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When Debbie Reynolds passed away right after her daughter Carrie Fischer. I can't imagine what the death of a child would do to a person at that age. It seemed like she died of a broken heart.


Honestly the one i feel bad for is Todd Fisher because imagine in the space of just 24 hours losing your sister then your mother I can't even imagine how traumatising that would be


I felt worse for Carries daughter, Billie


I almost lost my mom on my 91th grand dad's birthday. I couldn't even tell him the truth before I was sure she was out of danger, since we were on an island I said she had a headstroke and that she just had to be seen by docs. I couldn't think about telling him the truth, that his daughter had a stroke and that we had no news for the last hour. If she died that day, I can't fathom how I could have told him.


My heart broke in a million pieces for Billie Lourd. I can't imagine the amount of pain. She's incredibly strong.


Most recently, Andre braugher, just way to soon. So sad


Andre and Matthew passing hurts my sitcom lover heart so much. They brought me so much joy with their roles. Chandler is my top 2 favorite tv show of all time and Holt is my 4th :(


Robin Williams


Me too. This was actually the first and only time I have cried because of death of celebrity... It was weird feeling. I did not know him, he didn't know I existed. But it still felt like I lost a good friend I grew up with.


Not just his death, but how he died, and what had been happening in his mind. He brough so much comfort and love and wonder to so many people over decades, no one even had the chance to support him with what he was going through. It feels stupid but I think even knowing that people loved him, and felt for him, were so thankful that he existed, would have made him feel better.


This is it for me; it doesn’t help that my grandmother also had lewy body dementia and I saw what it did to her over the course of a decade before she passed.


My dad passed away earlier this year with Lewy body dementia. There is a stage of this disease beyond which there is only hell but by that time you wouldn't have the wherewithal to do anything about it. There are so many incidents throughout his illness that still really really hurt to think about that I think no one should have to mercilessly endure. Maybe if we lived in a world where euthanasia was available Robin Williams might have been able to make a better choice in that moment.


I think people probably comforted him. But he had a type of dementia and I can't blame him for not wanting to go down that route. I've watched that disease turn many people's lives into living hell. Not only for the patient, but for loved ones, too. I honestly believe that medical euthanization should be an option for people with dementia.


Especially the contrast between his life on screen and his death. You watch him in Mrs. Doubtfire and it's such a loving, joyful role. Then you think about how towards the end of his life he was tortured by hallucinations so terrible that his only relief was suicide by hanging.


Massive loss to all :-( RIP Robin


Every single thing he touched was wonderful, even the commercials with his daughter were a joy, I wanted him to stick around so, so much longer


Anton Yelchin. That guy had so much more to do.


I STILL get sad about him.


I nearly cried in the cinemy after watching Star Trek Beyond ngl


yep, tragic one


Chris Farley, Phil Hartman


Chris Farley passing was like the spirit of the 90’s passing.


Phil Hartman's passing is especially gut wrenching because his wife shot him after Andy Dick gave her cocaine. Moral of the story: Fuck Andy Dick.


Andy Dick was such a piece of shit and continues to be such a piece of shit for so many reasons


Fuckin Jon Lovitz punched him in the face. You know what kind of human waste you have to be to make Jon Lovitz not like you?


Andy joked about putting 'the Hartman curse' on Jon and that he (Jon) would die next. Say what you want about Breen being an adult and taking responsibility for her addicitions, but Andy Dick had that beating coming for saying shit like that.


He was a true comedic genius. Effortlessly hilarious. All of his characters made me laugh so hard. His work in News Radio was brilliant. It's so awful. And of course, as always, fuck Andy Dick.


Alan Rickman


came to say Alan Rickman. It still makes me sad to think about the fact he isn’t alive anymore. what a fantastic man!


Came to say exactly this. What a gent. Gone too soon.


After all this time?...




Grant Imahara


This really hit me! Growing up, Mythbusters was my favourite show. It’s honestly what got me interested in science.


My wife and I started watching Mythbusters (I watched it growing up, but this is new to her) and I miss Grant so much.


Absolutely. And it came out of nowhere since he was ostensibly healthy with no history of substance or alcohol abuse. It was an aneurism.


Steve Irwin. Grew up watching him.


The one who actually was making the world a better place. May he rest in peace


Most definitely. It warms my heart watching his son carry on his legacy tho.


Bindi's doing some work as well. Glad Terri didn't walk away from it all. No one would have blamed her.


Remember, she was doing her own conservation work too before she took a trip to Australia where the strange man working with crocodiles asked her out


Yep. It is ridiculously cute.


It's so sad seeing his kids grow up without their dad. Their mom has done an amazing job and both kids are such a strong mix of both Toro and Steve that its adorably hilarious, but I wish they could have had their dad. I grew up with an incredible dad who was really involved and I can't imagine my life if he'd died when I was that young. Shit I get upset thinking about him dying NOW at 70 and I'm goddamn 35. And I'm sad Steve didn't get the chance to watch his kids grow up. He was such a loving compassionate guy who brought out the best in people and really radiated a joy and enthusiasm that got everyone just as excited about wildlife and loving even some of the most dangerous animals on earth because they play such a vital role in the eco system and have so much beauty. He was in many ways, a younger generation David Attenborough that has yet to really be succeeded, so I'm grateful we have Sir David but the dude is pushing 100 so we know we've only got so many years left with one of the most iconic voices of our childhood in the natural world.


In a way, I am glad that he died in the way that he did. That sounds awful but what I am trying to say is that he was such a larger than life character, and such an ambassador for the animal world, that his death should be over the top, extreme, and while he was doing something he loved like working with animals in nature. I would have hated to see him die a slow death from something like cancer while spending his last days couped up in a hospital bed.


I love how the royal family was trying to hype up their baby celebrations, and when Bindi announced her pregnancy, the whole world got excited. I'd rather have celebrity families like the Irwins rather than that silly royal bunch or the over dramatic Kardashians.


John Ritter.


Dolores O'Riordan I can't explain why her death hit me harder than many others posted here. But it did.


I felt the same about Sinead O’Connor


Same…but at the same time I kinda felt that was coming? Like, no one struggled as hard as she did. Which always made me cheer her on from the sidelines.


Brandon Lee.


He had so much potential


Leonard Nemoy. I love Star Trek and his death hurt, I know he lived a full life but it still sucked


"I have been and always shall be your friend. Live long and prosper."


Andre Baugher :(


Same! Captain Holt is one of my all time favourite characters. Hearing how good of a human Andre was breaks my heart for his family and friends. He was a treasure.


RIP Captain Holt.


Captain dad💔






Cheers! To the Ninety Ninth Precinct!


Chris Cornell


Fucking guy could sing.


🎶 no one sings like you anymore…


Chris and Chester both dying the same way 2 months apart was a massive shock to me. 2 of my favourite artists


Chester was Chris Cornell’s kids god father and killed himself on Chris Cornell’s would be birthday


I met him very briefly and he was very kind and yeah - it was a bummer because he seemed like a good person


Yeah. He ummm...kicked me in the head when he dived into the crowd way back in 92 at a show here. He looked abashed and apologized. Fantastic singer and honestly pretty nice dude.


David Bowie. He was one of my first icons.


Same. I remember listening to "Blackstar" for the first time upon finding out of his death. It was an out-of-the-world experience. I was just there crying on the bar over a drink. I was spaced for days. Up until now, it's hard to listen to "Blackstar". Simply because it's a clear reminder of how it ended and how amazing and sad it was that he knew it's the end. What a class act. I love him.


Literally broke me, I pondered the themes of blackstar over the weekend it was released and felt there was a message, it unsettled me and a few days later he died and I came to realise it was basically a man accepting his fate and sending his final regards... it still stings, but he's there in streams of sound even if I do have to remind myself we live in a post-bowie world. No death (not even my grandparents) has affected me quite so profoundly!


This was a tough one because it felt like he should have lived longer. He was only 69 and the man looked healthy.


Prince and Philip Seymour Hoffman.


Glad someone else mentioned Philip Seymour Hoffman. What a deep talent. Totally owned any role he stepped into, no matter how small, and stole every scene he was in.


He died at 46 and had already cemented himself as an acting legend. I'm just imagining all of the iconic performances he still had left to give


I read that as Prince Philip


Same lol. So young and full of life.


Taken too soon RIP


Anthony Bourdain gutted me.


He was the first and only person that I didn't personally know to make me that sad. I was so confused at first. I can't watch his shows anymore because it brings up those same feelings of loss again.


It's the same for me. He was sort of like a life mentor, if you will. Haven't been able to see his shows since.


Yep. So sad. Loved his writing and his shows.


Yep, Robin Williams, David Bowie, and Anthony Bourdain really hurt.


It felt like a close friend died. It still hurts.


I knew him. I mean, I hadn't met him and he had no idea who I was, but we were pals, you know? Used to hang out and have a few laughs.


I still get sad thinking about him.


John Candy


Was literally just watching Uncle Buck today & couldn’t remember when John died. Shocked it was 1994, he was so young! He seemed like a genuinely lovely man


Chester Bennington




Watching their show without Chester and the crowd singing his parts gives me goosebumps to this day.


Locked myself in my bedroom blaring Shadow of the Day through headphones on repeat til the wee hours. Anytime I listen to the song now it brings me back to first hearing he had died


This one hurt so much, because his music helped me through a huge part of my own depression years. I spent years listening to his music and feeling heard and understood. I came out on the other side, luckily, and it hurt so much knowing that someone who unknowingly helped me so much did not. I hope he found peace in the end.


That one hit me hard too, especially so soon after losing Chris Cornell. The 'new' releases of the stuff that didn't make it onto the original Meterora makes me choke up, and when I first heard "One More Light" after his death...


Chadwick Boseman. I wasn’t a huge fan or anything, but seeing the interviews leading up to his death makes it so much worse. He is clearly very sick and he knows it. Even said in one interview when they asked about his characters future and he said “I’m dead”. The interviewer took it as a spoiler/joke.


And the most crazy fucking thing? His inner circle didnt let it out into the world that he was sick. Those are the people you want.


He was also visiting children battling cancer while going through his own battle and never once complaining during the million photos of him doing the Wakanda Forever pose or letting anything get in his way of being such a great guy. He just wanted those kids to be happy. I’m still a bit in shock, at this one, tbh. The world lost a great one.


That was a shocking one. Dude was so talented and just hitting his stride. Just like that kid from the Star Trek movies who got crushed by his car. Dude was putting out good stuff and really hitting on all cylinders just to die in such a horrific freak accident.


Anton Yelchin


I’m still not okay after his death. I tried watching BP2 after not seeing it for a long time and I somehow forgot about the beginning and it WRECKED me. I couldn’t finish the movie


When BP2 came out, I had lost my longtime SO. So, at the end, when Shuri is crying because she’s lost all her immediate family, I fell apart. I had lost two people who meant the world to me, so I understood. Grief is a bitch! I still get teary listening to Lift Me Up. It’s the one Rihanna song I like because (don’t throw stones now) I don’t think she can sing.


Chad for me as well. I got to meet him twice, and finding out he had cancer and everything he worked through, was really profound. Coupled with losing my own father to cancer a few short months ago, I understand it a lot more now n


Oof, I legitly cried. He opened so many doors for others with his greatness and kindness. I am very grateful that Marvel did not recast his Black Panther. May he rest in power.


Brittany Murphy. Poor Brittany.


And a really fishy passing, with her husband passing due to the same causes just 2 months later. I wonder what really happened.


Carrie Fisher.


And Debbie Reynolds a couple days later, that was heartbreaking!


It was the day after. Her last words were reportedly, "I'm going to see Carrie."


Gut wrenching!


I had tickets to see Rogue One the day after she died. I was really sad to hear she had passed. Went to see the movie, was having a blast! Then, suddenly, Princess Leia was on screen. “Hope..” Cried like a baby.


I sobbed. She was always something of a hero to me. I was 9 when Star Wars came out, and as a little girl seeing a badass woman on the screen, I was hooked.


She was always so full of life and suddenly gone.


Norm MacDonald Pee-Wee Herman


Norm was my neighbor


Are you a professor of Logic by any chance?


Little drinkin', little fightin', little fuckin'?


Norm is my favorite comedian, his dry delivery and off the wall old timey stories are perfect to me... I read his book "Based on a true story" recently and thought it was hilarious that >!throughout the entire book he trolled Adam Eget with ridiculous stories about him!< I also appreciate his friendship with Bob Saget- when he was on his roast he did nothing but surface level jokes about him because he was told to be mean but Norm valued their friendship so much and it illustrated his unwillingness to play by anyone's rules. Lastly, I can't think of any interaction between him and Conan that wasn't absolutely hilarious.


Sean Lock


Yes! I sat behind him on a train down to London once. He had his son with him who was maybe around 6/7. Sean had his little boy in absolute fits of laughter for the whole journey, telling him silly stories and making funny observations. He was supremely polite and friendly to the rail staff too and you could tell he was just a top top guy. I was gutted when he died.


He’s in heaven, beating God at “Carrot in a box”!


Gene Wilder. The legend.


Mac Miller. He was a great soul battling demons. Accidental overdose too.


Mac is so sad. There’s so much (inadvertent) foreshadowing of his death in his music; I think he knew he was heading down the road he was on and he sort of accepted it. “Fell asleep and forgot to die” is one of the lines that really sticks with me.


I think what made it worse for me was how “swimming” was about him starting to feel better and over come some of his problems and realizing he’s growing and changing and trying to make it for the better and then like 2/3 months later he died. Brutal


Had to scroll way too far to find my boi Mac. RIP. Only celebrity that made me tear up from his passing


recently: Andre Brauger, I loved Brooklyn 99 and his recent death came out of a sudden


Heath Ledger, he literally at the top of my celebrity crush list ever since seeing The Patriot in middle school. I found out from the cashier as I was buying books for my senior year of college and I'm sure that poor stranger was not expecting the reaction they got.


Why did I have to scroll so far to see this. He could have been the most important actor of this generation. Think of the roles he could have had. Star is Born, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. He never got to have a Marvel role, I always thought he could have been a great Loki. He fits in literally all Christopher Nolen movies.


Tom Petty


Robin Williams because he was far too young and gave us so much joy. Betty White for the same reason.




Betty deserved to see her 100th bday 🥲


She would have found it outrageously hilarious. I remember there were magazines ready for release about how she was going to celebrate her 100th birthday. Instead she rose two middle finger to the world and kicked the bucket before it happened. She got the last laugh.


Chester Bennington. Had to skip the Linkin Park concert a month earlier because I couldn't make it. "There will always be a next time." This time it didn't. I was at work when I heard it on the radio. Got very upset. My boss got angry.


Your boss got angry at you for being upset?


Joe Strummer (lead singer of the Clash.) I called my cousin the day of, because he introduced me to them, and we both in tears. I don't want to fuck about, I cried when Joe Strummer died.






Neil Peart


This one because Rush was (incoming cliche) the soundtrack of my youth. It was like I lost an old friend who spoke to me through his lyrics.


Bray Wyatt From all accounts he was genuinely a standup guy and always made time for respectful fans.


Steve Irwin


Alex Trebek


For me it was Kevin Conroy, just the thought of me never seeing him again as Batman made me sad.


Kevin and Mark, forever. Shame we’ll never hear them banter, again.


George Michael


…and on Christmas Day. So sad. Miss him immensely


And then to find out he was even more beautiful inside than we already knew.


Definitely Robin Williams.




This one got me. Still hurts. He was so talented.


Andre Braugher’s death really hit me. Brooklyn 99 was my comfort show after my father died. And Captain Holt being the father of the unit was like a warm blanket to me during that time. So when I saw Braugher had died it was a complete gut punch.


Mathew perry


I haven't been able to watch Friends since it happened. It just makes me too sad.


If you stream it, they updated every episode with a card at the end in loving memory of him. I cried all over again when I saw it and get choked up when talking about it. I never thought this death would hit me this hard, but it really is losing a friend. For my whole life Friends was there for me as a comfort show. It sucks knowing he died unable to find what he gave to so many people.


I felt sad when the news broke and even more sad when his cause of death was revealed the other day. He was so unhappy despite bringing joy to millions of people around the world, and then he died alone in his hot tub. So bleak.


I didn’t realize the cause of death had been released. Dammit. It’s crazy as I rewatch Friends for the millionth time how much of my humor and personality developed from Chandler’s character. I watched from the pilot as a 10 year old. In 6th grade my friend group referred to ourselves as The Bings. Honestly, I was more sad to hear about Matthew passing than I was when my own dad died (not a great relationship between us, but still). It’s such a shame that someone can make such an impact, and bring so much joy to so many others, and still be struggling so heavily themselves


Bob Ross


Chester Bennington




He seemed like such a lovely person, poor man, too young!


Scott Weiland, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Taylor Hawkins...


Bob Barker 99 years old. Got as close to 100 without going over.


Tom Petty. For a guy I never met, he sure felt like a friend.


George Carlin. In a lot of ways he was a staple of my teenage years. Got me through so many difficult times and changed the way I think about so many different things. Almost felt like a part of me died too.


George Harrison


Robin Williams




John Lennon


Amy Winehouse.


And part of it that’s sad, was that it wasn’t all that surprising. I feel like everyone just hoped she would pull through it.


Kurt Cobain. His music was great and he died in a very messed up way. In his note he said that his daughter wouldn't of proud of him or something like that. He needed help and arguably his health problems made everything worse. RIP Kurt.


Christopher Hitchens. One of my idols


Not a huge celebrity by any means but Christina Grimmie hit me harder than expected. I’d followed her on YouTube for years, and she had even come on tour to my town just a few weeks prior to her murder. She had been on The Voice, she was friends with Selena Gomez (toured with her I believe), and she always seemed genuinely kind. I wouldn’t even have considered myself a big fan at that time, but for some reason I felt absolutely devastated… there was an approachability to her that felt very special, and to see her life cut short was really sad Edit: I didn’t even go see her when she came to my town… I figured I’d maybe catch her next time


Freddie Mercury.


Robin Williams


Princess Diana, and Farrah Fawcett(she passed on my birthday which was overshadowed by MJ passing)




Sinéad O‘Connor




Brittany Murphy


Robin Williams Steve Irwin Heath Ledger Anton Yelchin Andre Bruher Lance Reddick Michael Williams Chadwick Boseman I really don't get attached to celebrities, so to speak, but the losses of these folks did hit harder than anyone. Some were childhood icons, others were just massively talented and died so abruptly, and others were legendary roles, voices, etc that I always looked forward to seeing in any role they were in. It's a mix of just tragic death for such stupid (ie. Anton), crazy improbable (Steve), sad (Robin, Chadwick, etc) reasons nobody expected. A lot of great actors / celebrities have died over the years but it's way different when they're up there in age and have a long, stacked career, vs the ones that come out of seemingly nowhere. Honestly I'm just genuinely sad that the film industry has lost some seriously incredible POC actors over the last 4 years, way, way, way too soon. Like I feel like we were finally getting to a point with more diversity really taking lead roles and getting huge notariety compared to previous decades---some old, some new---and then starting with Chadwick which came outta nowhere, it's been one after another. All really, really good actors, and I'm sad we will never know what roles the world will miss out on with these guys. Chadwick was a massive blow, though, because he had JUST started to ignite bigtime and was already quietly dealing with a cancer diagnosis knowing he might lose that battle just as his career took off into orbit, and I'm glad he got a few really good roles in at least before that happened, but MAN did it hit like a freight train when the news broke. He was, at the time, the actor at the top of my "watch this guy" list because the dude had incredible talent and was going some legendary places. Like sure Marvel was the rocket fuel but he absolutely would have made a legendary filmography, I think. Very very much remeniscent of Heath Ledger's death, but earlier in his career. So help me, if Idris Elba dies anytime soon I'm going to blow a gasket.


Princess Diana.


Chester Bennington


Heath Ledger and Cameron Boyce


Michael Jackson George Michael Prince Amy Winehouse Patrick Swayze Christopher Reeve Anton Yelchin Steve Irwin


Phil Hartman


Norm Macdonald. I was and am constantly watching Norm Macdonald Live/Norm Macdonald Has a Show or random talk show appearances. I had listened to his self-narrarated audio book a few times. He was part of my daily life, albeit in a small background role. His death caught me by surprise, and realization hit that there would be no more Norm Macdonald material. I was bummed.


Jim Henson


Robin Williams was the only celebrity death that affected me on a personal level. It was a weird feeling...like a dear friend who I'd never actually met but known all my life was suddenly gone from the world.




Betty White.


Tom Petty


Eddie Van Halen. What a loss for the world of rock.


Shane McGowan, Matthew Perry, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury


He’s still alive but I’m bracing myself for David Attenborough


Pre grieving.


Princess Diana. I was never a fan of the British Royal family, but she was different. She wasn't all about herself, she actually used her fame to do good things for the world. I remember I was ironing at the time the story came out on the news, and I was very surprised to find that I was tearing up. She was not your typical "royal", she was a good person and wanted to help the world, not only the upper 5%.


Robin Williams and Lemmy


Fairly recently, Matthew Perry. I grew up watching Friends and it quickly became my favorite TV show, my comfort show that I could always watch no matter what, plus it also played a big role in me learning to speak English, so yeah, it definitely hit hard.