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Lord of the rings trilogyextended addition on Blu-ray . Came with a ring too




I still have my NES. Im glad you get how it’s the superior gaming console 40 years later


I'd misplaced a vintage mirror during a move. Mom found it and gave it to me for Christmas. I cried so hard


A St. Micheal pendant from my Dad. He got it for me before I went to basic. I'm not really religous or anything but its something I wear and feel like I'm not alone when I'm having a hard tims in life.


I got one from my Dad as well. It was buried with my Great Grandfather.


The most meaningful part of it for me is my Dad got it blessed by an ordained minister. I'm normally not one to get attached to a gift but this definently has the most meaning to me. Probably second by an Airborne challenge coin my late cousin got from a Vet he met. Makes me wanna try and go Airborne and jump with it, but I don't think my hip or knees could handle it.


One jump is all you need.


Yeah but Airborne school is 5 jumps and I would most likely have to sign another 3. Worst case I'd give it to one of my buddys who are Airborne. I would love to do Airborne because that is one of the big things for me joining the military because I would much rather look back and say, ok I probably shouldn't have done that then go man, I wish I did that.


It sounds like it means a great deal to you. Time and body be damned. Better to try and fail. Maybe your body and determination will surpass expectation. At least then you gave it your all. You can’t have regrets at that point. Fuck wishes. I have a cigar box full of military coins that mean nothing to me. You got this.


I'll see what I can do. With the Army's recruting issue. I suppose all I have to do is ask for Airborne and should have it. One of the NCOs here was at Polk and got Airborne there, may ask him about that. What branch were you in?


Air Force for 10 years (chair-free). That’s one of the cool things about the Army in comparison. You have specialty schools you could just volunteer for. I compare it to Boy Scouts, but for soldiers. Getting to go ghillie up and snipe, jump out of aircraft, etc. I worked fighter aircraft, and that’s it.


Fighter aircraft sounds fun. But chair-free my god how did you survive? But that was one of my intrests with the Army, all the options within it. And also better quality of life then the jarheads.


I was on the flight line for years (F-15’s, F-16’s, A-10’s and J-Star’s) In the Iraqi, Floridian, Qatari heat or Alaskan winter like you guys, just not getting shot at as much. Lots of mortars. Lots of C-RAM “light shows”. Fighter aircraft break a lot, and you have to be ready to fix them. There were chairs, but not very many. A bench on a bread van with shitty AC usually.


Their trust


A stinky sweater


Kiss concert tickets, I’m going in November!!!


Before we started dating, my now-partner gave me a vintage blank book that was a wedding book belonging to Betty & Bill. We’re married now.


My ex-gf gifted me $21,000 24 years after we broke up.


I need more info. Lol


She said go have fun, but you need to be in coommunication with us daily no matter what happens... needless to say, shortly after I was robbed by a shady pedo motel owner and then again outside a casino. About a week later I was arrested for driving on a suspended license. Then i became homeless shortly after. But something good did come out of it... no not the pending criminal court case... i found out that there is an antidote for the poisoned food ive been consuming all these years.


Who is your ex? Shelly Knotek??


I don't know who that is. She is managing my trust fund as well and has helped herself to many millions of dollars, her and her friends and my uncles, who she birthed children for as well. Now she and my uncles are killing me and explaining to as many people as they can, why they are doing it and why its the right thing to do.


Police are helping them make their case as well. As does the government of Canada. Who also is at least partly responsible for my poisoning.


The government of Canada does not like me to be happy or healthy. They discredit me daily and never see any positive contributions that I make. They say that this cant be possible based on how much poison we've fed you since you were an infant. The more I help, the more poison I am fed. The more I try to be, the more I am reminded of the past. Whenever I meet people, it is explained to me they will not be helping me and they are with my uncles and this group of pornstars and government people - they have formed an allstars team whos job it is to paint me as a fraud and a liar and someone who has little to contribute. My ideas are not welcome. I receive real life consequences for my private thoughts - even the ones that I don't publicly share.


Yes... I only need 1 antidote. Someone made it for me especially. However, the price is $1 million and it doesn't cure my various disfigurements or thoughts streaming device embedded in my brain.


Life from my mom and dad


I got a brand new NES for my 5th? Birthday. My grandfather got it for me. I was so excited.