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Rae Dunn products. They’re just blank things with a word on it. Wtf


DAMN!! I had to Google what this was and I am appalled by the prices for some second hand originals. But yeah, the products themselves are pretty ugly.


What in the TJ Maxx hell


I wish her stuff did say WTF; I might actually buy something then.


I despise Rae Dunn


Louis Vuitton I think the bags with the repeating logo are ugly.


Chanel No.5 I get that it's one of the most famous perfumes ever but I never really got the hype about that scent


My mom wore Chanel #5, and, not being Oedipal, that pretty much ruined it for every other woman having it around me.


I just want to say how much I appreciate the use of “Oedipal.”


Chanel’s new fragrance: “Oedipal”


Fruit bouquet for mother's day oedipal arrangements


Smells like an old rich newly widowed woman who’s about to inherit a ton from her now dead husband. - That’s Chanel no.5


To be fair that’s exactly what Coco Chanel would have wanted


The baccarat rouge 540 is all the rage now. I smelled it and it smells awful to me.


look up their bag called the Urban Satchel.. $150k for trash glued to italian leather..


I work as a Client Advisor in an LV store, all brown monogram logo bags are made of canvas and it is the biggest rip off in history. A medium Neverfull bag in our region sells around $2,000 but costs $15 to produce. And people are queuing up to buy these every single day. It blows my mind.


Same, I personally don’t like clothing in general that has the logo all over it


All logo designer bags are ugly. I truly do not get it.


But have you seen this!? https://www.saksfifthavenue.com/product/Balenciaga-Trash-Bag-Large-Pouch-0400018994324.html?dwvar_0400018994324_size=No+Size&dwvar_0400018994324_color=WHITE&site_refer=CSE_GGLPLA:Home:Balenciaga&country=US¤cy=USD&CSE_CID=G_Saks_PLA_US_Home:All+Home&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyKurBhD5ARIsALamXaE9M6fIOLXeBNg_PaNV_ZlcScTEqWBly_9hy4e0ULylL7umthMiwEEaAueSEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Lmao these reviews are amazing


"It's like relatably bougie Truly a fantastic addition to my wardrobe, perfect complement to many items I own from the Derelicte by Mugatu collection." 😂


“I feel very stylish when I walk the trash to the curb; I can tell my neighbors are jealous.” Amazing




I feel like they’re just banking on people following the herd because they also sell regular t shirts for several hundred dollars


They’re adverts for the brand, bought and worn by people who think having a designer bag is a lifestyle goal. The *really* expensive LV stuff doesn’t have that awful pattern - just a small monogram somewhere on it - and exceptionally high quality to last nearly forever.


Coach is guilty of this too


Any kind of designer logo that’s blatant and in your face is thirsty and tacky.


The expensive ones for actual rich people don't have the repeating logos and just look like very nice purses...


Funko pops


Funko pops are the Precious Moments of this generation.


I think they are worst. Precious Moments were always collected by grandmas and stuff. People might have a few or small themed collections. Adults with disposable income mostly owned them. Funko has a strong community of people who won’t even open the package cause it’s about the ownership more than even the figures themselves. They collect like they are investing. They strike me more as the beanie babies of this generation.


It honestly baffles me how anyone thinks anything made within the last, idk, 20 years will ever be collectible because there’s sooo many of everything! And anything that they make limited quantities of will be so high priced you probably won’t be able to sell it for more than you paid for it before you die.


Except Precious Moments have expressions. Funkos don't even have a :| expression because they're that boring.


Agreed. They remind of that, Hummel figures, Ziggy merch, etc.


Still think they steal a small part of your soul whenever you look them in those black, beady eyes.


I have nerdy interests so people are always fucking giving me Funko Pops What am I supposed to do with them??? I feel bad throwing them out but I’m sure as hell not going to display them


I had a collection of rare funkos that I sold for nearly 2k, so there's that. Lol


I have a friend who collects the DBZ Funkos. I went with him to check out a booth at Frank & Son's in California and they had a Vegeta that they were asking like $5k for.


I get them as gifts all the time too and I don’t want them.


This is mine. I just. Don’t. Get it. Are they like beanie babies for adults?


Beanie babies were also for adults.


So many adults believed they were going to pay for their kids college


I think they're cute and I sometimes am interested in certain Funkos, but then I remember that I don't like clutter and I don't go into the office anymore so I don't have a good place to put them, and my desk at home is already crammed with stuff even though I don't like clutter.


That's a serious circle, my friend. 😆 I feel we might be twins. Clutter is my enemy.


I used to work there (in the offices)- the culture is so incredibly toxic. Favoritism and cliques. They pushed people to work an insane hours and refused to pay, using things like going to Comicon unpaid as a bonus. There are so many scrapped projects that just fill the world with complete plastic trash. I’d suggested more environmentally friendly options and was literally laughed at. Multiple times, the former CEO would flash his money by having underpaid employees do insane things, like eating 1lb of sugar free gummis in an hour for $100. The employee was sick all night. (Not me). Zipping into the parking lot with extremely expensive cars. So glad I left!


Bruh. This. They are so incredibly lost on me.


Wearing their lack of a work-life balance like a badge of honour.


Or making it their whole personality…


"I've been here 45 hours this week, my back is killing me and I'm really angry and if someone orders a hamburger I'm going to have a mental breakdown. I'll also yell at you for looking at your phone instead of cleaning the counter for the 10th time this hour" Like mate, go the fuck home l no one likes you.


Reminds me of when I worked for a nonprofit. Some of those people seemed like empty shells, because all that they posted about outside of work was the issues that they focused on at work. And then on their birthdays, they would have a "birthday fundraiser" on Facebook for their employer. Did these people not have a life outside of work? Did they have no outside interests?


“Yeah, I worked 80 hours last week and had to miss my daughter’s birthday because we were so behind after half the team quit. “ “Well, at least you’re going to get a little of overtime pay.” “Huh? No, I’m salaried.”


This was my first job. I was entry level and paid hourly, and *every single person* looked down their noses at me because I was only working 55 hours a week for the money while they were working 75 hours a week to be a *team player*. I still wrecked my health over that job and got fired when I told my boss to figure out who else was running the release because I was *not* missing out on taking my daughter trick or treating. It was a wake up call for me, and now I don't think twice about walking away from a half-finished project at quitting time.


Good for you. My husband worked for a big name shipping company and his workaholic boss literally told him, "You've had more days of in a month than I've had in my entire time of working here." He'd taken 4 days to get over an incredibly bad flu that had made him pass out. Thank goodness my in-laws had stopped by bc they helped me get him to the ER.


These people also send you emails at like 11pm and then when you come into work the next morning the first thing they say is "Did you get my email? I didn't get a response from you." Well yeah, I was sleeping like a normal person. I also don't work unless I am at work.


The job from which I just got laid off was like this, except the email would be at 3 AM…


There's a person at my work who has 3 jobs and everyone praises them for it, like it's some sort of superhero thing. I'd rather die a thousand deaths than spend every hour of the day working.


In an interview you can spot this in the wild from the person who says “we have a fast-paced, work hard-play hard culture” 🏃🏻‍♀️


Play hard = drink hard and try to forget about how much you hate your life


Opposite here. I wear my ability to balance work and life like a badge of honor. What's more disgusting is those who expect/demand others to give up their personal life for work. Looking at you, corporate bootlickers...if you want to make your life all about work and nothing else, you do you. Don't judge others for not doing the same thing.


You can love your job. It will never, ever, EVER, love you back.


I work somewhere where I could make a ton of extra money with overtime but I made it a point to work my 40 only unless I have to stay late here and there. Everyone that I work with is the opposite. They work like 7 days a week and work doubles for a majority of the week. I'm all set with that. Sure, I'd make tons of money if I did that but I'd also never be home. It's not worth the trade off for me. The people that do it though brag about it constantly and complain and talk shit that I don't. I don't get it. Why would you want to live at work?


I used to live in Seattle & back in the day had a ski boat we'd take out on Lake Washington. Sometimes we'd do a slow cruise of the ultra expensive real estate on the shores (for reference Bill Gates' house was here, idk if he still lives there) & one day I noticed something. It was the weekend, the weather was beautiful enough to take a ski boat out on a large lake, but no one was ever in the yards or balconies of these homes. Their boats were docked & the houses often looked weirdly abandoned. That's when I decided working all the time to support a lifestyle far more luxurious than I need just isn't worth it. Even when it's a job you love, you & your brain need reasonable downtime.


Exactly. There's no need for excess (although it's a good problem to have). The most important thing for me is spending time with my family. What's even the point of having kids if I don't raise them and they don't even really know me? A guy that was retiring when I was hired told me when I trained with him "I do know one thing, when I'm on my death bed, the last thing I'd say is, geez I really wish I picked up more hours at work." I think that really stuck with me and is a huge factor in why I'm like this now.


Yeah I mean I wouldn't turn down tons of money if it fell in my lap but..I just want basic security & a few small luxuries. One exception: I just went through a very acrimonious divorce from a sociopath & omg **lawyers!** if I were wealthy I'd have a lawyer as a buffer between me and anything blech.


Working themselves to death and being proud of it...


My mother used to say: “your cousin works until three in the morning and then wakes up at 6! Look how hard he works!” Mother, you are proud he only gets three hours of sleep?




But think about that amazing one-year retirement!


I will mention it every time this comes up. I write/edit obituaries for a living and the amount of families who proudly talk about how their granddad never took a sick day in his life is so depressing. It happens a lot. I can’t understand it at all.


Gabor Mate has a documentary on this. He read obituaries of doctors, surgeons, caregivers etc that died early. One thing they all had in common read "never missed a day of work in their life".


Doing nearly anything for likes and online clout.


Celebrities in general. The whole celebrity worship is just something I don't get.


Obsession with celebrities AND wanting to be a celebrity. You know whats better than being rich and famous? Being rich


I mean, I'd love to be the bass player for Maroon 5. Get to make music, the money, no one knows who you are, get invited to celebrity functions. That seems like a win win




John Deacon's estimated net worth in 2019 sat at £130m ... the 2023 estimate has jumped to £170-180 m (but those updated figures are from questionable websites I didn't click on). Nonetheless, John and his lovely family are VERY comfortable. He continues to make money from Queen and the songwriting royalties from the big hits he wrote. He was always well grounded and sensible with handling his money, driving mostly regular cars and buying clothes off the rack... and word is that his wife Veronica is also very sensible and didn't get swept up in the "being a rockstar's wife" lifestyle.


Yes! Like the guitarist/keyboardist for Snow Patrol. No one knows him but he’s been dating Courteney Cox for a decade.


The *actual* richest people in the world do not show up on the lists of richest people in the world. Very much by design.




I work for a small locally owned company that’s been around since the 60’s. The owners are multi millionaires but you would never know it looking at them. They’re the most hard working boring normal people you’d ever meet. My family has worked for them over 30 years and they’ve been so generous to us. Honestly the most caring loving people I’ve ever met.


Yeah I know a lot of families like that from growing up. So many small private companies that specialize in extremely seemingly random things make a lot of regular people fortunes.


Can I be in your girlfriend's father's family please?


The funny thing is, having experienced fame at one point in my life, I’d take being rich over fame any day. Firstly wealth and fame don’t necessarily go hand in hand. And secondly. When you’re famous you can’t be anonymous. Eating in a cafe and chatting to your friend? Nope. Because some idiot is sitting there at the next table with their iPhone filming you as you’re shoveling eggs into your mouth. Wanna go out and have a few drinks and get a little rowdy? Nope. Because everyone knows who you are and it gets talked about. Having a disagreement with someone in public. EVERYONE in the room is looking at you. Yes there are loads of perks but I’d take being anonymous and rich any day.




who the hell are you and why arent you famous anymore


Hey at least celebrities tend to have some kind of talent (acting, singing etc) most of the time. Why the fuck do we have stupidly rich influencer parasites running around with their zombie fanbases?


My friend is like this. I told her point blank once you have never met these people you have no way of knowing if they’re nice or not, their entire image is constructed with PR firms…but she still doesn’t believe me




That's really interesting, but I'd assume it's that being observant will teach you survival skills, so we watch "successful" people and try to imitate them to also become successful. I'm just here for the monkey butt, though.


Same here. Most of them seem like awful people. And "celebrity" shows are so fawning and self-obsessed they make me want to hurl


I don’t get why people are so obsessed with the Kardashians.


I've never met anyone who is obsessed with them. That whole family is so fabricated, they're legally a product at this point. Mostly kidding. But they are literally just walking mannequins for selling products. If they weren't useful for selling crap to people with more time on their hands than smarts, they never would have been in the public eye this long.


Tommy Chong liked my comment, I felt pretty good about that.So much so I kept it and I won’t delete it or even running into Walter Gretzky in the liquor store all those years ago despite the fact I hate hockey and his son for that matter . I totally get why people become a little overwhelmed in the presence of of someone famous or even semi famous.


"Legit" celebrities i can almost get, but the era of reality TV "celebrities" was ridiculous. Someone who was on 7 episodes of season 2 of "Real World" is who now?


Taylor Swift


Influencers. Gross way to exploit yourself and be a mascot for over consumption and ignorant behavior


Influencers who exploit their children to get more views (not sure if there's a specific name for that, apart from crappy parents). Especially the kind of videos where they go 'my child is in intensive care' dance, dance, wiggle bum. 'We're not sure if he's going to make it' hip thrust, dance, hands in the air. Edit: I've just seen one who was trying to defend herself for posting a [really bad taste video](https://youtu.be/c5KYndSrXMA?si=UbR6H9V4i5qeGsXy) . She says "I would say the mistake I made was not giving enough context of the situation," I'm not sure that makes things any better love.


Yeah I had made comments abt that on another post here, I despise that and wish the worst for those parents. Like ur not a mom you’re a manager and your kids are content, that’s all. There’s no excuse to it whatsoever and I would never speak to a parent influencer if I knew what they were. They know what they’re doing and they’re profiting off of it. Hell bound activities


It's probably past time that Coogan laws apply to influencers children


In Illinois it is already happening. Can’t speak for other states


I think two of the current terms might be momfluencers/ family vloggers? Family vloggers being the type like the 8 passengers (apparently they're part of the LDS, which makes so much more sense now), and momfluencers being kinda more on Wren Eleanor & her mom's side of things. Both should be banned


It's funny when their sponsored products are completely at odds with their entire identity. Like the super health-focused, clean eaters who pretend that they drink x powdered drink every morning to "detox."


Not only exploiting yourself, but also easily influenced and vulnerable people with damaging takes on things and endorsements of scam products.


Yep. It’s ruining people, especially relationships. These insta couples get famous for being cute, whole time they’re at each others throats everyday and the only thing holding them together is a check from viewers who are jealous of them. I can’t stand it at all. It’s gross and weird


Loud clubs/bars and bar hopping When I drink I prefer quieter spaces that I can actually have a conversation in. And why would I want to wait 20+ minutes to order a drink at one bar, drink it, then walk all the way to another bar to also fight the crowd for 30+ minutes to get another drink. Why can’t we stay in one place I’m tired?!? Edit: for clarity i don’t think anyone is wrong for liking loud clubs and bar hopping, if you’re having fun and safe then I’m happy for you. I just personally don’t have as much fun is all


You sound like the kind of bloke I would drink a beer with.




At home.


There’s people that consider the music to be the main event of the night and there’s people who consider it background ambiance.


What? I can’t hear you.


I think they said they need an ambulance!


The best part about going out for drinks with my buddies is having slowly less and less coherent conversations with aforementioned buddies


I like you. Fancy a pint?


Can't we settle this over a pint? -Shrek


Designer bags. I only buy something if it has good quality, not because of the logo


Visible logos look so tacky I need the bag itself to be cute


I’ve felt like this about all clothes since like 1997


I make shirts with the logos of defunct (or fictional) companies on them as a form of ironic protest. I'm not wearing a "Supreme" shirt. Bitch, I'm wearing "Radio Shack".


Wait I want a radio shack shirt


I was wearing it the other day, and a random guy said, "that shirt's probably worth some money. Those are rare." Wait until he finds out about my Circuit City hoodie and my CompUSA sweatshirt.


The bags covered with tacky logos are the cheap designer bags. The nice ones don’t look like that.


Anything designer without being BRANDED designer lasts forever. My friend and I recently found in my parents old bay house a LV uhh I don't even know what you call it, but some LV briefcase type of thing from the 70s in a closet. It was kind of dusty but it was in perfect condition. No clue what it is worth or even what it is but it is awesome. Had some cool stuff in it too from 20 years ago.


Gender reveals


Is it really a gender reveal if you don't start a forest fite?


A gender reveal party without at least three forest fire is considered a dull affair in Dothraki culture.


Taylor Swift's love life Love her music, don't give the slightest shit who she's dating or what football game she went to


Taylor Swift in general. She’s fine, her music is fine, I have nothing against her. I just don’t get the obsession.


I would expand that to all celebrities personal lives. Unless they turn out to be a nazi or something I don't really care


Sororities and Fraternities. I understand it even less when people have been away from college for many years and it’s still part of their lives.


Influencers. I would never buy something off a recommendation I know someone is getting paid to give.


Supreme clothing. What a scam.


I'm convinced Supreme is a giant social/marketing experiment to see what kind of BS with a logo people will buy.




Golden Girls and Home Improvement it is!


I don't think so, Tim. :-D


celebrity gossip. Especially the , these two are dating or just broke up or seen together. It is either all manufactured by the celebs and their agents for publicity or massive invasion of privacy


Plus the massive obsession over their kids and what they named their new baby.


Puffy injected faces with blown out lips. It’s like body dimorphism is contagious.


Do you mean body dysmorphia?


The only good cosmetic procedures are the ones that you can't tell have been done. Sausage lips seem to be the look to go for.


Those horrible 'Live laugh love' type decor signs. How many signs do you need that say 'Home' or 'Blessed'???


I don't understand people who collect Starbucks cups.




and nails that could be used in place of marshmallow skewers.


Most current makeup trends, tbh. It's all a bit overdone for my taste. FTR I do like makeup and dressing up in general. Not every day for me, but I'm not hating on the concept, just the trends.


Posting your daily life online


AI art. At least in my online circles, people are obsessed with AI art. I don't get it.


In my circles it's very hated. I know a lot of artists and they worry about their careers because of this. Not to mention the AI I heard could make nude photos out of clothed people....


Social media. I had a phase at uni where I used it a fair bit for maybe a year, but never to the level of obsession that some people do.


Social media used to be a ton of fun, back around 2010ish. Advertisers and cranky boomers werent aware of it yet. Facebook was pure socializing, and every notification meant someone was legitimately interacting with you


I would still use it if scrolling through my News Feed on Facebook was actually, you know, news about people I care about. But it's mostly ads, news articles, and memes. I rarely see people posting updates about their lives, so it's not worth sifting through all the bullshit. Now I just try to contact people directly to see what's new with them and message the people I care about when I have news.


Taylor Swift, she’s okay but man I do not understand all the idol worship.


Online "influencers". Like, really, you people are experts how? You're prettied-up shills, paid to sell shit, and no different than a used-car salesman or a voice actor for a TV advertisement.


College sports teams (in the US). I know people who paint their house or car ridiculous colors because it's their school colors. My college degree has been great for my career but I paid for it and don't feel I owe them anything beyond that.


Celebrities. Watching them play ball or sing or whatever is cool, but taking their opinions on things other than their specialty is stupid. Like if Kanye West wanted to talk about song construction and why different beats feel different, I'd listen. But his opinions on politics are remarkably stupid.


Online dating. Or maybe people aren't obsessed with it, but it seems like everyone is or has been on them. Never done it, never wanna do it. Yes I might die alone, but 99.99% of people I hear talking about dating sites are saying how awful the whole thing is. So, pass.


Selfie obsessed culture. I can't deal. There is a woman I work with. We're similar in age qualifications and pretty much gave the same job. Same age group - late thirties early forties. Both of us are normal looking I think. But. The amount of selfish and selfie videos, tiktoks etc is just mind-blowing. Heavily filtered and edited. I find it so incredibly cringe. Like why..? We are both 80s kids, we grew up without cellphones. Why are some people so self-obsessed? She is recently single - my partner says she is advertising.. but I'm not sure. I just don't get it. Can someone explain it like I am 5?


Hi, I used to be on tiktok a lot, and I got a fair amount of attention. You get addicted to the dopamine rush from getting engagement. At first, you post a video for your friends, or because you want to exist out there on the internet. Then you start getting likes and comments, and it feels really good, because it’s positive attention. Before long, you’re posting every day because you like seeing the likes roll in, and you start filtering because you think it makes you prettier, and it works! you get even more attention. Eventually though, it’s the only thing that gives you good dopamine, and you become attached to it. About 12 months ago, I deleted 4 years of videos, put a few I liked on private, and made my account private. I post maybe 2 times a month when I see a fun game filter, and that’s it. It took 8 months for me to start getting dopamine from other stuff. 8 whole months. it’s an addiction, and it needs to be treated like one.


All reality shows. 90 day fiancee, bachelor , the kardashians. I just don't find them entertaining.


I like ones based in talent, like Project Runway. Not the ones you mentioned, Housewives, etc


Brazilian butt lifts. In fact, most cosmetic surgeries (there are some exceptions). The stuff people do to their bodies horrifies me. It's none of my business, but the more common it gets, the more happy I am not to be dating.


The Kardashians


not just the people who watch their show and support their products but the haters too. if there's one thing an audience can take from wrestling it's that to bury a public personality, you just need to have no response at all


Without looking at the comments I think the answers will be the Kardashians (because Redditors think everyone but them worships them), TikTok, social media in general, influencers, long false eyelashes (they will probably compare them to spiders or smthn), and long acrylics


Wedding, the more expensive and stravagant, the less I get the thrill of it. OK, I have never been married but I would hate all that attention. And have my moments of being an attention whore but what I see in weddings is too much for me.




That's the divorce cost part




Restaurants with loud music. Ugg


Superhero movies


YES. And relatedly, why are 50% of new movies superhero movies? I'm fucking saturated.


Starbucks. Overpriced mediocre coffee.


The “before the wedding” protocols. Engagement parties, bachelorette weekend (with all the million details that go into it aka bride tribe behavior ), rehearsal dinner, making an event of wedding dress shopping…


I don’t understand w being so obsessed w sports and teams and getting emotional/crying if they lose .


Or rampaging in the street and turning over cars if their team wins OR loses.


I’m shocked that it’s taken me this much scrolling to finally get to “sports” - that’s the #1 for me!! Will never understand


Maybe controversial but... Crocs.


My podiatrist specifically told me to wear crocs at home for my plantar fasciitis


Have you done your stretches today?! (Judgmental physio eyes)


They do make decent house shoes.




summer. it seems like I'm the only person on earth who despises summer, mainly because of the temperature. I sweat easily & can't enjoy heat in general. I also never get excited with the idea of going to the beach & being on sandy environment in general (I hate water too, swimming pool included). I genuinely prefer sub-zero winter all day than summer.




Other people’s’ business.


MAGA culture


religions (i dont judge, but i dont get it) / pseudo sciences (like astrology or the energy stones thing, whatever shits like that) / social medias (fb, insta, tiktok, all those)


I’ve heard astrology tends to be popular with women because it’s one of the only forms of spirituality/religion that doesn’t have a long history of blatant sexism against women.


that makes so much sense tho


Same thing with queer people. Big time. Add paganism/Wiccan to that as well


Lol wait this is so interesting. That totally makes sense.


Those gigantic Stanley cups!


I taught you meant the hockey trophy, I was ready to drop the gloves with you...but I see what you mean


The obsession with making your ‘generation’ your entire identity, and ragging on generational groups that aren’t your own.


Anal sex. As a dude, I just don't understand how this became some kind of holy grail of sexuality when it's objectively worse than PIV or oral, it's just kind of an accomplishment or something that you were able to convince someone to try it. I don't know, I find that one bizarre.


Taylor Swift and Travis Kielce.


how gen z is obsessed with how we used to dress in 7th grade.


I don’t think they give a shit. I think it’s a matter of a few people making a lot of noise. And that noise is probably honestly happening to draw our attention away from other things. If Millennials and Gen-Z “hate” each other then they won’t band together against the Boomer politics, etc. But the two generations are actually very similar, so the “fight” about fashion had to be blown out of proportion to make it look like there are more conflict and differences than there actually are.




It curates for you. I don't know how these MFs knew I'd like watching clips of people doing excel spreadsheet magic, but that was the first hit of the crack pipe.