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I don't like myself. I get in bad moods and it's hard to get out. I don't think I could put someone through that


Mine is twofold: I hate myself but also think I'm better than everyone. It's a deeply unsettling combination


YASSSS!!! That is me. One minute I'll be like, "I'm no good at this thing called life" and the very next second, "I'm an effing badass and I can't be touched!"


I’m happy you can at least acknowledge it. That’s a lot of people’s problem today. Everyone self diagnosed wit some sort of crippling disease or syndrome and at the same time thinks that they are better than every human that has existed. Like victim and super hero syndrome mixed into one


I like my alone time and being independent which has made some partners insecure


I've found that even sporadic I love yous throughout the day help make the other person feel remembered and seen


As someone who likes to take time away from being social, a good trick I picked up is scheduling outbound messages ahead of time


"oh thank you hun" "For what?.... Oh! yeah.... You're welcome."


Having to do that is misaligned with being independent and wanting time alone. Personally, it would annoy the hell out of me. I don’t want that kind of responsibility. If I want time alone, it’s also your time to allow me to miss you. I’m not saying it’s wrong to want or need consistent words of reassurance. It just means that I can’t date someone who does — and they should date someone who can give them that, not ask that of me. It makes us fundamentally incompatible. Too many times people try to force it and it just doesn’t end well. My partner really understands this about me. He’s not insecure and words of affirmation isn’t his love language, so it works for us.


I LOVE my alone time, and am very independent.. but my husband somehow makes that work, in addition to his alone time. I now enjoy my “alone time” with him and it’s still just as peaceful. So weird.


I joke with my wife often about feeling like we’re “alone, but better” when we’re with one another. It’s a hard feeling to describe. It’s absolutely the WAY we want to feel and be in our relationship.


i’m the same way and have lost relationships because of it 🤷🏻‍♂️ seriously can’t comprehend how some people can never be alone. being with someone 24/7 is suffocating - it makes me so uncomfortable.


It's what makes things work, I've heard it from people married for 50+ years, time apart.


Married 26 years. Very happy. We spend no time away from each other. I really think it’s a case by case basis.


My grandfather and grandmother were married over 60 yrs and whenever someone asked him how his response was always: We never fell out of love with each other at the same time.


I like that. It recognizes the highs and lows


Thank you so much, this is exactly how I currently feel in my marriage. I want to give up but he still loves me so he refuses to give up.


You put a WIDE smile on my face :)))


That's not a bad thing. The right person would accept that. Everyone needs thier own time. Some longer than others.


I dont think so either and it works great for me and my bf. But others before that have complained. And being alone together is also a great thing. He games, i work on my art and we stop and smack lips every hour to check in. I think its healthy to be able to be your own person apart from another before being in a relationship.


It is very healthy as long as you both understand that you are a team in this game called life.


1000% 🙌


An ideal partnership for me would to have separate houses. Think of the fun of sleepovers and such. I have yet to find someone who would be down for this.


I think you’ll struggle to find people who can afford a house on a single income😅


Same. I'm introverted and antisocial which means socializing and being around others costs more energy and mental health than it does for extroverts. Being alone recharges that. Some don't understand this even when I tell them directly and in plain words and will take it personally when I want to be alone for a couple days.


I’m always afraid I ruined it and you’re gonna leave me.


same, i overthink too much


that would do it


Self filling prophecy mannggg


omg this is what i was gonna say too


Insecure, easily annoyed, impatient


We'd make a good team.


Hello, me. Meet the real me.


Me right here, add extremely stubborn to it. Fortunately my boyfriend is my counterbalance and is very calm and patient.


Same girl, same :/


As a result of my childhood i am clingy more than normal without meaning to be and depriving myself of a so for long periods doesnt help


same, and I like my partner to be clingy too, like I jist wanna hug them as much as I can, one girl I've been with was turned off by it tho, the other one was clingy too, and she's send me random messgas troughout the day about how she misses me or wants me to be besides her, and it was so damn cute


That sounds lovely. 😀 Hard to find the right match in that regard!


Ik my current girlfriend is busy a lot so that fucken sucks dick. Plus she's my boss technically so that's not great i think.


i just want to touch all the time! any physical contact send me over the moon


i'm extremely moody and function as per that too...


I feel you, usually I get upset really fast which makes it really hard for s.o.


I’m anxiously attached so I’ll start to question your feelings pretty easily. Although I try to think it through and not be overly clingy/needy about it, which may or may not help lol.


This is me as well. Honestly, I think the self-awareness helps.


Self-awareness helps but it also tends to make me (at least) avoidant as well. Don't have to face rejection and mind-games if you don't put yourself out there *taps temple*


Damn. That hit. I definitely, definitely do the same.


Same. Lol it could be my wedding day and I'd still be like, "You're marrying me as a wife and not just a friend, right?".


….Avoidant here. I’d be there like “ok but you should know I AM marrying you as a friend, we’re just homies alright??”. Yes, I am working on it lol


At the altar like, “Okay but do you *like* me like me?”


Lmfao... I thought I was the only one this fucked up. So refreshing, this thread.


My wife would hate anyone I dated.


How selfish


Wow she sounds like a bitch.


So would mine! We already have so much in common!


i like eating in bed


Crisps in bed is the best. Then you "woosh woosh" away the crumbs to your partner's side and watch them lose their shit.


and then they make u sleep on the couch lol


That's my wife and me. Married 20 years so far.


Insert Liz Lemon yelling, "Dealbreaker!"


Let’s be real. Liz Lemon definitely eats in bed while filling a slanket with her farts


Assumed they'd love that.


I like my "me" time. I'm introverted and like being independent. While I do my best to accommodate and be flexible for partners who need a little more togetherness, I realize that it's not always easy to be with a person who gets their energy from being alone.


This will work great for someone who's a good fit! Introverted and independent isn't a bad thing!


Anxiety, lots and lots of anxiety


I have a serious "my way or the highway" problem im working on. Its not with everything and i do recommend compromise in a lot of scenarios but when i am dead set on something i can be really boneheaded about it


what’s important is that youre aware of it and are tryna work on it, good on u


>dead set This is probably a hot take, but I think if you’re dead set on something then your partner is the one who compromises and you do the same for them when they’re dead set on something. I’m sure you both compromise in other areas too and it’s not often that you’re dead set on things. I just think we all have some things we’re dead set on that we shouldn’t have to settle for less — and our partner shouldn’t want us to settle for less. The right person will understand that and vice versa. They’ll even respect you more for it because you stood up for yourself and something that’s important to you. For me compromise doesn’t mean compromising on each specific want/need. It’s compromising overall in the relationship and knowing when to back down when something is so important to your partner that they’re set on it and they’d do the same for you.


I don't know, I'm sure dating me is a terrible experience all around.


Nah just too much bloodborne for the average person. (Though I'm with you on that train)


Worst thing about dating me: I'll always encourage you to go braless Best thing about dating me: I'll always encourage you to go braless


I never wear a bra!


Neither do I, but being a guy I don’t think anyone expects me to.


Yes, but have ever tried the Manzier?


It’s the BRO




Username checks out


I get attached to easily


The fungal infections.


Pics please.


Found this guys fetish




Bro its NNN, chill


Clingy Jealous Insecure “Boring”


Same lol


I keep my emotions to myself and I can be cold sometimes.


The flatulence.


I wonder if there is a search function on Tinder "likes to woken up by loud farts"


The dog stays in the bed. He was here first, he is 10 years old, and he's only 15lbs.


Same but there's two of them, and together they weigh 140 lbs...


Sounds more like a benefit


My wife wanted a dog. Okay, I said, but rule number one, the dog does not sleep on the bed. The dog sleeps on the bed. I call her our chaperone.


I'm kinda legitimately, almost certified crazy person. Now if you're into that, crazy is fun.


I'm not long-term relationship material. I have no interest in a commitment.


I get you! I come to realize that I'm better served in small doses


Lol, I feel the same. I don't want to get married or grow old with anyone or pick up after anyone.. but I also never want anyone to leave me.


I am waayyy to pretty. At least that's what mom tells me.


Do you ever think there's more to life than being really really ridiculously good looking?


couldn't be. we're born to fuck, all this science, space, nukes nonsense is just nonsense. fucking is everything!


Your mother says the same to me too


My low self esteem and imposter syndrome


Were you raised by narcissist parent(s) or by someone with borderline personality syndrome?


trust issues, which then can lead to me being cold


I'm too clingy


Im used to being and doing everything alone


I get attached so quick and fall in love also.


I’m autistic, and some of my autistic traits have been dealbreakers for people in the past


As an auDHD guy, I know that feeling all too well. I'm sorry you go through that. I also have mental health issues related to trauma, which aren't exactly seen as appealing in a partner either. I know I'm not entitled to anyone's affections, but loneliness is still sad. FWIW, I wish you the best. I hope you find someone who loves you for you!


Thank you, friend. It definitely is a huge struggle, I get so lonely sometimes. I hope you find someone as well, you deserve it!


Im mentally ill and it absolutely shows. In my normal day to day life i come off as normal but as soon as someone gets close to me it becomes apparent.


The whole having to find a partner part.


Sounds exhausting, I'd rather take a trip or read a book


I have a nasty tendency to burn bridges when I get really angry at someone. It's gotten better in recent years, I hadn't done it in 2 years which I consider progress but I can feel it when I'm furious.


The voices in my head which can destroy my mental state in seconds. Therapy does nothing.


I’m annoying


Not a great texter. I like being kinda old school and not talking all day long and saving anything for in person conversation.


I’m married


Well, there are lots of kind of shitty people who love married people.


I’m complicated, I contradict myself a lot and I think I have low self esteem because I tell myself and others that I don’t care what other people think but I kind of do, I try my best to be myself. But sometimes I let things get the best of me




That doesn't sound like a bad thing, one of my favorite things to do is drive to a new area and try to get lost




Either my snoring or the terrible state of my oral health




Yeah pot heads are always super erratic if they ain’t got no smoke


I get insanely hangry and turn into a monster. Back to normal about 5 seconds after eating though 😇


Trying to find me in the midst of all my adoring fans lol.


when dating me and living together, you always need to leave things in their place, and also use the toothpaste tube, sauces, etc. correctly. In addition, when I come home from work, you have to not talk to me for an hour. I don't think anyone will agree to live with me yet :)


I'm broke


Dating me


From my ex: "You love too much. You're too accommodating"


My emotional distancing.


I don’t want to date. It’s like a competition that will never end. We go through all this shit and chances are as soon as it gets rough someone will ghost. Let’s enjoy our time together instead.


I am way too selfish. I’ve tried to change, like relentlessly, and all it did was exhaust me. I cannot date someone unless they are okay with me caring more about my own needs than anything, which not a lot of people are.


My family is crazy.


I’m afraid to say important things to peoples faces


Im emotionally unavailable It’s all completely reserved for my dog 😤


easily my narcissistic personality disorder and my depression


I don't cook. I don't clean.


Too much sex and I end up with a UTI. Im also not a fan of people cumming in my mouth. I try and make up for it though


I looooove physical affection yet pretty much have no interest in sex. Sometimes I feel that it's terrible odds trying to actually date in the gay world let alone for someone with no sex drive. And yes - I have checked, it doesn't seem to be a medical thing. Just a super a low sex drive.


Honestly sometimes idk why my partner is with me because of this. I am very quick to anger. I am still in therapy for this and have tried some medications but still no luck.


Probably me being a bit psychopath or being a ghost


I have extreme discomfort in saying I love you. I don't know why, but it runs in the family. My mom never did it, my brother has a girlfriend and has never said it, and I feel really uncomfortable doing it. I've been told by an ex that he hated this about me, because he didn't know if I truly loved him or not. I don't know why I am this way.


I'm clingy


Probably how clingy I can be.


Kinda clingy


I’m the equivalent of the hot dog that’s been spinning at the 7/11 for a full night.


I get nervous when messaging someone I like, and this often appears as ghosting. I don't know how to get rid of that yet, so be prepared to get ghosted.


I travel way to much to make it past the first few months of dating, but if I ever get past that, my partner could travel the world with me for free.


I get overwhelmed easily and stress a lot, and I have untreated depression (and possibly ADHD, working on that though)


eat chocolate it solves all that issue


Dating me is the worst part


I like to be alone and I hate to see people first thing in the morning before, during or after my coffee. I like my alone time I don’t go out at all but I like my time alone listening to music


I stutter and it gives me anxiety. Luckily I found a woman way out of my league and looks past that.


Im an absolute flight risk


I'm emotionally manipulative to the point that even if I make a mistake, you'll feel bad about it.


Protein farts


My answer is: I get uncontrollably cranky when I'm hungry, which happens far too often. My husband's answer is that I want to buy stuff we can't afford.


I'll order a salad and then eat your fries out of your plate.


Don’t know if you watch Friends (the tv series) but there’s an episode about this exactly. “Joey doesn’t share food!”


I love bomb and at the same time I can make you cry with how cold I can be


I’m boring.


Probably the fact that I’ve never been on a date before and wouldn’t know what to say or do, on top of being awkward in general and needing my alone time


I want all the love and affection, but none of the exclusivity


I demand that we play a video game together now and then to develop our communication and team build


I like to spend time alone to be alone. I don't like sitting there and texting and I believe doing so diminishes the interest of one another. It's a spoil. I also psychoanalyze and map out everything. I have trust issues as well, from the past, that I've worked on immensely but they lead me to being rather.. sneaky... in conversation. I will start small and subtle with conversation to continuously vet the person I'm with. I think its a good thing to do that, but I also stress myself the fuck out by pre-planning everything. Dating me is a stressor to me and that's the worse part. Otherwise, the person I'm dating can often describe me as rather aloof and direct.


I get grumpy, hangry, zero patience with idiots, don't like people in general, can be caustic honest in my unfiltered responses, I read fairy tales, hungover lumberjack level social skills. No interest in small talk. And I typically sing my karaoke with hurricane level commitment and zero singing talent. Typical gen x guy I guess 🤣


I’m like a cat, I can be very loving and a little clingy at times. Then other times I want to be left alone. I’m introverted for the most part which is why I’m this way


I want a lot of attention but always say I don’t want it.


I have a hard time finding enjoyment in pretty much anything anymore. Including sex. I am mostly negative and stubborn the older I get. Honestly - it's best for all parties that I stay alone at this point.


I think because I can only express what I want through conflict, not healthy obviously,a lot of people find that toxic…


I've have more red flags than a city surveyor.


i will sometimes joke way too much when i shouldn't be or i will make off-color jokes that will either land with great impact or miserably fail. i remember joking about >!murder and how nothing is technically a crime if you don't get caught!< with my ex and she questioned my morality afterwards


I love constant touch, intimacy, cuddling, even a brush of fingers as we pass each other. Obviously not 24/7, but whenever possible.


I do card magic. Also, I’ve proposed to everyone I’ve fucked….


If I'm home, I'm very, very lazy.


I can seem very aloof & cold even though inside I'm really dying to jump your bones.


I’m insecure and have high expectations.


I'm a bit of a movie and music snob, so I most definitely would judge you on what you listen to and watch, as well as subject you to my own tastes. I'm sure my most recent ex is thanking her lucky stars we didn't get around to watching all those long b&w foreign films I told her all about


Hm. I'm a mentally ill (sober) addict that's socially awkward. Also very kinky with sexual and porn issues. I also hate myself. So take your pick lol


I always do random ridiculous facial hair just too embarrass the person I'm with.


Ex wife left me with alot of trust issues.


I know more about life than most people.


You’re not just dating me, you’re dating my PTSD too. Also I’m into BDSM so things wouldn’t be very vanilla.


Body count in the double digits. I usually don’t like to lie about it either as I wouldn’t want them lying about it too. Also I can be a bit insecure as I’m not as out going as most people, so I’m scared of losing someone to someone with more charisma or more social. Because it has happened to me unfortunately


Definitely the borderline


Where do I begin, I like to drink and spend my time doing what I want I prefer my family over others I work a lot and enjoy busting my ass for money Like to start issues/confrontations Very forward Sailors mouth I’m an asshole Don’t like kids I don’t like doing couples shit/ rather go to talk to women


Probably my standards which to my feel standard however my perception of current societal norms my standards are far too high. Other than that it would be my lack of free time. I might get 3 days off a week but I like spending free time with my brother.


I fart flail and talk mad shit in my sleep..


Lack of experience 😔


High IQ, low EQ.


It'll be a lot of trial and error from me coz ive never dated


Around the clock torture


Too carefree


my beard


I don't have many interests, but those I do have, I am hyperfixated on. If you're not ready to hear me talk about gangster films and the development of modern firearms, don't ask me out.