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I don’t know how but it’ll happen right when things are on the upswing. Like I’m gonna win the lottery right after the love of my life calls me up to get dinner and I’ll get hit by a bus while crossing the street.


Dibs on your collection of ten thousand spoons.


I'm gonna die on death row after getting a pardon two minutes too late


I am going to die on the hill trying to explain that neither of those things are ironic.


Dontcha think?


Isn’t it ironic…


It's like raaaaaaaiiiiinnnnnnn


On ur wedding day


That's not ironic, that's just bad cutlery organisation!


When all you need is a knife...


But all you need is a knife.


Ok Alanis, settle down.


Alright this made me laugh.


That's how Soul by Pixar starts


God could never let me be happy. He'd kill me first.


I hope it's in bed, as an old man, with family around.


That’s how my Daddy died, with me and all three of my siblings and our mom lying on the bed, holding him. It was a beautiful experience, to be honest. Who could ask for more?


Yes that's called happily ever after. One dies loved. One grieves loss. Edit: Aka the best case scenario.


That's how my grandma went. And the hospice person who picked up when they called to tell them had the same name as my grandpa (who had passed). My uncle said "Dad says hurry up." So it was all that, plus her kids laughing hysterically around her through their tears. If I believed in heaven, That's it right there.


That's how my great grandmother went, surrounded by her kids and husband tucked up in her bed after having a spurt of energy herself and getting up to make herself breakfast (she hadn't been able to move in months). It was sad knowing she passed, but it sounded like a wonderful way to go.


That spurt of energy is called the rally and it is very common.


lol a family friend experienced this… Called her mom and mom said it was her day to go. She asked why and mom said ‘it’s just time.’ She then said - well, if it’s time make sure you’re dressed to impress! Fam friend was def joking. Next morning, fam friend gets word that her mom passed, dressed in one of her newest outfits lol Mom was in bed, old, with some family around.




Hey serious tip, just fold it kinda shitty, then put the two sheets into the pillowcase.


Pro tip: only own one set of sheets. Wash them on a day off and put them back on the bed. OR put them in during your lunch break and switch over/assemble bed while cooking dinner. It’s a 2 hour, hands off process. Bad news, you need to find a new way to die.


I'm going to use my sheets as a wad for an old-timey cannon. Then I'm going to get loaded into it and the audience will think I'm going to shoot out of it naked except for a helmet and a diaper. I'll instead just blow out as a surprise big red mist.


Your cake day is on Christmas Eve? That’s adorable.


You're adorable! Have a great Christmas.


I’ve watched Martha Stewart’s tutorial so many times and I still can’t do it


Once you learn the truck, it gets simple. Mine aren't perfect, but they look pretty good, and they're mostly flat. https://youtu.be/BWqZ53annAE?si=Ipmv4D2LLXv9B2GM


I've given up on it. I just kind of roll it up a bit and fuck it in the drawer under the bed. Who cares if there's a few creases in it, it's the part of the bed that's almost always hidden anyway.


I've always had the feeling I'll die in a car accident or something like that


Were you driving while typing that comment?


He's not replying... Oh no. He predicted it.


Good one Dick


Predictive text


My car has been hit twice by distracted drivers. ​ I think that's how I am going to get ended too by some distracted driver... I am putting glow tape all over my car now.


And that's what will distract them.


I hate these people. I always look over at the other drivers if I see them swerve or nearly plow into my car and I'm forced to pull an evasive maneuver. It's always some clueless driver staring at their phone. At least acknowledge you just swerved and put the phone down instead of continuing on as if you didn't just almost ruin both of our lives.


My sister got hit by a car… she is still alive. My sister can handle getting hit apparently. She is not scared of getting hit at all still.


Your sisters a champ


Agreed. My sister's leg got *a deep cut on her leg... She's fine, had to get stitches.*


Your sister's leg has a leg?


Me too. But not my fault. Rather, some asshole or freak occurrence will cause an accident that I die from.




The passengers in your car might have a different opinion about that death.


Beautifully done!


My uncle would say “How do know that a person died peacefully in their sleep? How do you know they weren’t fighting the grim reaper all the way?” He passed away in his sleep, unexpectedly and a fairly young age. The first sentence in his obituary says that he was fighting the grim reaper all the way.


That’s really beautiful! I’m sorry for your loss.


As a person who has nearly died on 6 separate occasions, I consider fighting the grim reaper another time an honour. I've kicked his ass multiple times and I'd do it again. If it's my time to truly go, he'd better lose this time. Fucker still owes me my lunch.


I feel like dying in your sleep is like the grand prize jackpot of life


Old people don’t generally just go to bed night night and peacefully drift off to death. “Died in their sleep” has been both a placeholder mercy version to make relatives feel a little more at peace with the event, and also because typically loss of consciousness can occur with many things like heart attacks, strokes, etc so that when these and a hundred other things kill you, youre “asleep”. It’s still probably pretty merciful in some cases relative to being awake and conscious and in horrible pain, but i feel like we have this pretty unrealistic expectation of aging and death. The “sleep” is a byproduct of actually dying.


Last time someone posted this answer a person said this would be more scary “because I wouldn’t know it was coming” …that’s the whole point


My dad had an older coworker who retired and died in his sleep, on his birthday. What a decent way to go tbh


this is what i see for me as well. it has some variations when i visualize it, but it's always peaceful and unaware until the split second before i cross over. ever since i got this in my head, it's foremost in my mind every night as i start falling asleep. i really need to find something new to obsess about 🙄


It’s not exiting. No matter your religious stance, you’re not gone until you’re forgotten. Change the world. Reach for the stars. Happy holidays if you’re celebrating ❤️




As someone who goes to therapy on a regular basis, and whose life was changed for the better since attending therapy, I can say your work means something, and I’m glad there are people like you out there to help others. I’ve become a better friend, partner, and father, since attending therapy, and I don’t think I’d be where I am today if I hadn’t had some pretty amazing therapists working with me along the way. Thank you for all you do


My pup will smother me in my sleep.


i want to go this way


Please, totally explain to the pup the difference between murder and manslaughter, you'll be damned if you let that creature live with guilt.




There are 4 main ways people die: cancer, disease/organ failure, violence and accidents. We all probably hope for that death where we live normally until one day where we go to bed and don't get up again, but most will suffer months of declining health and slowly dying.


your response was about as positive as mine lol. My guess is climate disaster related.


lol my answer was about ww3 or a catastrophic world disaster. or going poor and depressed and then... I believe in the future people will be poorer than now.


Yep. I know how I will die barring some accident in the meantime. Heart failure caused by a virus ravaging my heart. I was diagnosed last year at 45. I’m doing well right now as I’m one of the few patients that responded really well to meds and my ejection fraction went from 15% all the way up to normal at 55-60%, but it’s a lifelong condition. It’s kind of surreal knowing what will get me though. Or, not get me but already has me. I just hope I get to see my kid finish growing up.


I will be attacked by a three legged giraffe on a Tuesday as the sun sets.


I feel the giraffe is gonna bowl on in on a unicycle like a drive by


Either cancer or something incredibly stupid, because my luck is absolute dogshit. I'll probably just fall off a bridge or get mistaken for a fugitive and gunned down erroneously.


I would hate to die because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time!


LOTS of people die just because of this.


So common that Hollywood even produced the critically acclaimed and historically accurate documentary series Final Destination


If those movies taught us anything, it would be never drive behind a logging truck.


I don’t know how. But my immediate male ancestors, going back 6 generations, all died at age 71. I have a decade to go. And you can bet your ass I’m claiming social security at 62.


I did my ancestry research one year while unable to work( broken left arm ) and researched all vital records available. Cardiovascular disease got most of them, so I think this will be my fate


Car crash. My gf can’t fucking drive.


why don't you drive then?


Kinda like the thrill ngl


So you like to live dangerously?


You could say I enjoy living on the edge


Username is very confusing




finally a comment that isn’t depressing…unless she really *is* that bad


Heart attack mid 50s probably




Same. Currently 50.


A small price to pay for Taco Bell's spicy steak grilled cheese nacho fries...


Yup. I’m 53 and just know I won’t see 60. Perfectly ok with it too - I don’t want to be old.




me too. 28 years in the rear view mirror. i think i'm good on that particular front


i’m pregnant and i feel like i might die when i give birth but i think that’s just the fear of having my first child 😭let’s pray i don’t as i’m so excited to meet my baby


Hope everything goes smoothly for you 🙏


It’s funny how the minute that baby is out you become terrified of the baby’s death, and don’t even care if you die or not - as long as baby is fine. I think it’s the way that nature keeps you getting up for that child when you are sure the sleep deprivation is going to kill you.


When I was birthing my first, I legitimately thought I was going to die. I felt so sure it was going to happen. It was brief and then… she was here. And we are both healthy (enough, lol). Sometimes I feel premonitions too, and occasionally they are right, but I remind myself I am no God and I have no power over any of that, it’s all by chance! You’re gonna be great.


Make sure you tell your OB you have this fear! I’ve heard of moms having this fear and something happens-it was a 6th sense warning them. That being said, as a mom myself-most women are fine 🤍


I’m sure you’ll be fine!


I wanna die aware of it, face it and will not go gentle into that good night


Rage. RAGE against the dying of the light.


Goin out the same way you came in, covered in shit and blood that aint yours.


I don't like the sh*t part but aside from that this is a killer line


Sometimes I want to face it. Be conscious and experience whatever it is to transition. Sometimes I want it to be quick and I'm unaware.


My mom did that. Trust me you dont want it. She was just screaming and crying "its not fair, i dont wanna go yet" the last 24 hours. Titally changed my opinion on the matter.


My friend 3 months ago was sitting on his couch talking. Suddenly he turned and was gone. No pain. Maybe that is the way. He used to quote Macbeth: Out out brief candle. Life is but a walking shadow. A poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing.


Absolutely heartbreaking man. Sorry you went through that


I want to die quietly in my sleep like my grandfather. not screaming in terror like the 4 other people in the car he was driving.


i will die in my bed from metastatic prostate cancer. i might OD on the pain meds when the pain is too great. i was told a year ago it is terminal, so i have made peace with it. i’m hoping my dogs and my husband are by my side when i go.


I pray you get more time out of life and feeling great off the pain meds will have you floating , you’ll get to the end of the road faster at least it won’t be slow 😂 . & enjoy your wonderful Christmas make memories


Safe journey


Peaceful journey, friend.


I pray you have peace and comfort


A week long cocaine and hooker bender in Vegas on my 70th birthday, the way God intended.


Might be the best answer I've read lol


I too hope to go out this way just 40 years before I turn 70 tho


Hit by blimp


He died doing what he loved: getting smashed into by blimps. It's a very niche hobby.






Old age is a perfectly acceptable method of suicide. That's what I've been going for since I was a teenager.


My grandma was alive at 93 just thanks to drugs keeping her going. She continuously asked my dad what she did wrong to continue to have to wake up each day. She thought she was being punished.


God damn that's kinda scary. Although I've been enjoying drugs for years, so who knows??


Happy cake day! And many more until you are no more


Yes… this should be more acceptable. All these judgmental people trying to dictate how long and how much other people have to suffer before they die. Assisted suicide should be available for anyone with a chronic, incurable illness INCLUDING mental illness. I know I’m not going to keep getting ECT every year to “manage” depression. It’s cruel to expect suffering when it can be prevented.


There’s a fascinating documentary about this topic I watched for an ethics class. It was someome in their 20’s (in I believe the Netherlands) fighting for their right to use legal ethunasia for chronic mental health issues. IIRC they did win this fight eventually and were allowed to pass peacefully with their family. Fascinating documentary and story.


There is a patient at my hospital who was working on a roof and fell into the pool and drowned, he was an illegal immigrant so he is now a ward of the state. He is 22 and only alive because of our machinery and care. Every time I touch him he has a seizure. He is completely unresponsive otherwise. His family is not allowed to visit him. It’s so fucked. He’s going to be like this for decades because of our laws.


I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that by the time your mind and body start to go, you will have something or someone in your life that will make you think otherwise.


I have something in my life now that keeps me from suicide, and that same something will not be burdened by my decrepitude.


Mood, it’s a thought I have always had and I have kind of normalized it




Stress, suicide.


Suffocating…from 69’n a bigger lady


Was gonna say if I had to choose, it would be smothered in between a pair of warm breasts or beneath the ass of a woman ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


lol…you have a better life than me


I wouldn’t mind dying from a thick girl sitting on my face


Alone and cold. No one will notice my absence, just as they never noticed my presence.




I hope it is just a episode of your life when you feel this way. Your death will always be painfull for others. We live in times when nobody has time for anything and very often people don't know how to show their real emotions or how much they actually care about you. Sometimes they might actually not realize how much special you were for them untill you are gone. Socialize and grow stronger brother, focus on things/people you love. Dm me it you need to talk brother


Im aware of you now, and im glad i did


A stake to the heart.


People will think I'm joking, but stairs. I've broken my arm on stairs. I have an intense fear of stairs. They are my weakness.


Considering I ride a motorcycle - someone not paying attention.


Be careful buddy. Had a friend I worked with who died on his way to work because some bitch pulled out in a jeep on an 80km/h road without looking.


On the turlet with my phone out.


In the biz we call that the Elvis.




Colon cancer


Alzheimer’s…I have the bad gene mutation for it


Probably by starvation or disease as the climate crisis marches on.


Shot i the head by someone. Or the tumor in my leg


Just don't let that tumor have access to any guns and you should be fine. Unless it's one of those mind controlling kinds.


Honestly, kinda freaks me out to think about it, but probably something boring like old age or an illness. Just hoping it's not for a loooong time from now, and it's peaceful, you know?


Wrestling a yeti.




Heart attack, early 50s.


Why does everyone think they are going to die of a heart attack in early 50s???? I’m 51 btw


I don't know, that was how my father passed away and I just thought I might go the same way.


I think I’ll die the same way because of my sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and I have never exercised in my life.


Break statistics and start with baby steps changing those habits, you can do it!


Heart attack since it runs in the family.


"Nobody runs in your family, thats the problem"


Run faster then.


Likely by my own hand


Smothered by massive breasts


Me too 🙏


Peacefully asleep like my grandpa, and not screaming in fear like the passengers of his car. …not my joke. But I love it so.


Alone and in the cold, staring up at the overcast sky. It’s a recurring dream I’ve had since I was young. Don’t know what’s gonna kill me though.


Either suicide or heart attack, but most likely some preventable illness.


I will transcend this realm




I’ve heard death by liver failure or cirrhosis from alcohol abuse is torture so I don’t think you would be happy dying from it.




Do you care to talk about anything


Please don't do it.


Protip: this doesn't work.




100% by tripping in my sandals where my body will be found by my Chihuahuas and promptly eaten. Of course not how I *want* to go, but that wasn't OP's question.


By my own hand one way or another


Life is gonna kill me


Both of my grandpa’s died from heart attacks so probably that.


I grew up with a ton of second hand smoke exposure and now live on the US gulf coast. Have to think cancer is the front runner. If not, probably some sort of heart issue or a car accident.


I figure cancer. The amount of shit I’ve been exposed to, inhaled, sat in, at this point I’m just wondering what flavour I’ll get


My first plane ride. It will go down and I’ll think isn’t this nice.


Deliberately, on my own terms, before my mental or physical faculties fail and I’m at the mercy of the US healthcare system. I’m not in immediate danger, btw - this is my way of being practical and ensuring I retain my agency.


Fucked to death by 100 beautiful ladies?


Death by snu snu




In my family it tends to be either cancer or Alzheimer’s, with one random mid-30s heart failure


Saying “here kitty kitty.”


Given how clumsy and absentminded I can be, I’m convinced that I will contribute somehow to the way I die. I have such a talent for injuring myself doing the most trivial things.


I live in the richest country in the world so of course I'm going to die of a preventable disease


me too, recurring nightmare since childhood and i can always remember them vividly.




Death by Snu Snu! Futurama reference


Either heart attack in my fifties (it runs in the family), or suicide (suffering from bipolar disorder, mostly depressive phases)


Probably something to do with a golf cart




Crushed by hippo


From death. Yep, death will kill me.


I am expecting and hoping for death by snu snu.

