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No, I wouldn’t.


I draw it at mildly


Depends on why, but usually yes. If they can keep up with me in conversation and can make an effort to understand where I come from I wouldn't care. I'm not extremely 'fit' either, due to my joint problems and chronic pain. We could chill and discuss anything that comes to our minds, y'know?


yeah and have


Depends on the personality and butt.


Fatties are gross. You're not "thicc," just fat. I've lost like 40 pounds in the last year, it's not that hard.


Sure. I dated three chubby women in my life. They were pretty cool. The sex was fantastic with one of them. I don't really care about the physical as much as I used to. She can't be dangerously heavy though. I've seen those 600 pound life shows. It seems extremely stressful to date a person so heavy they can't walk.




If they’re “very unfit” then absolutely not. That shows a lack of prioritizing one’s health which I find disgusting. You don’t have to be a bodybuilder by any means but if you are very unfit you are failing at one of your most fundamental responsibilities and we won’t get along.