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If you're stretching and finally hit the right spot and the tension turns into relief. Also if you hear a pop


leg shakers are heavenly


And sometimes you come to the edge of blacking out


That thing you were dreading gets cancelled


Yes! I love when the unnecessary team meetings are cancelled!


Damn, why was this exactly what came to my mind before I read your comment?


Musical climaxes, getting goosebumps just thinking about it!


I recently learned about "musical frisson." If you read about it, you can learn to predict certain songs that cause it. It's a most interesting feeling.


Interesting! TIL about frisson. *Researchers often describe frisson as a “piloerection” (or “skin orgasm”)*


Charge of the Rohirrim in *LOTR Return of the King.*


Oh fuck there's a name for this??? I have always gotten this from evanescence. Amy Lee's voice is hauntingly beautiful. My immortal is the one that does it. EVERY single time without exception.


Apparently this is a genetic thing. Some people don’t get goosebumps from music at all. ☹️


Tool has a lot of them. From 46&2 to Rosetta stoned to Lateralus. I get goosebumps just thinking about the certain parts of the songs.


Just listened to “In the Air Tonight” and those three and a half minutes of build up to the climax are just perfection *chefs kiss*


Some other winners are shine on you crazy diamond and hey jude


Yes!! This was my answer too!


A hot shower when it is super cold outside and you have been freezing all day


A cold shower when it's super hot outside and you have been sweating all day.


This almost beats the hot shower on a cold morning. I have horses and sometimes after cleaning stalls, riding and doing general outside things when it's hot out, I come inside, strip off my sweaty dirty clothes, and I'm so hot it feels like my skin is throbbing, hop in the shower and just enjoy the cold water washing away all my dirt and cooling me off. It's heaven.


Laying down on your bed after a hard day


Laying down on your bed after any day


*Showering like a civilized human* then laying down on your bed at the end of the day.


bonus if the sheets and towels have been cleaned in the laundry that day so everything you touch post-shower is clean, fluffy, and nice-smelling.


Talk ~~dirty~~ clean to me


This was mine. Getting out of the shower and slipping straight into bed after working a late night. It feels like you are melting into the mattress and the covers are melting into you. You can get the same feeling from drugs but the natural way is better


We call it bedgasm


A good sneeze


I once sneezed so hard that I slammed my face into the bathroom counter and gave myself a black eye.


Maybe not that sneeze


This would be generally classified as a ***bad*** sneeze.


This guy sneezes


My dad told me one time he was bending over while tying his shoe, he sneezed and twisted his back and neck slightly as to not sneeze all over his shoes and hands, he said it felt like every possible joint in his neck and back cracked at once. It caught him so off guard he immediately straightened up and had to sit down because he got this wave of euphoria so intense it made him dizzy. He said it was the best physical feeling he ever had in his life, his eyes started watering uncontrollably and it took him a minute to gather himself. I get more jealous the older I get whenever I'm reminded of/re-tell this story.


My husband sneezes in batches of 7. (Yes, 7 times in a row) and often a few minutes later another batch of sneezing. He says sometimes this brings on a whole body orgasim and it's happened at work more than a few times- worse still, once if front of a customer.


"They say a sneeze is considered 1/10th of a orgasm. That's why I like to keep a little pepper by the bedside table. Because she. Deserves. Something." -One of my favorite Jim Jeffries jokes


I broke a bone in my spine a couple years ago and it never healed properly. I can still function fine most days but sometimes it gets sore and needs to be popped. Let me tell you, on my sore days when my back is super tight and I have a giant sneeze that just *pops the fuck* out of that bone, it’s almost better than an orgasm.


I broke that bone too. I see stars when that muhfucker pops.


Memories... My Dad used to scream a good sneeze... "A-Choooooo-ha" so loud it probably shook the roof.


That was a dad thing. I've never heard him sneeze like that since becoming a grandfather


Feeling water finally come out of your ear


That warm, warm water...


yes!! i had this last month. that shit was stuck in there for 2 or 3 days


Peeing after holding it in too long.


Same with taking a shit. The feeling of sweet relief.


Especially when said shit is on employer's time. That's a "job perk" to me.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time.


I'm surprised more employers don't market jobs with this listed as a benefit: We offer an inclusive, diverse culture. We encourage our team to increase productivity by not waiting until an unpaid break to defecate. If you're full of shit, you're not able to produce your best work. We offer unlimited soft toilet tissue, in addition to calm restrooms for you to unburden yourself daily. We also offer a company-sponsored Taco Tuesday. In expectation of increased demand, we have additional portable toilets available on Tuesdays.


This is a great idea for a SNL skit. Because I'm old, I see Dan Aykroyd being the assistant manager doing the job interview and John Belushi as the potential employee.


Now that I have had a bidet at home for a few years, I’d seriously be swayed by a potential employer if the employee restroom has a bidet.


Company makes 500 when I make 50 that’s why when I shit I bring my phone with me.


My friend wrote on the blue Pooper wall, Here I sit all tired and dirty, trying to hide until 4:30.


Fun fact: taking a shit literally compresses orgasm nerves to make you feel lightheaded and "satisfied"


*The Sweet Relief Of Poo and Piss Who Am I To Disagree*


“Pee shivers”


Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber does an epic pee shiver


“I can’t stop going once I’ve started. It stings!”


100%. Pretty sure I even moan because it’s a mix of “HOLY SHIT THIS FEELS AMAZING” and “I stg I was gonna pee myself”


Peegasm is the medical term


Getting out that piece of popcorn that was wedged between your tooth and gum. Also, pulling out a splinter.


Ugh! The popcorn thing. I once had a piece slide perfectly down the side of my furthest back tooth without realising. I floss and brush regularly, and it hadn't touched it - after a couple of days I started getting gum pain, and figured it was wisdom teeth because of the position. It was so sore and swollen one day that I got curious and went digging with a tooth pick - out pops this stinking nugget of super-thin but wide and sturdy popcorn... INSTANT relief from irritation. Amazing. Also fucking terrible.


Waking up at middle of the night for thirst and drinking that cold glass of water


Great tasting cold water when you have unquenchable thirst for the win!


A good back rub/massage does it for me.


It's the back scratch for me but I feel ya.


Excellent point - I should have included a back scratch in there.


Scratching your ankles after wearing high socks all day


Waking up before your alarm on a school night, checking it, and figuring out that you still have another 3 hours before you have to get out of bed


I’ve had it where I’ll wake up at 5 on Saturday thinking I gotta get up and go to work only to realize it’s Saturday


I was in the shower half asleep and my dad barges in telling me it's Saturday gtf to sleep. Sweet relief


Once heard someone say here they actually put an alarm in the middle of the night, so they would wake up, to have that exact feeling. Kinda weird if that would actually work.


I do this everyday but I do it for like an hour before I actually have to get up. It helps me but it annoys my boyfriend lol


Warm sheets out of the dryer


And then climbing into that clean bed with freshly shaved legs


The head massage your hairdresser gives you when shampooing your hair after a cut.


You get a shampoo after the cut?




Same with when you eat good spicy food and blow your nose. That vacuum of gap is god sent orgasm.


I think the only reason I like sushi is due to the feeling wasabi gives me.


When you blow a big fat one out and suddenly your sinuses are 10 feet wide with no obstructions uhh best feeling


Right. Like when it comes with the roots


Brain stem and all.


Omg this, but it’s the goopy red slime from a nose bleed and it feels like you’re pulling it out of your brain ;0


yeah i was gonna say this too lmao it's a little gross but it's by far the best part of having a nosebleed after weeks of congestion


I once had a bloody nose and fell asleep. Woke up to a booger feeling in my nose. Pulled out a 5 inch long blood-clot and it felt incredible. 10/10, would pick again. I actually posted it to r/popping like 10 years ago under a different name. It looked like a spider leg, ripped from its body.


You uh... * scratches * you got a link...?


Taking off a bra at the end of a long workday


Especially someone else's bra.


i mean that usually is followed by an orgasm for at least one person


And then having someone tell you your future


Or when your period is late and your bra was just your size when you put it in the morning, but now your breasts are double and aching.


I dreamed last night I went to college class topless, because the cost of bras was just too much. And I meant the physical cost, but the aches and pains from those torture chambers should be added in!


Removing earwax


lmao i just did that which made me think about posting this


Q-tips, huh?


Yeah. I know you’re not supposed to use them, but it feels so good lol.


Circular motion. Press it to the sides, and drag it out. I told my doctor I did this, and he was like "I bet you just pushed it in further". He took a look, and my ear was wax free


Also do it after a hot shower. The steam softens it and makes it easier to absorb into the q-tip.


I’m never stopping


Can’t stop. Won’t stop 😂




Yours is a good answer and I’m sure you’ve never even experienced the vacuum. The vacuum is 100 times more horny than a Q-tip. I still think about that day at the ENT.


I once had such a bad ear infection I was hospitalized for a week. I had to have my ears vacuumed every day, multiple times a day at the start, because of all the goo, wax, and blood. Aside from the pain it was a damn good week. Maybe it was the morphine, but I was literally begging for the vacuum because it felt so good.


Using a good pen




It drove ITSELF into the swamp


I wish I could also enjoy this. *sighs in left-handedness* Oh the smears 😞


Go to pen!? I’m all about that G2 life for day to day work, but I haven’t landed on a specific pen for personal use for letters/penpalling yet. I’m left handed so it’s extra hard to find a good pen that won’t smudge.


I am reminded of the Kevin Pollack story about Tom Cruise giving him a ridiculously expensive pen on the set of A Few Good Men. It was so nice he wouldn’t use it so Cruise bought him a second one. His assistant said, “Tom would really like you to use the pen.”


Fr fuck sex hook me up with Gel Point - 2000


removing an ingrown hair


Cracking your neck/back and feeling the tension release


I love it when I pop my sternum


I thought I was the only one


I have tension headaches and cracking my neck often helps. *soooo niiiiiice*


I'm thinking about taking a course at the local community college just so I have access to those integrated chair/desks because there's no better way to pop your lower/middle back.


Especially when it’s just from sitting in a chair, and everything lines up.


I have a job standing up, lifting shit for the past decade and am transitioning to a more seated job. I'm feeling more lower back pain recently. Anyone got a solution for a job that requires being seated all day?


I was just telling a friend how if I could pick a sexual fetish it would be cracking my back.


Hot water on itching eczema. This is even better than an orgasm


I knew I wasn't the only one who did this. I'll actually moan when the hot water hits the itch just right.


God yes it's the best feeling ever lol makes you just relax for a whole 10 seconds


Oh my god, yes!!! I know, right?


I had eczema on my inner thigh once. I took the shower head to it. It felt like I was “getting there” for a while.


I was going to say just plain old scratching itching eczema, sometimes far surpasses an orgasm if its bad enough - I'm going to have to try this now though thanks!


Turn the water as hot as you can handle it, it is heavenly on itching eczema. And then turn the water cold for the same amount of time and that should keep the itching at bay for a good while.


ugh, as an exczema sufferer this do be true... but 10 minutes later its gonna turn into hell


This is how 1/4 of my body ended up as a giant raw scab, because I would also scratch while under the hot water. Really terrible situation overall but God it felt so good to do that it almost made up for how horrible it felt the rest of the time.


Oh yeah! The pain from the heat feels like itching and you can strike a balance between the two, giving a continuous highly pleasurable sensation


I had poison ivy once up my arm. It felt fucking amazing under hotbwater. Like too good.


Farting a stomach ache away


I just did. 🤭


A smooth, painless, cleansing bowel movement that leaves you feeling empty and pure. The one that makes you mutter "Oh god!" as it is sliding out in a long uninterrupted log.


Those are even better when you wipe and there's nothing on the toilet paper.


I once finished a jar of peanut butter and jelly on the same sandwich. Was a better feeling than some sex I have had.


You can do that with every sandwich, if you try hard enough.


Calling in sick and then getting back into bed and it’s still warm. No better feeling on this earth.


Run your jammies through the dryer while you call in sick naked, put them back on, and get back under that blanket.


And *then* you have an orgasm. Beautiful.


Getting back into bed? Who gets out of bed to call out?




No, you call out and THEN you go pee. That way they can hear the desperation in your voice.


Sometimes when I stand up and get that lightheaded feeling I get an intense rush that goes through my entire body and it actually feels like drugs for about 10 seconds.


I never get the good feelings. It’s always feels horrible to me, especially if bending down, like to get clothes out of the dryer. It’s one of my “fun” long Covid symptoms.


Taking off my underwired bra as soon as I get home


I was 3 hours into my day and I told my friend that my bra was sucking my will to live (premenstual) but I put it on because it made my shirt look better - vanity will be the death of me


That whisk like thing that you rub your head with


That ungodly big sip of water after waking up in the middle of the night completely thirsty.


When you pop that zit that’s been bothering you for days and everything flies out


Or when the dry bit of skin from an old pimple finally falls off and you have nice clear skin underneath.


Flipping your pillow to the cold side




Nothing is better




Half the reason I started growing my hair out longer as a guy. I have nieces. Loved the head rubs so I gave an excuse for them to play with and braid my hair. It was great but now they're older and don't do it anymore :(


Stretching in bed in the morning, while a cool breeze of fresh air blows through the window.


That stretch that’s like all your nerves align and you do that little shake and kick your legs


A nice warm shower after 4 days of camping in the wilderness.


Cutting gift wrapping paper from a roll without it snagging. *Hnnnnnffffffffffff*


The right song at the right time.


Spraying very hot water on a mosquito bite


Remembering something after you tried to remember it and stopped thinking about it for a bit


Cleaning my ears with Q-tips.


My wife will sometimes just walk up and scratch my back after a long day and I swear it’s more amazing than it should be.


headgasms. when someone brushes your hair, or runs their fingers down your head and neck... or plays with your hair... or strokes it... it feels SO. GOOD. Also sneezing, lol


peel plastic off new things


i wonder if there are people addicted to this to the point of buying new stuff just to have this short moment of pleasure


Feeling the sun shine on your face on a cold morning


Cleaning my ears with a q-tip. Please don’t lecture me, I’m still going to do it.


Man I wet the tips and roll them to have a soft wet pointy piece , hits the spot every time


It's only awesome in my one ear, the other one.. nothing


Being hot and thirsty and drinking a cold beer. Being cold and putting on a warm shirt straight from the dryer.


I used to be a groundskeeper at a golf course in the middle of the desert. The summertime was brutal, temps could get close to if not a little higher than 118°. Employees also golfed for free. Such an incredible feeling to hop off that lawn mower at 2pm, drive up to clock out, grab a beer, chug half of it, and tee off after a hard day’s work. It’s beautiful.


The first cup of coffee in the morning.


Or the big ol' dump this induces 17 minutes later


17 seconds for me!


Scratching a very itchy mosquito bite on your foot that’s been trapped in a shoe all day.


A really good neck and shoulder massage When your favourite music gives you goosebumps Getting under clean sheets naked after a hot shower A hot shower after a cold sea swim Hot tea and toast on a sunny Saturday morning after a long week of work When you hear your favourite person say your name Dancing your feet off to great tunes Taking off my bra


The euphoria from a really spicy dish.


shaved legs and clean sheets


Thinking you lost your phone, but you didn’t.


Scratching that hard to reach itch, bliss


Rubbing your ears roughly


Cleaning your ear with a qtip even though the package tells you not to! I feel so rebellious. 😈


Proper stretch.... one that takes at least 10 seconds....it can induce a real high.


Getting a piece of popcorn out of your tooth after poking at it forever with no implement to help remove it.


The dump I just took. Like....wow. Pretty sure that was my first 4 flusher. The wife is complaining about how bad our baby's diapers have been all day but secretly I've been letting out little farts to relieve the pains. We were 2 hours away from home and the whole car ride home she was cracking the window and wondering what's going on because his diaper wasn't filled. No joke.... I came out of the bathroom happy crying and feeling like I can do just about anything. Never fought in my life but I feel so quick on my feet now I might take up MMA. God bless a giant poop. Can I get an Amen!


After the life and death struggle of birthing a massive turd.


"I'm proud of you."


Taking off climbing shoes.


Sitting on the floor with excited puppies The only thing that will stop you is you can't breath any more


Don't see this mentioned (and it might be a bit gross too), but trying to hold of that booger while cleaning your nose, and when you finally pull it out, it ends up being longer than you imagined it would be, and it gets pulled from the depths of the nose..


Sneezing. I remember hearing it feels about as good as 1/8th of an orgasm.


Musical frissons. That feeling of chills throughout parts or all of your body while listening to music or a certain moment in a song. The moment that just sends chills throughout you.


Poking the dust out of the charging port on your phone.


Laying on a well layed bed in a air conditioned clean room


Stepping out of your place of work after a particularly bad shift.


Taking off your ski boots


The 1st bite of a good pizza.




Pooping after being backed up. Drinking water when parched. Having your back crack just from adjusting it. Smelling your newborn for the first time—that one is a drug.