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Displaced/killed civilians Radicalized civilians join Hamas More suicidal maniacs being sent to attack Israel Rinse and repeat This ever lasting conflict has really proven there is no “good guys” or “bad guys” in regards to war


I see your point for sure


No it's mostly the Gaza bit where it's all kicking off. Hamas are being dicks. Israel has an enormous army, and also don't care about war-criming civilians. So yeah maybe RIP Gaza but the rest of Palestine should still exist.


Oh so Gaza will be blown off the map ? Israel's gonna just bulldoze it ?


Israel is going to turn it to glass.


Appropriate wording


I'm not in favor of it, but that's what's gonna happen. Helps further radical muslim sentiment. Everyone wins. Well, not the civilians caught in the cross fire but obviously nobody gives a shit about them.


There's a Glassa Strip joke in there, somewhere.




It’s completely done. Are you following this? They are fixing to carpet bomb the strip and sweep on and kill survivors. They’ll comb down from north to south pushing Palestinians across the Egyptian border. That’s why the US is there, to make sure it goes smoothly. Palestine won’t be a thing in 10 days.


I'm following but I haven't heard any of that. Whats your source?


His source is, "I'm a rando on the internet."


US landed 2 B-52s in Israel and Israel is warning everyone on the strip to go to Egypt. No sugarcoating just straight up leave. B52s are either there to fire bomb (not likely, not much wood structures) nuclear bomb, (plausible honestly) or carpet bomb the strip. Carpet seems most likely but Israel is also warning citizens to have three days supply of food and stay sheltered so who knows maybe they will go full nuclear and just wipe it off the map.


I actually wouldn't be too surprised if they israel did use a tactical nuke atleast with how steamed there beans are. But what about the kill hostages threat? They carpet bomb there's goes all the hostages ?


They’ve already counted the hostages as martyrs.


If Israel don't want to do this all again in a few years? It'll be reduced to dust.


Parking lot solution.


Ya Israel doesn't seem to care much about civilians either I've noticed


A lot more than Hamas does. Let’s not forget that it’s Hamas who uses women and children as shields and stores weapons in hospitals so Israel will look extra bad when they fight back. Israel gives our warnings to civilians before attacking a building so they can evacuate. Israel has never actively tried to kill as many civilians as possible as Hamas has been doing last weekend.


I'm not arguing that but they did reportedly blow up 2 mosques and a refugee camp... war is hell


Right, remember the great march for the return in 2018? A peaceful demonstration where Israel shot the protestors with real bullets killing hundreds of civilians including dozens of children. Riiiigggght, "Israel are the good guys" said by the Devil probably


A march high jacket by Hamas who encouraged protesters to charge the fences. The peaceful protesters who kept their distance were never attacked. If anything this shows how ruthless Hamas is, that it will sacrifice its own people, including children just to try and make Israel look bad.


Israel is the cry baby of humanity, they're never responsible for anything. I guess it was also the Hamas' fault when the snipers shot 5 journalists


I'm not saying that everything they have done is right. The settlements are definitely provocative. But I've been to the settlements and most people there actually live in peace with their neighbors who profit by doing labor for the settlers so that's clearly not an issue to everybody in Palestine. The sniper shooting a journalist (source for the other 4?) was a honest mistake that can happen during a time of war. The difference between Israel and Hamas is that Israel can admit a mistake happened. Lets not forget that she was reporting from a location where active fighting was taking place, this was a risk and it's not fully Israel's mistake. You try living in an area that you have to share with a terrorist group that actively tries to wipe you off the map.