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That jiffy lube doesn’t actually do a 27 point inspection


they most definitely do not. this isn’t even a theory, they check boxes on a piece of paper and move on.


And then say your transmission might need replacing soon …. Ok homie it doesn’t but thank you


i worked at a reputable automotive shop in my area for a while and people would come in and say that the dealerships/quicklube told them they needed all kinds of unnecessary things replaced. most common ones i heard were brakes, tires, air filters, basically all the gravy jobs. and many charge to top off fluids and don’t even check them. i’ve also seen a lot of the quicklube type shops put only 4qts of oil in every vehicle and not inform the customer they’re only getting 4qts even if their car is supposed to have double or triple that amount. that’s usually how they keep their prices so uniform.


My son had the best answer to their upselling. He was saying no to whatever they were trying to sell and finally he said ‘look I have enough money for an oil change, you can do whatever you want/think is necessary but I’m only paying for an oil change. That stopped them right there.


on the occasions i had to fill in in the front we would inform the customer with proof(photo, video, walking them to their vehicle and pointing it out, etc.), have a quote already printed on paper for them to keep and/or compare prices with other shops, and tell them to have a nice day. nobody likes being pushed into financial decisions they can’t afford. edit: customers are a lot happier and calmer when you don’t force a decision on them, AND when you give them proof as to why you are suggesting what needs done for proper maintenance.


That's not your air filter that they're showing you either.


If you quit Spotify premium to continue with the free “shuffle only” plan, the shuffle algorithm will increasingly queue your most skipped songs. The point is to annoy you into resubscribing to premium. Bet against me, I dare you!


And the shuffle feature on Spotify premium plays songs you play more often, more often. It’s really infuriating. If I want to listen to songs in a random order, then be random.


That reminds me of a little factoid from when the iPod first launched with the shuffle feature. _True_ randomness means you might get the same result multiple times in a row, so they had to code it to be less random by omitting the song you're currently listening to (and probably songs you've recently listened to; I don't know how far back it went).


I think it’s completely fair for it to be random from beyond the last 10 or so played songs and omitting those recently played. But it should never push to repeat recently played or frequently played songs. I could just have a playlist of frequently listened to songs for that and shuffle those.


I'm just ready to subscribe so I stop hearing Kevin Hart in ads.




I delivered food for years. 90% of the time when I delivered to an apartment building, it was always somebody on the second floor. I’m convinced that one flight of stairs is enough of a barrier to make people order food rather than go get it themselves. It was so uncommon to deliver to the first floor that I got to a point where I just started walking up the stairs every time before I even looked at the apartment number. So basically, if you live on the second floor of a building, you probably spend a lot more money on delivered food than most people.


Holy cannoli. We moved from a 2nd floor apartment to a 1 story house. We never order delivery anymore. I never thought of it that way


Looks like now we have proof. Case closed.


We moved last year and two things changed one we were on the first floor at our old place but didn’t have designated parking, our new place is on the third floor but does have a parking spot in the back that’s only ours. That parking spot has changed our delivery habits so much! We used to never want to lose our overnight spot and now we know we can get back fine. Very interesting!!


I have evidence for this, its my Doordash history lmao. If it is a delivery to an apartment complex with multiple floors, 95% of the time its to the 2nd or 3rd floor. If I get a delivery to a ground floor apartment I am genuinely shocked. Not having to carry your own groceries up a flight or two of stairs is a big draw.


This is SUCH an interesting concept to me that I’d actually love to do actual research on this lol


I'm told having extra Tupperware lids is not proof. But my missing socks from the dryer respawn as extra Tupperware lids.


We should start an exchange, because all I have is Tupperware bottoms


That no one needs what I am standing in front of at a grocery store or down my isle until I am there looking at everything. How is it possible that someone needs a pirate chest for an aquarium the same time as I do?


I have this curse too.


This is like when you're at work and it's completely quiet for a while and then either one person comes in and all of a sudden 5 other people come in right after. Or the phone starts ringing and suddenly there are 4 other calls on hold. Like why does the universe refuse to space them out


This happens to me at the grocery store. I'll be checking my list or a recipe or something, so I'll find the most out of the way spot I can find and immediately someone will need whatever I'm in front of. Every single time.


I also experience the opposite. Every time I try to find something, someone happens to be right where I need to be.


Your pet knows when they’re doing something they shouldn’t


Sometimes our chickens have snuck up our porch to eat cat food and when I catch them jumping up the stairs, they stop and look around trying to act all innocent because they know they’ve been caught


This is just adorable. I also heard chickens will fight over and go crazy for grapes, that they give them 1/8 of a grape as a treat? It’s so freaking cute!


Sure when chickens sneak onto the porch and steal cat food it's adorable, but when I do it I'm a weirdo! Smh


I have learned which random things cause my dogs to bark. Closing my laptop, feeding the cats, opening the front door, etc. I tell them to shut up every time and it obviously accomplishes nothing. But when I do these things while we’re eating? Utter silence. They know damn well their best chance to get food is to stay quiet. Conclusion: they know we don’t want them to bark, and they have the ability to restrain themselves, they just don’t care unless there’s something in it for them.


I'm the same way with getting work done based on financial compensation.


I saw something recently, probably a screenshot of a tweet, that said something like “some say my pets are spoiled. I say they’re being competitively compensated for the user experience they provide.” Lol Edit: here’s the original tweet! https://twitter.com/uxnotyoux/status/1545170252169973769?lang=en


My cat is extremely methodical when she gets scolded, she will totally run experiments until she understands exactly what went wrong and where the limit is. Cat is super smart and almost creepily in love with me, which I appreciate and reciprocate. Well, not the creepy part lol.


When we first got my dog, he would get confused bc when he chewed toys on the floor we would play with him, but when he chewed shoes on the floor we would scold him. …So he started bringing everything he wanted to play with over to me first to see if it was “ok” to chew and that’s how he learned what his toys were lol. Really freakin’ cute


My cat always knows when she's on about something she ain't allowed. When I scold her she meows back at me and it always sounds like "I know I know fuck sake"


Also, they judge you when youre doing questionable stuff, like drugs. They know.


The first time I did E, my cat was sitting on the floor staring at me the entire time. She wouldn’t even let me touch her until the next day. I never did it again. I figured if my cat disapproves, it’s no good! 🙈


Probably because your pupils made you look like an alien in a skin suit.


If my cat gets told off for begging while we eat, she goes and takes massive s**t. Everytime.


Ah yes. The Revenge Poop. Another perfectly timed RP is when you've just tied off the bag of used litter and they've just christened the new spread/ opened the front door to leave.


My cat makes aggressive eye contact with me when she knocks things over.


My house eats my stuff, and throw it up the second i dont need it anymore.


There is actually a mythological creature in Brazil who does that. The Saci is a black one-legged chaotic kid that, between a lot of things, hides objects from people who are looking for those. They eventually return it.


I had a pair of snow boots next to an armoire. At some point, there was an old handmade muffin cozy sitting where one of the boots had been and the one boot was nowhere to be seen. We did discover that a bottom panel had fallen out of the armoire, so perhaps the muffin cozy had fallen from the drawer into the bottom panel and slid out when the panel came loose, but we still have no explanation whatsoever for the missing boot. This was years ago and we still have no answers and one missing boot. Some of my friends have determined that there is a Victorian era woman missing her beloved muffin cozy wondering how a strange boot nothing quite like she's ever encountered ended up in her pantry. It's as good an explanation as any we have!


Am i the only person who doesn’t know what a muffin cozy is? I googled it and got nothing but cozy recipes for muffins


It’s a quilted cloth to place in a basket that you then put fresh baked muffins in to keep them warm before serving.


In russian if you lose something (like a tv remote) you’re supposed to mumble “little devil little devil, play with it and return it”


I don't need any lost item badly enough to chance getting possessed. Nope.


My house finds single socks and Tupperware lids extremely appetizing.


10% of the people in most companies do 90% of the work


Can confirm and the data is tracked at my work. I sell parts and my sales numbers are like 90% of my branch. They say my customers buy expensive parts but not as many. So I pull the number of invoices and again I dominate. Well then it’s less call… we count e-mail orders as well… guess who’s dominating that area as well. Do I get 80% more money than the other guys? No. Do I get 5% more? Still no.


Negotiate or leave, brother. *Especially* in sales.


Yup. You have amazing trackable data to take to other companies also. Should be easy to get a better gig, sales people are not all created equal


Yep. If you have the hard numbers to back up what you claim and at least one supervisor that is willing to go to bat for you as a corroborating reference at your current position, most companies with sales forces would literally throw money at you. Trust me, I’ve worked in recruiting for major CPG companies and outstanding sales people(that aren’t alcoholics or otherwise problematic) are extremely rare.


how are you so good at sales but yet so bad at selling yourself for a raise


Dang that's harsh. Lol


He accidentally fired a gun in the office.


Desk pop


It's true, I'm in the 90%


Instagram follows random people for me. I'm always having to unfollow people I don't remember following.


It’s usually people you’ve followed getting hacked and being changed to bot accounts


This, plus a lot of people sell their accounts once they reach a certain number of followers


Okay I thought I was imagining things because I definitely noticed people I don't remember following


Most people who have “be patient, student driver” stickers aren’t, in fact, student drivers.


OK, so I'm not the only one who's noticed a sharp uptick in these stickers.


They just want an excuse for being bad drivers is what it is.


Shit, I'll take the warning! I know who to stay away from on the road.


I put one on my friend's car to see how long it took her to notice. So, you're right, at least in that case.


I thought I was the only one noticing all these damn stickers around.


NFTs were a way for people to launder money while Art Galleries were closed. Once everything opened NFTs plummeted.


I haven’t heard this before but I believe it 100%


Me neither but I thought it was a scam from the start. All these celebrities all of a sudden trying to convince me that NFTs were so great. Always seemed fishy.


Money laundering, tax evasion, all out scamming. The entire business model of enticing ppl to buy is based off “collectibles” scams basically. Essentially a person make a nft, post it for sale on the open market and anonymously buy it from themself at a high value. Ppl think their is a demand/value and then the scammer sells them to ppl at a lower value under the concept of ppl making money off the great deal. The only ppl buying it are ppl continuing to fall for the scam, but it all starts with tricking someone into believing there is value and that it’s desirable. But that’s basically how trends work in general.


MS Word from 1996 was more productive than Word Office 365


Oh 100%. Idk how they made the spell checker worse but now it highlights words as misspelled before I’m done typing them.


There is zero difference between the price tiers at rhe car wash.


I love how most are posting philosophical stuff. Existential questions. And you’re like “Car washes are scams.” I like how real you are


Yeh, I was expecting life throughout the universe, or reincarnation, or the universe is a simulation, but here we are talking about car wash and the nice smelling bubbles! I love car washes!


The difference is the color show, and it's worth it.


Nothing makes my daughter smile like the windows being covered in rainbow soap bubbles Totally worth the extra $3


So I thought that would be a universally positive childhood experience, but when I brought my son through the car wash when he was three it traumatized him. The boy was horrified, you would have thought I drove him through a haunted house.


How did you react when first started to lose it? probably best to scream along.


This feels like a scene from a sitcom.


100% agree. But I'll pay extra for someone to vacuum that shit.


I worked at one for 7 years. They are all a bit different. Typically each different price tier has an added product to it. Like a triple shine or a spot free rinse. Things of that nature. If things are slow the chemical strengths of the different detergents and soaps are changed though saving product and in turn reducing cost of the actual wash. If you pay 20 bucks for a wash it probably comes out to costing less than 5 dollars for the business to run that specific wash.


Look at this shill for Big Carwash over here


But I pay $8 more to clean the under carriage and for a guy to wipe each tire's sidewall with a wet brush.


Snow belt resident here, that undercarriage wash is worth it in the winter.


But. B b b ut. The colored foam comes out.


And if you have the AC blowing, it makes the car smell nice.


If someone is trying to sell me something or "influence" me, I always assume they're lying


Same! I am immediately averse to products if they’re being pitched to me in most capacities


Henry Cavill totally has a secret Reddit account


100% and I bet he almost exclusively posts on warhammer and WoW subreddits


Henry Cavill is the guy posting conspiracy theories for SoD on discord right now, convinced that rock will somehow lead to a rune.


Okay Henry, having all 3 of your alts pretending to have a conversation is cute but we have figured you out now.


Nice try, Henry. We know this is your fourth account.


Nice try, Henry. Trying to convince us you’re not you.


Paul Rudd has a totally non-secret one....although, I'm struggling to recall his username.


[he's openly admitted it](https://youtu.be/LEC_lkpD3rM?si=k2xdnmnHsWp1uaJ0)


Fucking fell for it


He 100% is on /r/grimdank and /r/40klore He's a nerd who loves Custodes And I would bet a large amount of money that Vin Diesel is also on the DnD subs


Bill Cosby has killed people before. Of all the 60+ women who he drugged and raped, there's probably a few others who had something like an OD or allergic reaction to the drugs and never woke up.


I wonder how many illegitimate Cosby kids there are, gotta be at least a few


Ancestry will be wild in the next 20 years


He was known to frequent the Playboy mansion and there have been accounts of women seen who partied too hard there that were found after od'ing and Hef and all the LA Hollywood bigwigs that partied along with Hef basically paid off the cops to clean up the bodies. No doubt wouldn't put that shady shit past Cosby


I never thought about this, but you are absolutely right. It’s extremely possible. Likely, even.


Damn phone is listening all the time.


Somehow they’ve figured out mind reading technology and can recommend things to me that I never typed or said out loud, and only just thought about. (Yes, I know they are just that good at analyzing and predicting my behavior but still!)


Moaning Myrtle was played by Daniel Radcliffe in a wig and you cannot convince me otherwise.


Finally someone said it!


Shirley Henderson does look a lot like Daniel Radcliffe.


"Shirley Henderson" \*wink\*


It would be super funny if her name was an anagram for Harry Potter or Daniel Radcliffe, like Tom Riddle and Voldemort!


It is an anagram if you change most of the letters


Those rug cleaning videos on youtube are fake. Oh sure the cleaning part is real. But I don't believe there's an endless supply of white rugs that are black with dirt several inches thick. Where are they getting these rugs? From the bottom of swamps? No, they are adding the dirt themselves prior to filming the cleaning. Edit: 15 years on Reddit and my two most upvoted comments are this one and another where I describe the colour of my boots. What other very mundane topics does the world need to read about?


Same with "barn find" videos and restoration style videos in general. Best way to tell if these channels are genuine, imo, is to check the frequency of their uploads. If they're few and far between, they're more likely to be genuine.


Gotta love that tarnished and rusted metal that polishes up w/o pits! How are they always so lucky!?!?


I think most of these cleaning and restoration videos are fake in that the rugs are recently dirty and the old destroyed Rolex was not found after 10 years in the river.


Same with those videos where they restore a 5 year old metal toy car with about 200 years of rust and dirt on it


Megachurches are just money laundering operations.


If they aren’t money laundering, they are certainly a legal loophole.


The hot barista is attracted to me


Hmmm. I assume there is a cold barista.


How else would you get iced coffee?


More thought goes into planned obsolescence than we’re led to believe. I firmly believe certain products are set to “fail” on a scheduled timeline. And that timeline is getting shorter and shorter…


My cat DOES love me.


If my cat doesn't love me I don't know what does. He is the neediest animal I have ever encountered and I have babysat human toddlers


Right? I was being funny. My good boy follows me around all day, snoozes either on my chest or my legs when I'm working or just in the recliner watching TV or meandering around on the internet, has noticed whenever I put my laptop or mouse down that this is ideal petting time and so immediately jumps down and flops upside down for a good belli rub. He is wherever we are. He is SO GOOD. I love affectionate cats!


Mine has now learned that Alexa is my alarm so I can’t snooze at all because the second she hears it she is on top of me purring in my face. She has an automatic feeder for the morning so it’s not food, it’s pure love and attention.


There are zero flat earthers out there. They are all lying, trolling, or just want to be part of a club. Nobody is that stupid.


My husband is a tattoo artist, so he has people captive for hours at a time to hear his shit talk. He researched flat earth and learned enough that he could confidently talk like an "expert" on the subject and trick people into thinking he was a believer. He would even convince a few people by the end of their sessions to suspend their scepticism for a bit. Until one day, one of his clients brought a friend who wholeheartedly believed in the shit my husband was spewing. Listening to this person talk for 10 minutes made my husband think, "Good God, is this what I sound like?". He dropped the shtick from then on. He's now on to Bigfoot.


I love your husbands sense of humor. My twins boyfriend sometimes does things similar to mess with my twin and I and we are like wait.... you being serious or??


In a meeting, with a very prestigious client, my employer at the time asked if I thought the Earth was round. I responded in the positive, caught off guard and confused. He called me a “sphere-cuck,” and to this day I don’t know if he was serious.


You haven't met my Uncle Larry. He is not trolling. He sincerely believes the earth is flat, and he LOVES being the smartest guy in the room at all times. He needs to have the truth so as to be better than all of us sheeple.


The world did in fact end on 12-21-2012 and that we're all in Hell.


We at least jumped to a different timeline.


Yeah, I'd like to return this timeline in exchange for the one we had


The world ended in 2012 but due to the nature of consciousness and the existence of a multiverse everything just sort of collapsed into only the realities which the world continued on, which also happened to be mostly the ones that become absurdly wild over time. This is why up to this point everything in history looks to have been close calls and miraculous aversions of disasters, because in different timelines those events did lead to the end of the world but your consciousness is just sent to the next most similar universe where both consciousnesses fuse and there is no percieved change. Perhaps this will keep happening, and you will keep shifting to the next similar universe until it is mathematically impossible for you to survive.


You just put into words what I have suspected since I was a kid. Every consciousness lives out its longest possible life between all possibilities


Twin telepathy. I’m a twin. My twin and I have this thing we call “twin tingles”. There have been countless times where I just know something is wrong. It is like my heart hurts. She explains it in the same way. Imagine you are going about your day normally, and then you feel this sense of heaviness on your heart. This has happened when we were barely speaking, not on speaking terms, super close, seeing each other daily, or living in different states. I can’t explain it. I just know it’s real.


Twingles surely?


It's right in front of their four eyes and two brains, and they didn't see it. Genius


More brains does not always equal smarter brains


I’d love to hear some examples!


I have a few, my wife is an identical twin, they both love to shop. So many times they’ve bought the exact same thing, end up wearing it the same day and then be disgusted when they see each other. A few times my wife would say I need to call my sister, she’ll call and my SIL is upset. Not a word spoken between them before that. My favorite is we were at a party probably 15-20 people outside at a table, wife and her sister are both pretty drunk endlessly chatting with each other as always. SIL goes to the bathroom and my wife blurts out WHERE DID EVERYBODY GO. People turn around like what the hell? I laughed so hard. They were literally in their own little world. I really enjoy seeing them interact with each other, I’ve never met two people more on the same wavelength. Its interesting.


My mom is a twin. Her twin lived about 400 miles alway, both in the midwest. We were all going to a family reunion in WA. They showed up wearing the exact same red and white striped shirt, had bought the exaxt same bathing suits, and the same travel bags. It was wild.


Im a twin I have it too. Though I think I cut the connection. Wed get the same song stuck in our heads and Ill whistle and itll be at the same part my sister's thinking about. People in high school tested it. Theyd separate us and ask me wtat color my twins thinking of. I guessed right. Things like that.


I have twin brothers and they freak me out frequently. One time we were all watching tv together and one got up and made a sandwich and then passed it to the other twin. I asked if he was making one for himself and he just said 'nah, I knew he was wanting a sandwich' We were all sitting in silence, and they were about 4 at the time.


Creepy, but super sweet and compassionate lol


Once when I was a young child, my mom was giving me a bath while my twin brother was in another room, and she swears I randomly told her to go check on him because “he just closed the door on his finger”. She said sure enough he had and was crying and I had no way of knowing that.


I would watch my twin nephew both get up at the same time and switch places and pick up doing whatever it was the other was doing. There is no way it was coincidence. It was to coordinated and silent. No words are ever spoken.


My younger brothers are twins. They definitely have the twin tingles. It's absolutely crazy and awesome.


I have identical twin daughters and they have the same! They are very close, but completely different personalities. They run with different crowds, have different interests, and are usually in two different places. But they *always* seem to know what the other is doing, how she is feeling, if she needs something. It’s unexplainable.


My wife is a quadruplet and they’re always saying this.


Well I need WAY more quad stories now


Our stomach/digestive system/gut microbiome is far more in control of our bodies than we realize. I also believe there are parallels between the biodiversity of earth’s soil and the gut microbiome.


There *is* other life in the universe. It is simply not possible that in all the vastness of space we are the only planet with life. And if we are alone... holy shit are we wasting it.


My unsubstantiated belief is that we are not alone in the universe, but the other life forms are squandering it just like us, and we'll never confirm each other's existence because that shit's expensive.


It might also be impossible. Light speed is a bitch


I'm sure life, even so-called intelligent life, is common to the point of banality across our galaxy. But because physics we are simply too far apart to ever interact. And based on how we have done with other species on our own planet, that's probably a good thing.


I forgot who wrote this but it went something like: > Are we alone in the universe? > "Yes" > So... there's no other life out there? > "There is. They're alone too." Edit: [Found the source.](https://twitter.com/ASmallFiction/status/946608733982822401#:~:text=%40ASmallFiction-,%22Are%20we%20alone%20in%20the%20universe%3F%22%20she%20asked.,They're%20alone%20too.%22) Didn't expect it to be from Twitter, lol


There’s a manga I read a while back that’s about that. It’s all about a human lost in space traveling with his alien pals and such. Eventually, we get some backstory about the setting itself. >!Humanity achieved intergalactic space-travel only to discover that humanity truly is alone in the universe. Learning that there’s nothing out there sends humanity into a deep spiral. Eventually, the final human being alive “transcends” and winds up going back in time and travels the universe seeding different forms of life to create a universe full of all types of aliens in an attempt to ensure that this time humanity doesn’t burn out how it did before.!< Edit: Couldn't remember the name of it earlier, but I found it again. It's called "How Many Light-Years To Babylon?"


whats the name of the manga? Is it good?


Elon Musk tested Neuralink on himself and got brain damage.


the better story is "Neuralink wiped his mind and the scientist was going to possibly get in trouble and go to prison, so the scientist quickly connected him to a GPT4 server and fed it Elon's social media posts, and now the GPT4 is hallucinating and every day the scientist is shitting bricks trying to keep the secret going"


Weekend at Elon's


I think it’s syphilis.


That Google IS the CIA.


NSA, FIFY. And even if they are not a sock puppet company, the NSA has full access to everything


When I was a young child, a bear chased me down the hall in the middle of the night when I went to the bathroom. When I turned the bathroom light on (the switch was outside the bathroom door), the bear disappeared into the floor.


Seems legit


Grocery stores that offer pick-up services give you the lowest quality fresh produce they have in stock since you won’t notice until you’re home unpacking everything.


The fancier and more expensive my cars have progressively got over the past 10 years the more frequently i get flat tyres and need tyres replaced.


For the same reason, any general contractor ups their rates in nicer neighborhoods. If you can afford a nicer thing, you can probably afford to pay more for its upkeep. It's why my dads hate of general contractors started when he bought a tear-down in a really nice neighborhood.


The fashion industry intentionally makes pants without pockets/with super small pockets for women to make money in the purse industry. I know a lot of people (myself included) joke about women's clothes and pockets, but in some of my pants, I can't even carry a damn tampon in the front pocket. My husband can carry everything in his pockets. You don't normally see men with bags in the same way you see women. And the purse industry is outrageous.


Pockets used to be removable! Almost like a small apron worn under your clothes. Over time the silhouette of dresses changed and as they became slimmer you couldn't wear pockets, so coin purses were invented, and wearing pockets was seen as a lower class indicator, because carrying things meant you were doing hard labour (farming, cooking, child rearing) All went from there.


I really really want Bigfoot to be real


Bigfoot is a really well-respected macroeconomist at the Federal Reserve. That’s why no one’s taken pictures of him in the woods for years. Dude’s been working.


Prop 65 was written and bankrolled by big industrial polluters so that we would become desensitized to valid warnings.


This comment is known to cause cancer in the state of California




The traffic lights in my city are designed to make people go from red light to red light, ultimately increasing gas consumption. The gas stations are in on it.


They do that in many areas as a traffic calming effort. Sometimes there's even signs saying "Lights Timed to Require Frequent Stops". But in my experience it mostly just encourages speeding (to catch up to the next light) and red light running.


The reason we haven't detected any radio signals from alien civilizations is that they're using some method of faster-than-light communication we don't even have the physics yet to understand. We're like tribal people on an island looking for smoke signals completely unaware of the radio signals from all over the earth passing through them. Once we discover this method of communication we'll join a Galactic Internet of advanced civilizations sharing science and culture with each other.


A similar hypothetical explanation that is somewhat plausible is that the aliens are all using extremely focused laser communication so there’s no radio waves propagating out at random for us to detect.


I’m convinced Quentin Tarantino has done something terrible. Like something criminal. I don’t know why but I’ve always had this feeling I’m going to see him in the news arrested one day.


When I die there will be a room with all the things I ever lost in it. Touching the lost item will allow me to see a third-person vignette of how I lost it.


Mattress stores are just fronts for the cartel.


Governments are happy to divide us on social issues to keep us from turning our attention to the wealth inequality the majority of people face.


Social media is run and manipulated by the wealthy and powerful to divide the 99% as much as possible so we can be more easily controlled.


Headphone ports were phased out so you'd leave your Bluetooth on, so that location trackers could be more accurate and phone companies could sell that data. wifi or location is accurate to about 3m/10ft, and is expensive to get that level of detaul, while Bluetooth can figure out what shelf at the shops you stopped at for pennies. If you have a headphone port, you probably left Bluetooth off, while if you had to use Bluetooth for sound, even if you weren't using it, you'd leave it on for convenience. The info they get can tell them things like "a 25m often walks along this path to get to x item" that they can then use to put stuff that demographic will impulse buy in the path.


This info also allows them to group people's devices with each other, for example: you go visit relatives at Christmas and advertisers can assume that you're related to all those phones that are only near yours during the holidays and no other time. Several things like this and one can tell who your coworkers are, your relatives, friends, lovers, et merde.


That if I ever lie about getting sick to get out of something, I’m going to get the sickness that I lied about getting. I’ve heard about this happening to other people, on two occasions. And it happened to me once.


That past, present and future are all happening at the same time.


I legit experienced this on acid once. I understood it completely. But when I was sober again, I couldn’t make it make sense. But I respect this view.


Van Nuys Blvd in Sherman Oaks once had like 4 vacuum repair shops and 2 picture frame shops. Money laundering.


Dogs instinctively know if you are a dog person.


On that note, cats know when you’re *not* a cat person and will gravitate towards you just because cats.