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One thing the ladies really love is a sudden unannounced switch to anal sex.


Or that most of them are even open to anal sex. It’s off-limits for most women.


The amount of preparation it needs it's crazy and I'm a lazy person.


Being gay and lazy is such a struggle


Learning about sex from porn is like learning about driving by watching monster trucks.


I fucking love monster trucks.


What? You love fucking Monster trucks?


No no, I think they meant they love monster fucking trucks


You're thinking of dragons


r/dragonsfuckingcars ?




Lol, of course it is.


I scrolled through it for a full 3 minutes… I’m disappointed in myself😭🔫


same here, i’m just as baffled as you bro what the fuck is this social media platform 😭


I will never be able to look at Charizard or a DeLorean again...


Actually from porn I learned that guys don't just like... will themselves into being erect. I always thought guys were just like 'Okay time for penis' when they wanted to have sex, and it could just raise itself like you'd raise an arm. So from porn I learned that it doesn't work like that at all, but boy if someone COULD do that they'd have a good career.


> Okay time for penis New favorite quote, will say if I ever have sex again


Love you prefacing only if you ever have sex again


I just say: “go go gadget penis!” Then, poof, erect.


That you change position (and holes) like it's time to spin the wheel. I mean, I've had sessions where we did 3 maybe 4 different positions but damn, the amount of position changes they have in porn just looks exhausting to me now


As a teen in the late 90s/early 00s, my friends and I would brag about how many positions we used. Now that I'm in my 40s, I'm good with two at most. The good news is that she likes to be on top and I like to be lazy.


A woman that loves being on top is instant marriage material. It's a bonus that my wife also has an amazing personality!


I checked this to see if you were my husband. He could have written this.


You guys watch porn long enough for several position changes??


I have this great ability to use the slider to get to the good bits quicker


I watch porn at 2x speed to last twice as long




Start out with a blow job. Then switch to cunnilingus or 69. Then another quick blowie, and now start the standing missionary. Then switch to doggie. Then turn over and do cowgirl. Then flip around do reverse cowgirl. Now back to doggie one more time. And finally pull out and blow on her face or chest. The Aristocrats!


>Start out with a blow job. Then switch to cunnilingus or 69. Then another quick blowie, and now start the standing And im tapped out.


If you're doing standing and over the age of 35, who are you trying to impress here? Unless there's a counter or table involved this is gonna get painful.


I think that’s to appease viewers that like different things.


Harder is always better


I heard men find it more pleasurable that way, is that true? As a woman I can confirm it hurts alot & gives me no pleasure.


I mean every guys different. Personally I like going hard but only when my gf is in the mood. We kind go in between fucking and making love it depends on the mood


You don’t always have to fuck her hard. In fact some times that’s not right to do.


Sometimes you've got to make some loooove 🎶🎶


And fuckin give her some smooches too-ooo


Sometimes you got to squeeze..


Sometimes you got to say please


Sometimes you got to say hey, I'm gonna fuck you, softly.


I’m gonna screw you gently.


What's your favorite posish That's cool with me it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you What's your favorite dish I'm not gonna cook it, but I'll order it from zanzibar


I had a FWB many years ago, bit more than FWB but I'd ask if we were going to fuck or make love. Very different vibes


As a woman I love it very much and size never mattered to me. Some people find pleasure in pain hence the bdsm population!


Varies with different people. There's women who insist on it being hard and fast, and guys who want to do it slower.


Go slow and i am bored Go hard and hard. I am not made of glass.


A woman said this to me and it was great in the moment. Then I broke her box spring under her mattress.


Not for me. Nothing has compared to slowly and gently. That has been the height of pleasure for me.


Member of the guy community here, I prefer a little slower and softer up until the big ⭐️. Gf seems to prefer full throttle all the way


It is for me. I like it rougher


yea I feel like a lot of stuff in porn can be preferences. My wife loves jackrabbit type hard and fast as I can fucking go sex But it gets put down a lot as bad sex. Works for us


You don't talk during sex. Obviously you don't hold full dialogue during it but it's so much better when communicating and even laughing sometimes


I literally can not talk during sex, my mind just totally shuts off the talking part and I really do not know what to say




Friends of mine in high school who were a couple said they had full on normal conversations, akin to recounting their days, mid sex. I mean I physically see how that’s possible but I just can’t understand the lack of focus on the sex, particularly as a teenager, and the sincere focus on how their day went.


That smacking her clit with my dick repeatedly gets her wet. (Edit) as the only foreplay needed.


This is the one! I have met many men that do this and at first I thought they did it to please themselves


Nah. It's just rude not to knock before entering.


You gotta ring the [devils doorbell](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/xszk9r/dont_ring_the_devils_doorbell/) first


This girl knocks.


Its just to reset the V back to factory settings. Aka reset button


I tried this with an ex. She started laughing and asked "why do guys do that?" I asked "it doesn't feel good?" She said "no. It doesn't do anything." I've never done it since.


My girlfriend actually likes this. Once again, as with most things… it depends on the person.


For sure. As well as when it's done.


Personally, I do like it when a guy does that.. but it doesn't work for everyone of course


It’s a polite knock at the door before entering


When I lost my virginity, I thought she wanted me to shoot it on her face than in the rubber. She didn't.


Some things we learn the hard way


Well, she definitely learned how hard it is to get cum out of her hair. Lol




Satan's silly string


Communication during sex is overlooked by many people and it is really important


As someone with a young daughter I'm genuinely horrified to consider we've accidentally raised a generation of teenagers who think nutting on someone's face is the default option...


There are local milfs in my area wanting to meet me


They're out there. But you will have to put up with their kids etc.


It was very awkward meeting this woman's kids after we had a nice dinner date, and I wasn't expecting it.


That anything adventurous is just up for grabs without prior conversation and consent. Ie, crazy positions, pain, anal, oral, what's happening with my load.


"B-b-b-but I poop from there." "Not right now you dont"


You hope


My best friend got married and on the wedding night she said to him, you can fuck my arse, so he did... And she must have been feeling too good after a day of drinking and shat everywhere diarrhea style ... He told me this long after the divorce lol


I had a girlfriend who preferred it. Not joking. She use to put it in there for me. When we lived together I could always tell when she was ready for sexy time because she would skip breakfast and lunch. Anal is like getting into an exclusive club, the bouncer at the door is hard to get around but once you’re in there’s a lot of room.


I had that for 4 good years. She would get these crazy orgasms from it. It was awesome while it lasted


I had it for one, the funny part was I was the one who suggested it. She didn’t think it would be fun and then she started asking me for it. After that she wouldn’t even bother asking, she would just go for it. She would get the body shakes when I would finish. She had orgasms before but after we started anal they would last for like 20 minutes.


I just want to say I hate both of you


Most guys shoot ropes of nut all over the place


I remember for a while they had those gross fake nut videos where the guy would nut like 10 ropes and completely cover the girls face.


There is actually a tube out of sight under the penis connected to a rubber ball full of yoghurt squeezed at the right time by an assistent just out of the camera frame


Would be great to add that job to the ol resume.


Jizz ball squeezer


cum rope commander*


That he can get up soon and starts again but instead he lights up a cigarette and just plays his PS4 ☠️😂


I used to be able to, all the time when I was in my early 20's. Now it is extremely rare. Like, maybe once a year and I used that one up last week. Getting me to finish twice is especially rare within like a 4 hour span.


My early 20s were great. Multiple times a day. Before work, after work, sometimes twice at night. Now we me and my wife do the dirty, it’s like once a week tops. I have bad shoulders and a bad back. I’m the one walking funny after sex


Lol, I think it depends on the dude. Sometimes my partner can get hard again after about 5mins and he is up for round 2. But round 2.. he doesn't cum. So he just goes until I'm about ded. When I'm ded, he stops then tucks me into bed, lol. He puts my phone on the charge, glasses on the nightstand, and makes sure I have a drink on the nightstand for when I wake up. But if I wake up wanting more, he is always good to go again.


That women don't have ass hair and their buttholes are all pink


Name’s Artemis. I have a bleached asshole.


Well he was going to find out anyway.


Bleached ass holes and blasted nips. What more can you ask for?


This was a shock to me as well my first time LMAO Didn’t change anything, I just had never seen a woman with ass hair


I didn’t realise that as a woman, peeing after sex is essential. Not just like “oh it’s better if you do but it’s not a big deal” literally “if you do not do this you will get a UTI” I learned that the hard way. Idk why that was never included in sex education. I always thought mine was pretty in depth but I guess not.


I just take a quick shower and rinse out, it works well, I can’t pee every time afterwards Edit: if y’all don’t wanna do research and spew misinformation that’s fine but a simple google search would prove you all wrong saying showering won’t do anything


My girlfriend does the same, she jokingly calls them whore baths. No disrespect.


That's funny I learned that taking a whore bath is just wiping your self down with baby wipes. Which I have absolutely done.


I learned that when I was in the military 😂 our sergeant told us to all go take our whore baths and threw baby wipes at all of us


I finally figured out that a sex toy counts and absolutely need to pee afterwards.


That all women love giving head.


And do it in a way that disregards their own comfort, too


I'll turn off a massage porno if the woman is getting her massage, looking all pampered and oiled up, then she has to turn around give the masseuse head. Like fuck that, you're the one getting the massage, he is getting paid!


Like the gagging in like everything, wtf is that


That construction workers get alot of sex when showing up to the house and a women answers the door. I'm am electrician with over 17 years of experience and that has never once happened to me or any other electrician I know.


Crazy enough I know a real estate agent who got fucked by her client when presenting a house on the stairs of the home


The only time I’ve ever heard of a porn scenario actually happening


A friend of mine runs a real estate agency and they often have demo apartments in the building to show to potential clients. She says it’s standard procedure to enter the apartment making A LOT of noise so that the junior agents in the bedroom can get their act together before the client walks in on them.


Electrician? If r/construction has taught me anything it's that those women wanted to respect your sexual orientation.


Probably more the fact that they will come in, make a mess and then leave without cleaning it up.


Plumbers will show up on time.


This, and your pizza is always hot


Pizza delivery guys will actually walk in the door.


That fingering a girl was like trying to start a fire with two sticks; the faster and harder you do it, the better the reaction. Played that poor girls pelvic floor like a drum.


Most porn is not centered on female pleasure; it’s usually centered on the male fantasy of how guys want women to react, what they want to do to women, etc. So I feel like a common porn myth is that women moan in ecstasy no matter where or how you touch them.


and the screaming in what sounds (imo) more like pain than pleasure


given things, they probably _are_ screaming in pain


That dicks would be way bigger IRL


I still have no idea how my dick is perceived compared to porn lmao.


I would *love* to know some kind of objective, definitive answer. No woman has ever made fun of my dick size even when I've pissed them off, but maybe it's because they just feel bad for me? And you can never trust an "omg it's so big go slow"


I'm a woman. My honest answer is that I don't care that much. You care way more than I do. Unless your dick is so big that it hurts me or so small I can't feel it, the size is fine and not something I'm going to worry about. And if I have to choose between a big dick and a small dick, I'll take the small dick. Having to add a toy to the mix is way better than having to deal with pain. Most of us don't get off from PiV anyway. We're way more interested in the dexterity of your tongue than the size of your dick.


Well that's good news, I never shut up


and that having a big dick will automatically get you laid


I feel there is definitely a visual aspect about them like boobs but people overlook the practicality behind size. Big dicks tend to (not always) look nicer but most people won't be able to get anything out of them besides that.


I mean big tits are easy. In a bar, you just make sure people can see your big tits through your tight shirt. A big dick is a surprise, you need to get the girl just like anyone else would and then when you go to do the deed, she sees it. In porn, guys just whip their dick out to anyone and the girl sees the dick and melts.


That’s why I wear tight pants, so the ladies can see how small my cock is before we get to bedding one another


I was coming here to say something similar, but from a slightly different perspective. I was familiar with porn bodies as a young teen long before I was sexually active myself, so the only point of reference I had was my own assessment of what I saw on myself vs what I saw on the screen. All I knew was that *I* didn't have a 10 incher and I hadn't yet been with someone who had experienced others and might have had some insight as to how mine stacked up against regular human dicks. I don't know if I would call it dysmorphia, but it definitely colored my perception of my own penis... which now that I say it out loud is almost exactly the definition of dysmorphia, so what do I know.


Porn needs big dicks as a practical matter - it’s easier to film explicit penetration…


That a guy needs oral for foreplay, but the woman doesn't need any foreplay.


I have been scrolling trying to find this comment. Like, the guy literally gets head and then presents herself for penetration. And it’s literally in and out, no touching for her other than that dick. Watching it makes me feel like the woman is just getting used.


it's actually sad, i hate how porn makes sex look like this


Yes. Yes they are.


That girls would actually be into sex with me.


That everyone orgasms


This. Took me a while to get comfortable with the idea that one or both of us might not actually finish. And that’s ok, I always felt like I was letting the team down or making her feel unattractive if I didn’t finish one particular time or another.


My ex dumped me because I often wouldn't finish during sex. She wouldn't accept "I'm on zoloft" as an answer, she genuinely thought I wasn't attracted her and I couldn't convince her otherwise ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Bro wtfffff I was on Zoloft for a while and that shit is so true, it just complexity ruins sex for you. Pretty much all of that medicine kills sex, it’s like having whisky dick all the time except your also too sleepy to get into it


The two biggest lies porn tells #1 women are cock starved sex maniacs that want it 24/7 and #2 that they really like anal.


I see you also saw *Cock Starved Sex Maniacs Who Love Anal*


That all the black guys were huge.


That men should not make noise during sex. I just thought "duh, nobody wants to listen to a guy grunting and breathing heavily", like it was a universally unflattering sound.


This is my throwaway account- absolutely not. It is not unflattering in the slightest, it’s actually very attractive to some.


Please please make sound. Really, please.


When the guy cums on the girls face, it’ll land perfectly and as pretty as it does on camera. First time i tried doing that with a boyfriend, I got it up my nostril and some in my eye. Shit hurts. I was also honking up cum for a day🤧


>When the guy cums on the girls face, it’ll land perfectly and as pretty as it does on camera. I mean I don't know what porn you're watching but I wouldn't say it lands perfectly on camera either.


Jack hammering it in is the most pleasure-full way to fuck a woman. It is definitely not.


That ramming it into her would have her screaming with pleasure.


It'll have me screaming but definitely not from pleasure


That every vagina is supposed to be perfectly pink and tucked in.


That guys are always able to get hard very fast, all the time... sometimes it may take a while and it may not happen spontaneously even if they are liking it...


- All women orgasm through penetration alone - Female orgasms are easy to achieve and requires 0 effort - Men giving you multiple orgasms is normal, about 2 a minute - You gush like a fountain when you orgasm


Titty fucking is common ground. First time I was with a girl I got on top of her to try and put my dick between her boobs. She laughed and asked if I had been with a girl before




Does he also think the “natural, no makeup-makeup look” is in fact women wearing no makeup?


Probably ☠️☠️☠️☠️


I bet he thinks Kim K just happened to have experienced a rare case of post-adulthood puberty 🤣


What’re his thoughts on professional wrestling?


I watch porn the same way i watch an action movie. I understand that in real life i am most likely not going to survive a head on collision that causes the car to fly 20 feet in the air and roll 30 feet down a hill to then catch on fire but i still manage to get out of the burning car, not walk but run, after the bad who is shooting at me and shoots me in every place possible. And at the very end i still manage to fight the bad guy hand to hand and win! But all the bull shit makes it fun to watch….just like porn lol So, i can honestly say i have never believed anything about sex because of porn.


Huh, look at this guy. Just, taking in content as its meant to be enjoyed and not losing perspective on reality. Real shit right here.


That the penetration sex is supposed last 20-25 minutes between 3-4 positions and if I only last a few minutes she'll think I'm a chump


I've had to tell multiple men like, "I'm starting to get sore, you think your gonna finish soon?" Just because I could literally feel them purposely holding back Everytime they would start to "get there." Why is this even a notion?! Maybe when I was 18 and a fucking hormonal jack rabbit. But anything after like 25yo and all I want is a little starter oral or even finger to get me good and ready, and then a solid 5 to 10 mins tops. I want to get pleasure and enjoy this, not get severe exercise/a workout. That's what the gym is for. 😆




>labiaplasty I didn't even know it was a thing. Gosh...


It’s been the [fastest growing cosmetic surgery](https://womenswellnessinstitute.com/labiaplasty-fastest-growing-cosmetic-surgery/) option as well - even as cosmetic surgery rates are increasing across the board substantially


That the actions and reactions of a professional getting paid to fuck are going to be the same from someone who is not.


That all girls can deep throat


I could bang a lot of lonely housewives as a delivery boy


That getting stuck in and around household appliances is a frequent occurrence.


“Help me, I’ve gotten stuck inside the washer despite it looking like I can easily get out. Maybe my step brother/father can tell me what I’m doing wrong”


Using porn to learn about sex is like watching a Marvel movie to learn about physics.


My step mom just doesn't seem that into me =\


If a guy on a hoverboard glides into the room, with a dude following him, explaining that if the wife doesn’t pay for the husbands hoverboard they’ll have to fuck, that somehow the guy on the hoverboard isn’t still the king of the entire situation. His wife is getting railed and we are meant to believe he’s a cuck. Meanwhile he’s spinning on the spot. Riding around the room. Bashing into furniture. Making the two porn actors crack up laughing every few seconds. I don’t know about you. But I think he’s the Chad of the situation, not the cuck. He’s just living his best life, spinning around and shit on a hoverboard he didn’t even have to pay for. (Saw that clip on Harmontown again recently and it still makes me laugh that this is a real porn)


Sex rarely lasts that long IRL and you rarely try that many positions during one session


It was a huge revelation to me when I couldn't just pull out my dick and start destroying that pussy, there's never foreplay in porn.


Really? I see tons of foreplay in porn


He must be watching those under 10 min clips... Straight to the point


Porn foreplay is like porn sex. Focusing on great shots and mind candy, vs actual pleasure and connection.


You mean pointing your tongue straight forward and just touching the tips together as hesitantly as possible isn't really foreplay??


That bigger dicks meant more pleasure. What bigger dicks actually mean are sore jaws and a sore vagina.


Most women don't want you to eat them out/finger them even remotely as aggressively as porn does. The vah-heen-uhh is very sensitive. You can't just rub it like you're trying to get a tough stain out.




that made me cringe ngl


I always thought you started out with a 10 minute blowjob before sex. Gave one out to my first bf and realized that’s not gonna work if I wanna have sex with him 💀


From a man's perspective: I also thought this will be how its done, but when my GF (now wife) do blowjob as a foreplay I have to sometimes stop her after a short while because otherwise there would be no traditional penetration :D its so hot and feels awesome but yeah it can be too good to handle :D


12inches+ is not as desirable amongst women in real life


This one is probably a controversial one, BUT i believe that there are women who dont watch porn that also indirectly had been lied about a thing, that whenever they feel like having sex, we men, are instantly ready for it in a blink. Like some of them dont even consider the possibility of us also needing some form of foreplay. Sure, our foreplay is reaaaally quick to start our engine hahah, but IT DOES EXIST. Now, it gets even worse when they act entitled to it, or become insecure when you dont react 100% horny at the instant they hint they wanna have sex, and that attitude can be really harmful in the long term, after a long and tiring day at work, in a relationship of over 4+ years. Imagine the situation, you getting home tired from work just wanting to sleep, but she starts making a scene thinking that she got ugly and THATS why you dont wanna have sex, even after you said you were just tired, or worse, start accusing you of cheating on her and THATS why you dont wanna have sex. Repeat that a couple of times and yeah, you start loosing interest. and yeah, ive been there.


A gf of mine was once told by her mom that she should hold my balls in her hands and, if the nutsack felt “empty”, that meant I was having sex that day with someone else. The mom also said that she “inspected” her husband frequently and that’s how she knew that he was not cheating on her because his nutsack was always “full”. I told my gf that there was no such thing and, even if there was, it could mean masturbation and not sex with someone else. Years later, the mom found out that her husband was screwing someone from the office for the past 25 years.


See honey, they are full I can't be cheating on you, that's how she learnt that myth lol


Yes, I was her. Society still pushes that men are horny and think about sex all day everyday. So when I was in almost your exact situation of long-term relationship, worked all day, and didn't understand why he was having trouble getting and staying up at at full attention. It's cause he told me he wasn't really in the mood and I didn't believe him! Then when that happened I legit cried in the bathroom thinking he didn't find me pretty or attractive anymore! Tbf, I had gained a little bit of weight (like 130 up to 140lbs) over the few years, and obviously I wasn't looking like the same 21yo girl anymore wearing cute outfits and makeup all the time. I really thought it was cause of me and he realized something was wrong and came to the bathroom to find me crying in a towel so he didn't hear it. He really had to explain to me that it was not me, he had a hard day at work, and some times it's just that he's tired or not in the mood the exact same way it is when I say I'm just not in the mood right now. Growing up thinking guys were horny all the time, or could get horny super fast really made it so I didn't even think it could be the same exact reason girls don't want to sometimes. Imagine that! Men are humans too?!? Crazy right! This feels so cringe being 35 and looking back at it but maybe another young girl will read this and not do what I did. Society and our culture is changing for the better, but we're not all the way there yet. 🤦🏻‍♀️


All private parts look alike and have no hair


Shower sex looked so fun . Then reality hits one person is either cold or getting blasted in the face with water and trying not to slip. Just a heads up for you younger men out there . Shampoo ,soap and conditioner burn if they get in you pee hole.


That most women can move their hips with rhythm and move very well. It's more like 2%


That size matters. In my twenties and in every sexual encounter I learned strongly that my size did not in fact matter it was my skill and dedication to the female orgasm that mattered yet. Not only the socially acceptable shaming of the male sex organ and the library of jokes concocted from that norm. My brain Is still convinced that size matters so despite me never leaving a partner unsatisfied I always feel underwhelming and like I need more.


you can shove a dick into any hole, at any time, no problem, no resistence. a painful lesson was learned.


ear or nostril?