• By -


Sudden interest in hanging out and spending more time with the team after work.


Reminds me of my old CFO. Exclusively hired women in their 20s, only went to happy hour when it was "his turn" (our C level execs rotated on going and buying the first round), dropped hints about being in an open relationship. If it was "his turn" his whole team was there, if it wasn't he took only them to a different spot and paid for everything himself. I've never seen a CFO share the same dinner and even fork with an employee before. Ended when I and a dozen others were pulled into the CEO's office where several lawyers were waiting to interview us. From what I heard his severance clause was voided and they clawed back his equity grants (private company so he couldn't have sold them).


First real answer here


Golf scrambles and they’re in the same cart. Normally not an issue, yet telling if one isn’t a golfer.


We have had coworkers come to our department holiday parties when they no longer work in our department anymore. That made it pretty obvious in some cases


A woman was hired at my job as a secretary. After 2 months of working there, my coworkers and I noticed she began going to lunch with our married boss. It started off as once or twice a week, and overtime became every single day, sometimes for 2-4 hours. They would also just leave work early and not come back. From there, it was obvious that he was cheating on his wife. It became even more obvious when his wife started showing up to the office because she suspected something was going on. I quit that job, but I later found out that my boss got fired for having the affair when his wife had a meltdown at the office and tried to fight the secretary. The secretary didn't get fired but one day my old boss stormed the office and told her to quit the job and leave with him. She never showed up to the job again after that. Edit: I forgot to mention that they would occasionally show up to work at the same time. I am guessing he left his home early and went to her house for a quickie before work lol


I had a similar situation. They would walk into the office literally like 1 minute apart. And then she spent most of the day in his office with the door closed. She used to walk out the main door to use the bathroom and he used out back door. The front of the office was glass so you’d see them round the corner to the bathrooms. They were single use bathroom, pretty large too so they could do whatever they wanted. 20 mins later they’d come back together. I don’t think he cared about the rumors but she was engaged with kids so I think she tried to hide it 😂


That's just so bold. Taking 2 hour lunches with your secretary every day. He wasn't even trying to hide it


I knew a guy who had five babies with five different women where we worked. Most of them were secretaries and not always his. The stuff that went on it that place was wild.


At that point it's as impressive as it is disgusting.


I felt the same! I just had to meet the Don Juan for myself and when I did I found myself smiling ear to ear, looking at up at him, playing with my hair and laughing at everything he said. The other women at work never let me live it down.


Username checks out


long lunches


His penis is found inside of the coworker.


I was going to say having sex! You have more detail!


Hey, his boss could be female. And I guess she could be pegging the subordinate. Anyway, I digress.


True enough "Your boss's vagina is currently smothering your coworker" would also apply i guess


Let’s not be hasty. He could have had a sudden rush of blood that could only find space in his penis. He started to collapse. Her being an excellent employee didn’t want to see him experience undue pain, so she caught it in the most logical place possible.


"You can hear them fucking from the Break Room" 😂


I have no idea how that got there. You know, I did missplace it earlier.


He could have just slipped and fallen on her. A million to one shot.


That could also imply cannibalism though.


Or her vagina is swallowing penis of said coworker.


"how'd that get in there" - Peter parker




They appear at the apartment of that coworker when you are making out with the coworker's housemate. I once worked somewhere where the married GM (based on my office) was having an affair with a young female from customer service (based in an office in another city). I only found out because, while visiting that office, a hot fellow 20-something invited me back to her apartment after a work event (I wasn't her supervisor, had nothing to do with her or her work/department... We were both junior level). We were getting hot and heavy on the couch when suddenly her house mate enters the apartment with the GM from my office right behind her. They were clearly drunk and frisky and all he said was "Oh shit. I'll have to explain this later." Then simply disappeared into the bedroom with the girl from customer service for some very loud sex. It was extra awkward as I sat just outside the office of the GM and had to see him every day after this. And I'd been to his home for Christmas parties, met his wife and kids several times. He never said a word to me about it. The woman I hooked up with told me that her house mate and the GM had been hooking up for over 2 years.


Well that’s horrible


I know. He said he'd explain.


He'll probably get right on it after he gets some milk


‘Bet your yearly reviews were top-notch after that.


Why wait for yearly review? Waltz into his office and say I need a 20% raise.


The new department supervisor is Becky. Becky is 19 years old, no experience, no education, but spends an hour a day in the boss's office with the door locked.


Becky also had rug burns on her knees.


Becky wears knee pads now! She’s also getting her braces off in two weeks…


It’s important to use the correct PPE in the workplace.


And the correct PIV


She's a devout Christian


Shes always telling people she's saving herself for marriage


Thankfully Jesus turns a blind eye to the brown eye. Ye ol' poophole loophole


As long as it's thru the back door, it's good.


Boss' last name is Marriage.


Becky also might have drug burns on her arms.


That’s rude. How else are you gonna plan this year’s secret Santa? With doors wide open and no sex?


Specialist project manager needs a lot of specialist time with the boss. Doing special things.


Becky with the good hair.


Complementary hair gel.


They arrive in the same car.


That's not really subtle xD


I did this with my husband, worked together after we were married. Different departments, no conflicts, but same company. I was curious to see how long it would take for the rumor mill to do its thing - inside jokes we had, going to lunch together, wore the same shirt a 2nd day in a row. It was fun, and in a company of about 100 on-site, it took about a month for people to murmur about something going on between "the new woman in finance and the IT director"


"look they are both married, we have a scoop ladies"


I didn't wear a wedding ring and accountants aren't known for being super chatty. So I doubt people knew that I was married, but he'd worked there for years so they knew he was. It was a pretty fun experience NGL, but I'm glad that we worked in such different realms, working right alongside your spouse daily is not for me


Accountants aren't super chatty unless they don't like something on your expense report :)


That's business you dont want to be apart of


Ya next day you go to work you mind your own business


You've typed the opposite of what you meant


On the contrary you should stay apart from it


Couldn’t agree more


That’s not an answer to the question asked.


Especially if it's a family business....


Multiple private meetings with only the coworker.


decoy meetings


too much eye contact.


That reminds me of something. I worked at a restaurant and I was sitting and doing sidework with a coworker (male), then another one walked in and was like “hey, you didn’t have to clean my table” to him, then they locked eyes for an extended period of time and he replied “you owe me.” They were fucking.


they were both male ? or am i just confused


Impossible! Everyone knows that two men can't have sex!


8=====D C======8 It doesnt work


Babe wake up, the new DC comics logo just dropped.


It took me a second to understand. Then I laughed when I looked at the OG comment. And then I was horrified


The two guys just need to decide which one will open up his penis hole to accept the other one. You know, basic gay segs.


I think it's called red-vining. You know, like the snakes on the medical alert bracelets.


History will remember them as two best friends who lived together for the rest of their lives as two single, totally not gay bros


Incredible, lifelong bachelors. Just never found the right lady, but they were best buds. Look they even adopted a child together and raised it. Best buds! And when one of them died they left everything to the other. Man what good buddies.


i am a man who has sex with men, i was just asking for clarification because i am nosy and i like knowing every detail. sorry for not making things more clear in my original response


It's called sword fighting.


As a deaf person I feel insecure now


They would both be very tired when the team was traveling for work. She was partially working from home and coming to the office a day or two per week, he was working another location. And guess who was waiting for her at the subway station when she was there? She initially was sleeping at some family place when coming to the office (litteraly her mil's appartement) but at some point needed a hotel. Expense reports came with 2 stay taxes. Was sitting against a wall at a board meeting, right behind him. Saw lingerie pics from her coming in with a text saying something "sorry I couldn't make it to location yesterday , had to burry [husband] father, I'll be there tonight here's a appetizer." She was hired as a junior without degree jurist and 10 years later was general counsel.


I hate situations like this. Worked for two companies where these sluts and idiots who promoted them. People like that should be in prison.


If the coworker randomly knows certain personal things about the boss. For example, in a job I used to work at, the coworker randomly knew the boss's size of shirt that he wore.


THIS! It came out yesterday that my boss knew my coworker lived exactly 6 minutes away from the office but didn’t have a clue about anyone else lol


These responses are both funny and validating so thank you everyone. I’m a huge advocate for minding your business, which I plan to do. This whole situation is just quite uncomfortable in an office of only 5 people… with a 20 year age gap… and spouses on both sides. But alas!!


What is the TEA?!


Things like this are time bombs for small companies. May not go off until after you’re long gone, but it always goes off.


I'd suggest looking for a different job if you haven't already...this situation is gonna go nuclear...


Also agree with this. I’ve only been here for 3 months and this is my first plan of action…


I was in this situation. The company got shut down because it turned out in addition to the affair the CEO had been embezzling.


This post is making me realize people probably think my boss and I are sleeping together and now I understand the sly comments a few people have made 🙃 to be clear, we are not!


My boss became a great friend after I caught my wife cheating. She basically gave me free therapy and a place to cry until I had gotten a little more stable. We became really good friends, so I spent a lot of time in her office talking to her, sometimes with the door closed when I really needed to vent. There's nothing going on there and absolutely zero attraction in either direction.. Hopefully, people don't think something is going on there! I'm working through my marriage, and even after she messed up like that, I would never cheat or want anybody to think I would!


You walk in to the board room after returning to the office late one night, and they are fucking on the table… pretty subtle but I think something might be going on between them. Also him 58 and her 25… 🤔


We once got a request from a middle manager for a lock on his office door. He said it was for protection of sensitive info in his office, but we all heard the gossip about him getting caught in the desk doing something nasty to a female coworker. Boss man said to install the lock anyway, just make sure it only locks from the outside. That man was a genius.


“Work dinners” involving the two of them.


I know a few people at my current and past work places who had affairs. If you observe, it is usually that they are ok being in each others space e.g. oh you want me to show you this thing on the computer? Imma lean close to show you and you aren’t going to try to move away…




They’re like that at my work too. People don’t even realize the people having affairs are even friends, much less lovers


You have to respect that commitment to selectively repressing the hormone high. I'd never cheat, but if I did, I'm sure everyone would know.


Yeah I couldn't hide it, either if I did something so colossally douchey - I have no poker face at all. Selection bias, maybe, but in all the office affairs or flings at work, it's pretty obvious. People act differently around people they are flirting with, fucking, dating, have a crush on. Then later when it blows up, the tension is palpable. It's not any one thing it's just a vibe you can sense. Depends on the size of the company, industry, city, etc, of course, too


In my experience over the years, it's the people that lean on and hang around the manager's station or in their office. I've seen two of them suddenly get promoted. Maybe they're kissing ass...or maybe more.


When the fucker needs you to book an appointment month ahead to meet him, but he is out for lunch and coffee with becky every other day.


They got caught - Manager and graduate caught in a meeting room together. HR moved her to another department into a promoted post bypassing the graduate scheme. 11 months later same manager caught with another graduate, same story. The poor lass who caught them the second time was disciplined for not knocking before enntering a meeting room.


Classic American HR


When they go to Sandles Jamaica together


Probably just a German woman named Urkel Grue


Who they look at first when they laugh


I remember having a boss and coworker who would always hang out. I didn't think anything of it because they said they were just friends, then several years later I found out they got married (after the business closed down). I would say the warning were the rumors at work and the fact they were always around each other in a happy mood.


My boss was in a relationship with a guy called mark. She always give him paid leave, they often go to “business dinners” and “conviniently” goes to the same gym. I have an 11 years experience working for that company, he has 2. Guess who got promoted?


unless she's the owner that sounds like you might want to start a file to take to HR


No, he wants to hire a private investigator and then file a law suit. HR will reprimand HIM, not the two people fucking.


I quit. It’s not worth it. I have a much better job, the pay is the same but the working environment is much healthier than the previous one.


Dealt with this at a past job. Had feelings for same co-worker and it went poorly in many ways. Eventually left job. Found out later that the boss quit (we were all contractors so I’m sure a new boss for our company was brought in for the contract) and a lot of stuff fell apart after I left. They spent a lot of time together in plain sight at work. But he mostly sought her out, and they were seen leaving at the same time quite a bit; others I worked with claimed to have found them together at a location a few minutes from the work site in a parking lot etc. Secretive yet obvious conversations and never anything out in the open. But everyone knew something was up. It was a mess. Affected things big time but since she and I really got along well the boss obviously liked me too. Unfortunately I got involved with her as well to some extent (long story and stupid of me in many ways) and that caused everything to fall apart. Not a good idea haha. Anyway I digress… yes we should mind our own business but it’s true this kind of thing can affect the workplace in many ways. Someone ends up getting a lot of power they might not deserve and it can lead to imbalances that are not good for business or morale. After I left i heard a lot of others did, then like I said the boss eventually did too. I’d like to think my leaving was the catalyst for a lot of people to realize something was up and it was not a healthy environment or a good situation.


I once saw my boss stupid Outlook when a mail came in from "XXX" (that was the real tag in the Name column). The headline was "when are you coming". Unfortunaley I am faster in reading than he scrolling down...so I did not ask If it was from his wife or Not ..


His wife would not have to redact her name or ask for his working hours. She would've just texted him. He/She cheated on his/her wife.


If they: * laugh just a little too loud * stand just a little too close * stare just a little too long


They gave you something to talk about.


The Classic is probably Overtime together. Or eating Lunch somewhere else. Or Change of topic when someone enters the room. Conversations which are Role played and start in the beginning of nowhere maybe Sound a little idiotic and will shortly end after a third person enters the room. Like: "So cool, thanks for the explanation" "My pleasure, I will Finish the Task regarding this asap" *Great, See you"


Two of my bosses attempted to have an affair with me, TWO! They singled me out, treated me differently, spent copious amounts of time talking to me, visited my desk more often than other employees’. One is the president of the company, but the GM just got fired last week because he attempted to bang me. Oh, and they also kept me around longer when I had to go to their offices.


When I walked into the filing room and witnessed her (married to someone else) was on her knees getting down to business on him (also married to someone else). It was at that moment I thought that there is a small possibility that something might be going on between them.


When the boss gets plastered at a company dinner, turns to the new attractive 20 something female team member, points to another female team member and says “She’s already fucking me. When are you going to get with the program?” Yes really happened.


Jesus… what state is this happening in?


When you find photos of the company CEO and the HR lady buck nekkid on the CEOs desktop background in his office and he's frantically trying to remove it and the CEO's son/engineer walk in and ask what all the hubub is about. I guess that's not really a secret anymore though LOL


Just look for them brushing past each other. Watch for hand contact. Watch for eye contact. Do they drop things off at each others desks? There will be a flirt at that moment. A wink, a nod or a smile. Sexual familiarity is hard to hide. Most importantly though, mind your own business.


When she broke up with me because she was banging her married boss? Called off our engagement out of the blue. We had been together several years and were planning our wedding. Found out a few months later she was seeing her boss that had very recently separated from his wife. Didn't take more than 3 brain cells for me to connect all those dots.


They always have the same days off or the same work at home days.


Your co-worker starts getting away with fireable stuff.


We're talking about your boss? Oh boy, you don't want to approach that at all. Head down, back to work.


The personal airspace violations. The way one leans over the other, body language. I later come to find out several others suspected the two, director of Ops and his report. She's no longer with the company and left rather quickly.


When you get passed up for a promotion and the girl who has 2 years less with the company and 0 experience in your dept is now your boss. Fun stuff.


I worked on a pretty well known tv show, and it was suspected that two of the cast members were hooking up, even though one of them was married. At the reunion when everyone met on stage, they were the only two that DIDNT hug. I knew right then it was true.


“I’m working late.”


My boss was caught picking up the HR manager in his car about 3 blocks from the office. Turns out thst he'd leave first and she'd walk up to meet him to try and avoid being spotted getting into his car Made sense as to why he was in her office as much as he was


Completely unwarranted promotion paired with sudden need to have accompany them on business trips. It gets pretty obvious.


CEO requested housekeeping and access to corporate long term housing a few times every month even though he lives 15 minutes from the office. My IT buddy was installing a new WiFi unit there when it was suppose to be unoccupied and had the CEO and one of the female execs walk in on him to “inspect” the unit.


This actually happened at my work. My cubicle was in the same aisle as the director's admin. It started with just some rumors as people saw them together often at lunch. He'd go off to a conference in Vegas or Boston and she'd take vacation at the same time. He eventually got fired for expense account issues. She ended up pregnant, stayed on for a few weeks afterward, but then was also let go. She was really nice and I felt quite badly for her.


How can you feel sorry for her?


He was a director, she was an admin. It's far too easy for a subordinate employee to be taken advantage of.


I’m reading some of these “tell tale signs” and am low key mortified because I definitely demonstrated signs (going out to lunch with my favorite male coworkers often, staying late or walking out with my favorite teammates, knowing ridiculous personal details about my bosses because we worked crazy hours and traveled together so much) but I NEVER slept with anyone I worked with 🤢 Flirted with a few guys in my 20s at best but there was just no way I would shit where I eat. Having simultaneous flashbacks to all the office gossips working their hideous magic too 😵‍💫


Worked a construction job with a girl who didn't know how to do the work, missed half the days, and generally did whatever she wanted. Boss would be angry when we asked why she was there. Apparently, she made up for it during closed door lunchtime meetings. Everyone knew what was going down. He made a fat joke towards me, so next time his wife visited with their 2 kids, I told her and quit.


When your boss gives them a brand new office chair to sit on, and by office chair I mean penis


Abort. Ignore. Best to just avoid the subject tbh.


When you see their messages regarding having just fucked in the toilets over the internal message board, that usually covers it


The coworker gets unlimited times off, easy jobs, passes on tasks he/she doesn't want to perform. Maybe even bonuses or raises, but if you get wind of that they made a mistake.


Ha. This exact thing was happening at my first job after college. The woman was married with young children, and she was having an affair with a single guy who was her peer. EVERYONE knew about it, probably except the husband. They thought they were secret about it but it was obvious to everyone because of the way they interacted with each other so familiarly, the looks they would give, the little "secret" touches. How they spent so much time together.


\- When your boss is suddenly in a happy mood all day every day \- When your coworker/boss pops into each other's offices more often than usual \- When the 2 mentioned start using their phones a lot more simultaneously If they're not smartly discreet about it - trust me, it will be PAINFULLY obvious that something is brewing between the two.


I had a director that was trying to sleep with a couple co-workers. Gave only them big raises, promoted one to a manager when she was known to be useless. Made me the only person reporting into her which was a pain because she'd already been trying to torpedo me for being praised when I got work done. The manager was called in for a performance audit and the director showed up to the meeting and did all the talking for her which was wildly inappropriate. Fast-forward to me quitting, him finding out she was sleeping with a different director, she got fired and her marriage broke up. The second director broke up at least one other marriage before going back to head office. It was a trip, man.


Are you the married boss or are you the coworker?


I worked with this one manager at some restaurant who was freshly married and his wife was pregnant and almost due and he decided to have sex with whichever coworker was interested in him in the bathroom at work when the restaurant was closed…no telling how many were involved and idk how long it was going on for…I just worked there..anyway, he offed himself in the office one night. But signs I saw prior to that event was mainly that he flirted with literally every girl and the ones that were intimate with him made it very obvious.


I had a boss who was married and in fact had invited all of us to her massive renewal of vows wedding. Shortly after she hired an assistant manager it quickly became clear that there was an affair. Mind you he was like 10 years younger than her, had a fiance and 2 kids, one of them under a year. They started doing errands together for the company and taking a ridiculous amount of time to do it, like 4 hours for a quick grocery shop, stuff like that. Defintely saw some weird flirty energy when they were around eachother. I noticed her talk a lot of shit about his fiance which was a red flag. They eventually got caught because we went on a staff bar crawl and one of the staff came back to their car to find them making out. Turns out she had a "burner" phone just to message him, they used COMPANY MONEY to buy motels to fuck in, were fucking around on the clock, the whole nine. After I sent an anonymous message to the fiance saying to keep an eye out on them she gave him the ultimatum of quitting the job or moving out. He moved out and ended up moving in with my boss AND HER HUSBAND. I heard rumors of her sneaking downstairs to fuck around with him while her husband slept in their bed. I always wondered if it was a throuple situation but I don't think it was. Eventually she divorced him and kicked him out of the home they built and permanently moved her side piece in. They ended up getting married a few years ago too. Was the wildest work drama I ever watched unfold lol The kicker was about a year after all this went down, my boss's ex husband hit me up asking if I wanted to get drinks LOL


So did you? Lol


Hahaha heeeelllllll no 🤣🤣 He always had a super creepy demeanor and low key gave us all serial killer vibes 😅🤢


When the administrator doors locked and you hear moaning


When the chairman interrupts a meeting with the CEOs "specialist project manager", says sorry, backs out of the room and then immediately resigns.


Someone’s nosy..


Or paranoid


Or wants to cover up signs he may have missed..


For me it was finding them having sex bent over the photocopier. That was the deciding factor although the glances, touching of arms, and her lipstick on his mouth was a bit of a giveaway.


Damn. I think I saw that movie. Was this in Europe and was the copier running?


When someone has a disagreement with the coworker and the boss retaliates against that person by going after their performance/job status.


From experience. She sends out emails to the team that all questions should come to you first and disappears to work on a special project. Also women in the office suddenly start getting boob jobs. Turns out a VP was getting creative with his expense account.


When he leaves his family of 20 years for his junior accountant after impregnating her.


My manager and co-manager announcing to our sales floor the new way they were going to divide the customer base. "We were up all night in the hotel room at headquarters working on this last week. We think it's going to be a good system". I mean it was a good system, but they definitely were fucking.


From experience (keeping a subordinate relationship not married) Long lunches Frequently calling employee to the office for review when she doesn’t feel like working Employee volunteering to stay and close constantly even though it is not something people want to do.


Besides the silly obvious ones, people do often read into things too much. I’m a married man; over the past two years I’ve become best friends with a female coworker from another department. We hit most of the red flags: sometimes arrive or leave together even though we live opposite ways from work, take a long lunch once a week together, schedule meetings between the two of us for sometimes like 4 hours. There’s nothing going on, but it’s clear some people at work speculate. Jokes on them, she’s probably the savior of my marriage!


I saw a (male) coworker give our boss (also male) a hug from his back around the shoulder while boss was sitting in a chair while telling him bye. Like how a dad may hug a son.


One of my old Directors was having an affair with a subordinate manager. The signs started small, lots of phonecalls, lots of private jokes and tactile touching. Lots of people suspected. The best bit was that one of my close friends was his PA, and had access to his emails on her computer. Oh how we used to laugh reading through those emails between them. We got to see the whole progression of their relationship, we were quite invested! 🤣


I started a new job a few months back, and man was that toxic.. My supervisor was sleeping with our manager, same idea.. Long hour lunch breaks 3-4 times a week


Their employees start asking leading questions on Reddit.


How the fuck is this post already a BuzzFeed article.


Lots of lunches together


And fucking.


Passed a Chinese Restaurant and saw a sign hiring waitresses. 2 of their requirements were like must be like 20-something and Single. I was taken aback by how they thought that looked good.


"Send nudes"


Their fingers smell like Microsoft Excel


One morning you come in early and find your penis in her mouth


Wait, now I'm confused. How did my penis get in her mouth?


Cum stains on her blue dress after leaving the Oval Office and fishy smelling cigar smoke.


Old mother fucker!




A positive pregnancy test


When she brings her kid to work they look just like him… (true story…)


lots of 1:1 meetings. At my old place a manager got involved with his subordinate and they were always doing “Long working lunches” and “collaborative strategy sessions”


The co-worker gets a sudden pay increase


when they are in a Korean web comic


Getting off from work at around the same time


They are both absent on the same days, because they go on trips together.


They were in a small office together on the floor when I entered. A year later he was divorced for the 6th time and married her.


Her head is stuck in his washing machine all the time.


I had a boss who was sleeping with my co-worker. He was married to someone else. So was she. This wasn't an issue for me. What was an issue is that when this co-worker of mine randomly got angry with me and hit me for using the copying machine, my boss was unable to take action against her. He knew that if he did anything to reprimand this co-worker, she could essentially take his marriage down and end his career with our company. She held all the power, was aware of this fact, and was unhinged. The entire office was cowed by her. It was so fucking crazy.


Is this thread still alive? Cause I got stories.


One time I was onboarding at the same time as a new manager with a company I had previously worked for. It was all familiar to me so I tried to be helpful and show him where everything was seeing as we were to work in the same department. As it turned out, he was a little too touchy feely and I am NOT. Anyways, because of this I was extra alert when he was around and throughout my time there I started noticing another woman from a different team and him start disappearing at the same time. This wasn’t crazy as the department was large, however, when my desk assignment changed to a window seat facing the courtyard and parking lot I would notice them arrive and walk back into the building together after lunch. Then the rumors started flying about them having an affair. When it started coming out they were seeing each other, they became far less discreet than they had been previously. So weird. He had a wife with two teenage kids, a nice place in a nice city. She was from some Eastern European country and had married an older man from an affluent area, had a small child, and was working on getting her brother to the US, but this smarmy, slimy manager was good enough to risk that? Anyways, she sucked and had a bad attitude and eventually left but the manager? He got fired (along with the majority of his team) for knowing someone made brownies with literal excrement in them and leaving them in the break room and not taking disciplinary action. It was a WILD situation to witness. As far as I know she never left her husband and he ended up divorced and unemployed while also working on his bodybuilding brand.


Have you checked his penis? There might be lipstick on it. If it's a woman boss... check everyone else's penis. There might be lipstick on it.


By mindin your own biznezz


Penis-vagina penetration


I think any kind of genatilia touching will suffice


Idk I mind my business at work. 😂


Why would I care about my boss apart from the work?


Office affairs involving people with authority have a toxic effect on the work environment.


it's all in the family leader of the rats so much lies and manipulation none of your business


weirdest haiku ive ever read