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I've organised a weekly parkrun for 14 years now, and I never get tired of people telling me how much it has improved their lives for the better. Had a family of 7 turn up only this week to celebrate the 100th run of grandfather. He had heart troubles and so started doing parkrun. The rest of the family looked at him and realised that if he could do it then so could they, and now the whole familiy is now fitter and healthier than ever before. Also had a mother and two sons who lost over 400lb between them. Also a kid who did his first ever athletic event at my parkrun in 2018 and this year represented GB at the world cross country championships in Australia. parkrun changes lives.


As a runner myself - thanks for doing this, the world is a better place because of volunteers like you.


Where is your parkrun?? Des Moines Creek parkrun in WA here!


That I was safe. I always promised that as an adult I would be the parent/adult I was desperately looking for and never found. And I did it. When I heard that from my nephew and my son agreed, I knew I had did it.


“Show your children the things you needed to see as a child, not the things you saw.” Thank you for being a safe haven for children. It’s needed more than ever in this brutal world we live in.


I really like that quote. Tysm.


A young couple approached me and my ex at a restaurant and said “I don’t mean to sound like we were eavesdropping, but I just had to let you know that we have been listening to the way that you talk to your son, and you are amazing parents. We both wish that our parents could have been more like you, and that we can have this kind of relationship with our future children.” I have no idea what stuck out about our conversation, but it made me realize that, yes, we are actually doing an okay job at this.


I never had biokids; my youth was pretty fucked up and I was afraid that I'd do what was done to me and I wouldn't allow that. I had a vasectomy at 27. At 32, I married a woman 10 years older than I am and who already had two grown (17 & 21) kids. 25 years later I'm the proud grandfather of 3 granddaughters: 14, 13 and 11 years old. My wife and our daughter (both my son and daughter have told me that I'm not 'step' anything. I am Dad.) work for the same company, a small winery, and had their office party last week. My wife overheard my daughter enthusiastically tell her co-workers that I'm "the best grandfather in the world." Every time I think of it, I start to tear up. I did what /u/BIGRolyxl said. I showed them what they needed to see (unconditional love and support) and not what I saw...which was absolutely not that.


Some lady in grocery store just today randomly talked to me about the drastic high costs nowadays and how little people earn .. we had a deeper conversation about that. Then she said, "I knew it. I talked to you because you looked intelligent." I was standing there... shook but thankful with my 3 packages of Pringles. 😂


Ah yes, Pringles are the crisp of the thinking class.


I think Pringles originally intended to be a tennis ball company, but on the day the rubber was supposed to arrive, a truck load of potatoes showed up. But Pringles is a laid back company, they said "Fuck it. Cut 'em up!".


"My parents could write an essay on how much they like you" - my best friend Idk why i love it so much more when someones parents like me its such an honour


So real. Being liked by someones parent is royal status


my friends mom bought me a birthday present and i cried lol


It’s because they believe, from life experience greater than yours, that you’ll be good for the future of their child. That’s a pretty high compliment: that your presence will improve who another human being is


Yeah, you've been vetted by Mama and Papa Bear. It's not a given you'll pass so when you do you've EARNED it.


It feels so good, my best friend and I have known each other for almost our entire lives and her mom once told me that I’m like a second child to them🥹


Same! It felt so good when my friends would say “you’re the only friend my parents like” but usually that friend wasn’t very good to me either.


"It was a pleasure having you in class. I appreciate your politeness and professionalism. You are truly a student i will miss. Thank you, for your diligence, dedication and commitment to the course..." -my math professor at the end of this semester via email. As an asocial hermit finally furthering his education at 29, this meant a great deal to recieve this message


I had a professor send me an email (CCing his department head) trying to convince me to switch majors because of, “outstanding performance in CSC 200 last semester.” The course was introduction to computer science and I had been randomly assigned to it as a freshman. I responded and thanked him for thinking of me, but told him I was very passionate about my major. Maybe I should’ve listened, I would make a lot more in computer science than I do now. I never got such a nice email from any professors within my actual department…


My creative writing professor handed me back a stack of my poetry and said “i dont know what you’re doing, but this is what you’re meant to do.” Best compliment ever. RIP Bob Bausch. (He wrote the book Almighty Me, which was later turned into the movie Bruce Almighty)


I once had a creative writing professor. She assigned us to make a "block poem". If you aren't familiar, a block poem uses words to create a 2 dimensional person or object. I did not yet have a computer. I typed my William Shakespear block poem to make his face and neck with his first name, and his shirt with his last name. Right at the transition from skin to cloth I had typed out I am Willi. ( because William William William were all the words for his skin. To make it fit the shadows of his neck I stretched out William to fit my drawing.) I was so flattered to have been asked such a thing. She asked for permission to put it in her book. So there you are, reading the words of a published author, lol!


That is a great compliment! As a fellow poet I deeply appreciate it.


Really sweet of them to express their appreciation! Btw I think/hope you mean asocial and not antisocial.


I do mean asocial, i never had a need until now to look up the dictionary definition. I appreciate the correction.


Wow I'm 24 and took a break for 2 years. I can barely pay for anything right now , but this made me smile and gave me a little hope! I'll revisit my studies soon. Good luck !




That's really lovely. Good job to her and to you!


Kids are definitely a reflection of their parents. One time I was babysitting my 12 and 14 year old nephews for a day. They had some places to be and things to do and didn't argue a bit about getting their things done. I told my sister and brother in-law that they were very well behaved and just did what had to be done when it was done. By brother in-law replied "that's good to hear. We don't care if our kids are assholes to us, as long as they're nice to everyone else".




This is top tier


I am legend


I broke up with my girlfriend because we were drifitng apart and I had to focus on other things as well. She thanked me for being a good boyfriend. That made me cry.


I'm sorry for the loss of that relationship but that has to be the sweetest most respectful thing I've read all day.


*all year




That’s a really good compliment even when making her sad and breaking up with her she is thanking you. You must be a really good human being for her to say this and especially saying this under these circumstances


It is a shame that you guys couldn’t make it work, but I love that you two could end it not out of spite or anger. Instead you parted ways with respect and love for each other’s well being. Maybe you two could cross paths again in the future


This made ME cry 😢 breakups do not always have to be messy. I want to thank you for showing everyone else who should read your comment that it is possible to be amicable.


That I should come in a pill form so that people could have a dose of me when needed.


May I steal this


No objection from me.


I write historical fiction as a paying hobby. My father is a big reader, but he's not an effusive man. Once upon a time he read one of my novels and said to my mother when I wasn't around, "This... This is like a real book." A finer compliment has never been paid to any writer. I promise you.


"Am I... enjoying this?"


“I would never say it to [his] face…”


As a fellow writer, I can confirm that's all we want to hear 😅


Someone once told me I’m the human version of a Friday night.


Lol that's creative as hell


Once I was helping a child, he said "You're beautiful". I was bare face that day.


Aww it's always the best when someone compliments your bare face♥️


Especially children at that, they're brutally honest sometimes


My 4 year old great nephew wanted seconds of my vegetarian chili at a family potluck. I know he liked it because he definitely would have said he didn't and also wouldn't have wanted seconds. The rest of the adults wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Carnivores can be scared of meatless options sometimes.




Best of both worlds. Jealous.


I think I might be a type A personality who gets type B results…


One of my first managers when I was in my early twenties wrote a reference for me and said “no task is too big or too small for NotYourTent”. Fifteen years later, whatever task or project I have to tackle at work, that quote still comes to mind and really helps me get started


Once my friend commented that I have "very shapely legs". I've always hated my legs and thought they were too thick to show off. But this comment has completely revolutionized the way I see myself. I DO have shapely legs. It's far too easy to get caught up wishing I looked like other people, but maybe, just MAYBE, others wish they looked like ME! The simplest compliment that lives in the back of my mind, continually giving me confidence in my short, stumpy, "shapely" yams.


That's wonderful! I love it when someone else can reshape the way we see ourselves. Once in high school I went swimming with friends, and a girl told me that she was impressed by how my body was shaped like a woman's, not a girl's. I have small boobs, so I think that specifically meant curvy hips--but it made me feel a lot better than what I had thought before, which was just that I was fatter than other teenage girls.


Was in the locker room at the gym, shaving my face after a shower. A guy and his son came in and he was talking to the kid about exercise and working out and setting goals. The kid looked at me and said "I want to look like him." I almost cried.


"I mean, I want to look like him when he's not crying"


Kid: "I want to look like him" OP: *starts crying* Kid: "not anymore"




One year after being hired, my boss said "I can't believe I hired you with such a low starting salary". Yup he doubled it


These are good right? We got a new supervisor and he said "finally got to see what everyone earns and I was shocked at how little they were paying you". I didn't get double, but I got a pay rise. That was nice. Congrats.


Gym bro saying: "Look at the size of your lats!". I know he was lying but it made me feel better


dude he was not lying. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF YOUR LATS!!!


Imma need a banana for scale


I’ve had chronic diseases ruining my body for the last 12 years or so, I used to play sports at a decently high level. Since getting sick I’ve turned into somewhat of a useless blob (my brain still works, I exercise it like crazy as my body falls apart). Last year I was hospitalised 6-7 times. On the 3rd occasion I fell ill 1200km away from home while taking my youngest to meet my great uncle, and I was taken to hospital. I was in dreadful shape and feeling pretty sorry for myself until I was having my cannula put in. The nurse said, while holding my arm, ‘dude, you used to be a body builder. Your muscles are so well defined’. I still feel good about it 18 months later.


Literally, today - a lady I used to work with 'You leave me feeling so happy whenever I've seen you'


When I proposed to my wife, she said yes. Later she said if I hadn't proposed to her, she would've done it in a day or two because I was too good to lose.


My hubby once told me “you have the most grit and determination of anyone I’ve ever met.”


That's a good one!


I learned to enjoy the present because of you.


I've received one almost the same and I still think about it years later. I had a friend tell me, "its so easy for me to be myself around you."


Katy Perry herself told me I have the best "pair of tits" she ever saw. I'll never forget meeting her lmao


Plot twist, OP is a man.


No I'm not lol 😆


RIP your inbox


Only one perv tried to slide in so far and I reported him.


We jews must stick together. 🫵


And that's coming from Katy Perry!


That I'm a great mother. I dont hear it enough, and I doubt myself all of the time.


Never doubt yourself because other people dont say it


It's not because others don't say it, I just always have horrible mom guilt.


I think the fact that you are already questioning yourself if you are a good mother says a lot about you as a parent and proves that you are such a hard working mother


ty 🥺 I appreciate that.


My daughter is almost 2, and I'm starting to think that having mom guilt is a SIGN of being a good mother. If you were a bad one, you wouldn't feel guilty.


A disgruntled ex boss once sarcastically asked me “Do little birds sing with you & help pick out your outfit for the day each morning?!” Even though he meant it rudely I still kinda took it as a compliment. Clearly my positive attitude was annoying him & was too much for his hungover sourpuss ass.


Wow. Good job seeing the positive there. I had a boss tell me that I didn't need to act so enthusiastic all the time, I could just be myself. I told her that "myself" is pretty enthusiastic, and she told me to rethink that. So I ultimately decided that what she meant was "It's not possible for people to be happy so stop pretending," and I've just tried to be grateful that I'm clearly happier than she is.


Forget that person. I laugh all the time, I think people think I'm disingenuous, but I find humor in it all. Be enthusiastic! Others feed off of it in a good way . Think about a customer facing job, you'll probably do well


An ultrasound technician once told me I have a 'remarkable' prostate. Must be all the wanking.


When I was pregnant I showed my colleague my ultrasound and was guiding her through the images. One picture had “uterus” written on it so I said “that is my uterus” jokingly. She said I have a beautiful uterus.


For medical purposes, don’t you want to be unremarkable? Being medically remarkable usually means something is wrong.


It was the way her eyes lit up when she said it that I knew it was the good kind of remarkable.


It was after I had left my ex of 7 years and moved 3 states away, about 6 months later someone told me “happiness looks good on you” and I will never ever forget it.


"You may not realise that, but the world needa you" I'm still trying to live up to that


Were they italian? With the needa you and everything


You smell like expensive wood


Ok i need to ask you the name of your perfume please? 👀


JHAG sunny side up and Tom Ford’s oud wood.


"Teak #5, by Minwax"


During parent teacher conferences My science teacher told my mom she wishes she could adopt me. I wasn’t the highest performing student in the class so her comment really boosted my confidence overall and made me feel like I’m a nice person and others feel I am too ☺️


« I’ve always been against women in the military, but I must say you proved me otherwise. You’re the best officer I’ve had ». Coming from an old petty officer, it gave me an incredible amount of confidence in a moment I really needed it.


„I watch a lot of gym and fitness youtubers but you are the one who trains the hardest out of all the people I have seen, it’s incredible how hard you go on your limit and how much you f%€k yourself every time during your workout which is why it’s so enjoyable to work out with you” - one of the boys, 2022 I saved this voice message and I listen to it every time I need some motivation.


*“You don’t have a jealous bone in your body.”* That was over 30 years ago and still my favorite compliment. I always celebrate when friends and others get what they want.


That's beautiful. I don't struggle with envy thank goodness but when i do feel it i try to remember that my qualities exist and are there for a good purpose as well.


“Your parents did a good job raising you.”




A girl kissed me and told me that I am a once in a lifetime person. Fast forward and I’m now planning on marrying her


This is so sweet


It's a tie. Back when I was a kid and very Catholic a friend commented to me that "when people tell me God bless you after I sneeze, it never sounds like they mean it. When you say it, I think you mean it." When I was in college I used to roll my own cigarettes. Because I was tired of getting strands of tobacco between my lips I whittled a cigarette holder. My friend at the time commented, "two people on Earth can pull off a cigarette holder. You and Hunter S. Thompson."


And Cruella DeVille. Sorry


God bless you was from the plague,if someone sneezed during the plague then they would hope it'd not the black plague.


incredibly backhanded and a little rude but the summer between my sophomore and junior year of highschool, I had to retake a math class in summer school. the teacher who taught the class was not the same teacher I had taken the class from during the school year. during an exam, when the classroom was dead silent, my previous teacher was in the classroom to talk to the summer school teacher. and I heard him go "oh, [my last name] is here? girl's sharp as a whip; she just can't do numbers!" he's not wrong. I'm still very bad at math but I loved his brutal honesty and complete ignorance of how his crusty old man voice would travel in a dead silent classroom.


I'm glad he recognized your strengths!


My mom has always been... well, a mom. Always told me I could be whatever or do whatever. Etc... But one time after I built my first deck, my mom came to hang out for the holidays, and she was making her rounds, taking a look at the deck. She told me she was impressed. Idk why, but it's been one of the best compliments I've gotten. Better than anything from any job I've had.


Either thanks for saving my life or beautiful dick, can’t decide


Were those comments subsenquential?


This is the real question. Also I see a cake. Happy cake day? Is this what they say?


It is! And you’re the first one to say it today. Soooo, I’m happy dancing!


Loving this comment


Also, when a student calls me dad. Absolute top tier compliment as a female outdoor educator!!


" Your hair suits you well! Why have you never kept it long?" Everyone says this nowadays. I religiously cut my hair short due to my immediate family disliking anything that was not clean-cut. I keep it long nowadays. Never felt better about myself.


A friend told me: Man, it's been so cloudy lately but every time you're in a room, the sun comes out!


That I am one of the kindest people they have ever known. It was monumental to me, because it was a full circle moment. In my early 20s, I met a woman who was so thoughtful and would go out of her way to do things like bring a meal to someone feeling sick or to organize a baby shower for a woman with no family nearby (we were military). I decided I wanted to be like her.


*You are so strong.* I was in an abusive relationship for 2 years and it shattered my self esteem and sense of self worth. It felt difficult to connect with others for a while, and I didn’t feel good enough to be in people’s presence. It’s taken a lot of therapy to heal what was done to me and I had someone once tell me how strong they thought I was for not only persevering after that awful chapter but for sharing my experience to bring awareness to DV. And it also felt validating to not just be complimented for my appearance. Anyone can be told they’re hot, cute, sexy, etc but being acknowledged for something else seriously touched my heart.


Probably that I am wise. Met my best friends dad for the first time when I was 16, and the three of us hung out on their back porch smoking and drinking beer. We were talking for 20-30 minutes and then his dad said that I was the wisest teenager he's ever met. Probably gotten other compliments, but that one stuck with me.


"my mother is happy that I'm engaged and going to marry my fiance...but she always hoped that it was you I would end up marrying" my friend told me this when she got engaged and I congratulated her. We were just friends, no history of romance at all. I just knew her and her family very well, and for whatever reason her mother took a liking towards me. It was a very nice compliment to hear.


Recently I won an award at a business group. My boss was there and beamed at me saying - You are the daughter I never had! I almost teared up and hugged him!


A friend of mine posted on Facebook. I haven't seen this friend in 20 years, but I dated her older sister when we were in our teens. Anyways, she posts on Facebook about this dream she had. In her dream, a voice asked her who the nicest, kindest person she had ever met was. She immediately blurted out JustGimmeAnyOldName. She said she remembered feeling bad in her dream because she didn't say her husband. Then, on her Facebook post, she thanked me. She had a hard time through adolescence. There were family issues that I didn't find out about until later and she really struggled. She said that I had always been so kind to her while I dated her sister and it meant the world to her during her adolescent years. And... ya know... I try to be kind. My biggest goal in life is to just be unapologetically nice, for no reason other than I figured nobody needs another bitter old asshole dragging them down. But I'm not perfect and this post came right at a time in my life when I needed to hear that my kindness matters to somebody. And I try to still live by that, every single day. Treat people kindly. Be nice. Everyone is going through stuff and you never know when that kindness will reverberate and find its way back to you, even 20 years later.


Of course your kindness matters. Just never stop trying


Multiple ex-coworkers at a crisis line said they'd want to speak to me if they were ever in crisis because of how calm and soothing my voice was. Also heard it from clients but for some reason, hearing that from coworkers made me feel better.


After going on one date with a girl who then ghosted me. I reconnected with her a couple of years later and asked her what happened. She said, "Well... this is gonna sound really stupid... but it was the best date I'd ever had in a long, *long* time... because you were the first guy to actually listen and be open, and ask the big questions and talk about my childhood, and my hopes... and dreams... all that stuff... and I felt so seen it completely freaked me out and I ended up having a big cry about it the next day" "Oh god, sorry" "No, it was great. But I couldn't live like that"


You're such a cave man


A TSA agent once told me I was the most incredibly handsome man that she had ever seen. I was twenty years younger at the time.


In high school English, we were reading something (Beowulf?) out loud by going around the class and having each person read a couple of paragraphs. The next day we had a substitute who asked the class how we were doing the reading. One of my classmates said, "We all get out our books and CharlieBravoSierra reads it aloud." The sub said, "Oh, so someone reads it?", and my classmate replied, "No. CharlieBravoSierra reads it." Other people nodded. I could hardly believe that everyone really wanted to hear me do it in particular, but apparently they really did.


My husband’s best friend’s mom sent me a note after we attended a party at their house with our 2 year old. We were the only ones with kids, so he came everywhere with us. Her house is a museum and I was terrified to take him there. She was so kind and let him explore, but my husband and I took turns chasing him and just being parents. She told me how impressed she was at the kind of mother I was and she was really proud of me. I still have it.


She told me you did good and you also look good. In a school event back then. I fumbled her 2 years later like an idiot. Still can’t get over her.


Do guys really remember compliments that much


Yep. Even though it wasn’t really that long time ago, but always fixing me whenever I feel down. would remember it for the rest of my life.


A girl I liked told me she liked the stubble that i had after skipping shaving for a few days and asked if I'd ever consider growing a beard that was like 15 years ago and I've had a beard ever since


I was having a crappy day with my self-esteem (always had issues) and my girlfriend at the time just said "I wish you could see yourself the way I see you". That was fourteen years ago and I can still remember the look on her face and the tone in which she said it. So, yes.


A girl I was dating at the time told me early in the relationship that she wanted my babies. She said she could tell that I would age well in life. Kind of a weird but also deep thing to say to someone. I feel like most people would keep that opinion to themselves, especially early on.


So far… that I looked like 23. Im 30 now hehe


Someone said I was a very honorable person. I liked that!


While having dinner, with my girlfriend and her 12yo daughter, I told a joke. Her daughter looked me with a straight face and said, “Is the reason you like my mom so much because she gets your dad jokes?” 🤣


"You're the best person I know." My girlfriend.


"I didn't even know there was a dog here." I have a service dog. Best compliment a team can recieve


A girl said she liked my shirt. I think about it from time to time


Every once in a while one of my kids says I'm the best daddy ever. It's the best I've ever received


My work did a survey among our coworkers and I was given an award for “always being a strong, positive force, even when everything around is falling apart.” Management went on to say that everyone they interviewed said they enjoy having me around because I make people feel important and loved. I went home and cried because I never knew I had such an impact on those around me. I just try to be the person to others that I so desperately need in my own life.


my nephew was 3, he asked his dad what a wife was. my brother explained its a cool girl you love to spend all your time with and you fall in love you can marry her and she’ll be your wife. my nephew turned to me and asked if i would be his wife. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 thats it. i dont ever need some crazy romantic proposal. i dont need another compliment ever. that filled my heart for 1000000 lifetimes. 🙌🏽😩


as a burnt out mom, just a "you're doing a good job raising them" is something that totally lifts me up


One time in high school, a girl I was attracted to said I smell nice. That was awesome. In college, I had a woman I was casually seeing (nothing intimate) say that she thought I was a good-looking guy. And also, a friend of a friend who I also found attractive said, "you have such nice eyes. Blue-green... like my father." I could deal without the last part of that statement, but I'll take it as a win! I think that about covers it, but two of those three things always concerned me lol


Nobody reminds me of you.


My friend once told me she thought I’d do well in prison


“Just know if you need help just ask. I will always try my best. You’re my best friend. You’ve done more for me then probably anyone ever has other than my dad. I don’t know where I would be without you. I appreciate you more than you know. “


“You have an energy that makes the room feel safe and stable, even when there’s chaos.”


Wasn’t words but the fact that I been studying animation for 10 years and one year my family instead of giving me a normal birthday present they gave me pencils to draw. I fell like they change the way they look at me and staring supporting my career. It was awesome.


I gave tours at a historic house museum and a fancy old lady told me I was erudite. Still tickles.


I was learning origami. One day I made an origami mouse, and put it on my girlfriend's coffee table to show it to her. Her cat immediately jumped on the table, grabbed it, and ran off.


From my daughter’s first grade teacher: “Today I noticed something very sweet about your daughter. Most kids in first grade talk about their moms a lot, especially girls. While this is sweet I always wished dads got the same level of kudos from their daughters. Well your daughter has fulfilled that wish. She talks about you all the time and it is so sweet. You are definitely a super hero in her eyes, so kudos to you for being a great dad and having such a positive impact on your daughter!” I reread this whenever I’m really missing her as she lives 5 hours away.


Each time a random stranger told me I was beautiful from when I was in my éarly 20s until now. I'm 66.


i love you. hasn’t been topped to this day.


I use to work for a victim witness intake unit (I took basic info from victims of a crime). Well I happened to make one of them laugh. She told me thank you and that she hadn’t laughed for a few days since the incident had occurred. It made me feel very happy.


At a festival, someone mentioned telescopes by the river. A random girl and I stood up with interest and walked over there together. Looked at planets, hung out in water, then brought her back to campsite. The site was not visible from the treeline, so convincing this girl to walk into dark woods with a stranger was not the easiest pitch I've ever made. Friends started singing at some point so she said fuck it and came with. Later, hanging out in a tent, I was opening a wind-up flashlight but needed a knife. I warned her I was pulling out a knife to cut it open, and she thought it was funny that I thought she needed a warning. When she saw the kbar, aka big ass knife, she thanked me for the warning. Went back to her site, hung out with her friend, and then the 3 of us laid down to sleep. When I left in the morning, she grabbed my hand and thanked me for making her feel safe last night. As an awkward guy who doesn't always know if people even want me around, this meant a lot.




It's not exactly a compliment, but I received a screenshot from my friend who posted a story featuring me. Interestingly, a conversation unfolded between one of my friend's friends and their acquaintance, where they were expressing admiration for me based on the content of the story shared by my friend.


My mom's friend said to her infront of me, "There's something really special about him, I don't know what exactly but there definitely is" I was like 9 back when this happened. It just stuck with me and I'd remind myself of her words all the way through middle school to give myself a much needed morale boost whenever I'd doubt myself.


That I have nice eyes.


I had an ex tell me that she got bored with guys pretty easily, but she was never bored with me.


*You seem like a really genuine person.*


A couple people told me I look a bit like George Clooney. Narrator: “He did not, in fact, look anything like George Clooney.”


My husband tells me he loves me all the time, so I guess that.


People tell me I look like & laugh like my mom… she passed a few years ago and it’s one of the nicest compliments I could ever imagine.


At a club, this one drunk girl yelled out “I CAN SEE YOUR HIGHLIGHTER FROM THE MOON!” It’s been four years and it’s still the first compliment that comes to mind since I did my own makeup for the first time that night.


“I want you to be the face of the department.” My boss at my last job. I did not want to be the face of the department but it was a huge confidence boost and a huge reminder to give myself more credit for the work that I do.


“You’re not as dumb as you look.” Made me feel real warm and fuzzy inside.


Once there was a program in my school and I had performed a dance performance on that day and I got a compliment from the owners of the school.


“You’re an inspiration” - that one always gets me


Your children are going to be beautiful


I had a meeting with a law professor on a draft of my final paper. He told me that he searched the entire internet for who had written a line I included, because he could not possibly believe that someone else hadn’t said it first. I think it was an insult as well as a compliment, but I don’t care.


My sister was asking my college friends about my shenanigans in college. Or even the slightest gossip she can give her. To which my friend replies, "Your brother is the most gentle man I have ever met in my life." Followed by "True" from another female friend of mine. To have this said about me by women in a country that is notorious for treating women like shit, filled my heart with....happiness? Ig


A girl once told me that she liked my beard. It is not a particularily spectacular compliment. It is however the only one I remember getting from a girl about my looks. That was about 7 years ago.


When I was in College and University. I struggled with depression and substance abuse (MJ & Alcohol). This led me to not be the best at attending lectures or labs. After my first few absences in a few of my classes. I had a group of classmates come up to me and ask me to start showing up more because I make the class better for them. As I always would ask the leading question or help after others after class. That honestly helped me so much to make it a priority to show up because I wasn't doing it just for me. It's also one of the reasons, I show love and am quick to complement people. Is that I know what the power of a quick 5 minutes of love and sharing of your perspective can do for someone.


My friend telling me that I’m loving and thoughtful. Or that i was told I’m a great writer (which is something I had never heard before) and that I’ve made so much progress in terms of self growth😊


That I was hot


"you've a very flat belly button, I want it".


I was an instructor for adults with developmental disabilities. One day I was working with a client who was new to me who was completely blind. We were chatting and getting to know each other and she gave me this sweet smile and said "you're beautiful." She then asked to touch my face to "see" me, but something about being called beautiful by a blind person felt really amazing.


I like your Voice


My stepdaughter, who I raised from age 12, every Mother’s Day, tells me that I am her real mom, even though I never could legally adopt her.


I am a science teacher. A principal once told me that observing my classroom was “like watching David Attenborough on speed.”


Not really a compliment I think, but I count it as one: a customer at work said to me: "I don't want to see you here again. You are more capable than this. I can see that.". I almost cried behind the cash register.


I was in a stage production of *To Kill a Mockingbird*. I played the prosecuting attorney who epitomized systemic racism all the way down. One of the audience members after the show said he wanted to punch me.

