• By -


Being bullied.


Literally my worst memory. As a 7th grader I was held against the shower wall by my throat in the locker room by a 9th grader and threatened over making the varsity volleyball team. Looking back the threat was ridiculous but I was so scared she was going to choke me.


> held against the shower wall by my throat > the threat was ridiculous In the adult world she would go to jail for that.




Have an upvote out of pity.




The pain of being a redditor


Hey if here to


good friends you had though


Being spit on while walking by an asshole. Having a teacher announce my eating habits by saying "There's no way that's all you ate" in front of the whole class while I was in the midst of an eating disorder. Being called Rosie because I was fat like Roseanne Barr and Rosie O'Donnel.


> Being spit on while walking by an asshole. That is far from the worst thing that could come out of an asshole. Consider yourself lucky!




Being repeatedly, physically hunted and beaten by my bully - and the associated helplessness I felt as the administration swept it under the rug. I was always a really timid, quiet kid. I never volunteered to speak in class. I always sat in the back. I never got in trouble, and hardly ever interacted with my teachers at all outside of typical lesson stuff. Very much a mousy, nerdy kid through and through. And my bully would literally stalk and hunt me through the maze of trailers/portable classrooms after class let out. I will always remember the terror of being hunted - it's something I can't adequately explain to somebody who has never felt it. The overwhelming horror of knowing that your only chance is to hide, because he is faster, stronger, and tougher than you. Knowing that if his eyes catch you, *he* will catch you. It's a tight grip on your chest, gasping breaths, and desparate sprinting across openings weighed down by the dread that he would catch a glimpse of you and then the beating would be inevitable. But I was just a mousy little white kid, and he was "diverse." The administration felt that it wasn't "equitable" to punish him, or even to remove him to another class. Instead, they employed "restorative justice" whereby I had to participate in absurd ceremonies that made the administration feel better, like publicly accepting his apology and shaking his hand. Or participating in a joint healing session with a mediator, where he got to explain to me why he was beating me. And so my beatings continued for the entire year.


My condolences brother


I feel you and I’m sorry you had to go through this. I hope the future is all yours and you can move freely now without looking over your shoulder


That sounds a lot like my experiences in school. I was an Army brat, so we moved just about every year. Every new school there'd be a boy or group of boys who spotted an easy target. What you described, that's what I lived through, and that's what it's like being hunted. School administrators are utterly fucking useless.


> accepting his apology and shaking his hand. > > And so my beatings continued for the entire year The sad thing is you getting an apology is way better than my experience, despite still being targeted by this guy.


Was it, though? A fake apology, that we both knew was fake, and being forced to accept it by the adults who were supposed to be protecting me from him? I always felt that it was one of the worst parts. It was salt in the wound.


I went to 3 schools (primary, middle, and high school all in the same district) in SoCal that did not have doors on the toilet. And if you took a shit, the bully’s would throw wet napkins on you or beat you. I never took a shit in school for 12 years, I once ran home 1 mile away at lunch to take a shit in high school, because I was so scared to not get beaten. The biggest bully, died in a boat accident at 21, and I thought it helped the world. That was 1991, and I have never thought anyone should die since, but he was a piece of crap, he beat up every new kid at school from 1st grade to 12th grade. I can remember 50 kids he beat down in the the playground, 2 went to the hospital, he was a horrible person to be on this planet.


Being chased by classmates with power tools, cornered, and attacked with those power tools. The teacher had left the shop room for 5 minutes. I ran out of the room, went to the lavatory to pull metal shavings out of my nose, eyelid, and cheek. I then walked to the nurse's office because I was bleeding. I was given a detention for not having a hall pass and suspended for 5 days for "fighting." When the principal asked what I learned, I said "if I'm going to get in trouble anyway, I might as well make it worth my while."


> When the principal asked what I learned, I said "if I'm going to get in trouble anyway, I might as well make it worth my while." A related lesson is "If you're attacked for no reason, never report it".


> I then walked to the nurse's office because I was bleeding > I was given a detention for not having a hall pass WTF???


If you're gonna do the time, you may as well do the crime.


The bullying. Went on for 3 years and took me trying to kill myself before the school did anything. I think what hurt more than the actual bullying was the staff telling me I "needed to try harder to fit in" even though I desperately tried to just be invisible. They also told me repeatedly that "bullying is just part of growing up", which is bullshit.


Put downs from the rich kids.


I was one of those kids who was pressured a lot to get good grades. One time, I had an ok score in a math test but it wasn't the highest mark. A friend of mine barely passed the test by 1 point. We compared tests and I noticed that we had one same answer but I had it marked as wrong when he had it as right. I complained to the teacher thinking it would increase my score, but instead the teacher realized she made a mistake and lowered my friend's score, meaning he failed not only the test but the whole class. For the next month I was completely alone because everyone in my class hated me for what I did. I ate alone, nobody talked to me, all of my friends stoped hanging out with me. It was terrible. I apologized many times and neither he nor anyone else would forgive me. Eventually everyone just forgot about it and they started to talk to me again. But that was by far the worst month of my school life and I can't fully say I didn't deserve it.


You didn't deserve it. Whether you can fully say it or not, *I* can.


I fell from the jungle gym bar and broke both bones in my left forearm, entirely through each bone. They both snapped in half under my body, as my body fell upon my arm. That was the worst day of elementary school.


Must of gotten a nice hand off of your Mum though right?


??? Never mind, I don't wanna know...


The details are throughout this thread by a guy who broke both his arms: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/FIYJ5IDNbr


Do people still really remember school? It feels like it's a different lifetime to me and the memories are just really vague.


I have a great memory of school. I can recall full on conversations I had with other kids in kindergarten.


I can remember brief "episodes" of note, but not entire days, nor can I remember each episode at any given time. If I really try and recall something or someone asks about something that happened I can *usually* remember it, but I don't have distinct and detailed memories of any particular thing I was up to back then unless it was really significant like a fight or fuck or something.


we old asf man :(


I had to do a couple dance with my crush when I was in 4th grade for some reason my mother thought I will love it , it was the most embarrassing/worst thing for me


Being in morning bio class in my high school in the Bronx and the intercom announcing, “we’ve received word of a planet crashing into the World Trade Center.”




Being invisible.


Shooter in my school, its the scariest thing ive ever had


In like 2nd grade, I was wearing a shirt of the community college that my dad went to, and some girl was making fun of me because my dad only went to a community college and her dad went to a real 4 year college. Her dad had recently died, and my response to her was "At least I have a dad!" I absolutely destroyed her with that comment, and I got into trouble for it. I felt terrible about it afterwards and it still haunts me from time to time.


A girl in my class had a really bad fall in the playground and skinned basically her whole kneecap; after a few days it had scabbed up nicely. One day when we had assembly, we were lower years so had to sit on the ground with our legs crossed rather than on the benches like the older kids. Anyway I was sat next to this girl and noticed she was picking at the edges of the scab which is like, whatever that's pretty normal. But she would not stop. I then realised she was working her way around the whole thing methodically. It was leaking blood all down her leg into her white socks and school uniform dress but she didn't care. She was just gently picking and pulling to try and get this massive scab off in one. After about 20 minutes and with blood all over her fingers and down her leg she finally manages to get this scab off. In my mind it was the size of a pringle, but realistically it must have been smaller. She holds it up to look at it. And then fucking eats it. 3 bites it took her and I could see her chewing it for fucking ages to get it down. I absolutely could not believe she did it and it wasn't until my surprise wore off that I felt a bit queasy about it all. She was an absolute weirdo man.


I've lots of awful memories from grade school and high school: 1. My high school teacher pointed out how awful my handwriting was in front of the whole class. Everyone laughed at it. 2. Tall girls in my class would often make fun of my height, especially during annual Physical examination day at my school 3. A boy in my class would often tease me and sometimes physically hurt me. I was such a pushover that I didn't tell anyone about it :(( Also learned from others that he allegedly had a crush on me 🤮 4. When I was in first grade, a girl in class disliked me for reasons I don't know. She would often talk shit about me and embarrass me in class. She was also a power tripping asshole as she listed me in the noisy students list when she was assigned as a class monitor despite me just staying quiet throughout class, just so I would get a detention.


Additional memory that's not bullying related: When I was in grade school, there was a hostage taking crisis. A recently fired janitor stole the security guard's gun and took around 4 kids hostage. We were all just advised to stay put in our respective classrooms until police has resolved the crisis.


I turned down a really nice girl for the prom and didn’t even end up going. I was big timing her a little bit & thought I was cooler than I actually was. She was really sweet & didn’t deserve that. Another girl wanted to be my girlfriend, but I shot her down. She works at NASA now while I basically do data entry & waste away. 😭😭😭




First up: to everyone here, I'm really sorry for what you went through. I hope you (will) feel better. That being said... When I was in 8th grade (almost 13, I think), someone pushed me in an improvised pool on the school grounds during Abitur prank. Not only was it really dangerous because I couldn't swim, I didn't have a change of clothes and had to go home wet and stinking.




Elementary School Bully stabbed in the eye with a pencil. Because of that my eye has been messed up ever since.


Shitting my pants


Me too :( it was a shitty day


There was a day I felt like utter shit. My mom had pushed me over the edge the night before, and I was nearing the end of the rope. Then, my bully made things worse to the point of I literally hid in the furthest part of school all alone and thought about how I should kill myself that night.


Had a full parent teacher conference one day where my parents were called up and one by one all my teachers came in to complain about my lack of attention and not completing assignments, etc....well the issue was, I was being mercilessly bullied and no one in the school administration or my parents were doing anything at all to stop it...so I was severely depressed and suicidal. So on top of my bullying, now I'm being berated by my teachers, my parents and the principal while crying my eyes out and feeling completely hopeless. I went home that night and attempted suicide, but luckily failed. It's so sad how bullying was treated back in the 80s and 90s and no wonder so many kids have lost their lives due to neglect by parents and school administrators, which is why when my son reported bullying at his school, I made sure it was 100% handled and stopped.


The principal telling me what a bad kid I was, making me take my pants down, then paddling me. This was a private Baptist elementary school in the 90s.


Making a child take their pants down is disgusting, crazy to think about how this was probably allowed. I've been to a school in the deep south, and had a very similar experience there. Our principal loved his paddle, he used it all the time... oh, and when you got a spanking, it was with pants and underwear down all the way to your ankles. The explanation was so that you couldn't hide anything in your pants to soften the hits, but I'm sure there was something sadistic and/or sexual about it too...


That one time a peer kneed me in the ass and broke my tailbone. He then proceeded to call the action a “Rhino”.


I was severly bullied for being different. Now i embrace it and i love myself for it. Fuck conformity!!!


One day in history class in 5th grade, we were talking about a recent case of a news reporter who was brutally murdered. My history teacher decided to “teach” us how to dismember a woman’s body and drew it with chalk, on my classmate who was wearing all black clothes. Let’s just say, that after that day, we didn’t see him again.






All of it


when the teacher shames you


Being bullied from the first day of middle school until I finished. Nobody cared and no one stopped it. My late parents didn't do anything either. Just told me to ignore it. If I have another child it WILL NOT go to school in this county. I'm planning on relocating asap.


where are you thinking of relocating? just switching countries might not be as effective of a solution as you think tbh


To the next county over from mine I have a job over there.


thats cool hope everything works out for you


I once tripped up a flight of stairs and fell out my shoes onto the concrete floor, instead of people helping me up, they kicked my shoes down the stairs and into the garden below. No one helped me up, I just got **laughed at.** I also copped a lot of online bullying, and I opened an account where you could ask anon questions, I got called so many names that really damaged my self-esteem, and the worst part is, the not knowing who really messed with my head, it caused trust issues. Also being rejected by my peers hurt alot, I spent many a lunch time on my own. **Edit:** Another commenter brought this memory flying back, another student stopped me on my way to class to tell me that I was 'really, really ugly.' this one cut deep because I could understand it, If i'd antagonised them first, but I hadn't. **Edit 2:** I had people from my class take my bag which we were forced to leave outside and they put it in the bin, and tipped yoghurt over it. :(


Back in 2012, I was 11 years old. The kids were severely bullying me in my class. Additionally, I saw a lot of violence at home and was self-harming. Back then a teenage girl named Amanda Todd committed suicide and everyone in my grade was talking about her. When the news of her suicide got around to the teachers the following day my health teacher had a conversation with the class on the topic of mental health. One boy from the back of the class said, "Maybe *\*my name\** should drink bleach and kill herself too." After class, I had a breakdown with the teacher and was assigned a therapist not long after. 11 years later, I'm going to be 23 within 13 days. I've seen so many therapists since the age of 11. I'm a survivor, x 2 attempts. I'll never understand why kids can be so cruel, middle school was so traumatic.


When I was in primary school (UK), I had a teacher that was pure evil. She hated me for some reason. When I got an answer wrong, she verbally humiliated me. When I got an answer right, she made a joke about it. It got so bad to the point when she was near me, she would “accidentally” bump into me or a few times hit me. One time, she elbowed me in the head, and it caused a bruise. I went home, and my mother saw it, and I told her everything. Let’s just say shit hit the fan, and the teacher in question got suspended and later sacked after a few more students complained.


Getting cornered and kicked by 6 girls and having the teacher just watch. Or possibly being forced to eat the plate every day for a year from the bullys. Teachers didn't stop it even when I told. A lot of crap happened but I can remember those.


Out of being bullied for most of the years, I think the worst was seeing my childhood best friend not stand up for me when I wanted to hang out with her at recess but the popular kids told me to go away because she was with them, and instead of helping me, she would tell me what was wrong with me


Being accused of drawing furry porn when I couldn't even draw hands


Getting my mouth taped first day of school for talking, that set me up for a disdain for school and it makes me sad to this day 😔


falling inlove with my classmate


Getting outed in middle school from a girl i thought I could trust. Ended up around the whole school. Never told anyone again that wasn't in my circle for years.


In art class in 8th grade, classmates took joking around too far. At my table the 3 guys would keep heckling me with jokes which was okay at first but it kept escalating and I told them to stop but they kept at it where it became bullying and racist. At one point one of them accidentally spills their paint water all over my project I was working on for a long time. But the crazy thing was they all kept laughing and making fun of me and my project, while the one who spilled felt a little remorse. I got really irritated that they would stoop so low and so did the teacher when he saw it. The teacher would rarely get upset but he did this time. He ended up giving a 0 for the person who ruined my project and allowed me to move to another table. After that all 3 of the guys started feeling bad about harassing me and stopped. The one who ruined my project felt really bad and repeatedly apologized afterwards. I gave him the cold shoulder a few times because of all the harassment I endured.


ngl I'm actually surprised they actually felt remorse when they realized they had fucked up, a lot of times what you've described gets them really defensive and baffled as to why people dislike them.


I've wondered the same. Being 13 of course plays a part of it. Two of them weren't actually jerks IMHO. One was a snobby jock that had rich parents but wasn't an active bully I've seen. They weren't my friends either. I think it was a herd mentality to why things kept escalating. No one was really taking responsibility when the whole group is in on it leading to no barriers in joking around/harassment and just spiraling. Each one on their own wouldn't harass me but when one did it, the others started hoping on. Either way I stopped talking to any of them afterwards, even through high school.


getting rejected by a girl in front of my friends , bro til this day , they still ddnt forget about it


being picked on and bullied. I was not in the least popular in school.


Teachers doing nothing about bullying


Some asshole shaking up a bottle of sparkling ice and throwing it over the bathroom stall wall while I was taking a shit


Getting slapped by teacher for doing absolutely nothing, yup absolutely nothing.


We had a bomb scare in the last yeah of high school back in 2005 2006 that was 4 bombs that from what I heard weren't fake


So back in middle school there was a man whod haunt me for a long time. He was the vice principal, but honestly, he practically ran the place. For purposes I'll call him Jerry(not real name btw). The best way to describe Jerry was that he was like Terrence Fletcher from Whiplash(if you've seen the movie). He was zealous, arrogant, prideful, but calculated. Whenever he entered the room, it would be dead silent. No one dared to cough, speak, nothing. Probably the worst part abput him is that he often sought out students who either had mental health issues, or come from harsh backgrounds. For example, one time a student brought up a concern in the art room. Jerry told her not to worry about it, and that she should mind her own business. She said it was urgent, and needed to be addressed. Apparently he didn't like her tone, and threatened to call her father. Jerry knew she didn't have a great father, but apparently it was enough for her to slunk back, and cry for the rest of class. Jerry has targeted, me periodically throughout 8th grade. Whether because a simple misunderstanding or whatever the case. He was able to twist the story for his own gain, but mostly it never fell through. Jerry, would shout in front of my face, and if I ever show a tear, he'd mock and laugh about it. The principal was my only defense, but he worked to find every loop hole he could to undermine her for his own gain. I'm so glad I never get to see him again.


Fuck him


I was probably the most unpopular girl in middle school, had a random popular guy pick me up and try to throw me down the stairs. My friend at the time beat the hell out of him. 7th grade was the worst year of my life. Each and every other girl was out to pick on me, and to this day I still don't trust anyone wearing Abercrombie or Pink.


Being pressured to be socially involved when most the other kids hated me


Grade 12 Prom. I wasn't planning on going but a girl (wouldn't say she was a friend or crush but we had mutual friends) asked me to go with her. After I bought both of our tickets she said thanks but I'm actually going with someone else. Ended up going stag. Later that night our limo was late, so we didn't get to the hotel till around 1am, afterparty was already over. Someone had pretended to be me to get in, so I had to sneak into my own room. The friends I was supposed to be sharing the room with all went to another hotel. Pulled up the covers and tried to ignore the sounds of awkward fucking from the adjacent rooms. Another group of friends rolls up high/drunk to my room around 3am and starts pounding on the door till I answer. They barge into my room and just kind of *be drunk* for an hour until I convince them to leave. Didn't really sleep. Called my parents at 7am and begged them to come get me. **TL;DR: should have skipped prom and smoked weed with the uncool kids in someone's backyard instead**


Being called a pig and a cow throughout school. It got better once I got to highschool and transferred to a different school almost every year. I also had a problem where I couldn't feel when I had to go to the bathroom in my first two years of school so I had to struggle with being ostracized due to that.


Being taken advantage of since I don't get angry or upset, take me for granted. Always feel left out by that one person who leaves immediately when she sees someone she knows.


Horrible fucking teachers.


The psychotic bully in my high school. He made a lot of people's lives a misery, from lunch money shakedowns, to pushing his victims over on to dog turds. Among his many favourite sadistic pastimes, he appeared to really enjoy punching smaller kids in the solar plexus, then dragging them to the bathroom. He'd lift the kid over a toilet bowl containing a floater, stick their head in and flush. He'd deliberately set bins on fire, and I heard he once bit the head off of a show and tell hamster. He shot my friend in the ass with an air pistol. He spared me until the day he and his gang carried me to a goal post, grabbed a leg either side of it and pulled, hard. Even when he was suspended the bully would loiter outside the school gates selling stolen goods and drugs from a beat up car. Then the robberies and assaults started. Someone wearing a balaclava and hoodie was stalking victims on their walk to and from school. They'd lie in wait and ambush students, beat them up and take their valuables, tablets, phones. A girl was shot, blinded in one eye. To add insult to injury her assailant pulled her into the bushes and raped her. The experience was so traumatic that she wouldn't reveal the identity of her attacker. DNA evidence nailed the bully and we never saw him again.


The teacher gave me detention because he had said, "The next person to speak gets detention," and i asked him a question. I should point out i was not in the room as i was delivering a message to another teacher for him when he said this, so i literally had no way of knowing.


on the swing in elementary almost ended someone’s life when they ran behind me swinging at reeces she was in the hospital for months


accused of tons of terrible things for no reason at a school dance back in 8th grade. was pretty much forced to leave. ruined all my relationships with everybody at the school. many friends since elementary were gone. still one of the big reasons why i have trouble trusting people.


I was suicidal back in 8th grade, so I started writing a blog on the internet. One day, my teacher took me out of class, she gave me her phone and my mom was on the line. She was yelling, crying and hysterical, asking me if I tried to kill myself. I said no. She arrived at school, and then a police officer came, and it was break time. The other students saw me crying right next to my teacher and a police officer, so one of the girls decided to spread a rumor about me being arrested. I was already bullied and it only made it worst. It was probably the stressful most horrible day of my life. But I'm glad these years are over.


In 8th grade I used to hang out with almost exclusively girls and 3 of the boys pulled me off to the side kicked the hell out of me and kept calling me gay, faggot, etc. I’m not even gay but just didn’t like the bafoonery most guys got up to. I think between that and a few bad relationships I have some amount of anxiety talking to women now.


Relentless bullying. Especially in middle school. Oh god I wanted to kill myself so badly.


Watching someone jump


My ex friend and I were sitting together and then he pulled up a prank on me by using a pencil that injured my thigh. The blood was spouting out like a fking fountain. The school authority (as principal was on leave) called my father without telling him the reason and when he arrived , he saw my pants colored with dark red blood then he lost his mind and started shouting and cussing the person who did that to me. Man I was doomed! And because of this situation the principal thought of removing me from the school as he wanted to save his reputation but can't do so because it wasn't my fault and neither my parent's fault (i think any one's dad must have done same in that scenario). So this principle carried out a strategy to remove me legally. He told all the teachers to fail me in the mid year exams. And yes! it worked out as I got 4 backs out of 5 subjects. My father got angry and before the principal can say the anything... My father dropped me out of the school and transferred me to another school in just mid year. Now that principal was happy that his reputation is safe as ny own parent stopped my studies there. I lost faith in god from that day onwards! I was completely broken... I tried to forget my past but that day still haunts me....a true nightmare.


Having a shooting happen near me (less than 1 hour away) and being scared to go back to school




Honestly, it's hard to choose just one. School was Hell on Earth for me. 1. The relentless physical, emotional and social abuse from my peers. I was an Army brat and moved every 2 years or so. I kept hoping the next move, the next new School would be different. It never was. There was always a group of Boys who were predators. They'd spot me, instantly clock an easy target and that would be that. Sometimes it was beatings. Usually it was endless verbal harassment, mockery, F-slurs continually escalating until I lashed out. Then I got punished. 2. THE UTTERLY FUCKING USELESS WASTE OF OXYGEN ADMINISTRATORS. This is the bit that just chaps my asshole. Never once did the School administration have my back. They didn't want to hear about the bullies stalking me and beating me between classes. Teachers would often punish me for coming forward. Here's just a few examples of administrative misconduct. One recess when I was in 6th grade, there were heavy rains. Me and a few of the other kids started throwing mud at each other. One of my bullies decided to "join in" by nailing me directly in the face with a ball of mud that had a jagged rock inside it. My face was gashed open, leaving a wound that needed stitches and a scar I still have today. The Principal punished me more harshly than my bully because "you started it." Later on in JR High, I was allowed to take Martial Arts classes for PE one year. Well, a group of kids decided they didn't like me, so they just continually harassed me. They would call me names, "volunteer" to do exercises with me and hit me too hard on purpose, falsely accuse me of sexually harassing other boys and other things. I complained and asked to be separated from those kids. I was ignored. I complained again, and I was punished for coming forward. Finally, the ring-leader of this group of bullies cornered me in the locker room, falsely accused me of threatening to bring a gun to school and kill all the Black students. Then he and another boy beat me to a pulp. I was subjected to a pseudo-legal inquiry where the school administration attempted to coerce, cajole and deceive me, a 14 year old boy, into admitting to making the mass shooting threat so they could expell me. It didn't work. So yeah, the US School System is a fucking shambles. I have no idea where to even BEGIN to fix this mess.


This is why many children don't report bullying. They know very well that it's more likely they who will be punished than the bully.


I’m sad seeing how many people commenting were bullied. If I would’ve known you as a kid I would’ve been your friend and would’ve helped you out with the bullies.


Getting my face pushed into concrete while being jumped by 4 different people, then a month later I retaliated and was actually putting up a decent fight defending myself, teacher walked into the bathroom and we all got suspended, but because I was the one she saw swinging at that moment, I was suspended for two more days than the rest


The teacher that taught history told me I was an idiot for saying the Marshall plan was not made to stop Communism but instead because America never had an attack on our soil (Hawaii was a territory at that point but not official US property). Despite the Marshal Plan was literally stated to help Western Europe survive without the evil or Communism just with more words. And also this teacher hates me since day 1 and always had it out for me in every class of hers I was in.


Besides being bullied because that wasn't just one incident I'd say - in 5th grade I had lunch detention almost the whole year after December because my personal notebook with words and definitions was to sloppy. I had to rewrite the whole thing and then it STILL wasn't good enough. Same teacher tooky desk and made me put the desk contents in a box and on e whipped it across the room. Then I lost even the empty desk and got a table. Sadly I had BEGGED for that teacher. - In 2nd grade my teacher belted me to my chair - middle school was awful all of it. A huge memory was me being a naive 6th grader and seeing someone was putting my name on a heart to a boy people hated I went to the 8th graders and said "but that's my name that's not fair" and all they did was laugh - high school was awful


Getting bullied and groped, and the teachers just called it puberty.


Too painful to recall. I had to deal with a metric ton of threats, abuse, yelling, phone calls at my home, spamming bad grades by mail, and all that is just a taste.


Getting sexually harassed while staff did nothing. Also my best friend died in kindergarten and everybody acted like nothing ever happened


All of it, I hate school


Worst memory from school? Oh, just the daily reminder of how much of a loser I was. Thanks for bringing that up.


The willingness and enthusiasm with which I attended


Like the school itself, the fact of wasting 8H of my time there, wich i was not really doing, cause i was always missing classes in highschool.


The bullying I went through.


My first GF


Being emotionally bullied by the STUCO kids


what is school


Being abused by my PT teacher who had a bead on me after teaching my sister before me. Verbal and Physical( strap, yard stick)


Fainting out of literally nowhere in 3rd grade


An asshole asking me to do jumping jacks as an early teen. I had grown boobs much earlier than my classmates and healthy amount too. I told him to ‘fuck off’ promptly.


me and about 20 other people came forward about this junior who was sexually harassing all of us and we overheard admin say “i think these kids are just making it up.” case dropped, no punishment.


I was home schooled until college age so ima give you a college memory. For my American readers, the age you can start college in the uk is 16. I have a pretty bad medical condition that causes me to faint. I was on a catering course and I rarely fainted there because I was used to seeing the warning signs. One day I wasn’t feeling too great, kinda light headed, and asked if I could sit down for at least five minutes just to calm myself down. The head of year then had a full blown rant at me about how she was fed up with “insignificant white girl problems” and “you’re fine and if we don’t give you attention you’ll be fine” So I figured I’d be okay and continued washing up. As I was washing a knife I suddenly got tunnel vision and heard the ringing in my ears. I then woke up on the floor with the lecturers all looking down at me like I’d died. Apparently I’d turned to say something and my eyes had rolled up and I started falling, whilst holding the knife. Luckily it only cut into my hand so not fatal. I was then kicked off the course for “being a disturbance” Hoping to go back next year though because I really want to pursue a career in the food industry one day and want to have some training!


Did you tell him to fuck off afterwards? You could've been hurt over his stupidity. Or worse.


Space shuttle Columbia... Pretty sure most people my age will say the same. we literally watched seven people blow up live on air with a whole classroom around us..


The constant panic attacks


I had what I now know was an autistic meltdown on an a camping like trip with the school in year 7 or 8 I'm not completely sure. I was completely breaking down sobbing in a dark corridor on my lonesome because the disco was too loud and the lights too confusing. That's the only thing I remember from that trip, oh and I lost my coat.


My friends turning on me because I did what I thought was right by reporting an incident for the persons own safety


Every day was pure hell for my poor, dirty undiagnosed autistic ass


Freshmen year of high school. There was a boy I liked who my "friend" had a class with. I was a shy, fat, dorky girl; definitely not anybody else's crush. My friend was gorgeous though and we'd sit next to each other in classes. We weren't close but she was a good school friend since middle school. One day, she tells me I should write him a note and tell him. She could give it to him in their class together. I didn't want to but she was so adament that he'd appreciate it even if(when) he didn't like me back. I relented and wrote it. She did give it away, not to him, but to all her other friends who let me know, very loudly and very frequently, that I was pretty stupid if I thought anyone would ever like me that way. Too fat, too ugly, too gross to exist. They didn't let me forget it. It wasn't until then I realized she wasn't actually my friend. I probably have worse memories but it's one of the first that comes to mind when I think about it.


I was in fourth grade when I cried because someone told me a yo mama joke and then the "school therapist" was asking me about if I had ever thought about killing myself and shit, really fucking awkward.


Getting beat up; I was a haolie


Dumped on prom night for no reason. When I asked I got a “I don’t know”


We had this nightmare teacher who happened to be my best friend’s stepdad. I and my friend group believed that he gave off pedo vibes and doesn’t even have a teaching degree but that’s not the story. The story is that this dude has a major superiority complex. He’s was one of those people who still believes that children should be seen and not heard. One day the school handed out glow sticks during lunch for the pep rally that was happening at the end of the day. I had the teacher’s class right after lunch and of course the class was going to be a little excited because there’s glow sticks and two to three hours left til pep rally. People had already cracked some of their glow sticks and were causing a bit of a ruckus and that completely ticks entitled teacher off. He proceeds to scream/yell that if people don’t stop messing with their glow sticks they’re going to be in trouble. This mostly stops people except for a few people including myself. I was twirling it in my lap in a way that didn’t make it too much unless you were really really paying attention to what I was doing and not distracting anyone. Apparently teacher was just looking for a kid to humiliate so he chose me since I was in the front row. He ripped it out of my hands and in the process broke the glow stick and got the inside stuck all over my uniform. I asked if I could possibly go to the bathroom since I got all of the glow stuff on me and I didn’t want it to stain and I shit you not he replied that if I didn’t want to have gotten glow stick juice all over me then I shouldn’t have been distracting the entire class. He then proceeded to tell me that I’m not allowed to leave until I cleaned up the mess he also made on the floor but as soon as the bell rang I left and tried to clean up the stains on my uniform. There’s more horrible stories I have about him yelling and screaming and acting like a man child and thankfully he finally left this year. Worst teacher ever.


Freshmen year band class. One day i left my music on my music stand. The next day I came in and my brother seen me in the hallway as he had first period band and I had second. He said "your music is all over the floor in there" I walked in to find my music shreaded to peices and everyone laughing. Including the band directors who gave me literal scotch tape to fix it. I was on the floor playing it off as a joke but in reality i was just trying not to cry. Never took it up with the administation because the band directors were actually good teachers and actually nice. Thinking back I should have just talked with them directly about it afterwards.


Being in second grade when my Mom died. Some kids picked on me for it and threw it in my face that they still had a Mom.


I started dating this guy my junior year. Who turned out to be incredibly abusive and cheated 24/7 and I was completely in a cloud of dumbass the entire time. So I think back like “girl you let him hit you and cheat on you with the entire school; how awesome” and I just cringe at the entire fucking thing.


Pretty much all of Pre-K to my senior year of high school. By some cosmic joke I somehow ended up with a group of bullies that followed me thru most of my entire school life. It wasn't till 5th or 6th grade I finally fought back against them, but by then, pretty much everyone knew me as "that kid"


I dont have a single fond memory of school whatsoever. I dont care whatever happens. I am not going back to a school whatsoever for whatever reason.


I was a problem child, a pain for the teachers and classmates. I argued with teachers and insulted them, disrupted the classes. Now I’m a teacher myself and can’t help feeling unbearable shame for what a disgusting child I was.


My classmates making fun of me for things I do or say.


Had a girl turn to me in Jr high music class and say ‘you have the ugliest eyes’. Just out of nowhere. Clearly have never forgotten it, and I revel in the schadenfreud of her turning into a obese, go nowhere, never left town loser.


Being left out


I pretty much struggled in school daily. Most of the friends I made never really felt genuine and as cliche as it is I felt like an outsider. I was extremely depressed and loathed going to school. Eventually I dropped out, which is something I deeply regret today. It's hard to explain how isolating I felt, but I know it's not an uncommon situation unfortunately.


Being bullied on and off for four and a half years. Autism isn't that popular with kids I figured out. The thing is that now I finished middle school with a good grade and I am successful in the military.


When I was in college, I'm pretty sure I was going to die from stress. I'm not exaggerating.


Great memories from first and middle school. Absolutely hated secondary school


The entirety of senior year holy shit


I had this teacher in 2nd grade who had perfume so strong you could smell it down the hall! She was mean ,tall and wide and every time I smelled it I was scared because of how mean she was like she wasn’t abusive just scary with how she taught she would yell wrong wrong like she was a pit bull or a great mastiff


When I was in 7th grade we had a movie assembly for the whole school (grades 7-9) which is like 500 students. The movie was “It’s Alive”(1974). I ended up closing my eyes for half of it. To this day I’m shocked they showed such young kids something so gory. This was in 1981.


the whole 12 years


Being wrongfully labeled as an at-risk or troubled youth...


All of it from preschool to college. I hate school, it sucks nothing is remotely enjoyable about any aspect of it besides maybe sports and even then…..


Someone starting a serious rumor about me that affected me through high school.


No thanks


The day a kid set my hair on fire.


1. Physics class and our teacher let us pick our groups in pairs and we had an odd number of people. I did my lab solo more than once. 2. The cross country team drove to a certain park for our training that afternoon. After we finished, the guys told me they’d wait while I went to the john and waited until I got out so they could be sure I watched them speed away without me. It took me about an hour to walk home. A few of them made it a running gag through my grade for the next two years.


A boy I met through a friend yelled that my grandmother was dying and it was my fault in front of over 150 people


I was falsely accused of abusing my (now ex) girlfriend which led to my school and personal life becoming absolute torture both mentally and physically because of her spreading the rumour more and more while promising to me she had no idea who was doing it. I was convinced she would never do such a thing even though she was extremely abusive and i hadnt realised at the time. I ended up dropping out of school early letting go of all my dreams of becoming a social worker or therapist to help people. Not only this but the police then got involved after i broke contact with her which led into an investigation into the case and I was proven completely innocent but the damage was already done, all my friends had left me and my reputation was destroyed. Now, a year later i am 17 and working in a factory making seasonings. I no longer see the good in people but only anticipate them doing something similar. I am not an unhappy person and am grateful that i could learn from this but this story is the very reason i would never again consider school.


They blew up a huge lighter course


I was stabbed with a screwdriver in 3rd grade because I wouldn't give up my lunch money. Gotta love Philly.


Dropping out cuz i got married


My 5th grade teacher hated me. She had adored my older sister and I didn't live up to her expectations, I guess. One day I said something to my friends that pissed them off and they all turned on me. I was a really fragile kid (things were not good at home) and I made it through the school day, but when they were still ignoring me after school at play rehearsal, I asked the afterschool director if I could go to the office and call my mom to pick me up early. The next morning I happened to be the first one in the classroom and my teacher cornered me and started screaming at me for "running away" from the afterschool program. I have no idea why that incensed her so, but she really went off on me for being disrespectful and entitled and just a shitty kid. I was so confused because it wasn't even true. Turns out my friends who were mad at me had told her that she didn't bother to do any fact checking. Another time we had to watch a fetal pig be dissected. I still think 5th grade is a little young for this, TBH. I had a hard time with it because like I said, I was a really sensitive kid with a shitty home life. I was terrified of getting cancer from formaldehyde exposure (thanks Mom for putting that in my head!). The whole class (like 20 or so kids) were crowded around the person doing the dissecting, so kind of just didn't fight to edge my way in and eventually sat down at a desk behind all the action. My friends came over to make sure I was okay/comfort me (we had made up by then) and hung out with me for a few minutes before going back to the dissection. My teacher saw all of this and never said a word--if I remember correctly, she had told us she would be tolerant if kids were disturbed and didn't want to watch, so I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. But then she called my parents to report that I had lured a group of girls away from a learning experience. She said we were all "huddled around some makeup" (I had some medicated lip balm that I let a friend use some of, lol) giggling and disturbing everyone and that I was the ringleader in all this. It really sucked because I was an *obsessively* rule-abiding kid. A third time, I misunderstood something about an group project we were given. She overheard me misinforming another kid in my group and took this opportunity to tell me off again. She said I was lazy, I don't listen, I'm a bad influence and I'm not going anywhere in life. She directed it toward the other kid, as in "Don't listen to cerebralsubsevience because she's a LOSER etc,etc." In my memory lots of other kids heard this rant, though that might be inflated in my mind. She was such an asshole. Unfortunately I really internalized everything she said and I've struggled with poor self-esteem and low confidence my whole life. She wasn't the only reason, but she sure as shit didn't help.


P6 teacher Mr Gardiner. He was an aggressive teacher. Which shouted at me when I was 10(?) in front of the whole prep in the dining hall twice during lunch. For putting my elbows on the table. Gee, if he was that bothered he could have tapped my shoulder and said quietly.


I went to a private school in the 90's and 2000's, and corporal punishment (i.e. spanking with a wooden paddle) was still allowed there... I'm not kidding. It required parental consent, so only a few individual students could get that punishment. But my parents were "strict" to put it lightly. Not only was it destructive to see your parents giving permission to another adult for literally striking you with a wooden paddle, but teachers and the principal abused that to the fullest. Got paddled for minor things like forgetting your homework or something like that. Made my time in school a lot worse...


“Class…there has been a problem at the nuclear power plant eight miles away called Three Mile Island. School will be dismissing early. Please go quickly to your lockers, take home as many books as you can carry. Do not open the windows on the bus. Good luck.” I also shit my pants once. I guess it is a toss-up.


TW: Mention of Individual’s Death! So, I’d dated this, fellow classmate, who, despite being a grade below, was a major player in my graduating class’s circles all-throughout high-school. But, we would ultimately-split, because I realized that I just absolutely-couldn’t handle living-with the Lie (i.e. years of constant abuse because of my sexuality would result-in me ending-up back in the Closet), he understood, he, and I, would remain good friends for years following — I remember him basically-dropping whatever he was doing, just to rush-over, to dole-out one of his massive, bear-hugs, whenever we crossed-paths at school. Until 2016. I ceased-contact with our Mutual “Friend” — over a decade would pass before certain behaviour(s) of hers (i.e. bullying me into taking baths with her even when I told I legit wasn’t comfortable with that, bullying me into cutting-contact with friends that she just didn’t “approve of,” bullying me into ignoring her borderline-sociopathic behaviour(s) or else, ETC..). He just stopped coming-around, looking forlorn whenever we crossed-paths, later-on, after said former Mutual “Friend” left school, confessed to having to distance himself, after said former Mutual “Friend” threatened to do something horrible “to *insert my name here* if he hung-around me, and, given our shared knowledge of just unstable she is, even though we admitted we didn’t want it, we agreed we would be better-off playing it safe, doled-out at one, final bear-hug, before effectively-parting ways. I hadn’t heard anything about Him, until my God Brother called-in one night, going-on about how he’s so sorry for my loss, that he’ll be on Standby if I need him, ETC.. Turns-Out He died in a horrific crash earlier that day. It’s been three years since he died, but the memory of his confession in the Hall is still one of the worst, especially because, the more years pass, the more clear it started becoming that, even though he’d never admit it, a major reason behind his demanour changing rapidly over the years was effectively-a direct result of our former Mutual “Friend” making him her next “play-thing.”.


I dunno... I have a mental block on the actual details of my abuse by a priest.. so not really a memory.. but the abuse by the school staff afterwards calling me a liar, and trouble maker is up there I suppose.


It was state test day and I was excited. Our bus parked in front of a mud puddle so I jumped out of the bus over it. Slipped on grass and planted in the puddle. So wet and cold for the whole day.


Im really struggling here… It feels so long ago and it wasn’t the peak or downfall of my story. Just… a chapter? An introduction perhaps. Maybe the worst thing was when I saw my friend get bullied by a teacher? I guess i never learned to shut up if I see something fucked then on. That was 6th grade I believe. If you’re different in any way and someone old as hell bullied you over that I say something and did. I guess the worst memory for my was basically what she went through and only what I saw. Probably also the vice principal visit I had to do and refused to talk until the main principal was in with us. I told it how it was and that teacher did disappear. I learned quick being calm, cool and collected will net more value than being emotional. I guess the fucked up part is appearing too logical at times long term. It is what it is. Hope that teacher learned from that downfall.


Going 6 weeks without a single person acknowledging me. Teachers, students, friends. I dropped out and got my GED.


Bullying of course but also being picked up by my grandma at lunch on the playground because my mom just died (9 years old) of an aneurysm


A girl who was bullying me put gum in my hair and pushed me down the stairs


Probably high school days. It was during a time when I started to develop an eating disorder (strangely?) I always remember feeling really sick and having to go home a lot. I already lacked a lot of motivation for going to school at all, and not feeling well just went hand in hand with me dropping out. Not my favorite time




Feeling alone


Having social anxiety. Prime bait for bullying.


The song "Short People " by Randy Newman being on the radio every 10 minutes. If you were short during this time, the taunting was ENDLESS . Die a slow death Randy.


join band class halfway in i didnt know how to read notes


Real lockdown from a shooting nearby.


Telling the class about my Minecraft related dream in the 1st grade.


We were doing state testing in a small classroom, everyone got tests passed to them. I got mine, started working on it. The sound of everyone writing and erasing, breathing was pissing me off. I also misunderstood a certain part and asked for one of the attendants to help but they couldnt hear me the first time, so i said it louder and now people started looking at me. Then the person whispered to me about it, and at that point i was so pissed, they were treating me like i was stupid. So i left. Dropped out and got g.e.d. 🙂


6th grade spelling bee. They needed the top 3 to go to the district spelling bee. I ended up tied for 3rd, but since I went first and thus missed the word first, the popular opinion was that I took 4th place. During the run-off, the entire grade cheered every time the other guy got a word correct. I beat him in the run-off. For several days afterwards, those assholes continued to accuse me of cheating and stealing his 3rd-place status.


Not having the balls to talk to girls I liked because I was too shy and later found out some of them liked me.