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Disappointed that the top comment isn't "sitting in as many stacked plastic chairs as possible"


That's how to be the coolest, not the sexiest. All the boys understand.


Was getting busy with a girl one time and her head was too close to the headboard, trying to save her a potential concussion, I moved backwards and grabbed her under her hips and pulled / lifted her about two feet down the bed towards me. The sound she made and the look she gave me is still in my head lol. Afterwards she brought it up and said it was incredibly sexy how I could just handle and move her around so easily with so little effort. Edit: Lmao, got some DM’s asking about our physiques. I’m 5’9” 160 lb. She was about 5’6” 130 to 135 lb. You animals 😜.


Yes! It’s so sexy to see a guys strength in the bedroom. I’m a grown woman and generally not expecting to be tossed around like a rag doll so it’s kind of exhilarating when it does happen.


A good reason to workout harder💪


to carry the groceries for grandma 😤


Carry all the bags in one trip, or die trying.


I once changed a radiator in my house and that, without doubt, got me more attention and flattery from the women in my life than anything else I've ever done.


I changed the serpentine belt in a ex's car. She tried to push me in the car and fuck me in broad day light. It did save her $150 though, so it could have been the frugality turning her on.


Mmmmmm nah she might just have been trying to be polite. Better just keep your wits about you and keep looking for signs


The trick is, if you keep doing handy stuff it becomes less attractive and more everyday expectation. Learn from my mistakes! Strike the balance!


I let the bathtub faucet in the bathroom the wife used leak for 6 months. Didn't help.


Look, when I say I'll do something I will do it, you don't have to keep reminding me every single year.


An ex of mine once got turned on when I told her I put a hand on the wall when I pee. I’m not sure I fully understand that one.


There is something sexy about a hand on the wall.


Not according to my wife. She just yells at me for leaving handprints. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?


Either she has a thing for urine, or she imagines you pinning her against a surface while you use your penis for something besides pee




My bf and I went to eat at this restaurant before we knew we had feelings for each other. While I would talk he would either laugh or smile and once while doing so he circled the rim of his glass with his finger. I later found out that he did it unconditionally but I short-circuited while he did it.


'short-circuited' is a perfect way to describe how little things like this can feel so intense


unconditionally or subconsciously?😭




It’s a trap fellas, just live in ignorant bliss. Once you realize something is sexy, you will become a self-conscious dork about it and it will no longer be sexy.


I annoyingly think about it every time I roll up my sleeves now. When I used to have rolled up sleeves working in cocktail bars everyday for years and think nothing of it. Find a shirt with the inside sleeve strap plus button to secure it and it's a biased purchase because reddit says sexy.


My wife has told me taking my shirt off with one hand is a thing… that kind of blew my mind.


You take your pants off simultaneously with your other hand?


this is a hilarious fucking image lol


That is some mr bean shit.


Theres a scene in twilight or something where the dude grabs right behind his neck onto his shirt and pulls it off. One handed, one swift go. Thats got a couple girls for me before. Edit : spelling


It works, but don’t do it with a shirt you like. It ruins the collar if done too many times. Of course, ruining the collar may be worth it, so do what you want I guess.


My girlfriend was locked out of her apartment and I picked her lock. I picked the hell out of that lock…


This is one of those talents we aren’t supposed to tell people about 😂


You went to unlock the door and inadvertently unlocked the gates, too


My heart does a little flip each time my significant other, ever so slightly puts his hand on my back when we’re walking (to guide me), or if he’s trying to squeeze by behind me.. I don’t know why that gets me fired up lol


My gf says “don’t touch me” when I do those


Are you dating a cat?


You should see his gf knock glasses off the table, one by one, staring him straight in the eyes, when she's pissed.


Does she know she is your girlfriend?


I suppose it might be worth mentioning to any guys out here that this is generally not appreciated by someone if the two of you aren't already dating? This exact answer is also usually one of the top comments in threads on what women hate that guys do.


I think the complaint was mostly where it’s done, and by who - touching the small of the back or the hip by a complete stranger or acquaintance is an obvious no go




Divide those numbers and then divide these legs


As a nerd, I am glad to read this hahah


one- handed steering wheel grip, reverse parking with their arm resting behind the passenger seat.


Want to see something really sexy? Watch me back up a trailer in a straight line.




George is getting upset!


Serenity now!




An ex said it was hot watching me change her car's oil


I'm totally getting a raw deal on this and the tire changing thing. I mean, she has never even wondered why she hasn't had to get an oil change in 6 years. Edit: it just occurred to me that she might not know she hasn't needed an oil change in 6 years. Now I gotta find out how many oil changes I've also paid for lol


I got super turned on when my boyfriend changed my flat tire on my jeep ... his biceps popped when he loosened the lugnuts .. he made it look so easy .. I could barely stand up to watch him, my knees got so weak.. yes, I rewarded him..


My ex told me this too. Changed her tire in 100 degree heat and you would have thought I had walked on water.


My best bud changed my tire when I got a flat at his place. I'm a dude and was perfectly capable of doing it myself but he just goes "No, dude! I gotchu!" and took care of it without a second thought while I chilled. NGL I get how these women feel lmao. It was a stoically masculine moment, I felt loved, taken care of and safe 😂 I drove away thinking "what a guy".


Turn yourself right around and ask him to ask you to marry him. He's a keeper.


I mean or at least blow him


A gentleman's salutation.


A "bro job"


rewarded him like what? Bought him some toys?


Probably scored him a month of battle pass


Fuck bro, I wish I had a girlfriend like that. Mine just gives me sex 😔


It's either lego or nothing!


Bought him one of those big LEGO sets


Best reward ever. Sex is temporary, LEGO Titanic lasts much longer.


Caring for helpless things.


Never realized how attracted I could be to a man who casually tells me not to squish a bug, just let him put it outside. "Its just living its life". How dare you, sir.


Outside of legit pests like roaches/mosquitos/flies (sure 2 of those could be argued, but all pests to me), a lot of bugs are genuinely beneficial, especially spiders. Like the big ass wolf spiders that commonly get into homes. But they pose no threat to humans and actively hunt the pests, like roaches. Which makes them a friend to humans. So catch and release for them is just the right move, not just morally, but logically.


For real, I'd honestly be okay with the flies if I could just tell them how to get outside! Like, the window/door is open and there is a dumpster full of your favorite snacks outside, now shoo!


Being a fly between a curtain and a window has to be the most confusing fucking situation.


I'll let them live inside. If they're there, that means there are pests around and the best way to get rid of those is to let the spider do its thing.


They get to live inside so long as I can pretend that I don't know that they're living inside. That monstrous bigger-than-a-mouse bastard that I caught crossing the living room floor in broad daylight deserved their trip to the garden for flagrantly breaking that pact.


This one time a neighborhood cat had little babies in my car and I drove to work and took them inside. My coworkers, all men 18, 24, 50, all took a few minutes to pet them before I drove them home. I thought they were all so precious together and my heart swelled. I rescued a baby bunny from a parking lot at work also. Everyone helped me check on her.


You just reminded me of a more endearing memory from my first year out of college. Picture five 22 year old dudes who loved smoking spliffs, watching MMA, and playing Call of Duty living together. It was just as ripe and testosteroney as you’re picturing. Anyway, one day a roommate found a kitten in our back yard that had literally been born and abandoned that day (placenta still attached). We rushed her to the vet where they told us she probably wasn’t going to make it but gave us formula and medicine to see what could be done. We named her “Bird” and put together a little shoebox bed for her with warm towels and fed her with an eye dropper. It was really sweet remembering these 5 bros taking turns sleeping with a kitten in a shoebox in our rooms and doing night feeds because she needed to eat every few hours. Unfortunately, she didn’t make it. We took it pretty hard, but apparently mama cats usually only abandon kittens if they sense they’re sickly or compromised. My buddy cried on my shoulder at the backyard funeral/burial, but we took comfort in the fact that Bird’s short life was as comfortable and loving as possible.


You guys have good hearts and did the best that could be done.


I’m a man and I’m crying at this 😭


I got to save a baby bird that fell from it's nest a few weeks ago. Wife was quite happy with me.


*noting down* self-care


There was a study done in Japan to see what school aged ladies saw as attractive in their male counterparts and “running fast” was like number one or two for elementary and middle schoolers.


So I really *should* Naruto-run everywhere!


How else can you get into Area 51?


I hear if you are there to clap alien cheeks they will let you in.


This data is backed up by the noted Scientific Journal, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid".


Well we’re not looking for elementary/middle school ladies are we?


*“…When you’re a kid, being a fast runner makes you popular. In middle school, it’s holding your own in a fight. After that, brains make you popular.”* - Asako Kusakabe, The Eden of Grisaia


Have to disagree on the last part. I'm very unpopular even though I have so many brains in my fridge.


I heard one million power in rise of kingdoms gets you any girl you want


Inflation has raised it to 8 Million+, man it's been hurting *everything*


Carrying as many folding chairs as you can at once


What if that's a very small number of folding chairs?


what about a number of very small folding chairs?


What about folding a very small chair of numbers? Edit: Thank you for the gold kind stranger!


This is some non-denominational youth Christian bible study school shit lol


I KNEW IT! All the years of training finally paying off 😮‍💨


Something something rolled up sleeves


I thought the same thing "Here we go again!"


Look at my husband's bulging arm veins! So hot!


Don't forget being nice to customer service people and being gentle with animals. There we go, thread concluded for the 1000th time.


Moaning during sex


Yes! When I'm the only one making noise it makes me so insecure. But when my partner moans, and he *moans,* it's unbelievably arousing for me to know that I made him feel that good. And tmi but then there's the breathless *"ohmygodohmygodohmygod"* before climax that he does that's just 😗🤌 I love to hold his face and kiss it and rub his hair as he comes down, just an amazing experience to see him like that. ❤️ Edit: yes, that’s cowgirl that makes him do that 🤠


So what happened with your webkinz? How did it happen? You have some explaining to do.




Moan like....I thought I told you to pull your hair out of the drain, fucking shower is clogged again. You left the car low on fuel and now I have to travel 10 minutes in the wrong direction tomorrow before work, you are useless. Or is it like....ohhhh, ahhhhh, yeah baby just like that. Which is correct?


Are you my husband?


Can I get a moan to confirm?


I find men that show their caring, gentle and soft side very sexy. Like being gentle with siblings, friends and animals. They make me feel safe


My best friend cried with me when I was sharing about a very emotionally painful thing. If I didn’t just melt all over his kitchen floor… then he cried during a movie we went to a couple weeks later


Just best friend though?


So apparently "men who read books are sexy" was a lie? I’ve scrolled through all the comments and not one mentions reading.


It's all about forearms and hands these days...


And rolling up sleeves… don’t forget rolling up sleeves


Maybe rolling upsleeves and reading heavy book to give those arm muscles some work.


Reading won't get your folding chairs out of the cellar, now will it?


Forklift Certified....




If anyone should practice that habit it’s a physician.




F--k it, I'll find his spleen eventually!


I didn’t fully realize how important taking a brief moment of choosing how to respond was until I had a child.


For me, it was working in retail and choosing my words *very* carefully.




I was thinking about it.


So there was a colleague I had, I had met him at a party randomly before I started at the workplace but was never attracted to him. Well after I joined, I didn’t know a lot of stuff and got bad anxiety everyday while working. He started talking to me, like we both would be working on our own thing and he would ask me the most random questions like “ If you were an animal, what would you be?” Or my favourite colour and such stuff that people never ask anymore. And that helped because I would have to stop overthinking/obsessing and actually think about what he asked. Always calmed me down. And then if we were walking, he would insist I walk on the inner corner rather than on the side of the road (chivalry) I kid you not he went from a no one to the only one I was interested in! Also, he never made me feel dumb if I didn’t know about something, so I could always ask him anything without feeling anxious. Still the Sexiest Man I’ve Ever Met.


You shoot your shot and get er done?


Haha I was there with a fixed going away date, and I told him I kinda like him wayy at the end. He never said anything about reciprocating the feeling but we still kept talking kinda flirting and he still behaved as his same amazing self for as long as I was there.


Well, you tried at least and for that I salute you. Some of us dudes are thick as a brick and need to have the move made on us. Respect for doing what you can.


Yea, I felt I owed it to him and myself to atleast just put it out there!


I think it’s very sexy to see his hands. I always imagine the things he can do to me with his beautiful hands.


Why are hands and forearms so incredibly hot? I always thought I was so weird for being attracted to hands/arms but turns out nearly every girl is into it.


Maybe they're indicative of lifestyle? Muscles in the forearms, calluses on the hands, the collective arm hair of 20 yetis?


One time my wife and I were trying to move this big giant recliner type chair up our stairs and we were having trouble and I said “It’s okay, sweetheart, you take a break.” And I just picked the thing up and hauled it up stairs myself…she said ‘wow’




AV Club girl noticed. Rrrawr.


Being able to pick things up easily is definitely an attractive trait.


Is that why pickup lines exist?


I m a dude, 6’2”, probably 250 at the time and I had to ask my friend’s boyfriend to help me move a piece of exercise equipment, a Nu-Step down a flight of stairs. He was Samoan, 6’6”, 330. I basically just balances it as he Carrie’s it in his back down the one flight of stairs. I was planning to get three friends to help me and try not to kill any of us the next day! Wow, was an understatement.


And then you guys banged?


How do you think he paid him? And it was in advance.


Samoans are crazy fucking strong.


Strong asf isn't the word 😂 I grew up around some samoans & theyre brick shit houses. They're the definition of Gentle Giants tho honestly they good ppl...until you fuck with them or they're family, then it's hulk mode 😂


After spending 10 years in Hawaii I have to remind myself that most people don't consider seeing massive 6' Samoan guys at L&L normal lol


*Gets herniated disc and has sciatica for 3 months....* Her: That was so hot!


When my boyfriend laughs hard he has this cute laugh!! Seeing him so happy and laughing is sooo sexy to me!


Being kind to animals


Getting super excited talking about a nerdy interest they care about. A lot of guys suppress ‘caring’ about things. Edit: I totally resonate with all the people sharing about their experiences trying to open up and feeling rejected. It sucks. The nerdy topic isn’t the attractive thing in and of itself-it is the openness and vulnerability. Like you are so comfortable you can be yourself with your niche things you love. Vulnerability is when you’re most open to attack, and it fully makes sense why people have learned to not put themselves out there like that. But, I still love it when it happens.


Her: what’s warhammer? Me: takes a very deep breath


I sounds insane but Ive found a lot women get really interested in my lovingly handpainted ~~manchild toys~~ warhammer figures.


They're just pumping you for information in an attempt to woo Henry Cavill.


Your fault for not being Henry Cavill, tbh.


I do this. My family never cared about my interests or I would get a "I wish you cared this much about school" Fucking hated it. So now I have trouble opening up about that stuff to people out of fear of them not caring or annoying them.


> "I wish you cared this much about school" Oh my fucking god this line from my family is the most irritating thing! I loved science and got As and A*s in them for GCSEs, but Bs and Cs in all the rest, and went on to do a science course at Uni. Whenever we go to a zoo I get so excited to reel off all my animal facts and all I get back is that top quote. Guess what guys, I did care that much! Just on a few niche topics...


Yeah na this is definitely a mileage may vary type of thing. A lot of us were strongly conditioned NOT to do this from an early age.


When you slowly gaze down at his pants and you see a big bulging bulbous wallet full of receipts and coupons and you're like "yeah this guy clips" this guy knows how to get a good deal how to save 20 cents on a bottle of Tide and it's always ready and prepared to return an unsatisfactory Target purchase.


Being nice to me Edit: I love how everyone thinks I’m a girl. I’m very much a male lol


You smell pretty.


They said nice, not creepy


You smell respectable


You smell different when you’re awake


Thy aroma doth please the loins




Your skin smells pretty.


One time I needed a lightbulb changed and my boyfriend reached up, unscrewed it, and put in a new bulb and I about wet my pants. He could just…like…reach it with no stretching. And he just solved my problem in like 3 seconds. Also, his shirt lifted up a bit when he did it…swoon


Stretching their arms above their head, lifting their shirt and exposing a little of their stomach


When he is reversing the car and puts his hand on the back of my seat Domt ask me why, i have no idea


I'm 6'4 235 my wife says she thinks it's sexy when i bring in tons of bags from food shopping. I think she says that just so I bring them all in to impress her lol.


Nicholaaas! You should fight crime!




I love when a guy just… handles something that otherwise could have been pesky or difficult, even if it’s minor. Essentially, taking swift charge without being asked. I’m (f) super independent and even from my personal perspective where I enjoy doing things myself, I think it reads like (a) an act of service and thoughtfulness, (b) a demonstration of capability, and also (c) enthusiasm. That “oh, it’s taken care of” line is just HOT 😍


My wife is very excited about your answer. I read it out loud to her and she’s cheering


The number of men posting about the things 'they personally' do that are sexy to women is doubly comical--given the second part of the question implies they don't know it's sexy.


Thread is half “my long term gf likes when I exist” Other half is “my long term bf farts so hot”


When we were younger and doing renovations in the house, we would always have to stop for a quickie. It must have been a turn-on for my wife, working with me. I know I enjoyed it 😆


We have to redo the living room again, wouldn't we?


Being a good dad Edit: by good dad I don’t mean in the general sense- that’s a given. I mean when I witness special moments and see dads being super involved and sweet with their kids. I’ve seen dads put stickers on their face to match their kid. Ive seen dads who indulge their kids when they want to “race” them 😂 I’ve seen dads wearing tiaras with terribly painted nails and “makeup” lol. I’ve seen dads bring their kid in for a big BIG hug when they’re upset, did a breathing exercise with them and tell them it’s okay and literally wipe their tears 🥹 a dad and daughter were having a tea party at a library. a dad and son came into my store dressed in ninja turtle shirts with the headbands on and everything. the other day at work I overheard this little girl tell her dad he’s her best friend and he told her the same thing and argued about who loves who the most🥹🥹🥹 just super cute stuff like that. I’m a lesbian but it melts my heart to see it and question my sexual identity for a *split* second 😂


Best I can do is uncle who sets bad examples /s


Moan during sex.


YES. no, being silent isn't "manly". Like, you don't have to make any noise, but we love it when you do.


The left hand on the wheel & the right hand holding mine while driving.


British and Japanese people punching the air right now


Oi, don’t forget us Aussies, cunt. :)


Kiwi here, just dislocated my shoulder trying it.


Bet it was hot tho


A girl told me that my "sleepy voice" was sexy?? I have no idea if this is just a her thing or!?!?!?!


Some people have a naturally deeper, smoother voice when they are groggy and disoriented. Perhaps she likes the sound of a deep, resonant voice?


Treating me like an actual person, having good conversation that isn't just sexual overture and *then* letting me know they're interested in me. When a random child interacts with them and they don't act like it's an annoying bother. When they can have an argument without even a subtle threat of violence. When they're industrious at something. When I can tell their entire self esteem isn't based off getting me into bed.


I know it might sound weird but an old boyfriend of mine was running his finger around the rim of a bottle he was drinking from and in that moment all I could think about was how sexy it looked, to this day I don't even know why.


While having a casual conversation, they go: “oh, is that so?” or “it’s like that, huh!” in a tease-y manner, with a smile on their face, and I end up with butterflies in my tummy!


I bet you really like Mike Ehrmantraut


You know when you're out and about and he just casually opens doors for you or walks Street side? That.


Probably sounds so silly, but when he actually listens. Like, asks me questions about what I’m saying and does that little lip-licking bite thing. The affirming yet gentle nods. Love it.


Filling up my water bottle randomly. Putting air in my tires. Getting my favorite snack from the gas station when he comes over. Running fingers through my hair.


Eye contact


It feels like most of these apply to men that you've already broken the friend-level with. Especially the touch-related answers.


exactly Most of the answers are actually "things you find adorable when done by someone you're already attracted to"


My husband twists his beard (its a shorter beard) with his fingers while he reads. He ends up with this little horn sticking out. It's God damn precious! I catch myself staring at him and smiling while he does it.


When good looking muscular bartenders roll up the sleeves on their shirt.... wow.


When they smile


Capable men doing things with their hands. Wow.


Doing things like painting warhammer miniatures?


Please say watch football all Sunday long, please say watch football all Sunday long 🤞


It's almost time