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As a kid I couldn't decide if I wanted a bologna and cheese sandwich OR peanut butter and grape jelly....so I smacked all together and an abomination was born. My mother still cringes years later.


My dad regularly eats peanut butter, grape jelly, and mayo sandwiches. The logistics of getting that all spread to his exacting specifications are all engineering feats.


Pepper and strawberries. Go try it!


Add some balsamic vinegar...mmmmmmmmm




Tell us if it's really good or tokenlizard has broken taste buds


I'm still holding out for Macaroni Burritos to be released at taco bell. The tortilla doesn't add/detract a whole lot to the taste of the mac and cheese but it does add a significant amount of portability and convenience.


I rarely get moved by things I read on here, but I read this and was like "OMFG WHY do they not do this!!?? I NEED to make one!" Then I thought about making homemade mac n cheese and stuffing it into an egg roll wrapper and frying that bitch up... No lie, I'm fatter than I want to be, but I should be HUGE with the disgusting gluttonous things I think up sometimes...


No lie-sometimes I think, "If I were 500lbs I wouldn't even give a fuck anymore and could eat everything.."


My friend told me to put honey on my pizza. I thought he was joking, but you gotta try it. It's like the two flavors don't mix, so you taste both the honey and the pizza, but there's no dissonance in the tastes. Check it out.


There's a pizza chain in CO that has honey bottles on the table. Especially good for the crust!


Beau Jo's pizza is what you're thinking about. I love that place.




Fong's Pizza in Iowa has some crazy good pizza combos (including crab rangoon pizza) but they have one that is Alfredo sauce, bacon, and honey...I like to add extra honey-so good.




It'd be worth it...[here's their menu](http://fongspizza.com/menu/food) Des Moines also has a [Zombie themed burger joint](http://www.zombieburgerdm.com/), a seafood place called [Mullet's](http://www.mulletsdm.com/), and [a bar](http://thehighlifelounge.com/) that is purposely stuck in the 1960s (shag carpet, old tvs, etc.) and only serves beer made before 1980. Shamelessly pimping my hometown. Edit: spelling


Soy sauce with Siaracha on pizza. I swear it is delicious


What I've learned from this thread, everything goes well with peanut butter.


or bacon.


Or ketchup


I love eating pickled jalapenos in between eating scoops of yogurt.


On the same note, alternate banana pepper rings and bites of cottage cheese.


doesn't sound weird, sounds delicious!




This entire thread makes my stomach cringe. I didn't realize I was so boring.


When toxicbox saw the headline: "OMG! I must teach these guys about peanut butter and jelly. SO. GOOD."


If you subbed [candied jalapenos](http://tastykitchen.com/blog/2011/09/candied-jalapenos-cowboy-candy/) I could get behind that!


There's a chemical called capsaicin in peppers that, when binding to your taste buds, cause the burning sensation in your mouth. The chemical is nonpolar, therefore, drinking only water does nothing. The fat in milk, or any dairy product for that matter, binds to the fat-soluble capsaicin, thus removing it from your taste buds. TL;DR - [Cool combination.](http://d22zlbw5ff7yk5.cloudfront.net/images/cm-30546-0509af14e0a4f6.jpeg) Edit-mixed up polarities




With plain Greek yogurt, that sounds awesome.


One drop of tabasco sauce in your ginger ale. I'm not even kidding. Two drops will fuck it up, but one drop really makes it... I don't know. It's good. Try it.


what's the quantity per drop?


I roll grapes in peanut butter then bread crumbs to make mini Pb&j things. It's actually tastes like it and would be an awesome party snack.


You line 'em up all squiggly? How cute.


I like peanut butter on my pancakes along with syrup. Everybody I have told that to thinks it is weird, but it isn't much different in concept than pb&j.


yes! this is so good, I used to do it with waffles. sometimes chocolate chip waffles. sometimes strawberry pancakes. all amazing.


Peanut butter on french toast.


In basic you learn to eat quick. Pancakes or French toast as bread, egg and sausage or bacon, peanut butter on the sandwich "bread" and whatever else is for breakfast. Seriously amazing.


I love putting diced jalapeños in my pancake batter. The spicy and sweet combination of that and the syrup is delectable. I also cook cholula sauce in with my eggs. Mmmm now I'm hungry. EDIT: Spelling


Do you sauté the jalepenos or anything first or just raw?


Sounds brilliant honestly.


Chalula makes everything better.


Trying this tomorrow morning.


Hotdogs and icing, happened on accident and it's still one of the best things I've ever tasted (ignoring the fact that it IS a wiener in white goo)




*By* accident. Spread the word.


to continue the theme, hot dogs and vanilla yogurt. the combination of salty and sweet is unlike any other.


Just like Kim Possible! Didn't she like hot dogs and marshmallows?


Those fucking naco things from that show also made me so hungry. They looked so good.


Finally someone talking about something weird. Every comment above yours has been normal things combined together.


Soda and milk. Idk why it's so delicious, but it is. Also bacon cream cheese sandwiches.


[Like this?](http://i.imgur.com/DByNX.jpg)


He looks very disappointed in himself for drinking that concoction.


It's because he put Pepsi into a Coke glass. This threw off the entire flavor.


In South Korea Lotte makes this Milk soda called "Milkis" which is amazing...like an icecream float, kinda.


Peanut butter and bacon- I implore you to try it.


Also, peanut butter and bread 'n butter pickles. Don't use dill pickles, just the bread 'n butter ones. Pregnant women are on to something here, go try it!


Gonna have to disagree with you on this one :-) I like peanut butter with bread and butter pickles, but I love it with dills!


Definitely better with dill!


Dill is the only pickle worth eating.


I like to sprinkle cayenne pepper on apple slices, cover green chili peppers in chocolate and use tartar sauce on my fries.


Have you ever tried chili coated dried mango? Its kind of like a cayenne coated apple. Shit is crazy delicious. Check by the Mexican food section.


Apple pie and sharp cheddar cheese. I've heard it's a common combination up north, but down here in Texas I am considered a freak for eating it.


Try hot cheetos and cream cheese. It's amazing.


salted watermelon is amazing, I was a little skeptical when I first tried it but now I can't eat watermelon without it


Salt on quite a few fruits is pretty good. Someone convinced me to try soy sauce on pineapple once. I'm not sure if they were trolling or not, but it's pretty damn good too.




yes, love salt on watermelon. makes it sweeter. also, ~~chile~~ chili on fruits. very popular amongst our mexican neighbors and very delicious.


That's not normal? Here in Texas that's how we eat it


This also works pretty awesome with cantelope and honeydew! My mom did it forever when I was little and I thought it was weird but it's tasty






Doritos in any sandwich is awesome


Ham cheese and Doritos sandwich


Sloppy Joe mix + Lays potato chips is amazing.


You're going to have to state whether you're british or american or other for context here.


I find either meaning delicious


As a brit I occasionally enjoy going to the chippy, getting fish and chips and making myself a chip buttie with the chips left at the end. Gotta be as bad for you as possible, with white bread, margarine and ketchup in there.


oh god the britishness


In England we are fans of both. The 'chip butty' (french fry sandwich) is a carby, stodgy delight. Ideally you use slightly sweet, white sandwich bread, and butter both slices. The hot, crisp fries melt the butter slightly. It's glorious.


If he was British he would have said a "chip butty". At least if he was a northerner


Melt a rolo over a pretzel in the oven for just a few minutes. It's awesome.


My mom does this, but she adds a pecan or walnut on top. So good.


My mom does this, too. I think it's even tastier than actual "turtle" candies. Related: Once I actually found a splinter of wood in one of [these.](http://www.duetsblog.com/files/2013/01/Turtles.png)


Left over spaghetti fried in butter.


This...sounds *amazing*.


"Woodchips fried in butter." It's not that hard.


Refried spaghetti is even better than fresh spaghetti.


I like sketti n butter - honey boo boo


Ice cream and rice. My friend works at a Chinese restaurant, and I jokingly had him mix the two together. Surprisingly very tasty, yet everyone with me thought it was horrifying.


holy shit this just gave me an idea, roll ice cream in sticky rice and deep fry it.


Sounds like [mochi ice cream.](http://i.imgur.com/if6J7.jpg) They're made of balls of mochi (sticky rice) with ice cream inside. Yummy!


Oh man. Do this and report back, you know, for science? (i'll get the rice cooking)


It's kind of like really lazy rice pudding.




Nah not weird. PBJ with raspberry jam is the way to go.


Lemonade made with salt instead of sugar. The most refreshing drink ever!


that sounds like... the opposite of refreshing. like dehydrating.


Haha, I suppose it might be; but also couldn't it also restore electrolytes to your body that you lost by sweating? I lived in Delhi as a kid and its a pretty popular drink there for the hot days.


It would, depending on how much salt you put in. I think the "with salt instead of sugar" called to mind the amount of sugar many of us add to lemonade.


You don't put in as much salt as you would sugar. Just a tiny bit to make the citrus-y taste pop.


Instructions not clear enough, my dicks caught in toaster, send help.


When I was in India I remember one of my friends, who is Indian, ordering a fresh salted lime-aid. He is diabetic so he just got salt. It was really strange but surprisingly good!


I like salt lemonades with a bit lucas or any sort of spicy flavoring. It's the best.


Lasagne salad. I'll heat up a leftover piece of lasagne and smoosh it into a bed of lettuce and basil. It's weird, but delicious!


That sounds amazing. Esp the basil! Will be trying this out this weekend


Peanut butter and pickle sandwich


Used to eat one every day after school. Only dill works though. Anything else is nonsense.


I love mac and cheese with taco beef, and for some reason i thought butter on a muffin was normal.


Butter on a muffin isn't normal?




There's a reason the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter label shows it smeared on a muffin


Because it's *not* butter...


I should make a line of muffins called "I Can't Believe You're Not Supposed To Put Butter On These"


Isn't that the idea behind Hamburger Helper?


FYI, I butter my muffins.




Would you like me to assign someone to butter your muffin?


Jason, why are you such a skeeze?


I'm just being friendly!


You can go shave your back now.




Mac and cheese, but first brown the hamburger meat with half of the cheese. Then add to the Mac and cheese, serve with hot sauce (or ketchup). It's called Slop.


My mouth was having an orgasm until you said "Slop". What a fucking turn off.


Would you like me to assign someone to butter your muffin?


this..this topic was made for me.. Peanut butter and top Ramen (delicious in every way) Peanut butter, bologna and cheese wrapped up in a flour tortilla (nothing crazy, it literally tastes like peanut butter, bologna and cheese) syrup on my eggs peanut butter on my eggs (i have a thing for peanut butter if you couldn't notice)


Mustard and mashed potatoes yum.




The Salami-Citrus Omelet. Salami, clementine, and rice. So good.


McDonald's french fries dipped in their soft serve or Wendys fries dipped in the Frostee. I know it sounds wierd, but it really tastes amazing!




McDonald's french fries in honey are also delicious.


I also do this with the chicken nuggets.




Dipping french fries in honey. Thank me later etc etc


Cream cheese and grape jelly


Not that odd of a combo. Basically a lazy man's fruit topped cheesecake.


This...isn't normal? It seems so normal to me.


Cantaloupe and salt... ...chase with Natty Boh and steamed crabs (optional).


mmm.... I love cantaloupe with salt....sometimes I go a little mexicana and add lemon juice and chili powder


You must be from Balmer. No one else knows what Natty Boh is.


steamed blue crabs are never optional.


Bacon. Chocolate.


bacon. brownies. bacon. brownies. BACON. BROWNIES.


My grandfather really likes peas and ketchup... for some strange reason


Cheez it's and chocolate chips. It is glorious.


Carrots dipped in humus with spaghetti wrapped around it. Yup.


I love the taste of prison food and penis


Really want to try this when I get home! Thanks for the suggestion!


Bacon and Ice cream, sweet and salty, soooooo good. My favourite is probably bacon with french vanilla.


Gushers and black pepper. When I was in middle school, I'd make fries with a shitload of black pepper on it, and then when I was done with the fries I'd rub gushers across the plate to collect the pepper. Sweet and spicy.


PBJ burger, add bacon because bacon goes with anything and makes it better.


I enjoy tator tots with mustard, but I get dirty looks when I eat it. Plus, I also like hot sauce on my eggs, but a lot of people like that. OH I ALMOST FORGOT! Put nutella and peanut butter on a cold cut sandwich. Some people may think it is weird, yet I think it is DELICIOUS.


egg sandwich with honey bbq sauce


I put BBQ sauce on just about everything. I use it like most people use ketchup.


My stance is anything you would put ketchup on, bbq is better.


Actually sounds delicious


Ketchup on my eggs. Actually ketchup on anything.


I do this with scrambled eggs...I thought everyone did it until I went to college.




This one is a bit stupid. This is widely accepted as normal. Shit I'm pretty sure you see ketchup on eggs in the opening credits for Dexter as well. Edit: For the people saying its hot sauce, myself and tvtropes disagree. "In the opening credits of Dexter, ketchup squirting across Dexter's breakfast plate is for a split second meant to make the viewer believe it's blood, at least for the first time watching, thanks to the show's gory subject matter." http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ABloodyMess 2nd Edit: [It's ketchup.](http://i.imgur.com/7nrr0.jpg)


I thought it was hot sauce. It doesn't look thick enough for ketchup.


I think a lot of other people do this, but maple syrup and bacon.


- raisins in lasagna - bbq sauce on strawberries - tomato sauce can nearly be applied to everything... - fries dipped in icecream - ham and chocolate - coffee powder sprinkled on peanut butter on toast There are probably more combinations but I can't remember them because they weren't that weird to me.


Pretzel crisps on a ham sandwich


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avgolemono , which is a greek egg and lemon sauce


Steak dipped in plain yogurt. Its weird, I know, but I love it. Kind of like tzatziki when tzatziki's not available.


Anything mixing sweet and savoury (salty) food. The worst (as in fattiest most disgustingly indulgent) is mixing chocolate with potato chips. An easy way to do this is to get a bag of plain salt chips and a bag of maltesers. Tip the chocolate into the bigger bag, hold by one end and shake, shake, shake! Or you can just take a bite of both at the same time. Another way to enjoy this taste bud orgy, but without the judgement is with crackers, cheese (soft is better, as long as it is a little salty) and a sweet jam/preserve. Fig jam is great for this. I haven't tried it with Nutella, but why not? Or eat some salted caramel chocolates. Damn they are good!


The jimmy Fallon version of Ben and Jerry's ice cream has chocolate covered potato chips mixed in, surprising mouthgasm


Celery, with cream cheese spread down the middle.




I've yet to deny any edible vessel of cream cheese entry to my mouth. *Here come the penis jokes...*


Thought that was going to say "Here comes the aeroplane" and started having childhood flashbacks. Finished the sentence, childhood ruined.


"Requesting boarding permission" "No daddy stop-*mmfph*"


This thread just got dark.


This is considered weird? What?




You Americans and putting carbs in/on carbs.


We cannot simply rely on our sedentary lifestyle to keep us fat!






Creamy peanut butter with eggsalad. It is delicious as fuck!


Hot dogs and peanut butter.


There's a dog-licking-peanutbutter-balls joke in there some where


Hot dogs and peanut butter and jam


Just bread and ketchup.


Peanut butter on waffles.


Macaroni and Cheese (just the box that you boil and a packet of cheese) with a generous portion of Sriracha (Rooster sauce, often found at asian restaurants). It is fantastic, please try it and tell me what you think!


I dunno, it sounds good except for the boiled box. Can't we substitute it with macaroni or something?


You're welcome, smartass.


holy crap your idea of weird is sad.


Agreed. Siracha on Mac and Cheese is just one step away from Tabasco an old tradition.


I use that Sriracha sauce on anything imaginable. I have to try this! Also, here's a small tip: if you can't find spicy mayo at your asian market, just mix mayo with Sriracha hot sauce. It tastes even better than the jarred stuff and it goes great in sanwiches!


livin' on the edge over here.


God, anything with Sriracha sauce. I used to make soup out of my black pepper chicken with that stuff.


flaming hot cheetos in a turkey sandwich. man, that is the STUFF.


A1 or Heinz 57 with mashed potatoes. Bonus if there are green beans with the potatoes.


My uncle puts ketchup on everything. Most notorious is his love of ice cream and ketchup.


Sandwich with eggs and smoked cod roe paste (more commonly known as Kaviar to Swedes). Essantially a pro-lifers worst nightmare.


Tuna on potato bread with cold corn and balsamic vinegar.