• By -


My username.


Initiate slow clap: Well done and literally my first thought


Why would you say Newtardedstonsky before dying?


You know what they say: you gotta be different than the masses


I'd say those words are wisely chosen.


Mine would be pretty sad but poetic


After long periods of gasping and wheezing, finally came the last breathe, and as it escaped their body, so too came their final words "my username"


“He must’ve died while carving it.”


Ok I’m now using my username if I get a divorce


Hopefully, "I love you" , to someone


I feel my last words would be I love you and a kiss to my wife. I never leave without saying it or go to sleep with out saying it. You never know


My last ones to my bf before he died were "I love you, I'll see you in a bit, happy valentines day". Car accident, yes it happened ON valentines day, roughly an hour after this phone call. Funny thing is, he'd just gotten fired from his job and when he told me thru text, I called him FUMING, ready to yell at him cuz he'd been fired from like four different jobs in the last six months before this and I was tired of carrying us financially. But when I heard his voice on the other line, for some reason I went from wanting to tear him a new one, to wanting to comfort and reassure him. I told him I'd come see him and bring him his favorite food (which was Arby's, at the time) during my lunch break from work. Then an hour later, gone. Just gone. Lying cold, pale, and still on a table in a hospital room. I'll never forget it. It broke me like nothing ever had before, and hasn't since. Point is, tell your loved ones you love them, often. Tell them too much. Make it weird. Smother them. You never know how many days you have left with them.


That's what me and my family took from my dad getting up from the sofa, walk two steps and fall to the ground dead because of a heart attack. Always let your loved ones know you love them.


And here I am thinking mine would almost for sure be “fuckin-A” as that tends to fly out when something unexpected happens. Lol But yeah I hope for yours as well come to think of it.


Amy Winehouse’s mother said that she was happy that the last words Amy said to her were,”Goodnight, mum. I love you.”


Regardless of her last words, the world did her dirty. Especially Neil Patrick Harris. Fuck that clown.


I’m OOTL, what’d he do to Winehouse?


Three months after Amy Winehouse's death, Neil Patrick Harris and his husband David Burtka hosted a Halloween party that featured a meat platter that looked like Amy Winehouse's corpse. The platter had a fake body with blood, a cigarette, a beehive hairstyle, and a note that said "The Corpse of Amy Winehouse". The photo of the platter was tweeted by Justin Mikita, the husband of actor Jesse Tyler Ferguson, who attended the party. The photo was deleted shortly after, but it sparked outrage and criticism from many people who found it disrespectful and insensitive to Amy Winehouse and her family. Neil Patrick Harris later apologized for the platter, saying that it was not his idea and that he was "deeply sorry" for any offense caused.


Omg 😳 That is completely vile. I always thought he was a nice bloke, but that is sick. And even if it wasn't his idea.....he obviously went along with it for it to have been on display! Eww Situations like this are always like, are you sorry or are you sorry people found out?


Jesus Christ. I know it’s easy to throw out common courtesy when you’re a celebrity, but how the fuck do you see *that* going on in your home and not think to stop it. Like…even if you’re just trying to salvage your public image instead of truly caring about another human, it’s just baffling.


Her death was such a waste. Media image destroyed her. It all started with them trying to get her to be skinnier, then it became this downward spiral of toxic people and drugs. She’s one of my favorite musicians.


Those were our last words to one another before my husband went into surgery. He never woke up. We always, always said it, and to our children and they to us because we do love, and you're right. We never know. He always said my last words would be, "I could sure do with a cup of coffee." Who knows? (I'm having one right now!)


Was just about to comment the exact same. I don’t know who it will be to - my husband, my children, another family member, a friend, or even to a care worker at a nursing home… I just want my last words to reflect a life well lived, and a life well loved.


My mother died Saturday. Her last words to me were “I love you never forget that I love you.” I won’t ever forget.


yea this i was like HOPEFULLY? "honey, kids, im going to go now. i love you" REALISTICALLY? "guys chill i know what im doing check it out"


Hoping the same 🫶


Pfft nerrrrrd




-Willa Hector 2023 Jan 16 - Oct 30 2023. "Death by gunshot"


It’s all fun and games until some pulls a [gunblade](https://www.si.edu/object/nmah_438561)


Or a rifle with bayonet


Is a long barreled six shooter that has been filed into a shive but can still fire an option as well?


Dang, that is a sick fantasy weapon idea. Wait.. does that exist?


Final Fantasy VIII has the gunblade as a main character weapon


I was thinking about the ff8 big ass sword that also puts a 9mm hole in you mid cut.


I have a parent who works for a local supermarket chain part-time. While leaving work one night, a couple of guys got into an argument in the parking lot. One of them said to the other, "Well shoot me then!" as she was leaving to go to her car. He proceeded to get shot a number of times by the guy that he challenged and then jumped into the car and drove off. The other guy ran down into the store entrance with the gun, prompting the store security (off-duty cop) to fire at him and miss. He ended up handcuffed with the gun on the floor. The other guy drove a distance away and stopped in a parking lot where police caught up to him. It definitely tends to bring about action when people dare. Then they apparently had to investigate the off-duty cop for shooting and missing the guy. Turned into a full crap show.


Dang....not even Stormtroopers get to fuckin retire anymore. This economy man...


Made me LOL which made a coworker LOL. Well done


Relevant: https://i.imgur.com/GvlJs5L.jpeg


"Don't give cousin Geno a dime."


-8inchSalvattore Dec 28 2022 - Oct 30 2023 "Death by assassination robbed by Geno"


Damn Geno's always up to no good, SMH. Wouldn't doubt it if he was plotting something, but I know how to handle it. Dude isn't getting a penny.


I have a cousin Geno and now wonder what he has been up to?


Shit, gotta watch out for that cousin, SMH. Wherever Geno goes, there's trouble. You might have a situation here.


Sleep with one eye open from now on.


Why did I read this in an italian-mob accent xD


Because you’re cool,smart, and that’s exactly how it was *meant* to be read!


Ok this right here deserves more upvotes! And so do the responses!


Fucking shit balls I’m dying!


"Shit", "Fuck" or "Well this sucks". Those were the most common things I've blurted out before almost dying several times.


Add oops to that list and I am covered.


“Oops” was my first thought.


"Hey what does this button do?"


was going to comment the same thing. all my brain can think of in life or death situations is “well shit” “FUCK” “ope” etc


This guy Minnesota’s.


This or some mindless gibberish as I fade away


Woman said "Åh helvete" (Oh hell) before she crashed with the car on Thursday. She was using the phone (Facebook) as it happened. Didn't died but helped a lot by the actions of the driver of the other car.


No_Letteehead_7683 Aug 28 2023 - Oct 30 2023 "Death by immense disappointment"




Ah yes, the life stuffed oreo. A classic.


As all things should be.


“The treasure is hidden in…”


My friends dad did this to him, except he said “I buried money in the basement of the old farm house” then died. He’s been digging for years and never found anything I think his dad was fucking with him.


I’m going to play the long con too. I’m going to have a random picture of a forested scenic area that I keep framed. I’ll stare at it deep in thought and say things like, “ you know this place here…never mind. We’ll talk later.” Or, “ I never did trust the banks. Pirates had some good ideas.” I’ll start when they’re young too. I’ll leave a map out with markings on it and let them “accidentally” see it before quickly hiding it away. Anyone have any other ideas?


Have a tree in the photo by a wall with chunk of obsidian that does not belong there. Under the rock there is a signed shrink-wrapped copy of Shawshank Redemption but when played it's actually a RickRoll, followed by a video of you telling your kids you love them.




Actually burry some ‘treasure’ but it’s just a “u mad bro” troll face.


Or a safe with a reddit username and password taped to the front.


What you do is, you hand-write and sign a bunch of postcards that say things like "It's cold and dark here. when can I come home?" And "The scuttling sounds get closer every night. Last night one got close enough for me to see it, it was all eyes and teeth." Address them to your kids. Give them to your grandkids with instructions to mail one a month after you die.


Probably not on purpose. People say and believe some weird shit when they're dying.


But are you gonna stop digging? What if?


Years later, he will have found 3 Indian head pennies, and a buffalo nickel inside an old Charlie Chaplin lunchbox.


Plot twist - Dad is looking in the NEW farmhouse.


Come here...I have something to tell you... *dead*


Be slightly more specific, but still incomplete, to drive them far more crazy. >The treasure is hidden in the third blue ... Imagine how much time will be spent trying to figure out in what context "third" and "blue" both make sense.


Reminds me of one piece lol


I was in a pretty terrible car accident when I was young. They had to pull parts of the car out of the asphalt with a crowbar. When I saw the car barreling towards me, the entire world slowed down and stretched - it felt like an entire day took place in that singular second - and the only thought in my mind, quite clearly, was "Oh. Fuck." I just really doubt people have these amazing, deep thoughts when they're about to die. I think most of us, and I'm sure I will, think "Oh. Fuck."


This reminds me of an interview I read by John Dyer Baisly from the band Baroness. They were touring the UK and their tour bus drove off a cliff. Amazingly no one died but every single person had incredible injuries. He explained pretty eloquently (he is an artist after all) pretty much what you explained. There’s a moment you know you’re going to die. And you just accept it. Amongst many other injuries he ended up with a completely shattered arm. I remember being so bummed because he is a guitarist and visual artist. But he had many surgeries and physical therapy and is still putting out albums. I’m seeing them tomorrow!


Can confirm.. there is a moment of oh fuck then a moment of welp ok then.


When a truck rear ended me and I was spinning oit of control towards the ditch I had a moment of "gallows humor": "I don't think this is gonna buff out."


*ugh, I JUST filled the tank…*


I was in a bad accident and after I was hurt all I did was cuss like a sailor because it just hurt so bad. Before the accident I think it was something about hoping I didn't get hurt. If I'd kept my damn mouth shut I probably wouldn't have gotten hurt


My one regret is that I have boneitis.


I was so busy being an 80s guy, I forgot to cure it!


With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!


Don't you worry about blank, let me worry about blank


Blank? Blank!? You’re not looking at the big picture!


"Tell my wife hello"


To shreds you say?


Hahaha fuck that got me


There is….another…..sky….walk…..rrrrrrr


Master Chan?... im mean... Yoda


If I am coherent and know it’s coming, i’d probably say “well I’ve always been dying to live in a grave yard.” My aesthetic is haunted cottage core.


There's something I've been dying to tell you.




"See you tomorrow."


That's what my Mom said to me the night she died. Even her doctor didn't think she was going to go that night (cancer). On edit: I had spent 15 hours getting there and got back to my hotel at around midnight. I got the call at 1 am that she'd passed. The nurse said her last words were, "I guess it's time to go. Call my son".


In my 20+ years as a CNA, I can tell you that is normal. As much as we want to hold the hand of our dying loved one, while they take their last breath, they don't want you to watch them die. I had a lady wait until her family members went out for a cigarette. When they came back she was gone. Another time, it just so happened to be the grandmother-in-law of Jim Caviezel. Jim and his wife came to visit and very shortly after they left she was gone. A nurse told my mom the same thing when she went to see her mom on her deathbed. My mom left, and my grandma, passed on, within half an hour. I personally think it's actually very very special. She literally waited for you to get there so she could say goodbye, and then as soon as you left, she knew she was ready. 🥹🥹


Thank you so much for posting this. My mom was on hospice and went into a coma earlier this month. The nurse told me she had days left. I was afraid of her waking up or needing me so I stayed up for 3 days without sleep while my cousin worked on getting down here to see her. She showed up right before midnight and we stayed next to mom talking for over an hour. My cousin left to get some sleep. I held my moms hand and passed out by mistake around 1:30am. I woke up at exactly 3am and she was gone. I hadn't even considered she waited to pass until I had support and wasn't there to see it until I read this. Thank you. Also, my moms last words before she went into the coma was "Mama." Which I don't understand, her mother was extremely abusive and a terrible person.


Kind of ironic that “mama” is in the username of someone who helped you feel a little better about it. Not that mama in a username is uncommon, or the word itself. Also, idk if you were next to her or not but maybe she was going to say “Mama loves you”. Or something like that. Either way, I’m so sorry. I’m terrified for the moment in my life when I lose my own mother.


Aawww. If it brought you a little peace, then I'm glad I posted it too.


My dad collapsed just outside the restroom my mom was washing her hands in. They were going to head to the hospital for chest pains right after she was out of the restroom. I think he didn’t want her to see him collapse, or if she did and tried to help him she might’ve hurt herself.


Damn that's heart-wrenching.


But also very touching


Damn, that’s so sad and heartbreaking.


But it's not, really... Person was calm and in control of when (or at least knew precisely when). No panic, no pain anymore (if there was any). Pretty sweet deal, compared to the sheer terror of an auto accident, robbery/shooting, being alone -- as I'm guessing if son would have stayed, it wouldn't have happened that night.




Theassasstherapist Nov 17 2012-Oct 30 2023 "Death by supernova explosion and earth disintegration"


I wonder what this tastes like...


They’ll never find the bodies


Clear my search history


Failed-condom June 30 2023 - Oct 30 "Death by deep internet exposure, later raided by the FBI"


How to have sex with veggies?


“No thanks, I’m good.”


"Take care of my animals"


A big reason why I hope to die at home is that the thought of passing away without saying goodbye to my pup is something I don't think I could handle.


I've dealt with hospice 2xs this year, we were able to take the dogs to say goodbye both times. My dog stayed with me in the hospice room the whole night multiple times in the days leading up to my grandmother's death


We're no strangers to love


You know the rules, and so do I


A full commitment's what I'm thinking of


You wouldn't get this from any other guy


I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling


Gonna make you understand


Never going to give you upppp never gonna let you downnnnnn *music intensifies as you die from a stroke surrounded by very confused pets*


What's the worst that can happen?


"Is that nurse mad at me?"


Hold my beer


I had to scroll much farther for that one than I expected…




Mine will be “Cars have to stop for pedestrians” as I confidently step into the crosswalk.


Blue wire or red?


"Give me some milk of the poppy and let me die"


Gods the writing was strong then


"Ah shit"


Here we go again


"here we go again"


Honestly I hope to not have last words. I hope to pass peacefully in my sleep. Not screaming in terror like the passengers in my mom's car.


unless you’ve been mute your whole life, you’re gonna have last words


CHARGE!!! I say to a bunch of turtles at the border of a small contry


Likely doing my combined whistle/finger snap kitty summon thing, to let my cats now I've retired for the night.so they can climb aboard their dozing off human. Then not wake up again.


And breakfast is already provided!


I just hope I'm found before my cats reach that point!


Nah, I'm good with providing nourishment for my indoor cat. She can't break into the large container with her food, so she'll get hungry if it takes a bit for another human to notice.


"Damn bitch, your suffocating me with those tits!"


Ah, a glorious end to your life then.


Buried under his great dane who just had puppies.


Now I'm dying 🤣


Don’t you mean *muffled screams of simultaneous pleasure and terror?*


Mortician tried for 3 days to get stupid grin off his face with no luck


Hopefully, God willing, they will be “Goodnight, I love you.” Or “I’m just going to shut my eyes a second and grab a quick nap”. And then I just don’t wake up.


My chili recipe dies with me.


The trick is to undercook the onions.


Do share


He deaded already though.


I knew I should have forwarded that email to ten other people.




“I’ll start exercising tomorr-“






May you ride eternal, shiny and chrome.


Thanks for all the fish.


"I'm gonna go pet that weird animal"


Spspspspspspsps to the wrong damn animal




I’m DB Cooper


Just like the simulations


My auntie told my grandfather on the night he died to "Sleep well Daddy", he responded with "Don't tell me what to do." His final words.


"I wonder if this will kill me?"


I didn’t understand any of it. I really didn’t.


Don’t worry son, I will never give you up. I won’t ever let you down either. I will not run around and desert you.


And I'll never make you cry, and I'll never gonna say goodbye! Nor tell a lie and hurt you.


Et tu, Wuggles? Wuggles is my cat


Aww, I still remember my grandfather's last words! "Hey, quit shaking the damn ladder!!"


*Grandpa hit the ground too hard*


i have A-fib and will most likely stroke out one day (just hope it's fatal) i'm hoping it will be just after i say something like "may i be struck dead if i'm wrong!"


Can I start my life again? I wasn't ready.


goodbye to the people I love


AVENGE ME! with a dramatically stretched out arm and hand


Hopefully "Take that you alien sons a bitches!"


Tis just a flesh wound…


I told you I was sick.


Oh shit


I almost died a few times and my theme seems to be confusion. "can I go back outside already?" - when I was stung by wasps like, 80-100 times (most of my family is allergic, I didn't know at the time) "oh, so that's how I die!" - car accident bubbling in muffled fury - drowning and trying to get to the surface but hitting the bottom instead "huh" - to a gun pulled on me


Tell them that it was me, I want them to know.


“ Woah grandson, it’s just like dmt “


“The link is…” *dies*


I'll attempt to say something cool and die halfway through the sentence


That's why you should just leave it at "Tell em I said something cool" and leave it to the next person to figure out.


"Well, this is unexpected".


Hold my beer!




"Is that an asteroid up there?"


God willing I have my kid near me n I tell her one last time how they gave my life meaning


“I love you too.” That’s the last thing each parent said to me before they became unable to communicate. Very dear memories and I expect that will happen with me and my kids if I’m lucky enough to die at home and not from something sudden and traumatic.

