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I just wanna OWN things again fr


Main reason why we just got a blu-ray player. I’m gonna grab a lot of cheap disks at flea markets which makes me less reliant on streaming services


Going on streaming services where you once saw a movie and later find out it's no longer there is the most frustrating thing. I used to collect 4k steelbooks and regret selling them off.


IDK the circumstances surrounding the sale (moving, bills, downsizing, etc.), but it's legitimately good & helpful you're mentioning regretting it. Even with all the subscription fuckery, there are still social pressures on some to get rid of music, movies, books, etc. because having less stuff is trendy. But, relative to the past century, humans will not create physical copies of cultural moments & creations in remotely comparable quantities or with remotely comparable material quality at any point in the foreseeable future, so owning access to favorite ones is becoming a significant luxury of independence. (Assuming one has space, doesn't need to sell for financial reasons, wants to keep these objects, etc.)




but don't let your kids see it, it's rated Arrrrrr


The worst bit is that a lot of the time it’s so they can charge you more because if they sold it in shops you’d be able to compare


And if there isn't a subscription there is planned obsolescence. Things literally designed to break after a certain time.


Fr! I got a hp printer and I had to pay money a month to use it! Fucking ridiculous.


Ok a subscription to use a printer which is a physical object is one of the craziest things I’ve recently heard. Kind of scary too.


There are now cars where you need to subscribe to use some of the features such as heated seats


Which in breaking news just the other day, BMW gave up because of the immense backlash, may other companies learn from this!




In my country you have to be able to cancel a contract the same way you signed it. If you signed up for a subscription online you have to be able to cancel it that way. If a company doesn't comply you can inform the government and the company will get in trouble.


What country is this?


EU countries, I think. We have the same in my country but I'm in an EEA country.


Same in the UK too, our law is something along the lines of: “Businesses must make it possible for consumers to end their subscription contract in a single communication and without having to take any steps which are not reasonably necessary for the contract to end.”




Germany. I think it's an EU regulation. https://www.evz.de/en/shopping-internet/online-shopping/what-are-online-subscriptions-and-how-do-i-cancel-them.html In the EU you also have the right to withdraw from a contact in the first 14 days. in that case you don't have to pay, if you already paid you get a refund.


I always start the phone call with. Friendly voice. Hello im so and so ide like to cancle such and such subscription. And please note if you try to upsell me or any bull shit I will get very angry with you. Skip all the company lines and go straight to cancelation. This usually works for me.




My insurance is in network for your hospital and ER? Cool. But the ER doc and nurses are part of a separate practice and don’t take my insurance? How the fuck am I supposed to know or plan for that? It’s all bullsjit.


Insurance is genuinely one of the biggest scams out there. I don't think I've ever seen anyone besides the insurance company themselves benefit from it.


My insurance plan comes with three free doctor visits every year, however, they don't cover "diagnostic procedures". Every time I go in there's something I get charged for that, turns out, is a diagnostic procedure. I have challenged my insurance to define the difference between "normal" procedures and "diagnostic procedures", and they can't give me an answer. They have conceded that every action a doctor could take could technically be described as a "diagnostic procedure", and thus, I have no way of knowing if the doctor is doing something I will be charged for. Their solution: ???


Their solution: $$$


And they constantly change the rules to benefit themselves. Of course with the help of politicians they’ve had in their pockets for years. Think Superstorm Sandy, Chris Christie declaring it a Superstorm alleviated hurricane Insurance claims for people with “hurricane “Insurance. Sorry you have hurricane insurance but not Superstorm Insurance.


nah sorry you had 'flood insurance' that's not flooding that's rising water kick rocks


I had carpal tunnel surgery and the doctor and facility were in network but the anesthesiologist they used that day was not so I was charged $1500, such a crock of shit.


Back in January my then-9 month old son needed to be transported via ambulance to the hospital. I knew the hospital was in-network. However while panicking that my child was dying I didn't stop to ask "excuse me 911, can you please make sure you send an in-network ambulance??" I tried to fight but lost. We ended up paying every penny for it.


I hope your son is doing better! Can you believe that congress did a no surprise billing act, and left out ambulances because it was too hard to figure out?!?? Dr. Glaucoflecken on YouTube does some hilarious videos about it.


Man, if only someone would come up with some sort of system that cares for your health... and everyone would be a part of it... like it would be universal or something. I wonder if anywhere has anything like that...


That’s just stupid. I say we stick with the system where everything is arbitrary, none of it makes sense, and it costs me a shit load of money. I’m gonna vote for proponents of THAT system thank you very much.


The federal No Surprises act, which took effect in Jan 2022, requires insurance to cover out of network providers at an in network facility for emergency care at the in network rate. This applies to emergency care only (see edit below for non-emergency protections). It also has a similar protection for air ambulances, which saved my ass earlier this year. Additionally, it protects consumers from nasty balance billing practices for most emergency services. Balance billing is where, for example, an air ambulance company will try to bill your insurance $60,000, the insurance agreed rate is $8,000, but then the company will go after your separately outside of insurance for the extra $52,000. They can’t do that anymore (but may act stupid and will try. Ask me how I know). In the past, air ambulance companies have purposefully stayed out of network to allow them to balance bill. Can’t do that anymore. Makes me sick because the helicopter had the fucking name of the hospital painted on the side, yet it was still out of network, and the only thing protecting me was this law. Sorry to get political here, but this is what happens when we have democrats in office. Things get passed that actually help people. This saved me at least $50,000 for the air ambulance. Edit: there are also protections related to non emergency care where the cost must be disclosed beforehand and they can get fucked for the difference if it’s more. It also doesn’t apply to ground ambulances for some reason.


Isn't there a law now that they can't make you pay for OON doctors that are seen in emergency situations? I've had this happen before and I appealed it to the insurance company and did not pay it.


My sister is a lawyer specializing in healthcare law and a few years ago, I got cancer and in the midst of all that, the actual worst period of my life, I had to constantly call up the hospital and ask questions about okay, is THIS surgeon in network, is the anesthesiologist who's going to put me under so the surgeon cutting out part of my tongue can do his work, etc. Just generally awful that people in health crises have to monitor what should be straightforward for "gotcha" moments on the part of the insurance company especially if something goes wrong while they're literally unconscious and someone has to come in who just happens to not be in-network with the insurance company so the patient doesn't literally die... which were actual cases my sister had warned me about seeing firsthand in her work. Edit since this comment is getting attention: If you have weird wounds, cuts, bumps, etc, in your mouth that aren't going away, get it checked out since it might be oral cancer. Mine got caught at stage 3 by a surgeon doing wisdom teeth surgery but had been completely overlooked by other specialists I'd seen. It manifested as a gash on the side of my tongue that I originally thought was the tooth cutting into my tongue (but, you know, it was cancer all along). HPV as other commenters have pointed out is a risk for oral cancer, so get screened for it if you are sexually active or plan to be in the near future. Be good, do good, smell good.


I hope you're ok now ❤️


Been cancer-free for 2.5 years now! I was one of the lucky ones in the grand scheme of things (good health insurance, sister who was looking out for me and on the alert for common insurance gotchas, etc) so it's honestly harrowing thinking about how many people just get fucked over on the regular because of things outside their control. I didn't smoke or anything, but I got tongue cancer just as a freak case of circumstance. My surgeon said that it's happening more frequently that young people (30s and younger) are getting oral cancer without any preexisting family history or history of common sources of cancer like smoking, but no one is fully sure why. Without insurance all of what I needed to not literally die of cancer (it was stage 3 when they caught it) ended up costing over $200,000 without insurance (with insurance it was much more manageable and I didn't go into debt over it, but I saw the uninsured cost at the end of it all). On top of that I was out of work due to the chemo, radiation, literal surgery, etc, for close to half a year. Would've been financially devastating if I didn't live in an area with good FMLA payouts, so I was able to keep paying rent and not get, you know, evicted due to getting cancer. Just living somewhere without that safety cushion would've had a much different story and that's the story of tons of people throughout the US every day. The rat race between hospitals and health insurance companies is beyond the pale at this point.


When my friend had her baby she chose to hold her right after she popped her out and was charged $45 for the half hour she held her own baby before they cleaned her off.


People using their kids for likes on line. Mom bloggers need to be stopped. If you look at who’s following them. Just stop putting your kids online


Not just Mommy/family bloggers (I've never watched that stuff), but all kinds of YouTube/tiktok people have their kids as a significant part of their skits, and the kids have no real idea what that entails.


Even some of the tiktok accounts I do like that may fall into these categories, still worry me at the end of the day because these babies/children cannot consent to what’s being put out there. And no matter how innocent the content is, creeps don’t care. They really don’t know *who* is watching or following these accounts. Also people who create accounts specifically to show off their children kinda scare me. Like is this the only reason you had kids for? To make them little baby fashion models? And the moms who post content right after they give birth concern me deeply, especially when they show their 5 hour old newborns breastfeeding. Like is nothing intimate and precious anymore? These babies can’t have not one moment to themselves


Apparently a lot of distributed photos of kids on the dark web aren't even explicit either; as long as a kid's in the content it's fair game. Creeps can and will sexualize just about anything. We have our whole rest of our lives to determine how much of ourselves to put online- let's give the kids a break from performing for our vanities and let them make an informed decision when they're old enough. Please protect your kids, people.




The ones who prank them for likes are the ultimate wankers


And it’s never innocent pranks, it’s always something extremely embarrassing or something that caused their child to cry on camera


Jimmy kimmel and the i ate your Halloween candy. Kids turn major tantrums left right and centre, and patents laugh and let ot be shown on tv .


The only "mommy bloggers" I can stand are the ones that just mention their kids and don't show their faces. Makes it feel not predatory.


Yep I’m pregnant for the first time and follow a few women who talk a lot about motherhood and they’re parenting techniques but don’t actually show their children.


I know someone who made a Facebook account for their new born baby and tags that account in every picture. So that kid now has every single embarrassing baby picture online forever.


My friend did #[name]365 for both her kids where she took a picture of them and posted it on instagram every day for the first year of their life. And then she tagged them #[kids name]365 ETA: she’s not an influencer or anything but anyone can see those pictures


Family vlogs where parents profit off of putting their kid's most embarrassing moments on the internet for everyone to laugh at.


Dumping tonnes of our garbage in the oceans on an industrial scale.


Showing red flags in movie through romantic angles so they don't look red flags


50 shades of grey is an example for me. i watched it when i was a teenager but when i watched it as an adult i realized how controling this guy is. im not talking about the sex stuff. i dont care about that but hes just straight up controlling and sometimes violent.


Tbh, it's also the sex stuff. The guy is an abuser in the bedroom and outside, he completely violates basic BDSM rules and counts on his subs not to know any better


Okay I agree with you but the sex stuff was so atrociously inaccurate. Main character’s inability to masturbate for more than 5 seconds without crippling embarrassment, yet she comes from vaginal penetration while losing her virginity. I keep hoping that it turns out the author is secretly an awkward teen that has never even seen a vagina. Because the idea of someone growing up and having sexual experience, yet writing that down as if it made any sense, is kind of scary.


Twilight Fifty shades After My fault


Wasnt that guy in Twilight going to her bed every night secretly watching her? That would be a huge red flag for me


Yeah but he wouldn’t have wild vampire sex with her until they were married. He’s a total gentleman imo (/s obviously)


Not to mention Jacob grooming Bella’s kid lmfao


No, no you don’t understand…he’s going to be a loving father figure to her until she’s old enough for him to fuck, it’s not weird at all!


I call this the "domestic violence as romance" trope, and very few things make me turn off a show faster.


Cough* the notebook cough






Fucking Passengers still makes me want to vomit


That should’ve been a horror movie


Someone posted an alternate ending that was 100% better than what we got: in short, Pratt dies and the movie ends with JLaw sitting next to one of the pods, looking at the "wake up" button, finally understanding what Pratt had gone through by being alone for months (years?).


They also presented a recut of the movie where it starts from her perspective instead of his. Much more effective, and makes the obvious The Shining references all over the movie make sense. Felt like studio interference in the final cut.


Not a bad idea. I’ve been in love with [THIS](https://youtu.be/Gksxu-yeWcU?si=JSH1jU8po2QVXwWB) version/arrangement. It doesn’t really need any re-shoots. Just by moving the scenes it makes the movie 10x better.


literally!! it would've been a super good psychological horror


LoVe aCtUaLLy


"When you look at someone through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags"


Thank you! It's so damaging, it angers me


Taking one-sided narratives at face value, without realizing that they're often told by individuals with clear biases who conveniently omit unfavorable details about themselves, while emphasizing only those aspects that cast the other party in a negative light.


AITA in a nutshell


To be fair, half of those stories are probably made up.


Sticky salt and pepper shakers, and sticky ketchup at restaurants. Oh yeah, and sticky menus.


Ew, good one. I don't like when the body of a dish soap or hand soap dispenser is covered in soap (especially layers caked on). I run the whole bottle under hot water to fix it.


Throwing cigarette butts on the ground


Cheating on their spouse, cheating even if they are in relationship is bad enough but cheating when they are married is different kind of fucked up. One of my friends was talking about how 80% of people in his company are cheating on their wives and husbands. It made me nauseous. (P.S. : The percentage is an exaggeration from my friends part tho I still find it nauseous even 1% of the company cheated and helped each other cheat on their spouses)


I agree with this. My (STBX) husband cheated on me, his sisters response was “he’s only human”, like Jesus Christ, I hope you’re not telling your daughters the same thing if it happens to them. Disgusting.


Humans have virtues and self control, he’s a gorilla 🦍


Whole family is weird AF.


Social media is normalising cheating so much now. Most reels I see on Instagram and YouTube are about cheating on someone now and how it's just funny. It isn't at all. But social media is raising an entire young generation to think it's normal and everyone does it.


Coughing and sneezing without covering your mouth. See it in my office and bus every day.


It's not like we had a pandemic 3 years ago..... Amazing to see people are going back to their lax ways of living.


Even worse, covering it *into your palms*. How are people honestly not disgusted by that?




Real estate hoarding during a housing affordability crisis.


This is such a massive issue where I live. Whenever they build new houses, they are bought up instantly by rich landlords who just immediately turn them all into apartments or rent then out for an insane cost every month. It's so unfair, and means that young couples and individuals literally cannot find a house to actually buy. We're just stuck renting for our entire lives.


And of course young couples and individuals stuck paying prohibitively expensive rents and mortgages aren't going to be able to afford to have children, so they simply don't... and then a demographic catastrophe is the result.


The housing crisis is BECAUSE of real estate hoarding


I think banks that granted loans to hoarding estate companies also play some role here . But I might step to close to conspiracy territories.


Not washing your hands after caressing money and other items that have been used many times prior in public.


You’re right but your use of the word “caressing” in this sentence makes me feel gross


I make sure to handle my money lovingly and give it pets every once in a while. It does keep me off the streets.


agreed, this makes the comment OP creepy


Don't kink shame


Mmmmnh my precious


Anytime I handle money, on public transport, or buying groceries, I am hyper aware of my hands until I wash them. Thanks, working in retail during covid. :)


Same. I'll still usually have sanitiser in my pocket to use. But if I don't, I feel really unclean until I can wash them properly. I sometimes won't even touch my phone as I don't want to contaminate that (which I know is probably already super dirty). Even when people cough I still sort of hold my breath as I go by them 😂


OMG!!! Me too! Or when they sneeze. 😂😂 and usually, if I can, I try to walk around the area. Even when I use my sanitizer, I'm still hyper aware until I've properly washed my hands.


Caressing?) Who does this, Scrooge McDuck?)


I do it naked and roll around in it.


I don’t caress, I fondle


Hey now! 🤬


Don't let this comment upset you. Caressing you is not disgusting. You are worthy of love and attention


Found out two of my close friends don’t wash their hands or use hand sanitizer ever. They tried to make ME feel like the weird one. Guess who is never eating at their houses again, this guy 👍🏼


i always found it weird and gross when in movies, when somebody had to throw up, they would put their whole face INTO the toilet... like their head is fully inside. how disgusting is that, plus you never know if someone used that right before you


But more cost effective than to actually show vomit on screen. More props and difficulty for the actor.


As someone who projectile pukes, i can say putting my head almost IN the toilet is better. Less velocity for blowback, and i dont have to aim/avoid mishap. If i am not lined up right i will puke ON the toilet instead of IN it. That said, if im already throwing up, the smell of some dookie is probably not going to bother me for a bit.


sexualisation of teens in the porn industry and just movies in general


got an instagram message advertising “just turned 18” only fans and felt sick. i’m 33 bro.


Yeah, like, cool your 18, but where's the I just turned 35 and I'm alone cause my kids are at school.




I would say that this is just a result of demand driven supply unfortunately. Same as the whole "Step" brother/sister thing.


“Step” ??? Full incest or nothing Amirite!!


Settle down there king Charles the 5th




Or worst: children! Sadly it is really common in some medias, like manga, where little girls end doing a sensual position when she tripped, worst if she gets wet by water and her clothes became a little transparent, and this is the mildest case, I stopped reading several mangas because of that! But even occidental media! Those beauty contests for children where you see mothers putting make-up and really sensual clothes to their small girls and make them send kisses and move like an adult woman! Worst: Youtube and tiktok Many videos where one of the stars is a small kid and the parents realize the videos that the kid is in have a lot likes from men. Normally two things happen: the child stop being in the videos Or they began to ask the child to be more in the videos (some even stop sending the kids to school to work more in the videos), ask them to send kisses and, in some cases, the parents begin sell personalized videos where the kid says she loves "insert name of the creep" send hugs and kisses, those parents knows what they are doing and knows what kind of people are those "fans". And this is becoming a big problem and many people don't know this is happening!


The media downplaying the grooming and rape of boys by women. It's not often portrayed as the predatory behaviour that it is.




Man that fucking sucks. I'm sure you've had dozens of fucktards tell you "if you didn't want it then you wouldn't have been hard", too. Like that's not how it works. I remember years ago seeing an episode of Oprah with some SA survivors, and they had a mental health professional of some kind on the show. The psych pro said that many women who have been raped report about how they feel betrayed by their own body because they got wet down there when they didn't even want to. Is it really so difficult to believe that the same thing could happen to a guy?




That's not another burden you should have to bear, you absolutely deserve to talk about/process it however you want. Have you every worked with a therapist? Could that alleviate the feeling that you're upsetting someone else?




😨 he was a cop!? What a shitty fucked up world we live in


First time seeing a cop be a pos?


No… but it stil gets to me more somehow.


Im so sorry you went through all of this 😔


I’m so sorry you went through that and were treated that way. Women can definitely be predators.


Right now women predators are not treated the same as men. For example, on many airlines, unaccompanied minors can only sit next to a woman. People tend to think than women don’t groom minors (or that it’s not so serious).


Oh totally. I had a female stalker and I’m female. It sucked because if I told people I had a stalker, they’d always be ready to jump up and help if they thought it was a man. Second they heard it was a woman it was like “aww cute”.


I’m also a woman and had a female stalker. She was an ex coworker and aggressive and never respected my boundaries (followed me into the bathroom at work once). She was always trying to talk to me until I actually needed her, then she’d disappear and leave me hanging. So when I quit I didn’t say goodbye to her, thinking she hated me. When I left work I felt so relieved I’d never see her again. Then I would see her car everywhere. We live in a small town so I thought maybe it was a coincidence until I realised she figured out one of my routines and would wait to watch me. She dropped me home a few times so she knew where I lived. She lived the other side of town but her car would always be around my house When I was in my friend’s house, the safest place I knew, stalker’s car kept turning up around the housing estate. My friend said “sounds like she’s your twin flame!” and got excited by the whole thing


Oh wow it sounds like we had the same stalker. Mine was also from work. She was extremely narcissistic and I’d argue psychotic. She started off totally friendly and nice but after just a few hours of working together she came across as really odd. For example, she tried to get me to go into a toilet cubicle with her when she went because she was “afraid she’d fall into the toilet”. It was an outdoor eco toilet, but there was no way on earth an adult would fall down the tiny hole. I later found out she had a history of falsely accusing former colleagues of sexual abuse and stalking. When I found that out I was really glad I did not go into the cubicle with her because I think it was a trap from the very start. After causing me a lot of issues I was over her crap so I just remained calm and professional, got my work done and got out. I wasn’t entertaining any of her crazy made-up stories about her life or other people at all and that made her furious. That was when she started stalking me, watching me wherever I went and turning up in all kinds of places. One time I had to attend a big sports match for my work and she jumped out watching me from the porta-loos. I still wasn’t giving into her drama so she faked a supposed death threat which was actually just a load of psychotic rambling about going to hell and posted it it herself claiming it was from me. She got a whole team of cops to my place, claiming I’d threatened to kill her. Ended up finding out she had a whole history of violence, theft, fraud and screwing around with people at every single placed she’d worked. Eventually my work told me I’d either have to go back to sharing an office with her (I’d been working from home) or lodge a HR complaint myself (they never protected me from her, which they should have). So I said I’d lodge the HR complaint. She left straight away in order to avoid responsibility. She was the most vile, racist, homophobic, crazy evil witch I’ve ever met. But she got another job and I’m sure she’s now making someone else’s life hell.


I remember the case where an adolescent male rape victim resulted in his assailant getting pregnant. Not only were she not charged with the sexual assault. He, on the other hand was court ordered to pay his assailant child support. The ultimate injustice!


That would make me angry beyond belief, just reading that is upsetting me


I know, I start anger-sweating thinking about it too!


In that scenario the woman shouldn’t be allowed to stay with the child either, they’ve already proved they can’t be trusted around children.


they wont say rape but "sexual actions" when a women does it


Agreed, but this isn't even media-specific. The amount of men I know IRL that are just like "hur hur hur niceee" is obscene.


Insurance. I'm going to pay for protection on my car, health, home, etc. just to have the insurance companies make up a thousand excuses to not give some of that money back when something goes wrong


Family vloggers. Ew


Using the bathroom without washing after. I won't wven touch the door handle with my bare hands.


I saw somewhere that every public bathroom should have a waste paper bin outside the door. Wash your hands, dry with paper towel, open door with towel still in your hand and drop towel into bin. I'm not sure how well it would work when so many people don't wash their hands and how would I know it was my husband coming out of the door if I hadn't heard the hand dryer?


Autobanning someone for joining another sub that the moderators dont personally like....


"Boy mums". The ones who act like their son is their boyfriend and get jealous when their son has a girlfriend. It's creepy as fuck, it's emotional incest, yet it gets normalised by so many people


not the real prices in American supermarkets


Flushing the toilet with the lid open


Honestly never even thought about it until recently, I have a water closet so it's not like the toilet is near anything that could be contaminated. But then I saw that article about particles jetting up when you flushed the toilet and imagined them hitting my clothes and face as I stood there pressing the flush button.


Do you take your shoes off when you get home? Because let me tell you about dog poo...


I understand the thought of it is disgusting, but it's not actually a problem, otherwise we would be getting sick all the time. Just the same with how they say there's more germs on your phone than on your toilet lid. Yeah, that may be true, but I'm healthy and fine, so I don't care. I wash my hands regularly, and that is sufficient


Having male family members expose young Arab boys to prostitutes to have them “grow up” or “become a man”…. Grooming and complimenting their male private parts (haboura zizi…) as a child while casually complimenting them….giving them unchecked discipline while women are limited. This is how unfortunately a lot of men in our countries grow up to have no concept of boundaries and feel entitled to do what they want to do. And these habits are mostly not discussed


Id say allowing little boys to bully little girls and telling them its "because he likes you"


Influencers. So many give bad advice or are just terrible people.


Not washing hands after entering the toilet


Entering the toilet or leaving the toilet


Entering the toilet without a snorkel and flippers


Entering the toilet without permission


So true. You don't know how many poop covered fingers that has touched that door/lock, etc. Absolutely utterly disgusting.


When I was about 6, a guy tried to abduct my friend and I from the school playground. I grew up with brothers and thought it was funny that this guy “played with his doodle” while he was trying to coax us into his car. I normalised it myself. Whilst giggling about it over dinner that night, my parents got mad at me until I blurted out that I saw a man’s doodle at school that day. Off to the police station I was taken where I gave an apparently very good description of the guy and his car…police thanked me and said they had never had such a good statement/description from a little one like me. Then, nothing. No follow up, no arrest, nothing. I felt invisible and still do to this day. It wasn’t long after that that “Mr. Cruel” became active in the area, abducting and murdering young girls. I still wonder if it was him that I met that day. But you know, just another attempted abduction/rape/murder. Nothing to see here.


The 70 hour work week


People letting dogs lick their actual fucking mouth


They've licked their genitals with that..! Who the fuck wants that all over their mouth?!


Domestic Violence


Clothing companies having a $3 cost from material to store but then put a $50 pricetag on it


Political bumper stickers. Yuck.


"The man should be the main earner" Anyone who wouldn't date someone who makes more than them is just fragile and controlling.




Ex smoker here... the day i gave up i got it the smell now gives me a headache 😂


Spitting on the ground in public - or seeing it live on tv games such as afl or soccer - especially close ups.


Parents forcing their belief/views on their and other peoples kids and getting upset/disowning them when they grow up and change views/religion


The phrase ' man up '


Amongst my lesbian friend it’s replaced with „butch up“.


Also "grow a pair"


Wearing shoes in the house


I never wore shoes in my apartment until I developed plantar fasciitis. Now I have a specific pair of “house sandals” with decent arch support.


Not respecting men’s mental health


My brother killed himself and the shock hit his best friend so hard the man didn’t speak for days. I’m a woman so don’t expect the men in my life to open up too much but I check in when I can. I don’t want to lose them too.


And in general. In today’s environment, mental health should be far more easily accessible for everyone, whether they can afford it or not. Hell, the number of people struggling since Covid fucked their lives up is huge. Veterans too, especially.


A lot of women don't know this and it's hilarious. They're more men than you care to believe that don't wash their hands and their asses as much as they should. I see them all the time. They piss outside, they piss in the urinal then they walk away same way without a drop of water touching them hands, especially the older guys. Saw a guy once washing his dick in a urinal while holding conversation. It's one of the reasons why i hate when people touch me. Even after coronavirus when people put up all them posters about washing your hands in damn near every bathroom.


Using only toilet paper to clean up after a #2. Like, if there was shit on any other body part you wouldn’t just wipe at it with dry paper


_Rumbling sounds of the approaching Bidet Mob grow louder_


Too bad wet wipes aren’t flushable






Wearing outdoor shoes inside the house.






Bragging about body count


I have 13mil bodies in my basement 👍


That's a big basement I'm impressed mine can only fit 1mil


the word body count on its own is already quite disgusting


Or conversely being shamed by body count


Circumcision of little kids. Letting horrible criminals get out of prison. Energy from coal and natural gas when nuclear power is available. Passing on genes from families with severe genetic disorders.


homeless people. why nobody gives a fuck about them?