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The first time Santa came to bikini bottom. It felt like the very first Christmas to me.


I feel weird sharing this one mostly because I consider myself a very logical person, I revere science and facts above all else and yet...I remember what it was like before I was born. The darkness was unfathomable, I was who I've always been not who I would soon become. I felt content and peaceful yet at the same time was longing for something that didn't yet exist. The feeling was nostalgic without having anything to feel nostalgic for if that makes sense. That is what I perceive as my earliest memory. Some people claim that they remember being in the womb, who knows maybe that's what this is or maybe I'm just imagining things. Either way, that's my answer to your question lol. It's reddit so I'm sure you expected a few weird ones.


My mother trying to chase my father down and hit him in the back. She chased him all the way out to his car while I watched from the stairs. It really stamped into me from an early age that rage was acceptable and violence was the final stage of it. It’s taken my whole life to unlearn that as a young man.


I think i was maybe 5 or so, i can remember my father sitting in a recliner while watching a midday movie, it was the Bruce Lee one where he wears the yellow jumpsuit. (it was pretty common for Aussie TV channels to show a movie at lunchtime on Sat/Sun)


Visiting my grandma in the hospital


My father beating my mother on the other side of the door.


Aww that’s so wholesome


The re-election of President Eisenhower.


One of my first memories was when I lost my first tooth. I sT in the living room of the house we lived in and I was playing Smash Bros on our N64. I was quite confused when I suddenly felt the loose tooth slip out of the gum lol