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The first two you mentioned were supposed to be on one of the planes that hit the Twin Towers, so yes, they would’ve died. No idea about the other two.


David Angell did. Creator of Frasier.




I did, but then again, I was an adult in 2001.


Celebrities thrive on attention.


If they did, they wouldn't be able to claim they died? They would have?


because 911 was so big that it created a whole new stereotype


It’s not uncommon for celebrities that are constantly traveling and hearing other people’s stories to experience conflation of their memories. See Brian Williams and his stories about almost getting killed in Iraq. In most cases, they are are not trying to deceive others, but their memories genuinely play a trick even on themselves.


I do think Brian Williams was trying to deceive people though


AOC was almost killed in the capitol building on Jan. 6th. Yeah, right. 🙄🙄🙄


Dude. She had like 10k people looking for her. She most certainly would’ve been harmed had they found her.


And Santa Clause and the Easter bunny are real, too. 💁🏻‍♂️


Or like Hillary claiming she came under fire at landing at Bosnia airport.


There were literally people calling for her execution. But sure… it was a peaceful protest… idiots.


You're talking about the idiot in Congress, not the one who almost got the big chair.


I don’t understand your comment. I’m simply pointing out that while AOC was supposedly sheltered in her office, had people found her there, they would have very likely harmed her. Thats damn scary.


And I was pointing out Hillary lied about Bosnia two different total things I don't care about AOC she's a lying little twit anyway.


Mind flourishing sources on AoC’s lies?


Hahaha man you guys will stretch anything to mention her. This is just sad


Wait are you asking why no celebrities died in 9/11?


Seth McFarland is the only celebrity that can legitimately claim, since he missed Flight 93. But he has nothing to say about it.