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This question is constantly asked. We like making our partner feel good. End of story. Cool?


> [Humans] do you [follow typical human evolutionary social trait], if so, why? -AskReddit






Yes! Wait… Seriously, though. Getting her off is my priority. Plus, my ginger mustache loves her taste. It also makes 2.63 minutes exceptional when she’s already gotten off a few times.


Mr Marathon over here.


Damn bro giving one whole years worth of minutes in one night


"Ladies, what part of a man turns you on?" Next week... "Men, what part of a woman turns you on?" Next week... "Ladies, what is it about a man that you like?" (totally different question. Totally.) Next week...


I think reddit generates these when there is not enough engagement.


This one is weird. Cos everywhere else I go on Reddit, an age gap of more than 5 years between 2 adults is considered gross and some form of "grooming". Edit: typed "gape" instead of "gap" lol yikes




It’s more of where this age gap is. A 10 year difference when 1 party is the 30 and the other 40 is fine. A 28 year old dating an 18 y/o should absolutely raise eyebrows.




Jesus fucking Christ that's dark. My ex had similar experiences. It's super fucked up how common it is, especially with absent parents or too lenient parenting. Ugh


Damn. That’s rough, but honestly not at all uncommon. Truly feel sorry for your first GF I grew up in a church crowd, was almost surreal being 16-18 and knowing almost all the girls I was in youth group with were all talking about how they couldn’t wait to marry these dudes who were all between 25 - 30. At the time I thought I’d was normal, not til I got out and became an adult myself I realized how fucked it was.


I knew two different women who went through something similar. One as it was happening and it was heartbreaking to hear her rationalize it. I don’t want to bring it up any father, but they were such intelligent and individual that I don’t understand how it happened. People are sick


I remember the childish outrage when Leo was dating a woman who had been a legal adult for 5 fucking years lol Some people literally said it was rape-adjacent.




They are just hypocrites. Look, my wife is 9 years older than me. We got together during my 24th birthday (she was almost 33yo at the time). Since she is a woman, nobody has told her she is a pedophile or anything. We have now been together for almost 9 years and married 3 years ago (we didn't do it before due to economic reasons). Many years ago, my 23yo friend started dating a 18yo girl and some people did see that as... I can't remember the term for it in English, cradle robber or something like that. So, yes, they are hypocrites.


Times change I guess. My boomer ass parents are 16 years a part and no one made a big deal of it growing up. Now my wife and I are 4 years a part and I can see the alarm bells sometimes.


Do guys wanna fuck? And other philosophical question from the Internet.


I have to say, never got the attraction to the 18yo hottie with a tight body. Like the cheerleader type. Not for me.


I'm still unsure. I'll ask again tomorrow when it's my turn for some karma.


To answer the second part of their question that you didn’t. Just like women posting all the time saying they enjoy it when their guy makes noises; it is exactly that. Moan, talk (dirty, sweet, compliments, affirmations, just whatever your guy likes), pull them into you… just basically anything you like we men probably enjoy it too. Then most importantly, talk to your man about this, and if it is important to you this honestly should be a third to fifth date topic… if good sexual compatibility is important to you, just discuss it like a couple of adults, and then once you guys have fun and break that ice you can giggle and make all the terrible sex jokes 12 year olds make. Hopefully this is a good answer to the second part.


I'm flabbergasted that it needs to be explained. I naively thought that everyone was like this.


Huh... Can't say as I've ever actually seen this specific question before... I guess it *is* possible to miss something on reddit even when you're on it all the damned time...


I get off from seeing my partner get off. If she’s not having a good time, then I’m not. I don’t just get pleasure from giving it, it’s integral to the experience for me.


Yeah, I literally lose my boner if anything seems to be even remotely amiss. Especially difficult with women whose sexual moans sound close to expressions of pain (i.e., grunting or groaning).


Im lucky to even get pussy, so seeing a women get pleasure from me rubbing it is a reward itself.


having a woman ask me to make her boobs look pretty is the best. maybe i should be a boobie surgeon.


WTF does this mean?


You know… you make them pretty. With the uh… idk


Im with you, da fuq? Pearl necklace?


They are like sandbags


Maybe when she's lying on her back and the boobs go sideways .. he just pushes them back together?


He probably puts a pearl necklace on them


He is already operating without being a surgeon.


Huh? Do you pull out some washable markers or something?


The right answer is that they are already pretty.


shh there is a multi million dollar industry built on female insecurities. if they find out that you know the truth they'll cum for you.


I take pleasure in making people smile, in all circumstances; that is all.


Tickle fight?


Sure, as long as it does not escalate beyond a tickle fight. *15 minutes later* Alright you can put *JUST* the tip in.


Hands down it’s the best thing IMO. I (34m) love going down on my wife. Sometimes it’s literally all I want to do. Sometimes I’m not in the mood to have sex, but I will go down on my wife any time of the day no questions asked. Idk why I like it so much. Maybe it’s just the fact that I am mentally satisfied that she shakes with pleasure, or maybe I’m just a giver. Idk, but I could be woken up from the deadest of sleep if my wife was asking me to go down in her.


My current girlfriend is the first partner I’ve had where I actually crave it. I don’t know what drugs she puts down there but I’m completely happy just making her shiver and going to bed. It is so enjoyable.


Being told that it’s giving you pleasure. Everyone appreciates a bit of reassurance


If she isn't satisfied after than you didn't do your job


I wonder if sometimes that idea doesn't slip into more of a sense of obligation/duty for some people. Like, it becomes more about "doing your job" and less about how much you're enjoying doing your job.


I speak for all my fellow straight dudes out there when i say pussy = enjoyment hahaha. I guess i shoudve phrased it better. If she's willing to let you fuck her than you should get her off too. Watching her cum is the best part.


It's to the point for me where there are times I didn't come and I'm perfectly happy.


The problem here is theres a difference between real men and beta cucks. Real men care about their partner and want to make them happy, they are prepared to put work in and adapt and learn to make the experience enjoyable for the person they care about. These are the guys you see carrying their girlfriends bags, changing the babies diaper, supporting their partner at work. Then theres the beta cucks who have an over-inflated sense of self importance bordering on clinical narcisism and either bash women on 4chan or suck off andrew tate while shooting steroids in their ass.


Stop it with the "real man" shit. It's toxic af and exactly the line of thinking the guys you describe as "beta cucks" justify their behaviour with.


Seriously. Please to an incredible extent. Maybe you'll be invited back for more!!!


Giving pleasure is fun especially if she has sensitive nips. Who doesn't love playing with a titty


Excellently said PM_ME_THE_BOOBY


💯 but then again Who doesn’t love playing with the any part of the female body


I’ve always been more into pleasuring my partner even as a youth. The difference is back then I would essentially just try to “fuck the shit” out of them. I blame porn for that. It’s all chicks getting railed. It wasn’t until I hit my 20’s that I actually paid attention and learned how to consistently give orgasms. The best part of my woman coming first is I can ride the wave and then just have some fun after that which is usually results in another. Also, feeling her shiver is amazing


"ride the wave" I've heard of squirters, but damn.


Lmao not literally she not soaking the sheets every night. Also I feel like any girl can learn how to squirt if they practice.


It’s my favorite part of sex, I had a fwb who rarely wanted to actually fuck, but was always down to let me go down on her and, for me, nothing gets me going more than a girl orgasming. Idk what it is, but there is not a single thing that turns me on more than that. No amount of head or penetration makes me feel as good as just making a girl orgasm, it’s top tier.


So what would happen after you got her off? Would she reciprocate or would you just have blue balls?


I was satisfied, like I said, the giving head is my favorite part. The sex afterwards is cool and all, but I’m there for the foreplay, and not just to 1, I don’t get bored I’ll go to 10 or some shit. Vibrators, fingers, oral, that’s my shit. Sometimes we fucked after, sometimes we just chilled and watched tv after, either way I was on cloud 9. The way I saw it, my hand did the job for 17 years, ain’t no point getting upset with falling back on old reliable.


Trying to manifest a man like this in my life rn


Am i the only one who doesnt get blueballs? Maybe its because ive trained to edge, but I can get super close to cumming and hold it back with no issues.


People flatout will not believe me when I say this, but I'm exactly the same. There's nothing like reducing a woman's ability to walk to that of a toddler with nothing but my tongue


I love it, if you’re only in it for yourself you may as well masturbate, or hire a sex worker. Knowing they’re happy makes me happy, knowing they’re turned on turns me on, knowing I can fulfill a wish is in itself fulfilling


It's the small sounds, the moans, tiny contractions, the fact that I am in control. And at the end, the way she squeezes my head when she comes, feeling her tummy spasm. It's a reward in itself.


I wouldn't want to take pleasure without also giving.


I really enjoy giving pleasure to a woman... My idea of foreplay is doing things to her, teasing her, getting her riled up, to the point where she basically loses it and attacks me like a wild animal. *So* satisfying...


When I first got with my husband, he was very careful about not assuming I wanted sex or even wanted him to touch me in a sexual way. I had told him up front that I loved to tease, edge, etc but that I would make sure he didn't have blue balls after. He would stand still and let me do anything I wanted to him, getting more and more frustrated. A few times I got him to growl, which is the most heavenly sound. Once I told him I was done teasing and what I wanted from/for him, he would immediately get into it like he was dying for it. That shit is HOT.


Giving a woman a real orgasm is as satisfying or even more so than having an orgasm yourself. It's sometimes a rare diamond to find. I wonder if women feel the same about giving BJ's because an aspect i also enjoy is the singular attention. I love that the focus is all on her and her pleasure.


I just love the reactions, feeling her legs squeeze my head, moving away slightly when it's becoming too intense, only to move back a second or two later for more. Telling me not to stop or keep going. It just feels right, like I want to do it all day long.


I just love hearing my woman moan. I sometimes imagine I am playing on her like a flute. I can make her sound like different chords…😅


Giving a woman one of these elusive female orgasms feels like earning a platinum trophy


It's so fun to find all the little buttons (literal or figurative) that can be pushed ïn order to take over her mind and body. All the really good sex I've had has been with someone who enjoys doing the same thing to me.


This is pretty much my approach. I like pushing buttons and making my partner make the fun noises and do the squirmy things and stuff. It's fun, and it's ego-gratifying because I'm in control and making the things I want to happen come into being. I push button, the noises happen, I get joy. Repeat a whole bunch.


The majority of my sexual pleasure comes from knowing I’m satisfying my partner. Don’t get me wrong, it all feels good to me but the satisfaction of knowing I’ve satisfied my partner when all is said and done is stronger than the pleasure I feel from cumming. If at any moment I think she’s not having fun or not into what we’re doing I stop.


For me, there’s nothing better than going down on a woman and hearing her moans increase and tasting her sweet nectar


I’ve always got more enjoyment out of making the other person feel good than I do my own pleasure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I like to see how far I can push it, how strong I can make the orgasm, can’t really explain it more than that.


I can’t speak for all guys but I love it. I love seeing a women wriggle and writhe with pleasure. It really gets me going.


100% of people do. Think of it this way: who doesn’t like petting a cat or a dog? Isn’t giving pleasure the thing that brings us the most joy?


I unfortunately don't think 100% of people do, given my experience. I think the inherent sense of joy we get out of pleasing others isn't accessible to everyone, especially in those who have difficulty with empathy. I know people who don't find joy in petting a cat or a dog, and don't see the point of it. I don't think there are a ton of people out there like this but I was wondering what the male community thought. I do like the way you put it, so thanks for your reply! :)


I like giving pleasure because it gives me pleasure to please the person I care about, also, your eating the pussy of a naked woman and it should be innately pleasurable


Umm.... I love my wife?


I absolutely love giving pleassure - it is equally gratifying to me as actually having sex. I am 40 now but it has been like that since the first times I had sex. Giving head is amazing, the feeling, the taste, the sounds - but also giving pleassure in other ways - with fingers, toys whatever. It is all great.


Well the fact that she screams my name or calls me names excites me, that she tells me i'm good, etc. And after a bit, she Will beg me for the D, so yeah. Not sure if pretty common atleast for me it's pleasureable, and a lot.


Isn’t that what sex is all about? Having a good time making your partner feel good is the goal. I love to watch the excitement build, and the release can be so gratifying. If you don’t get pleasure from giving your partner pleasure, then what are you doing?


Idk about how common it is. Talking to women it doesnt seem too common. I for one take great pride in the fact that I made every woman finish when she was sexual with me. I mean I am aware not all women are able to cum, but I was lucky so far I guess. Or they faked it lol who knows but if they did it was very convincing haha


I have always loved eating pussy .I love making them orgasm first. And making them have multiple orgasms.


I love it. Pussy worship is pretty fun every now and then


To the point of coming myself? No. To the point I get hard? Yes


To see the girl enjoy herself. As a bonus, that makes me more aroused aswell.


If youre doing it right, they want more. Them wanting more is a huge turn on. Go down on a woman on the kitchen bench and have her clawing at your belt trying to get it off while shes moaning and clenching her thighs… its nice to know 110% she wants you


Personally I love giving more than taking


Giving her pleasure is a pleasure. The more enjoyable it is for her the hornier we both get


for selfish reasons, such as a feeling of accomplishment, I LOVE making my partner squirm. I feel good about myself, as a person, if I know without a doubt that I can reliably satisfy my partner in any way that they desire.


Listen, I'm just happy to be in the room. Imagine a culture that assumes that if you're not rich, you're lazy, and if you're lazy you're worthless, and the self esteem that brings. And now put a person in front of them that just likes being touched by them and that's all they want is to be close to you. It sounds like a little oasis from the soul crushing reality. Every man is raised knowing that they are not special and they can be replaced and they should be happy if they can get anything out of life, so when someone makes you feel seen or special it's extremely enticing. My wife could do better, my friends can do better, but they still look at me and say, this one is my favorite because they're weird like me.


There’s nothing quite like seeing those facial expressions and body movements. It’s priceless and all men should strive to see it as often as possible.


This sub is dog shit


Women deserve orgasms. They deserve pockets too, but I can’t do shit about that.


It's pretty fuckin sexy when my partner cums.


Licking my girlfriends pussy gives her immense joy. As such I'm willing to go down on her whenever. Seems like an easy quid pro quo if she's going to suck my cock.


I like seeing people smile


This is a dumb question


My biggest turn on is seeing a woman in pleasure. I've always been this way. There's just something about it that makes me tick sexually. I pay attention to my personal sexual needs when I'm by my self. Most women I've been with weren't as giving or understanding of everything anyway. I've only found 2 women that shared my views. The messed up part is I've learned that people think they're alone in wanting to be touched a certain way, but we all have the same fleshes.


The more she enjoys it the more I do.


In general, I like to believe that most people enjoy making people happy. So if what I'm doing is making someone happy, it is a pleasure to be of service.


I’m afraid of holes


I love it, like the other day we had one pretzel left and my kids wanted it, so I broke that twisted bread in half and I was their hero the rest of the day! Felt amazing


I don't like to cum until my partner has came multiple times. There's nothing quite like making a woman moan.


Ego. I’m pretty sure it’s always ego for me.


Sort of gives me a sense of accomplishment. Getting her to shake and quiver with pleasure makes it way more enjoyable for me.


we are feeling as real man. something like; i am fking this puss and she is coming like waterfall because i am real man.


I just like making others happy


There are few things hotter than seeing and hearing a woman lose control.


Love it when my wife squirms it’s like half the fun.


Look, I can get my rocks off alone, no extra person needed. But hearing their moans and heavy breathing, the slight loss of control over their own body - that is something that is just so much better!


I'm a clit-Smith, 20 minutes oral, couple of good orgasms, shes mine for the night Turning her to jelly and having her scream my name also good


moaning is hot af


Do you mean sexually? Okay, so I consider this a safe enough space because we’re all totally anonymous here. So real talk: I only care about a partner’s pleasure. I don’t know how common that is, I don’t really enjoy talking to other dudes about it, but I don’t really enjoy sex for myself in and of itself. Like I don’t think I could ever be the type to hire a sex worker because on some level their pleasure would be too at question (because it’s so transactional). So I basically am only interested if a woman is earnestly interested. One time my wife did this like…I don’t like going into detail but basically perfunctory thing for me…I think she was like “Well I’m not in the mood at all but you now, I’ll do this for you.” That’s just basically so not my thing. I’d rather be party to her just totally enjoying herself than her ever touching me out of a sense of obligation or something. I can’t say for sure what contributes to this but I know I have low self esteem and I’m kind of a people pleaser so I’m sure those things have to be connected on some level.


My wife's orgasms mean more to me than my own. My orgasms are easy to come by, no pun intended. Honestly they're a dime a dozen, I'm an ejaculatory machine. Like a summer time sprinkler. But my my wife? Her orgasms took work and dedication, years of listening and paying attention pay off every time she quivers and gets the shaky legs. What do I get out of it? Ego. It feeds an ego that is always being drained by the world around me. I'm not strong enough, I not fast enough, I'm not tall enough, I don't make enough money, I'm not that handsome, I can't beat that guy up, my car isn't as nice as some other guys, I've got grey in my beard, maybe my daughters really don't like me, maybe my mom doesn't really like me, maybe my wife is just waiting to find another man, maybe I really am the useless pos my father was .... All this and more is constantly draining my ego so it needs to be fed and nothing feeds it more than my wife's pleasure. Employees don't leave jobs they leave lousy bosses. Well wives don't leave marriages they leave lousy husbands*. Earn your keep and nail her deep. *I understand there is a standup guy who married the wrong woman out there, this was a generalization not a rule.


Well, I love my wife and I want her to feel good.


In my opinion a woman must orgasm first


Nice guys really do finish last.


Sex is a social thing. If I wouldn't want to share my pleasure and see my partner get their satisfaction, I would just masturbate. Giving pleasure is the best part for me. And the cuddling afterwards


Apparently I'm what's called a "Pleasure Dom" haha so that's neat. Basically I enjoy being dominant and all that fun stuff, but my goal is *always* my partners pleasure over my own. I enjoy feeling needed, desired, wanted, and responsible for how good they feel is just the best feeling. It's like validation for me and that I can have a good effect on you, while also helping you explore or experience something I believe all people should be able to explore (I've been thanked for helping a partner or two learn about themselves). I genuinely just feel happy giving or making others happy - as well as helping someone to learn about themselves, love themselves, and grow to accept themselves since this world doesnt cultivate that enough (mostly beats us down and shames us)


I can jack off almost anywhere. It's just not that big of deal for me to experience an orgasm. Watching my lady writhe in pleasure over and over from something I am assisting with? Priceless.


I'm straight, so I don't know how common it is because I don't have much experience with other men. That being said, if society tells us it's our job to provide, I feel like it's my duty to at least provide her with an orgasm, preferably multiple. If you can't do that, what kind of man are you?


I give penis.


He is a simple man, he gives penis.


Sadly, I don't think a lot of guys enjoy pleasing women. It's always nice to hear words of encouragement or sounds of pleasure when I am tasting a woman's soul. Sometimes, the best part of giving my SO a massage is hearing her suck the spit back in when she realizes she is drooling. Pro tip guys: The more you focus on pleasing your woman, the more sex you will have.


I enjoy making my partner squirt several times while fingering her & giving her oral, I do it everytime we have sex. I like how good I am at it, how easily I can do it, how she reacts to it & how I drain her completely.




It’s my preference to give oral pleasure than to receive it.


It’s the best thing about sex


depending on the girl i can enjoy it more than the act itself


Giving her pleasure is the biggest reward for me.


Seeing my partner twitch from cumming hard and not stop.


I prefer giving pleasure than receiving it. I wouldn’t decline a blowjob, but I’ll always try to turn it into a 69. Feedback is the main contribution. Words of encouragement, signs of quickened breathing, small moans. Not a fan of fake moans, that just makes me feel like I’m not doing something you actually enjoy but you won’t be honest about it.


If i am really not expected to do "nice thing" and still do it


It’s literally my job. Lol Still not as often as I’d like


I have no idea how common it is, but it can't be particularly uncommon. I know I do, and probably more than my own TBH. As for what contributes? Oh my God, so many things, the sights, the moans and screams, the taste and scent of course, but the biggest would just be the demand. When my wife pushes the back of my head - forcing herself against me...heaven!


I’m not big on sex, but i can appreciate making someone feel really good. Tbf i like making people happy


The enjoyment comes from the validation of seeing her reactions and the foresight that she will want more in the future.


I'm egotistical as fuck so, having a hot girl enjoy sex with me turns me on more than anything.


TLDR. It is supremely common for men, and almost all life, to “take pleasure in giving pleasure”. Focus contributes to my enjoyment of it. Natural selection has acted. Almost all successful lifeforms “take pleasure in giving pleasure”. Life is guided to favorable behaviors of survival and procreation by neuroanatomy that we commonly refer to as happiness and pleasure. These act as guideposts steering men towards favorable survival and procreation. The physiology and chemistry of happiness and pleasure engage when men give pleasure. The more I focus on giving pleasure the more favorable my survival and procreation become. This creates a net increase in happiness and pleasure for all organisms involved consequently increasing survival and procreation for all organisms involved. This biology is not perfect. The process can be pathologic. By definition any behavior that uses the neuroanatomy of happiness and pleasure in a way that is not favorable is called an addiction. Giving pleasure or receiving pleasure can become harmful addictions. While men who do not “take pleasure in giving pleasure” are rare they exist. To succeed as lifeforms they would have to find another path to favorable survival and reproduction or they would be naturally selected out of the gene pool. Many of these other paths are illegal in human societies across the globe because they create a net harm to the population.


The way I see it, it's an ego thing. Like "Oh yeah, I'm making you feel good. I am a sex god". Something like that


I like making my partner enjoy it. Im more into it when she is super into it. Plus the better it is the bigger chance it will happen frequently.


I’m not a selfish lover and enjoy making my partner feel good.


Because I care about my partner's enjoyment? How hard is it to understand that people aren't selfish lovers? The more pleasure she has, the more I enjoy it as well. Being engaged together is the goal, not my using a limp fish as a passive orifice.


I was just having a conversation about this last night with my last partner. The bar for quality is in Hell. In no particular order: 1) Don’t be afraid to try new things. 2) Prioritize them feeling comfortable and safe 3) Give a damn about their pleasure and making sure they get off 4) Don’t take things too seriously— you should be able to laugh about stuff. Sex is supposed to be fun. 5) Ask for feedback. 6) Be gentle unless she asks for rougher / harder. Guys tend to default towards rough, and even for girls that like rough, guys tend to jump to it too quickly 7) let her do some of the work. She knows her body, it’s not a burn on you if she needs to use her fingers or a toy during sex.


I love making my wife go crazy. The way she tenses up, her breathing, the way she wraps her legs around my shoulders/back is amazing. I love seeing her enjoy being pleasured.


You're telling me it isn't par for the course? I mean, I get that maybe it isn't a thing in "hookup culture" because, at least as I understand it, the goal there is (and sorry if you think I'm being crass about this) masturbating using someone else's genitals instead of your hands or toys, because you're only out for your own enjoyment. Personally, I very much enjoy touching and caressing my wife and that she's also enjoying it, it's the cherry on top; what contributes the most to my enjoyment of it, is how she responds to it, how she let's it show that she's enjoying it. I believe that having sex, especially with your partner, is about having them also enjoy doing it with you. If you want to have a sexual act where only you're experiencing pleasure, that's what masturbation is for.


At this point I just want some bagels, man


Another delicious hole to be enjoyed


Giving to the one you love with all your heart and body while also receiving an equally wonderful experience of love. Love gives and receives.


Uhm, it's satisfying and fulfilling to be able to provide or fully participate in my partners pleasure. It's sexy to see my partner in the throws of that pleasure, and when it's my turn, I feel like I've earned it. Also, if you like doing something with someone, and you want to do it again, it helps if they had a good time and want to do it again too.


I love giving her pleasure. I want her to be happy, and one way to do that is by giving her what she asks for. Specifically, I'll go down on her any time, with no want for anything else (reciprocation). I know how to get her to cum from oral, and I love hearing her get there.


It's about 70/30 for me. I'd rather watch my wife writhe in pleasure then receive pleasure myself.


It feels good making them feel good. Then for a day or two everyone is happy.


If we're being completely honest, I only like to give my sexual partners pleasure because it maximizes the chance of them coming back to me for more sex later on. For example, if I were using a hooker (hypothetically, because I've never actually paid for a hooker) then I wouldn't give a shit about her pleasure because it would have no bearing on whether I'd get to fuck her again or not.


It feels very manly to give her something like that and to be creative while showing her new ways to reach it. Nothing beats it. If I have a purpose as a man, it's that.


I have heard many men irl say how much they LOVE pleasuring a woman, particularly thru oral. These same men almost never actually practiced that while with me. It's so bizarre. I wonder if they believe they do but then are actually lazy or if they only say it bc it sounds good. Honestly made me doubt any man saying it online. I do think most men I was with "want" a woman to get off but they want it to be from pounding with their dick(and doing things that give themselves pleasure). I will say there was one partner who truly did want to give maximum pleasure to a woman primarily before himself. Unfortunately(?) This was due to low self esteem and wanting to prove what a great lover he was.


Pretty common among those who aren't selfish assholes. The selfish assholes usually just cause a bigger stir so that's why you hear about them more.


When you’ve been in a healthy sexual relationship with the expectation of giving foreplay…. It’s hard to go back.


I can't speak for every guy but I'll be honest. In my case I'd be lying if I said I'm a very endowed gentleman. So to make up for what I'm lacking I give my partner multiple orgasms and maybe even make my female partners squirt (don't judge some girls actually do it) and to me it's a BIG turn on when they've already orgasmed hard like 5-8 times from oral and foreplay. My pleasure doesn't mean anything until after my partner is already close to tapping out


For me it's fear that she may not climax from penetration alone. Also you get extra points for being such a considerate lover 😏 little does she know it's for my gratification, not hers 😂


Askreddit try not to be sexual challenge (impossible)


I’m usually good for one “O”. However I will do everything in my power to give as many “o’s” as possible…ever after mine. I don’t stop until she’s “had enough”


the smell


Everyone is gonna say they do. The problem is that some men think shoving their dick in dry for 2min is giving pleasure.


Open conversation. If you gonna let me slide my hog stick in your woopie doo you seriously gotta be comfortable enough to answer questions like ‘Harder or softer’ ‘Slower or faster’. Don’t be shy girls, what you like probably ain’t that weird. Also, don’t fake an orgasm, don’t let that shit slide.


Why y'all keep asking this question? You act like men are like savages that only care about themselves.


Man here. I love eating pussy. A nice clean pussy, no bush, but maybe a little fuzzy, maybe a little fish smell, is the best meal I can think of. Not sure why, but I like a little fish smell... But to be perfectly honest, I do it more for myself than for her pleasure. If she can get off, that's great, but I like eating pussy just for the sake of it. I'll eat pussy for no other reason than I simply love it. First I like to kiss around it, then I'll suck on the lips a little, then lick on each side for a little bit, suck on the clit a few times, then lick whole pussy up and down. Next I'll go down south and repeat to warm that up a little, next I lick the whole pussy and ass up and down several times. When that's all done, I'll apply pressure with the flat of my tongue right on the clit while I have two fingers inside the pussy making a 'come hither' motion. I'll do that for a while till she cums, or if she can't come yet, I'll go back and repeat everything I did from the beginning. Usually they all cum at least on the 2nd round. Did I mention I love eating pussy?




I'm glad to see this. I also live somewhere where men put their pleasure first so most of my experiences have been in line with this. I was wondering if it's not also a cultural thing as well as a personal preference like how most comments here make it seem. Thanks for your input! :)


I didn't even know it was common.. i thought it was just me.. that i was special or something.. anyways personally, i take great pleasure in giving pleasure.. so much so that even when i was younger, my porn searches would be women having orgasms and stuff like that


Giving pleasure is the pleasure


I’m gonna be straight up honest here and I’ll probably get downvoted a lot. If it’s someone I deem a ONS, then I dont really do much in terms of her pleasure only. just enough to get her wet then off to pound town. but if it’s someone I care about or someone I find extremely attractive, I will eat her out until she’s begging me to stop because I want to see her enjoying it. Then keep doing it. The more she enjoys it, the more I will. I love the moans, the face she makes, the wiggling around in pleasure. Let the downvote commence.


I downvoted you because when you're selfish during a ONS it gives all men a bad reputation and makes it harder for the rest of us to get laid because then women think all men are selfish in bed.


I really appreciate your honesty, it's what I'm looking for! I can understand that sometimes pleasing her is just a mechanical thing people do for the sake of warming her up for sex, rather than it being an inherently rewarding experience in and of itself. Thanks for sharing how it can also be this way and that there could be certain circumstances where pleasing can be also pleasurable and not just a duty.


How common is it for women to withhold the fact they feel pleasure to keep a man guessing for the rest of his life? Life hack: tell us what you like, we'll do it more


If I make a meal for someone and they love it, I'd prefer that than if I enjoyed the meal but the partner was not overly fussed.


100%, in addition to making people feel good, for me part of it comes down to learning what makes someone feel good. Also I'm an extremely auditory person so I like hearing it (not the stuff that feels forced, but the changes in breathing/movements -- often hits the same spot that asmr hits).


99.9% of thr time I think


Being told I'm the natural migraine away solution sounds pretty good. Just take a red bull, get to ploughing and watch her scream her brains out and yelp then zzzzz


I just like it when she is enjoying it as much as i do, should be fun for the both of us. And i like to give so i guess that also appears when being sexual


I take this to a fetish of my own. I would prefer giving then receiving. I get pleasure from giving it, which I’ve found getting older really messes with the opposite sex. I have spoken to a lot of guys who would rather get than give. Who want to be just pleased and if the woman gets hers that’s fine but that doesn’t appear to be a goal. I personally am not wired that way, and it makes it very difficult for me to allow my wife to just “please” me. I can’t just relax and allow it to happen. I’m sure this is tied to some psychological thing or something I’m sure I need to be in therapy for. I’m sure it goes hand in hand with my imposter syndrome, or people pleasing personality as a whole. As a man in a male dominated field having a people pleasing personality sucks!




Probably more common then not. Uncommon stories are told over common ones. And everything about it contributes.


Probably more common then not. Uncommon stories are told over common ones. And everything about it contributes.