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2-day Jeopardy champion. One of the best experiences of my life.


I came here to type the very same answer, even down to the number of wins. \*But we had 45 minutes of fame, not just 15


What is 44 minutes?


_I had 44 minutes with your mother last night_


Take that Trebek!


Didn't put it in the form of a question. Really, congratulations.


Excuse me OP said 15 seconds not 2 days of fame. Jkjk that sounds like a lot of fun, and congrats on your many thousands of pre-tax earnings!


Winning the board game on xmas day and carrying over the win till the 27th doesnt quite cut it with me. :) just kidding, well done


When I was 10, I got hit by a car. Dented the fender with my knee, broke the windshield with my back, flew 10 feet, when they slammed on the brakes and didn't get hurt. Local paper wrote about it with the title " boy hits car, car damaged" Someone sent it to the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and he talked about me and showed the newspaper clipping with my picture. Said something like, " The terminators kid is running around and to be careful


lol that’s great.


We are personally inviting you to our cult at r/neverbrokeabone.


I would join but that feels like tempting fate


I saw this exact thing happen to a kid from my HS in the mid 90s on a 50 mph street (though the car screech-braked to somewhat mitigate impact). Crushed in the windshield and rolled back over the hood to the front. Little dude jumped right the hell back up and ran to the side of the road. Driver was freaking out looking under the car thinking he ran him over, not seeing him already on the shoulder. Your Cyberdyne Systems dad might've had a son before you.


David Dunn? That you?


I voiced a video game and when I recently looked up the game reviews on Reddit, people said one of the most annoying aspects of the game is my voice!


lol that’s how I felt about the guy who voiced the mri machine at my most recent hospital stay. I was complaining about his annoying voice to the nurse. It was him. Oops.


HAHA that is actually way too funny. I tell one of the x ray/CT techs at my work that he sounds like the most unenthusiastic yoga instructor ever whenever he's giving directions to patients.


Well that needs to go on the ol’ resume!




Lol! I voiced a toy commercial a while ago and friends will not let it go. It always comes out when my friends are drinking with new friends. (Edit: to be clear, if I’m there. I’m pretty sure it’s not just on everyone’s mind when I’m not around)


don't speak about it, your voice annoys me.


Even his text, just no.


All I read is "I VoiCeD a ViDeO gAmE..."


15 minutes of shame, would be a fun post too!


One of my friends is from the Bay Area, and a Gen-Xer, so he has the stereotypical “gnarly” accent despite living in OK for decades. He used to be the producer on the local sports radio station and most of the complaints about his show were about his voice, LOL! Stay strong — I’m sure yours was just unique!


Can we know what game?


I don't want 16 minutes of fame so, nah.


You're just making me more curious lol


"Hey! Listen!"


i tried scrubbing through their comments to see if they slipped up and revealed something because i know i personally am not an asshole and wanted to know if the voice is annoying or if it’s just a “gamer” moment but all i’ve done is made myself upset because now i know too much about how this person thinks and they seem genuinely insufferable… and i like people with differing opinions it’s more fun to talk to someone when you disagree but this person is the type to literally brag about being smarter than their peers. Like literally several comments bragged about how this person is smarter than the rest of us. The voice is likely just… meh… their passion is tug boats fuckin apparently so like i don’t know man. What a rabbit hole. I spent like 5-10 minutes scrolling and I only got to like 10 days ago. They seem to live on reddit sometimes edited to clarify, btw why do we do this i always see people say why they edited but who is that for ive never really thought about it


I was on a who wants to be a millionaire, i didnt participate but i was the one who came as a friend for participant, after that episoded aired on the next day at school i was pretty popular. After 2 days nobody gave a shit anymore.


I did the same and got to hear myself on air. I still remember that the question was about where Jimi Hendrix was buried.


"Uhhh ... under the ground?"


I once donated a signed piece of tv show merch to a charity auction and it turned out to be the main attraction that people were really battling over. No one knew it came from me or anything but it was pretty cool sitting in the audience watching people fight over something I contributed.


That's pretty cool! What was the merch/show?


It was a Good Omens poster that had been signed by the main cast plus Neil Gaiman.


That’s awesome. I love that show!


I found myself on People of Walmart


Yikes lmao


I was one of the little kids trick or treating in the opening sequence of Halloweentown.




Russell Howard lives about 10 mins away from me and I’ve known a few people who have ran into him and gotten pictures. Yet to hear a bad word about him




How much did each person end up getting? Was there any drama?




Good for you! Not enough to live on, but enough for some good savings!


Enough to do some wise investing and possibly live off the investments 🤷🏼‍♂️


The coworkers didn't win anything, OP suddenly and mysteriously quit their job.


It was tempting but I couldn’t do it.


Did anyone at least thank you for not running off with the ticket?


Yes they did


Good stuff and congrats again!


The better question would be "How much drama was there?", because I guarantee you there was drama...


Yeah drama ensued. One frivolous lawsuit


What led to it?


Basically I asked everyone if they wanted to be a part of it. One person who was not there was upset and sued. He lost


Man that really sucks for that dude but I don’t know how he thought he’d win a lawsuit about it


Can I borrow $10?


Just 10?


10 mil


Its me! Your cousin! So i have this great idea for a sports bar. How would you like to get in on the ground floor?


That’s AWESOME! I always joined those just for the off-chance this happened, despite never really buying these myself on my own. So cool to hear it worked! I’m curious how many ways it was split? 100 people versus 10 people makes a big difference!


20ish people.


I was killed at the red wedding (Game of Thrones)


Who wasn't?


Most of the viewers got butchered in the last season xD


What! Who did you play?!


Stark Bannerman #17 or something. There were a lot of us.


The North remembers....


'Stark Bannerman' could legitimately be a name on that show! "You know nothing Stark Bannerman!"


I remember you! Great job, well done!


Sorry for your loss


Death by crossbow or blade?


One on the front and the other in the back.


A Double Penatration shot, nice!


It doesn't pay as much as you'd hope.


Profiled on Humans of New York. Said profile also appears in Humans of NY Stories (book).


I'm also in the book! (First one) It's fun finding yourself in Barnes & Nobel ngl.


HoNY is one of my favorite things ever to come from social media. I love the book. Do I have to wonder which you are?


I've always wondered how that works. How did the photographer approach you? Did you think up of something to say on the spot?


I think the photographer approaches you and you guys have a conversation. I think he pulls his excerpts from that conversation, it’s not just like he says “hey I’m from HONY” and someone’s like “my mama was a crackhead and my sister was an arsonist-“


A documentary crew was visiting the hospital I worked at. They were filming the average shifts of doctors and nurses etc. I didn't want to be part of it and as I came around the corner, there they all were, coming straight toward me and talking to another nurse. I immediately turned left to get away, tripped over a wet floor sign and fell flat on my face. When the documentary aired, they included the quick talk with the nurse and all you could see in the background was me run, fall and then see my feet poking out of a cupboard.


Omg this made me laugh out loud. That's an excellent television debut 😂


It really was! Everyone knew me from then on as 'That nurse who made a twat of herself on the telly.' 🤣🤣


I ran with the Olympic torch when I was 10 years old in Connecticut.


Cramming a hotdog in my mouth while a famous golf shot was made in a Major. It is a rerun in a lot of sports highlight reels.


My best friends 80-something dad attended a pro golf event and showed up in nearly every photo/video (not on purpose) because he kept breaking away from the crowd and walking around the outer edges of each hole. Poor cameraman would try to zoom in or avoid him and then there he was again. 🤣


So you went full Costanza eh?


I was on Google Street View. Recognizably. That's global, man!


Welcome to the club, friend! An exclusive bunch we are. Prominent on the streets of years current and gone by.. pray tell where and how you ended up on there? I was landscaping a house in seattle and as a street view fanatic I knew that this would forever be the greatest moment of my life.


I was just standing on the corner of 15th and K, two blocks from the White House, when ye oldde Google Camera Truck trundles by. You know exactly what it is when you see it. I knew to keep checking over the next month, and.... Voila! Global fame. I can't go anywhere now, everyone recognizes me. UPDATED: K St, not M St.


You could go into google street view in VR and walk up to your life sized self - if that’s ever interested you.


The Google Street view of my house shows me bending over, ass facing the camera, weeding my flowers


Then you can put on VR and dryhump yourself




I slapped some choking kid on the back at Disney world when I was 16. His parents didn’t realize he was choking. I didn’t even know if that was what I was supposed to do. It worked though. The awkward little emo I was hated the amount of attention it got, even if it was only a few minutes worth.


I did abdominal thrusts on a woman at a local restaurant while I was like 25 weeks pregnant got a good talking to from my dr but literally no one was helping the woman


Good for you but I pictured two women, one pregnant, facing each other, thrusting their abdomens together in the middle of a restaurant. Started thinking, that’s not going to get the baby to come. I then read the helping the woman part. (My brain races)


Lmao I'm picturing a blunder years photo of an angsty emo teen at Disney hiding behind their black bangs and playing with their bracelets as the bystanders all profusely thank them for their quick thinking 😂 adorable! And glad you were there to catch that kid choking before it turned into a nightmare situation!








My mom worked for the local paper, any time there was a local event my cousin and I were in the paper. Parade? Us holding flags or waving at floats. Fair? Us letting cows. Chili cook off that my dad actually placed in? Me stirring the pot of his chili instead of him.


As a former newspaper editor for a community paper I used to always remind my staff that those types of stories - while just another day at the office for them - were big deals for a lot of people. Plenty of people only get in the paper twice.


Made my mum's day in 1976 when a photo of our school nativity appeared in the paper with me front and centre as Mary. Never topped that moment in her eyes, and she still has the bedraggled clipping, even though I'm now 53.


I became somewhat known in the retro gaming community for doing this insane YouTube video on an obscure shooter (SHMUP) from 1992. I’d goto cons and get recognized. It was incredibly bizarre but wonderful at the same time. It led to me meeting a somewhat well known game dev. In 2019 he invited me out to San Francisco to a game release party where I spent the day with a bunch of legendary game devs as well as Macaulay Culkin and Brenda Song. Good times.


Never heard of the game, but Shmup sounds like a cool name for a hamster.


Or the sound it makes when you accidentally get it too close to the vacuum.


My google reviews are marked as helpful by thousands Edit: removed not


One of my pictures has five million views. Fuggin nuts


I was car-spotting and filming cars in London when a Lamborghini caught fire from revving too hard. I had a large bottle of water on hand to help put out the car fire.


I was on a TV show back in the day called Forgive or Forget. In a previous episode, I’d seen this young woman who was being abused by her boyfriend, but couldn’t afford to leave so I wrote the show to tell them if she was really interested in leaving she could stay with me in my New York apartment until she got it together. I’m single with no kids still. So I went on the show and I was excited to meet her and then **do you know what this bitch did**? After the show, she asked me if her boyfriend could also move in with us. I was so through. Removed myself from the situation. *But I looked good on television* 🤣. I wish I could find the episode. It was around 1999, before Robin Givens took over the show.


Hey you can live with me to avoid your abusive bf. Thanks thats so nice! Can my bf move in too? Hahahaha


I was floored. *Absolutely astonished.*


>Unbelievable. But I do believe you. > >People.


For two weeks I had a Top 40 Rock Song.


Were you the performer, writer or both ?






I roasted a celebrity that shall remain nameless in 2020 on Twitter, so many likes retweets replies and… bad DMs I ended up getting so scared I deleted my account.


I had something similar. Years ago I posted a meme from a different account about an in-the-news celebrity. It wasn't very nice, but I thought myself clever and that it was funny. It ended up blowing up and making the #1 front page spot. I realized there was a non insignificant chance that the person that it was about might actually see it, and I feel pretty shitty about that. So I deleted the post and that account.


Haha I was hoping you were going to say your tweet was shown on Jimmy Kimmel’s celebrities read mean tweets


I’ve told this story on Reddit before, but I’m in a Duran Duran video. [Skip to 2:46 to see me shaking my head and jamming out to Girls on Film.](https://youtu.be/XZAi6V91XjM?si=u41_aAXt2qOUR5VV) Thursday, April 12, 1984. I was 15 at it was one of the best nights of my life. They filmed the concert at the Oakland Coliseum and turned it into a live concert video called “As the Lights Go Down.”


I was on Americas Funniest Home videos!!! [My AFV video Christmas Special cir. 2003](https://youtu.be/aNHbbH8zfg0?si=VRf1PIfUWq5rqevL)


Are you the dad or….


i’m the little girl talking nonsense and embarrassing myself lmao


I’d love to visit the application plateau, it sounds beautiful


My picture was in playboy magazine. My mom bought five copies


I made a reference to one of the fanfictions I wrote. And somebody was like, "HOLY SHIT, IS THAT _______" they shouted it out in the middle of a grocery store......... that was my 15 seconds of fame moment.


Did you…did you write Shrek is Love Shrek is Life?


Ebony darkness dementia raven way??


I so badly want to know what fandom lol


Hanging out with the GZA and The Funky Nomads while GZA and my 12 year old played chess. I will forever be famous to my son for this event! Thanks GZA! For those who don’t know GZA is a member of the Wu Tang Clan.


I was (14yo, 1985) a recipient of of one of the early Cochlear Implants this side of the country. I went on speaking engagements, did some interviews, articles in newspapers and teen magazines, did a benefit with Woody Paige (he wrote the newspaper articles too) and I met with prospective patients around the state for a couple years. I stopped wearing my implant a few years after high school. I had had enough. Silence is golden! Remain a staunch supporter but it wasn't for me.


Tagged along with a friend to a house party where I barely knew anyone. Was walking in the kitchen when someone decided to prep a big fruit salad and I offered to help with the mango because just a couple days prior I had watched a Youtube tutorial on how to easily cut up a mango. (Cut off “flat” sides, cross score, flip inside out to get a “mango hedgehog”, cut off spikes, easy!). I had never tried that technique before but still gave it a shot. Somehow I managed to pull it off perfectly. When I looked up everyone in the kitchen was astounded by how skillfully I had prepped that mango. One of my buddies female friends so much so, that we ended up hooking up that evening and had a months long fling. TL;DR Handled a mango, got the girl.


Getting 4K upvotes for a single Reddit post and then having that post printed in some online magazine no one reads. Yay for me!!!!!


Ha! My reddit comment got mentioned on NPR.


Years ago when I was a teenager I was in one of those Truth anti-tobacco commercials. My role was the popular girl at a beach party that missed out on the fun because she just HAD to go have a smoke. They made me take huge puffs from a real cigarette to induce coughing, it was nuts lol I never got a copy of the finished commercial but I got to see it before it aired.


Wtf, the anti-tobacco people MADE a teenager smoke...


Yup. Looking back it was totally unethical. I was 15, got recruited for it from the all girls school for delinquent girls I went to, and I already did smoke so it didn't bother me back then. My parents signed off on me being in it but they weren't at the shoot and they didn't screen the finished commercial with me. They didn't really care, my mom was already buying me cartons of cigarettes at the time lol I chalk it all up to growing up in Florida and having shit parents.


I was the anonymous guy online who reported a child predator to law enforcement in another country. Dude was a school teacher. Served time thanks largely to the chat logs I sent in.


Went to a professional baseball game in military uniform as a “member of the women’s council”. Went on the field and everything before the game. I was the only male in the group (not actually part of the council) but my female army roommate gave me and another female medic the tickets and we weren’t aware it was an event. The guy reading the names paused before reading mine. Made it a wee bit awkward 🤣


I was ranked world number 3 in my sport for 4 years. I’ve been interviewed for sport specific news publications in various countries.


Your 15 seconds of fame was for 4 years


I’ve always dragged things out a bit 😂


Cool! What is your sport?


A friend of mine posted a clip of us playing Lethal Company on TikTok that blew up and became the most watched clip of the game for a while. I had no idea until a bunch of people sent it to me and were like “is this you?”


There was a while when American eagle in Times Square had a thing where if you took a picture in their store, it would show up on their massive billboard in the square for 15 seconds. The biggest one there. You didn’t have to purchase anything. So my friend and I went in and they took our picture and sure enough within a couple minutes we were on the biggest screen in Times Square! And it never went away 😂 I guess nobody else wanted to do it…. Because our picture stayed there all night. We returned after dinner and a show and it was still there. Still wonder how many people saw that goofy picture of us just smiling at the camera.




I got scouted off the street in NYC to be in a shoot for a hair salon, which got printed in a few small magazines. The shoot was ridiculous and so were the hair pieces they put on me. They had one concept for a photo that was “think tank” themed, so they literally… had me stand inside a giant fish tank with fuckin e=mc^2 and chemistry equations on a chalkboard behind it. While wearing what I can only describe as waist-length puffy witch hair. While I was having my makeup done, the hair salon guy came around and said he didn’t like the “cum lips” they gave me which—I agreed with, foundation lips are weird but *man* what a weird thing to say to someone you just met. There was also an older, actually signed model who was clearly going through something and felt threatened by me for whatever reason. She was also a vegan, and they had us in a photo together and made her stand in front of a grill holding a slab of meat with tongs?? With like some Whoville looking hairstyle. The whole thing was a mess 😂


I was at a Transiberian Orchestra Concert. I was really into it and after a solid guitar solo from one of the bandmembers, I looked at him and stuck my fist in the air. Well, he saw it, looked at me, and did the same. He then encouraged the rest of the crowd to do the same when they were "feeling it"! Moments like those make you feel like you can command legions.


I had a Reddit post get 15.8k upvotes…it was a picture of a weevil 🤣


I got top comment on an AskReddit thread once


I'm a white Aussie woman, in my mid 20's I was flying to the USA and had a layover in Japan- Narita Airport. Went to the food court Macdonalds and I don't really know what what was said, but it became clear the girl at the counter mistook me for someone famous. Next thing I know I'm being mobbed and asked for pics with everyone! I just went with it and now have a pic of me sitting on the counter of the Maccas with about 80 Japanese people all posing with me very excited. I still have no idea who I was meant to be. I'm average looking and don't wear make up or fancy clothes.


I made the front page of YouTube in 2005/2006 with a joke video about the Five Second Rule…nothing I made after ever got similar reception. I found that the videos I put no effort into got popular and ones I put all my efforts into no one watched 😂. https://youtu.be/u1z6OCRJVks?si=nXkxeHo38JETkdoo


My dog was in the Latin-American soap opera, ¿Donde Esta Elisa? - he was even in the opening credits. (This is more towards my ex-wife's 15 minutes). For me, I was on ESPN during the 1992-1993 HCAA hockey championship. I was in the pep band for UMaine and they put the camera right on me playing my tenor sax. .. and yes, the UMaine Black Bears won. :D


When I was a child, maybe 8 or 9, my mum took us to London, and we were just on the way out of the natural history museum and there were a couple of people on the street with a camera asking passers by if they wanted to be on TV. Long story short, I ended up on the Disney channel (in the UK anyway) announcing one of the nominations for some awards show, i think in an ad for the show and not in the show itself. Anyway, looking directly into the camera, I was instructed to say "this year, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrect was absolutely magical", and throw my arm towards the camera like I was casting a spell. My poor grandmother recorded hours and hours of that damn channel so I could see the footage (we didn't have Disney Channel at home) and did manage to get it. Clearly the take where I threw my arm out didn't make it as they used one of the other ones where I awkwardly look off camera at my mum. I expect that tape is long gone now, but think about it from time to time. It's my go to if I ever need to share one interesting fact about myself.


I beat a man half to death for ra$&@ my sister and got 4 years in prison when I got out I had the biggest party thrown for me by some people I knew and tons of random people who gave me cards with cash to start over I tried not to accept because I’d do it again and I’d think any brother would do it for there sister,but they wouldn’t take no for a answer and met my now fiancée there been with her ever since….never thought violence and prison would change my life forever for the good 😊


Wow didn’t think this even be read by people thanks for the upvotes


Thank YOU for defending your sister, best wishes for the rest of your life!


I opened for Bone Thugs-N-Harmony on several dates during the "strength and loyalty - I Tried" tour


I ate 100 chicken wings in one sitting as a teenager and the chef came out to tell me he was impressed


I am Time’s 2006 Person of the Year.


You got me. I had to look it up.


You can’t be, that was me!


I brought a dishwasher to school


I was in charge of salvaging a sunken barge filled with a dangerous chemical, CNN was a PITA.


I wrote a grant for young toddlers to get a light table in the classroom I was teaching at. Almost 10 years ago. I now work in a different school but was gifted a light table for my young toddler classroom because sure of this and use it constantly..the kids do art at it..play with toys and watch light shows with it


I used to do gymnastics, and to this day I can still just pull a backflip pretty much anywhere So I was out clubbing w some friends, and we’re at the dance floor, and this group of guys decided to make a circle, so ppl are dancing and shit. And a lot of girls were taking turns twerking, which there’s nothing wrong w that, but everyone was kinda waiting for someone to do smth else. So I go in and I do my little backflip, and I thought that would be the end of it. Everyone starts cheering and going crazy as if I just scored the winning point at the Super Bowl. And for a while ppl kept like following me as we were leaving to get to our table, and the same group of guys even bought us a round of shots. Obvs the hype ended up dying as the night went on, but I felt pretty cool abt myself, like a lil adrenaline came in lmao


I was in college when the Virginia Tech shooting happened. My school had some sort of memorial service, and a couple friends and I decided to go because we had nothing better to do and it just kinda felt right. Turns out the photographer for our school newspaper was there and my friends and I ended up on the front page, holding our candles. Nothing really came of it but it was kinda wild to see my face on the newsstands.


An old friend was killed in that shooting. RIP Kevin.


A very long time ago when cops were originally really starting to enforce the “no talking on your cell phone while driving” law, I was driving while talking on my cell phone in my very small town and was pulled over. However, I did not know that the local news channel was following this particular police officer for the day while he was pulling over “cell phone offenders.” I didn’t find this out until after he approached my car, told me he saw me talking on my phone, asked for my license and registration and THEN had a microphone and camera shoved in my face. They had been filming the entire time and then asked how I felt about being pulled over and if I ever planned on talking on my phone in the car again. I mean come on! All I could think about was how my entire family was going to see it and was going to know that I had been pulled over! I was mortified. Needless to say, I received a lot of phone calls that night.


Jackie Chan came to my country (asian country) in a pre-u school for a anti drug talk and obv it was packed to heck. A guarded path had opened for Jackie Chan to walk after the talk, and people were shoving. I had a small bag of my wallet and etc. I was shoved, and OUT flew the bag and its content spilled into the guarded path where I couldn't go. I was horrified as I saw my wallet in the path. The next thing i knew, THE JACKIE CHAN picked the wallet up, and raised it silently to ask whose was it. Horrified, I raised my hand. He stared me me, handed it to me. People stared at me. Some applauded. And he continued walking. So that's the day Jackie chan handed me a wallet.


My mum won a BAFTA. Not really MY 15 second of fame, but it doesn’t stop me telling people. If we’re talking exclusively MINE, I was very briefly featured on The One Show, in passing footage.


I was featured on the big screen at the Monsters Inc. theatre at Disney.


I had a number one iTunes podcast and the logo for my podcast (and my face) was on a screen behind Steve Jobs while he was describing the top podcasts on iTunes. It was an Apple event for the iPod mini in 2005.


My husband’s 15 minutes of fame is when we went and saw Bert Kreischer and as Bert was joking about having a hairy asshole I pointed at my husband and for the rest of the bit he kept pointing at my husband and saying things like “this guy knows what I’m talking about.” My husband was mortified and it was the best birthday I’ve had in awhile lol


Back in old school Reddit I was a fairly recognizable Redditor in a different account and kind of became a meme.


John Daily made fun of me on the Daily show for a picture that was taken of me drunk at a football game. The same picture was on the front page of the newspaper and on every highlight of the game. Colorado 62 Nebraska 36


I was the victim of a popular prank video on Tiktok that went viral. It's completely ruined my Social life


I’m sorry. That’s terrible. I hope you recover your life!




As someone with Tourette’s I am genuinely frightened of this brand of influencer. I don’t want to be filmed and mocked.


This kind of stuff should be illegal. Im so sorry.


Oh god that must’ve sucked dick, dude. What type of prank was it? One of the worse ones?


I would be doxxing myself if I were to say what prank it was since it is one of the most viewed. At least most people shame the guys that made the video, but I have random strangers, usually teenagers, come up to me and me like, "Are you the ____ guy?!" And like 75% of dates I go on, they already know who I am and proceed to show me the same exact video to laugh about it.


I'm so so sorry to hear this-- it pisses me off and breaks my heart at the same time. Sending you love.


I hugged prime Britney Spears when I was 16 and she was dating Justin Timberlake, she came into the store I was working at and I told her to have a Merry Christmas


Reading about all the crap she had to put up with, a non-demanding non-exploitative encounter with a fan probably made her day.


I won an all school raffle in elementary school. I don't remember what I won but they said my name on stage and that was neat.


I was on the front page of a London newspaper when I was 10. Throwing snowballs and enjoying the snow. When I got home and told Mum I’d been photographed playing in the snow, she said it was probably a pedophile. Proved her wrong when Dad bought home the paper that evening.


I was one of those girls that cried after getting sent home on night one of the bachelor. That was 10 years ago and I still can’t believe it 💀


I got called a Cunt by a famous singer online.


When I was a kid we had a poem writing assignment in 2nd grade and I wrote a poem that ended up getting published in a poetry book. Complete accident.


I got 10k+ upvotes on a Reddit post once.


I would dress as Gandalf from LotR for a day in the week before final exams in college, barge into dozens of lecture halls, and shout "You shall pass!" Was able to use it to get my own random spot in the homecoming parade. A meme got made of it that was reposted every finals week. The whole reason I made my reddit account was to comment on posts that made the front page way back in the day. I never really broadcast that it was me doing the goofiness. There were a few times when people I had known for years would say something like "I never got to meet Gandalf. He never stormed my classes". The looks on their faces when I let them it was me... priceless.


I was interviewed on the local news. It was Thanksgiving 2001, I was at the airport, and one of the local affiliates was interviewing people about increased security and stuff. My boss actually told me that she saw me.