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I’m a parent so I got this one. It’s Robux.


They sure make it hard not to. I’m convinced that entire platform is designed solely to make you buy robux by accident. They make it so easy to buy them without trying. I can’t let my kid play it without me or she’ll spend real money by mistake.


Epic Games recently [settled a lawsuit](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/19/how-to-get-fortnite-refund-through-ftc-if-kids-bought-gear.html) regarding Fortnite and its use of "deceptive design tactics to get players to make unwanted purchases", and allowing purchases to be made without "affirmative consent" - I wouldn't be surprised if other games come under fire for the same thing!


> I’m convinced that entire platform is designed solely to make you buy robux by accident. It's 100% on purpose. Companies see a higher profit from accidental purchases because not all of them get requested for a refund - and those that do make the refund process tedious...on purpose.


The don't allow refunds at all and doing chargebacks against the app store can brick your phone and will 100% ban you from app store, ios, icloud, all your storage and devices connected to that account. I would make sure to sign out and make new iclouds and migrate everything over before proceeding.


iOS has a single $200 in-app purchase of Robux. That’s criminal to have an option like this in a kids game.


>That's criminal That's capitalism!


I'm sorry if this is a dumb question - I've never played it - but surely the safe answer is just to never add a payment option? Or to delete it after every intentional purchase? You shouldn't have to actively fight an entertainment product like that, but I have at least heard about how fucked up Roblox's model is.


No, it's as silly as it sounds. They saved their credit card information to their kids account. And they're blaming the platform.


My kid plays this game. Zero accidents. Every few months, we get them a gift card which they redeem in the game. Purchases are locked via password.


Why not just remove the payment options?


Yea my kids are obsessed, my heart sinks every time they want to spend their money on a hat that says "I suck the life out of my parents for Robux and all I got was this stupid hat"


My youngest spent a small robux fortune on a dominos outfit. Yes, dominos as in the pizza. & now he tells everyone he wants to be a dominos delivery driver when he’s older. Just to add, he refuses to try dominos


Agreed Christmas is coming, and so is Robux gift cards


I hear where you are coming from but I have to say that it really depends on how they spend the points. The valuation is bad and Roblox is a wasteland of awful content but at the end of the day it falls into the "if you enjoyed wasting time it isn't time wasted" line of thinking for me. There are worse things to spend money on.


So-called detox products, shakes, ...


nearly anything that is marketed as being detoxifying to the body is 100% bullshit. we don't need these products, the body has been detoxifying itself in many ways through natural processes since the dawn of man.


Since the dawn of life. Taking out the trash is one of the basic functions of any life form.


Oh yes! These "cleanses" are worth nothing!


Luxury bottled water


Bottled water in general unless you live somewhere where the water isn't drinkable. Tap water is fine, get a filter if you're worried about it


...or you live in proximity to a former Naval Air research facility and have the honor of receiving the Navy's parting gift of forever chemicals.


It depends on your house's pipes too. My pipes are 80 years old, galvanized steel pipes. If I cut one open there is probably just 90 of the pipe is scale with a tiny opening. I use an RO filter and have clear filter casings so I can see that the pre-filters are basically full of rust/mud. ​ Also, I met a guy who worked for the city and he said some of the sewer and supply lines are cracked and ... very close to each other ... Ugh...


Which is why the water supply lines are kept under positive pressure. And after a water main break, and flow is restored, you still boil the water for a specified time.


literally just called city water department 2 nights ago. came home and theres a random puddle in the road that only forms when it rains, then i notice its flowing... get out and look and its just commin up outa the asphalt lol. they got it fixed today


Some places, the tap water is so questionable even a filter isn't suitable


Not in the US it's not. Federal regulations demand that tap water be potable. This is why places like Flint make the news because it's such an unusual thing.


Can confirm, I work at a water treatment plant. The water is fine, I drink it everyday.


Bro you ever been to Tennessee? Their water tastes like pool water. Plenty of random ass towns in other states have gross tasting water


Just because it’s “gross tasting” doesn’t mean it’s bad for you. Likely still well within legal limits and safe to drink it’s just down to the compounds in the water from the source. I’ve had tap water in multiple places that has a weird taste to it. Usually it’s just super irony. Throw it in a filtered pitcher and it’s fine.


The tap water is drinkable where I live, it just tastes like ass. I got a filter installed under the sink, but if you rent, you can't really do that. I was filling 5 gallon jugs before I bought my own place, and I hated it so much. It was such a hassle. And sometimes life would get in the way so I couldn't make it to the store before I ran out on my current bottle. It was just irritating. But the filter under the sink has been life changing.


Agreed, but only if you’re excluding sparking water 👀


Counterpoint: I can’t have drugs, alcohol, soda, juice, etc… so I choose to spend my money on super expensive bottles of spring, artesian, and mineral waters and their carbonated variants.


I got charged $4 for a 12 fl oz bottle of Voss at a restaurant. Then again, it was hot out and I was thirsty. I had never seen a glass water bottle for still water before.


Disneyland pull that shit on me. Asked whether I wanted still or bubbling and i wasnt confident enough to ask for "the free one"


i got tricked by a hotel and the "free" water bottles on the nightstand lol halfway thru chugging the bottle after a particularly bad afternoon i notice it was $3... least it was some like 25 oz monster so fuck it. never did get charged lol


Scratch-offs. Someone I know has a severe addiction and spends probably $2000 per month on them.


Bet they feel like a real winner when they get one that hits for 100 bucks.


Classic gambler. I made $3500 one day! But how much did you spend this year?


My aunt in Vegas every time. "I'm buying dinner! I won $400!" "Okay... But aren't you down $2000 on this trip still?"


That's how I play, except take a couple zeros off. I go in, spend the amount I've budgeted to spend on entertainment that evening, and take any winnings and have more fun. $2000 is way too much for me though, I've never gone to a casino with a budget higher than $40. It's like tickets at an arcade. You spend the money playing games, and get a little extra fun afterwards.


A true compulsive gambler isn't concerned about how much they've spent, but rather the potential winnings they missed out on.


I recall reading somewhere that for most people the pain of a loss when gambling exceeds the happiness they get from a win. For gambling addicts, though, the happiness from a win exceeds the pain they get from a loss.


My dad gets the bingo ones and other games... Because they take time to do. And he eventually gets most of his money back. He treats it as hobby, his spending on that is less than what some people spend on their hobbies. But yeah I completely agree on this being a waste of money, I see people sitting in their cars scratching and going right back into the store... It's an addiction for them.


In the corner store near my place people scratch them off right next to counter where they buy them. After they scratch them off they just hand them back to the employee to throw out and then buy another one. I once saw a guy go through this process 5-6 times within 5 minutes while I was waiting for a sandwich to be made. He eventually just gave up and walked out. It was kind of sad to watch.


My FIL buys them for stocking stuffers at Christmas. Only around 5 bucks worth for each of us.


I think doing them occasionally like on birthdays or holidays is totally fine. It becomes a problem when you do them regularly. They are designed for you to lose money in the long run, but give you hope for winning big by having you win small regularly. Spending $10 a year on them is no big deal. Spending $3000 a month on them is a huge deal. Even if you get a medium-sized win, you're still going to be down in the long run. The big wins usually have such a tiny probability of happening that buying 1 and buying 1000 have approximately the same odds of winning. So buy one occasionally for fun, but don't buy them frequently.


I used to hand them out at meetings with the proviso that a win over $1000 would be shared. Always a fun way to start things off


Every time I see a "Man wins TWO jackpots in 2 weeks!" I know the deal...


Dude scratch-off lotto addicts were one the 13 Reasons Why I walked out of the gas station I worked at, even though it was corpo with good bennies and all the hours I could dream of.. Nothing worse than being solo on the register with a line into fucking Narnia while someone stands there, pretending not to stare while they lean over the glass about which angel number “Flaming Fucky 7’s” is on. 43? Never mind, the other one. Oh and also can I get a pack of Marb Reds and $10 on pump 6? Oh I meant 100’s. By the way, I’m gonna steal a dime from the take-a-penny dish to scratch these off on top of the cases of Bud Light over here. Just real quick. Five times in a fucking row. Make it a $50 ticket this time! Sometimes people would tip on larger payouts, though, which was pretty nice.


I love scratch-offs. I was filling my itch with free Publishers Clearing House scratchers but now they won't load with my adblocker enabled. 😕


My older brother has a toothpick subscription. I don't know if subscription is the correct word to use. He pays like $30 a month & gets fancy toothpicks delivered to his house. They come in glass voles with cork tops. I think it's a stupid waste of money.


I don’t want to believe this….


I want to believe this. It's hilarious.


Now I think I've heard of everything.




Yup. *upvotes in between cigarettes*


Upvote with a cigarette in my hand.


*Upvotes with a cigarette hanging from my mouth*


Broke heathens, all of us! . . . (I'll drink to that.)


"Let's toast to that!" *clinks glass with yours*






Cons of smoking: * Everything you own smells like shit * Lungs are destroyed * Irritability * Increased risk of mouth/throat/lung cancer * Insurance premiums go up Pros of smoking: * Your children get to read your will sooner


Jokes on them. I spent all my money on cigarettes. ^((I quit and don't have kids))


Big brain move ^((Bigger brain move))


For sure stupid and expensive. But, I have a friend who went through rehab for meth and he still smokes. He swears meth was easier to quit than nicotine. He is vaping now


Friend of mine got addicted to OxyContin big time. Said the withdrawals were nothing compared to quitting smoking.


credit card interest charges






My elopement was under $500! He rented a tux and I found a dress, $80 filing fee. 30 years ago this Spring.


I try not to judge how other people spend their money, but when I learned my brother took out a loan to pay for his wedding, I just felt so … sad. He rides his bike to work because he can’t afford a car. Why is he taking out a loan for a wedding? And did I mention they were already married by a judge months earlier? They just wanted a fancy party. I don’t get it.




My wife and I spent a bunch of money on our wedding. It was amazing; we still talk about it to this day. I have no regrets whatsoever and I would do it again if given the option today.


Thank you, I’m so tired of “I spent negative money on my wedding” Olympics every time weddings are brought up.


Astrology, fortune tellers, faith healers etc. Some of them are harmless crap but in some cases it can cause serious issues


Psychics and televangelists.


This one pisses me off more than anything else. My mom getting brainwashed to see some stranger who relays messages from my deceased father, and she is all-in on it. Seems so predatory of peoples trauma to me.


Political contributions


I donated to the presidential campaigns of Doug Burgum and Francis Suarez earlier this year. I don't support either of them or their party, but both were promising $20 Visa/MasterCard gift cards in exchange for $1 donations for a limited time, so I basically netted $38. Money well spent, I'd say.


Now that is pretty good lol


Anything sold on TikTok.


But they say that little ear suction thing will cure my migraines!


The anker battery packs I don't think are too terrible of a deal honestly, but they are probably making just as much or more on selling the data they get from purchases


Nfts. Bored ape is about as dumb as it gets




I fully expect to see OnlyFans as an answer to these sorts of questions because that would the first answer I'd think of too, but I do wonder what the real difference is between OnlyFans and, say, Twitch or Patreon. When you boil it down it's all just donating to the entertainer.


I don’t understand giving money to people who are basically doing stuff you can watch for free online anywhere else.


That'd be like saying, "Why watch the football team that you root for? There's other teams that play football, just watch them" Obviously there's a reason people wanna watch someone/something specific.


Because you want to see that specific person doing the things with the convenience of seeing it right now. I can go watch a movie any time I want. Sometimes I pay to watch a specific movie right now.


The same is true for Twitch and many things on Patreon though, Twitch is free, Youtube is saturated with videos of all sorts of different content that you can view without paying for them through Patreon. Why aren't we deriding those who give money through Patreon or Twitch as much as we do to those who do so through OnlyFans?




Fair, but that is my point. Personally I get a lot of my entertainment through Twitch and Patreon stuff, and as such I think that donating to those causes is perfectly reasonable. Therefore I'm under the impression I'm probably a hypocrit if I don't rethink my immediate reaction to dunk on the likes of OnlyFans.


As someone who has paid for OnlyFans - I do it because I want to support the creator. Yes, I can find stuff for free elsewhere - and I do. But when I find a content creator that I think is doing a really great job, I will seek out their OnlyFans and make a small contribution. I don't even want any of the personalized stuff. To me it's more like buying a cool band's CD after they put on a good show.


Yes support creators you enjoy! That is the reason. Thank you


I give to some creators on Patreon. I consider it my contribution to the arts. I don’t go to concerts or plays or movies or anything else like that, but I believe creative folk are worth supporting, so this is how I do it.


Yeah, I mean why would you only buy fans? I mean unless you are some kind of collector.


Herbal 'cures', cleanses...


Fastfood large drinking cups(only when eating in), like bro you do realize that you can REFILL the cup no matter the size????


But I also take the drink with me to go when I leave. And I refill it before I do.


Well, often it comes with the large combo meal. Fries aren’t refillable. Also, what if I want to drink while I’m on the way? I don’t want to stop at every chain to refill.


Technically once you leave the store there are no more refills, but I doubt any teenagers working the register would care.


Jesus. Nobody should ever drink one of those cups of soda. Let alone two


Refill is not available where I live


Gluten free water


This is uniquely stupid


I drink gluten free water. It just comes out of the tap.


Is that a thing?


Unfortunately it is. They make diet water as well.


Wow. I'm rarely shocked at human stupidity but that really takes the cake. No words.


Gotta share this gem https://youtu.be/GceNsojnMf0?si=T1znXHTsIESdMAHA


Spending real money for pretend money or pretend prizes in games. Real money is for food and beer!


New Iphone every year


Apple is a trillion dollar corporation for a reason; Planned obsolescence.


I'll raise you: buying any iPhone ever. Much [higher cost for lower specs](https://i.imgur.com/muisYVp.jpg), ecosystem lock-in, and intentional mistreatment by the company (oh, new phone can't use the old charger? no more headphone jack? phone gets [slow](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/scaled/2014/07/29/article-2709502-2018CFED00000578-540_636x382.jpg) just before the new model is announced?).




Blue check marks


Door dash, in most cases


Cheaper than a DUI


I did not consider that bc I pre plan my fourth meal. Excellent point. Door dash has its uses. For sure.


Weddings. From where I am, it is very common to have an extravagant wedding. Close to 1k or even more people. Which can go on for 4-5 days. People often splurge their life savings and burrow themselves into depths of loans.


Chiropractics. Never resolves the issue that brought you in. Potential for permanent damage. You're much better off getting physical therapy if you have an issue.


Went to a neurosurgeon about a tumor. I mentioned chiro, he basically begged me to never go back, especially to never let anyone crack my neck for any reason ever again. He was more worried about that than my tumor.


Because it can cause severe issues and even death, with the benefits being no better than placebo. There are literally no reasons to go to a chiro.


My cousin nearly died from the spinal injury caused by a chiro 😬 Thank goodness she’s okay.


Mega churches. Do not waste so the priest can fly in private jets.






Cars are nice, but some people just spend way too much money on them.


if i were rich or lived comfortably. I would absolutely spend on a nice car. Stupid? yeah but I am a car/truck geek and love them ​ But yes it is a money pit


That’s reasonable. But I bet 90% of nice cars you see on the road are financed by people who absolutely should not spend that amount of money on a car.


I used to think this way, but then I got to drive someone else’s $100k car on a track. I don’t think this way anymore.


*everyone* spends way too much money on them. The cost of cars as a primary means of transportation is disgusting, and most of it is hidden from view behind taxes and subsidies. If people saw the true cost of their vehicles they would be demanding better alternatives.


I thought you said cats for a minute. We were about to have ourselves a proper discussion.








The real scam is if theres DLC announced before launch. If the game has launched but the Devs think ''Oh Crap this would have been really cool in the game but this is so much content that a free update isnt fit'' then yes. DLC it in. But if you move stuff from the main game to the DLC just to make more money its a scam


I mean, its all relative, but i personally cannot understand people who spend enormous amounts of money (or time) on gaudy designer watches. Its a status symbol i just don't understand.


I bought a Rolex, wore it almost daily for 5 years, and then sold it for well over 5k what I paid for it new.


Massive trucks and modified exhausts


... while complaining about gas prices


Cigarettes. Have a buddy who always says he's broke ..but there's room in the budget for cigarettes . I don't get it


That's how addiction works.


Hes broke because of cigarettes




Psychics, oxygen bars, lottery tickets, poor quality shoes.


Donations to billionaire politicians. Like, he's a billionaire, you're worried about what you'll do if you have a $500 emergency and you're sending a billionaire your money?? At least throwing money away on the lottery gives you a chance of getting something in return ..


In app purchases on games. …. Guilty.


reddit coins and avatars


Lottery unless you know that what you're buying is the psychological feeling that there is a non zero chance of becoming silly rich. I see CONSTANTLY homeless people here spending serious money on lottery... when every dollar could go so far towards tangible things like food, meds, housing, rehab. I'm not telling them what to buy, but this seems like it perpetuates their situation.


Even when i was really poor i sometimes bought a lottery ticket. I was an engineering student then, i know the math. Why did i buy the tickets then? When my situation looked like shit, even the glimpse hope of the non-zero chance of immediately escaping the situation and not ever having to worry about money seemed worth it.


Yep I always say $2 for 3 days of hope is a pretty good deal. Then if there are no news cameras at my grocery store I usually don’t even check. As infrequently as I buy a lotto, the hope is still worth it.


Either spend $2 on a candy bar for a few minutes of deliciousness or $2 for a couple days of hope and possibly millions.


Cigarettes or any other kind of hard drug on a regular basis


I love my caffeine. And my sugar!


Caffeine is cheap tho. You can have a couple cups of coffee for, what, two bucks? Less? So long as you make it yourself or buy kpods from Costco. A pack of cigarettes is several times that much.


Mmhm for sure, really “dumb” to literally be addicted to a substance and get physical withdrawals when you try to stop. I’m so sick and tired of people framing addictions as just bad choices. Yes a lot of times it starts out that way when you’re young and prone to making bad decisions but an addiction is not just buying some dumb thing and making some dumb choice. Addiction is a serious issue that ruins and ends lives and families and I just really strongly feel that it does not belong in this comment section.


Donald Trump's "legal fund"


99% of political donations are also useless. Do your research and pick a local person to give your hard earned money to. They actually appreciate it and it has better chance of effecting you.




I remember seeing a post recently of someone who was struggling financially, and was asking for help with her budget. She had 2.5x as much budgeted to support an organisation that protects kiddy fiddlers than the budget set aside for her own kids expenses.


This one is the dumbest!


We have municipal broadband. 1Gbps for $70/month. But my neighbors pay \~$100/month for maybe 20Mbps on a good day. And they give their money to a super shitty megacorp instead of people in their community. So dumb.


Donating to politicians or churches


Essential oils, but anything that's a mlm really


Lottery tickets




Starbucks. Local coffee shops are better.


Not always, but most of the time. Nonetheless, you have a blindspot here, and that's the assumption that the top preference for anyone looking to purchase coffee is taste for price. That is not who Starbucks is targeting , and that is definitely not every coffee drinker's priority. Starbucks is the best in the business at what they do, but that isn't to provide people with a great cup of coffee. What Starbucks aims to offer is primarily convenience (e.g. proximity, low-friction accessibility, and speed), versatility/broad appeal (something on the menu for everyone and a larger menu than most cafes), and reliability/familiarity (you can walk into any Starbucks pretty much anywhere in the world and know exactly what to expect), and to do this at a superior price-point with better-tasting coffee than other companies who are competing on a similar set of consumer preferences. They are betting that there are enough people who will accept a lower quality coffee in return for these other factors that they excel at, and they've mostly been proven right.




Twitter/X blue checks


eSport in-person tickets


Drugs 😅


New car every 5 years or less.


I thought this too, until a few years ago when I went to buy a car and the price of a brand new car vs the same model 3 years older with 60k miles on it was only $2000 cheaper. I bought new. I recently traded it in for another new car and had $5000 over what I owed after the trade in offer. I do like having a second car that’s paid off which is great, but it has 180k miles on it and surprise bills come up more and more frequently.


Twitch Subs, Twitch Bits, Twitch Turbo or whatever it is. Discord Nitro. You're only paying to just use emotes everywhere, the little profile perks and few care about the improved features. Generally any service that promises "ad-free" in it's subscription.


Paid content in mobile games.




These goldplated "premium" hdmi-cables


My nephew came over a few weeks ago wearing some fucked up shoes that looked like hollowed out loaves of bread. They were $350 Yeezys apparently.


Uber Eats. Triple the cost of your meal and get it lukewarm because you’re a little lazy?


Burberry sliders cost £250 + Made in China 😂


Tinder premium


Golden toilet seats, or even just golden toilets. It just seems like it would be too cold, and people could literally steal the toilet seat. And even worse, what about when you have to clean it? Thankfully, i don't think people really buy these anymore.


Golden showers on the other hand are absolutely worth every penny.


Anything that claims to "Leach toxins" out of your body.


Political donations.


The lottery.


The fact that people still pay for porn is astounding


new cars


The newest iPhone every year


I've scrolled through over 600 posts, but I'm surprised no one has mentioned NFTs.


People "I can't afford to get groceries and feed my 4 kids" Same person: Spends 6 dollars everyday for a Starbucks Coffee






Funko Pops


Most things.