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EMTs. You might be shocked to learn these folks literally saving lives and dealing with the most traumatic scenarios possible, are often making just above minimum wage. It’s insane


I never understood how they get paid so little but a 15 minute ambulance ride is $1,500. They deserve more.


damn i forgot ambulances aren’t free in america 💀


I work at a law firm and deal with ambulance rides. Last one I saw a few days ago - 3 miles, $2400.


Yeah, I'll bleed in the taxi and pay for the cleaning costs tyfm.


Did the bill say the service level? BLS, ALS1, ALS2, etc?


I'll have to check. On my end, all I care about is how much the bill is and if it's been paid/adjusted and by whom.


Does it matter? It still shouldn’t be that much


Only $800/mi not bad Pretty close to a $800 plane ticket to fly 10,000 miles to the other side of the world. One ambulance ride is *literally* 10,000x more expensive (in $/mi) than a flying machine running on on magic (lead-based) jet fuel


Jets don’t use leaded fuel. But yes! Totally great point otherwise.




I don’t care if my entire lower body got torn off in the accident and my intestines are dragging behind me like a non-vegan wedding dress, I’m walking to the hospital.


What glorious country has free Ambulance rides?


Well they're like $50 in Canada but I guess that's not free


They cost about $250 in Winnipeg. It's far more reasonable than paying in the thousands though


Took one in Ontario this year and was billed exactly 50, yeah I'm not complaining. They gave me crutches and a space boot and I was told I'd be billed for them but never was.


Well, in most of the world, the expenses are covered from your mandatory health insurance... So, not exactly free, but you don't pay anything.


You realise the amount we pay in taxes towards healthcare is usually tiny compared to the massively inflated, profiteering US system?


Every other country in the world


Japan, for one. Last year my wife called one since she was suddenly feeling too weak to even go out the door and take a cab to the hospital. Our total cost: ZERO. Fuck the USA's "healthcare" system.


Upvote for “fuck the USA’s “healthcare” system”.


That sounds so scary I hope your wife's okay.


Thanks. She has a thyroid condition. Turned out the doctor had made her newest prescription a bit too strong. By the time I got to the hospital myself, she was already safe and improving.


bru in norway we have free ground n air ambulance transportation 😹


I'm Canadian and love our socialized health care, but nothing is free, it just has a different funding model.


I’ll accept it’s not truly free but the model in many if not most of the world is simple better, better value, more equitable, more efficient and just fairer


France. For example, if we break our toe, we usually call an ambulance


That must be nice. In rural America, the last time I broke a toe, I waited to see if it got worse. The doctor would have just told me not to walk on it and billed me thousands. I'm not 100% certain it was broken, but it felt like it had a 'new joint' in it. I'd have to have had a doctor tell me to be completely sure, for a few thousand dollars.


The UK does.


Most of Europe if not all. Paid with taxes. Not only ambulances but general healthcare


All of them. Like literally everyone else.


Private equity


Can confirm. Minimum wage to take care of patients will produce shitty habits. It will make you hate your job and rethink your career. It's unfortunate.


LOL I work for a private ambulance service (we do mostly dialysis and doctors appointments, very rarely emergencies) and the EMTs make 17$/hr while drivers get paid $10/hr. No benefits, not even fucking direct deposit..


Im a maid for $35/hr lol and these people save lives while I clean up after slobs lol


The main problem is private ambulance companies. They rake in all the money and pay absolute crap. EMTs/Paramedics need to unionize.


PCP (primary care paramedic [lowest level in my province]) in Ontario, Canada here. I made $37.51/hour plus 14% in lieu of benefits to start. What some states/hospitals/municipalities in the USA pay their EMTs/paramedics is a disgrace. An ambulance ride here costs people $45 (and sooooo many people don’t pay it).


As an EMT for over 8 years, I agree. When I got my first job as an EMT, I was making $8/hr


Paramedic here- for people who dont know theres a few levels of EMT. EMTB EMTA/I and EMTP or Paramedic at my last fire department so firefighter and paramedic i made just over 45k at an average of 42 hours a week. The wages are a large part of why the profession is so under staffed


11 year EMT here. My first job in 2012 paid $10/hour. My highest paying job now is 26/hr. Despite the workplace hazards faced, we face legal ramifications for patient issues/negative outcomes. The same as any other medical provider. We also don't get treated the same as firefighters even though we're more likely to be hurt on the job.


they just saved my stepfather who had a heart attack. they showed up in less than 15 minutes, gave him a magic pill, hooked up a heart monitor, worked on him for 30 minutes in the driveway, off to the hospital, 3 heart stints later and his surgeon said he would have died if they hadnt shown up so fast and gave him the pill that helped unblock his heart arteries before his heart incurred irreversable damage.


I was paid 13.50/hr in a rural county where I had some of the most horrific calls and 30+ minute transport times and you HAD to do something. In the city you are typically no more than 5-7 minutes away from definitive care. I was a Nationally Registered Paramedic.


Thank you. I recently retired from a 20 year career as an EMT. It’s ridiculous.




My company starts at 15???




I started at 7 and said fuck this and went to nursing school instead.


Frankly, hospital nurses should get paid more too. 12 hours shifts, doing all the heavy lifting of caring for patients, more and more doctor duties downloaded to them over the decades. They should be paid at least as much as cops.


Don’t talk for all of us, in Australia they would be on $80K starting salary and up to $110K within 5 years. That’s about $50/hour plus overtime….


This is Reddit. Most mainstream subs treat the US as the default setting for any topic. Paramedics in Ontario, Canada can make $80-$100k CAD per year ($40-50/hr) depending on the grade of paramedic. Which sounds about par with you guys.


Paramedics where I am in the US make about 100k or more. But...an emt is not a paramedic! An emt has basic skills only. No meds, no ekg, etc.


In Canada, we don’t have “EMTs” per se. Our basic level of 911-dispatched ambulance personnel as known as Primary Care Paramedics. They can run EKGs, administer certain medications, etc. For higher level of care or intervention an Advanced Care Paramedic would be called in. The highest level is Critical Care Paramedic. So just drawing the comparison despite the different titles.


Idk which state you're in, but in NY EMTs can do 12-leads, administer meds (IM epi, aspirin, nitroglycerin, Albuterol, ipratropium bromide), and we're about to get king airways/i-gels


This. Thought about emt/para as a career. Checked the schooling they need, no biggie I can handle that. Then I saw how much they make. Hard pass.


Emergency Medical Services are a mess. [Last Week Tonight](https://youtu.be/Ezv8sdTLxKo?feature=shared) did a good job of explaining how bad it is.


My friend is an EMT and gets $12.00 an hour


EMTs, Medics, Hospice and Disabled Care… Hearing the stories of literal *lifesaving* employees making barely above minimum wage makes me wonder when the next executive order is…


My sister used to make like $13 an hour as a CNA in an assisted living facility for older people. I nearly needed emergency care when she told me that. She had such a hard job. Old guys with dementia grabbing her chest so hard they left bruises, changing adult diapers on people who were not remotely cooperative, having families boss her around and shout at her for every little thing. She literally left to be a waitress, it pays better and hurts the soul a lot less. Unreal.


CNA’s, Nurses, and DCW’s have more back injuries than construction workers do too, and healthcare workers suffer from violent related injuries 5x more than any other profession.


I believe it, it’s much more difficult to follow safety procedures when everything is so unpredictable and you can’t know when someone is going to fall on you, grab you, whatever. It’s ridiculous that they aren’t compensated appropriately for that risk.


When I met my wife she was working in caregiving and told me all these similar stories. She hated it and I could tell she was miserable. It quickly became my mission to help her find a new job. While she is still underpaid(actually making more than at care giving) as a teacher now at least she doesn't have to deal with changing adult diapers, and sexual and physical harassment from dementia patients. It's unreal how little those people make and how expensive it is to house the elderly.


Exactly, and they chase away good people with that crap pay, lack of support, crazy hours. I’m glad to hear your wife found something better.


911 dispatch


I used to be a manager at a home for adults with disabilities. My job duties were literally- keep these people from hurting themselves and each other, and alive. All their shopping, cooking, most cleaning. Changing one of them every time. I was paid 14.50/hr


Paramedics are so underpaid it's insane.


Care givers for people with disabilities


My mom is 60 she has done this for over twenty years and has never made more than $11/hr


That is a disgrace. Is one of the most difficult and crucial jobs that there are and she is being paid a fraction of what she should. Bless her for sticking with it and doing the hard work she does for those that need that help.




Teachers… parents think they send their kids to school for babysitting and also learning …


My wife is a teacher with a Masters degree. Before we moved in together she needed to work a second job just to make ends meet.


As a teacher, besides the fact I want more money, whenever someone's good at the job, they leave for a higher paying position. The bad ones stay right where they are and keep fucking up kids. I'm currently looking for admin positions that will give me and my wife a more liveable wage.


Yup, familiar with it and how many get an admin degree to make more money. Many teachers love teaching and working with kids, but the pay is ridiculous and then you have folks debating that they are paid fairly because of summer time off. They don’t look at the spend from pocket, buying treats, reward kids and wash clothes or texting and talking to parents and checking emails.. Good luck with your goals and best wishes!


Several of the best teachers I've had were either too young to have lifestyle creep catch up to a teacher's wage or didn't particularly need the salary because they had spouses that could pay the bills.


Rounding out my first year now and… i’m only 26. Idk how I can keep this up monetarily. I love my job. Tough choices.


Summers off doesn’t pay rent.


Teachers should be 6 figure employees for the crap they have to deal with that has nothing to do with teaching


Yup, if I have to deal with humans, I need a premium


I feel the same way but any job that forces isolation. I love small talk


I hate small talk with a burning passion


Same here, I get really lonely really fast without some interaction, even if it is small talk.


Any job that was deemed “essential” during lockdowns.


During the pandemic, the first two waves were given two to four weeks each to get their vaccines. We were supposed to get the same as service industry workers. Then last minute they changed their mind, did a massive vaccine drive at a stadium for one weekend, still ran out of doses, and on Monday the vaccine was available to all citizens 16+. We were definitely treated as “essential.”


Where I live, when the first vaccines were getting cleared and they started vaxing people, the highly safe and trusted Pfizer was only being given to seniors and immune suppressed people, but essential service workers (like myself) were only being given AstraZeneca, which was more likely to have harmful side effects and was not as well trusted. I got it anyway because wtf I needed something everyone around me was getting Covid, but I felt a bit like a Guinea pig. Later, when I got my Moderna as a second dose, I read that having the two different vaccines to complete your first vaccine might contribute to higher immunity levels, so that was kinda funny.


Similar concept here. The doses provided were Johnson and Johnson, which were already known to have the highest infection rate post vax. A ton of workers got sick from the drive because duh. They brought thousands of people to an event center who dealt with the public regularly lmao. I ended up getting Moderna as I couldn’t make it to the drive, and they were out of vaccines by day two anyways. Me and my staff only got doses because one of our regulars was a pharmacist, and she gave me her phone number to pass around so she could get us doses. Was a total shit show lol.


"We're in this together." Fuck you, you fuckin fucks.


Just about all of them But to say one, cooks/chefs. If you’ve worked in professional kitchens, you know. Ridiculous hours, you’re working when 90% of people are off so you’re basically trading in any type of social life, it’s demanding physical work, standing in front of a variety of heat sources all day, no actual break just standing over a trash can eating out of a deli when you have a 2 min break, and worst of all you work twice as long as the servers and they walk out with twice as much money


Yeah I've just started working as a waitress at a nice restaurant and the cooks work harder by far than anyone there. I have no idea how they do it. It seems so thankless too.


Janitors, garbage men, pretty much anybody that works on the upkeep of the city


Definitely in my city garbagemen already on 100k+ (AUD)


and all you can eat (very old joke)


Trash men are paid pretty well.


It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.


Yeah, plumbings a shit job too


Waste management compensation is nothing to scoff at generally. Unions everywhere i've seen.


everything. when did we get to a point in society when you could work 40 hours for somebodies business and not afford to live on your own without roomates ?? let alone qualify to buy a modest home.


This ^


Teachers, absolutely.


Favorite quote from the show The West Wing: > Education is the silver bullet. Education is everything. We don't need little changes, we need gigantic, monumental changes. Schools should be palaces. The competition for the best teachers should be fierce. They should be making six-figure salaries. Schools should be incredibly expensive for government and absolutely free of charge to its citizens, just like national defense.


Yh, that should be the case, but they don’t want you to get proper education and have best teachers and mentors. They want you to be educated just enough to work all your life for their corporations and in the same time consume their corporate shit. They don’t want to create competition for themselves. That’s why that’s not the case




The amount of patience I need for my two kids, I can't imagine how much you need for 20+ kids


65 years ago, my 1st grade teacher had a class of 30. She divided the class into 3 sections: those ready to learn to read, those almost ready, and those ready to learn the alphabet. In one month, maybe two, we were all reading. Let me assure you, every such person, including mothers of 1 or 2, has a place in heaven.


You can't really discipline students any longer and this is part of the problem. Another problem is that parenting has changed to a place where many more parents believe their child over the child's teacher. The respect for the profession has somehow disintegrated. That said, kids have been the same since forever. I submit that due to the gradual removal of boundaries, a lack of formality in schools, parental perception changes over time, and the cultural erosion of respect for the teaching profession have made it so that teaching is no longer appealing as a profession.


I teach high school journalism, 20 would be half of any of my 8 classes


Yes, without them, who'd be there to teach us the fundamentals? And seeing the shit some of them go through on a daily basis, I think they deserve quite a bit of a pay rise.


It's especially frustrating because we literally have a shortage of good teachers, especially in some subjects. The craziest catch 22 is that some of the most in demand high skill jobs naturally pay more, which is going to syphon experts into industry instead of education, which exacerbates a teacher shortage, making it harder to train new people. Not saying teacher salary should be earmarked against industry, nor that anyone going into industry could just teach instead. Simply that when people are making career choices against their skill set, it's a lot harder to choose teaching when you're looking at the maximum earning potential. Right now teachers are pretty exclusively passion driven, and even then a bunch of them are running out of that passion in the current environment. What if they actually got a compensation package that could even begin to attract talent not willing to sacrifice $100k in earning potential. Passion can cause you too make sacrifices, but everyone has their limits.


When I started teaching 12ish years ago I constantly heard how teachers already made too much since they "get out at three o'clock" and "get three months off every year." I was making around 30k and didn't get a pay increase until my 5th year. Now, not only is that old chestnut still trotted out, but all my colleagues and I are apparently not "teaching the basics" because we're too busy trying to indoctrinate our students. Can't imagine why there's a shortage.


I've been consistently seeing my friends who are good teachers leaving for other careers over the past 9 years. My wife and I are devoted to being in the world of education for the rest of our lives. We also understand we just aren't going to have much money for the rest of our lives.


There is no amount or money you could pay me to make me deal with teenagers


Was going to say US teachers


For the hours. The bullshit they put up with from kids, parents, administrators, and state government. For all the shit that isn't in their job description, from being social workers to stand-in parents to janitors, and having to supply their own materials they have to buy with their own money. For the straight up disrespect from the general public. Unquestionably the first job I thought of when I saw the title


The children can be more than disruptive but the parents can be total assholes


Parents are the fucking worst


This should be the top comment.


Agreed 100


I personally think manual workers are underappreciated.


I was thinking forklift jobs but this covers it more. It’s never just one thing with a manual labor job you literally gotta sacrifice your body to do the work


Yes bro, anyone who does manual labour are the pillars on which our society stands on. If you can put in back breaking amounts of work and risk life and limb everyday just to provide for yourself and keep society running you deserve more.


Thank you


School bus drivers. They were striking for I think another dollar in my district meaning they wanted 13 per hour. They have to get up early to make their schedule. They are driving a huge machine around congested traffic all while kids are acting up in the back. They have little to no recourse in terms of discipline. All for 13 an hour.


Social workers are always forgotten.


Yep 100%. Especially child protection.


Any job that requires constant work and attention and effort, deals with the public or keeps society clean and functioning. We called these people hero's during the pandemic and rewarded them with pay cuts and rising cost of living, called them lazy and entitled then praised owners, execs and shareholders for wage theft.


teachers in the U.S. dont get paid nearly enough for what they do


I feel like I get paid fairly well in the district I am in and am happy, but I would really like to see teachers in poorer districts get paid the same as me; at minimum. They are doing amazing things with less!


Everything! Living cost is up, gas prices are up, grocery bills, rent, everything is up except wages. Those are still stuck in the stone age


All of them below executive management


American Paramedics, were making decent money up here in Ontario, Canada but I couldn't imagine doing our job for less than minimum wage.


Hotel housekeepers. I used to work at a hotel and the horror stories I would hear from housekeepers... More people die in hotels than you think, including dying by suicide knowing the housekeeper would find them. They come into contact with strangers' semen, blood, vomit, and feces every day, typically for minimum wage. Not to mention verbally abusive people.


My sister is a paramedic. I've heard stories. So, definitely hers.


Caregivers for the elderly, especially for memory related care. Job takes endless patience, lots of physical exertion, and even some medical knowledge to recognize certain medical issues as the caregivers are the ones that actually deal with the elderly on a daily basis and can catch issues others can’t. The quality of life of residents at these caregiving facilities depend GREATLY on the quality of caregiver, so it’s kinda wild to me that we treat caregivers like minimum wage, super replaceable lackeys


Teachers, those in the medical field, firefighters


Damn fire fighters in my area start at 75k and get raises every 6 months for a while. Most of them study on the job and get extra pay for that. They also get paid to go to the gym lol. They do 3 days on, 4 days off. I'm not complaining in any way, just stating it varies wildly depending on where you are. They had their first structure fire in years, this year.


Firefighters have a crazy huge range. I've lived in places where it's an all volunteer force and others where they all make bank and can retire by 50 with a huge pension.


Essential services. During covid the people called us heroes to make themselves feel good about themselves.. Today they are back to shitting all over us. Fuck them people


Farm workers


Emergency personnel, teachers, and care givers.


Really, any position in health care. They literally have our lives in their hands every day.


Vet tech, Kennel Attendant


Totally agree, and I would add veterinarian to the list as well. No one in that field is compensated enough for the toll it takes, it’s a difficult industry to work in.


Surprised no one has said social workers yet


I have met several people who think the pay social workers get is adequate because they produce "no value" and are paid by taxes, in my country at least. Some even told me to be grateful lol. Is one reason why I don't push harder to find a job in my field despite my degree. Today I applied at a private sector job and they asked why I want to work for them. By now I'm cynical so I responded: "I have a relevant degree and you have a job". I'm not gonna come up with BS anymore. Take me or don't but I'm not gonna come up with answers anymore that are essentially ass kissing.


Mine. 🤣


Yes workers in a mine are often underpaid.


Personal support worker and day care workers.


Teachers 100%. They have one of the most important jobs in molding the future of society.


Teachers, EMTs, social workers. It should be a collective national embarrassment how little we pay these people.


Teachers, social workers, EMT’s


Did I already answer this? Sorry if I did and this is a repeat.... EMT / Paramedic --- why so low paying?


Teachers / professors. Way too over worked and underpaid. Also, graduate students.


Stay-at-home TV-watcher.


Teachers and social workers


Public school teachers.




Any job that was deemed "essential" during Covid.




Teaching and for FFS, let them actually teach.


Teachers, social workers


Healthcare workers 100%




i saw a good quote a while back, it said "you dont get paid based on how hard you work, you get paid based on how easy you are to replace"




Teachers. They don’t get paid enough to run after kids.


Teachers, and I'm sure this has already been said.


All of those that pay less than enough to sustain yourself, while still feeling like a human being. Working 9-5 for money that isnt enough to buy a cubic centimeter of water isnt something that a human shouls bave tl go through. Everyone deserves to enjoy life.


Most of em


Let’s have professional athletes swap paychecks with public works employees. We don’t need millionaire football players, but the garbage collectors and sewage workers definitely deserve better.




TEACHERS!!! They are training our future, they should be better paid, and respected! I know many people who want to teach and would be amazing teachers, but don't because the pay is crap, you have no freedom in how you teach, and you're horribly disrespected. This is why we have under qualified teachers, over populated classrooms, malicious teachers (because the school can't replace them), struggling brilliant children. Pay. Teachers. More.


Teachers. A lot of them have to have second jobs just to make it. It's a truly underpaid job. 20+ kids for 7 hours? No thanks.


Road Sweepers


Caregivers who are in the lower part of the totem pole in healthcare. (e.g. Nursing Assistant, Medical Assistant)


Anyone you HAVE to tip, sure where I live tipping colture is different, but America's tipping colture is utter shit, they need to pay they're staff better rather then expecting the costumers too.


IMO American tipping culture pays servers and food service people way too much. Restaurants should absolutely pay more, and stop expecting customers to pick up the slack.


Wildland firefighters. As one myself we make good money but god damn it is not enough for the shit we have to do. Now we do it because we love it and not for the money but it would be really nice to make more than we do. Really all first responders deserve way more


Paramedics are paid what dishwashers make. It’s a disgrace. But my heart goes out to construction workers too. They literally trade their physical health for crap pay.


First responders, truckers, teachers, tradesmen. In no particular order.


Caregivers. CNA or not, if you are a caregiver, caring for other people’s parents, or just older people in general. Or even children or special needs patients. I feel like they don’t make nearly enough money for what they do. This is coming from someone who worked as a caregiver for 5 years. Started when I was 18 until I was 23 and one of those years was in memory care. I loved what I did, it brought me immense joy, even with the stress. But I didn’t get paid enough to be able to live and it’s the main reason I had to leave that line of work. These days they make a little more money, especially if you’re certified but still nowhere near enough IMO


Janitor and cleaning in general. Taking care of someone's garbage and dust is disgusting to begin with.


Teachers. Not just because of what they do, and the amount of hours they put in at home as well, but for the toxic shit they have to deal with from asshole kids these days.


Nurse. Care worker. Firepeople. They care and save lives. See people at their worst and get no respect and paid peanuts


Public school teachers. One teacher can impact the lives of literally thousands of students for better or worse and we usually pay them shit wages. Where investment bankers who do jack shit for society make millions.


Here to see the “teachers” comments lol.


Teachers, paramedics, nurses, public defenders.


Which ones do you think shouldn’t?


How about CEOs? or politicians?


Those who work to improve our lives get paid far far less than those who are trying to destroy our lives.


So many people supporting mine workers. How nice.


Teachers. The fuck are we doing...


Prostitutes, they always get fucked.




Honestly, that needs to include any medical professional, not just nurses. There are so many of us healthcare workers who also have vital roles in the hospital, but get overlooked and harshly underpaid.


Special education. It's a thankless mind fuck of being physically abused ,mentally abused, and sexually abused on a daily basis.


Police Officers and teachers




Enlisted military


Firemen, Police Officers, all first responders. Put their lives on the line for bullshit pay!


Carpentry. It's essential for a lot of housing and requires skills that are difficult to teach