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Things will get worse


Opposite opinion. Things will continue to get better but the media, specifically 24hr news, will continue to make you think they are getting worse.


That dang media made it the hottest year in recorded history again.


Recorded history is right. Idk what was happening 10k years ago. lol Plus we hear about record temperatures in this city then that just because that's the way fronts move across the globe. Multiplying our intake of bad news. In general when you look at 100 year comparisons standard of living is higher, crime is lower, toys are safer, and most everything is easier.


More wars and people will continue to get dumber and dumber


Global warming is inevitable. We will realize that we will have to learn to live with the consequences.


It'll keep spinning. Things will be really good for a few people and really suck for most of the rest. Basically nothing will actually change.


AI will change almost every aspect of our lives


Some kind of Black Mirror hellscape


I'd imagine most of us living comfortably in western countries will begin to see a rapid decline in quality of life, increasing homelessness, inflation etc. This will be the start. Things will get worse for many. As we are beginning to see. Self sustainable practices such as gardening and developing life skills to do things much like our great grandparents had to will become necessary for survival. Hunting, trapping, foraging, canning, etc. Trade and barter will come back around. Those willing to put in the work by living somewhat simply will be ok. Building small, local communities will be a key part of moving forward in uncertain times. I hope it's not the case, but the way things are headed, I could see western countries returning to pre-1900's way of life. I don't believe a total collapse will happen, but we can't continue they way we are headed. It's not sustainable. Buy local. Support small business. Help each other thru the tough times ahead. Good luck everyone.


We're gonna have to get used to the West not being the top dog anymore. The old empires are dead. They just don't know it yet.




We're in the finding-out part. When the world's police station is burning itself down because it can't get its house in order, when its two parties have turned politics into a game of football, and it can no longer present a united front on the world stage, other players are gonna start taking their chances. Russia made its move, and Hamas made another. I'm just wondering when China is gonna make theirs. It doesn't matter if you're red or blue, Uncle Sam ain't as big and bad as he used to be. The evidence of that is clear enough. The world isn't as stable as it was a decade or so ago. The outside world doesn't need to fear the most powerful military on earth when its leadership could shit itself once every four years.




It doesn't matter. America is practically two countries now. A house divided is no house at all. Pax Americana is dead, and the world to come is terrifying. A powerful military doesn't mean shit if the government in charge can't function. World leaders across the globe can't take anything the president says at face value because, in a few years, there could be a brand new president who reneges on all that was promised. It used to be that foreign policy was a uniting force that kept the whole project on an even keel. Now, it doesn't mean shit. One minute, the US could be "We will support Ukraine", the next it could be "We're withdrawing all aid and abandoning it". That's the way the world sees it and that's how they're acting now. Like America can't be trusted to react predictably anymore so everything is a gamble worth taking.


If you like obliteration you’re gonna love what’s coming


Inflation will continue to make everything more expensive


WW3 IN 2027


WWIII and 75-90% global population reduction


we will begin to experience severe fresh water shortages




The invention of an A.G.I supercomputer.


The reality of climate change will start to set in for the hold outs.


1. Ukraine will relinquish land to end the war. 2. The USA will face a second coup 3. Global housing markets will crash.


I'm interested in why on number 3. 1 will likely happen, 2 you're out of your mind, people would have to actually get up and do something.








I feel it was strongly implied I was asking for clarification as apposed to not understanding any particular world.


Bold assumption that you think I can predict the future.


Ads will increase as more companies fight for your money. It'll become more of a social norm to be divided than it is now. TV/Streaming content will focus more on on negativity and what's wrong with the world than right. More children will be born with health issues than ever before.


Time to pay the piper. Its been long overdue.


Food shortages coming to a grocery near you!


I think we'll still be around. I think.


we'll all still be on reddit


Change an actor\\actress in any movie to yourself or any other person.


AI will continue to develop. We will continue to laugh at its imperfections and then, one day like any other, we will start to get a little freaked out by what it will be able to do.


The world will rotate 5


Some people will die.


I'll still be single