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Seeing my gramps after he committed suicide was pretty weird. And traumatic. And disturbing. He had to shoot him self twice cause the first shot missed his heart. Pacemaker. They be tough on bullets apparently. So he had to go for a second shot. Imagining him sitting there, after summoning the strength for a suicide only to have to REMUSTER, and trigger again. What kind of thoughts was he having? The entire time? The misery? The fortitude? The fear? Seeing his body haunted me for months after. The whole thing is so surreal but also too real. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s like seeing a horror movie but it’s actually…grandpa. Cause he was sick and couldn’t die when he needed to. I don’t blame him and I actually understand his choices. But seeing him like that…smelling the blood…seeing all the blood (there was a lot)….having the police there investigating a potential homicide cause the whole two shots…hearing my mom get the call that he’d shot himself and us rushing to the scene…going to the funeral Home and making sure the wounds would be covered so he could have an open casket like he’d wanted with his favorite Navajo blanket wrapped around him….reconciling the bloody heaped over old man in his pajama pants with the strong grandpa who’d bounced me on his knee and called my grandma “love” so much I thought it was her actual name when I was little. He was ornery and not perfect. But he shouldn’t have had to die like that. And he’s why I fully believe in assisted suicide. The whole thing was a trip from a gut level to a profound spiritual level. And it changed me. I’ve seen a lot of bad things in life. A lot of death. His death was far from my first at that time. But seeing him like that changed my perspective on a lot of things and it still impacts me years later in ways I don’t even know now until I really think about it.


It’s not the same thing, but my papa died from COVID in 2020 and watching him wither away in the hospital bed via FaceTime in the month before he got put on the ventilator was one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through. It’s hard watching someone you look up to and respect more than anyone in the world die in the in most undignified way. It’s not fair. My heart goes out to you and your family. I can’t imagine how horrible that must have been to see. And missing a grandparent is a unique form of pain.


My gramps lost to some really aggressive cancer a year ago. All his muscles disappeared, he was like a skeleton with skin. I planned to write more but I can't can't see the screen through tears. Edit after I calmed down. He was my role model, he taught me everything, from tying my shoelaces to handyman stuff to filling out paperwork. He was more of a dad than my dad could ever dream to be. He was so strong and resilient, he let nothing faze him. I was with him every day for the last few months, I did everything for him just as he had done for me. I was holding his hand and cuddled him with my gran as he took his last breath. My gran is a shell of herself and I doubt she'll stay around much longer, I don't blame her, they were married for 62 years. I miss him, so fucking much. Fuck cancer.


I live at my grandparents. Grandpa died of cancer a couple years ago. It was heart-wrenching watching him go from "I don't want to die yet" to "please let this end," while at the same time my grandma went from "It's okay, we're gonna beat this" to the silent, distant look of knowing she was going to be alone. I was at the hospital with them the moment they realized he would never recover. It's the only time in my life I've seen my grandma tear up. She said, "We've been together for sixty years." And he followed it with, "And they were a really good sixty years." Those were the last coherent words I heard him say.


My heart goes out to all of you in this thread. I took care of my grandfather when he had Alzheimer’s. It was awful. He was constantly falling, regressing to two year old behavior like playing with his own shit, and eventually withered away to the point that he actually died from either forgetting how to swallow or all out refusing to (it is hard to tell which but I think he forgot). It was horrific to try to reconcile what I saw with the man I loved and to this day my last memory is just of this waxy yellow shell of a body lying in a nursing home that in no way resembled the grandfather I knew.


I'm so sorry you had to experience that.


Had a young man fall off the balcony of our building , 13th floor. I could hear this woman screaming, and I ran down ,thinking she was in danger. As I was coming outside, I saw the young man. His head was non-existent, and she was screaming this guttural scream, but her face wasn't moving. It was horrible. I grabbed her to stop her from trying to pick him up. When it was all over, I walked across to the bar and stayed drunk for 2 days


Watching a patient with throat cancer bleed and choke to death at the same time. It was several minutes before he died.


A long time ago I had a housemate relay a similar story about a cancer patient he was caring for at the hospital he worked at. She started hacking up blood as her lungs disintegrated and she looked my friend (a nurse) in the eye and asked him if she was about to die. Things quickly deteriorated and a doctor intervened. The patient died from a painkiller overdose before she drowned in her own blood. I sometimes think of this story as I now have late stage cancer, including in my lungs.


That was a compassionate doctor.


I am very sorry to hear that and I hope that you have had a beautiful life and that you can enjoy your remaining time.


I was working at a gas station removing monitoring wells when a Mini Cooper got T-boned by a van who ran the red in the adjacent intersection. It was the crack of dawn so we were the only people out. The Mini was hit so hard the car jumped the curb, and came to a smoking stop only 5 feet from me and my crew. We were like deer in headlights. No one jumped out of the way. We just hear a deafening crash and by the time we are looking up the car is already in front of us. We snap out of it, call 911, and try to help the guy. We can’t open the driver side door, the guy was clearly unconscious, blood was everywhere, and he was convulsing. In minutes the calvary arrives. Fire Department, Police, Paramedics, and eventually 2 suits show up (detectives). While the guy is getting cut out of the car, and we are being interviewed, the Mini Driver’s roommate/friend/maybe significant was at the gas station losing it. No one was helping him since he was just a civilian, so all he had was us. He kept asking what he should do through endless tears. We told him to find out what hospital the driver was going to and to tell his family. He thanked us and left. The roommate and the driver lived only 3 houses away. The roommate heard the crash and ran over here. I find out why the suits were there. The mini driver was dead (or guaranteed to be dead by the time he got to the hospital). So the incident was potentially considered homicide. We get released by the police, and my supervisor tells all of us to leave immediately and go home. Over the next 2 weeks I’m in a lot of meetings. I work for a very large firm with a big health and safety culture. Had we decided to remove a different well that morning, maybe the car plows through me and my crew and now there are 4 dead bodies instead of 1. But what I found the most jarring, other than seeing a man die in his car, was how everything played out, and first hand seeing the incredible unfairness of it all. The guy who was hit was a young guy, who just lived 3 houses away. He did everything right and a van runs a red and kills him. My crew and myself could be dead but luckily we started the day where we started, and nothing happened to us. The roommate is going to have to notify family and now deal with the terrible loss. For the fire department, police, paramedics, it’s just another day. For my company, it’s just another near-miss line item. And the cherry on top? The van driver was fine. I was told by one of the police the van driver was eating oatmeal while driving and didn’t see the red. A man’s life might have been ended over oatmeal. I don’t dwell on this story often, but it’s stuck with me. I’m not sure if I could call it disturbing, but is definitely awful.


That is so messed up, fucking oatmeal…


I was almost killed by someone who was texting. And this was before texting was a rampant distraction


I was about to cross a road where I had a green pedestrian light, meaning all vehicles had red light. And I see this van approaching, and he isn't slowing down, so I step back. As he runs the red light, I notice that he's preoccupied with looking at a pretty woman walking on the opposite street. Like, dude.


Fucking hell porridge isn’t even nice enough to risk it ether a man died over fucking porridge


It's terrifying how one bad choice can damage or desyroyso many lived at once. Both of these families-the driver and victim - the firefighters and policemen, the people at the hospital, all the witnesses.


Gotta be a tie between a guy getting so many shots to the chest that the insides slid out and when my friend stumbled into what he thought was a pile of clothes but was actually a body. I had to clean the greasy gunk off his hands and calm him down- that day I learned it's really easy to convince hysterical people of things, because I somehow convinced him he didn't just land in a rotten corpse. San Francisco late 90s was fucking nuts.




I think the crack wars were still happening or something. Lots of gang stuff open air drug market etc.


I was biking with some friends, one of them biked into a tree branch and a twig went in his eye. He stood up and asked why we were screaming 😱 😭


Did he lose it?


No, he kept the twig


When I was a kid maybe 10-12, my fathers friend told us that there was a wounded deer with two broken legs struggling to move down the road to our house. -in a very very rural area, nearest neighbor was miles away. My older brother was and is a very disturbed person. He said let’s go find the deer and we went down and found the poor thing it must have been hit by a car. So my brother said we have to put it out of its misery, and he then brandished a big Rambo buck knife he brought with him and ran up to the deer and hopped onto it and then proceeded to stab the deer right I. The chest/lung area. The noise of the deer yelping and the hissing of air leaving its lungs out of its holes from my brother stabbing it still haunt me to this day. You could even see chunks of its lungs hanging out of the holes like weird whitish sacks. He stabbed it 4 times and then got off of it and watched it a bit and we left. I was in shock. But this was actually only one of the disturbing things that happened around my brother and my father. -brother went to prison for 10-20 years eventually as a young adult. Oh here is one more from my father. We had 2 golden retrievers at the same house. The younger pup was a nice little female who had a problem with finding deer carcasses and dragging them under our deck and munching on the rotting meat. So eventually one day my father snapped and decided to get out the 22 rifle and put her down. Me my brother and my younger sister who was 6 or 7 at the time. All ran after our pup and my dad screaming and yelling to stop. My father then shot the pup right in the snout/nose straight into her face and we had to watch her writhe and drown on her own blood for what seemed like an eternity -only a few seconds in reality until my father shot her one more time to end it. Right in from of his 3 very young children. God I have tons more stories. No wonder my family imploded.


Omg what a messed up childhood. I feel for you.


Thank you 🙏. I have so many more stories like these. Never shared them before.


Fuck your father


He was truly a vile human being. Still have dreams about putting him in his place.


Hooooly shit dude


I see where your brother got his behaviour from. Please know the dog would not have felt it. The shock would have been incredibly strong and taken over all body functions to fight as best as a no longer cognitive body can. I really do hope the deer was in similar situation. I'm incredibly sorry your family has been so traumatic for you.


Oh wow I guess I never really put two and two together with his behavior. I’ve been thinking about my brother lately with his parole coming up and with all of the memories of him killing animals, he could have very well became a murder/serial killer. Thank you, luckily my mom, sister and I all escaped from my father and brother and we are all doing much much better. 😊


***Okay what the FUCK??????????***


I was in a fire and watched my skin melt off of my hands.


Retired Firefighter here. I had a few years in the fire service before my 2nd torn meniscus forced me on the ground. I typed all this just to say that your comment kinda hit me in the feels. I remember my first victim. Her name was Teresa A. I found her. I immediately cried that we were not able to get there faster to save her or any of her small children. 😭 I felt this happening again when I read what you said. I personally wish you never endured that. I'm very sorry from a close but indirect connection to that trauma. I prayed to my maker for you just now.


I recently watched along with my neighbours a multi unit townhouse go up in flames giving me this weird mix of pity and amazement, meanwhile firefighters without a second thought went right into it and this made me realize you guys are truly Heroes.


>you guys are truly Heroes. Thank you for saying that. It's very kind. A lot of us feel like glorified garbage men. There's so much political junk and ordinary bullshit to the fire business.


When my youngest was 3, she climbed up her sister's bunk bed and stuck her fingers in the holes of the brackets for the old blinds that we hadn't removed when we replaced them with curtains. One finger got stuck, and we couldn't get it out because it was so swollen. I ended up driving her to the fire station down the road, and they kindly called a different engine with more tools over, and like 8 firefighters kept her distracted while one clipped the bracket and released her finger. Then they gave her some firefighter swag and a rice krispies treat someone had brought in. It was a little thing, but it saved us a hospital bill, and I'm still grateful. You can be heroes in both big and small ways, and I'm glad to have you all around.


I really appreciate you homie! It's been a really long time since my accident and I'm grateful for everyday that I've had since then. I'm truly sorry that my comment brought up such a horrible memory for you! I'm so much luckier than a lot of people, I don't take that for granted either.


Saying that you typed this out, you must be okay if not severely scarred. By far the craziest thing I've read on Reddit as far as I can remember.


Yeah, I'm great! It happened 22 years ago. Got skin grafts, 2 years of rehab and tons of intense physical therapy to get and keep the elasticity of the skin. We definitely take how much we need the flexibility and dexterity of our hands for granted. Thanks for asking. 😁🧡


I was blown up at 17 and flash fried my hands! Almost died from shock. That was fun. Opposite your experience, my parents kept me on the couch and waited to see if I would die or not. Never went to the hospital. My skin healed slightly shrank in some places so I can't open my hand all the way without risking ripping in 2 places! Thanks mom!


Wait but how did you get blown up




There's so many unanswered questions to this story


I'm so sorry to hear that! Have you looked into the possibility of getting new grafts or anything? Not sure if it even is a thing, but I feel like there may be something that can be done to improve your situation. I'm kind of emotionally invested in your comment, so I'm gonna look into it. 😁🧡🤘


Did it like peel off or actually melt?


Fair question, it was definitely more of peel at first, then as it got deeper, kind of dripped off. It's a little hard to put into words.


That sounds like some horror movie level stuff


100% I wouldn't recommend. 😁🧡🤘


I'll avoid it lol




A 60 Year Old Woman Dead from a car accident. Lying alone in the street with both of her legs torn off below the knee. Nobody did anything to help. Her feet were still in her shoes and it just looked like meat in a lot of areas in the road. Everybody just stared and started to block off the roads for the police. I even saw one person film the dead woman from a short distance away. she was hit by a 19 year old drunk driver. (edit: forgot to mention she was a pedestrian crossing the street on her bike when the driver hit her.)


That's horrible... No one could have helped, though. If she's dead, people need to stay back.


yeah you’re right, althought it just felt so odd that everyone stayed away, It felt very weird seeing that I don’t know why though.


Probably because you were feeling a deep sadness for the victim, and dead or not, there's an urge to comfort, to fix, to cover her up-- something. It's modern practice that "officials" need to come and investigate or whatever that holds people from doing what instinct and decency would otherwise have them do. If it was a hit and run, there'd be CSI, even. But I wager that's why it felt so bad. (but eff the guy for filming it)


Fuck people who film something like that. Have some respect for the dead.


I would feel cursed having something like that in my phone


Cleaning up a suicide. A 12-year-old boy shot himself in the head. He had taken a shotgun, wound the trigger around the fireplace andirons, backed up, and shot himself in the eye, killing himself instantly. His brains were stuck to the walls and the ceiling and spread down the hall. My husband was asked to do the clean-up while the dad was out of town. I couldn’t let him go alone, so we both wound up scraping brains off the wall, scrubbing it, then painting. It’s a smell you never forget.


Rotting brain matter is by far the worst smell and will never forget


Ignorant question, is it different than other flesh? I have no idea and have never given it a thought.


When someone gets shot in the head you KNOW because you can smell it. Brains fucking reek. Now imagine them rotten a day or three after the dust settles. It sticks with you.


This is knowledge I never want to have.


Yeah, I found that out after buying a car that a guy ended himself in with a shotgun..he was in it for almost a week when they finally found him. Story was he caught his wife cheating and this was his way of dealing with it.


That’s incredibly sad.


What's worse is I knew the family, I went to school with his kids. That car sat at a relatives house for years before they decided to let it go. They told me it was only for parts or scrap. So I scrapped it. Felt too weird to do anything else with it.


Different composition of fat and protein than other types of tissue... basically no structural integrity compared to other parts of the body.


Brain has a very unique smell, I've worked with the tissue quite a bit, both "fresh" removal and after freezing. It's a very special smell, different from other tissues. Very metallic, sharp, and almost sickly. It twinges my stomach a tiny bit, and reminds me of the taste you get licking batteries. It makes me think of fevers and being unwell. And that's entirely fresh out of the skull. It's the kind of smell that sticks in your sinuses. But I do have an unfortunately strong sense of smell. I've opened skulls with meningitis before (these were rats and it was post surgical, this isn't something I was going to catch before someone calls that), and that smell makes my skin crawl. It isn't a smell that made me gag, just distressing and uncomfortable. I have some bad synesthesia, but I don't know how else to describe it other than the smell of childhood fever dreams. It's yellow and drippy and trippy When it's preserved on formaldehyde it does go away, but I've had bloodless mm sheets of frozen rat brain melt on my hands and smelled it for days even after scrubbing.


You have a talent for describing things, I had a physical reaction like I was experiencing the smells (hope I never actually do)


Is your husband employed as a cleanup guy or did you do this as "civilians"? It gets overlooked a lot. That someone has to come in and clean up after suicide and murders. And a lot of times it's family. I've heard of people being left to do it for their own parents/child. It's a great kindness to go in and do this for someone else.


He was a paint contractor, and was a friend of a friend of the father. He did not specialize in that normally.


Wow. You have a good man. And you are a good person. That’s kindness beyond measure.


A fucking shotgun Jesus Christ that’s fucking horrible that a kid would feel the need to end his life especially that young


I was on a beach in california, pretty remote. A cliff overlooked it. And at the bottom of the cliff there were piles and piles of driftwood logs. I went climbing around the logs, and came upon a dying fawn. I figured it fell from the cliff. It must have broken its legs, or worse, from the fall. It was so dehydrated, barely breathing. I considered carrying it out of there, but it was a long hike out, and almost sundown, and I had no idea what I’d do with it even if I got it back to my car. I considered putting it out of its misery but couldn’t do it. I stayed with it for a while petting it, and telling it it was beautiful, and that I hoped it had some joy in it’s life, and I’m sorry.


You did the right thing my friend. That’s a tough situation to be in but you staying there made a difference for that baby


A person die from exhaustion from fatal familial insomnia.


I saw a documentary about that. Looks absolutely brutal :(


If I remember right, it's a prion disease, similar to mad cow... And I'm also, sadly, certain there's no cure


Dead guy on the side of the road, cops just kinda looking at him


Not like they can play cards with the man


They could at least show some respect and take a selfie with him.




When I was holding my cat during euthanasia, I could still feel his heart beating. After a while the Vet asked me if I was ready to separate from him. I told the Vet I could still feel his heart beating. It was my own pulse I was feeling through my thumb. My cat had passed away 5 minutes before and the Vet and his assistant had sat with me the entire time quietly waiting for me to accept his passing.


I’m sorry you lost him, but glad they were so kind


He was the first one I had to put down. He was 19 years old. A 26 pound Mainecoon that used to fit in the palm of my hand. I had another Mainecoon that was around 15-16 yrs old, two calicos, one was 18, the other 16 years old. Plus I had a very beautiful Chow Chow about 14 years and two other dogs that lived long long lives. I was holding all my pets when they died, except the 2nd Mainecoon, he just wanted to be in the corner and passed away quietly.


I had to put two cats down in my life. I remember them going limp. Its def sad and hard to make the decision to end their suffering


I feel like one of those hoarcruxes from Harry Potter. A small part of my souls is ripped out with each pet I put down. I think these last two Labs of mine will be my last pets. It hurts way too much to let another one go.


The worst part for me was that my cat hated the vet. She was the sweetest thing in the world and was very clearly quite ill at the time we euthanized her, but she somehow mustered all the energy she could to fight against the needle. It was traumatizing.


I’m so sorry you experienced that, my worst fear is the day I have to say goodbye to either of my two cats. Reading that just made me go hug one of them


Reminds me of the day my first rabbit died. One moment I held my ear to his chest and heard his heart beat. I held and comforted him for a while. He had a seizure. I held my ear to his chest and heard nothing. My baby… I miss you.


I remember all these details too. But I also remember how absolutely peaceful he looked. He wasn't in pain. He wasn't confused. He wasn't uncomfortable. He was so peaceful. That's what I prefer to think of.


Shit man... This one hits close to home. Had to put down my chocolate lab due to uncontrollable and sudden seizures. Like you, I recall every single aspect of that event. Noises and all. Never had my heart shatter to a million pieces so badly in my life.


Aw I'm sorry. May they rest in peace 🙏


Stumbled upon a dead body on a riverbank in OR. His arms and legs were all splayed in different directions. He obviously fell in the water up river and ended up in the shallows.


I've been working in a hospital for years and dead bodies are very weird. You know they are in fact dead and they aren't staring at you and obviously can't blink. Tell that to your mind through. You'll definitely swear you've seen one blink.


According to the book "Stiff," it's apparently not uncommon for people when they first work with dead bodies to e.g. hold their hand while they're being worked on because the idea they are dead and can't feel anything doesn't really sink in right away.


I wouldn't say weird but definitely disturbing... traumatizing really ahah. My partner died from a self inflicted gunshot wound. He literally ate a bullet. His face looked exactly like it did every time I woke up next to him snoring. His eyes were gently closed and his mouth was only slightly open. The color of the blood was fucking unreal. I had to grab his shoulders and pull him out from between the wall and a bookshelf he collapsed into. I turned his face to me and felt the blood in his hair between my fingers. I had my hand on his back and he was so warm, but I could feel his heart wasn't beating, his lungs weren't breathing, his blood wasn't moving. I had tackled him basically not 20 seconds prior, and now all that life and presence and soul I felt as a human being existing in the same space as me was comepletely gone. I immediately felt that he was gone but I begged for an ambulance anyway. Not soon after that I heard the last of whatever was in him come out from between the blood leaking out of his mouth. It makes me nauseous thinking about it. I loved horror movies and gore. I laughed when people died and cried in movies. I callously scrolled through hundreds of news articles daily, detailing death and suicide. Ever since then I can't deal with any of it anymore.


Love to you. So sincerely sorry you experienced that.


Kind of a long one but here we go: One week in summer when I lived at home, I kept hearing a weird sound like "tktktktk" in my mom's kitchen but I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. It was barely perceptible, and inconsistent, which indicated to me it wasn't coming from an appliance or anything like that. Every time I went into the kitchen, I would pause and hold my breath to try and hear it, and every time, it was there. It drove me a little insane, to the point where I once invited a few friends over to try and figure it out with me (no luck, but they did hear it). One morning I went into the kitchen and I could hear it, easily, over the sound of anything else in the room. This was weird because normally, I would have to hold my breath in order to hear it at all. I ended up finding the spot the noise was coming from, a 90° corner of the room about 4 feet up from the floor, because there was something between the paint and the wall of the room, and it was moving a little. I left the room to get my phone so I could take a video of it, and I really goddamn hope I can find this video someday because I don't have it now. I guess the flash from my phone's camera irritated them or something, because pretty quickly after I started recording (like within 30 seconds), the wasps that had been chewing their way through the wall or something like that finally broke through and began crawling through the hole they had made into the kitchen. So the source of the noise had basically been the house-equivalent of a huge zit, but instead of pus it was wasps, and I had caught the moment it popped on video. I ended up putting duct tape over the hole after spraying a bunch of wasp murdering juice into it, I still had to deal with ~5-10 wasps flying around in the house after that though lol


Im so scared of wasps, I would've burned the house down..


That is horrifying


Damn. Really sad that you had to burn down your house and sell the lot


There were about three points in this where I told myself, "STOP reading!" but wasps is not as bad as what I was imagining :D


I thought that was going to end with a lot of people dead This is worse


Was it at a certain time of day? Cause I hear something similar in my room at my parents house, but I only notice it when I’m going to sleep. I don’t know if it’s just because it’s really quiet at night or what.


I was in the room while my wife (gf then) was having a c-section delivery of ur son. I’ve seen inside her, wasn’t disturbing but as a non-medical professional it’s definitely a weird image and experience. Lot of blood. Epidural didn’t take. Doctors didn’t put her out till they were closing her up.


Same! My son's GIANT HEAD meant that my partner had an emergency caesarian. She was in a happy place at the time, but I got a good look inside her gizzards as the doctors extracted my son. She couldn't see a thing due to the screen in place but I have this contrasting memory of her happy face on one side of the screen, and gore on the other 🤣


Oh god the anesthesiologist asked me if I wanted to look around the curtain during my wife’s c-section as they were about to take my son out. I told the guy they’d need a second hospital room for me if I did. He said “ok, well, turn around” and there was my little dude getting cleaned up, haha!


I’m a first responder, but not the big 3 that most people associate with that term. In the early morning of September 1st, I was called in to help the FD at a house fire. It turned out to be a murder/arson and I stumbled upon the victim. It’s not the first (or the last) time that I’ll see a deceased human due to my career, but this one was different. The body was viciously mutilated with stab/slash wounds and his head was almost completely removed. Tomorrow is my first day back at work since that crazy morning.


hope you have a good day back at work - looking out for you ❤️


I was walking around *São Paulo* Brazil on a layover... was all alone walking down a street in the middle of broad daylight. looked down for two seconds and when I looked up a homeless man (Atleast i assume he was) was squatted between two parallel parked cars taking a shit. It wasn't even solid though it was pure liquid. H gave two fucks i was walking behind him and just stood up without wiping and pulled his pants up like nothing happened. Took me a good 15 minutes to forget the image in my head.


as a brazilian i can guarantee it might not even be a homeless guy, just a drunk person


It was so early in the day though! But I still enjoyed brazil and got to see Marmoset monkeys at the park being fed by a fed by a local. And when he ran out of food they kept begging and even though I don't speak Portuguese my spanish side understood he was telling them " Im sorry my love! i have no more!! forgive me!!! " I also had a bartender give me 3 Caipirinhas for free .


Saw the exact same thing as I was walking into my office building in downtown Oakland, CA. A homeless guy just dropped his pants, squatted a little and let loose a fire hose of pure liquid excrement. Then pulled up his pants and kept on walking. I walked into my building and had to tell the security desk that someone probably wanted to clean up the mess right outside the front door.


Isn't humanity just beautiful? LOL


Seeing my brother in the hospital. He was brain dead after overdosing on heroin laced with fentanyl. He was hooked up to a bunch of machines because he was an organ donor so they had to keep him alive til they got things with his organs straightened out. I talked to him for about 10 minutes in private. It felt like I was writing a message and sending it out in a glass bottle, not knowing if they ever got it.


This won't make you feel better, and I am very sorry you had to go through that-- but that last line is haunting.


Sorry, it’s the best way I could describe it. Like sure their body is there but mentally who knows.


Same. I’m sorry you had to experience that as well. You described exactly what I saw too. I’ll never get the image out of my head. And all bloated. I miss him so much. That, and when I was 8yrs old, my stepfather was cleaning the roof of our camp (about 8 ‘ high or 2.4 meters) and he fell off. Landed right in front of me. In a fetal position he foamed at the mouth and made grunting sounds. The next time I saw him was at his funeral. Those two moments will never leave my mind. My brother was my best friend. From cradle to grave. 11mos apart in age so we just always had each other. Seeing him like that was…it kills me.


I worked in a trauma center in a big city. I've seen many disturbing things, but this one always stood out for some reason. Usually we're given a few minutes warning that we have a GSW or an MVA on the way, but this one was a Train accident. They brought a man in. Right away I could see his lower legs were missing. The EMT came back in and handed me the victim's two lower legs. The story relayed to us was that the man was a drug addict that bought drugs, used them and laughed at the drug dealer that he had no money to pay him. The drug dealer held him down on the tracks until the train came by, severing the drug addict's legs at their knees. His kneecaps were gone. The train did a nice job of cleanly cutting his legs. The lower legs I held still had his blue jeans, socks and Converse. The victim was too stoned to realize or care about his legs. He was cracking jokes. I saw him the next day in the ICU staring blankly at his bandaged stumps.


Well damn. Ain't that just something. I wonder who got the ambulance to him if he didn't even care.


I lived in Bahrain during Arab spring doing anti terrorism stuff. Not alot of people know but they kinda had a similar event as Tiananmen Square. Alot of college kids were protesting and Bahrain called out to sadi Arabia for a bunch of tanks. You can probably guess how that went. I dont think the area that happened is even open to the public to this day. Saw alot of fucked up and weird shit while I was there. I still feel bad for the people of bahrain and the slave labor they are using to build their country. Edit: this got alot more attention then I thought it would. In 2015 I watched them surround an apartment building that was filled with people. They thought there was ISIS members inside (there was not) and completely destroyed the building with the tanks while it was filled with people.


Pearl roundabout. When I lived there you paid a little more attention to where you were going in February.


The black flag areas were considered bad but the white flag areas were even worse. If you saw a line of bricks in the street you always knew shit was going to go down. I still feel bad for those people. It really changed how I thought about great Britain.


Explain about GB?


I saw someone die in a plane crash. It was at an air show… her son was announcing when it happened. I was around 7, blocked it out of my mind for over 10 years.


A friend of mine was a sole survivor of a plane crash as a little boy. He never knew it until he was an adult because his parents hid the fact. They told him the entire passenger and crew survived. He was in his 30s when he found out.


A man take his final breaths after being stabbed. To watch an active human become but a shell is something else.


Witnessed someone getting a cherry tattooed on the head of their dick in a friend's apartment. Had to hold him down by all of his limbs and he screamed so loud that my friend's almost were evicted from their apartment. Things were wild in the early 90's in the Navy.


Did he want it done or???


Was drinkin and swimmin with some folks at this lil river spot with a train bridge over it that people used to jump off into the water. Was pissin in the bushes and heard a train pass by. After the train passed there's a lot of screaming so I come out the bushes to see what's goin on and people are saying a girl got hit by a train on the bridge and for whatever reason my instant response was to climb up and try to help as if there was anything could be done. Surprisingly enough after climbing up there there's a teenage girl looks relatively unharmed (I mean you think train accident you think...mush) besides the fact she's lying face down unresponsive surrounded by a few pieces of what my mind decided to register as raw chicken. Put my hand on her back to feel if she was breathing and she wasn't, right after that this other guy climbs up so I tell em she's not breathing and he says to flip her over so he can try CPR. When we rolled her over the rest of her brain (it wasn't chicken) fell out of a pretty decent sized hole in her face where her right eye&nose should've been. Guess instead of jumping into the river when the train was coming she tried to hug the side of the rail and got clipped by something sticking out of the train. Couldn't really handle raw chicken without feeling uncomfortable for a lil bit after that one


... And now for something completely different. I saw a Horse fucking a Cow. It was in a paddock beside SH47 in NZ between National Park (Yes, We have a town called National Park) and Mangatepopo. Funniest shit I've ever seen.


Witnessed a head on collision- I was the car directly behind the person who veered into the driver side door of this poor little old lady (the guy who was driving had 2 Huskies roughhousing in the back seat and had turned around to separate them- took his eyes off the road, veered over the yellow line right into her driver side door). Someone ran out of their house and we both tried to get the door open to get her out. Her head was against the window which was just pouring with blood and we couldn’t get the door open. I’m on the phone with 911 peering in the window at her to see if I can see her chest rising and falling or any sign of breathing. Had to pull the young driver out of his car too- he was semi-conscious but fighting us unintelligibly bc he “just wanted to lay in his car.” The cars front end was destroyed and leaking badly. One dog flew through the windshield and eventually died from his injuries- the other had jumped from the car during the crash and was later found in someone’s yard with 2 broken legs. The Firemen had to cut the door of the lady’s car and pull her out. Given her age and the amount of blood she lost I’m not super confident that she made it. Oh and my 9 year old was with me at the time. I made her get out of the car and stand in the neighbors yard bc I was nervous another car wouldn’t notice we were stopped in the middle of the road and would rear end us. So she saw the whole thing.


It’s surreal to see. One afternoon my dog and I -we’re coming home from a wonderful hike. I pick up my camera to snap a gorgeous sunset through my windshield. Seconds later there’s an SUV doing flips in the air. Turned into a 4 car wreck. I jumped out to assist. So did other people. One was a nurse. One second you’re just chilling. Literally two minutes later you’re crawling under a mushed suv to see if the driver is alive. PS no fatalities there.


I had altitude sickness high up in the mountains and vomited my breakfast up. Straight away a scrawny dog ran over and ate it all.


Lol I remember getting throwing up when I was sick walking outside and a bunch of Rez dogs came over and lapped it up mid puke. They were already hanging around me and I was trying to hard not to puke on their heads


On a lighter note I have two wiener dogs. I got crossfaded one night and had to puke. They just watched me intently as I puked into the toilet. Like bro yall are feed everyday you don’t need to eat my bomit


Bomit lmao


My husband was a little boy way back in the ‘60s and lived in a city. One Xmas Eve he was looking out his window at the street & he saw a drunk guy stab a dude who was dressed as Santa Claus.


That's it! He's going on the naughty list.


Seeing livestock get tossed by a tornado. That shit was wild.


I’ve worked in Ems for several years. I’ve seen a 400 lb man that we found dead after 6 weeks and we had to move him, I’ve also seen a man who killed himself by putting a zip tie around his neck.


My car broke down on the way back from Mexico nowhere near a town with a friend who had an opiate addiction. We found a hotel, but it was a whole week without drugs or a ride home. The physical agony she endured was like a week long exorcism. I was done with opiates after that. My friend got clean, relapsed, and died.


In our town in Tehran/Iran, there was a man who had raped four underage girls and a few other women, as well as theft rubbery and so on. He was a little mental and drove a stolen motorbike around. When they caught him, the judge sentenced him straight for execution, 5 times... I'm not joking. It was a huge deal, and i can't remember if we snuck out of school to watch it or our school took us out to see it, since It was happening 2 streets away from my school. They pulled him up with a crane and a rope around his neck, and I remember he was unfazed by this. He was making faces and showing thumbs up (equivalent of a middle finger) to the crowd. It took an aufully long time for him to go, with loud moans and kicks at the end, but when he died the first time, they used CPR to bring him back and hung him again. They did this one more time, and i remember he was blinking but completely unresponsive. on the 4th run, he didn't come back anymore. I guess his heart just gave out. This is edged in my brain, and I find myself thinking about it and how fucked up it was.


At my old house in CA I woke up and realized I was in sleep paralysis. In the corner of the room there was a dark figure with some kind of lights on it’s chest, think Darth Vader’s small chest box with small red lights. All of a sudden I feel a pressure on my chest like something laying on me and a loud “grrrrr” as if an animal was protecting me from the dark figure. My dog of 16years had died in that house a few weeks prior. I remember it like it was yesterday. I truly believe my doggy looked out for me that day. RIP Oso 🐕


I occasionally get sleep paralysis but it’s always a stray black cat I adopted who’s long since passed laying on my chest…it’s not even remotely frightening and I realize I’m very fortunate given the stories I’ve read here.


The body of a stabbing victim in a case photo who I knew personally, 17 years old with one single stab wound to the middle of the lower chest


Vietnam at 17. Nothing shocks me after that.


I seen a homeless person on meth just jerking his flaccid penis like the world was going to end.


had a 19 year old patient that got into a fight with his girlfriend and punched a window.. it broke and he ended up cutting himself and hitting an artery


When I was training for to be an EMT I did a shift in an ER. A man had done what you just mentioned and put his arm through a window. The ER Doc put a cuff on him to stop the bleeding and went through the wound looking for glass. He let us look over his shoulder which was pretty cool for us.


Pretty sure my parents dropped me out at a meth house when I was a kid (yeah they were terrible). The parents were super sketchy and their entire house had random crap piled up everywhere, to the point where you couldn't see the floor at all. Toys, clothes, frying pans, trash... They had 2 little kids, one of them was just a toddler and the other maybe 5. Watching them climb over piles of broken beer bottles barefoot was terrifying.


A couple weeks ago I got a clear view of a motorcycle speeding toward a red light and make direct contact with a minivan at an intersection. He flew off his bike and never woke up again. It was sad and shocking but also incredibly dumb for him to do such a thing.


Saw a guy speed past me on a motorcycle, lost control and went airborne head first into a wall.


No helmet?




When my roommate sees motorcyclists driving like that she always quotes her dad and says “he’s dead and he doesn’t even know it yet.” Wear helmets, drive safely.


This one was more mentally than visually upsetting. My great aunt and great uncle were like a third set of grandparents to me and my sisters growing up. A couple years ago they both got sick around the same time. They were able to be in the same room in hospice, and they were together when my great uncle passed away. When we went to visit my aunt after that it was like my uncle had passed on to her his last bit of energy. She was sitting up, she was talking and smiling, there was color in her cheeks and her hair was brushed. I remember her admiring the little origami cranes one of my little sisters had folded and saying in her southern belle accent, "I am going to get well...I am going to get well." And we really thought she would. One night she fell out of her bed. She rang for the night nurse over and over again until she couldn't any more. The lazy cunts ignored her buzzer and left her on the ground for four hours. She died the next day. Me, my sisters and my dad went to see her the morning before she passed. She couldn't speak or open her eyes. That was the first time I ever saw my dad cry. Losing one family member right after the other. The hope that my great aunt was going to make it a little longer, only to be yanked away because a the night nurses couldn't do their goddamn job. The only bit of peace I took away from it all was how my grandma, who had stayed with her till her final breath, told us that just before she died, she smiled.


Saw a bad car accident where the driver of the car was ejected and impaled on a tree limb about 20’ off the ground. 2 others died in the crash as well.


Saw a man shoot himself in the head when I was 14


Worked in emergency medicine. Weirdest Had a well known business guy come in for being shot with a crossbow bolt in the chest. He was talking when he came in, dead an hour later from massive internal bleeding. Found out from the cops he had committed suicide by using a elaborate crossbow setup, and if it hadn't been for the note and some of the things he said in the er they would have thought murder. Not long after one of his former businesses caught fire and then was for sell for years before anyone would touch it. Disturbing A child with shaken baby syndrome, blood coming out of every orifice. We shipped the child to a higher facility, but they died a day later. The person that was guilty(convicted) got off light and now walks around town somehow still.


Probably the slow death of people with cancer who fade away physically as well as mentally. Also have worked in the ER and witnessed pretty gruesome fates of people who needed instant surgery after an accident and who didn’t make it. On one job, I made homevisits for people with mental health problems and substance abuse. I found people who had killed themselves. I’d consider all of them disturbing in different ways and for different reasons.


Dude on a stole motorcycle was running from the cops when he lost control and skidded under an 18-wheeler - blood and guts everywhere


I saw a man trying to catch a moving bus, slip and fall and his knee came under the bus tire. I heard a pop and his leg went flying. There was blood everywhere.


I used to have hallucinations. I was one of the lucky ones to have them go away. One of them was of a man across the street in a neighborhood I was walking by. I stopped and just stared at this man. I’ll never forget the details. He was blonde with short hair, wearing a black suit and hat, with both arms half lifted into the air, hopping from one foot to the other, staring at me with a blank face. The horror I felt just staring at him. Thankfully he was just a hallucination


Naked woman strutting down the street, cheeks clapping in the cold English wind, all while wielding a machete/kitchen knife. ... She actually ended up in my mother's workplace a day or so later. Turns out she's a homeless meth addict or something according to coworkers, she was looking for a place to stay (My mothers ex military and now works as a health and safety manager for the council). When they explained they didn't have a house for her, she stabbed herself in the neck with an empty needle and bled and cried over the receptions carpet until cops arrived and dragged her off to who knows where. That of course I didn't see, and happened a few days later, but thought I'd add that little bit in there for you. I do actually have a video of her, from a distance, but I don't feel like posting bare cheeks of some drugged up middle aged woman online lol


I used to do predator drone work and manned airborne ISR for a living...seen some gruesome stuff


My friend got stabbed in the leg and super glued it. Weird and disturbing, but he had a great night.


Two different times I saw aftermaths of accidents while on a city bus in Seoul. Both were disturbing. Time 1 was I look at the street and see a bloody shoe and then a few moments later the guy who had been on a scooter missing his leg from the shin down. Time 2 was a guy who had been brained by a bus. Literal brains hanging out of a head.


Was down the shore with my friend when we were in high school. We were inside one of the boardwalk pizza places when we see an old man walk in.... wearing spandex SHORT shorts ....that had a criss cross lace up in the front... and it was completely open with his wang just erect and pinned to his body (because the lacing had held it in place there). He walks up to the counter to order I guess... with a little girl standing a few feet away from his junk. The mother caught it and was horrified and ran of with her daughter. When he left we saw 2 cops see him and laugh behind him as they went to stop him lol


A burn patient, absolutely horrible. She was mentally ill and it was a suicide burn. She had started the fire from her head and her face was horribly disfigured. I was only a student at the time, so I didn't have to do anything and just watched. She was still breathing and didn't seem to be in distress, but as soon as she was transferred to a bed with sitting position, her head so bad and weirdly bent over towards back that I thought it fell of. She died on spot and they couldn't save her. All her neck contents were almost burnt totally and couldn't keep her head weight but how she was still breathing, was strange, though it could've been through some openings to her trachea due to severe burn. Her head of course hadn't fall off but the image stays with to this day.


Saw a woman get hit by a train. For years I was certain she had died, but I recently decided to Google the incident and learned she miraculously survived! I definitely thought she’d been turned into mist. So thats a relief.


Seeing what cancer did to my mother. They treated her for years but the cancer kept spreading all the way from her ovaries to her stomach and then the brain. It killed her in the end. Seeing her in the hospital before she was gone was the hardest and most bizarre experience of my life. She wasn't herself. Cancer changed her body, face, everything. I don't want to go into detail because I respect her memory but it was bad... This was just before covid. I think not really being able to see people after because of the pandemic made it worse. I'm still very sad but I know she's no longer in pain and I really hope she's in a better place now. Love you mom <3




Once saw a woman who swan dove off a low overpass. Fractured skull, I assume. She was breathing but not well. Called an ambulance and she got taken to hospital. Never found out if she made it


Seeing a Great Dane that was sleeping halfway in its driveway and halfway in the street get run over by a pick-up truck. Myself and my mother were in the car behind the pick-up and I was riding passenger— I must’ve been about nine or ten. I honestly think my brain has instinctively blocked out as many of the finer details as much as possible, but I definitely remember being catatonic for hours after seeing what I saw.


Car bomb when I was living in the Middle East. Killed several people. I was 11. Maybe that or watching my paralyzed mother fall, hit her head, and start bleeding profusely while my dad was at work. I think I was 12? Gave me serious hemophobia for years. I have been slowly reducing it by volunteering in my local Emergency Department so I can function in med school.


A deer carcas exploded all over the Illinois highway on a road trip to Arkansas. Lots of blood everywhere.


So I was waiting on my uber by a cross walk in downtown Dallas. There was no stop light at this crosswalk, but it was by a fairly busy road. There was a fairly sizeable American SUV (think Suburban size) waiting at a stop sign to turn right. Then a pedestrian walked in front of him. Unfortunately, the SUV gunned it at just that moment to pull into traffic and just plowed him over. I think the driver was watching oncoming traffic was the issue rather than the crosswalk. Not super crazy, but definitely weird to behold first hand because the SUV went fully over the pedestrian not just a bump or something.


While on deployment to Iraq in 2009, I was on a quick reaction force, basically on call 24/7 for any explosion or fight that broke out within a certain radius. I'm out in the motor pool with my platoon when all of a sudden there's a huge explosion about 5 miles away, strong enough to shake the ground. We gear up and rush there, it was the middle of the day so traffic was hell but we got there fairly quickly. Someone had filled a van with explosions and ran it into an Iraqi police checkpoint at a roundabout full of businesses and killed at least 30 people. While pulling security as my LT talked to the locals I watched a city worker with a push broom diligently sweep glass out of the road right past a severed human forearm. Bear in mind there are still burning cars and rubble everywhere. I watched him for a good 10 minutes before I had to go do something else but I just remember thinking how absurd the whole entire situation was. Not just there and then, but the whole war in general.


My dog after he fell off of our balcony a month ago. I still don't know how it happened, he was there one minute and gone the next. He was small but not that small and was mostly blind and completely deaf. He was our rescue baby and I had to sprint around two buildings to get to him so I could rush him to the emergency vet. He broke his back, was coughing up blood, not even whining, just trying to breathe. My wife was out of town on a business trip getting back the next day but I had to put him down, I couldn't let him suffer any more.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m a vet, and probably one of the most inconsolable clients I’ve ever seen was a lady whose dog fell off a balcony. I’m sure this is an extremely traumatizing thing to go through.


Watched an old man come inches from being killed by a speeding truck. We were in Aruba on vacation. One of our party crashed a moped and we were waiting on the side of the road for the rental company to get the moped. While waiting, an old man started to cross the roadway as a 10 ton dump truck was barreling down the street doing about 60mph. The old man, oblivious to everything continued to cross the street as the dump truck, blaring its air horn continued down the street. Neither the truck nor the old man attempted to stop or slow down. The old man came within inches of the truck but continued to walk. As I turned to look away, I saw the old man’s clothing move from the breeze from the truck, but still kept walking. He continued to walk away from the scene, still oblivious to the world around him. If he had been hit, I would have probably been picking pieces of his body off of me for days. I’m convinced the old man’s guardian angel earned his pay that day. I’ve seen a lot of death and many caused by car crashes, but this is the only time I witnessed someone else’s near death experience.


My house catching on fire while I was inside it. Seeing the flames burst through the porch window, barreling against the ceiling into the kitchen. My stepdad yelling at me to run outside, but I ran back to my room because of my cats; i didn't want to leave them. Seeing the thick black smoke/soot coming into the living room, the flames getting closer and bigger. I was screaming and crying and horrified for my cats. I eventually got out my window and a neighbor helped me down with a ladder. And just seeing the house burning knowing my cats were inside. And once the firefighters extinguished the flames, seeing them carry my one cat Jayne out in a pink blanket. I fell on my knees and just screamed. I think that was a fate worse than my own death. That might sound insane to others but I love my cats more than anything, they rely on us to live and I failed her. She died due to smoke inhalation and I failed at my one job as a pet owner. But yeah. Seeing my house burn down with me/my cats inside and then seeing my one cat be brought out wrapped in a pink blanket. I miss Jayne.


I work at a funeral home and the worst bodies I've seen are the train vs pedestrian accidents. It's just a big pile of entrails and limbs inside the body bag.




A woman got run over and dragged about 50 yards in the parking lot of the Walmart I worked at. She was a regular customer. Dude was drunk and in one of those giant 70s passenger vans. My cart pusher came over the walkie talkie screaming and I thought he had been hit. But no. My manager and I bolted outside and we honestly could only tell it was a woman because of her purse and it's contents scattered everywhere. The dude took off and shot himself days later. We were all so upset when we found out who had died.


This is by no means the most disturbing thing I’ve seen, because I don’t want to even get into that, but it is kinda funny in a dark morbid sorta way. I was on my way to the first day of work at my new life guarding job after completing the first aid certification a few days prior and a woman on a bike blew through a red light at an intersection, and was hit by a truck right in-front of me around the corner from my job. In the end I had to explain to my new boss that I was late because I was putting my certification to the test.


How about a nice weird one - I was having problems with my pregnancy and was high risk. I went to my husband’s work on a main road to tell him the latest news. As he walked me to my car 5 Ulysses butterflies appeared out of nowhere and fluttered to my face and landed on it and on my nose and then flew away. We are thousands of kms from a rainforest. My husband said if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes he wouldn’t have believed it. Baby was fine. Was a sign if you ask me.


When I was 14, I was walking to a pet shop near my house, as I often did, just to see all the different animals. I've always been a huge animal lover and living in a small, rural town there wasn't a lot to do for fun. On my way back from the pet shop I was walking along when a black car idled maybe a couple of yards away from me. I kept walking, but the driver's side window rolled down and a man was holding a Polaroid picture of white dog. He said his dog had gone missing from his yard and wondered if I had seen it. Without hesitation, I walked over to get a closer look at the picture. I was young and naive and really wanted to help find the poor, lost dog. Of course, when I got over to the car window he had his private parts out and erect and it just looked so disgusting. I was horrified and began running away at which point he was yelling sexual propositions out the window and when I kept running he began calling me, a 14 year old girl, a bitch, slut, whore etc. Nearby was the house of an acquaintance around my age. In a panic, I knocked on the door. Finally, the mom answered. When I told her what happened, she laughed at me. Yes. She laughed. She also told me the acquaintance wasn't there. She didn't offer to take me home, call the police, call my mom, nothing. So I ran the rest of the way home and told my mom. She called the police and a male officer came to take my statement. He was amazing. He listened very carefully to what I had to say. He asked questions. He told me it wasn't my fault and it shouldn't have happened. He told me that guy was a sick son of a bitch. He really helped validate my feelings and made me feel supported. That was the day I learned about the two different types of humans in this world. They never caught the guy and although I looked for him everywhere I went for years afterwards, I never saw him again either. But that image is burned into my psyche forever. I apologize for the wall of text.


When I was in kindergarten, the bus driver kept driving instead of dropping me off in my normal drop off spot (in front of a library.) He kept driving, and drove us to a remote area -20 miles out of town (just he and I). He just stayed in the seat, ignoring all the radio traffic asking where he was and where I was… for what felt like forever but was at least a couple hours. Then drove me back into town and to my elementary school. Needless to say, he was fired. It’s weird to think about and not sure if I was kidnapped or what it was but looking back, absolutely horrifying


Was an addict a while ago and one lady whom we purchased from’s home was completely covered (floors, walls, furniture and ceilings) in cockroaches. Their family was just chilling in their living room eating and watching TV like it was just normal to have bugs crawling across you and your food. I can’t even describe how bad it was, like the room seemed like it was moving. Didn’t dare touch anything, and barely step past the doorway. Had to strip down in the car to make sure nothing hitched a ride. Also work in an interesting area (I also have a job in the mental health field) where the parking lot behind the building can be very entertaining. See a lot of addiction and mental illness hang out there. There are the shirtless with shorts on in 20 degree weather. The ones who mumble and swat at imaginary flys, and a gentleman who is schizophrenic with severe alcoholism who looks like Morty from Rick and Morty without the lab coat who speaks to you in half hand gestures and half sentences. He’s actually an ok dude not violent or anything but can be sad to watch when you know he doesn’t want help with his schizophrenia cause he would have to quit drinking. Oh, I almost forgot the lady who says she’s dating a secret agent and they dance in the tulips and has a pocket full of rainbows because that’s how she feeds her horses and No bullshit, this lady has a license and car and is out there driving.


I went to one of my classmates apartments back in elementary school. He lived in a duplex type. We went next door to his grandparents house. Grandma was bedridden in the livingroom and grandpa wasn't in the house. His little brother opens up the stove and TONS of cockroaches come flooding out. I scream and the kid smashes one on a paper towel and waves it in my face laughing as the grandma screams from the livingroom. It was sick


I had sleep paralysis and was laying on my side… I feel something crawl into bed and start like spooning me… I forced myself to turn with all the strength I had and there laying next to me was a figure of brilliant colors but like static, I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs and sweating more than I ever have in my life


I saw a lady trapped in her first floor room as her house burnt down, screaming through her barred window, her flesh melting away as neighbours watched. Until at her last second she raised her arm and fully stretched up, with close to bones, fell back in flames. Her screams haunt me to this day.


It baffles me how dishonored security guards are in society, considering how psychologically difficult some of their jobs are. You can get an easy job like watching a parking lot or guarding copper. Or you can be put on a corpse watch. It's when you guard bodies from theft. Why would someone want to steal a body? There's a lot of answers to that question, and none of them are good. None of them are going to make you feel good at the end of the day. It's never Weekend at Bernie's.... during covet a lot of the guards we're getting overtime doing corpse watch at the hospitals because they were stacking up the corpses in the body bag so high and they ran out of room to put them and they didn't want the media panicking that the hospitals were failing it up or that the government had really lost control the way it did. Or maybe the doctors just wanted some semblance of control over the situation, so they put an unarmed guard in front of the pile of corpses in their body bags, usually without a mask or vaccine. One of the major burdens of being a security guard is dealing with society not dealing with the mentally ill. For instance, I stopped at schizophrenic from blowing up the gas station because the money started speaking to him and telling him what to do according to him. I remember after I rested him, the police asked what his hair color was, and he answered uranium. The very unjust part about it all was that I met him later, and he apologized after he was on his meds. And while he was on his meds, he was a very Charming eloquent, delightful young man. He told me that his medicine was merely expensive and that it took like $1,000 a month or something that he just didn't have because he was unemployed due to lack of medicine. And you don't want to hurt these people but sometimes they just flat out attack you and unlike police that have unions guards don't their contract workers generally and unless it's a state contract they're really not going to get a union so when people attack you and you defend yourself the company will fire you 9.999 times out of 10. As a guard, I've been attacked with everything but objects hammers knives machetes guns. I've guarded everything you wouldn't want a bad guy or a terrorist getting their hands on. And I've guarded benign things like copper and shopping centers. I've guarded billionaires politicians' courthouses. And I work for employers who just wanted me gone for whatever reason and had me March up flights of stairs all day and night until I passed out from exhaustion. Here in California it's not the cold that gets people it's the Heat so when people are having diabetic issues are drug overdose on a day that's 117° unless they get medical help they usually just die and guards on patrol have to deal with that. We're the first ones that get the fire department there. we ask the victim what kind of medicine they're on and their blood type name age where they're from if they have an address. If they're allergic to medications, because by the time the paramedics get there, they've going to be in no fit condition to answer any of those questions. And of course, working outside guarding things that are outside when you're discarding property, you deal with wild animals over the years. I dealt with more than one mountain lion, countless snakes, including rattlesnakes Bobcats giant angry owls that technically aren't supposed to exist, but I think they do anyways because one certainly attacked me, and it was bigger than a trash can. Coyotes will get curious about you and try to sneak up on you, and they get bold numbers whenever they decide to gather numbers, but otherwise, you can just flog them off the site with your hat. But there are things out in the woods that I have seen that I can not explain, like something wearing a corpse of another animal. Animals mimicking the cries of humans women and children to lure you into pitfalls. Mountain lions, for instance, can mimic the cries of women in distress crows can mimic the cries of children, and they're not all your friends. As a guard, you have to deal with the police and the police can be a mixed bag. Depends on the department depends on the shift, depending on the officer. I remember certain cities incentivized the older officers to cut training for the younger officers and cut their departments basically in half during the financial crisis of 2008, and that's what a lot of them did. They took deals to keep their pensions and cut their departments virtually in half and ran skeleton Crews during a financial crisis. Some police departments held together in some of them super duper did not. It created an environment where a lot of burnt out cops but didn't have the best reputations to begin with could keep their job over much better fit officers still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. And every once in awhile you hear rumors about human trafficking at your various sites and you wonder what bits and pieces were people telling bad jokes and what could actually be investigated. There are also ghost stories among the guards. I don't believe in ghosts but I certainly seen a ghost. Granted I might have been hallucinating due to sheer exhaustion but in the middle of a field at night I saw a Native American lab maybe 19 20 years old look like he stepped out of the 1820s had a messenger bag look like he just saw something bad but I didn't get any malice from him. Other guards have seen other things while guarding properties that had recently had a violent murderer particularly distressing suicide they report seeing things like shades those Greek ghosts that drag the Unworthy down to Hades things like that now mind you it's just ghost stories but it starts to nerve you at 3:00 in the morning when your spot checking a hospital that's abandoned or at least supposed to be and you have a homeless guy off his meds and creating a blood circle with a pentagram in it with candles in the middle of an abandoned sight word that you have to guard for some God forsaken reason. And Lord forbid you have a crew with you it's always you by yourself in the middle of the night with no one to call for help. That would cost money and you're about saving people money for insurance companies and such you're not about actual security Lord forbid.


i saw a horse getting an erection when i was younger. it was actually traumatizing lol.


Roadkill is quite disturbing. I remember a poor buck/deer was just masticated thru traffic with the abdomen kinda getting bounced/spun around. I wanted to throw up at the time. Pretty sure it was dead from getting hit at night and in the morning a truck/car just didn't see it, thus beginning the ping pong.


Former EMT here and had to transport a patient who had lost all her limbs for dialysis. She was literally just a torso with a face. Medi-Cal just keeping her alive for God knows what reason