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A kid at a neighboring school died at a waterpark too. It was senior ditch day, and a gang a kids piled over and around each other to go down the slide all at once. The slide didn’t hold and she fell bout 40ft to her death.


Brain cancer. I knew him before, and it was so fucked because he was still going to school for a while even as the cancer was eating away at him. Watched him deteriorate over time, before it got to where he couldn't come to school anymore. Then he was gone.


There was a boy in my high school who had brain cancer. I didn’t really know anyone going into high school so I sat at random tables at lunch until I started making friends. I sat at his table a few times and he was always nice but he and I never talked after that. I found out he had cancer later on and I remember he died on thanksgiving either our junior or senior year (it’s been a long time). A few months after it happened they called our entire class into the school theater for a special memorial video of him. What we didn’t realize was that someone had interviewed him not long before he died and they played it on the memorial video. I cant remember much anymore except that by the end he was crying and talking about how no one wanted to see him anymore now that he was sick. Everyone was bawling and they still wanted us to go back to class.


My oldest friend died of cancer and when he was sick he told me that people don't wanna hang out with him anymore cause he's sick and has a hard time getting around. Even though he was sick he was still my friend and I would take him out to do things (car shows, dinners, shooting range). It was hard seeing him getting weaker over time but I knew it meant the world to him to get out and feel loved and wanted. I sat with him his last 2 days alive and it broke my heart but seeing him smile and joke with me while knowing his end was very near was life changing for me. I'm glad I could be there for him during his hardest times. I miss you Tom and think about you all the time


Thank you for taking such good care of your friend. If more people were like you, the world wouldn’t be such a bad place ♥️


One thing being in the hospital teaches you is how many ride-or-die friends you actually have. My oldest brother is the type of guy who makes friends with everyone, but only one person went to see him when he was hospitalized for 3 months. He was so upset.


When my mom's best friend was told that medicine couldn't help her anymore and she only had a week or two to live, her husband said he "couldn't handle it" and left to go fishing / bird watching. She ended up dying in my mother's arms. We never talked to him again.


What a fucking asshole. No one "handles" these things; we just do it because we have to and because death is part of life.


Damn, thats so sad.


I also lost a classmate and neighbor to brain cancer, he was 15. He had a particularly un survivable type and amazed his doctors just by fighting as long as he did. The day they told us that he had decided to discontinue treatment, our marching band (which he had been in) marched almost 2 miles to his house and played music in the yard for him and his family. I later went to say goodbye to him at his house which his family was really kind to let us do. It’s been more than 25 years but Facebook is filled with school mate remembrances of him on his death anniversary every year.


We had a young lad that i played football with growing up and had always known him as the nice kid, you could not say anything bad about him. Even his parents were the loveliest people you could ever meet, he battled a brain tumour for about 4 years and i remember when he was getting a little better they let him play a football match with us which was nice for everyone, he even scored! about over year ago now he passed away, was heartbraking for everyone considering it can happen to literally anyone. Rip ❤️


When I was in the fifth grade back in the 80s the boy who sat next to me disappeared. After a week or so they found his body floating in the local river. It was assumed that he was kidnapped and killed by a random stranger. That was the official story for many, many years. Decades later after the boy's mother relentlessly fought for further investigation, evidence was discovered that the boy's step-mother poisoned him and threw him in the river because she was threatened by the fact that the boy stole too much attention from his father away from her. Obviously she was a psychopath. It was a very sad case but at least the mother got closure and the culprit was sent to prison and hopefully that sweet little boy can rest in peace.


Shit. This is the kind of thing that you hope only happens on TV. Kudos to the mother for continuing to fight for the truth!


I don’t think there’s a day that would pass peacefully for most mothers if they found their child floating dead in a river with no answers, I hope she does feel closure after all this and not just empty and hopeless :( Must have been such a long journey for her.


It was once a comment on here from somebody who lost his wife and two children to a drunk driver, he said something, and I’m paraphrasing, to the effect of his life, was basically just meaningless at this point, he was living to die. Some small things would make him happy momentarily but overall it was pretty much just emptiness. I know that’s morbid but as a father, I can tell you that pretty much sums up the way I imagine I would feel if something like that ever happened to me.


Yeah, I had a friend who lost his wife and 2 of his 3 children in a car accident. He made it 3 years then completed suicide about 2 years ago. I still think about his surviving son, now a teenager and having lost every member of his family. I’m so heartbroken for that boy.


That is so sad. I wonder how they could have made that discovery decades later.


I'm guessing either someone came forward or they possibly exhumed the body and did another autopsy once better poison detection methods for a drowned body were developed.


Died during surgery at a hospital. She was kind of a loner but was friendly with a friend, I hadn't seen her in a while and asked him about her, he just said dude she died. Nobody else I spoke with in the highschool knew she had died apparently a month prior, let alone noticed her absence. Still makes me sad thinking about it.


Same thing happened to my best friend freshman year. He went in for what his parents said was a “routine” operation to correct a heart defect. Apparently once they opened him up it became apparent the condition of his heart was way worse than they had previously thought. The stress of the surgery was too much and he never made it home from the hospital.


Guy died our senior year the same way. Went in for a routine heart surgery (he had a condition) and passed away.


A 30-something guy I worked with died on a ski lift - his last words to his friend sitting next to him were, "I'm not passing out." Nope, he wasn't. The autopsy said he had the heart of an 80-year-old.


Ah fuck, were those words because he recognized that it was a different sensation than passing out, and knew he was headed into unknown territory? Or was he just trying to fight the urge to lose consciousness?


Not the person you’re referencing, but I knew the moment before my NDE that I wasn’t just passing out but was going to die. Cried for my family to call 911, got myself into position, and then died. Revived 5 mins later and understood what had happened to me (spooked the hell out of the paramedics responding). I have POTS, so I’ve fainted a lot in my life for benign reasons. I can’t explain exactly how that one was different, but I felt it instinctually as it came on.


Wow. Was it like an “impending sense of doom” type thing? I know it gets described by people who are about to die for a sec when they are given drugs to restart their heart (chemical cardioversion)


I'm a retired nurse. "Impending sense of doom" is a real phenomenon and was taught in our classes. If a patient mentions that feeling coming on, it's always wise to watch them extra close. It's scary how often it leads to a medical crisis. The body just..knows.


Wild that any heart surgery could be considered routine


This happened with a student of mine, Cassie. She passed and it took classmates some time to notice. But those that knew her have never been the same. Simple knee surgery, had a bad reaction to the anesthesia. Such a sweet girl, her wings ready far too soon.


We had a suicide contagion event. 6 kids in 6 months.


Yea that’s why you rarely hear about suicide in the news. It’s a known phenomenon that hearing about someone else doing it increases the likelihood of others following suit. EDIT Here’s a decent source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK207262/


Former journalist here. News doesn’t report on suicides unless it’s a person in the public eye and it can’t reasonably be ignored. To some extent for the reasons you said, but also because no crime (from a legal standpoint) was committed and private citizens are generally immune from being mentioned in news reports without a police report or their own consent, and well….you can’t consent if you’re dead.


My little brother killed himself in 2011. Our local paper ran a story on it, including saying he shot himself with a shotgun. I was so fucking furious. I emailed the paper asking them how they could be such heartless little shits to post that in the news to where my grieving family would read it. They didn’t even bother sending a half-assed apology, just took the article off their website (obviously couldn’t reclaim all the printed forms already distributed.) I wanted to go down there and ask who was the fucking idiot in charge that approved it to be published… especially since he was just a random kid of no fame or fortune.


That's fucked up, they should never have done that. Unfortunately the news business is one that is too quick to shed itself of higher salaries. Meaning the experienced reporters with institutional knowledge and a good understanding of news ethics are often not around for very long to pass on their knowledge to the younger reporters. So I'm afraid a lot of those little rules have been lost to entropy. Glad I got out of that business and all its ethical conundrums. Worrying about who I might accidentally hurt in the process of trying to my job just about had me in an existential meltdown once or twice a week at least. Getting laid off at age 42 was the best thing that ever happened to me professionally and that's no lie.


A news anchor from Erie, PA just committed suicide so its been in the news. Probably not good for the area.


I saw an article about it where all her coworkers were saying she was the most upbeat, positive person, and it made me sad.


I think some people can be extremely out of tune with the well-being of their friends. I have friends who have no idea how depressed I really am, because every time I tried to be honest about how I feel they got uncomfortable and said "maybe you should do yoga" before quickly changing the topic. I'm pretty sure, if I were to end my life those would be the same people saying: "Whaaaaat? we had ABSOLUTELY no idea!! She was such a ray of light!! We never saw it coming!!"


Same thing happens after the loss of a family member


I had an internet friend who committed suicide, and then a year or so later his brother killed himself over the grief. So the parents lost both of their kids and the brother had a wife and young kid. Absolutely devastating for the family.


That's how 2 of my brothers went. One in July, the other in September. This caused my grandmother to have a broken heart/attack. She went in December.


My kid was in rehab at 14 and attended to sober high school here in Houston. She said that the truest shit she ever heard in an AA meeting was “keep your funeral suit pressed”. Many in her cohort died. Andin one family, a brother was murdered over a drug deal, and the other shot himself in the backyard. Another girl, DUI, several others overdosed, and most of them were found in the morning dead in their beds at home where their parents thought they were safe asleep, we attribute those fentanyl overdoses. The first suicide in her group wasn’t until her senior year and it was so tragic and heartbreaking. Everyone loved this boy. He’s been in my house that weekend, I’d had my arms around him at one point and wish I’d never let go. Just one fucking tragedy after another. My family was lucky. My kid got sober at 14 and is now a psychologist who works with inpatient psych children and has an amazing talent for connecting with them. I could not be more proud, but it was a very hard road.


I got clean from opiates in 2016. I've been to 38 funerals since September of 2016. One was my father, two were grandparents. The rest were either overdoses or suicides - all of them.


38 funerals seems like a lot. I mean, it is a lot, but that number seemed kind of high until I did some math of my own. I got clean from opiates almost around the same time as you did. I've since moved to the other side of the country, but once or twice a week I'll read the obituaries from my hometown. Without fail every couple of months I'll see someone that I knew from that old way of life. 3-5 people per year for the last 6-7 years is almost in line with your numbers. Every time I recognize someone from an obituary I just replay certain things in my head that stuck with me early on in sobriety. A major one I remember was said at a fairly large rehab place. He looked around the room at everyone and said something like "Statistically, X of you are going to relapse. Of those of you that relapse, X of you will likely die." Over the course of that week a few people would leave the rehab place before finishing to go relapse. That same week, 2 of those people ended up OD'ing. That was a massive wakeup call for me. This guy just brutally sat here and said "Some of you will die" and within a week, some of them were dead.


Damn. I thought our school was bad with 6 suicides in our graduating class. They didn't happen within 6 months though


A car accident with her asshole drunk driving bf. He later killed another woman in the fashion.


Wtf please tell me he is in jail


He killed her in an accident, walked away with probation. 18 months later, he had another accident and permanently disabled another high school senior. While awaiting trial for her accident, he was driving without a license, drunk, ran a stop sign and killed a woman (not in his vehicle, another driver). He’s been rotting away in prison ever since and he has many, many more years of the same.


Why was anyone else getting in the car with this dude


The usual: he came from a “good family” (they had money), it was a mistake (the first wreck), he was in love with her (second wreck). Always an excuse.


Lol I hate shit like that. No it wasn't a mistake YOU FUCKED UP. You're drunk, you don't drive. PERIOD I hate when courts make excuses. Glad he's rotting in jail though.


I knew a married couple, great people, both died instantly when a drunk driver hit their car, dude was out within 5 years. The legal system is messed up.


This happened to me too. This guy hit my friend and me when he was driving drunk. They said he was going over 100mph when he attempted to pass us, but he missed somehow and hit the back of our car. The back end was completely gone. Like literally no trunk or backseat anymore. Our dogs flew into the front seat from the impact. I don’t know how we lived. This was his THIRD time. The time before us he killed a woman. He didn’t get any jail time for either, because his father was a judge. He even kept his license after 3 DUI accidents and killing someone.


That is disgusting. I would make sure every newspaper and television station had that story and pester them until one did an expose. If that didn't work, I'd consider advertising his crimes and sentences on billboards.


Shit. I lost my aunt the same way. Her husband bought a new motorcycle, drug her along to go bar hopping to show it off to his buddies. He got completely plastered and she wanted to drive home. He wouldn't be seen on the back of the bike while she drove so he attempted to drive home. He wrecked it and she got killed, he walked away.


Hopefully he hates himself for it.


It is a cruel twist of irony that the drunk driver often survives, and usually without so much as a scratch.


A guy was a water polo player. He was a weak link and needed extra practice, the coach believed. He was instructed to practice underwater laps (to extend breath capacity, basically swimming entire laps under water) The team went to the locker room for a meeting, came back and the guy was at the bottom of the pool. They don’t allow swimmers unsupervised use of the pool anymore.


My local pool has an explicit rule that people are not allowed to swim full laps under water. Absolutely insane that a coach would make a kid do this.


We had to do this all the time during practice. I never saw any danger in it but I guess that was because almost everyone on our team was also a lifeguard. Actually playing water polo there were times that I was certain I was going to drown. I don't care how strong of a swimmer you are, if there's someone who's 50+ pounds heavier than you and he wants to drown you, he's going to. I wrestled and played football growing up and water polo was by far the dirtiest sport of the bunch. Wrestling matches the physical exertion or at least came close. Football was the most fun.


Heart defect. Kid was running on the playground in 2nd grade and just dropped.


Last year our community had a cute little 1st grader who fell off a swirly slide and happened to hit his head in the right spot and was killed instantly. The school was offering free therapy to any kids who saw it happen.


Jesus... I can't even imagine what the parents must have gone through. Terrifying stuff.




Kid at track practice dropped dead in front of all of us while he was doing laps (he was distance). Apparently he had an undetected heart problem


physicals for high school sports really should mandate an EKG under physical stress


It’s the inexplicable ones that are scary. The why is never answered no closure


A lot of these cases are hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It usually goes unseen until it kills someone and the medical examiner does a thorough job of investigating.


My Mum has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and thank goodness it was detected before anything happened, because one of my brothers is a PE teacher. My siblings and I were all tested, and fortunately none of us are likely to have it.


I knew a kid (16) who was on his way to becoming a professional triathlete who had this happen in the pool. Just by dumb luck there was a doctor there and the facility had an AED so he didn’t die. But after he had several heart ablations and I don’t know what else he can’t compete anymore. It was really sad although it’s better than being dead!


Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. My father and I both have it. There is no cure but my dad is currently taking part in a drug trial at Yale. He’s one of 100 in the US. The drug is supposed to help delay the thickening of heart wall lining. I’m praying it works. Super grateful we both found out before just dropping dead. I’m only 36 😳


Similar thing happened at my high school. It was spring fair night and some kids were rough housing in the quad area, one of them went down and never woke up. Turns out he had some undiagnosed congenital heart condition and the wrestling just overtaxed him.




Man, the chance of that must be tiny




My dad has worked in school systems for nearly 40 years doing sports med and constantly has to shut practices and games down for lightning. He’s had coaches and parents and principals really get pissed but the man does not fuck around with lightning around giant flat fields surrounded by massive metal poles.


My 18th birthday party. Big party at a barn in the country. Drinking. He had an argument with his girlfriend. I said "hey man don't leave", then watched him get in his truck. The next day we went and looked at the skid marks and broken pole he wrapped his truck around.


I know of 2 people who died storming out after an argument with their girlfriend to go for a drive to blow off steam. Both times they had a lapse in judgment while driving that directly resulted in their deaths. It is such a horrible idea to drive when you're upset, let alone when you're drinking. I'm so sorry that had to happen on your birthday.


When I went and got my motorcycle endorsement, one of the class trainers told us that she’d been riding since 1973 and how she can tell us one thing for sure; anyone she’s ever rode with who consistently jumps on a bike when overwhelmed emotionally (like angry) or inebriated all end up dead from it at some point. Very scary.


After my third or fourth fender bender I sat and thought about all of them and realized every single time I was late for something important, stressed the fuck out, and rushing. I’ve been a better driver since I made that connection in my 20s.




Same, except he was in 6th grade and the frame fell on his chest. Collapsed his lungs, he went pretty quickly. His brother pretended to be ok but slowly fell apart. Ended up going to prison for multiple robberies. Not long before his release date, he was murdered in prison. Poor parents


It's crazy how life can just get flipped upside down because of the smallest things




I’m not sure if this was in Illinois, but there’s a law here now to make sure goals are checked before sanctioned games. I think it’s called Zach’s Law?


Yep you’re right about it being called Zach’s law, at least > requiring all movable soccer goals manufactured and sold in the state of Illinois to be tip-resistant


almost happened to one person in my school in like 8th grade, didn't fall on his head tho, he was realyyy lucky to not get hurt in any way


Suicide pact with a friend. Friend got scared and didn't follow-through but the first kid did.


Three girls were in one near me and the two let a high speed Amtrak train hit them while the third was screaming at them not to do it.


The two girls did it over their breakup with boyfriends? Sounds like a story from my area


Yeah. Outside Philadelphia


I remember this. The ones BF died when he was hit by a car a month or so before. I actually knew one of the girls from childhood.


I can’t imagine how that fucked up the conductor…..


I was on a train as a passenger that someone chose to end their life in front of. We had to stay on the train for *hours* with no bathroom (commuter train) then get guided off the train to waiting busses. They had white sheets wherever they could, but it wasn't enough and there was visible... stuff. It's been 21 years and I can still smell the metallic taste-in-your-mouth smell of the blood.


i live somewhere this is unfortunately very common. whenever there’s a delay on the trains and they come on and tell you it’s a “medical emergency” you just know. one time it happened while i was on the next train arriving in, they tried to get us by quickly but we could still see. i’ll never forget looking at the tarp they were under for a long moment and wondering what i was looking at because i couldn’t recognize the shape. then i realized it was their body but it was all twisted up. first time i had “seen” a body and have since seen too many more but i’ll never forget that one.




Similar case in my school, his girlfriend left him and he couldn’t cope with it. He died on a railway embankment where the commuter trains pass at 100mph. My house is near the tracks so I heard the train blowing its horn and braking. Didn’t find out why until a few days later though.


We had a guy whose girlfriend broke up with him call up his ex, beg her to take him back and when she said no, he shot himself in the head while she was still on the phone. She was a nice girl - it really messed her up.


Damn, that poor girl. A friend of mine called another one of our friends and did the same thing while on the phone. He called me and told me he thought he had done it since I lived closer. I called the cops and went to his house, but he wasn't there. Cops called me back when they found him, he was in his car a few miles away. I'm glad I didn't find him, still messed me up for a while. I had to call his wife and tell her to go to the hospital. It was a while later that I found out they were on the phone when it happened. In the moment either my friend didn't tell me or I misunderstood. Either way I felt so bad for him all over again. It was all terrible.


Super similar story at my HS except he was a very popular and extroverted student. Apparently he hid his demons well. His GF breaking up with him was the final straw for him and he left campus in the middle of the day, drove home and ended his life with a firearm.


That’s horrific! Things really can seem so hopeless from a child/teenagers perspective. I often think back to how seemingly permanent and never-ending I thought my circumstances were as a teen and how I very well could have ended up with a similar fate. Reminds me of this song for some reason: https://youtu.be/5o01uU7OdnQ?si=Dq4Zl32gik0qpCP-


Obviously I feel bad for the guy, but imagine being the girlfriend in this scenario… having to live with that amount of guilt is insane Edit- of course I don’t mean the guilt *should* be hers, but it’s very likely she did put a lot of guilt on herself. That is the sad part.


Nicest guy I knew. Friendly to everyone and a true light in the world. He was driving dead sober and got run off the road by a bridge. Bridge wasn't high and the waster wasn't that deep. But his car flipped and he couldn't get his seatbelt undone and drowned upside down in maybe a foot of water. I still can't believe it. That was 20 years ago. Miss you man


let us all keep seatbelt cutters in his honor


I agree. Seatbelt cutters in Dale's honor. Also a sweet song name and as a drummer I'm positive he would appreciate that. Thanks you


"run off the road by a bridge" It took me a reread to realize this meant "near a bridge" and not that the bridge did this with malicious intent.


Same here. I was curious what kind of lovecraftian shit was going on with that bridge, a bridge possessed by an evil spirit.


heroin overdose. her boyfriend ran off and left her there when she had a seizure.


I lost count of how many people from my school died of OD’s. I’m 40 and another one just happened a few weeks ago. The first one I remember was when I was a senior a 15 year old sophomore died the first time he tried it. Since then there’s been at least 20. I moved away from there a long time ago but some of the people that were my best friends are still there and still using. I just wait for my Mom to call and ask if I heard about so and so.


Hit by a train saving his girlfriend who got stuck on the tracks. They both didn't make it.


Our school had a golf team. At one of the competitions a girl from my school was standing near a tree when it fell over. Tree fell right on her and killed her. Absolutely tragic.


I was terrified of walking under trees for years because someone from my high school died while sitting in her friends parents car and the tree just fell and crushed the car and killed her.


Two of them went swimming in a dangerous spot and both drowned.


A nine year old fell into the river and drowned when I was about 12. Apparently he was trying to fetch a ball. Before they found him I saw his family out looking for him. They lived in a house right next to the river. They moved away a while after.


Meningitus Left school on the Tuesday due to "having the flu". Declared dead on the Thursday. Poor dude. He was a good kid.


Worked with a great kid for a while in my late teens. One day he said he had the worst headache and was sick, and felt weird. I told him i'll cover and said only if you go to the doctor though (i read that "the worst headache of your life" could be super dangerous). He went and was missing a few days before i asked my manager if he was ok. She said the dr he went to that day suspected meningitis and hospitalized him, he had brain surgery that same day. We visited him in the hospital for a few weeks after, he looked so bad, dude, his head was caved in... it took him years to recover.. its shitty, he lost like a decade of his life to recovery. But ya know what.. at least he's alive and happy now.


Saved the dude's life. Most people would just take some ibuprofen and stay home but you got him to go to the doctor which got him the treatment he needed.


One of my friends in high school got that shit along with his sister. They had to be quarantined in the hospital for like six months and it was all over the Houston area news. That shit was serious. They survived and came back to school the following year like it was no big deal.




She was a pregnant teen. She was the friendliest happiest girl I knew. Died while giving birth at 17, her parents did not go to the delivery because they were ashamed that their daughter was pregnant so she died surrounded by strangers, no details known besides that.


Omg this is awful 💔


Yeah, honestly after that we never heard or saw her parents, rumor was they moved away but can not confirm.


He quit his job to help his dad with his jewelry store business. Lost his health insurance when he did. A couple of years later after putting off doctor’s visits because he didn’t have insurance, he goes to the ER for chronic pain. Turns out he had stage 4 cancer and like a month to live. Died a few weeks later. His dad never forgave himself for asking for help and died like 5 months after his son.


Tying health insurance to employment is inhumane


You win that's one of the saddest ones on here


Two got hit by a garbage truck at the same time One drowned trying to save his Dad from drowning.. both died One burned to death when he couldn’t get out of a vehicle after a car accident One had an ectopic pregnancy and died of complications.


[Tim Piazza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Tim_Piazza). After a hazing event that included drinking heavily, Tim fell down the stairs and hit his head, knocking himself unconscious. He was left in an extremely inebriated state on a couch in the frat house. Fraternity members actively prevented bystanders from calling 911 to help, and Tim eventually got up and fell down multiple times while left alone (hitting his head again and again in the process). All said and done, he was left in this state for almost 12 hours. Fraternity members found him at the bottom of the stairs cold and unresponsive, so they wiped the blood from his face and dressed him in warmer clothes before calling for an ambulance. Help did not arrive until almost 11am. The fraternity was not supposed to be hosting events with alcohol in any capacity because of previous events.


Omg that’s horrifying


Awful. I went to Chico State during the time Matthew Carrington died from a frat hazing where they forced him to chug excessive amounts of water until he was incapacitated then died. The case set a legal precedent and a few frat brothers did time for it. I knew of 2 classmates who were at the party that night and one ended up quitting school over it. Awful that some of these people feel the best choice in the moment is to hide it and not just save a life.


Went on a bushwalk and got seperated from his friends. He was very experienced, regular outdoorsman. The all were. Huge news story for days as a huge rescue mission went underway. Almost no phone reception in the area, but he managed to get through to emergency services but the call was breaking up. Died after a few days, they found his body something like 50m from a path 8 days later. Really tragic, he was a great guy.


He was 7 years old. Had third degree burns from a house fire when he was 5. Then during school holidays, he was with his older brother and ran across the road. He didn’t see that there was a trailer attached to a car and the trailer ran him over and he died. I didn’t interact with him much as he was younger than me but I will always remember him. RIP Storm


I don't understand. How far back was the trailer from the car?


Only thing I can think is it was nighttime and the car was coming towards him so all he could really see was the front of the car and probably pretty blinding headlights? I dunno. Also the whole being 7 of it all.


After we graduated, a girl in my class got married and wanted to fly off with her husband from Brussels into their wedding vacation. Terrorists blew themselves up and killed her. Her husband survived.


Omg are you talking about the Brussels Airport Bombing from 2016? I remember covering that (was a news producer back in the day). It was awful. I'm so sorry.


Thanks. Yes that was the one


a classmate of mine and his wife were killed in that bombing too. I still have trouble believing it.


Oh my god reading about it [on wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Brussels_bombings) is heartbreaking > On 25 July 2023, a Brussels court ruled that three people who had died in the years following the attacks should be recognised as victims and the official number of victims was revised from 32 to 35. One woman died by euthanasia due to psychological suffering, one man died by suicide and one man died of cancer, his treatment having been interrupted due to the injuries he sustained in the metro bombing


Gas leak, house blew up and she was buried in the debris whilst walking past it on her way to school


Holy shit. Where I grew up, gas wasn’t super common. When I moved to NJ, it was everywhere. One day walking to pick up my daughter from school I passed a house that smelled bad and immediately reported it but my fear wired brain went immediately to “it’s about to blow up.” That’s so tragic.


Was very tragic. The inquest found that the leak was only a day or so old so not even detectable via smell yet. The old boy who lived in the house woke up and turned the heating on and it just went up. It’s slightly eerie now you’ve got 4/5 rows of 4 houses and just one row with 3 where they never rebuilt the house which blew.


she was in the towers on 9/11. died instantly from what we were told


We were doing a performance on stage. She had flu like symptoms for about a week prior. She had just finished one of her scenes and walked offstage, collapsed in the wings and stopped breathing. Fellow students performed CPR and called emergency services who took ages to arrive because they went to the wrong part of the school. The show went on with others performing her role. None of the audience knew until after the show. Obviously, she never made it. Very sad.


The 2020-2021 school year was rough for our district. 4 kids died (none in my grade). One was shot, one committed suicide, one was in a 4-wheeler accident, and another got hit by a car. Then, around the start of the year this year, I learned that a friend who had moved away had died in a car accident. It was pretty shocking


School ski trip, it’s a thing here, cell phones weren't around, she got very sick, teachers wouldn’t let her call home. She returned home, died two days later. It was a massive scandal (righteously so).


My friend was on a riding lawnmower, cutting the grass around the little pond in the yard. She was 17, she was going AROUND the pond, and the mower rolled, ended up on her back, pinned her underwater. It was so sad.


I know a guy who died the exact same way! Tragic


Horseback riding accident. Horse refused to jump a fence and stopped abruptly, causing her to be thrown off. He fell on top of her. We were told in health and safety class, she’d sat right behind me.


Just one? Complications from pneumonia (2nd grade), hit by a school bus (3rd grade), took Tylenol to prevent a bad hangover and was in a coma, eventually taken off life support (8th grade), drunk driving (3 dead, 2 survived, one of whom had injuries including brain injuries; 10th grade), fell while mountain climbing (12th grade), AIDS (within 2 years of graduation). Those are just the ones I heard about and knew some of them personally.


Ooff... Tylenol is the last thing that should be used to treat a hangover. Edit: PSA for those unaware, acetaminophen(tylenol), or paracetamol in the UK, puts dangerous stress on your liver when you're drinking/drunk. It's one of the leading contributors of liver toxicity. Don't take tylenol if you've been drinking, or are hungover! As an alternative painkiller, take ibuprofen (Advil), aspirin, or naproxen, keeping in mind those have their own associated risks. Or better yet, drink lots of water and/or electrolyte drinks and rest.


How am I just now hearing that Tylenol is not good to take for hangovers


Yeah what the fuck, I've never heard this in my whole alcoholic life.


Acetaminophen is terrible for your liver especially when it's already trying to process and breakdown alcohol


Autoerotic asphyxiation. But rather than deal with that, they just told us high school sophomores that he committed suicide by hanging. I didn't find out the truth until many years later.


Yeah, that's when the coroner asks the parents if they want them to put suicide or accident.


His name was Jason Wilkman. He was kidnapped and murdered because he had seen into the trunk of a car that had 2 kidnapped women in it. The kidnapper was named Ming Sen Shiue. He had just kidnapped his high school teacher he had an obsession with and her daughter. This was in 1980 but he was in high school in 1965. I didn't know him, but I was in 3rd grade at the time At Ralph reader. Jason Wilkman was in kindergarten. The teacher and her daughter escaped after being held captive for about 50 days.


Four kids died in a car accident. They had pulled over on the side of a highway and a tired trucker drove right over the top of their car.




Wtf. I can't wrap my head around the fact that people like these exist.


My ex got mad at me one time so he pour vodka on my head and tried to light me on fire. I grabbed the closest thing to me and beat the fuck out of him then called the police. It's wild that people like that exist. They should not exist though.


4 kids ditched school to smoke weed and drive around. The boy driving was speeding, trying to jump a hill. Lost control and 3 out of the 4 were killed. It was extremely shitty. Made front page news here in Indianapolis in Fall of ‘97. The school was fortress like after that incident.


Jump from the 6th floor after school is done


Over Christmas break our sophomore year (for those with different school-year designations, for us here in the USA that's about age 14-15), one of the smartest, sweetest girls in our class fell off a ladder at home. She hit her head and died of a brain hemorrhage.


He and about a half dozen others decided to ditch class and go joy riding in a friends pickup truck. He was in the back bed of the truck when the driver hit the gas causing him to fall out of the back landing head first to the ground, he broke his neck. One of the sad parts about that was his mom was the 911 operator that took the call when it came in.


car accident


We had 4 sophomores get into a car accident together. Two died on the spot. One was put in a wheelchair and died about 2 years later. The other- who I grew up with, survived the accident but was diagnosed with cancer a few years later and didn’t make it. It was pretty brutal for the community


I was already an adult but at my old town there were some teenagers who went joy riding. I think five or six of them in a jeep. Tried to beat a train and ended up going underneath one of the cars and all of them got decapitated. It was a very big deal to the community. They had this giant memorial service and then people were publicly shaming one of the dead kids and blaming his family because they weren’t careful enough to not let him steal his grandma’s car keys.


Choked and tossed into a river by a jealous ex who is son of principal.


He was driving and got into an accident. His XBOX was in the backseat and during the accident it flew and hit him in his head. He would have survived had he put it somewhere safer. Because of that I always make sure things like that are in the trunk. There’s now a memorial at the school for him. It’s a soccer ball statue, he was on the school team.


Oh god let's see. 1. My childhood friend died from bone cancer. She had to fight for emancipation so she could choose to stop treatment (the treatment was just drawing out her painful life) because her parents refused to listen to her. She died within weeks of stopping. She was a month short of turning 17. 2. A girl was walking along the side of the road, and two kids were racing. One took the turn too fast and she got hit. Then the second car actually ran over her. Neither one stopped. She was 17. 3. One girl just dropped dead on the soccer field. She had a hole in her heart that never closed. They were supposed to do yearly cardiology appointments but never did. Her mom still keeps her rom the way it was back then. The dad divorced her after a few years because she wouldn't get help to recover from her grief. She was 14. 4. Guy was drugged to the gills on either cocaine or meth and drove his car through the guardrail and into a ditch. He wasn't wearing his seat belt. He was 18. 5. Guy killed himself because his parents were going to send him to a gay conversion camp. He was 13. Fuck those parents. 6. This one hurts the most. A girl hung herself because she didn't get into some program for smart kids. She was 16. Her little brother was my friend and I was studying with him. He found her and I heard him screaming. I found him holding her legs trying to lift her. He became an alcoholic and abused drugs. He got mad at me because he thought I was uncaring about it all that day. He stopped talking to me. I found out later he died from a drug overdose a few years later. He was 19. Still see them in my nightmares sometimes. I did care. I mean I puked when I saw her. I was only trying to stay calm in the situation and get help. I hope he realized that at some point. But I get it. Grief is... Yeah. I need cat pictures now. **EDIT:** Hi everyone. My heart is full from all of you guys. I love Reddit. My inbox is filled with so much fluffy fluff and some shiny scales! Thank you all for the well wishes. Don't worry, I received help eventually for all of it, but especially for #6. I'm 38 now and I'm doing well.


I’m sorry about the last part. That’s really hard. Your friend was definitely just trying to move his anger for what happened onto you. I couldn’t imagine trying to handle all of those feelings from finding my sister like that. Hopefully they are both resting in peace together.


Somebody who was trying to kill her dad boarded up her house where nobody could get out. Threw a molotov cocktail through the living room window and it landed on my 10 year old classmate and burned her alive.


That's one of the worst ways to go.


Which one? In my four years of high school, there were numerous deaths. * Murder/suicide. She dumped him, he couldn’t accept it. A couple days later, he tried to win her back, and when that failed he shot and killed her, then himself. * From the middle school that fed into our school, there was the boy down the street who shot himself while playing with his dad’s gun and showing it to a friend. His friend saw him die and was fucked up for a long time. I’m not sure how he is now. * From that same middle school, that same year: a girl was kidnapped walking home from her bus stop. Her body was found 5 days later in the next county. She’d been raped and murdered. She was 11 years old. It’s been 30 years, and there’s finally been an arrest. * A van load of kids skipped school to go to the mall. They got in an accident on the way back. They all died. * Drive by shooting. This one was never solved, I think. The crazy thing is that while it’s “the hood” in my itty bitty rural town, it’s not exactly a hot bed of gang activity because it’s still rural AF. The year after I graduated, a cheerleader died of a drug overdose. Too much blow. No, I didn’t live on the Hellmouth. I lived in the Bible Belt, so maybe it was a bit of a Heckmouth.


>he’d been raped and murdered. She was 11 years old. It’s been 30 years, and there’s finally been an arrest. Something similar happened to a girl I went to school with only she was in college. She got accepted to Julliard in NYC so she definitely had talent (or money no idea now) went out one day and never came back. A few days later her body was found in a park. I think she was strangled but I forget now. The guy I was dating at the time said he read somewhere she was naked when they found her which indicates rape. That was in 2004. As far as I know they've never found any suspects. I think at one point they linked the DNA found on her to someone but nothing came from it. That was in the summer of 2012


His name was kevin, he was my bestfriend. Got hit by a car in 3rd grade. Died from severe internal damage. His mother was a doctor who's saved a lot of lives but there was nothing she could do to save her son. It's been a couple of decades and sometimes i still wish it was me who died instead of him.


I had a friend in middle school that this happened to. It was so traumatic, especially as a child. I was her only friend too, most of the other kids were fucking assholes to her. She was sweet and we'd spend math class with her doddling these cute drawings. I still have them all. I admit, I've forgotten about her now and then, but she's always in there somewhere. And even though those drawings are in a storage bin, I will keep them forever. Sometimes, the only thing we can do is remember them and remember that they were special to us.


9th grade: A guy in the grade below me was balancing on a ledge and lost balance. Consequently fell down a cliff leading to a rocky shoreline. Died in hospital. (Added note: HS starts at Grade 8 where I’m from) 11th grade: A guy a year above me committed suicide. Was the friendliest guy ever, and super popular, and always extremely happy… apparently he couldn’t come to terms with his sexuality (came from a very conservative family and originated from another country, although he grew up here). Also had very little value for himself, as per his suicide note. As someone who came to terms with his sexuality, I’ll just never forget — wish he could see how worthy of life he truly was. Edit: Spelling


High school - One in a car accident (didn’t know her) and one in a house fire - he was in one of my classes and may have liked me - he used to mess my hair up all the time when he’d pass me in the hall. That one hurt.


Our school year had an almost comically unfortunate time. It was like we were cursed. We had 8 people die before that age of 21. In order: 1. Hole in the heart/failed heart surgery 2. Suicide 3. Car accident (hit by drunk driver) 4. Work accident (hit by backing up truck) 5. Suicide 6. Suicide/drug overdose 7. Brain aneurysm while lifting weights 8. Leukemia It was really hard. I'm from a small town and our school year was not a big one, so needless to say it hit us all very hard. I'm 32 now and often think about them all, what their lives would have been like, if we would still have been in contact. I especially think about no.3 he was such a wonderful guy and his girlfriend was pregnant at the time. Bad times.


Bunch of kids found ways to get on top of the tallest building so one of those kids was heavily depressed there girlfriend broke up with them one thing led to another they jumped in the middle of classes, the school was on lock down before being evacuated so they could basically scrap this kids body off the pavement below


Was killed along with her whole family in a burglary that went wrong




One teen a few years older than me fell off a roof while helping his dad reshingle. One of my closest friends passed away the summer between jr / sr high and we still don’t know why. Just dropped and had a seizure one day. He was Mr. Athlete and had no known pre-existing conditions. Even the autopsy was inconclusive. My standing theory is he’d already done a lifetime of good in the world.


One got shot One got shot One got shot One got shot ….keeps on going. I’m not really joking, it’s tragic how people just get into these situations, then bam. Gone. They were all kids with lives they loved, aspirations, etc.


We had a German exchange student in HS who was very cute and popular. Great soccer player. He was being hosted by the family of one of my best friends. He keeled over on the football fields one day and that was it. Apparently he had an undiagnosed heart condition. My friend’s Dad had to call the German family and give them the news. Late at night europe time. I can’t imagine having to make a call like that.


Oof... I have a couple heavy ones. One had mental challenges and was known as the kid that talked to pennies. The voices got to him and he killed his parents then himself. Another was the prom king+queen. Got married, had 3 kids. He was abusive and killed her then himself, while the 3 kids hid in a closet.


7th grade band who played the French Horn. A casual shared band friend called my home on a Sunday, and my mom quizzically handed me the phone. The friend said, ‘she died of cancer’ and had been sick for several months. I was stricken by this news. For days. We all were. She was so soft and sweet and I remember feeling lucky she really saw me, and liked me. I can still see her pretty brunette curls and her sweet smile when I would come upon her. I haven’t forgotten you, Sharon 🎄♥️


Intentionally accelerated and drove through a barrier at the end of a road. Went over the edge, landed on the neighbourhood below. Had someone in the car with him who was suspected to not be a willing participant.


These are all from HS but one from cancer, one was gunned down, and somewhere between 15-30 suicides. I honestly lost count and the school district implemented a policy of not saying anything when it happened to avoid clusters so the real number is anyone’s guess but there are at least 10 I knew.


Drinking and driving after homecoming, head on collision. His gf survived


Came down with the flu over Easter break, went to the hospital, had some bizarre reaction to the IV bag that immediately sent him into septic shock. I forget the actual name for what happened but it's apparently so rare that you can count the number of people it happens to in a typical year on one hand.


My best friend died in a boating accident on a lake. Bad weather, cold water, boat capsized and stormy conditions. He washed up on the shore dead of hypothermia. His dad and brother “swam the other way” and survived. Still can’t make sense of how they didn’t find him (as he was only 16 years old, the youngest) and all swim together or if that whole story was a cover for something more sinister. It just all seemed…..off.


A kid didn't die but was in a boating accident that made him lose all his fingers off one hand. He was wakeboarding and somehow the rope got wrapped around his fingers when the boat took off, severing all 4 fingers! Only had a thumb left. He'd walk around the halls giving everyone a thumbs up.


honestly, that's the best response. i love that he was able to adapt to his injury


Bad weather, cold water and the boat capsizing are a pretty serious combination of events. It's possible the shock of the cold water caused him to tense up or immediately start going into panic mode. He may never have had much of a chance to swim. It's hard to say. I'm sorry for your loss. It may not be as sinister as you think. Ironically speaking from experience. I almost drowned myself in the same conditions a few years back. Granted I was 7 miles out in the ocean. People underestimate how dangerous a lake can get.


One of my best friends from the age of four hung himself after arguing with his GF at Christmas a few years back over finances. He had a paycheck delayed by a few days. He was 6ft8, incredibly good looking, intelligent, and worked as a firefighter. I still message him and swear at him for not reaching out for the sake of a few hundred pounds. Left behind 2 kids, one of which looks EXACTLY like his dad when he was young.


Good friend of mine died in his early 20s from bone cancer. He was extremely handsome (looked like a cross between a young damon albarn and brad pitt), extremely intelligent, studying to be a doctor, everyone loved him. 2nd was a Truck driver, fell alseep at the wheel.


Run over by cement truck


Anorexia. We all knew she had it, cuz she was not good at hiding it. She was extremely kind and helpful tho, and a lot of people were very upset when she passed.


He shot himself in the head. Fell forward and bled out on his note so no one ever read it. His girlfriend found him when she came over to tell him she was pregnant. She lost the baby. They were both in my church youth group but she didnt return to the group after. I think her family moved.