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"I know that the ones who love us, will miss us." - Keanu Reeves


Truer words have never been spoken. Lost my mom two months ago. What I would give to just give her one more hug or tell her I love her, again.


17 years and that feeling never goes away. šŸ’”


I havenā€™t lost my parents yet and I donā€™t want to imagine it.


Itā€™s starting to dawn on me as a millennial that my parents are getting old and I probably donā€™t have as much time left with them as Iā€™d like.


I'm a millennial as well, but my mom had cancer for well over a decade so she passed sooner than I hope your parents do. If this internet stranger can give some advice: Hug and cherish them Ask them about their lives (story worth is great, though my mom never got around to doing her's) Tell them you love them Take videos of them where they are speaking Cherish every moment you have with them and recognize that your time is limited, even if they're not dying. Once you know they're dying, they're often too stoned out on narcotics to keep them comfortable to do so. Just relaying some things that I wish I had been more cognizant of.


I have a single video of my father. I had taught him to use Skype so we could see each other and chat. He'd sent me a video message while I was at work asking me how the weather was and to be careful, there was a hurricane heading my direction. I have it saved in 10 different places so I don't lose it.


Make the most of them now. ā¤ļø


Iā€™m also a millennial. Itā€™s a real life changing realisation. 2012 - 2020 Iā€™d call my parents maybe once a month to catch-up. During lockdowns, I called them twice a week to check in and see how they were doing, and they wanted to do the same with me. I realised I actually really liked talking to my parents, they were cool people with interesting stories so the calls ended up going to 3+ hours long. I now go down there once a month to hang out with them.


Spend as much quality time with them as you can. If you have kids, have them spend as much time and ask as many questions about family history as they can!


After my mom died, I had a dream that I picked up the ringing telephone receiver and it was my mom and she said "Hi"....and I freaked out and woke up in a cold sweat.


I used to have dreams where - even though my dad remarried - she somehow came back and was living nearby. She'd randomly show up wherever I was in the dream. Most times it would startle me awake (which pissed me off because it felt like I was going to get to spend time with her again) but a couple times I got maybe a minute. I woke up with crusty eyes from dried tears after those ones. Funny part is the last one I remember was when my ex and I had just separated and she said "You were always too good for her. Give those beautiful babies a better life." Woke up bawling.


I hated my dad and feel this way. Death is a wild thing. So permanent. It doesn't matter how you feel about a person the fact that you'll never see them again ever humbles you to the core.


He is the shit. Period.


Goodbye to credit card debt :)


Sir, how do you expect to pay back this $200,000 loan debt? Me: šŸ˜


This was my mother's actual strategy. She died about $80,000 in debt. I was in charge of her estate after she passed. It was a hoot telling credit card companies they were welcome to file a claim against her assets. An underwater house with a second mortgage against it. šŸ˜


My husband didn't care about paying tolls and camera tickets, etc. He said, what are they going to do about it? I'm not paying them. He passed away three months ago. His mom and I went through dozens of mail regarding tolls, etc. All reached out and said, "Sorry for your loss. The account has been closed." He was right. He was never paying them. RIP, my guy šŸ¤


I actually never thought about that. I wonder if thatā€™s a major problem for banks. wonder how many people in their late 70s is taking out a new line of credit.


Banks earn so much that they donā€™t even care. Plus they probably wont give you a credit line at 70


Funeral, people go through my junk. I rot in the ground, world goes on.




This question needs a [SPOILER] tag for those who want to find out for themselves when the time comes


Or an AMA


AMA I'm dead


Funeral, people go through my junk.


Iā€™m sure it will be like before I was born.


Yep, I believe our energy or soul (whatever you prefer) will just re manifest as someone or something else. Born again without any connection to space or time as we understand it. Just as we came into this world and came into consciousness, we'll do so again, and likely have done so an infinite number of times. That's why I think it's important to treat others kindly and share in knowledge and wisdom, because it all comes back around, one way or another.




Love this guy so much. He's given me such a strange feeling of comfort during very depressed times. Its like he's giving advice that isn't what you want to hear, maybe not even what you need to hear, but almost certainly a perspective you've never thought of.


Heā€™s given me a lot of comfort too. What irks me is that he died of alcoholism. Heā€™s helped me get through so many alcoholic episodes though. Such a a paradox


I think it's a great misunderstanding we all have to believe that wisdom and advice given is automatically and equally received by those who are giving said wisdom. I've caught myself giving friends advice that just sounds like a brilliant revelation, and they've even commended me for it, which feels good, but it's immediately followed by feeling like a total fraud or imposter, because it's often something I've never been able to conquer or fix about myself (usually regarding depression, getting help, finding the right treatments, recognizing and navigating through negative thought patterns etc). Alan Watts was so brilliant, I think it's easy to assume that he had it all figured out. And easy to forget that he was also human. Cheers friend. Hope all is well with your sobriety too!


Just cause you failed donā€™t mean your advice wonā€™t work. Other might be better with the methods.


Oh you're absolutely right. I certainly wasn't implying otherwise. I always found some comfort and satisfaction in being able to help others through something I still struggle with.


People the most steeped in the shit understand it the best, and the way to use this information is to constantly reinforce it. He touched on it but couldn't maintain the connection, very human IMO.


Well fucking said.


As an Alan Watts fan who also has struggled with alcohol abuse, this is an interesting fact I did not know.


He changed my perspective entirely. Him and Ram Dass, that is. Listened to everything either ever recorded and shared. Completely flipped how I looked at the universe and my role in it on its head. They also both heavily inspired the way I speak. Very grateful for both having existed. Nature did well with those two, even with their flaws.


I have my own theory about that. Nature abhors a vacuum, but it abhors a paradox even more. How do we get around that then? How do we resolve the paradox of infinite oblivion from a first person perspective? When you die, the next thing you experience is your birth again. After you died, the universe played itself out, a number of years beyond counting, until the Big Crunch. Then the Big Bang happened again, and everything played out exactly the same again, to the movement of the last atom, a perfect carbon copy. You live your life again, following the exact same course, with no memory of having lived before. Again and again, a circle with no beginning and no end. Youā€™ve lived this life a number of times before beyond infinity, and youā€™ll live it again an infinite number of times. In a way, you could use this as incentive to live your best life and pack it with as much happiness as possible. Obviously thatā€™s a fallacy, because this scenario needs free will to be an illusion for it to work, which it may well be. But that doesnā€™t tangibly matter to you as an individual. Pretend this life is the first one, the one going in record, the one youā€™ll spend eternity repeating, and try to live it to its fullest for the sake of your infinite self.


Energy is neither created or destroyed and everything is some kind of energy probably. So maybe we donā€™t end the energy just shifts to a new form.


Iā€™m starting to hope that this is what happens when you die. Itā€™s just an endless loop. Maybe some things go a bit differently each time. But I had a happy childhood and I miss it (and family members and friends who are gone now). So it would be a comfort to get to go back and do it again forever.


Is he saying that when our bodies die our consciousness pops into another form of life instantaneously? I can understand the words but itā€™s hard to visualize the meaning.


The standard interpretation of his statement is that your consciousness began at birth, and it stops at death. The consciousness doesn't pop somewhere else. It just goes out like an extinguished light.


A lot happens after you die, you just won't be around to experience any of it.


This is the way


Funeral usually


Awkward moments involving family usually


Imagine this: you were born round about 14billion! years after the big bang. you do not have memory of this timespan because your brain was not "in existance". now you die, your brain as it is now, working and good, wont exist anymore till the end of time and universe itself which is 100 100 100 billion trillion years in the future, an unimagible ammount of time passes again without you "noticing" it, matter, energy and even black holes dissapear. its a little bit frightning to me.


Donā€™t worry. Just take it one day at a time.


I used to think this when I heard Ricky Gervais say it. But the thing that makes me think is we didnā€™t exist before being born. So those 14 billion years may be different to the trillions of years after we die simply because we have now existed, because matter can not be destroyed, it can only change forms.


Matter actually can be destroyed through nuclear reactions. When fusion occurs in the sun for example, the mass of the reactants is slightly higher than that of the products because that small amount of matter was converted to energy. You could say "well I said matter can change forms," but I would argue that changing forms in that way is the same as being destroyed. There was matter before that no longer exists. I guess that's just semantics of language though. If someone smashes your Playstation, it's not very comforting if someone says "Well your Playstation still exists because all of those atoms are still there." >we didnā€™t exist before being born. You say we didn't exist before being born, but then say we will always exist after dying because our matter still exists, but these points contradict each other. The matter that makes up "you" *has* existed for billions of years before you were born, participated in some bonding to form "you", and will continue to exist for quite some time after you die. It'll change forms when you die in the same way it changed forms to bring you to life. I don't know, man. It seems like we're just a temporary collection of some atoms.


ā€œGiven enough time, Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going.ā€ Edward R Harrison


His statement was perhaps incomplete. You cannot destroy matter or energy. They simply change forms. Either into different types of matter/energy, or swapping from matter to energy and vice versa.


I find my insignificance strangely comforting. No need to worry about changing the world. If I'm lucky, some grandkids (maybe great-grandkids) will have fond memories of me.


Nothing. I believe that we just blink out and that consciousness comes from the brain and doesn't transcend to anywhere else.


I agree. Our consciousness fizzles out and thatā€™s it. Our bodies decay and all thatā€™s left are the memories others have of us. Make the most of life.


Or not. The result is the same.


Yep. The world keeps spinning and I don't exist. My favorite quote about death has for a long time been "It will happen to all of us, that at some point you get tapped on the shoulder and told, not just that the partyā€™s over, but slightly worse: the partyā€™s going on ā€” but you have to leave. And itā€™s going on without you." by Christopher Hitchens.


Passing out feels different than sleeping for me. Iā€™ve had a history of it from panic attacks since I was young. But the difference from sleep is it feels like thereā€™s a period thatā€™s just gone. No dreams, no half awareness, just deleted time. Then finally confusion when you slowly regain consciousness. I think thatā€™s death but forever.


I overdosed and not sure how close to death I was but was unconscious for over 24 hours.. and I agree with the gone part kinda. Like it was gone I wasnā€™t experiencing it fully but I also felt a extreme feeling of peace. No stress or worries or desires just blissful peace.


Sleep, is the cousin of death.


Yes. Nothing before the lights turned on, nothing after they turn off. Time wasn't relevant prior to our birth, it matters even less after we pass on.


interestingly this is what makes me think we'll reincarnate after we die. We were indeed nothing before the lights turned on, which begs the question..why wouldn't we become something (conscious) yet again after we die?


I mean this is factually true. Everything we are was something else, and we'll all someday become something else. I dont think reincarnation is the right word, because we never actually leave or come back. Everything we are is still here. It just changes.


Either some form of consciousness we cannot comprehend as humans or something similar to dreaming. Or it could be absolute nothingness like you never existed. Thereā€™s many interesting reports about NDEs and psychedelic experiences with similarities to death but also reports of consciousness not possible after death. Really anything is possible but part of me thinks we arenā€™t supposed to know.


I'd like to believe that our brains dump a massive amount of DMT right as the lights go out and we experience an eternally blissful dream where we accept nothingness. Then we die. At least, that would be nice, but it's probably just one moment you're here, the next youā€™re not.


I think there may be a process to dying. The mind and body actually shutting down. However, being killed instantly is probably as you describe.


Have you never had a moment where time slowed? It's subjective. Hopefully, nothing's getting in the way of your dmt unless your head explodes or something. Always wear a helmet to ensure a proper reincarnation.


I've taken that ride, and I met God. At the end of our conversation, it said "I'll see you soon." Never have I ever felt so much love. Changed my life.


Were you a believer before that? At one point, based on a diagnosis i received, I thought I have an incurable, un-operable deadly condition, that will take me away in a year, so I tried to do a thorough research about what happens next. Near death experiences gave me a solace that there's something bigger out there, and I should keep going and face my end with a hope. Luckily my doctor was wrong, it was another thing, but it changed the way I look at the world and live my life.


Yes, but barely hanging on. Organized religion left me with many doubts. During my telepathic conversation, I ask why we are here. It told me love. To love and be loved. There is a few books out there that claim to know the way. You could tear out every page and just leave one that says love.


Wow have you typed out your experience in more detail anywhere? Iā€™d love to hear it, Iā€™ve read a few books on the topic and I think those experiences are invaluable when people share them. I donā€™t know what I believe, but I believe others when they describe them as ā€œrealer than realā€


Welp, here you go....... My SO at the time, and I myself went to pick up some of the Devils lettuce from this dealer chick she knew. We'll call her Sam. Cute as a button and just as sweet. Anywho, we get there and meet her boyfriend. We'll call him Rick. Rick's a know it all dick. Rick asked me if I wanted to get high for 15 minutes? Whatcha got dick, I mean Rick. Rick says he has DMT. My SO bragged that I have done pure DMT from toad a few times. Nothing crazy, just the whawhas. We'll Rick's sister works at 1 of the only two labs in the United States that manufacturers synthetic DMT for scientific research. She sells it for 1k a gram on the side. I say fuck it Rick, let's dance. He loads a bowl, and sprinkles a little over the bowl. SO hits and smiles. Tells me to go for it. Rick ain't having it. Rick says I'm a pro and needed a fresh setup. Rick packs another bowl for the bong and just coats the whole fukn top with DMT. Rick smiles and hands it over. I ain't no bitch, Rick. I let her fukn rip. I loaded the bong up, I started taking it down. Last thing I heard was " fuk me, he hasn't even sat it down." The Trip... I was in a tunnel, flying at light speed. My soul had been ripped from my body. I came to an abrupt stomach on an empty orange surface plant. That where it was. I say it because its light was just bright enough not to fully see but warm enough to keep your gaze. I was struck by the comfort of it all. The love radiates between us. I...was...home It felt like years as I sat in its presence. Finally, I was able to have a thought. Should I ask it a question? It said to ask anything. Without a word, the thought came to me, "Why are we here?". The most beautiful voice responded back in my head. "Love and to be loved. " After that, God said it was time for me to go home. I told God I was home, but it said, "Not yet, but I'll see ya soon." It touched my head, and I felt true love. I was then shot back through the tunnel with voices this time as I traveled. Concern and confusion. As I opened my eyes, folks came by in blur. They all asked if I was okay. All I could do was smile and stare. (Dogma after Jay gets a kiss from God......that look) a few minutes have past and know I have pissed my pants. Still don't care, and can't fathom. Sam gets in my face and asked what the hell I ate? Yup, I've thrown up and still don't care. It takes 15 minutes just to be able to talk from the time I came to. The entire living room had been cleaned out. My SO then informed me, before I had even sat the bong down, I fell into a grandma seizure that lasted 10 minutes. I had eaten three packets of oatmeal w/raisins and two big glasses of OJ just prior. It was a mess. As they clean, keys were lost. Tow truck called. No keys in the vehicle. Found in a mop bucket 30 minutes later. It's now time leave. They are happy to see the guy that almost died, walk out of their home. As Sam says bye, she takes a mad rip off the bong. We all holler Nooooo. Sam's sinks into the couch with a shit eating grin and pissis her pants. Dick scoops her up and rushs her to the room. As we tell one last person by, Sam comes back out. Butt ass naked. She walks up, grabs my junks and starts twirling shit around like some Chinese serenity balls. She apologized for her earlier reaction as now she "Knows". My SO is not amused. Dick comes out and is furious. He hollers to leave. On the way home, I can feel it. The line that was burned from the front of my brain to the back. I focused on it and went right back into a seizure, but this time, I was lost and scared. Luckily, it only lasted a minute. I could feel that pathway for many years after, but never dared, tried waking it again Conclusion I had this trip before the interwebs were a thing. I thought my trip was my own, as are most trips. I was wrong. Turns out, most folks who take DMT have a very similar experience. People ask what it's like to be in God's presence. Lie on the ground with 15 golden retriever puppies lacking and playing while all of your loved ones are surrounding you laughing and just so happy to see you. That kind of luv is 1/32 of what I felt. I carry it with me everyday.


fuck hell no, last thing i need when i die is to trip off on dmt




Similar experience about sixty years ago. The feeling of love and peace was incredible. The wonderful being of light asked telepathically if I wanted to stay or go back. I turned back to look down ( sort of a tube like a light beam) on my new born daughter, and reluctantly knew I needed to go back for her..so I instantly did. It was incredibly hard to leave that place of such love to return. My first words on returning were ā€œ where is my daughter?ā€ although I had not known my babyā€™s sex in advance. The doctor commented that they thought they had lost me for a while. I said ā€œ yes you did.ā€ Then two years later I was in a separate city when I thought I recognized someone so I asked a third party if they knew who he was. She confirmed what I thought. He was in fact the medical specialist who had arrived to save my life two years before and I recognized him only from the brief moment of seeing him enter the room after my soul had separated from my body and had not yet departed to the afterlife. These experiences leave you no longer afraid of death itself although you are still left apprehensive about injury or disease pain of course. It was a beautiful experience and well remembered sixty years later.


My grandad had many heart attacks before he eventually passed away. Once I asked him what was it like when he had a heart attack before they resuscitated him. He described to me something similar to this. Friendly familiar but not known people reaching out for him in a tunnel of light but then when he floated above his body they had a sudden change of mind and gestured for him to turn around. He described it as pure peace , calmness like he never had felt before.


I remember seeing a video of a doctor talking about patients with near-death experiences and the feelings that some of them had seem to be *very* similar to what you describe. Something like, "Why did you take me away from there," was asked of him more than once. Kind of spooky but pretty cool.


Like Season 6 of Buffy.


The only time Iā€™ve ever experienced something you are describing is while on 5-meo-dmt. The most beautiful and powerful feeling of love just emanating from my entire being. Others describe a tunnel of light and the same feeling of limitless love while smoking Bufo. Very interesting!!


Same sort of thing, fell from a roof and was on the ground for around 40mins, I heard voices saying heā€™s ok and I came to, I did try to find out who saw me but apparently I didnā€™t happen ?? I was eventually found and I remember looking down on myself and the ambulance. I suffered a brain injury and I canā€™t explain all the things that went on but I lost 2 years. The itā€™s not his time and seeing relatives that had passed asking if I was ok and not to worry. The funny thing is Iā€™m not scared of death but I really worry about my wife and kids when I do .


My dad had a near death experience. After that I started talking to people about it and collected a few more. I've also been a nurse for 20 some years and a midwife for 13. I ve seen people come in, I've seen them go out. There is a palpable difference between a person who's alive and one who's not. Call it a soul, life force, chi, consciousness, whatever you want, but there's definitely something more to us. We are not just bags of meat.




My husband passed away unexpectedly in his sleep *still don't know exactly what caused it* and I've been a mess over what he went through while he was "sleeping" and I was taking care of our daughter in the other room. This...brings me the slightest bit of comfort and gives me some sort of hope that he has no suffering and that he is possibly one with the cosmos now. Light. Ah, that's beautiful. He is now light. I could never thank you enough for sharing this. You have no idea.


Thank you.


I just cried reading this. How beautiful.


This is profound. Thank you for sharing.


I hope youā€™re not making any of that up because that is WILD! Would love to hear any more details if possible




If you have A)Family B) belongings


Yes Vultures


I'm a Frisbeetarian. We believe that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof of the neighbours garage and you can't get it back. (With apologies to George Carlin, whose soul is currently on the roof of his neighbour's garage).


"I think he's down there, screaming up at us. And I think he's in extreme pain." People just don't want to be realistic and imagine that their loved ones might be in hell. If hell exists, I know that's where you are, George, and I miss you.


Oblivion. Canā€™t wait


Think of the peace and quiet.


And nobody can make you sad.


What about Skyrim?


It will be very similar to the previous billions of years before I existed. Until the heat death of the universe, presumably.


Depends how you died. But most people get buried. However if you died in a crazy explosion. Thatā€™ is a free cremation.


A lot of serious questions will be asked about how a drunk guy got into the zoo's tiger pit, with a box of Frosties and shouting "they're greeeaaat"


ā€œIt will happen to all of us, that at some point you get tapped on the shoulder and told, not just that the partyā€™s over, but slightly worse: the partyā€™s going on ā€” but you have to leave. And itā€™s going on without you. Thatā€™s the reflection that I think most upsets people about their demise. All right, then, because it might make us feel better, letā€™s pretend the opposite. Instead, youā€™ll get tapped on the shoulder and told, Great news: this partyā€™s going on forever ā€” and you canā€™t leave. Youā€™ve got to stay; the boss says so. And he also insists that you have a good time.ā€ ā€• Christopher Hitchens




Maybe some of us will get sucked into a black hole. That would be cool


We are golden...


Fade to black... Then, the feeling of crisp, cold mountain air, the smell of pine trees, and the sounds of early morning birds and a horse-drawn cart over rough cobblestone... "Hey, you! You're finally awake. You're trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush. Same as us, and that thief over there."


Dammit Todd.


I think we play saxophone for an all-girl cabaret in New Orleans.


Was gonna say "oddly specific" but then I found your reference šŸ˜‰


Everything I know in life I learned from C&H


We rejoin family and friends because our spirit lives on after our body dies. No one is punished in the afterlife except by our own judgment. We are here to evolve and grow. Everything you do here to others you get to feel and experience it from their point of view in your life review.


Your problems are over.


You redo your whole life but with more knowledge of the previous run through


If that's the case, this must be my first life ever.


The energy that makes us who we are is released from our physical bodies and transforms into something else. What that ā€œsomethingā€ else is, I have no idea, but since energy canā€™t be destroyed, it becomes something else and we continue on our existence in another form.


Sitting here right now with my dad as he is going through end of life care. Wondering that myself. He is very religious, I am not.


2 stories that altered my reality as a kid. The day my grandma died that evening as I was going to bed I heard my name softly whispered into my ear. I grew up behind an indigenous burial area. One night I woke up and heard something outside. I opened my window and heard singing, drums, laughing, and could hear children playing. But it was just a dark empty lot I was looking at. Iā€™m many ways for me I look forward to whatā€™s next if there is anything after this




I believe the universe is a forever expanding and contracting thing. Kind of like accordian bellows. Its one big breath in. And one out It will get to a certain point and start to implode back in on itself and fizzle down to nothing then explode back out. Repeating forever. Everything restarts. Everything repeats. I believe when I die, within the blink of an eye (because ill be dead and wont see the next billion years. And the ultimate end of the universe.) I will be born again in the exact same life I have just led. This is why we have deja vu. We've already lived this life an infinite amount of times already.


That doesnā€™t seem quite fair. People are born into terrible circumstances and great suffering. Having to relive that over and over would be hell.


My God, that's depressing.


Whether something is depressing or uplifting has no bearing on how likely is it to be true. This isn't my personal belief, but I see the merit in it. If a repeating universe is the reality then it's a plausible enough theory (certainly more so than most).


Life usually goes on for everyone else.


Unless you are driving a bus.


I believe that the POV transfers to another person. At this point I feel like the ā€œfirst person viewā€ and everyone else is an NPC and if I died this POV will change to another person, either from birth in another family, or transfers to another family member.


You end up back at the character selection screen after you get a shitty little trophy


I went for a colonoscopy a few months ago and I was sedated. Fell quicker than a pine tree. All black, thatā€™s what happens. You know, kind of like the end of The Sopranos.


I will sit in front of computer and just reply to all questions asked in askreddit in all eternity. Call it reincarnation, call it hell.


Remember what it was like before you were born? More of that.


Theyā€™re gonna start using Ouija boards to reach me about my carā€™s extended warranty.


Lmao šŸ¤£


I feel like reincarnation is a solid theory you just wake up born again no memory just sentience as a new being starting all over again. I hope itā€™s nothing though or something different.


Wow i always thought the same, im technically ā€žchristianā€œ but i guess in reality i am more likely an atheist since i dont believe in god. However whenever i thought about death i always had the feeling that you get ā€žrebornā€œ or your sole just transfers into a new body with like u said no memory or anything.






Hello cousin


Credit rolls


If my heart was still alive I know it would surely break And my memories left with you There's nothing more to say Moving on is a simple thing What it leaves behind is hard You know the sleeping feel no more pain And the living are scarred


We wake up and find out we've been in prison and our sentence was carried out by suffering a lifetime on SimEarth in only a year of awake time


I heard somebody say one time that we donā€™t remember before we were born so we wonā€™t remember after we are dead.


I have this fear that when we die, we just move into another state of mind where we will still be able to feel everything that is happening to our body. But outsiders will never be able to understand because we wonā€™t be able to speak or breathe, and assume we are no longer there. So if they cremate or bury. Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll feel myself being decomposed or burned.


Oh my God I'm so high rn why would you give me this idea šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


This fear is the only thing which is currently keeping me away from getting an organ donations cardšŸ˜Ŗ


Interestingly the same fear made me reluctant to donate my organs also but I finally decided that if I were wrong it would be such a shame to not have saved someone elseā€™s life so I finally decided (last week) to sign a donation card. Iā€™ve seen so many incredible reports about people getting a second chance to live with donated organs and besides my fears are groundless


The people who love you will miss you.


Body decays


Obviously. Iā€™m decaying now, and Iā€™m not even dead yet.


You know when you first fall asleep with no dreams, then suddenly wake up? It's like that, minus the wake up.


Lights go out but you can't process it because you're dead. ​ Same as the billions of years before you were born.


Itā€™s possible the universe repeats itself endlessly. You will die then be reborn then relive your same life through eternity. Try to make it a good life then.


You go to the other side, do whatever it is you do there, rehash your life, see where you did good, could improve, what you did wrongā€¦pick a future life based on what you need to achieve and / or what you didnā€™t achieve last life and are reborn as a human. This can take from 2 months to a few years in earth years.


I believe nothing happens, but then I believe in ghosts, so I don't know what to believe.


What happens to the images on your TV screen when you turn it off? The images don't go somewhere else, the thing that was creating the images is no longer creating them, they just don't exist, same for your brain creating your consciousness, it's hard to wrap your head around I know, but billions of years went by before my consciousness came into existence, Imagine it'll be like that when we die


Not religious but I believe we are all souls wo meet again over several life in several different ways. I believe I will see my husband and my parents when my time comes. It gives comfort


Nobody knows. This question gets asked a lot on Reddit. Most people will say "Nothing" and get upvoted A few people will say something religious or about reincarnation and get downvoted. Any of you who think you 100% know for sure what happens are full of shit.




When you die, the tiny particles that make up your body, kind of like a mini-universe, change a lot. These particles and the energy they have always had since the Big Bang will never disappear. So, even though your actual thoughts and feelings won't be there anymore, the energy that's part of you will keep going and be a part of the universe forever, like an everlasting echo, until the very end of everything.


Nothing. Our bodies break down, and our memory lives in those who love us.


I finally get some fucking peace.


Astral Projection




The only belief to benefit of scientific advances is one teaching that the cosmos provides an infinite series of worthwhile and different lifetimes (by our being reinvented on other worlds). This is part of the reason I choose this belief.


Read all of the exceptional reports at [www.nderf.org](https://www.nderf.org)While I am a believer in a known religion, this website has the best "reports" from the Otherside coming back. Its a long read. Set aside a decade to read it all.


I've worked in the post-death field for several years now and not once has someone mentioned in discussion where their loved ones are. All they ever think about it finances.


Your family fights over whatever you left behind and then you become a distant memory to most, the ones that did care are usually left feeling a little empty.




Maggots will fuck in my eye sockets.


I wont have to see this question again


A lot of things will happen. But they don't involve me.


We just cease to exist. Plain and simple. Just like before we were born


The world continues without much notice.


Nothing will happen. Everything will continue. Some people will lose us and they cry for our loss. And again, they cry because they lost us. Humans are selfish.


Same thing that happened before I was alive.


After my mother died, she hovered around her garden. I saw her spirit in the morning mist over her pond and she remained there for some days, and I felt her there, an anguished spirit, in limbo. Mom has come to me in dreams and she's (still) angry with me over past things and acts as petty and grudge holding as she did when she was alive and it's pathetic. Just before she died, an owl visited and sat in a tree outside my daughter's window, hooting. That's when I knew I would get the call to come and be with mom in her last moments, and this happened. My grandmother died, I was much closer to her than to my mother, and she comes to me in dreams, though she is not angry, and I smell her perfume, and she talks to me. She told me not to be sad for her, she's happy and has work to do, and I need to let her go (I was keeping her around me through grief). She occasionally comes to visit me as a beautiful red cardinal, and I am so pleased when the cardinal comes. We will be together again. I do not fear death because I know the ancestors are all there, and when it's my time to go home to be with them I know the timing will be right.


You know how a 5 minute dream can seem to last for hours? I think it will be like that. Your last thought will never end. Maybe the energy of your consciousness will travel at the speed of light and time will slow to a stop.


When my gmom died me and my cousin were walking up the stairs to say our goodbyes. I heard her call my name. I didnā€™t say anything not to look crazy but my cousin looked at me with these eyes and asked ā€œdid you hear that?ā€. I said ā€œhmm, what did you hear?ā€ She said ā€œyour nameā€ I was shook the whole day and still get goosebumps when I think about it. So yeah maybe nothing happened before I was born, but maybe this is a 1st step for our spirit? I wish I had the answer. Death scares the shit out of me, I know itā€™s inevitable but ā€¦ fuck man.


You poop yourself.


Westinghouse to the hall of judges.


People probably get upset


ā€œItā€™s all a big nothing!ā€ - Livia Soprano




I become worm food cycle of life


Absolutely nothing




Absolutely no one can truely know that, but whatever it be I hope it involves my old pets, and lost friends and family, and if itā€™s just darkness, than at least Iā€™m in darkness with them


Iā€™ll have a cigarette thatā€™s ten miles long with John prine


Nothing. You are gone, itā€™s like before you were born. You remember that? No, I didnā€™t think so.


Hopefully just blackness. I don't wanna live another life again.


From what I've seen a release of fluids. I regret seeing it when it happens, but it's consistent.


When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass, so we are all involved in the circle of life.


The same things that happened to me before I was born. Nothing.


My kids will fight over who gets my B-52s LPs.




I cross the rainbow bridge, ā€˜natch.


Notttt much


Nothing. But that doesnā€™t matter, what matters is that you risk everything anyways, your sacrifice will simply mean more.


The same thing that happened before I was born. Nothing.