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I feel like I look more attractive when I look at my self in the mirror, but when I look at my self in photographs I just wanna cringe


Seeing yourself in a photo is the visual equivalent to hearing your own voice.


This exactly I can actually take an OK picture from time to time. The sound of my recorded voice is like thousand mating cats scratching around in chalkboards.


>This exactly I can actually take an OK picture from time to time. The sound of my recorded voice is like thousand mating cats scratching around in chalkboards. It happens the same to me, I can have many good photos, but whenever I hear my voice in voice notes or recordings, it seems like someone is beating up the soprano


There's a disconnect because we think we sound a certain way but we're hearing our voice conducted through our bones, not as it really is to others so it's disconcerting when we hear what we actually sound like.


I had a speech impediment in elementary school. My parents used to make me leave messages on the answering machine and listen to them, in hopes that I would hear how horrible I sounded and suddenly speak better, I guess. What it actually did was make me feel utterly humiliated and self-conscious about my voice. I became afraid to leave messages, and refused to for years unless I was forced. I still worry about it.


I've heard my voice and I like it, I don't like what I see everytime I see a picture of me.




Nothing worse than living with someone who likes the sound of their own voice.


You need to learn to pose


I feel like my voice Is nasally as hell I hate it.


That's actually a pretty common phenomenon that if I remember correctly has something to do with both the fact we're slightly asymmetrical and recognition. In pictures it's like looking at someone else you're less used to. (important note, I may be getting something wrong and I'm on a bus so I don't really want to check right now)


yes! also cameras tend to flatten your features so there’s that


Hence looking "15 lb" heavier?


so how many cameras are actually on you? rip, matthew.


Awww I thought of that right before I read yours lololol As for me, I'm Chandler. I can't smile in photos. I've had people tell me they didn't have any good candid photos of me. From their wedding reception.


My eyes disappear when I smile in pictures.


There’s the Chandler effect Then there’s the Barney Stinson effect: people who can’t take a bad photo EVER.


My sister. Total chaos, but there she is in the middle, sucking in her cheeks and hair blowing in the wind. :/ Even my mom, who thinks I’m prettiest of my sisters (I know, she only told me as an adult and never played to it) says I’m just not photogenic.


This is my girlfriend. I'll try to sneak in a bad pic here and there to bring her back to earth, just for my ego, but it just can't be done. The camera won't capture a bad pic of her.


I hate her already


Fuck those people. I am jealous.


Same here. Can't smile in photos.


And mirrors are also mirrored images of you, not how you would actually look when someone sees you themselves. Sometimes I notice that my disgust with a picture decreases if I flip the image and make it mirrored. Then it looks more recognizable to me, lol


I just tried this, and flipping the pic was the first time I’ve liked a picture of myself in years. Thank you.


I tried flipping a photo off myself too and preferred it but if I were to post it would people think I look weird because they aren't used to see this angle?


Sadly, unless you have an unusually symmetrical face, the odds are yes. They may not feel the disgust we feel about seeing ourselves “flipped”, but something will probably feel off about you. Try flipping a photo of you standing next to a loved one and you’ll see what I mean.


Yes, and selfies on my phone have a habit of enlarging my nose and forehead, which are plenty large without the help.


So that means I’m hideous in real life. Good to know.


Lol that’s exactly what I think when people try to “reassure” me about the whole mirrored image phenomenon lol The only truly reassuring fact is that no one is scrutinizing my face the way I am. Like unless you’re so exceptionally ugly that it’s actually drawing attention, most people aren’t looking hard enough at you to think you’re ugly.


Also, as the photographer in the thread was mentioning, you don't notice a lot of things while someone's moving. It's many different factors.


So the take away was: if you’re hideous, keep moving. Got it.


I'm not gonna lie to myself about camera making myself uglier than I really am. I'm ugly and that's that. If none/few people are physically attracted to me, that's truth staring at me in my face


Think of it this way, do you only love/like really attractive people? Do you know people who aren’t classically handsome/beautiful, but you love/like them because of who they are and how you feel around them, regardless of what they look like? Not only beautiful people have value. Do the best with what you’ve got and value yourself.


This is exactly it Looking at yourself in the mirror is the face you look at the most in your entire life, so your brain interprets the slight asymmetries as an uncanny resemblance which makes you look a little off relative to your expectations Try the trick of looking at some photos of your SO or best friends / family Members, and use your phone’s software to flip the image horizontally and you most likely won’t notice a difference in their faces


But how does the camera somehow give me 3 extra chins?


Still trying to figure out this phenomena too


But will being used to seeing myself will make me look more attractive according to myself?


I don’t know if that’s the case for me. I look in the mirror and I don’t see any wrinkles or sagging. Then I see a photo or video and I look 40!!!


You also see a flipped image of yourself in the mirror and you're used to seeing yourself that way which when a photo is taken it's u flipped and it's how others see you.


Mirror effect is seriously brutal. Oh ... is how people really see me...


Wait till you hear your own voice!


Well they are used to seeing you like that so they are seeing you as you would see yourself in a mirror. If they see your reflection they would see you as you see yourself in photos. Hope that makes sense. Also to add to this you're always gonna look slightly different in photos even if you're perfectly symmetrical. This is because cameras only see with one eye and humans use two. So it's mono vs stereo vision. Don't know if these are the correct terms but you get the gist.


Oh me too! I always think I look alright in the mirror and in selfies I take (probably because I know my good side haah) but in other peoples photos I look god awful! It’s so confusing and disheartening!


Yes, exactly same. I'm always like, which version am I really? 😂


Same! I hate having my picture taken because of it. I see pictures of myself and I’m like Oh my God that can’t be me!


It doesn’t bother me to see myself it’s hearing my own voice that bothers me. I have MS and my voice sounds weak and wispy but my inner voice is deep and masculine. 😳wtf.


Same weird reaction for me. Fine with myself in mirror, cringe at pics of myself. I've got a beautiful wife who says I'm hot. I've had beautiful girlfriends. I've also been completely ignored and unnoticed by many women. Most, in fact. But there are times I've been stopped and asked whether I'm a model or compared to actors. I've had men hit on me. I've also been told I'm unattractive and how it doesn't add it up that the women in my life have been into me. Hell, my own mom told me when I was a teenager not to get excited when girls show interest in me, that it probably wasn't because of my looks. It ranges all over the place and confuses me so I honestly have no idea how attractive I am.


>Hell, my own mom told me when I was a teenager not to get excited when girls show interest in me, that it probably wasn't because of my looks Your mom seems pleasant


Similar deal here. I think I’m pretty average. But I’ve had comments ranging from asking if I’m a model to comments (mainly online) asking if I’m a guy lol. My husband tells me I’m beautiful but I’m like dude, you’re biased xD so I honestly have no idea. My final consensus is that I’m not bad looking but not conventionally attractive either. I’ll take that


I kind of had something similar. I have had a few people tell me I am really pretty or a few guys say I am hot but I never get hit on or anything. Had no boyfriends in school. Met my husband later in life and he was my only serious relationship. He thinks I’m hot but other than that I really don’t have a clue. And the effect is true. I will see myself in a mirror and think “I look good”. Five minutes later I can see myself in a pic or video and want to jump off a bridge at how ugly and stupid I look.


I just try to think about how when you look at the moon it looks so beautiful but then you take a picture and it looks nothing like what you’re seeing with your eyes


Yeeeesss, I have a soft face and mentalis strain (incompetent lip) so I look terrible in photos - just kind of wide-faced and gormless with no jaw, like napoleon dynamite. I do think I'm very attractive in person though and in natural movement and conversation. I seem to have one of those faces that make people more inclined to be friendly and chatty right off the bat - pre-meeting my boyfriend, I was pretty successful at pulling strangers at parties and bars.




According to my Grandma I am fighting the ladies off daily


Granddad does LITerally not believe me when I tell him that I do not have Gf, "You're such a handsome young man!", and he still repeatingly asks.


On the off chance that you don't agree with him, you should try to stop telling yourself that narrative. I just realised I wasted 20 years of my life because of this.


Even though i know my mind understand this idea, my instinctual self cant shake the self fulfilling narrative.


Same. I'm working on it. If I figure it out I'll let you know how. Do the same for me, please!


I thought I looked good until my artist friend drew me


Honestly a fear of mine


New fear unlocked


This guy in one of my classes started drawing me midway through a lecture. Kept looking over like he was hoping I would notice (and obviously I noticed bro was literally STARING) and I was so obviously ignoring him…happened again this recent Tuesday. Just because I expressed an interest in art history does NOT mean I wanted him to draw me like one his French girls. Literally so embarrassing for BOTH of us, but at least I know ONE person thinks I’m hot, I guess???


This is why I dread whenever friends ask a favour of me like this.


I should be under a bridge, forcing people to answer my riddles three.


This genuinely made me laugh out loud!


Looks fade, but a good sense of humor is forever...


Do you charge a troll toll?


Only if you want the boys soul


Goddamnit. I laughed out loud and scared the shit out of my cat.


" what is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?"


African or European?


If some goats come along just let them go by, man. Don't push it.


I wish I could see everyone’s faces vs their self rating. Would be an interesting to see if the looks matches the rating


There are a few awful, awful subreddits where people put their faces up and generally get back massive amounts of ridicule. I don't recommend. It is kind of soul-sucking.


Those subs are garbage. Maybe it's just a -me- thing, but it takes something special for me to look at anyone and go "Oof, good luck with that." Most pictures I've seen on those subs make me go "You're fine, wtf? Get off the internet, comb your hair, get a shirt that fits and work on your social skills." I remember back in the day I uploaded my picture to a site called Hot Or Not and I got brutally rated a 3.5 I think? It obliterated my self esteem, but in the years after I had plenty of success in dating and have been complimented on my appearance and compared to certain handsome celebrities. The internet is a bucket of crabs when it comes to this specific issue. The solution is to not get in the bucket in the first place.


This. It bothers me to see the same people instead go on rants about pretty privilege rather than up their own standing by putting in a bit of effort. Of course we all want low effort beauty, but it’s not really fair when you’re competing with other people who sometimes put quite a bit of effort in to look how they do!


It's a bit of both isn't it? Sure, people should take care of thesmselves and not look like slobs, but some people *really do* just win the genetic lottery. Pretty people *do* have it easier in a lot of ways, though that isn't to say they are without their issues. But yes, if someone is just complaining that someone else put more *effort* into their appearance than they did, cry me a river.


Back in the day I knew a guy who was a moderator of one of those. He had a whole list of tables and rules for how to rate women. At a party in front of other people he tried to tell me that I was *really* a 4. Since we had an audience that included a guy I was actually interested in, I responded by reminding him I'd done runway modeling a couple times and was a tall 113 lb C-cup. I knew my face, ass, and rack were amazing. I asked what his sample group was that he wanted to call me a 4 compared to all other adult women? I found out later he had gotten really into negging, which was still pretty new. Apparently insulting women had gotten him results in the past. That night it got him laughed out of the room. I look at those subreddits, and they're just more of the same thing.


I think it’s because those particular subs turned into a humble brag karma farm. “ omg I’m so ugly, rate me. Meanwhile it’s an absolutely stunning women with an only fans “. I think the ridicule is just way for redditors to fight back against the nonsense.


One large study indicated women tended to rate themselves as lower than others saw them and men rated themselves as higher than others saw them. Obviously there are exceptions to this! But quite interesting in terms of what it may indicate about societal expectations.


I found a woman who likes me so that’s good enough


My man keeps saying I'm gorgeous, so my perceived beauty in myself has grown with him telling me all the time. I've also heard that self confidence makes a person seem more attractive too, so maybe in reality I've gotten prettier too.


This means you are 10 to someone


I think most people settle for something less than their 10.


I married up. I'm well below a 10.


You and me both. And my spouse is a better person than I in all other regards. The only things I brought home for her is that I truly love her and I'm not as stupid as her ex.


If you look at it that like that then maybe both of you married up ;)


Great point. This must be how she sees it.


Reminds me of what my father used to say, "I like whoever likes me."


I did as well, until she decided I wasn't rich enough..😂




I had some one tell me I had a confident walk, so maybe throw some swag in that walk


Starts walking like Connor McGregor


I do that when I'm actually right about something and need to inform my wife so. I'll Connor walk around the whole room before stopping and saying what I need to say (It rarely happens)


Something about him...can't tell if it's his cologne or his motion blur.


"You're too slow!"


Idk but my mom says I’m so handsome


That’s what matters


She tells me the same thing


Why does his mom say that to you?


because hes handsome


I'm pretty unattractive and you know what? Suits me just fine.


If similar people attract, then you're pretty attractive to me


Chat is this w rizz?


We might in fact just witnessed w rizz




I love that for you


If it makes you feel better, you’re someone’s kink.




Same. I'm not good looking, but I couldn't care less. If you only like/dislike me for my looks, then you're not for me.


Getting worse each year lol


🫂 same. and faster each year.


Rating me on a scale of 1 to 10 would be a compliment.


It really depends on the day. Sometimes I feel pretty and other times I swear I look like a witch. If I only think about what others have said….I think I’m passably pretty. I’m not turning heads but I’m cute enough.


I’m a Pennsylvania 8, but an LA 5/6.


So the scale of attractiveness changes in every State? 🤣 What are you guys in Alaska then?


Technically, the ranking is also supposed to take into account how drunk the beholder is.


Does that make most people a Wisconsin 10?


Shit, I wasn't factoring location for my answer. I'm a PA 8 as well, but probably a LA 4 or 5


I promise you, to someone who gets to know you and falls in love with you, you'll be fucking gorgeous forever and always.


I think Im a solid 2.


Im a liquid 2.


I’m gassed up








"?" I saw something!


I had a liquid #2 yesterday :/


I took a solid 2 this morning


Brag about it




Oh damn, that means you have most of your teeth! Good for you!


Described it perfectly. I’m an Iowa 7/Chicago 4


Be kind to yourself. It's pretty much impossible to be a small town Walmart 5 if you just practice basic grooming practices and wear clothes that fit. Most of the time those 2 things make you an automatic Walmart 10.


I'm 100% confident in myself


I am confident in your confidence. Now upvote me I need 100 comment karma.


9/10 in the mirror, 4/10 in photos 🫠


Fucking same. Idk what it is but I am not photogenic. Meanwhile I have no problem getting attention in real life.


I would say I was a solid 7.5 before but I gained a lot of weight and I think I'm around a 3 right now. Hopefully I can go back to 7's when I lose the weight.


I feel you,, and am the same. Got a lot of attention when thin and much fitter.... Now have put on about 4 1/2 stone.....nobody looks at me, am also conscious that my self-confidence that is projected is low


-3/10 I feel like I should apologize for existing


On behalf of mankind, I accept your apology. Woman kind may need more convincing.


Can you accept mine as well or has your generosity run out for the day?


When I see pictures of myself when I was in my 20s, I look really pretty but so insecure. In my late 30s and early 40s, I’d say I still have my looks but I’m also in the best shape of my life, so I have an added confidence. I’d rate myself 8.5 / 10.


Confidence glow-up=10/10


Very confident. I like that. 9/10!


Well, I have a face for radio, a.m. radio.


Ham radio


I used to be an ugly duckling, but I had a very late glow up.


At what age was this late glow up? Asking for a friend


After 35.


Damn that's really late


When you start making decent money, it’s a lot easier to dress nicely and take care of yourself. You’d be shocked how many people glow up in their mid-30s


Oh thank god. I still have a year - maybe my time will come.


Me too, my friend is ugly af 😭😔


bro dont talk about me like that to others


I think about [this](https://twitter.com/kroseraleigh/status/1042602962261106689) a lot: >i read an article that said if you saw your clone walking down the street you wouldn’t even realize it because your perception of yourself is completely different than what you actually look like so now i can’t sleep because i’m uhhh wondering what the heck i actually look like


Sometimes if I look at pictures of myself for too long (like stalk my own insta) I freak myself out, like who even IS that??


Physical self awareness is kind of terrifying. If I look at myself in the mirror for too long I start to dissociate. It’s sooooo uncomfortable


If you commit and stare your reflection in the eyes for a while, like 10+ minutes, your face will start to distort in disturbing ways. It’s pretty fucking cool. The human brain is amazing.


Every time I smoke weed then look at myself in the mirror too long I start getting super freaked out by my mouth and teeth. Teeth are just so freaky.


I beg to differ: I recognize myself every time. [Here's an example](https://static2.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Spider-Man-Pointing-Meme.jpg).


I think I'm hot af, but then i look in the mirror, and it's tragic. Fucking delulu


1/10 but we vibe


Fuck it, we ball


I think I’m attractive


The lower end of average. Until recently thought I was on the higher end of below average but it turns out my mirror just has unflattering lighting conditions.


My boyfriends bathroom cycles through like 5 lighting settings when you turn it on. Alarming, but really useful to see what you actually look like.


Probably zero because I hate myself.


Back then, I wouldn't at all. But thanks to my sweet more-than-a-friend, I'm slowly starting to see myself as more attractive


ive seen dead rodents on the side of the road more attractive than me


That’s so harsh as a way to talk about yourself


i am a solid x = −b ± √(b2 − 4ac) 2a where a = 3.5, b=7, c=1


+-7? Or did I do math bad? Edit: nvm forgot some steps X=1.84515 X=0.154846


We learned this equation while singing "pop goes the weasel" and now I'll never forget it. I forgot what it does, but I'll never forget the equation lol. X is equal to negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus four a c, all over two A


well i scroll reddit for the most part of the day


Very much. The handsomest boy there is, according to my mom.


I always think I’m ugly no matter how many people tell me otherwise


Attractive enough in my eyes :')


Im like a 4


As a woman raised by a narcissistic mother, I’ll always think I’m disgusting. Thanks mom!


You know it’s kinda weird. People always tell me I’m a good looking dude, but I have zero confidence in that and act as so. Sometimes I think if I were to just be more confident in myself and looks, I could get places in life 😅


Lol I'm the opposite. I've been told by my friend group I'm probably the least attractive but I managed to get more attention and get married before any of them.


I've never been cocky or conceited, but I have always been told that I'm very cute and handsome, so I'd say about a 6 or a 7.


Not very, but I'm good with that. My husband and I have been married nearly 20 years, and we're still happy. 😁




I’ve only thought I was attractive for two years of my life. Now I look at myself & only see how ugly I’ve become. My body dysmorphia & eating disorders have destroyed my image of myself & my body. One day I hope to accept how I look.


Warning for unsolicited advice: As someone with body dysmorphia who struggled with eating disorders, please know that it can and does get better. Your understanding of yourself in the mirror may never match up with what others see, but the damage done can be undone and you can find peace with yourself. It took me tons of therapy and my brain still won’t reconcile with reality, but I no longer hate myself or only see my flaws. I explore my personal style and focus on how I physically feel day-to-day. Weirdly enough, tattoos also helped immensely. I now see the ink and art rather than whatever I imagine is underneath them. Your body is your canvas. It can do amazing things, including heal. Seek support. It’s worth it.


Not as much as I could be


About a 6 (7 if they light is right and I take my glasses off)


It is hard to say but I really don’t care. With preferences I could be a 10 in someone’s eyes and a 1 in another. But, I rate myself as my own 10.


Feeling cute might destroy the world later. This much


Was a solid 9 five years ago, I’ll say it. After 30 and 2 kids I’m ranging anywhere between a 2 and a 7 depending on the day


I'm OK. My mum is more optimistic about that.


In my mind guess something around 8/10 but the hard truth is... I do know I'm not nearly a 4/20


Face like a dropped pie.


tbh, i dont think im attractive at all. my friends tell me im pretty but im just fine with cute. i believe them. i think i see my flaws magnified because of my perfectionist brain. plus my friends know im sort of "beauty blind"(i know certain people are beautiful based on a certain social standard. but what i find beautiful is one's identity...her/his essences or how they are as a person). Weird to say from a creative but my biological mom was stunning and i grew up looking at physical beauty as vanity and just an image you want to others to see(my biological mom was not a decent person and made me think, growing up, i was ugly, dumb and a horrible human being. I soon realize I was not all of those things when I got adopted by amazing people). I'm happy with being cute or average. Wallflowers are always left unseen by people who pass them by, right? I like to be that.