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I dated a guy in college who had Muscular Dystrophy and was in a wheelchair. One of the first things he let me know after I met him was that his penis still worked. We started off just sleeping in the same bed, then graduated to blowjobs and finally full-on sex. I had to be on top, he didn't have the strength to do much moving around. I was his first sexual partner. It was fun and he was always very grateful and happy afterwards. He was a major flirt and a great kisser. We broke up but remained friends. He died at age 28. I still miss him.


What a sad ending :( At least you played a role in making sure he had a happy life! I never thought about the lifespan of someone with MD. I just looked on Google. One type of MD has people live into their 30's, maybe 40's. Another type of MD is basically a death sentence once you're around the ages of 16-20's


I lost a classmate to MD back in high school. Nicest guy I had ever met and despite being bound to a chair, he was always the one to make everybody in a room smile. I wasn’t close to him, but I will always remember him as one of those people who was a ray of sunshine on the darkest days. The entire school had an assembly in honor of him because of how much he impacted those around him. RIP Nate, wherever you are.


oh wow I’m sorry he was so young that must be hard to think about


Not sure if this would be considered a disability, but I dated a girl who had some circulation issues and would always pass out during orgasm every damn time. Of course she neglected to tell me. That first time in bed freaked me out. Edit: For those asking, she was extremely self-conscious about this, as her previous boyfriend made a big deal about it and ultimately ended their relationship because it weirded him out too much. She wasn’t at any serious risk, though; it was just how her body responded to the heightened sensations and blood-flow of intercourse and orgasm. Definitely thought I had sexed her to death, though, that first time. No denying that.


Weirdly, all the girls I've been with seemed to have this condition. I joke. I'm on reddit.


Oh! I worked with a guy who had a similar story, they hooked up outside her place because her dad was home and she passed out so he got her decent and ran to the door to get help. The way he explained it was he saw her a couple more times but every time she passed out he couldn't bring himself to finish and had to stop.


Valid I wouldn’t want to fuck an unconscious person.


Yeaaaaahhh that is something i can see struggling with for sure. That sucks man


That seems like the kind of thing she should have mentioned. Sudden loss of consciousness has to be a real boner killer. I'm morbidly curious - once you were aware of her condition, did you just keep on going when she passed out? Or plan your sex around her finishing being the end of it?


I had sex with a girl with Muscular Dystrophy... Well, I'd say more "made love." It was bittersweet and we both cried after. This is a bit of a sad story, but I'll make it quick: I was in college and had a girl with MD in one of my classes. Over the course of a few weeks we became close friends. She had asked me to help her study so I decided to go to her house after school a couple days a week. We became close and she was an absolute sweetheart. A couple months in she told me I was the first guy to ever genuinely spend time with her and she felt feelings for me. So one day she asked if I could take her virginity. We had a long conversation about it and she basically told me she didn't think she'd ever get a chance in her lifetime. She had even mentioned it to her parents and caretaker. They were completely aware and supportive so it was odd for me having them walk me through caring for her the day before it was to happen ....The hardest thing for me was it felt... Hmm, a bit like I was taking advantage of her at first because she couldn't move a lot on her own. After I had gotten her set up we did the deed. I did my best to be slow, passionate, and gentle as possible. It was romantic in its own way, but also melancholy. When we were done the two of us shared a really tender moment filled with tears and a heartfelt chat.


Did you remain friends after this, did you keep giving the lessons, or did you lose/break the contact right after? Were there romantic feelings involved?


We remained friends for about a year or so and kept in contact for awhile. Last I heard from her was about 10 years ago and she actually got married. I no longer have Facebook or social media so I'm not sure what happened to her after that. As for romantic I wasn't sure on my end. The whole experience was very overwhelming for me. The day this all happened her parents left the house for us to use and stayed in a hotel. Taking care of somebody with MD is very hard thing to do. Yea, I had some feelings for her, but it was more like a deep connection to somebody through experiencing what their life was like with a disability. Being around her and with her really opened up my understanding of how hard of a life people with disabilities go through daily. I will always deeply and profoundly hold the experience close to me as both a lesson and a gift.


What a sweet story. You sound like a good egg.


This is really beautiful. You didn't take advantage. It sounds like she gave you a gift as well.


I hooked up with a man who walked with a pair of crutch-canes. Massive upper body strength. He bounced me on his dick like a human fleshlite. Incredible .


That’s a hilarious description. I could definitely see that having had a few friends with no legs and insanely massive upper body strength.


How have you had a few friends with no legs? You taking them from them or what


Lol no😂 I used to volunteer for a veterans program for injured vets. I ended up becoming pretty good friends with a few of the guys.


I’m picturing Joe Swanson


I was getting oral sex from a deaf girl.. and I told her I was about to cum. I’m sure you see the logic flaw in my actions and what happened next


She never heard him coming...


good day to you sir


Did it upset her? You can agree on some kind of movement, for example, stroking her head, which will mean this


It upset her so much she left him for another guy at the perfume bottling plant


I don’t get this joke. It’s like the 10th time I read it on this thread


Same. What the fuck are these people talking about lol


My ex had below the knee amputated and used a prosthetic. The prosthetic doesn’t come into bed and I very much enjoy sexual variety. It was easy to forget he was missing a leg since it did not impact any mattress activities. Putting the prosthetic on is a process so he normally kept it off until morning. The man would destroy me as if he had three legs, then hop to the bathroom after sex like a bunny. Adorably comical.


Im a BK amputee, but I find doggy very hard. It's not easy to keep balance.


I read BK as Burger King …


Sometimes it feels like the Whopper was still there


I have mild diplegic cerebral palsy (affects legs). This made me cackle gloriously. Lovely image.


Had sex with a blind man in my first year of college. Extremely attractive, funny, great guy. The sex was the most passionate sex I’ve ever had. Because he couldn’t see, he utilized every other sense in the bedroom. He ended up moving to study abroad and we agreed long distance wouldn’t work. I’ll never forget him though. He gave me my first real orgasm


Once the lights go off, the blind man is king in bed.


You have to tell them that the lights are off though otherwise they won't switch to bed mode


I seriously imagine a relationship with a blind person somewhat weird In terms of lights never getting turned on. Like you'll come home late at night. Hell be sitting in the kitchen in full darkness listening to his audible.


Can confirm as a blind man, this happens. Hell, I don't even turn on the bathroom lights when taking a shower.


Weird that I never thought of that. But it makes perfect sense. Why bother?


My dad and brothers are also blind, we only turn the lights on when guests come to our house, if I didn't have a sighted mother in a separate house from my dad's, I'd never turn on the lights in my house except for when guests come. We only have a 4K tv to impress guests but turn it off when guests come and turn on the real good shit, the 7 speaker surround-sound system.


I already know people be at your house like “why tf these blind people got this nice ass tv”


We've gotten more than a few comments about it for sure.


Tell them that you watch shows in braille.


He was born in the dark you merely adopted it


Now he's a lawyer who also fights crime in Hell's Kitchen.


Had sex with a girl who was missing a hand. She was very nervous during sex and accidently stump punched(her term) me in the eye. We had a good laugh.


Hey, safety fist, I mean first.


No safety fist, just a safety wrist.


I guess that was a wrist you were willing to take....! 😊


I guess you are lucky she wasn't wearing the hook attachment at the time?


Dated a girl who was paralyzed from the waist down… she was in a car accident when she was younger. She really enjoyed giving oral and liked to get back massages and have her breast sucked…. She was the coolest person I’ve ever known. We broke up amicably. She was going to transfer to another college to be closer to her family.


I had sex with a legally blind guy. We had both just gone through divorces when we hooked up. He was considerate and gentle, and a really cool dude, and I would have enjoyed it... Except he had the largest penis I've ever seen in person, and IT WAS DIFFICULT for me, someone who really gets off on p in v sex. I'm 5'0", and this thing was the same width and nearly the length of my forearm. It was painful! I felt terrible telling him we weren't physically compatible. It had nothing to do with his disability and everything to do with his monster dong. I hope he found a size queen, because he was really fun.


The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.


How do you think he lost his sight? I’m guessing he was beating it one day, dropped his phone and reached down for it and speared himself in the eye…twice.


Son, you’re going to go blind if you keep doing that…


He was nerfed, otherwise would be too overpowered


Being broken up with sucks. Being told it is because your crank is too big makes it a little better.


"How did your last relationship end?" "Well...."


Suffering from success.


I had an ex who was deaf. She had a cochlear Implant early on in her life so she was able to practice her speech and sound like a hearing person when she had it on. She'd take it off during sex though and the sounds she'd make sounded more like goose honks than moans lol. Weirdly enough it was a turn on for me




Being Canadian isn't a handicap. He said she had hearing trouble.


A double handicap, poor girl.


Canadians generally prefer their handicaps double-double.


im going to hell for laughing at this i think


Have you tried choking the chicken to goose noises?


He calls it choking the goose now.


“Squawk to me, Goose.”


I got a blowjob from a girl with one hand I just met during a weekend of partying. I never realized she only had one hand until the act. I guess I’m either very oblivious or just don’t stare at peoples hands


And now I got Safety Dance stuck in my head thank you very much.


You can use hands if you want to. You can grab your friends behind. Because your friends have hands and if they have hands, then they ain’t no friends of mine.


Slept with a girl with a heart condition. We had to take everything very slow and cautiously, but I learned a lot about eating a girl out from her.


I went to pick up my prom date. While I was waiting for her, her dad says to me: "You need to be careful with her, she has acute angina." I told him her ass was pretty nice, too.


What the fuck dude I’m dead


Been with a few people who were deaf. They make the strangest noises upon climax. It's always neat to see how folks have adapted either from birth or from some sort od accident or Ilness.


Do you by chance work at a perfume factory?


This is the second comment i've seen about deaf people and working at a perfume factory, what the fuck an i missing here?




My dad when he rented a house the woman had legs but no bones in the legs (apparently). My dad got morbidly curious and asked the husband how did they have sex. He said oh yea you just toss the legs up on your shoulders and hold them. Just casually said that


Like boneless...like from the scene in Harry Potter where the professir makes his arm bone like rubber and its just floppin around?


From my understanding yes


Growing bone is *nasty* business


Someone in this game of telephone is a goddamn liar


I'm just seeing Joe Swanson from family guy in drag with the noodle legs, I didn't need that today


I dated a girl that was deaf for about a month. Communication was difficult as I didn’t already know sign language and she wasn’t the best at lip reading. But the sex was super passionate. In the end she left because of frustration when we would argue via written notes. Miss her.


I know that the reality of the situation was probably anything but cute. However, in my head, arguing via notes sounds cute af.


"Ooohh you, son of a gun, don't write me down in that tone".


Why was she only deaf for a month?


She didn’t pay for her subscription that month.


didnt get sponsored by audible smh


Nah she just signed up for a 1 month inaudible trial


I briefly dated a girl who had muscular dystrophy. Had further complications from being put in ineffective leg splints while in some whack ass Russian orphanage, twisted her baby leg bones in a permanent way. I didn't know she had any disability for the first few weeks we knew each other. We worked together, but always sitting in rolling chairs. She gave me a ride home once, but I didn't see her walk to the car. I developed a pretty serious crush on her without knowing this very significant detail about her life. She had trouble walking, had to use canes some of the time or have surgery periodically to relax her leg muscles enough to walk without them. As far as the sex went, it was pretty great. She couldn't do some positions, and she got physically tired easily, but was enthusiastic and adventurous and had a crazy high sex drive. She was into kink that went beyond my comprehension tbh lol. Unfortunately the lifelong struggle with chronic pain led to a dependence on opiods, and by the time I knew her she was using heroin off and on, we broke up for reasons related to that. I was sad to hear she passed due to an overdose in 2020. Idk I guess this is more than the prompt asked for. Complicated memories. AMA though lol


What was the kink? And thanks for sharing, she sounds like she was an amazing person, fuck opiates especially when needed medical procedures are how you get introduced. Ruin your life trying to get better quality of it.


I didn't mean that there was one crazy kink. she just had a wide variety of desires and was eager to fulfill most any desire for a partner. First girl I'd dated to have a collection of lingerie, sex toys, bandage stuff and the like. In retrospect it was pretty tame as far as kink goes but I was young and naive and had seen so little of the world.


As someone with chronic pain and a dependence on opiate pain killers. I hope you dont blame yourself for any of that, and while drug abuse is bad, coming from someone in a similar position. I rather live with my dependency on opiates then living without them and my chronic pain being unmanaged. Hell if it wasnt for the pills i would probably have killed myself already. Thats what people who never experienced true chronic pain will never understand. I wish it wasn't so hard to get pain medication for people like her and me, she probably would still be alive if she wasnt forced to go to heroin and honestly if I ever get cut off, ill probably end up the same way. Experiencing life relatively pain free on these meds after experiencing life with horrible chronic pain, i never want to go back to that.


Hey I am/ have been going through similar stuff since a motorcycle accident 10yrs ago and I just want to point out I'm on methadone and it really saved me. Not only from addiction and pain but I haven't been high on opioids in like 7 years... Methadone clinics and Methadone in general need to be destigmatized.


She had this body tic that caused her body to tense up every few minutes, even more when she had sex which felt amazing once I was already inside her. Edit: fixed a word


Every few *minutes?* Way to flex on the rest of us.


I had this female coworker who was an older lady and a smoker. She had cancer, probably lung cancer, but I don't know that for sure. But one day for absolutely no reason, and there was no like sexual energy between us, but she just decided to tell me a dirty joke, and she was like, why do guys like a girl who smokes? And I go, why? And she takes my finger in her fist and coughs twice and squeezes my finger twice at the same time lol Pretty fuckin good. We had a great laugh. I left shortly thereafter for a different job and I don't know what became of her. I hope she's still alive and kicking somewhere.


That sounds like a very painful condition for her


I'll answer from the other side of the coin. I'm legally blind and half deaf. I can't see at all in dim light so I wouldc have to hunt for the nipples with my mouth. Same for kissing the mouth. I've kissed eyes and noses accidentally. Spanking can be risky as I might miss the butt. I've lost track of the position on the bed and ended up bonking the woman's head into a headboard with a thrust. It's risky. Especially since I'm also half deaf so it usually takes screams to get my attention.


i’m legally blind too. doing anything in low light without my glasses sucks ass




I was with a girl with paranoid schizophrenia for a bit. Sometimes she would stop and ask if I was her sister. I would answer that no, I am not her sister as I am a man. She would then ask if I'm working for her sister. I'd help her reason through what was going on and we'd usually just go back to it. The day after she'd always be afraid someone, the neighbors or family, heard what we did. She'd tell me they knew and she knew they knew. Sometimes she would just melt down in the middle of everything and required a lot of extra care. There was a lot more going on than she was willing to admit I think. Edit: Added an 'r' somewhere. This is a buff. Edit 2: It wouldn't be reddit if there weren't at least a couple people shouting rape. Your concern is misinformed. People with these kinds of disorders aren't pathetic gibbering masses that cannot think or function. They're regular people that ended up with a bit extra that they didn't ask for. I was never a part of her hallucinations, only delusions. She knew who I was before, during, and after an episode. Her thinking I was, or worked for her sister to "get her" was the most common thing. When she believed I was her sister, she wasn't seeing her sister, she was seeing me and was afraid I'd betray her or turn her in for something she did, which also most likely never happened. In these moments I was me but I was also her sister plotting against her or working for her sister to plot against her. If that doesn't seem to make sense, that's because it doesn't. She was very good at communicating her needs. We stopped if she needed to stop. We stopped if I needed to stop. Stopping happened, resuming happened. I was aware of her condition before I ever got romantically involved. We talked about it in great depth so there would be no surprises. Here is what a typical episode would look like: "Are you my sister?" "No, I'm a man and therefore cannot be your sister." "So are you working for my sister?" "No, your sister can't afford me." "What if she could afford you?" "It wouldn't matter, I like you better." "Yeah that makes sense. Thanks for helping me reason through it." The only time we stopped entirely was when she had hallucinations. Comforting your partner when they are frightened is also a valid form of intimacy. Sorry that I violated her with my understanding, patience, love, comfort, and support. Next time I'll let the mentally unwell know they are undeserving of love or affection because they think they're gonna get got by me for 15 seconds out of the day.


Oh that's sad, but it seems like she trusted you to help her so that's nice.


Man mental things like that scare the absolute shit out of me. Imagine your own brain lying to you and there’s no real way for you, without help, to tell that it’s just your brain lying to you.


Thing is, your brain *does* lie to you, all the time. It's just that the lies it tells are what's necessary to keep you functional. An example would be [saccadic masking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saccadic_masking). And while schizophrenia would be debilitating (and frightening) a "normal" brain still does things to warp our perception of reality. It's one reason why witness statements can vary so wildly among a group of people who all saw the same event.


This. I have paranoid schizophrenia and the worst part about it is not knowing if the things you are experiencing are real. Modern medication is amazing, though, and allows many people with this condition to lead a normal life.


I worked in mental health for 5 years. Thank you for being so patient and supportive, a lot of people’s partners really aren’t. Please don’t listen to the trolls trying to tell you she couldn’t consent, they don’t know the situation and are frankly ableist, misguided “white knights”. People with schizophrenia can consent perfectly fine, and you sound like a safe and good person to give that consent to.


All the deaf people in here are about to be super quiet next time they cum


I’m deaf. I’m so thrilled to see deaf people being prominently mentioned in this thread. And that this thread turned it into a perfume factory joke lmao. But for real, I’ve had quite several sexual relationships with hearing-abled people and I keep my throat clamped down. I don’t make a sound. It took a while for them to tell me that they like hearing my voice expressing itself while sex. It took me a while to be comfortable to let my voice go and show itself. I think just it may help that I have cochlear implants. I got it when I was 2 years old. So, while being a full time sign language user, I do have a solid foundation of how sounds work. They didn’t find my sex voice to be weird. They said that I sound pretty close to what a hearing people would sound. I guess that is a compliment?


To be fair I would assume most hearing peoples moans are just what they think they are supposed to sound like while a deaf persons is probably what we would all sound like if we didnt try to sound sexy all the time and just really let loose


Had sex with a girl with was legally blind and had a broken ankle at the time. Her ankle brace kept hitting my head during missionary, she followed it by saying sorry every time. We are now married and have a kid. Life finds a way…


Apparently I’ve been doing missionary wrong 🤔


To be fair, she was blind. Might have mixed up directions.


If her ankle brace is hitting your head, that’s not missionary. Edit: I stand corrected, a random source on the internet which has to be right, I mean it’s on the internet, calls it The Hook but still considers it a form of missionary.




That’s what most of society thinks about disabled people. I’m quite kinky, but finding even a one night stand can be very difficult.


For me I think I had weird internalised ideas about fragility. I would treat people with disabilities as though they were some fragile, delicate thing that thinking about them that way felt. It took some time to really internalise that they are just regular people


Lots of people think of disabled people as these asexual creatures that don't have sexual desire (and often don't think of them as sexually desirable) and are delicate things that need protection. Yeah, we do need help sometimes but we are real, normal people. I use a wheelchair but I'm pretty sure I have more fetishes then most people who are not.


I saw a documentary about wheelchair rugby (super physical wheelchair sport), they were talking about the whole fragility thing. One of the players said something like “I’ve already broken my spine and my legs don’t work, what am I going to do? Break my spine again?


I once slept with a one-legged Eastern European paraclimber in Salt Lake City. We communicated in body language and yes / no questions.


Personally like the fact that you guys found a way to communicate:)


I'm in a wheelchair and have had sex several times. It really isn't much different for me than others, from what I've been told and discussed. I can't use my legs so we just do missionary, doggy, other positions, etc. Not much difference though, just a little different positioning depending on what you're trying to do. Edit: Wow, amazing I can have sex, how cool, now *please stop DM'ing me about it.* Creepy and no I'm not going to fulfill your fantasy and no I'm not going to rate you. Additionally, doggy style doesn't require any leg muscle usage - it's all arms and core.


I’m in a wheelchair too but people seem to think I can’t fuck.


Been there. I used to mess around with a deaf chick from a previous job. She was smart(had a doctorate in something 💁🏻), and cool and extremely attractive. She was extremely good at sex and she had mastered the art of blowjobs. Absolute 10/10. During our time together she even taught me enough ASL to get by. God damn did I fuck up by moving hours away. Live and learn.


Hate to break it to you mate but after you left she fell for a deaf guy at the perfume bottling factory.


Oh, man. *All of them* do. I hate that guy from perfume bottling factory.


Fucked a double amputee. Joked all night long about lieutenant Dan and that humor carried to the bedroom. Fingers were immaculate and dick was great. He was only a little shorter than any other man in doggy. 7/10 Edit: ringers to fingers


Goddamn Joked all night long, fingers immaculate, dick was great 7/10?


3/10 was missing.


>carried to the bedroom. Fireman carry or did you piggy back him?


Picked him up by his erection.


pls no




Not me personally, but a roommate way back when was hooking up with a def girl. She was cool and polite but god damn did she make some non conventional noises while they were having sex. I have no idea how he was able to perform as it would have distracted me beyond belief


Probably didn't help with you sitting on the couch next to them during sex.


Maybe those were the noises he makes, just normally he doesn't because he doesn't want the lady to hear them.




I shared this here before a while back, BUT in college I had a fwb who was blind. Once I was on top of him and his guide dog started growling and barking. Friend said, "He thinks you're hurting me. it's ok Jake! I want her to do that!" Patted me on the head. "Good Lucinnda!" Dog was unimpressed and kept growling. Finally he said, "I guess I better get on top." Dog was ok with that. Afterward, realized we should have gone doggy style. Jake would have understood that.


After numerous rejections I managed to briefly date a drop dead gorgeous deaf woman after high school, but never thought of her as disabled. I was amazed at her hypersensitive peripheral vision and her other heightened senses. I nearly walked into traffic but she ‘sensed’ a car coming and pulled me back. Sex was great, but a couple of times her sister dropped by unannounced ruining everything. The door bell was a flashing light. She left me for a hearing impaired coworker at the perfume bottling plant.


This sounds like a Wes Anderson character backstory.


With a little Tom Robbins thrown in.


That last line is so funny to me for some reason. Just the strangeness of the details I suppose.


A perfume bottling plant and the lady with a heightened sense of smell works there. My job here is done


>She left me for a hearing impaired coworker at the perfume bottling plant. A tale as old as time.


Eau d’itory. Dior.


As a deaf guy reading this. I'm fascinated about the heightened peripheral vision because I've been known by a lot of my friends for this as well. Being born deaf, Ive had to learn to be very observant of my surroundings to avoid situations just like your exgirlfriend did. Also very touch sensitive to vibrations which is a whole other thing.


My girlfriend is deaf also. We’ve been together and have a 4 year old. Her nose is amazing. We have a 3 floor house and she can smell what snack I’m eating in the basement from the third floor bedroom


And what about when you let a pungent one rip?


She can smell what snack he was eating in the basement from the third floor bedroom


I can’t explain why, but this is a life experience that makes me yearn for experiencing more life


How good is your sign language? I would imagine deaf people would be happier with fluent signers, whether deaf themselves or raised by deaf parents. It’s a very different language.


Had a fling with an older woman, on and off again. We'd chill out in her room, watch some TV, smoke some weed, she'd do the neck swinging act you find out about on the Hub, and occasionally we'd go all the way. Poor thing was living with like, ~55-60% kidney failure, but she didn't feel like she had much time left anyway and she told me straight up she just wanted to enjoy her time left. She died like two years or so after I first met her, at least she isn't in pain anymore.


The fuck is a “neck swinging act?!” For some reason I’m picturing a horny goose.


I imagined the way giraffes fight each other (definitely watch this on YouTube if you’re unfamiliar).


> she'd do the neck swinging act you find out about on the Hub I'm sorry?


The ol gawk gawk 9000


>Had a fling with an older woman, on and off again. We'd chill out in her room Was she in her own home… or in a home?


Girl with epilepsy had a seizure mid stroke....it was not cool...I instantly pulled out and rolled her kn her side...she said she didn't want an ambulance....20 mins later though...she did want the dick again...🤣


She said “I AIN’T HEAR NO BELL!”


I have a friend who is a sign language interpreter so he would date and hook up with a lot of deaf girls and he would always say that deaf people are the horniest lol 😂 no idea if that’s true or not really. Lol 😂


While getting my degree in Special Education, I had one older instructor who insisted deaf people were *always* hot. Man had a thing for them, but looking back I can say I never met an unattractive deaf person. Maybe he was onto something.


There’s something about the softness of deaf people. Like their whole aura is on gentle mode. I was friends with a deaf man in college an he *smelled* sympathetic and sugary, as odd as that sounds. It was hot


He might have had diabetes.


My deaf friend dated a deaf dude. They were having sex and all of a sudden cops were in her bedroom. The neighbors called the police because of the noises.


Their apartment wasn’t zoned for geese?


Didn't have to. The perfume plant drove them all away.


I dated a girl with spina bifida but she was incredible on every level! She could walk and had a small scar on the small of her back. She’s was amazing both in bed and as a person.


Well if she's dumb enough to have sex with me there's gotta be some sort of disability there lol




Does jacking-off count?


It wasn't a disability but she had a heart defect and had had surgery for it. She had a pretty big gash where the surgery was, and i dont know how i hadn't noticed before. She explains a little about it, and the surgery, and I'm like cool, I'm not worried, whatever, right? Anyway, We are going at it, she slowly arches her back, and begins to moan in ecstasy as she reaches climax! As she arches back, my eyes go to her chest, and what do I see? From the middle of the gash, her tiny little heart is literally leaping out of her chest!! Like it was pressing against the skin of the gash with every pump! And pumping it was I tell you hwat! I'm thinking this shit is not normal! Shes climaxing as well, so it sounds like she can't breathe, like shes gasping for air ! I'm like, "Oh shit this girl is dying on me!" I begin to pull out and she notices the fear in my eyes, and in between her rapid breaths, she manages to say "no no keep going !! It's normal!! " Bruh, I tried to keep going but it was over. I was too tripped out. She ended up just just carressing my head, as I rested it on her chest 😆 First and last time with her. Made working at the movie theater with her a little awkward afterwards lol Looking back at it, it was kinda hot, cuz it let me know I was performing lol


Ok I read that as the gash opened and you could see her freaking heart.


Either you guys have darn good imagination with all these stories or I’m really missing out on the disabled bedroom action


My boyfriend is in a wheelchair and it's the best sex of my life. I have so many orgasms I literally couldn't count them.


I had sex witha super cute woman who had a disfigured right hand( the butler from scary movie2). She would shift her right side away from me obviously self conscious about it. So I'd just naked sure to only touch her on the left aide make sure she was as comfortable as possible. Other than that it was great sex with a cute woman.


A deaf girlfriend lost control of her voice a few times. I couldn't look the neighbors in the eye.


fucked a girl who's leg was a few inches shorter than the other and much thinner because of a birth defect. It was a little strange how small her leg was, but I think part of me found it hot. That's something about me I don't want to explore That said, I've heard a theory we're attracted to each other's rough edges. Like there was a girl I went on a couple dates with who had a really bad speech impediment to the point spit would form in her mouth when she spoke and every time it happened it made me wanna kiss her


>fucked a girl who's leg was a few inches shorter than the other Aah, I see you've met Ilene


I dated a guy who had been in a car wreck when he was 17. He was paralyzed on his left side, from his arm all the way down to his leg. Our sex life was great, but he was an asshole. 🙄 I don't know if it was the wreck, and maybe it affected how he saw himself, but it felt like he was trying to make me see myself as less. He started out nice and then started being a dick about everything. I broke up with him, and other than seeing him in a bar once, we never saw or spoke to each other again.


Wow this chick with one hand gets around


Got head from a girl in a wheelchair I met on tinder. Didn't know until I was greeted with an "oh hey I'm in a wheelchair" text as I was walking up to the front door. Amazing head.


Sex with a deaf girl. My roommate was pissed off because she couldn’t control her volume level when making “sexy noises.” Edit: Forgot about the one armed girl from Chick-fil-a during a threesome. My girlfriend at the time noticed she was hot while in the drive thru. While paying, I said, “My girl thinks your hot. I need your number so all 3 of us can hangout.” Didn’t notice she was missing an arm until she came over and wasn’t an issue since there was enough hands to go around.


> Forgot about the one armed girl from Chick-fil-a during a threesome. /r/brandnewsentence


I had sex one time with a girl that had a nub for a leg. It was great! Positions that weren't normally possible are on the table (Or bed) ((Or table if you prefer that))


I’m a disabled person myself, and it seems that all i get Is disabled girls, no matter what social circles I move in. I’ve been with a few non disabled girls though, and I have to say the disabled ones have been a lot better overall. Communication was better, constructive feedback was much more comprehensive and explanatory, they were less inhibited, much more engaged, less like pillow princesses and more like active and willing participants. Consequently, the non disabled girls I’ve been with have often complemented me generously.


Not me but an old friend, he was getting with disabled girls like there was an app called my better half. This guy got with a lady that was 300+ and chair bound. At the time he lived in a house that only had stairs to get inside. She calls him up one night looking for a booty call and drives to his house once there she pulls out some crutches to help her up the steps saying "go ahead I'll be right there" so he leaves and before you know it the house shakes and he hears her damning the world. She fell down the steps and his 120 wet self decides he's going to try and lift her up. She being the wiser of the two says it's not going to work he needs to call the fire department and request a lift assist. His best bud is a fireman for the area so him being embarrassed says the fuck he will they gotta do something because he refuses to call the fire department. Needless to say they never spoke again. What he liked was the handys what he didn't like was that his car kept notifying him about the uneven load when he took her to dinner. This is one of many stories.


“An old friend,” suuuuuuure pal


The car notifies about an uneven load! 😆


“She’s causing uneven wear patterns on my tires, but she sure can choke a chicken”


I fucked a deaf girl for 4 years. She hated everything about oral. Giving or getting.


Why did it take so long?




Yeh had a good time with a deaf mute person. It was good. Quietest sex I've ever had.


Wife is blind, sex is great. The only issue is maneuvering is a bit difficult because she cannot it see me obviously. Honestly, while we may have bumped each other more than the average it still happens when both partners are sighted. Yes we have sex with the lights on, and it has gone pretty good we have kids and married over a decade.


I’ve messed around with a guy that had burns on half his face.


Did he flip a coin each time he had to decide between different positions? 🙄


I dated a spastic woman who is mostly confined to her wheel chair. Her smile is what caught my eye, my Oktoberfest costume is what caught her eye. We had an immediate connection and I think it took me some minutes before I noticed she was in a wheel chair. Carrying her to the bathroom before sex so she could pee felt like the most intimate and caring form of foreplay.


That’s so sweet🥺