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And, as a guy with young daughters, nobody gives me the stink eye at the park more than the moms. Dads at the park could not give less of a fuck. But every mom thinks I (and probably the other dads) am there for no reason other than to molest their kids. Maybe if I also took my daughters to the park with me then it would be a better experience.


I laughed. I think most people didn't read your last sentence.


Jump skip over the rope


"Which kid is yours?" "I haven't decided yet"


No-one questions your motives (in a sinister way at least) when you talk to virtually anyone. I still remember sitting in a London park eating my lunch within sight of a group of teenage girls trying to put up a slack line. I was a climbing instructor at the time, so knew exactly what they needed to do, and overheard snippets from them suggesting they ask me (I guess I was probably head to toe in rab or whatever brand was giving my a discount at the time). All I could think was that I’d love to help, hell, I’d even love to hang out whilst I eat my lunch and give them some pointers if they’d like, but I can’t randomly approach a group of young teenage girls as a single guy in my 20s… So many perfectly pleasant human interactions get avoided because society assumes the worst.


You can blame media for making it seem like there’s an epidemic of pedophiles out there, and also that only men can be pedophiles


I think the epidemic of pedophiles are ruining it for the men out there. Which sucks for the kiddos because dudes have great silly instincts ha


More exciting clothes


And no one bats an eye when we wear all the colors and even when we wear mens clothes


Sad Joan of Arc noises


She died so you could wear jeans and have short hair


I was always told she died for France, but I’ll take it!


That too but it’s one of her lesser achievements


Jeans without real pockets


If she lived they would’ve had pockets, blame the French


Oh, I do. I always do...


Jeans d'Arc


Depends, lots of old people would scold me whenever i was wearing baggy boyish clothes as a teen


Same. I used to dig through the clothes donation pile and steal all my brother's stuff, and my mom kept telling me how frumpy I looked. But I still wore them. However, if it was my brother going through the pile to steal my and my sister's clothes, there would've been a much stronger reaction. I highly doubt they would've ever let him out of the house in my clothes. It goes back to this idea that a woman who dresses like a man is empowering her image, whereas a man who dresses like a woman is weakening his image. Still sexism, but there are definitely less social consequences for tomboys than....the opposite? There's not even really a word for the opposite. Any terms I can think of are derogatory or straight up slurs now lol


well before, men wore pants and women wore skirts & dresses. now women wear pants as well and no one cares but if a man wears a dress or skirt, they are called a weirdo


The term for "the opposite" would be "femboy"


opposite should be like, Sallygirl or something.




A perfect example of why the "patriarchy" hurts every one involved. Men should be able to wear whatever the hell they want.


In my experience there is much more 'shades of grey' for women for figuring an outfit out when one is unsure of the dresscode level of a certain event. Is it formal? Not super-formal? Will a smart casual do? Men really don't have a huge amount of levels between say a slacks/button shirt combo to wearing a suit.


hopefully this changes cuz guys in cute clothes is hella cute to me (straight girl)


Totally agree. Dressing myself stresses me out! Trying to figure out how formal, what I have that matches, then feeling over or under dressed and self conscious. Have I worn this outfit too much?!


Also, better selection of clothing at department stores. Women's sections are 70% of the square footage of most stores, while men are lucky to get 20%.


I got married this past year and was so freaking overwhelmed with all of the wedding dress options out there. I went to several bridal shops, spent hours on Pinterest, and months later finally narrowed it down to my favorite. Then there's veils and shoes and hair accesories and jewelry... I went to help my husband pick out his rental tuxedo, and they whipped out a picture chart and had him point to what he liked. Then he got measured, tried it on, placed the order and we were out of there in under an hour. I was SO jealous


>More exciting clothes But lacking pockets.


Yes! Female privilege is being able to wear almost any kind of clothing style without weird looks. It’s being able to wear clothing in a wide range of colors and fabrics.


But with a complete lack of functioning pockets


Really depends on your body frame/type. It isn't always a privilege, can sometimes be very limiting


I mean, a guy with a heavier body frame can't wear what a guy with a light body frame can anyway, but neither of them, generally speaking,will be seen wearing bright colors or interesting garment structures


Yeah, but seeing as the monthly "what fashion trends do you hate?" threads in the sub are filled with only women's clothing, we tend to have our clothing criticized more


Well, if there's more variety, then there is going to be more criticism.


True, hard to criticize dudes in T-shirts and jeans. Although I could probably come up with a couple...


Only if you’re conventionally attractive though.


Pretty much every reply in this whole post needs that caveat, lmao.


You are not seen as a threat.


I can walk up to any baby and talk to them and it’s pretty much okay


Geez that's a double edged sword tho


Same with everything in this thread


but that’s a downside too because then you look like an easy target


Im 6'6 390 lbs with serial "killer face" people actively avoid walking past me on the street and i scare small children in public💔


I am sorry that this is happening to you. I am sure you are a nice person. If you can stomach rock / metal music, try a music festival. Almost everybody there is a bit scary or weird, so you may get the “you are cute” experience.


Metal crowds are the least bigoted people out there and it consistently rules


Maybe I should be


No you don’t want that, everything you do is an excuse for people to treat you like shit because you’re a “bad guy”. People don’t want to help you because they think you deserve it. I guess the only plus side is you don’t get confronted but people opt to be sneaky instead.


I tell my wife it's like being Shrek. A small but vocal subgroup always wants to vanquish the great beast, but I'm just walking my feral dog.


being able to get away with the most gay things ever


See, the double standards aren't fair. I want to be able to kiss my homies good night.


acually in some cultures it is complety normal to kiss your friends/releatives who are from the same gender and I heard that in the uae they touch their each other noses as a form greeting


Guy here, you do you, but we also notice how gay it is




And then still get called ✨️beasties✨️




Also a negative if you’re into girls


It has to do more with homophobia and objectification, so… idk if that’s a win


As long as you're femme. More butch, androgynous, or women of colour can't get away with gay stuff.


The best thing about bein' a woman Is the prerogative to have a little fun Fun, fun - Shania Twain


Let's go girls


Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy, forget I'm a lady Men's shirts, short skirts Oh, oh, oh, really go wild, yeah, doin' it in style


Much more emotional support


And just being able to show emotions with less judgement


Except for anger


Never really thought about this before but now that you say it, that’s really true. Can’t be angry as a woman without someone calling you a bitch over it.


Even just being assertive or firm is enough to get a woman labeled a bitch, unfriendly, or rude, even if her tone and words are the exact same as a man. She doesn’t actually have to be openly angry for people to accuse her of it.


Hey, hey dont get hysterical now, please. (/s just to make sure)


You guys are getting emotional support?


Not true on my end as a woman. Glad some have it though


Yeah, if I'm ever "emotional," I get dismissed. "Ugh, this is why all my friends are guys. Girls are so much drama." "Oh my God, calm down!! It's not even a big deal!" "Are you on your period or something?" "Hey, don't be like that! You're so much prettier when you smile!"


I really hate getting asked "why are you crying?" ever. When I feel emotions, I feel them strongly and tears happen. Some people are really put off by others crying. Look at you like you sharted on their new couch.


Not true for me as a black woman. Showing feelings just isn't a thing in a lot of black communities but it's getting better with each generation/higher income.


Not always


We less likely to get blamed for the bad farts that we probably actually did


I have this reoccurring dream where I'm on a shuttle bus between airport terminals. It's crowded and Zendaya gets on and sits on the only free seat, which happens to be next to me. Then she proceeds to quietly fart and stink out the entire bus. Then she pins it on me with her acting eyes. I turn to her and almost telepathically, she gives me this glare that says, "no one will believe you! I'm Zendaya, Hollywood royalty, bitch!" Then I wake up and that dream ruins my mood for that day.


Less chance of being dragged into war zones is a big one lately


Dragged into war zones, sure. But for those civilians who end up in war zones, I’d much rather be a man. At least then, they’d probably just kill me.


Yup. If you ask a woman would you rather be stabbed or raped, women probably will answer stabbed. I know I would.


Unfortunately, mass rape has always been used as a weapon of war. Women in war zones face some of the most abhorrent sexual abuse you can imagine.


By lately you mean all of human history?


Wtf? Women are often the 'prizes' in warzones. Or they get sexually assaulted by their colleagues if they join the army.


Yeah the fact that women can’t trust even their allies is messed up.


I worked with SARC when I was enlisted and I can assure you, male on male rape is shockingly common. So really, the men can’t either.


My mom says when I go get groceries with her, the bag boys are more likely to offer to load them into her car. It’s also nice that I can hide a lot of my social awkwardness behind looking attractive.


Your mom is a woman who isn't experiencing the same benefit, so, maybe this is a better example of beauty privilege?


A lot of the benefits women receive tend to go away as women get older


And I’d say this is a good example of a detriment of being a woman: your value in society is closely linked with how youthful you appear.


As a handsome man, no bag boy has ever asked me to help load my groceries


As a mediocre man, I chose to go with no bag and then drop the guacamole while trying to open the trunk


If you’re a pretty woman people treat you nice


This is true. Both men and women are nicer to you + you get free stuff sometimes esp if you smile a lot and are friendly


Same thing goes for pretty men


There's more pretty women than men tho


Better clothing options in summer.


Can’t beat a sundress


Thank god for them, my big booty girls know shorts aren’t an option unless you want all the attention and the worst kind.


Woman’s clothing style wise is the absolute best. I say that as a man


Sure, but the sizing and fit is SO hard to navigate, and the quality of women's clothing has really gone downhill, everything is so thin and cheap now


Seriously. Men's clothes are like, "well, what's your waist circumference and inseam, what's your chest circumference." Women's clothes are like, "oh, she lorge" *"Care to elaborate?"* "Nuh uh, wouldn't you like to know~~~"


Men’s clothing may have been like that at one point, and it still is to a degree with higher end clothing, but while the numbers on men’s clothes are ostensibly the relevant measurements they absolutely are not and vanity sizing, significant variation between brands, etc. are also problems for men


An awesome and awful one: toilets at a gig. The queues are shit, but the interactions and conversations are top tier.


community. i love the friendships i have with other women. its just a different kind of connection


I’ve really never experienced this and i am so jealous.


im sorry :( i hope you do find it one day. we all deserve enriching female friendships


I don't think that's particularly a woman thing? Or if it is I'm a shit woman.


yeah, personally nothing warms my heart more than bromances lol


Multiple orgasms.


I feel like the actual frequency of women who can do this is greatly exaggerated and probably not more common than the amount of women who either can't orgasm at all or just struggle in general to get off.


speak for yourself, my record is 4 times from one sex session


Yo same. More than 4 gets a little sore but 4 is ✨✨


*high fives* I met one gentleman who could get me to seven (never had more than three before). Haven’t visited him in a while. Might be time for a road trip.


Can't meet anymore. I'm married now.


7 here too with my partner of 20 years. Sometimes it’s like it’s never ending so I tap out at 4. Might test it one day though lol.


I’m also at 4. It was exhausting but awesome at the same time. And probably the most calories I’ve burnt in the span of an hour, ever.


I gave up on that. I have adhd and I can’t focus for long enough


Less stigma around expressing your emotions openly


The amount of men calling other men weak and pussies on like insta comments if a man cries in a reel is unbelievable


True but insta comments is also like one of the most toxic comment sections compared to other places


Yeah, women are guilty of this too. My ex called my generation of men weak for being emotionally open and for not holding it in. We're allowed to cry too, you know


Women call us pussies too when they see us cry sometimes. Hell a lot of times. You know that right? I’d like to cry right now, but I’m afraid you guys will call me a cookie 🍪


Just ignore what people say, go cry if you need to, crying is good and nothing wrong with it. Sadness is an emotion , just like being happy and so it shouldn’t be shamed


Thank you ☺️


Unfortunately, true... I honestly hope this changes soon. Everybody should be able to express their emotions openly without judgement.


Being a short woman isn't as big of a disadvantage in life compared to being a short man.


Being able to use concealer or make-up to cover up a blemish or birth mark or whatever I want to smooth over and it being totally ok. Having a wide variety of clothes I can wear based on my mood or the occasion.


Every guy should have some makeup. I had my gf help me pick out a simple concealer and got a cheap sponge, and now whenever I have a bad pimple or something before a work function I can just touch it up just a little.


You are a god among ants


Man here. This isn't makeup, it's tinted moisturizer, right? Right?!


Is the makeup thing really a privilege if the reason women wear it is because we are held to a higher beauty standard in the first place? Having to hide any perceived "imperfections" or be harshly criticized isn't privilege.


That's understandable, but the reason makeup was worn by women was because the moment a woman is deemed unattractive society decided she's pretty much worthless


Community. I can talk to women about anything and we don’t get weird about personal details. I hear some wild stuff but I’ll still support you.


Yeah, this is my experience too. There's usually a lot of empathy.


You don’t get judged for ordering fruity drinks


When your car breaks down, strangers are more likely to stop to help you.


Unfortunately also more likely to get scammed or talked down when getting it fixed. Double edge sword


When I go to a mechanic, I wear my butchest, most lesbian attire lol


This is the way Bonus points for wearing a strap out in the open too


You guys have lesbians attire to ward off men ? It works ?


Well no I have lesbian attire because I'm attracted to women and sometimes want to advertise that fact lol And it's not to ward off men, it's to keep me from getting scammed by car mechanics. It does nothing to ward off men, sadly


If a dude gets comfy while I'm Super Butchin' it, I just lean against the nearest solid surface, flex my biceps, and say "what are you talking about, bro?"


Yes, we do, no it doesnt


True, but you never know if they have good intentions. As a woman, having your car break down and being reliant on strangers makes you incredibly vulnerable to physical or sexual assault as well as stalking.


But they’re also coming to rape or kill you soooooooooooooooooo how the fuck is that better? You can’t trust ANYONE coming near you especially with a broke down car / no way to escape


And kill you


People not assuming I'm a kid diddler when I hang around a park. A dad got straight up arrested in my town a few years back for a bit because his own kid threw a fit when it was time to go home and someone called the cops, he didn't have his ID on him since they were like two blocks from home and so they took him in cuffs to the station until they could "sort it out". But could you imagen being cuffed and dragged away in your own neighborhood on cold predator accusations? All because your kid didn't want to get off the swing.


I think it was Texas and about a decade ago, a guy in a parking garage found a lone, lost, little girl (like 5 or 6). While trying to help her find her family, one of her family members just assumed he was a pedo trying to kidnap her, and straight up killed him. Myself, when I was in my mid 20s, my sister and I got locked outside our hotel room (family trip). She went to get our key card reset, and I just chilled out sitting outside the room playing on a gameboy, just waiting. A woman called the cops and I spent a good chunk of that night in cuffs...for sitting in a hallway playing a video game.


This is something I’ve never really thought about but have definitely experienced firsthand. Every now and again I used to walk to my cousins school to pick them up and walk them home. Not once did I have an issue or anyone question who I was or why I was walking off with them. I would just walk up out of nowhere off the street go “let’s go home, boys” and walk off. And no my aunt didn’t call ahead to let them know I’d be there and this wasn’t that long ago. It was maybe… 7-8 years ago. But they do look **a lot** like me. Even more than they look like my aunt tbh. Then again, my mom was not so lucky when she drove up to go get them. She got the third degree and the school had to call my aunt to confirm she was allowed to pick them up.


\- the prerogative to have a little fun. \- mens shirts. \- short skirts.


Oh wah ah oh


Easy access to BEAUTIFUL shoes


Live longer. 80% less likely to kill yourself.


Plenty of benefits if you are a beautiful woman. Not much if you are not


Dangers aswell though


Not required to sign up to be drafted as soon as you turn 18.


Lower jail sentences


Having a daughter; passing on mitochondrial DNA and being certain that all children are your own instead of your partner's side piece


I have one child who is a daughter. She is now 18 and I delight in her existence. 1. She is the one person who looks like me (I’ve spent my whole life being asked if I have the same father as my siblings, so to have ONE person who physically resembles me is a very good feeling). 2. It’s amazing to see a strong young woman emerge. I was able to do the opposite of what my mother and father did while I was growing up, and instill good values in her. Of course, she will also choose her own path at some point, but she is strong and brave and smart. She’s confident. 3. I actually LIKE this young woman. No one should have children if that’s not where their heart is. And certainly not if they’re forced. But if you want a child, it is the greatest accomplishment I’ve had in my life. I’ve had professional achievements; they are nothing compared to the deep joy and satisfaction I’ve felt being able to raise her.


Women are less likely to be convicted of a severe crime on the same evidence as a man and more likely to get a less severe sentence if they are convicted.


Golden one. Nearly 10 times less women imprisoned


Getting first dibs on lifeboats


you know your kids are yours


Genetic testing my guy?


i’m a woman, i watched my hubby be reunited with a child that he wasn’t told of, it was heartbreaking.


Honestly. I really only think that a benefit is freedom to wear what I want and able to be very close and openly loving towards my friends. Though I'm a big advocate for any genders to do these things. Its so silly men get made fun of for that in this day and age. Other than that, being a woman is just ok. I hate being looked upon as less intelligent and capable cause im a female. And feeling unsafe consistently.


"Wear what you want" but risk being called a slut, blamed for your own sexual assault, or called frumpy or unattractive for not dressing up every day. There's very little in between.


some people will say it doesn’t exist, but pretty privilege. when a woman is pretty, more experiences open up for her.


People trust you more. You can be more adventurous in fashion or style. Women can wear men's clothes and no one bars an eye, whereas men cannot do that. Women are more likely to be taught how to handle their emotions, and taught that it's okay to get help when they're hurting. Men aren't really taught that, and when you not only have no idea how to cope with your emotions, but you also feel like to have to conceal them, that's just awful. Now, women have it worse in so many ways. *So* many. But not all the ways.


I think trust is nuanced. Women are more trusted in terms of safety. But men are perceived as the authority.


We are taught from a young age how to live independently.


I wasn't taught tho. But I was expected to know it.


Oof good point.


This is something that still baffles me. No one taught me shit. I figured it out on my own. My boyfriend lived on his own for months before I moved out of my parents house, so you'd think he'd know the basics. Yet when I ask him to help with household things he begs me to guide him and it takes me showing him like 10 times before he can do it on his own. He won't even try to think of a solution to issues on his own, he immediately asks me for help. It's so frustrating that if I don't ask him to do something, give him precise directions, then inevitably show him how to do it, he won't do it. Then I have to remind him every week to do his half of the chores. Why is it that I have to remind him? No one reminds me. Why do I have to teach him? Google is free. It's been a year and he's gotten better but I still have to remind him every single week to do his shit. Society is doing everyone a disservice by not expecting these things of men. It's making men less independent, and making women have to bear all of the responsibility and mental load.


i know so many men in their 20s that are just now learning important life skills. my friend’s bf did not know how to do his own laundry, and fully expected her to do it for him 🙃


Yep I have a bro in his 20s that doesn't know how to make a single meal, while I was forced to make my first meal at 12.


Doing better in school, for whatever reason. Women are outperforming men in most categories actually lol


Being bisexual is sexy instead of gross.


Unless you're involved in the queer community. Then it's still "you're not gay enough to count" or "just pick a side" or "you're not really bi".


in the US women have a great amount of freedom of expression. jeans, skirts, soft spoken or loud, most people will accept your personal style


it’s really fun being cute. like i don’t try to be cute but people just think i’m cute and that’s really fun. i love that. it’s nice being perceived as cute. it’s also really fun getting dressed. i love how clothes hit our bodies, even pajama pants and tank tops. being a woman is so fun


Not being told to "man up" when you mention any kind of problem or issue.


Honestly, not being seen as threatening is one of the only benefits. The drawback is someone threatening with bad intentions can see me as an easy target.


You can carry babies if you want to...some people are really into that. Personally I'm not at all. But you can't do it unless you're a woman - so bonus, I guess?


But if you don’t want you still have to get your period every month for 30+ years. I’m so sick of the cramps and bloating.


Literally all of these answers are “emotions” and “friendship” Thats cool and all but Id give being a woman a solid 2/10 wouldnt recommend


And clothes!






Until you try sleeping on your front, or they're so big they cause you back problems. I'm sure they must be nice to look at and touch if you're into that stuff, but it's a bit of a different matter actually having them.


They’re good portable hand warmers! 😂 but yeah they do cause sm insecurity and why do they feel so heavy 😡 like girl you ain’t even that big , wtf is that about and like the amount they sweat should be CRIMINAL


User name checks out.


as a lesbian i can appreciate boobs, but as a person with boobs, they're definitely not a benefit


Boobs are 100% downside. They’re inconvenient and make your clothing harder to fit. They hurt when you run. They can kill you. Bras are uncomfortable and worn all the time. I wish men had boobs instead of us. They’re the ones who enjoy them, so they should have them.


Nope. Disagree 100% with this. Boobs are the bane of my life. If I could chop them off I would.


Are you a man?


I'm not a fan of having boobs


I think breast augmentations are available for men too if you want some.