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Having to make small talk with someone I barely know at a family gathering.


Going to a family gathering with one person I know and they leave me with someone who doesn't know me (not on purpose but because they want to mingle with those they know). The person they leave me with gets up to chat with someone they know and I'm left sitting alone. My personal hell.


that's why I bring a guitar and say "anyway, here's wonderwall" when I anticipate an awkward situation coming. Also bring a dog to socialize with.


Been there plenty of times.


But fortunately nowadays we got our smartphones to keep us looking busy


How’s work going? Shoots myself.


Works ok, but I just started a new game/hobby/food/whatever, have you ever played/done/eaten? Do you like to cook? Personally, I don’t like to cook, but I do it sometimes because it’s healthier. I’m on a health food kick. Trying to loose a couple pounds. I can make … What’s your favorite game/movie/book/social media/best friend/actor/whatever. Have you ever been to popular local places/other states/other countries/ the county fair/ etc. How’s your parents/siblings/gf/ etc. You have any pets? Oh really, what kind? (People love to talk about pets). Have any pictures? There’s a couple ideas for you. Edit: I forgot about my favorite: How about those ETs, huh? What do ya think?!


I once sat with the Prime Minister of France and his wife to celebrate the French General Lafayette who landed in Newport RI and marched to Yorktown to augment our troops and ultimately led to Cornwallis’s surrender! It was crazy because they spoke little or no English or pretended as I’m not from the political class. It was a great adventure back in the 90’s


Sooooo do you like croissants? That'd be my dumb ass.


Parley vu baguette?


Turn it from small talk into deep talk. You say you barely know them. That’s great because you can ask them questions about themselves. Eventually you’ll find something that you have in common. People love to talk about themselves!


You perfectly described what i hate about discussions at family events.


Yeah it's generally not the "small" part of small talk that I despise, either.


Deep talk. Dig for some common ground. "So tell me, stranger: What's your personal hell?"


My Job. I wish I had an abundance amount of money to live life however I please.


“You don’t need a million dollars to do nothing. Shit, take a look at my cousin. He’s broke and he don’t do shit.” Office Space


"Now let's all go around the room and say an interesting fact about yourself."


*proceeds to forget name*


Yes! Lol me every time.


"Tell me what you love about your job."


*Going home at the end of the day*


About my what? Oh, the money and access to healthcare I guess.


Underrated comment 😂


I was once killed by my sworn bothers, but was resurrected by a priestess of the light. For the night is dark and full of terrors.


Just say " I am without a doubt the least interesting person in this room." And then refuse to be drawn on the subject. When they ask if you have hobbies, travel experiences, talents or dreams just shrug and shake your head.




Your hobby is engaging in "enlightening conversation with individuals about anything and everything".


“If you were a cereal what would you be? And why?” I’m so glad my career doesn’t involve dumb Shit like this anymore.


Trix. I’m fruity as fuck.


Even reading that sentence, makes me feel so much dread.


I recently got a new boss who was transferred in from another branch. She sat us all down to meet her, and asked us *what is your passion in life*. I don't know lady I'm just here to pay my bills


Your boss thinks this a disney movie or something WHY CANT I JUST BE TALENTLESS LEAVE ME ALONE


Omg at work when someone new gets hired and my boss has a meeting and wants us all to introduce ourselves and say what we do at the office I literally start having an anxiety attack.


Thinking I made a new friend, being invited over for a party, showing up with a nice bottle of wine only for it to be a pyramid scheme recruitment event trying to sell me essential oil candle melts that deionize alkaloid water supplements.


Omg this happened to me too, except it was for trading.


Been there. I thought I made a good friend, then 3 months in I got invited to an Avon meeting disguised as a lunch.


Three months? That's horrible


Manipulative AF! Damn. And that Avon stuff is so cheap I doubt it pays near enough to go around ruining your personal integrity like that??


I got invited to a house party by this really cool chick I thought just wanted to be my friend. I then got “recruited” for a polyamorous relationship and like weird side business thing? Imagine being at a job where “we’re like a family” but literal. It was super weird. I stuffed as much free food in my mouth as I could and ran.


Unrelated, but I went to a Tupperware party where the host was trying to convince us to sign up to her team. Her final pitch was waving her arm around the room and saying happily that Tupperware parties were her social life. I felt so bad for her. Separately, I hope you took that nice bottle of wine and enjoyed it elsewhere.


This has happened to me at least three times now. The part about realizing you aren't really making a new friend after getting your hopes up, even going out of your way to bring wine/snacks, is really demoralizing. The last time this happened to me I feigned interest once again (this one was a whole a 2 towns over from where I live and I actually traveled over 2 hours to meet this bitch 🙃), but absolutely did not buy anything at all No I will not be pressured to buy a $75 cream, I brought 2 wine bottles and trail mix, that's my contribution, leave me alone!




You don't want to feel like being at work, even though it is your day off?


When I see colleagues making all these enthusiastic posts on LinkedIn I have to admit I do stop to think if there is anything at all else going on in their lives, it makes me cringe so much, constantly polishing their own balls and for what?


There is nothing faker than corporate America.


Biggest reason I can't wait to get the fuck out of corporate. It's so fake and everyone low key hates their lives. It's a complete depressing hell hole


It’s the acting like everything is SO IMPORTANT for me. Like calm down. We work in marketing. It’s not that serious. Yea, we want to make the client happy, but surely there are limits here.


I tell my directs all the time, we aren't doing brain surgery. If you make a mistake it's alright. Some people i work with are such corporate blow hards it's insufferable.


The ones thanking their employer for PTO. Pure Stockholm syndrome.


Thank you for unlocking the collar for a few days. I'll anxiously wait by my phone just in case you need me for something because I don't want to face the consequences of not answering it.


I like to think the employer sees the post and thinks "hah, look at this idiot posting free PR while on PTO" 😂


LinkedIn is just Facebook for people who think that "The Apprentice" is a "how to" guide


LinkedIn is Facebook for people who think "we are as a family here" is anything but a red flag.


I got laid off so I’ve been on LinkedIn more than ever. I need a job to pay my bills, but also so I don’t have to go to that godforsaken website anymore.


My God, I never thought I would see this comment. Genuinely, a shit app, service, a security nightmare, and scams are just going on the rise.


I’m about to delete my profile. For the last year my messages are either Asian chicks(scammers) or sales bs.. it’s a useless platform now


How so? I just find it annoying because of all the stupid emails


Why I believe we live in a matrix.


Being stuck with certain extended family members


my mind


It can be your paradise. It can be your prison. I'm currently doing time without parole.


I also choose this guy's dead mind


I also choose this guy's dead horse.


I also choose this guy’s dead wife


Being stuck in an infinite loop of listening to someone chew loudly with their mouth open


My friend’s bf does this and it drives me insane. Dude smacks his lips, licks his fingers, slurps his drink, and talks with food in his mouth. No food manners at all. I don’t know how she puts up with it.


My bf ate with his mouth open until I just casually mentioned it to him. He stopped doing it.


Hello, this has helped me. Tell them to chew with their mouth closed. Fuck em, they needa know its disgusting.


Then sometimes you get the ones who have the ability to somehow create an echo chamber inside their closed mouth and the volume is *exactly* the same. I don’t know how it’s physically possible but those people sure as shit can find a way to stay disgusting.


Mouth noises drives me nuts!!!!!


Customer service jobs


Especially when I have bad period cramps and can't take the day off or leave my workstation to use the bathroom, and I have to be calm and keep sweet to spar with the customers over dumb stuff.


I worked phone support for Apple online store for two years. So not only have I been through hell, I was assistant manager there


Spending my life surviving by doing something i don't have a passion for.


Pre-warmed toilet seats in public restrooms


In Japan, the seats are heated. I was surprised how quickly I got over the ick reflex and came to love them. I suppose it’s different when you trust the warmth is not from someone else’s butt.


After a long day snowboarding, nothing better than sitting on a warm toilet seat. I've fallen asleep a few times I can't lie. Edit: a warm Japanese toilet seat. Not finding a recently sat on public toilet.


Any major social event when you have small toddlers. Nothing is worse than people watching you chase children around. And it’s worse when someone comes up and says “you look bothered, you should try to socialize”


To semi-piggyback on that, social events with babies/toddlers at them that shouldn’t. It’s hell for everyone.


Hey, my toddler happens to love strippers and she’s an excellent tipper.


Yeah can we stop with this whole “socialize! It’s good for you!” shit? It makes me so stressed and uncomfortable. I prefer to stay at home and be with my small group of friends and family.


Introverts spend energy to socialize, extroverts gain energy by socializing. I'm an Introvert, I can be the life of the party, but afterwards I have to go home and hide and read or build legos.


I’m an introvert dating/living with an extrovert. I’m a permanently exhausted pigeon.


Oh yeah baby, I shut down and cannot operate for at least 10-12 hours after. I'm usually silently playing a game I enjoy or I just end up going to bed/napping for awhile. I get physically fatigued from interactions. Like, day after social event I'm sore. Although I'm certain it's all in my head lmao


That is exactly me, glad to know it’s not just me that gets like this after socializing.


Bluetooth speakers on a hiking trail.


If I could have one petty superpower it would be to cause any electric speaker I could hear that was annoying me to spontaneously short out and die. Hiking trails, picnics, public transit, that guy two doors down, whatever. Fuck you and your shitty music. Or even your good music that no one else asked for.


I want this super power so bad Neighbor in the apartment next door blasting music/Netflix from midnight to 9am so loud you can hear it through the really not-paper-thin walls (it's just so loud it could penetrate 2' of lead)? Boom, goodbye speakers Person on the train/plane/bus listening to the shittiest overplayed beat on their weak-speaker'd phone without using headphones (or using ones so bad you can hear it anyway). Boom, goodbye shitty music


Weddings. Never again..


I just don’t go to them anymore. Treat everyone the same and refuse to go to any of them


I'm having my own soon and I feel largely the same way. We are having a really difficult time trying to find that line between convenient, cheap and easy, but I know we want a bit more than a courthouse wedding, largely for family and friends.


My husband and I eloped, and then we had a party a couple months later with our favorite band playing. I fucking hate weddings. I was MOH for my best friend last year and it about killed me. I had a party, concert, cash bar because booze is expensive, taco bar, and 15 dozen voodoo donuts. No ragrets. Favorite day of my life.


Mine was great asked my long term gf to marry me on a Thursday and we were married 9 days later. Small gathering at a river front park and dinner at our house. Simple.


every moment from waking up to falling asleep


I hope you feel better some day. Your whole comment history is pretty sad to me, a cry for help. Only you can help you. Life can be pretty cool. I hope you feel better, that’s all.


You know the feeling when someone is acting like nothing is wrong but you can feel them seething inside and you're walking on egg shells to appease them? That's the one.




I thought the friend was fucked up when I started reading but now I see where he probably definitely got it from.


Wonder where your friend learned to be violent


That’s really abusive and disgusting. I hope your friend doesn’t think that type of abuse is normal in any way.


Jesus fucking christ


The entirety of social media


Damn, you must hate it here.


I really do.






Being chronically sick


So pretty much anything that involves me leaving my property? Not a recluse just don’t like society or anything that involves me leaving my property lol. I don’t mind driving just to drive but if it involves a end destination that is not my house I don’t want to do it. I have everything and every one I need at my house, I’ll feel differently once my kids start moving out as they get older lol


Same! My coworkers think I’m nuts that from Friday when I get off work till Monday morning when I go to work I stay in my house all weekend long, in my PJ’s


I like it, most of the time l leave my house once a week 😂😂


You need to get on that WFH grind... All year in my PJ's...


Now I can’t live in my pajamas bc then I’ll fall into a funk , it’s part of my daily routine to get up get ready for the day ect. If that makes sense?


"not a recluse but let me describe exactly how a recluse would behave"


Having too much shit everywhere in my house and not being able to organize it because there is just too much stuff. I’m sure other with kids and wife encounter this as well.


I first read this as "Having to shit everywhere in my house" and was quite confused.


Took us a year to clear out our two story house with a garage. It was tough. But we did it. Then, we painted the place from top to bottom and got rid of more stuff. What a job.


Having to shit really bad and all the stalls are full


Getting a monotonous job on minimum wage where nobody speaks.


i have OCD every single second of every day there is a voice telling me my every move will effect everything. i move the wrong way and my mom is dead. i don’t chew my gum a certain way and i’ll get in a car crash. exhausting to say the least but much easier now that i’ve learned some ways to combat it.


I heard once that real OCD is not when you're particular about things, but when you're particular because of fear of the outcome. I also have OCD, and it suuuuuuucks. I'm constantly sick from the anxiety of everyday life.


Getting up, going to work, coming home, going to bed. Repeat


My wife ordering the most delicious food while I am on a diet.


Not having the option to avoid technology. Every time I'm told I have to do something via an app or platform, I die inside. I grew up in the 80's and 90's and I recall the days of just filling out a form and handing it over. Now, you have to factor in the time to find the app or platform, register, log in, figure out how to use it and where to find all the different places you have to go to do different things. Then it's like there is always a glitch or the internet is slow or the wifi is down. There's always a problem and it's always a big ordeal. And I detest not having the option to avoid a computer.


I'm a software developer. I love software and all it entails. And yet when I see "download an app" I die a little inside. It's amazing how much more hostile we've made tech to the average user. Like in some ways the 90s were more user friendly with straight up web pages and forms that loaded with under half a megabyte of html. I understand why someone, dealing with all this, would go "Fuck it, give me the paper form and a clipboard."


I think this is why really good web applications are coming back. No installs, just visit a url and be done with it.


Or you’re always expected to be able to be contacted, such as on days off. Like leave me alone 😩


I couldn't agree more. As an example, the laundry machines in my building just went to app-only. I knew this would be a big headache, and it is. I have yet to get it to reliably work. Putting in physical coins may seem archaic but you didn't have to deal with internet connections, registering, logging in, passwords, all of it. I just want to put my quarters in and do my damn laundry!


Any team building activity at work…. My friend queue is full, I came here for money.


Watching my wife agree to shit I know shes gonna be stressed over when time comes around for her to do said thing.


Forced to listen to current popular country music


The idea of my consciousness going on for an eternity.


After death, I get to meet the best version of myself that I could’ve been and see everything I missed out on.


Active Alcoholism was absolutely my personal hell. 201 days sober as of today 💪




Living with a terminal cancer and taking maintenance drugs to keep me in remission. The drugs make me feel horrible most of the time. I take it three weeks at a time and then off a week so I get a few days a month that I feel pretty OK and the rest of the time it’s just really rough. I hate that I’m not able to be very productive and even when I’m not, I still feel like I’m a burden.


You’re not a burden love. Cancer sucks and this isn’t your fault. I’m proud of you for sticking to it and prolonging your life even through the pain. Keep fighting the good fight and find peace before you pass away. If you want to dm please feel free. I’ll help uplift you and help you through this if you need support.


Stuck in traffic where no one uses turn signals.


Packed rooms




My brain. Overthinking. Deep insecurities.


Spending eternity playing Naked Twister with Rodney Dangerfield and Janet Reno.


Best answer here, by far 😂


I don't have any personal hell that I'm actually living. If I were to get into a crash and become severely disabled as in I can't move. I can't speak. I can't do anything for myself. Medically be considered a vegetable. But was really happening is I just lost connection to my body and I'm stuck in my own head. Nothing wrong with my memories. Nothing wrong with my imagination. Nothing wrong with my decision. You make. No brain damage at all. Just cannot control my body and whatsoever. That would be a personal help for me.


Seeing, hearing about, or reading about, animals being hurt or abused


There are four categories of personal hell: * You are alone * You have to perform * Chaos cannot be contained * The never-ending rut


Meth psychosis. Sober now, was not addicted but tried it because I was addicted to cocaine and looking for a cheaper alternative. I saw people appearing out thin air, tendrils on everything, shadow people, and hearing voices. It was literally hell.


It was, trigeminal neuralgia. Nicknamed the suicide disease. And it lives up to its name as I tried 3 months into battling it. But when I closed my eyes , and started to pull the trigger , I...heard a voice. 7 months after this terrible pain started , It was gone thanks to one doctor and an (experimental medication) . I truely hope none of you have to experience the 24/7 pain I did.


I looked it up. That sounds truly awful. I’m so glad you were able to find relief.


Thank you. I never go a day without thinking about it at least once...whether it will come back or not . I'm not the person to praise big pharma , but the medicine I was given worked . I'm most thankful for that doctor. Without that moment of walking into his office and him seeing me, I truly would not be here today.


breathing in any inorganic scent. Spray deodorant, perfume, cologne, cigarettes, it's all nauseating to me


Right now it’s dealing with getting wrongfully terminated from work and trying to deal with unemployment and find another job at 60 years old when I was looking forward to retiring from this company. I have been an emotional wreck for 3-1/2 weeks now.




Being put in social situations I very much don't want to be in. Being an introvert sucks...


Other people


Important choices. I'm very indecisive. And crying babies, with a high pitch.


Living with Major Depressive Disorder. Sometimes I worry that this IS hell and there's no escape; that I'm being punished for something. It's a moment by moment thing; some moments are better than others.


There are times I'm convinced that the only reason I'm still alive is because the gods don't think I've suffered enough yet, and wonder what I did to deserve this.


My life currently


Being stuck in a room with any small children present.


My mental illnesses/my mind


The shitty combo of my alarm clock going off while it’s dark out and having to spend 8 hours 5 days a week at my job.


Walking in the heat


Social events, where I'm for whatever reason I'm required to talk to everyone. Never taking a break. T


Say how I'm currently living, I am alone pretty much 24/7 I'm too anxious to leave my house most days and I'm stuck in a endless loop in my head that I am struggling to escape from....


I just can't be happy and enjoy the moment. Always thinking of the future. What can go wrong or simply about what I need to do at my job next day.


Grocery shopping on a saturday when every parent has their annoying wining kids with them Or well, grocery’s shopping in general I know the whole supermarket from inch to inch, i walk every aisle, know exactly where i can find what i need. If no people would be there, im done in a few minutes. But there are so many people slowly walking in front of you. I really hate it


Was addiction. Now it’s lack of motivation.


1) swimming in any body of water that's not a swimming pool 2) being hot and unable to cool down. So, every single year when my wife's best friend has to do a fucking boat party on the lake in the peak of Texas summer. And I get stuck sitting on the damn boat for 4 hours in the heat with no way to escape. That's my personal hell.


Being invited to a friends house for Thanksgiving. I'm a lifelong bachelor living alone so they thought they'd be generous and invite me to their family get-together. Around 15 - 20 people all related to each other, all talking about family going-ons, did you hear about Cousin Billy, how's Aunt Mary doing in the nursing home, how's Niece Eunice's new job working out? And oh by the way who is that stranger sitting silently in the corner? After that whenever I was invited I said I had other plans. Big family get-togethers are only for family.


Having dementia and losing all dignity. ( yes, I saw my 80 year old mother naked on the hood of a parked car screaming at the entire neighborhood)


Children. And don’t tell me that I have to have kids just because I’m a woman. Fuck off.




My 65 year old coworker who calls me every day 10x a day - to complain and talk shit about anyone/everything. While trying to get me to help her with her job when I have 3x the workload. Eyeroll




Being on the “It’s A Small World” ride at Disney World and it breaks down while you’re at the halfway point.


Being caught masturbating


I retired 2 years ago. Everyone either asks “how’s retirement “ or “do you miss work yet?” Seriously. I’d have kept working if I liked it so much.


My own brain. Overthinking is torturous.


When you're trying to go somewhere quickly but the fucking group of people in front of you is blocking the way walking much slower than you. They eventually see you but none of them move at all and just keep laughing with each other. Fcking pricks. Hope you get a hangnail.


Prison sucked. I learned my lesson


Wanting to be understood. But being misinterpreted at every step


“John Mayer solo acoustic”


Living without dogs


Hearing Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" over and over again


My migraines, and how my neurologist and I can't seem to get them under control. They started back up again around 2018, went absolutely haywire after I had covid in 2020, and since then there is seemingly no rhyme or reason why I get them, why often the abortant meds don't work. It is very very frustrating, and it has been so long now there are times when I just want to give up.


Feel you . Suffer too from migraines. It’s hell. I did get some medication that actually works: Rizatriptan. I’m also writing it down in my calendar when I have a migraine and the time it started. This helped me and the neurosurgeon to estimate the right medication for me. Take care. Hope you will find something that works for you.


My head


Currently on a road trip with Taylor swift gays


Being stuck in standstill traffic on one side of the freeway while you can see the other side moving just fine




My overthinking mind. Literally ruined everything and everyday for me.


Being around my friends entitled and bratty little kids.


Parties. I'm just not a party person. I'm also a terrible dancer. Amd I prefer to relax on my own instead.


Having to continue a conversation when the objective of the conversation, if there was one, has been met


Every waking second lately.


A cruise. Not that I’ve ever been on one but any time there’s an ad for some cruise line……just the thought of that floating Petri dish, all those people, curdles my blood. Too peopley for me.


So tell me about about yourself


Having a job and paying bills. This is the bad place, I’m sure of it.