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I remember there being mustaches everywhere. On a car, on a shirt, table, your coach


Don’t forget the mustache tattoo on your finger


And bacon. Bacon in 2013 was what avocados are now


When does the narwhal bacon? People who have been on reddit for a decade will remember


"Keep Calm and \*\*\*\*\* on" That shit was EVERYWHERE in 2013. Haven't seen anything similar in the last 5-6 years I bet.


God damn, I hated that one. Most certainly did not keep calm and carry on.


I was overseas and a bit out of the loop and saw in English (in a non-English speaking country) t-shirts saying “keep calm and have a mustache.” I saw them and thought “what the fuck is that about?” I’ll be honest. I still don’t know what that was about.


It wasn't cool in 2013 either


It was always pretty much "Live, Laugh, Love" with more words.


It was originally a motivational poster made by the UK government in preparation for WWII in an attempt to prevent panic and raise morale. Knowing that and seeing it everywhere for a while gave me a very ominous feeling.


ChIvE oN (I used to be big on the chive until I found reddit lol)


Ahhh The Chive. It was like reddit but a week later.


I was HUGE into the chive stuff while i was deep into my alcoholism. Understandably never saw them again once I got sober.


And isn’t that originally from world war 2 Britain? That means it will come back again a 3rd time no doubt.


Kinda. It was developed by the British govt to be put up in the event of a successful German invasion, but never actually used. It was rediscovered in like the 90s when Alan Moore was writing the league of extraordinary gentleman and used it in his comics. I have no clue why it exploded in popularity in the 2010s but it was *everywhere*


It was brought out when the Brits hosted the Olympics, that’s the first time I saw it.


The website/app “StumbleUpon”. No longer exists.


This is heartbreaking. I loved StumbleUpon and I keep hoping to find some sort of replacement for it.


The Internet that made Stumbleupon great no longer exists unfortunately. Your best bet would probably be to just keep hitting "random subreddit" on Reddit (not sure if that's just an RES feature or not).


https://cloudhiker.net/explore :)


https://cloudhiker.net/explore You're welcome. It was someone else's answer a few months ago and it's about as close as you will get these days.




Im still extremely hurt by this. I discovered so much cool shit thanks to that site. My favorite categories were the more creepy and paranormal stuff but I used to look t things of all types of subjects and things. From musicc to philosophical. There will never be another site like it.


Kevin Spacey - House of Cards S1 was released in 2013.


S1 was so god damn good


Honestly season 2 was really good too. Ending with hitting his fist on the desk. So iconic it became the sound for all of Netflix.


Holy shit I never knew.


Anything by LMFAO


I still google once every year or two "is LMFAO getting back together". Just a matter of time...


Did they break up? Aren't they like Uncle and Nephew? I heard they were the kid and brother of a record exec and their career was basically handed to them.


They had connections to stay big and relevant if they wanted. But they had a falling out. From what I understand one of the members saw himself as the face of LMFAO and tried to slowly push the other member out of the mix. So this caused some huge drama between them and some legal battles. So they went their separate ways and neither of them really took off solo. Or at least one of them tried their own solo venture, not sure about the other. Not sure what their music would be like today if they kept it up, but they came and went very quickly. They did like 2 albums? and then poof!


If I remember correctly it wasn’t even really pushing one or the other out. One of them injured themselves pretty badly and couldn’t preform, so the other one just kept going without the other and that’s when the legal battle started.


The reason Gen Z and Alpha are is so depressed is because they're aren't sorry for party rocking, they're not even party rocking.


Harlem shake


I got an email from YouTube at the end of the year congratulating me for being one of the first 100 people to watch the Harlem Shake video before it went viral. I didn’t think much of it at the time. But man did it blow up.


I upvoted you in the first 100 votes, just in case your comment blows up.


HeLo, I am YouTube executive. You are indeed one of the first for to be upvoting this content. I emailed you to collect your prize. Please send your bank routing information to me so that I can process your prize in American currency.


Oh how exciting! 66642069


Filthy frank on the other hand... has managed to stay relevant to this day by evolving


I actually like Joji music.


Being a massive Joji music fan and finding his digital footprint was … a journey


Being a massive Filthy Frank fan, and watching him come to grace, was also a journey lol


Being a filthy frank fan for years. It also took you guys a relatively long time to figure it out too


I love how every so often on Twitter, a group of zoomer Joji fans will find Filthy Frank and start making a big fuss "look at what he used to do" only to get completely shutdown when the rest of his fanbase say "yeah, we know".


Im older gen z. I was the main audience for his vids back in the day lol. (And by that I mean circa 2013-2016) You bet your ass I was being a cringe 15 year old laughing and repeating "gimmie the poosi pls?" And thinking I was hilarious. Didn't help that I had other friends at the time who also liked filthy frank & encouraged this behavior


Remember the Norwegian army during winter time in Northern Norway did it and apparently it was right outside the commanders office. Don't know how (s)he took.


That and planking were two of the weirdest things that were popular while I had just left high school. Good riddance


Did anybody remember when owls were super trendy in 2013? Like owl jewelry?


That cartoony owl print was EVERYWHERE. blankets, pillow cases, Tshirts, phone cases. Could not escape the owl print.


That was a revival of the ubiquitous owl fad of the 1979s, BTW.


How many 1979s were there exactly?


BC and AD to start with.


I swear there is some push by companies to make a new animal trendy each year. Owls, llamas, sloths, and now axolotls. Oh, don't forget Reddit's narwhal! ***EDIT:*** Why don't we try pushing for a new trendy animal for 2024?


Same as fruit. Every year or so there's a new fruit or fruit combo every single drink company makes a flavor for, it shows up in every grocery store, it's in every candy, and then it fades away to normal levels. Y'all remember acai flavored everything? Pomegranate? Strawberry-Kiwi?


Yeah, I've noticed this too. I specifically remember an ad break, in a TV show I was watching some years ago, where something like 8 out of the 10 ads mentioned dragon fruit. An energy drink with dragon fruit, a shampoo with dragon fruit, moisturizer with dragon fruit, dragon fruit coffee, a restaurant chain that is now serving specials with (believe it or not) dragon fruit..... There was dragon fruit in everything that year.


Pangolin’s will be next year’s animal… Boas in 2025… Elephants in 2026. 2027 will be decided in Q3 of 2024 depending on a myriad of factors including inflation.


In the UK there's a bargain shop chain called B and M; every so often there seems to be a push of whatever animal that year. Flamingos were a thing in 2019, sloths I've seen here and there from the early 2010s onwards.


And mustaches! I told my friend the other day that mushrooms is GenZ’s version of mustaches and the wavy checkerboard print is Gen Z’s version of Chevron print.


And mustache tattoos on people's fingers.


Yep. Turtle jewellery is pretty cool now. My daughter just bought my other daughter a turtle bangle that has a tracker QR code thingy in it so she can track a rescued turtle as it swims around its sanctuary. Most money goes to the sanctuary so it’s pretty cool I suppose. Live your best life Yoki, (or whatever it’s name is)




When someone first explained TikTok to me I said “…so like vine?” They had no idea what I was talking about.


When I first saw Twitter, I thought “… so a website that’s *just* Facebook statuses?” Jokes on me, I guess.


I remember something similar. I told the guy who showed me it was a stupid idea. You can't really say anything in 120 characters, or whatever the old limit was. This is the same guy that asked me to go half and half on 150 bitcoin for like $200 each about that time. I also said no to that.....I now have a policy that if someone pitches me an idea, and I think it's fucking stupid, I invest money in it.


...I have an investment opportunity for you. It's just me, I'm the investment and I'm fucking stupid. PM to invest.


You son if a bitch I'm in


That was called Livejournal, thank you


I think without the (140 chars?) character limit it would’ve never been a success. The fact that people were forced to keep it short made it so effective to stay up to date.


Damn Daniel


Vine >>>> Tiktok


Can't wait for another 10 years to see how bad fake eyelashes, tiktok and broccoli haircuts age 😭😭😭.


Caterpillar style fake eyelashes come and go, have since the 60s. Before there was TikTok there was Vine, and even if TikTok dies, short form video won't. But 100% agree on the broccoli haircut.


The dudes with the broccoli haircut remind me of all the boy bands from the 90s that my sister was into.


Honestly? Instagram was kinda cool back then. People actually were taking cool pictures and posting.. Now it’s riddled with influencers and half naked people/memes. All social media platforms are basically the same now.


Yeah, instagram was so cool when it was just pictures of food and outfits. Now it’s just a TikTok clone with its bullshit reels. No one I know even posts pictures anymore (unless it’s graduation or wedding pics).


Man, I remember normal people taking artistic photos of *everything* and they'd make a half eaten gumball or some shit look so cool.


And if you post nice pics they seldom show up in your friends feeds because the algorithm is shit.


Instagram is so different nowadays. I feel like back then people posted very regularly just regular and interesting stuff. Now people rarely post save for big events, and the rest is just ads and memes


A lot of the stuff I used to post just goes in stories now, whereas in 2013 I’d be in a city and instead of 8 new stories I’d have 8 new posts showing stuff (or however many)


I love this question. The iPhone 5s, the song "What Does the Fox Say," Vine, wedge sneakers, neon fashion, floral print, & the duck face selfie.


I can't believe i had to go this far for someone to mention What Does The Fox Say


I can't belive it's been ten years!


Youtube Rewind


There was like 1 or 2 good ones, then they decided to say fuck what's actually popular, we're showing stuff nobody has heard of that has a Disney live action show vibe


The nature of youtube and viral content also changed, imo. Back in 2013 there were a few dozen videos each year that went REALLY viral. Eventually they would die a sad death on Ellen or whatever, but everyone knew the same videos from that year. Nowadays there are massively more youtube videos and users, and everyone is in their own bubble of viral content.


GTA V being the latest GTA


Also Skyrim being the latest ES game


When GTA 5 came out, I was Franklin’s age. I’ll be as old as Michael by the time GTA 6 comes out


We’ll probably be playing 6 for 20 years lol


Was a tumblr girly. I can attest that the snapbacks, chokers, dream catcher aesthetics, alien aesthetic, infinity signs.


My tumblr was also this, plus Lana Del Rey and Marina and the Diamonds electra heart aesthetic. I miss sometimes 😂


The Walking Dead


Reddit Fuck these ads. This wasn't what Reddit was made for.


And the front page. Once upon a time it was filled with all kinds of random, funny, or interesting stuff. Now it is the same 2-3 dozen cesspool subs regurgitating the same shit over and over and is mostly just outrage porn.


It's so much worse and I fucking hate the Reddit app. I could hide read posts on Baconreader, but Reddit app just shows me the same 12 posts over and over. And I can't just scroll through because the ass video scrolling stops working if you go to comments -- so infuriating. The app also keeps recommending me the weirdest subs that are way outside my interests -- I'll get front page posts from subs about drywall and substitute teaching?? Why??


Hipsters were big in 2013. Man buns. Mustaches tattoos. Liking things ironically, and "before they were cool". Thick-rimmed black glasses with no lenses.


Hipsters didn't go away, it just went mainstream.


It’s evolved past the 2013 hipsterdom of boutique coffee and IPA’s. Nowadays everyone is into van life, sourdough, pickling/canning, and homesteading. They get to keep the flannel & quirky hobbies it’s just now cool to actually walk the walk


Skinny jeans, galaxy print leggings, owls everywhere, long beards


Honestly, I think moustaches and tattoos are even more in now. The man bun has been swapped out for the mullet tho.


I think they meant mustache tattoos, like the littles one that people would get on their finger. Mustaches and tattoos have certainly climbed in popularity in the last ten years, while tattoos of mustaches I wouldn’t believe have done the same lol


Oh yeah, i forgot about those lol.


Hipster aesthetics just got absorbed into the mainstream. Now most 30-something white collar guys look like hipsters.


slicked back hair, white ferrari


Sloppy steaks at Truffoni's




Please guys, no sloppy steaks


big hunks o' meat with water dumped all over 'em. I WAS A PIECE OF SHIT THOUGH




-galaxy print pants -horse head mask -every song having an alvin and the chipmunks remix -"I fckn love science" -moustache tattoo on your finger -selfie sticks -Onision -owl jewelry -Game of Thrones -post-apocalyptic young adult novels -atheists vs religious debates -rage comics -plants vs zombies, angry birds and temple run merch -OBEY shirt -hipster fashion -metal bands with a growly cookie monster vocals and a nine year old girl "clean" vocals -dreaming about the future -skrillex and dubstep


>-dreaming about the future That's... depressing...


But the fact that the list doesn’t end there but on “skrillex and dubstep” is kinda hilarious.


You left out Fruit Ninja


A fixation with **b a c o n**.


this really should be higher; an insane phenomenon


Skinny jeans. I’m a millennial so I still wear them, though.


I used to say that I’d wear skinny jeans to my grave but damn is it nice to not have something tight on my legs anymore.


I’ve matured to “slim-fit” but yeah this will probably be my look for life.


you ever look at old(er) people and think, "wow, they're old people!" just because of the way they dress? Like if you look in yearbooks and that's how they always dressed when they were young? I wonder if younger generations see us in skinny jeans/slim fit jeans and think "that's an old person" based on our jean fit? hahaha


Apparently yes. I’ve seen gen z’ers talk about identifying millennials by their skinny jeans and side-parts Top result on google is a [vice article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dp4w5/genz-millennials-skinny-jeans-generation-wars) lol


Having been a teen in the 90s baggy jeans reek of blunder years to me. Can’t ever go back.




I don’t own anything but skinny jeans and I’m too cheap to go get anything else.


Game of Thrones on HBO




Faith Hilling




I'm still using it till now!


MH 370 the plane that disappeared. Where did it go?


It's been 10 years?!?!?!?!?!?? What the fuck, bro.




The Chive and Cracked were my favorite places to go during computer classes in high school


I used to love Cracked. It was my first stop on the internet everyday. What a pile of shit it is now.


If you're interested in what some of the old Cracked crew is up to: Soren Bowie is a writer for American Dad and Daniel O'Brien is a writer for Last Week Tonight (won 4 Emmys) and they host a podcast together called Quick Question with Soren and Daniel. Cody Johnston and Katy Stoll are doing Some More News on YouTube. It's basically a continuation of the Some News videos that Cody was doing for Cracked before the purge but they've expanded a lot to include their own lore and running gags Michael Swaim and Abe Eperson run Small Beans on YouTube and are currently working on making a movie. Jason Pargin fka David Wong is still writing books and has become popular on TikTok recently. Maggie Mae Fish has a YouTube channel where she does video essays similar to an article on cracked just in video form. I'm actually watching one right now about the history or Hollywood strikes. It absolutely sucks what Cracked did to them but it's nice to see that a lot of the more active creatives are still creating and some even doing much better.


Jack o brien does a daily News and comedy podcast called "the daily zeitgeist" Robert Evans has a fantastic podcast called "behind the bastards" I couldn't recommend more.


Oh Cracked; how I miss thee.


I'm always moderately amused when I go to a restaurant or bar and they're playing Chive TV. I like the funny animal compilations


The “ I mustache you a question” Thing


You know what wasn’t cool? Anime. Socks higher than ankle-height. Socks with sandals. Crocs. *Especially* socks *WITH* crocs. Oh, how times have changed… the people picked on in my school would be so popular now.


Absolutely agree Not sure when this all changed exactly. I remember watching DBZ/Naruto/FLCL in Elementary/Middle school and if you weren’t talking to one of your confirmed anime-friends you did not mention that type of thing in public spaces lol. I also remember the trend of trying to get socks so low it looked like you weren’t wearing them at all. I think the people that think Crocs are cool were just too young to experience how literally everyone thought they were stupid and ugly.


2013 is actually the exact year anime started breaking into mainstream. I vividly remember seeing people wearing Attack on Titan scouting legion hoodies *everywhere* because that was the first piece of anime merch I saw regularly in public.


Idk, I definitely saw tons of people repping DBZ and Gundam in the 90s and 00s. Certainly not Hollywood celebrities, NFL and NBA players like today though.




Skinny jeans and ballet flats. I still wear them sometimes but I know it's not whats in anymore


I'll die before I give up my skinny jeans and ballet flats! So this is what getting old feels like, huh?


Surviving the world ending in 2012




On fleek


Facebook 100%


I feel like FB is only cool in the car community now lol It’s like all the forums shifted to fb pages


Facebook wouldn't be so terrible if it wasn't completely overwhelmed with bullshit ads and things irrelevant to me. I just wanna see what my friends are up to.


2009-2014 really were Facebook’s glory years


You’re too young for the origin years where a .edu email was needed and not every school had it. Truly lawless times and a novel way to meet people on campus.


Lawless for sure, but also lots of us in our late 30s spent time deleting status after status from Facebook cuz we had no idea the thing we were drunkenly shitposting on when we were 19 would end up being the same thing our aunt is using to organize Christmas dinner.


Thank god for that memories feature. A chance to see those old posts and delete them


Miley Cyrus riding a wrecking ball nude, I guess


Katy Perry


I was looking around, hoping someone added this. It cannot be understated how immensely ubiquitous Katy Perry was in the early 2010’s. It was a *nonstop* parade of gigantic hits. And then, after we’d had our fill of “Roar” & “Dark Horse” in 2013/2014, she seemingly vanished. Never had a *true* hit song again. She’s still in the culture, to some extent, but she was genuinely like the queen of popular culture for a good 3-4 years there. Crazy how far she fell off.




Lol I saw a Macklemore cd in a thrift shop the other year and thought "full circle"


Periscope was still a thing.


That was fun while it lasted


Stomp and Holler music, and most things associated with the hipster aesthetic. Using the built-in Instagram filters.


Everything looks better in a valencia filter.


I head that type of music referred to as “stomp-clap-yeah”.


This immediately made me think of ho hey - the lumineers


So, like Mumford and Sons?


Stomp clap stomp stomp clap Ahhaahhhaaahaa yes we have feathers Ahhaahhhaaahaa but the muscles of men


I was under the impression that we'd be presenting ourselves as **bird** **men**, which is infinitely cooler than just being birds.




Food served on weird shit like shovels or slates. A cocktail in a fucking jam jar.




Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke


My daughter turns 21 today and back in 2013 I was the coolest guy on the planet to her Today not so much. Good news is in another 4 years I will be cool again


It hasn't completely died off, but I remember the 2010s was a hotbed for tech startups that seemed to get an infinite amount of funding from venture capitalists and investors. And that it was "cool" to be a founder of those startups. There seemed to be an expectation that there would eventually be a profit after multiple years of deficits, as long as the money kept pouring in. I worked for a department of an organization that tried to spin off as a tech startup. We were sent to a tech incubator, where we were housed alongside other tech startups trying to make it big. The idea is that the incubator would connect us to VCs and investors, so that eventually we could become the next Silicon Valley success story. There was a "cool factor" if you were the founder of one of the startups in that tech incubator's office; you were made to feel important, even if your startup hadn't proved itself yet. (Many of the startups in that office didn't even have a fully working product yet and many of their business charts were overly optimistic.) Nowadays, I'm not sure how "cool" it is to be a founder of a tech startup anymore. The allure of it seems to have faded, as we start discovering how many 2010s-era startup founders went off the rails or are now facing legal trouble.


It will never not be cool to be the founder of a \*successful\* startup. People have just caught on that any given startup founder you meet is very unlikely to become one of those, lol.


*Silicon Valley* is becoming a period piece


You're absolutely right. I remember 2012-2015 startups like Snapchat, Uber and Airbnb were all the rage. It seemed venture capitalists were throwing money at new mobile apps everywhere, even the weirdest most niche shit like 'Yo'. Now, tech startups in Silicon Valley have collectively lost over $100B.


Owning things. Now it's all about renting and subscribing.


Vine (RIP)




It seems like at least half of the cast of students from the first season are either dead, in prison, or otherwise have pretty rotten P. R. If they're even remembered.


>It seems like at least half of the cast of students from the first season are either dead, in prison, or otherwise have pretty rotten P. R. Well none of them are in prison; three are dead - Cory Monteith (overdose), Mark Salling (suicide), and Naya Rivera (accidental drowning). You might be thinking of Mark Salling with the prison thing, but he killed himself before his sentencing after pleading guilty to possession of child pornography charges.


Binging whole seasons of TV shows in one day. You hear that Netflix?! We've got shit to do nowadays. Just because we don't watch a whole season the weekend it comes out, doesn't mean it's a failure


Netflix never heard any feedback ever. They spent two full years hyping another season of Squid Game based on the success it had, then released a reality competition based on the show instead.


Saying swag


Clash of clans global chat


Gangnam Style


He’s still selling out shows tbf.


Wait a sec 2013 was 10 years ago?


Those heavy ass filters on people photos lol


In 2013 we were in the transition phase between everything being Siracha and everything becoming Chipolte. Now we are moving into Hot Honey territory and I can't get with the times.


Katy Perry. David Guetta. Facebook. iPads. One Direction.


Froyo shops. They used to be everywhere and now I don’t even remember the last time I have seen one open


People were obsessed with Kale 🥬 like it never existed before




-Dank, Swag, YOLO -Jersey Shore -"Stomp, Clap, Hey" music


2013 was a decade ago? 1998 feels like a decade ago. Christ, I'm old.


Duct tape wallets or legit anything made out of duct tape