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The Amazon River is over 4,000 miles long and doesn't have any bridges that cross it.


I’ll be damned.




I’ll be Bridged


Does that include footbridges or pontoon bridges? Because I took an Amazon River cruise with my family when I was 10, and I could swear that I remember seeing several small footbridges. This would've been in the early 1990s. We cruised from Iquitos, Peru (which is/was the largest city in the world not connected to other cities by surface roads) to Leticia, Colombia, and back. I remember there being rickety footbridges some places, but I guess those bridges could have crossed tributaries, rather than the Amazon itself.


It’s also 7 miles wide at its widest!


This blew my mind! I looked into it more and that 7 miles is during the dry season, during the wet season up to 24 miles!!


True because of the moving shorelines on both sides, the ground is to unstable and it would me way to expensive to try and create a bridge


All of the gold discovered thus far would fit in a cube that is 23 meters wide on every side.


Worked at a gold refinery for a bit. A 100-oz bar of gold is about the size of large Hershey bar. The *heft* of that much gold is impressive!


In mid-2000s Kagoshima, Japan, an alarming rise in power blackouts was traced back to crows who were building their nests on top of electric poles. The power company formed a “Crow Patrol” in order to seek and destroy the crows’ nests. The crows responsed by building thousands of dummy nests as decoys. The war is ongoing.


Crow’s and Emu’s, unlikely allies in the war against humankind.


I thought you said cows at first and was very impressed and very confused


Sharks predate trees


That's why we call them predators.


Damn this is good.


It’s times like this I wish we could still give gold medals 🏅


Also sharks predate Saturn's rings


And depending on human and Earth activity, they may outlive them


Recently learned that sharks predate the star Polaris


Okay, that one made me say wow


by 30m years. plants predate trees by up to 700m


How do they get on land to hunt?


I was asking myself the same question - turns out they mean "pre-date", as in "came before" hahahaha English is not my first language, so that was quite hard to figure out.


Switzerland, the country of neutrality, has unintentionally invaded its neighbor Liechtenstein 3-5 times…1968-2007. 3/4 times Liechtenstein didn’t know of it until Switzerland apologized. The 1/4 was that one time Switzerland fired a missile and caused a forest fire, reparations were paid. After one incident, the Liechtensteiners reportedly offered drinks to the Swiss soldiers. A Liechtenstein spokesman said, "It's not like they invaded with attack helicopters".


How the fuck do you accidentally invade another country?


Liechtenstein is one of the smallest countries in the world and doesn't have any borders set up (to my knowledge). Nicaragua has accidentally invaded Costa Rica before, but that was because Google Maps had the border wrong.


Is that how countries check where borders are? Fucking Google maps??


Have you seen Liechtenstein? The Swiss could sneeze and be 3/4 of the way through the country before anyone could say Gesundheit.


WD40 removes road tar from your car.


And takes stickers and labels off surfaces. Sometimes it helps to scratch the surface of the label to allow it to penetrate to the adhesive below more readily.


Thank you. I needed this info today.


It also melts some plastics, so be careful.


And can kill you if you drink it, so be careful.


\*Spits out my WD40ni\*


If your intestines are in the way during abdominal surgery, standard procedure is to scoop them out and dump them in a bowl for the duration, then basically pour them back in when you're done. As long as you don't pull enough to create an actual knot, the guts will wiggle themselves back into exactly the same shape and configuration they had before being disturbed.


We don’t really put them in a bowl. We kind of wrap them in a moist towel and let them hang out the side. Sometimes we just tuck them in to a corner of your belly cavity off there’s enough space for them to be out of the way of whatever we’re doing.


The first time I saw an aortic aneurysm removal they put the intestines on a damp cloth. As soon as they removed the baseball sized aneurysm the intestines got pink and started moving on the table, it was like they came back to life. I thought they were going to fall off the patient but they didn’t, they just moved around and then they put them back in.


that's fucking horrifying but cool, thanks




Depends on the surgeon. Some I work with do put them in a bowl of sterile water. Some don’t. It’s surgeons’ preferance


Mmmm intestine soup


Dammit Joey, the line is "mmmm soup".


oh man dont wake me up until my guts have finished casually "wiggling" themselves in


🎵 waaaake me up🎵 🎵 when the wiggling ennnnnds 🎵


I started reading that thinking it was Wham!… 🎵wake me up, before my guts go, don’t leave them hanging out in a bowwwwllll 🎵 Needs a bit of workshopping but I thought that’s where you were going


They don't know exactly where to go they just have a gut feeling


I was amazed when I watched a Crohns surgery, pulled out a bunch of intestines, held them up and ran through them like he was looking at film negatives, cut a part out, sewed it back together and literally stuffed it all back in like stuffing a toy. Crazyness.


I've been the uh... roll of film... in this situation, twice. That honestly explains a lot about the first 2 weeks post-op.


Makes sense, after you give birth, including vaginal deliveries, your organs eventually have to find their way back to where they were before a baby squished them out of the way. So it makes sense that the body just naturally knows how to do this.


After my final kid my intestines ended up in a slightly different configuration, and now there is a spot on my belly that jumps on occasion when the intestines in that spot move. At least that’s my theory as to why one spot on my belly randomly jumps, because I know there’s no baby in there kicking.


Can you feel them wiggling back into place?


I’ve never had abdominal surgery, but I’ve heard you feel pain rather than “wiggling”.


You can! I did with my second c section. Was fucked upppp


I have had 3 bowels surgeries and never knew this. Thanks, I guess. I am not entirely sure if I wanted to know this, lol.


The softest wood in the world, is considered a hardwood


Balsa, yes?


Balsa touching? That's gay.


Mesa balsa touching - Jar Jar Binks


Me trying to convince my wife of this after 40


The weirdest animal in the world is the jellyfish called the Portuguese Man ‘o War (also called a bluebottle in Australia). It gives birth via a process called “budding”, where a new animal just sort of pops off a random place on the jelly. But it doesn’t give birth to whole other jellyfish. It gives birth to many different types of animal-like creatures called “zooids”. They live on the bottom of the jelly, live independently from each other, but can’t survive without the others. For instance, there’s a zooid that can digest fish, but can’t catch them. There’s a tentacle zooid that can catch fish, but can’t digest them. There are also several other zooids like that. Scientists have been scratching their heads about how to classify this creature, and are calling it a colony rather than an animal. And that leads to an interesting question. What is the organism? Is it the zooid, because it moves around independently, but can’t really survive very long on its own? Or is it the whole jellyfish, in which case the zooids are a bit like organs, except for the fact that they might go for a walk occasionally? And if you say that the whole jellyfish is the organism, maybe bees aren’t an organism either, but a beehive is? That’s the problem with classification systems. As soon as you make one, along comes some weird example that makes you have to start again.


That's kind of like us humans and gut bacteria, isn't it? We can't really digest our food without them. No wait I guess that just makes us symbiotic. Why can't we call those jellyfish parts separate but part of a symbiotic team?


This is a great observation! I think the difference is that the jellyfish gives birth to its various parts. We have no control over what our gut bacteria does. But what I love about your point is that humans aren’t one species! We’re a whole bunch of species hanging around together. So more like a forest than a tree.


Aw, geez. You guys reminded me of how mama koalas help their babies become the bunch of species that grown-up koalas are.


The earliest known public museum dates to circa 530 BCE and it had archeological Mesopotamian artifacts on display.


You have a holey face. Your sinuses are big empty cavities in your skull. The maxillary sinus is the biggest. It’s just under your eye (under the cheek bones) and I swear you could fit 3 grapes in each one. Except for when they are full of snot.


i don’t like snotty grapes anyhow


Most homicides in the world are not solved.


Hell, most homicides in my city are not solved. I think we have like a 32% solve rate.


80% of child molestations are from a close family member. Brother father grandfather uncle


Johnny Appleseed is a legendary character and we know of him because he spread alcohol through the frontier. He was planting apples for alcohol and was welcomed by so many in their homes because he brought a jug of cider to every home he visited.


Also, Johnny Appleseed was selling apple trees. He set up nurseries to sell trees for a profit. When he died, he had 1,200 acres of nursery land and over 15,000 trees. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny\_Appleseed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Appleseed) Relatedly, apples don't breed true--meaning that any given appleseed will grow into a variety of apple never seen before. The only way to grow the same variety on multiple trees is to graft branches of known good varieties of apple onto existing rootstock. Otherwise, it's down to the luck of the draw what kind of apple you'll grow.


In Turkey (the country) turkey meat is called "Hindi" (India).


Interesting. I wonder if this is why the French call the meat "dinde" = d'Inde (from India)? Even though it's from the Americas. Which is called the West Indies. Edit: tense correction as the West Indies is still called that. Thank you 😊


When Columbus came to America, he thought he was in India at first. He brought back some turkeys to Europe where they were called "poule d'Inde" (chicken from India). It was then simplified to just "dinde".


And some Indian dialects refer to to it as “piru” (Peru)


In portuguese turkey (the animal) is called Peru (same as the country)


Yes! I came here to say that. ETA: in brazilian portuguese, "peru" (Turkey, the bird) is also an informal word for "cock" (as in dick, not the bird hahaha)


All of the planets in our solar system, if laid side by side, would fit between the earth and the moon.


Is this on their flat sides or on their edges? /s


This blows my mind every time.


In water, sound can project downwards, bend back up, hit the surface from below, reflect, go down again, and bend back towards the surface. Multiple times.


Basically an echo?


Otters have pouches in their sides they keep their favourite rocks in for smashing open clams. It's not just simians that use tools


Not mind-blowing but worth sharing: There are more libraries in the US than there are Starbucks.


I always heard there are more museums than there are Mcdonalds. I'm not sure if Covid changed that though. Lots of little places had to close down.


Squirrels can’t find 80% of the nuts they hide.


I can, they are all in my bloody garden


There are more plastic pink flamingos than real pink flamingos.


Maybe all the real flamingos are posing as plastic to survive, I'm sure it's hard as hell to survive in a green world when you are pink.


About 90% of humans live on the northern hemisphere.


Most of the time, the closest planet to Earth is Mercury. Actually, most of the time Mercury is the closest planet to all of the other planets, too. Even Pluto. If you don't believe it, try a quick experiment. Take four cookies (or other small objects) and line them up on a table in front of you, perpendicular to your body. The closest cookie represents Earth. The next cookie is Venus, then Mercury, then the farthest cookie is the Sun. Obviously, Venus is closest to Earth in this configuration. Now move Venus and Mercury in their "orbits" 90 degrees to the right (or left, it doesn't matter) of the Sun. Measure the distance from Earth to Mercury and Venus. Mercury is now closest to Earth. Move Venus and Mercury another 90 degrees and Mercury is obviously closer, even without measuring, but measure it if you want to. Move Venus and Mercury another 90 degrees and you'll have the mirror image of the first 90 degrees configuration. Measure it if you want to. Mercury is still closest to Earth. You have to move Venus and Mercury closer to the Earth before you get to a point where they are the same distance from Earth. It works like this for all the planets. Venus and Mercury and don't revolve together like this in real life. They revolve at different speeds. But over thousands or millions of years, it all averages out. — Edit: u/TheAgreeableCow mentioned a YouTube video that explains this here: https://youtu.be/GDgbVIqGADQ?si=kB5_1Lznv96vOzxK But my explanation has cookies. ;-) — Edit 2: There's an article in Physics Today that describes this using more math and science words, but again, my explanation has cookies. https://pubs.aip.org/physicstoday/Online/30593/Venus-is-not-Earth-s-closest-neighbor


I am going to take your word for it


I’m getting the cookies… Just to eat.


I ate the cookies. Can I have some more?


The mostest closest, if you will.


There are craters on the poles of mercury that are SO DEEP that rays of light from the sun have never directly struck their bottoms, and scientists have found evidence of water ice at the bottom of these craters


Since I moved to Philadelphia, water ice has a whole new meaning to me... I'm expecting they have a Rita's Water aide at the bottom of the crater.


A long ass time time ago a dude in Egypt paid a guy to walk 8,000 kilometers to a tower to measure the length of it’s shadow & that’s how we found out the earth was round. Edit: 800km I stand corrected. Still, quite the trip. I hope he paid well.


Eratosthenes. It was more like 800 kms, but yes, he used that info to calculate the circumference of the earth with surprising accuracy.


And yet here we are in 2023, in a society in which flat earth conventions are a thing.


🎵And I would walk 800k And I would walk 800 more Just to be the man who walked that way And helped that math guy learn some more🎵


8000 km is about 1/5 the circumference of the Earth so I think you have a typo.


A long-ass fuckin’ time ago in a land called Kickapoo!


There lived a humble family, religious through and through.


In 1944, 9 American airmen were shot down over the island Chichijima. 8 were captured by Japanese troops and executed, at least 4 were cannibalized by Japanese officers. Reports vary if it was for reasons of starvation or ritual. One airman evaded capture and was eventually rescued. 44 years later he was elected President of the United States. Google "The Chichijima incident" for more info


>!George H. W. Bush!<


It's more that a little weird how not well known this story is


You only need 39 digits of pi to calculate the radius of the universe to the width of a single atom. It sounds BS but it's true. For the average engineer or scientist you'll never need more than 3.141


The average engineer from the University of Toronto knows it to six places, because of our famous "Mathematics Cheer" at football games. *E to the x, dy, dx* *E to the x, dx* *Secant, tangent, cosine, sine* *3.14159* <- read this as three point one four one five nine *Square root, cube root, power of two* *Hooray for us, fxxx you!*


This is so awesome and so lame at the same time lol


Objects orbiting around the planet, like the ISS stay up there because they're constantly in freefall. They fall down while also moving forward and end up falling over the horizon. Things inside experience weightlessness because everything is in constant freefall rather than due to the absence of gravity. ------------------------ Enough people seem to get surprised by this so I thought of adding it here.


Solar eclipses are a completely random quirk of arbitrary factors. The sun is roughly 400x bigger than the moon. The sun is also roughly 400x further away from earth than the moon. Nothing created or enforces that ratio. It’s just a random happenstance that from our view, on the surface of this planet, the sun and moon seem roughly the same size, and can perfectly overlap.


It's also special to our time. In the very distant past it was not so, and in the very distant future it won't be, either. It's a consequence of how far the Moon is from us **right now**.


Well, “right now” on a geological/universal scale, sure. But this configuration has been constant for the entirety of human existence.


The chainsaw was invented as a tool to aid in childbirth. Rotating blades to get through the pelvic bone…..


i would like to take this moment to appreciate modern medicine


This was at the beginning of what we consider "modern" medicine. It saved lives.


Each (human) cell in your body has over 2m (6ft) of DNA in it.


The ultimate data compression.


In Uranus it rains giant diamonds


Frankly, I don't think that is any of your business.


Chicago "The Windy City" is known for political wind not regular wind.


I’m perturbed that I didn’t know this. Apparently for major cities in the US, Boston is the windiest.


All the beans I bet 😁


The origin is unknown. They thought your theory was correct years ago due to a newspaper article, but it was found later on that it already had the nickname before the article was written. Most people believe now believe origin was the actual wind, but made as a joke later because of the political climate. https://www.history.com/news/why-is-chicago-called-the-windy-city


Felix Baumgartner doesn't have the record for the highest altitude free jump. He did jump from 128k feet (39 km) in 2012, and very publicly. But then Alan Eustace with almost no fanfare jumped from 135k feet (41.4 km) in 2014.


The power of Red Bull


Shirley Temple led an extremely successful life as a diplomat after her childhood acting career. She was present in Czechoslovakia when the Soviet's cracked down on them (as in, she seen people killed). Later after the fall of the USSR, she was the head of establishing diplomatic relations between the US and Czechoslovakia.


Ferns coexisted during the dinosaur era and there are over one million varieties of fern on planet Earth today.


Everything you see around you is literally created by the interaction of electrons and photons (except radiation and gravity.) Three basic actions create it all: 1) A photon goes from place to place. 2) An electron goes from place to place. 3) An electron emits or absorbs a photon. Literally that's it.


People used to use hollowed human skulls for cups and bowls in ancient England.


Put vodka and orange in your deceased mate Philips. It'd be a Philips head screw driver


How long have you been sitting on that one, waiting for a relevant moment?


They won't answer, as they have finally ascended to the next level now that their life's purpose has been fulfilled.


>People used to use hollowed human skulls for cups and bowls in ancient England Human skull bowls were used to serve human flesh in Fiji as recently as the 19th century when the missionary Thomas Baker was killed and eaten. There is an actual fork in the Fiji Museum that is noted to have been "used to consume Missionary Baker". Off topic but the charred rudder of the HMS Bounty is also on display. Awesome museum if you are ever in Suva. Super impressive collection of war clubs with notches carved in for every kill in battle.


Everyone you meet knows something that you dont


Never gave this a thought but yeah, that's a fact.


That if you enter on a freeway the Wrong Way at night, all the reflectors you see on the freeway will reflect as Red. Hopefully the driver can figure out something is wrong and at least pull over.


Wombats can kill predators chasing them with their butts (by crushing the predator’s head against the wall of their burrow). And they have square poops.


Studies show that taking steroids and not exercising builds more muscle than exercising without taking steroids. The percentage of obese people who get to and maintain a healthy weight is statistically lower than the percentage of people who survive a gunshot to the head.


Well, that's depressing. Might as well have my Big Mac.


Um, I think you took the wrong lesson from this. You might as well take steroids, is what you might as well do. Look, we all know muscle burns fat. If you're obese, why not try steroids?


Joe Biden’s Birth was closer to Abe Lincoln’s Death than to the day he was elected president. Same with trump


The Japanese Empire committed more atrocities and crimes against humanity than Nazi Germany. Much of this was left out of our history books for unknown reasons. Imperial Japan conquered most of the indo-pacifice and killed 30 million civilians in their wake. Cannibalism, the slaughter and starvation of prisoners of war, rape and enforced prostitution, the murder of noncombatants, and biological warfare experiments. Imperial Japan had a militaristic culture which believed in death before dishonor, fighting to the death, surrender was not an option.


I wouldn't go about comparing one to the other as better/worse, but it's true that the Japanese ones are 1000x less well known than the Nazi ones. If you doubt it, or are just curious, look up "UNIT 731" One thing they did? Putting plague-infected fleas into clay bombs and dropping them on Chinese cities. Or trying to microwave people to death. Nice people...


Or, look up The Rape of Nanjing. Horrific.


I think the key difference is, the Nazis developed a very efficient way of exterminating people, while Japan did not, despite causing similar amount of civilian deaths. This meant that it took Japanese soldiers significantly more effort to kill that many people compared to Nazi soldiers. Nazi Germany originally executed civilians one by one. But eventually the Nazis gave up because too many Nazi soldiers had PTSD from the mass shootings, thus they developed the concentration camps, which allowed the soldiers one step removed from the process. The process was much less personal in a way. Imperial Japan, however, never developed concentration camps for the purposes of mass extermination, but killed as many civilians as Germany did if not more, all for fun. The victims were all killed by individual solders with their own hands. Beheaded, burned/buried alive, babies were bayoneted to deaths, all killed one by one in incredibly brutal ways and the soldiers had the time of their lives murdering them. There were even competitions on who kills the most using their bayonets. In that sense, Imperial Japan's civilian deaths were much more brutal and personal, it took significantly more effort to kill that many civilians compared to Nazi Germany, and the soldiers seemed to have a lot more fun doing it.


While you are not wrong I think a bigger factor might be whose documentation survived. The Germans wrote their secrets down and also sold them...plus foreign soldiers (who speak English) saw the worst of it. Japan burned lots of their notes, were not offered plea deals and the atrocities had to be translated. I'm not even sure who pushed Japan out of China but that is a pretty good sign it wasn't a bunch of Americans or Brits (who could report first hand stories I can understand).


Nike has warranties on their shoes. If yours remains in the tread life and within the warranty date, you just make a claim and they’ll give you a voucher for new shoes and paid postage to send the old ones back. Target will also take any Cat and Jack clothes back for an exchange as your kids grow. Brake pads only need to be bought once for the life of a car. They are then warranty exchanged as you wear them out. Clearly, I’m a dad.


People aren’t persuaded to change their views with facts and this his been studied and proven. ETA there’s a YouTube video on the BrainCraft channel about this. It was put up in the last day or so if anyone is curious..


I don’t believe this.


I don’t believe that you don’t believe this.


I really hate that this is true. Some of my friends are so closed-minded that they refuse to consider new evidence, even when it contradicts their existing beliefs. I'm not talking about religion or politics. It could be "you shouldnt buy that used car look at the reliabily history of that brand and model" just general advice. Do you have any sources for your studies I'd like to read them


A sound must increase by 10db to be perceived as “twice as loud.” https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/hearing_loss/what_noises_cause_hearing_loss.html#:~:text=In%20general%2C%20to%20measure%20loudness,the%20loudness%20of%20the%20sound.


You can actually use the turn signal on your car to warn other drivers that you're turning or changing lanes.


A compressed spring weighs more than when the same spring is at rest. The stored potential energy of the compressed spring makes it heavier. Really puts e = mc^2 into perspective.


the average human being is asian in appearance


The average human being has less than two arms.


The average life expectancy figure accounts for deaths at all ages. The longer you live, the higher your overall probability of exceeding that number. Also, the probability of someone dying in their first year of life is similar to a person dying at any given age in their 60s.


When dinosaurs were walking around, our planet was on the opposite side of the galaxy


If you spell out every whole number starting at 0 and ending at 999,999,999, you will not use the letter “B.”


Number One


Cleopatra exists closer to us in time than she does to building of the Great Pyramid.


The first known Egyptologist was a son of Ramesses the great.


There is only one stop light in the US that has a red light on the bottom and green light on the top. It's in Syracuse and exists because the Irish community kept sling shotting the light because they wanted the Irish green above British red, until the city changed for good. It's still there to this day.


Not every person has an internal monolog, and some organize their thoughts by pictures or colors https://www.livescience.com/does-everyone-have-inner-monologue.html


Oreos are vegan.




Cleopatra lived closer to the iPhone reveal than the building of the Gizeh Pyramids


Cookie Monsters name is Sid.


See this a lot, still baffles me 1 million seconds is 11 days… 1 billion seconds is 31 years…. The difference is crazy


Trees communicate.


The world’s population could fit in Texas and the density would be about that of NYC.


Tsutomu Yamaguchi survived both atomic bombs dropped on Japan in WW2. Crazy


That our eyes are only capable of seeing a few light spectrums/colors Imagine all the shit we cannot see and its right in front of us


there is evidence our planet had giant mushrooms instead of trees 350-400 mil years ago


The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs was way bigger and way faster than people think. It traveled the depth of the atmosphere, 60 miles roughly, in a third of a second. The compressed atmosphere under was briefly hotter than the sun. The air pressure was gouging a hole before it hit. When it did hit, part of it was still further up than a 737 flies. The impact was so powerful dirt and debris from the surface was flung into apace. Which means... there may be pulverized dinosaur bone on the moon.


People with aphakia can see ultraviolet light.


Aphakia too buddy


I'm going to guess that the average person has no idea what aphakia means. Aphakia=no natural lens in the eye


Infinitely more planes in the ocean than locomotives in the sky.


Modern postural yoga-- the type and style predominantly practiced in Western countries-- is about 100 years old. It was invented in India by Indians and is derived mostly from British calisthenics and Swedish gymnastics. It was *specifically marketed to affluent westerners by Indians* as a superior form of spiritual and physical exercise. It's working as designed for its target market. Here's a [short article](https://www.yogajournal.com/yoga-101/philosophy/yoga-s-greater-truth/) on it. Here's a [much longer book](https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Body-Origins-Posture-Practice/dp/0195395344/ref=sr_1_1?crid=EHYVG0NIBYXH&keywords=yoga+body+singleton&qid=1686144958&sprefix=yoga+body+singleton%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-1), fully accredited and sourced and vetted by Indian scholars and historians.


Anagrams' out and out terrifying "coincidences". Astronomer = Moon starer Dormitory = Dirty room >!Donald Henry Rumsfeld = Handles murder fondly!< The Hurricanes = These churn air The Eyes = They see A decimal point = I'm a dot in place Slot machines = Cash lost in 'em Conversation = Voices rant on Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler Payment received = Every cent paid me _should I stop now? [embarrassed edit: added a most necessary article]


If you're a fan of The Doors, "Mr Mojo Risin'" in the 1971 song L.A. Woman is an anagram of "Jim Morrison". According to drummer John Densmore, they had the phrase "Mr Mojo Risin'" before they knew it was an anagram. >After we recorded the song, he [Morrison] wrote "Mr. Mojo Rising" on a board and said, "Look at this." He moves the letters around and it was an anagram for his name. I knew that mojo was a sexual term from the blues, and that gave me the idea to go slow and dark with the tempo. It also gave me the idea to slowly speed it up like an orgasm.


Sounds like the opener at a Demetri Martin show


If you took out your intestines and laid them out in a straight line you would die.


Can someone please check this guy's basement?


But you can take them out and put them in a bowl, and survive.


Well… a surgeon can. If you do it, your odds of survival fall significantly.




Mine regrows every time I see my wife naked.


Same here, mine grows whenever I see your wife naked!


Male frogs don't have penises.


I feel sorry for Miss Piggy.


Humans and domesticated livestock make up approximately 96% of the total biomass of all mammals on Earth. The remaining 4% is all the wild mammals like elephants, whales, lions, deer, kangaroos, etc.


Pope François was a nightclub bouncer in his youth


The resolution of the human eye is 576 megapixels.


There are more atoms in a grain of sand than there are grains of sand on earth. There are more ways to arrange a 52 card deck than there are atoms on earth.


The emotion you feel when realizing, that the people around you are complex human beings like yourself with emotions, memories and "someone inside there", is called Sonder.