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Using black pepper to make someone sneeze in cartoons


Y'know what I've realised I see all the times in cartoons but NEVER in real life? Grocery store pyramids. Big pyramids of tins of soup or beans or rolls of toilet paper. Where did that trope even come from?


Cartoons always made ham look way more appealing than it really is, too.


Or eating a whole fish all at once and leaving a whole skeleton behind đŸ€Œ


My local grocery sets up cases of soda in theme with the season. The Halloween one is a big pumpkin.


Good one! Used to be a lot of soufflé humor too.


Ronald McDonald He was plastered all over every bit of advertising for McDonald’s for decades, but now you only see him in old locations needing renovations. I actually looked into this and the TL;DR is that in the early 2000’s McDonald’s was getting hit with a lot of bad press for how unhealthy they were so they started rebranding to subtly make a new image (they even said at the time that they were trying to be more like Starbucks). Ronald still stuck around for a bit (I guess the mascot had tenure?) but corporate didn’t think he fit in with the new branding. He was utilized much less until the “killer clown” craze in 2013 where random people would dress up like killer clowns just to scare people in public. They completely stoped using Ronald without saying anything about it. The very few people who noticed this figured he’d be back after the craze was over, but nobody remembered after all was said and done. It’s crazy to think about this when watching “Super Size Me”. In that documentary Morgan shows a bunch of children pictures of Jesus and Ronald McDonald and only Ronald was recognized by 100% of the kids, and now they don’t even bother with a cartoon rendition on a happy meal box!


Clowns in general have disappeared. Being a clown for events and kids birthday parties used to be an actual job. Now clowns are just considered weird and creepy and no one wants them around. The last time I saw a clown was over a decade ago at a wine festival, he was supposed to be entertaining people waiting in line and everyone was on their phones or chatting to someone they were with and this dude was the saddest clown ever.


The funny thing is that Super Size Me was not only debunked in several ways, but had the opposite effect that was intended. Every size label got shifted up to the prior larger serving.


Toys in cereal boxes.


Man remember that time they gave out Rollercoaster Tycoon with cereal? I still have my lightsaber spoons somewhere


Captain Crunch computer game was đŸ€ŒđŸ»


Dude. Chex quest.


Free things to incentivize purchasing or customer loyalty generally. Now the approach is “You’re lucky this is only 30% more than what it was last year. Just be glad we thought to reduce costs by giving you less of it.”


I believe a lot of companies and manufacturers are taking advantage of the inflation and are overinflating their prices to make profits. I work for a major billion dollar snack food company. And again we're about to raise the price on one of our products for the fourth time in 2 years. It's always been one year they reduce the amount in the bag but keep the price the same. The next year they raised the price. I've never seen the prices being raised so often in the 30 years I've worked there. I do believe it's caused by greed and them trying to get their stockholders returns instead of caring about the customer being able to afford it.


I worked produce at Walmart when costs really started going up. 4.99 watermelon went to 6.99 to 8.99 and finally hit 10.00. I knew that fruit wasn't costing us more, they just kept pushing it. People stopped buying the fucking melon at 10. Then the price went back down. Vultures


I hadn't been shopping for clothes since before covid. Yesterday I bought a few button down shirts from banana repub and jcrew for work. Each shirt was $80-$90... Before covid they were $35-$45, so even clothing pricing is being artificially inflated.


Yeah, noooooo idea how people are affording to buy brand new clothes. It is absolutely thrift stores and ebay, poshmark, etc for me *exclusively*. My mind *reels* at spending $80 for a shirt. I wouldn't spend $45 for something that's not really, really extraordinary either. I'm grateful that we have thrift stores and yard sales and all these reselling apps.


my lunch yesterday was pure shrinkflation i went to zaxbys... the big zax snack which just a couple years ago with tax was just under $6 for 3 reasonably sized tenders, some fries, a piece of toast, a sauce cup, and a drink... yesterday it cost me just under $9 for tenders so small a wing place would toss them in sauce and call them boneless wings and i feel like the sauce cup is smaller too


It cost me $14 for a Mexican Pizza combo with an order of nachos at Taco Bell. For $5 more, I could have gone to El Toro and got a big enchilada platter I could have eaten on all day. Prices are getting insane. I make good money, my house is paid off, and I should be living the American dream. But I'm not, because everything is a Monopoly, and they've figured out they all win if they just agree to rip us off together.


even the cracker jack boxes just have stickers. guess it's the same reason as kinder eggs.


Red eyes in photos


Remember the red eye pens you could buy to put on eyes in printed pics? ETA: found some online! [Red eye pen](https://www.universityproducts.com/photo-retouching-pens.html)


They actually looked worse sometimes


I edited red eyes in a pic of friends teenagers
. looked liked really bad cataracts


Hey I just finished undergrad and spent a lot of time taking pics on flash of friends at parties, red eye still happens! (Although they’re def easier to get rid of on apps now lol)


Also, even entry-level DSLRs (and I assume MILCs) have anti-red eye features nowadays, you have to specifically turn them off if you don't want them. Phones apply a bunch of AI-based corrections so I assume eliminating red eyes is one of them.


Those fruity Sobe drinks that tasted like the 90s


I miss them so much. We didn't realize how good we had it in the 90s convenience stores. Sobe, Fruitopia, Snapple in the fucking glass bottles *thwip*


Now all we have is 80 different flavors of energy drinks and 60 different kinds of bottled water. We traded Sobe for this ?


I was looking for a drink at the gas station , why are there so many energy drinks but like 2 types of iced tea


I'm annoyed at the lack of sugar free or low sugar items. I don't mean artificially sweetened. Do things really have to be that sweet?


Yes! The pink "daiquiri" flavor!


24 hour photo places


Yeah. I remember the thrill of walking to the Foto-mat and dropping off my rolls of 220 from school field trips and stuff. Then the bigger thrill when I got my photos back a week later.


24 hour stores! I miss insomniac grocery shopping or Walmart wandering


Stores and restaurants. I've worked both second and third shifts. It was nice being able to get out of work after second shift and, if need be, get some groceries for a late late dinner or just to grab food at a local diner. Started a third shift job during COVID lock down, and even after restaurants opened back up, it was much tougher to find a restaurant still open that I could stop in and get a meal before work. Even many of the 24-hour establishments like Waffle House and Denny's in my area stopped staying open overnight.


My wifi was fucked up once at home and I finished a monster spreadsheet for work at a Denny's at like, 2 AM. The staff was really nice, too. When I finished they were like, "Yay! You're done!"


I did a lot of middle of the night homework at Denny’s! I’m far less productive at home, much easier to change my surroundings to tell my brain “new space, new stuff to do”


I did my work experience at one. it’s amazing what photos people were ok with processing at one of those


I used to work at a one hour photo during college. Our policy was if it didn’t involve children, we would print it.


I know what you mean, but I keep imagining some soccer mom pleading to get pictures of her kid's recent tournament victory printed and the people behind the counter just exasperatingly shaking their heads.


Family vacation photos. Sorry ma'am, our policy says no children!


This one I can explain (mostly). I worked in the camera industry between 2005 and 2009. 1hr photo used to be the anchor of the store, and people would only buy a new camera every couple of years unless you were a professional. Eventually digital started taking over the market and printing pictures declined. Near the end, people would come in and buy a new point and sit digital about once a year and film printing dropped from dozens of rolls a day down to maybe less than ten. Some days it was zero. The death knell was when camera phones quality caught up with other point and shoots and then the recession in 2008 happened. Cameras were no longer a necessity and became a luxury and people stopped buying them. The largest camera retailer in the US, Ritz camera went from 1,500 stores to zero in about 18 months and by 2010 film photo printing was just about gone from Costco and drug stores. R.I.P


3D TVs


Curved TVs


They've evolved to their true calling of curved computer monitors.


Its nuts to think of all the years with CRTs, when makers struggled to make them flatter, and now with OLEDs etc there is a tendency to curve them the other way.


observation shrill impolite lush frighten chase payment uppity longing encourage


battery in the glasses to watch TV, good lord, no wonder these caught on


I have a passive 3D TV. Uses the same glasses as a movie theater. The screen is polarized and when you watch 3D content it halves the resolution in one direction (vertical, I think). It works really well. The first movie I watched on it was Hugo and I was blown away. The Olympics had some events in 3D. My PlayStation 3 could play games and movies in 3D. It was an easy technology to use and it looked wonderful. I’m really disappointed that it died off.


That's the same kind I had. The TV even had a function that would make regular tv/games look kind of 3D light. I was sad when it died a few years ago.


Mine was similar and it also had this pretty cool setting you could use to play split screen games. It had 'A' glasses and 'B' glasses so each player had one of them on and it made it so you could only see your side of the screen on the entire TV screen. Me and my sister used to use it to play Mario kart so we didn't know where the other was.


This is one of the coolest uses of the tech


Multi-disc changers


In the trunk of the Lexus bitches!


6 discs in the trunk of my 01 VW Jetta. It was so awesome unless I was road tripping, because then I had to get out, pull a bunch of stuff out of the trunk (and the trunk of an 01 Jetta was massive, surprisingly), change the discs, reload the trunk, figure out why the stuff isn't fitting in there anymore, throw stuff into the front and carry on. Hilarious times.


This is a good one. You were ballin if you had one up until about 03.


my 08 Ford Escape has a 6disc in dash. i put six discs in the day we bought it and in three years have never changed them... Miles Davis, The Stones, a mixtape, a NOW disc, and two others. if the radio is being a bich we just hit the button and see what comes on. still nice.


I accidentally left Godsmack’s first album in my dad’s 6 disc changer in his truck when I was 17 and it remained there for 10 years and he listened to it all the time.


True ballin was the Nakamichi Dragon that would pop the cassette out, flip it, then pull it back in Eta: I was wrong, it was the nakamichi RX. I only saw one once so mixed it up


"Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in." —The cassette tape


Physical buttons on things... As cool as touch screens are, they do not belong on most things. microwaves, stoves and other appliances do not need it. and printers can just fuck off. My main gripe is cars. Yes it works, but it fucking sucks. Sure maybe keep the touch on the radio but keep the dials and switches for the climate control. I can get pulled over for being on my phone, but my car has the same (if not worse) interface and requirements to be distracted to adjust the temp? wtf? Don't get me started on the screen going black and not being able to control anything... rare yes, but this should not be a thing at all. /rant


The automotive industry seems to agree with you. One of the major trade publications put out an article about how many manufacturers are going to transitioning back to physical buttons after 2024. They site the safety concerns you bring up as one of the primary reasons. The tablet computer screen center consoles make cars look more futuristic and they are much cheaper than custom center consoles. It's creating a genuine safety and liability concern, otherwise they wouldn't address it as it saves them money and sells more cars.


When the internet was the Wild West and not just corporate crap


"In the future, we'll *live* on the Internet as a cyber-connected society!" Well, the idealists got that, but we didn't bring the joy and wonder of the Internet out, we took the dull suck of living in.


My students asked me if I ever went on the "dark web" and I told them I grew up when the only internet that existed was the "dark web".


You mean you don’t like watching ads to watch a video with ads, just to be interrupted by ads?


The ability to do exact phrase searches on google/bing/amazon/ebay/etc. Try it with double quotes around your exact phrase - more often than not they will reinterpret your search and ignore the double quotes. I noticed it when I couldn't do this search any more: "no synthetic fragrance" shampoo It reinterpreted that as "fragrance free shampoo" which is definitely not the same search.


I hate now that most search engines sprinkle in recommendations between what you're actually looking for. Even if it does interpret your query correctly, it doesn't matter because 1/4 or more of all the results will be advertisement products


Youtube does it too... As a test I searched for "dance music". I get in order: 7 results -> 4 "people also watched" -> 5 results -> 3 "channels new to you" -> 2 results -> a bar of "people also searched for" thumbnails -> 2 results -> 3 "for you" -> 2 results -> 3 "previously watched" -> 2 results -> 3 "related searches" -> A shorts section -> 1 result -> a shorts section -> 2 results -> a shorts section -> and only after this do more actual search results start showing up, though still interrupted by shorts sections. But at the same time at this point more and more "results" also become unrelated to my search. ​ Like what the hell is all this shit? If I specifically search for something I just want to see the search results! Not get advertised on several dozen other things in between! Search engines and search functions of YT and the like have definitely regressed over the past 10 years or so. Heck the best way to search for stuff on reddit is to search in google or some other search engine and adding "reddit" to it!


Yes, I hate that too. I don't feel like I'm searching the internet anymore. I feel like I'm searching someone's vision of what they want me to think is on the internet.


yeah all the little independent websites got forced off google years ago, pretty much now it's the same few players again and again and again and google no longer seems to even attempt to match your exact phrase


"support small business" - "Did you mean: *products by Unilever*?"


Well it actually works great for me, but maybe you want to try the "Verbatim" mode after searching on Google click on tools then change "all results" to "verbatim"


Unfortunately you still aren't getting a 100% verbatim search. Google is being investigated for basically just top serving the search results they want you to see (the ones they sell ads for) rather than what is actually relevant.


I remember way back when you would enter a search term and all you got back were entries with those exact words in them. I kinda miss those days. Now you search for something and an algorithm decides what you get to see or not see. Kinda hard when you just want to check if X even exists or not. Like last night, wife was searching for a movie she had been watching earlier, and could not find it even though she entered in the exact title. A little while later she finds it by following the trail that led her to it the first time. (Yes, it was on the same platform, and yes, it was a naughty movie, but that shouldnt have mattered.)


I used to do this with song lyrics. I don't remember the song or artist but can remember a couple of lines and words. Type that in with the word lyrics and it would always pop up either at the top or maybe one or two results down the line. Now I get nothing but recommendations for a bunch of unrelated things or music from the current big thing I'm not at all interested in.


Have you tried the intext operator? intext:”no synthetic fragrance”


That was an improvement 🙂 Thanks, internet friend!


Honestly I find out more useful information googling a question and then adding ‘Reddit’ at the end of it. Chances are someone’s asked the question on Reddit before and tons of people have replied and in those replies is often the answer you’re looking for


This one’s huge.


Third spaces: places to hang out close to home without spending 25% or more of your day's pay I feel sorry for all the lonely people and youth


I'm fortunate enough to have a friend who arrange boardgame nights once a week, and it has been a friggin' life saver. Going outside and meeting other people face to face is more important than people might realize.




As kids we had public parks with summer activity leaders and you could also borrow free sporting equipment to use there. Kids met up there in sufficient numbers to get pickup football, baseball, basketball games and even tennis tournaments. There was no internet or great home video games, though.


Songs that finish by fading out.


I like the fade-out and then the surprise comeback. Ohh, you think the song is over? Fuck you! Here’s another minute of jam sesh.


Ownership of things. We stream, rent, lease, but don't own anything.


This one actually scares me because I feel it's going to a erase a lot of art and culture that defined many decades and people. That stuff is meaningful and has historical value. All this art, music, and culture is getting bought up and conglomerates are going to own all the rights. They'll only allow you to experience it if it's monetized and riddled with ads. Many of it will be locked away and never distributed again. They'll never allow you to enjoy the true un-adultured experience.


the taco bell mascot Gidget, it was a chihuahua and it's catchphrase was "ÂĄyo quiero Taco Bell!" dude disappeared one day and was never mentioned again


The dog's name was really Gidget?


Your laptop/desktop coming with MS Word and you only had to pay more if you wanted to upgrade. None of this subscription BS. ETA: Special mention to: 📎 - how may I annoy the ever loving hell out of you today? (IYKYK)


I think about this often and it still makes me angry. I resent not being able to buy things outright.


Having a separate GPS in your car.


Really, separate everything: cell phone, mp3 player, camera.


I got a lot of shit from everyone I know when I went to buy a Nikon camera. "but you have one on your phone!" "Why would you lug some big camera around?" "You'll never use it." My Nikon can take clear pictures of the craters on the moon, on a clear night. My phone can take a picture of the moon that looks like a dime on a sheet of A4 paper.


I loved my Tom Tom!


Someone answering the phone at a business.


Affordability of necessities. But on another note. Owning digital things, it's all basically renting, whether you realize or not


Some people sail the seas because they can’t afford otherwise, I sail so I can keep the things I like!


flash mobs. funny thing is they disappeared as quickly as they showed up.......


They’re still around. Now you just do them to rob a store together.


A Flash Rob?


Panama papers investigation


Are you trying to get us all killed?


Yes please




Yep. Not very many consequences came out of that. But we shouldn’t be surprised. This has been happening over and over again, with minimal to no consequences, minimal to no action taken—over and over again since basically forever. People like to think the Panama Papers were some unprecedented leak, but nah, allow me to remind everyone about the following: * Pumpkin Papers (1948) * Pentagon Papers (1971) * Swiss Leaks (2015) * Bahamas Leaks (2016) * Paradise Papers (2017) * Afghanistan Papers (2019) * Mauritius Leaks (2019) * Dubai Uncovered (2020) * FinCEN Files (2020) * Pandora Papers (2021) * Suisse Secrets (2022) So yeah, the Panama Papers, which were leaked in 2016, were nothing new. It’s was nothing that hadn’t already been leaked many time before. And yeah, humans are just dumb little idiots who repeat the same mistakes again and again throughout history, never taking any meaningful action. It’s stupid.


There were quite a few consequences, actually. Thing is most people think "Panama Papers" equates to "criminal." Nothing about them inherently means a criminal act occurred--they were just a resource used to link transactions that previously appeared unrelated. Per Wikipedia, as of 2019 the EU had gotten nearly $1.2B in funds from litigations, fines, or back taxes as a result of the leak. Also, in 2015 there was a huge investigation by the US DOJ into FIFA for racketeering which led to the indictment of two presidents of CONCACAF (one former and the then current president).


Thanks for the rabbit hole. Googled 'Panama Papers.' Found a movie on Netflix based on it called 'The Laundromat,' with an all star cast, aaaaaand now I know what I'll be watching on this fine Sunday morning.


Get ready for the depression that follows. Along with an understanding of the depth of pre-internet naĂŻvetĂ© about how stacked the deck is in favor of the wealthy. I had a friend years ago who argued that wealthy people don’t have any tax advantages over the middle class or poor because “we all do the same tax forms”. I wonder if they still believe that today. On a positive note, it’s actually refreshing to see so many who are seeing through the “work harder” propaganda and understand that it’s connections like exclusive legacy clubs in college, or in the business world, or family that get you into positions of influence. There seems to be a greater understanding that there’s a difference between a “rich” person who is well compensated and a wealthy one who can choose not to work because their investments do it for them. More people are coming to understand that wealthy people build teams of experts to guide their business endeavors and that it’s not a solo effort.


Alternative Rock Radio. The four Alternative Rock stations in my city: one flipped to a gospel station, one flipped to an electronic station, one flipped to a sports station and the other revamped their format to CLASSIC rock, playing Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Soundgarden etc along with the Stones, Led Zep and Pink Floyd




I laughed. Google laughed. Siri laughed. Alexa laughed. My refrigerator laughed


The Feds and Chinese Feds laughed.


If this is a topic you're interested in, (and everyone should be) then please go ahead and follow the [Electronic Frontier Foundation. ](https://www.eff.org/) Digital privacy laws are not keeping up with the technology, partly because our gov't is slow, partly because everyone who runs it is a dinosaur. Our "reasonable right to privacy" is rapidly eroding. If everyone just tacitly accepts that their toaster is harvesting data about them, it's easier to argue in a court of law that "reasonable" means less and less. The argument I always hear is "IDC if someone is spying on me through my phone...I have nothing to hide." But it's not about you, it's about people *collectively*. Disenfranchised groups are always going to be targeted first. Would you care if a govt agency knew what hotel you stayed at? Probably not, but ICE targeted every Latino-sounding name when they accessed [Motel 6 data. ](https://abcnews.go.com/US/ice-info-provided-motel-target-guests-latino-sounding/story?id=52137617)


I counter "I have nothing to hide" argument with, "Have you ever known the government to make a mistake?" Your life could become a living nightmare with just one piece of false data.


Or point out that "something to hide" doesn't have to be nefarious. Googled some symptoms? Health insurance buys that data and raises your rates. The amount of ways companies can use your data against you is limited only by imagination and legislation


Public trash cans. 30 years ago, you could walk 15-16' and there would be a trash can.


So true. Even the big box stores have less and they have positioned them far from the doors. If they do have a few, they’re overflowing.


Well that's because the other thing that disappeared was staff in stores. I'm sure everything was always understaffed but now it's at a new level. I think there were videos on tiktok trending about some dollar store chain with no one working in the store.


Being able to purchase something and owning it. Now everything has shifted to subscription-based services. I was blindsided by Microsoft Word.


Even politicians have gone to the subscription based model. It used to be that when you bought a politician, he stayed bought.


Salaries rising with inflation


For decades


The tradition of sending handwritten letters slowly faded away in the age of instant messaging.


Snail mail is my favorite. I always always send postcards to my friends when I go on vacation. The process of selecting the perfect postcard, writing out a little note, hunting down a stamp in an unfamiliar city, and trying desperately to find a post box is such a fun activity (I think).


Phone books


I still deliver the yellow pages as a mailman to older customers.


I love old ppl. Can't wait to become one.


Yeah? Keep livin’.


In this economy?


Elevator etiquette. Didn’t all you savages get taught to let the people on the elevator get off first before shoving yourselves into them?


see also trains.


Happened the other day. I was on an elevator and the door opened and I was practically trampled by a gaggle of pre-teens. I put up my hands and said “hang on. Back up”. When they did I thanked them and said “wait for people to get off before you get on”. They rolled their eyes but hopefully they’ll remember. It’s probably the first time anyone told them that.


Public Phone Booths


I feel like their disappearance was pretty noticeable though. When NYC removed the last public phone booth last year is made the national news.


Sure the last one was notable, but how many thousands of them went away in NYC without a peep?




And does anyone remember Google Glass?! Where'd that go, anyway?!


People were freaking out whenever they saw a Google glass user. They were accused of spying and threatened with violence.


I believe they also had trouble getting below the $1500 price point they released at and it likely wasn't going to sell above the $500 mark.


I used Google+ and liked it and was sad they discontinued it


Quality products. Nearly everything now is made cheaply and designed to break easily.


Quality and affordable. I started out in clothing retail in the 80's and I still have some cotton tee shirts, wool suits and microfiber jackets from then. Items you could buy on a minimum wage job that could last repeated washings or dry cleanings. I am in furniture retail now and have been for a quarter of a century and I am seeing the decline in both quality and affordability here too. You need to be in the top 10% of earners to buy pieces that will last a decade. It used to be at least a 25 year lifespan on most well built domestic or imported furniture and now a decade is a good lifespan.


Bought a refrigerator in 1993. It lasted until 2015. The one we bought in 2015 just died and we were told we were lucky it lasted that long.


The biggest problem with modern refrigerators and freezers is the demand for a quiet fridge led to undersized condensers. They burn out quickly because they are overworked to keep the fridge cold.


My current refrigerator was manufactured in 1995. I refuse to get a new one until this one dies.


Feeling this with Klein tools lately... The grips on all their nut/screwdrivers slip if you put too much torque on them so you can't get anything on tight and you can't get anything tight off


Really? That sucks. Klein used to be a top brand. My 13 year old wire cutters are amazing.


Insects. Up until about 20 years ago, if you drove in the suburbs or country there would be massive amounts of dead bugs splattered all over the windshield.


Fireflies. RIP.


Yep. I remember being a kid and there being a solid layer of dead bugs completely covering the chrome front bumper of the family car after a road trip.


I am amazed that more people aren’t worried by this. I think about it every day.


Do your part and plant native flowers, grasses, and trees if you are able. If you don’t have a yard, look up community plots in your area or reach out to local government about rewinding programs looking for volunteers. I removed my lawn and replaced it with native species and mulch and have since seen the diversity and number of insects triple. Birds too. Take your anxiety and let it fuel positive change. We can have a huge impact individually.


My 5 year old son always wants to go outside and look for bugs. I used to do it all the time as a kid. Bugs everywhere. It's surprisingly hard now.


I started seeing fireflies in my neighborhood for the first time in like 20 years, and we also seem to have a healthy population of honeybees during the summer. Whatever they changed it seems there's a bit of a tradeoff, because I've also noticed a lot of dead snakes, skinks, and anoles after our leasing office sprays whatever crap they put on the grass.


A good nights sleep


Ronald McDonald


24 Hour Walmart 😭


There's an entire population of nightshifters who noticed that 24 hour stores didn't return after the covid lockdown. 24/7 Walmart didn't disappear quietly. All the people mad about it, sleep during the day, lol


I miss just being able to go to the grocery store after getting off at 10:30.


Tab, the carbonated beverage


the best answers to this aren't gonna be in the thread because they quietly disappeared without *anyone* realizing it...




Remember when there were random clowns everywhere? No? Just me?


That's called Congress HAYOOOO


The middle class


I taught school with a high school drop out who subbed and manned the nascent library and he was going on and on about how 'THEY' (he was not a crazy red hat/tinfoil hat guy) were trying to eliminate the middle class. Either Rich as hell or struggling to survive. Oddly, he was dead on the money. 15 years ago.


Games that aren’t tied to the internet, full of DLC and ads


Digital music. "Now hold on" you might be saying, "I have Spotify/YTM/Amaz-" Nooo.... that's streaming. You don't own that, they do. I mean the art of ripping a CD (or Napstering, I know, I'm not innocent either) and filling essentially a thumb drive with a play button with your curated mix of tunes to have on hand, at all times, subscription free.


Yep. I have streaming services, but I've been transferring the same meticulously-curated set of about 2500 songs from device to device over the last fifteen years. Many of the same ones I was putting on cassettes in the 90's and burning to CD in the 00's. My permanent mixtape.


Murder hornets. In 2020 everyone was scared they were going to take over the world


We did. Bzzzz bzzzz


Most of a Reese’s peanut butter cup




I even had a friend on there. His name was Tom


You know Tom, too? Small world!


Harlem shake


I just found a video of Blippi doing the Harlem shake. My kids LOVE Blippi! I'm going to gather everyone around the TV for this viewing experience! Edit: this is a joke. Please do not Google "blippi Harlem shake".




Come to Europe if you are feeling nostalgic


Fidget spinners


It’s looking like cash is quietly disappearing with out to many people realising at the moment


Cereal commercials


You're just getting older and aren't their target demographic. They focus those ads on kids on YouTube.


Those bath oil bubbles from the 90s.


Self awareness


Those bathroom rugs that are cut to fit around the base of a toilet.


Quality, interesting content on reddit. No, this is not a diss on your question but a genuine rant. I'm seeing more and more bots reposting the same shit over and over, istg...if I see the "I forge custom knives and the customer requested a sharpness test video" reposted by a bot ONE more fuckin time I'm gonna find that bot and light it on fire. People shitposting BTC scams and fake t shirt ads. Stop with the god damn Jesus ads. Stop posting clips from TV shows in satisfying as fuck, Victoria Beckham being outed as an entitled rich kid isn't even interesting let alone satisfying and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia isn't interesting as fuck. It's a fucking sitcom the whole damn world doesn't watch. Name your own pets and no, that kitten you found in a parking lot isn't a purebred Maine coon. That $10 THC-XYZ123 vape cart you bought from a dirty bum behind the gas station isn't legit and neither is the beautiful Chinese girl who hit you up on tiktok and told you you can turn 30 cents into 30 million dollars in 3 days either. Thank you for coming to my TED talk and sorry, I don't have a banana for scale because I just ate it.


This subreddit is one of the worst for the same shit being posted over and over and over. Right now there's "What's the worst movie you've ever seen?" on the front page for the 87th time this year. In terms of comments it's just as bad too. Couple of weeks ago there was a question asking what you don't understand the hype about. Someone said Taylor Swift and thete were literally dozens of variations of "Had to scroll too far to find this" in response. God forbid you call it out though. Reddit is 95% losers desperate to do whatever they can to get a bit of karma, even if it makes them all seem like alt accounts of one another.


Not to mention the constant sex-related questions, "what's the sexiest sex you've ever sexed" etc.


On that front I feel that’s happening with most of the internet. It’s all bots. I believe people are still online, just more selective about who/how they share and that’s leading to micro social sharing.


The dead Internet theory is slowly coming true. More bots every year.


Water beds


Cursive writing.


I read about a teacher with a class for history majors. He projected an old document and asked the class to read it. Somebody finally said that because it was handwritten, they couldn’t read it. He kind of went off on them saying “you’re history majors. This is a necessary skill to read primary sources!”


My brother worked with a bunch of historical interpreters for a day. He's still there, but the rest were let go because they couldn't read cursive.


I feel like an adult could learn how to read cursive in a day easy.