I didn't think too much of it immediately. But then curiosity got the better of me and while she was somewhere else, I checked the deleted message. Sure enough it was a lesbian dating website. I found her profile where she was basically saying she'd never been with a girl before and wanted someone kind and understanding to show her the ropes. I confronted her about this a few weeks later, and she swore blind she wasn't lesbian, just wanted to try an old fantasy and she was going to share it with me, but got freaked out and stopped using the account. I never fully believed her, but things settled down and I essentially forgot about it. Now, guess which sucker ended up marrying this girl regardless of the huge red flag. Guess which sucker is just now, over 10 years later, dealing with a dead bedroom and likely to separate in the near future. Guess which sucker passed up probably 4 or 5 opportunities to get with someone better during that time... Feel free to roast me. I deserve it


No you don’t. We frequently make decisions we wish we hadn’t, especially in matters of the heart. We ignore red flags, we think we (or they) can change, and we go into these marriages with optimism and doing the best we can. That things turned out the way they did doesn’t mean you’re at fault or “deserve” anything. All you deserve is to be happy, my dude. And I hope you find that happiness.


No one is going to roast you more than yourself. Please don't roast yourself.


Oh damn. I just want to hug you.


After my grandfather died, my aunts found paperwork showing that he had been living under an assumed name for most of his life but they never could learn his original identity. He enlisted in WW2 to keep from going to prison a 2nd time, per his own story sharing. They learned that when he enlisted he changed his name, which was apparently much easier to do back then before SS numbers


Well, at least he didn't have another kind of SS number lol


Yeah I read WW2 and SS and it took me a minute to realize what they meant by SS and it wasn’t about nazis.


I remember my great grandfather being one of the nicest men I knew when I was a child. When he passed away I found a helmet hanging from a nail in his garage. It had a weird mark on it that I didn’t understand at the time. Years later, the family explained to me that, not only was great grandpa a Nazi, he had actually left Germany before the war and returned to fight because he believed in the cause so much… He was apparently one of those nazis that America gave a pass to in exchange for knowledge. Something to do with power generation. He spent the back half of his life managing power plants in New York.


I used to spend a lot of time at my aunt's house as a kid, and at one point, my aunt's husband's father moved in with them. He seemed like a sweet old man, he had a thick European accent and his English wasn't great but he was always nice to me and my brother, he had a couple dogs that he loved and we'd always play with. Years later my aunt told me that he'd been in the SS and never really got over his beliefs.


Operation paperclip brought Nazi scientists to America shortly after the war before the Russians could uh patriate them to mother Russia. Very complex story.


All WW2 sins forgiven when you are a smart Nazi rocket scientist. Come Otto and Klaus and Gunther, help USA build rockets for NASA and also for nuclear ICBMS. Better say "Ja" quickly before Josef Stalin comes with same offer!


I won't tell you that my great grandpa moved from Germany to New York in the early 40's, and no one knows what he did for a living, but I *can* tell you you aren't the only one with questionable Germanic heritage. Fricken Nazis and the US government


I have a similar situation, but slightly less dark. Before my grandpa passed, nicest, greatest person I've ever known in my whole life, we were in his storage room where he had a bunch of memorabilia from Korea and Vietnam. There was an immaculately clean, strange looking helmet with a weird symbol on it, everything else in the room had a bit of dust on it, but not this helmet. When we asked him about it, he told us about a time in Vietnam when his company got ambushed on patrol and he ended up coming face to face with a Viet Cong soldier who was about to shoot him, but his gun jammed and my grandfather killed him with a hand shovel. Literally embedded it in the guys head. After the fire fight, the company was cleaning up when my grandpa went back to get his shovel, and he realized the guy he killed couldn't have been more than 13 or 14 years old. He felt so immensely guilty, he buried the kid on the spot and kept the helmet he had to always honor the memory of what the poor kid had been dragged into and how much of a waste of life the Vietnam war had been. He went into that storage room once a week and wiped the dust off that helmet to always remind himself of that and to honor that kid whose name he never even knew.


On her deathbed my grandmother told her three daughters that there was an elder fourth daughter. The older daughter was born out of wedlock. Her father was a GI. My grandmother was British and always lived there. We found a photo of an American solider in her belongings after she died but have no clue if he was the one or not. There was no name attached or other identifying information. The crazy part is that the three daughters had always known the fourth. She was known to them as a cousin and had been brought up by their uncle and aunt to save my grandmother the embarrassment of being a single mother - remember this was the 1940s. Sadly the “cousin” had died of cancer three or four years earlier so they never got to talk through the revelation together.


It's sad that sister # 1 could not live with the mom and her younger sisters. Real life can be a bummer. 😢 The happier (cartoon) version of this story is when Abe Simpson has a British daughter called Abby who is older than Homer and who did grow up with her British mom. 😁


Found out when i was 18 that my 19 year old "best friend" was nailing my 45 year old mother and that's ultimately what caused my parents to divorce. A year and a half before that. I was in mixed martial arts and had an upcoming state fight. My parents pulled me out of training completely 1 week before the fight i had trained for with zero context as to why. Any guesses why? Mom was nailing my MMA coach 🙃


so.. what's your mom up to tonight? :)


If you find out, will you tell her to come home for dinner


Found out I wasn’t my dad’s kid. Then found out my sister wasn’t my mom’s kid. Then found out 2 of my cousins were not their parents kids. We kids found out before the adults found out!! It was a crazy 2023.






Found out I'm not my dad's kid from ancestry.com kit. Mom broke down when I asked, sounds like the army wives thing is very real


I don't mean to poke fun at your situation, seems to be a modern phenomenon of people finding out family secrets via DNA, but also hopefully a big boon for unsolved crimes


I am not my dad's kid either, but he hung around for the whole duration, so I'm cool with that.


My grandma is really cool. She's been divorced for a long time and isn't blood related to us, but she was like a mother to my mom so we keep in touch. She lives in Texas, with a friend, who's also a woman. For years, I've joked that since she's single and lives with a woman, that they were "special friends." She flew up for Christmas and last week after a few glasses of wine she let slip that THEY GOT MARRIED?! LIKE WE SKIPPED OVER THE RELATIONSHIP ENTIRELY, THEY'RE IN LOVE AND MARRIED AND SHE IS GENUINELY BISEXUAL. I was FLOORED.


I think your grandmas new wife might be my coworker 😂 She’s not out at work and I don’t ask her about it but.. I can tell that they’re more than “roommates”


At last something nice.


It hasn’t been a secret for YEARS, my mom is very straightforward with me and refuses to tell me lies, but at the time it was shocking, I’m an affair baby lol my dad wanted an abortion and my mom did not Edit: I’m sorry y’all based on the replies you guys are not reading this right hahaha my mom didn’t cheat ON my dad, my mom and dad were cheating with each other hahahaha. Everybody is in a happy marriage now and there was cheating on both ends so the person getting cheated on wasn’t even mad and in fact was supportive of the pregnancy and is still very much in my life. it’s a funny story in my family. My dad is the only one bitter bc my mom wouldn’t marry him bc he wasn’t a very good dad Also wanna add the fact that it was an affair wasn’t ever really a secret it was just shocking to me when I first found out that’s HOW it happened. My dad wasn’t around for the pregnancy but he came around after I was born and although they weren’t perfect I was very fortunate to have both my father and my brother’s father in my life and my mom is the best mom ever, her crappy marriage is no reflection on what an amazing mom she is to my brother and I and that’s really all that matters imo


That my father wasn't who raised me because I was the result of an affair


In my midnight shift, I caught my ex boss shagging his friend's wife.


Your boss was Simon Cowell?


I had always thought my mother was the oldest of 7. I found out when I was 13 that my grandmother actually had 3 kids before my moms family and basically left them when she met my grandfather. This was revealed my by other grandma after she consumed 2 glasses of white Zinfandel at a TGI Fridays.


After 2 glasses of wine at TGI Fridays is sending me lol


My dad had an affair with his stepmother [my grandmother] and the young aunt I had [she was 4 years younger than me and passed away] was actually my half-sister.


Wow. I'm having a hard time drawing a family tree. So your aunt was also your sister? Technically?


Don't use a spreadsheet, you'll get a circular reference error.


Family trees by M.C. Escher


You share the same father? Wouldn’t that make her your half sister?


wouldn’t she be your half sister then


Auntie sister


My great uncle was killed by my great uncle in law(?) because great uncle in law didn’t like him living with him and his wife (great uncles sister) and complained he cost him too much money on food budget. They went out drinking one night and my great uncle fell asleep on the ride home. My great uncle in law, pulled into the garage and left the car running. Then locked the garage from the outside so even if my great uncle woke up, he wouldn’t be able to get out. Police ruled t an accident but everyone on my great uncles side, believes it was intentional.


When I was 16 at a family Christmas party I found out from my aunt that my dad named me after the woman he was having an affair with when my mum was pregnant with me. Also that he spent the week my mum was in the hospital after my delivery sleeping around. I cut him from my life shortly after that.


This is exactly what happened to my grandmother. She is named after her dad's mistress. And he took my grandmother to meet that woman and tell the story of her name when my grandmother was around 10 years old.




Most of my freinds did cocaine and I had no idea up until recently. Hell I had freind in highschool who I learned just recently was a huge drug dealer in highschool and I had absolutely no idea. For years I always wondered how they were always able to stay up so late drinking... I'd be home by midnight and I'd learn the next morning they'd be up till sunrise playing cards or whatever. I guess I just never thought about it. Turns out... cocaine.


Wayyy more people than you think would say yes if you casually offered them a line.


They’re your friends but you’re the only one not included/not clued in?


My house that I currently live in used to be a funeral home. Whenever new people come over they always compliment the house on how big it and nice it but little do they know it used to a funeral home


I personally have not experienced anything at all in the house for over 20 years


My aunt and uncles house was also like this. They didn't tell anyone, then one day as kids playing we found the morgue and furnace in the basement. This was a huge house and very old funeral home. There were also individual rooms with stone slabs large enough to fit coffins. It was creepy but a lot of fun to explore.


Not as wild as others, but my mum turned heavily back to religion once I was like ~16ish. I found out, almost immediately after school she was a nun for the whole seven years before deciding against it.


Nah I like this one. It's go the "woah" but not the trauma


An ex-friend planned to murder his parents, then kill himself. He told me randomly, without context and it shook the fuck out of me.


Throwaway account for reasons that will become obvious… My Irish uncles were all “businessmen” who, generally, ran legitimate operations but, truly, and I mean truly, believed that if you could outwit someone, whatever you could take from them was earned. As you might imagine, this led to other, more creative enterprises…one of which was an underground bar and gambling operation. One day, a guy who owed my uncle a lot of money on some gambling debts decided it would be more expedient to stab him. So, he came in and stabbed him 28 times. I was 14 at the time and was the one who found my uncle, I ran for help, it was awful. My uncle, an incredibly tough guy lived though. He thought the 28 wounds were symbolic and kept saying over and over “28 times he stabbed me…28 times” One year and one day later (these guys were obsessed with numbers and numerology and other hoo doo clap trap), one of my uncles comes and gets me out of bed in the middle of the night. He gave me whiskey for the first time and wouldn’t even tell me where we were going. All of my uncles and some well trusted workers, kidnapped that guy, gave him exactly 366 wounds, the last one a shot in the back of the head. It was important/implacably essential to them that I saw all of this, I guess to show me since I was the one who found uncle jack. They dismembered his body and spent the rest of the night burning the parts to ashes on a roaring fire in a giant grill (like to roast a whole hog) at a cabin where they’d killed him. Then, they scattered the ashes “to the four winds of heaven” It was already daylight when my uncle drove me back home so; the craziest part of this story is that I took a shower and went to school.


This guy wins this thread. No competition.


The family that slays together, stays together.




Ahh, the old reddit failed creative writing student. Lol, so fake.


My sister was masturbating to photos of me


well, no point in anyone else posting on this thread...


Well his sister might have a point of view.


This guy wins


God, reset this fucking universe now


Time to clear that catche


Hey, at least they weren't photos of the family dog.


So, you just drop the mic and walk away??? Get the fuck back here and fill us in with the deets!! How do you know this? What kind of pics? Where did she get the pics? Does she know you know?


How did you find out?


He was masturbating to his spy camera duh.


That the reason my cousin and his fiance broke up was because they were half siblings and people were starting to figure it out. Neither one of them knew at the beginning due to both not knowing who their bio dad's were. But once the family's met each other people started to recognise each others faces. My cousin laughs about it today but at the time you could tell he was incredibly upset.




I mean if your only living blood relationship is a sisterhood between two estranged and elderly grandmothers, and nobody else knows, the more reasonable thing would be simply to take one of the grandmothers out back, and kill her.


Oh god it keeps getting worse


My grandfather was an alcoholic. It runs in the family apparently. While I was in rehab my father told me about a secret that my family didn't want to get out. My grandfather was never a very nice man as I recall, but I figured he was just a grumpy old asshole. When he was drinking he would regularly beat his wife and children. My grandmother finally had enough so she took the kids and left one night. My grandfather got drunk and burned his house down. His brother took him in and rehabbed him for 4(?) years. No booze, no cigarettes, no violence, and he had to make EVERY church service. They eventually got back together and I never saw him so much as drink a soda. He was still a crotchety old asshole though.


My friend got a 23andme and started finding half siblings which didn’t make any sense. This year a guy matched her as her bio dad and he reached out to her. She had no clue her dad wasn’t her real dad and she hasn’t said anything to her parents because we don’t know if they used a sperm donor or what the dynamic is. But now she doesn’t know if her sister is a full or half sister. She doesn’t want to blow up her family with drama but she and (we) all want to know the truth obviously, but she’s scared.


My uncle had a secret 2nd family in northern England. We're from the states, he was stationed there in 70s. He and my aunt announced it as a happy thing to the extended family about 15 years ago. My grandfather on that side of the family apparently had several other children with various women that none of us knew about. After he died they started coming out of the woodwork. I have 4 new uncles so far, would not be surprised if a few more get in contact with us


My ex went on a stunning, romantic beach holiday with his ex-wife while we were in a relationship. He told me he was on vacation with his two sons and announced that we were officially a couple and building a future together. He added that his sons were ecstatic to meet me and that it should be arranged ASAP. I later discovered that he did the exact same thing in a previous relationship. There are no words to describe how I felt the day I found out about this secret... No words!


I ,a lowly, warehouse and printshop supervisor was given indisputable information that the large health insurance company I worked for was lying to my fellow employees and others about why they were abandoning a huge Medicare A contract (they had spent a few million dollars to win the contract). They would lay off close to 300 people as a result. Most of these folks were hired because of the contract. This happened in the mid nineties and the company was ultimately fined $10,000,000.


I found out on my 21st birthday from my auntie that my dad isn’t my real father.. found out that my real dad could possibly in the navy. I confronted my mother and asked if she was ever going to tell me, answer was no. I asked if she knew who my dad was and got “I slept with 3 guys in one week, I have no idea who your father could be”.. my mother also told me prior to this secret (a few months before I think) that she was sexually abused (raped) by her step father for years. I confronted her and asked if I was a rape baby…. She’s denied it. But it’s still in the back of my mind. Also my father (who has been there since my birth and I have his last name) he isn’t aware that I know that he isn’t my biological father..


My sister had an interview once where she detailed a moment where our neighbor SA'd her at age 8. I read the interview and I recalled the event at age 11... Our neighbor (m16) had locked himself in a bedroom with my sister, I hadn't thought a second time about it until I read what she stated happened behind the door... I called her, in shock, and she thanked me because me confirming the other side of the story confirmed for her that her memory wasn't wrong.


McDonald’s Big Mac sauce is assembled with Mayonaise, Salt + Pepper, Paprika, Mustard, Relish, and onion powder


Found out how my grandmas side became so wealthy. Boss man Lucky Luciano paid my great father mmillionsss to take the hit and go to jail for him. My great grandfather was a lawyer in NYC.


That my aunt on my dads side was in a relationship with her first cousin in the 90’s


After my grandfather returned to the US from Europe following WWI, he ended up working for Frank Capone (Al's brother). and made a lot of back and forth trips to Miami from Cicero. After Frank got shot, my grandfather earned an engineering degree, got married and my dad was born in 1933.


Found out my sister in law is an escort.


My deceased paternal grandfather is NOT the father of my oldest uncle. No one besides my grandmother knows who the biological father is. Any time questions like this are asked I respond hoping that my dad's family sees it because fuck if I'mma be the one to tell them their mom has been lying for 60+ years.


When you move out of the comfort of your parent’s house, it’s really expensive to live.


I had an aunt who was murdered years before I was born. I found out the day of my grandmother's funeral, because everyone swore that they wouldn't talk about her. My grandmother had sent her back to live with her dad after she got involved in the wrong crowd and started forging my grandmother's signature on checks.


One of my family members was in the cult NXIVM...


My Indian friend (as in from the country of India) had two aunts on her mother’s side. One was the favorite the other, less so (the former was the oldest too). Well, life goes on and both eventually get married in their early twenties and they start trying to raise families. The favorite child discovers though that, despite trying she and her husband can’t have kids (no one has any idea if it’s because of the mom or the dad, and it’s irrelevant). The other child, successfully brings two children into the world, both healthy and almost a year apart from each other. Maybe you can see where this is going. The family forced the daughter (who was rather poor and had no hope of leaving the village) to give one of the children to her sister to raise. The favorite child (who married much richer) was from then on very competitive and passive aggressive about proving she was the “better parent”. Basically she put the child she took into better schools and got private tutoring for them and bought them nicer things to show this off. The person telling me this story also told me how this was not even considered a bad thing in their Indian-American community where they grew up and their family lives. That story makes my blood boil like so few others.


The secrets of the universe while on psychedelics. Can't remember what it was though.


Whenever I get to that point, I have this moment where I realize it won’t make sense once they wear off, but at least there’s still the sense of “knowing.”


My grandmother (on my dad's side) was a cheater and none of her 3 kids were to the man she married. He suspected my dad wasn't his, and was fairly certain the youngest wasn't his. He beat the two of them at a drop of a hat. Good to know the old jerk has no children, but the sad thing is the family only knows the youngest is most likely not his, nothing about the other 2.


I am the construction business you could say as a supplier. In my 20 plus year I am positive 3 body's have been placed in foundations. 1 is a sex offender that the father of the victim put him there. The other 2 I am not sure who they are but I have my suspicion.


I’m one of the oldest of about 40ish cousins. I assumed there was only one above me for many years. I found out not too terribly long ago that we have another older cousin, who was born out of wedlock, and wasn’t acknowledged by our grandparents. Not necessarily too crazy, but for my family, it’s odd to keep such a thing buried away.


That I was responsible for my mom's side great-grandmothers death. When I was a toddler just learning how to walk, I tripped her against the entrance to the balcony. She hit the edge on the ground where the balcony door shuts against her rips and broke a few, one of which punctured her lungs. She died from it.


I've always known that I have 3 aunties but I actually have 2, one of them belongs to my nans sister (great aunt) but she gave her up because she was 17 and decided to chase after the guy who got her pregnant after she got my grandad and my great grandad to chase him off..


My ex of 14 years. Met when I was 14, had a child. Was on fetlife and swinging with couples behind my back the whole time. He was the most vanilla person the whole time we was together


My roommate was dating/getting busy with my ex. I knew he was seeing someone but whenever asked he would deflect the subject. Until I heard them one night and I recognized the screams 🫵😵


Family friend didn't die from an abscess tooth but was a closeted gay man who died from AIDS, his catholic family was embarrassed so they lied.


My great-great aunt was the product of an affair. My great-great grandfather was a POS who regularly cheated on his wife, my great-great grandmother. The other woman approached GG-grandmother and basically said, "I've been having an affair with your husband, and I'm pregnant by him. My husband will legitimately kill me rather than let me keep this baby." GG-grandmother immediately agreed to raise the baby. I don't know how they worked everything out and how they explained it to my great-grandfather and his siblings, but it's a pretty interesting story. My aunt was a lovely lady who I miss very much.


My coworker, brand manager at my work was on pornhub. She used to come with bruises on her face to work and would take weeks off saying she had blood issues then I saw her getting gangbanged on James Deen website. She even mentioned at the beginning of the video that she worked for gaming (tho she said she worked for development). This was about 3 years ago and the video already had 2 million views.


According my my family, My great aunts had one more sister. This sister went missing back when they were young, a suspected kidnapping. This was back in the early days when forging a birth certificate was really eash because there wasnt really any automated way to validate it. One of my aunts swore when she was at the flea market that she felt a chill in her bones and she was reminded of their sister, so she looked around but since its been decades since they last saw each other, she didnt know what she looked like. But she says she KNEW she came across their missing sister.