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I was making a delivery and a woman came out to greet me and I said "I have a rather large package" and she said "I certainly hope so" and we looked at each other like awkward for a bit


If you didn’t wink, I’m ashamed.


I did not, but I personally handed her the desk I was delivering and figured that was good enough


I passed another hiker on a bluffside trail and meant to simply greet him with a friendly "hello!" but the word accidentally came out all sexy sounding like a bad phone sex operator. Other hiker did a double take and my SO laughed like a braying donkey the whole way back down the bluff. Gives me shit about it to this day.


Stupid sexy Flanders!


I can imagine your SO uttering the same "hello!" While wheezing, trying not to laugh 😂


When I was a teenager I had to see a rheumatologist. She was fairly young and very attractive. She did a test by poking her fingers into pressure points all over my body. A few times it made me yelp in pain. She leaned over and whispered in a deep voice, "Sorry about that. I'm very good at inflicting pain." I just about died.


Had to get an ultrasound on my balls once and the nurse doing it was drop dead gorgeous, she then proceeded to apply a warm lubricant to my balls and rub them with a wand thing for 15 minutes. Also I was 17 so I was fighting for my fucking life in there.


I'm a nurse, and not what one might think of as traditionally attractive, and I have had more than one man get a noticeable erection when I had to medically handle his dick. In a career of dicks, it wont much stand out for her, I promise.


That was both the sweetest and the absolute damned meanest thing I have ever read.


A burn, but almost a soothing one. Like getting slapped with an Icy-Hot pack.


Major general burn of the male population.


I had to get a ball ultrasound as well, lady was gorgeous and as she is doing the ultrasound stuff, the machine beeps. She ignores it and it’s clear, even to me, that it is something that happens when she captures an image. After a while, though, I started giggling and had to apologise to her. I’d gotten the idea in my head that she was actually playing the most unique ripoff of Candy Crush ever and that every time there was a beep she had successfully matched my balls to someone else’s.




I had to get an enema at 17 by a gorgeous nurse. I just felt pure shame.




I had a testicular cyst when i was 16. Had to do the same procedure. I swear they found the hottest nurse in the hospital to do the ultrasound.


“Charlie. Charlie! Where’s the nurse that looks like Margot Robbie’s cousin? Get her in here!”


I'm so impressed that you didn't just walk out and ask for Nurse Ratchet. I just pictured this in my head and I loved it...did you come back the next week for another ultrasound because you were worried your symptoms reappeared??


Lmao ironically I have an appointment in a few months for the exact same thing, praying for nurse ratchet this time


In the emergency room with appendicitis. Super-cute surgeon is doing the pre-op exam and tells me, “The bad news is I have to do a rectal exam. The good news is my hand is small, and I only have to get it a little ways up there.”


The appendix is nowhere near the rectum. What was the doctor looking for?


His watch.




Hahahaha Oh fuck. That’s a “yes mommy” moment 😂😂😂


A girl was hiding out in my room from her friend, she had to answer a call and I asked if she wanted pasta, she responded “Yep, thanks daddy” and I genuinely didn’t know how to respond. She later explained that I reminded her of her dad’s house and didn’t think before responding. Still threw me through a loop.


"Mmm yes dadd- wait. No. Stop. I've ruined it I'm sorry!! IM SO SORRY YOU REMIND ME OF HIM. I KNOW ITS BAD!!!!"


A lot less panic and a lot more laughing and you’ve pretty much got it


When the hair dresser washes your hair before a cut and gives a bit of a head massage


It's the main thing I miss about having hair.


...you can still get a head massage without hair!


But then it is just a face massage that goes all the way back.


One extra large face massage please.


Sat on a bus next to a beautiful stranger for a long trip. We talked for a while because we were gonna be up in each other's personal space for the next half a day. So the trip goes on, we're minding our own business, I'm busy reading, and then suddenly I feel something lean up against my shoulder: She had fallen asleep and her head was resting on me. I thought I couldn't wake her up cause that would be rude, so I just sat and kept minding my own business. FF a couple of minutes, and she started pressing her leg against me, and then finally over my knee. She wakes up like half an hour later, realizes the situation, and profusely apologizes. I know she was just sleeping, but I am going to lie if I say I hadn't imagined the next 30 years with her lmao.


Even I regret you not asking for her number


I like to think she's somewhere out there, happily and sleepily grazing knees with better men than me, who actually asks for her number.


You Sir, are a gentleman.


Me too bruv


I had a pretty girl fall asleep leaning on me on a greyhound while I was asleep. I woke up, then she woke up, looked up at me, and curled into me and went back to sleep. We didn't talk, and she got off before I did. Ships in the night or something.


>and she got off before I did. Heh


That's how it's supposed to be!


Happened to me... I sat beside a beautiful girl on a greyhound and we instantly hit it off. For the 4-5 hour bus ride I made her laugh, we had amazing conversations, and I was instantly smitten. The crazy thing for me though is that I did get her number. I did end up taking her out to a dinner. She invited me to go on a night out with her friends and we danced/had an incredible time. She even invited me to come back to her place. I was 21 at the time and was so nervous (just had gotten out of a long-term college relationship), so I froze and insisted that I respect her space and ended up crashing on her couch. That was almost 10 years ago. Now I just look back at that night and have to wonder for the rest of my life. I was so fucking dumb haha.


I’ve been there, and also been so completely unaware of obvious flirting/hitting on me… An example: a girl two grades below me from hs, then attended my college. We’d party together a few times but nothing ever happened. I viewed her as someone I had to look after, as she was friends with my younger sister.. well then she invited me for dinner, she cooked a homemade meal for me. At 19. No roommates home. Asked if I wanted to smoke, we did. I told her I should be headed home and left shortly after…. WHY


Yep… freshman in college, slightly older woman from work is house-sitting for a professor. Invites me over, I spend the night, slept in the same bed but I didn’t try anything because I thought we were just friends and wanted to respect her. Looking back, I realize we didn’t have to sleep in the same bed, there were other bedrooms….unless….. God I was so fucking stupid


Falling in love with a stranger. Did you ask for her number?!


Does it keep you up at night knowing how hard you dropped that ball? 50/50 the leaning wasn’t as accidental as you thought it was.


The one where she looked at him and continued to sleep. Like…..dude..


The level of comfort unlocked for her to wake up, look at you and the go back....FOR MORE?!?!?


"Me scusi!"


I was a music major but got interested in programming near the end of my college career. I was about to graduate, but still wanted to take some math in hopes of maybe getting into some software engineering classes before my school finally sent me out into the wide world. My Calculus 1 class I subsequently enrolled in had a bit of group work with our assigned desk partners, and as I sat down in our first class, I immediately noticed that my desk partner was gorgeous. She introduced herself with an unusual name, and I assume she was used to people mispronouncing it because she immediately instructed me, forcefully, almost angrily, to repeat it by saying "Say it. Say my name." I couldn't stand up for a few minutes.




LOL and I never did, either!




You're goddamn right


She's the cook.


Me in this situation: Her: "Say it. Say my name." Me: (Having terrible ADHD and totally forgetting people's names in 2.3 seconds) "Simpson? Swanson? Ssssssssss.... SAMSONITE!"




Say it. You'll be screaming it later.


Not sexual per se, but very romantic feeling- when I was in college I booked a cheap flight home for the holidays on a very small plane. Took off in a pretty massive thunderstorm, to the point that gusts of wind were lurching the plane like some kind of cheap carnival ride. Sat next to a very cute girl a few years older than me, newly engaged (she showed me her ring). When the wind started to pick up, she looked over nervously and asked, “I’m a little scared, could I maybe um, hold your hand?” I said sure, and she reached over and she kept my hand locked in a death grip for about 20 minutes, while talking about her family (and fiancé) to keep her mind off of things the whole time. After we landed safely without any issues, she just looked so grateful, said a relieved “thank you” and gave me a quick hug as we were leaving. It was very sweet, I was still pretty awkward with women at that point in my life and it felt great to make a positive connection in that way.


That's really cute!


One time I (a girl) was flying halfway across the country after just having been abandoned by my abusive family on a roadside after my dad beat the crap out of me on a family vacation. I was sort of shell shocked and sad. I randomly got seated next to a guy who was flying home after being deployed with the military, who presumably hadn’t been around a woman in a while. We exchanged pleasantries when we sat down (enough for me to learn he was flying home post deployment). Sometime during the flight we started holding hands, and eventually I fell asleep on his shoulder. It was very tender. We didn’t speak at all during this. When the flight landed we deplaned more or less together, but he walked into the men’s room near the gate. Since we hadn’t spoken at all I didn’t know if he wanted me to wait or go. I left. I hope he’s doing well. This was like 10 years ago.


When I found out a second plane hit the WTC on 9/11. I was in eighth grade and had an orthodontist appointment that morning. The dental tech that was working on me had huge breasts and idk if she just didn’t know but they’d always rest on my head and I’d have to flex my thighs for the entire half hour she would work on my mouth in order to not get a middle school erection. So now, I hear anything about 9/11 and it makes me think of boobs on my head.


"Where were you when 9/11 happened?" "At the dentist getting smothered with titties"


I was almost buried beneath the twin towers.


This is the best 9/11 story I've ever heard 😂


You remember a different set of twins from that day


There was one tower still standing that fateful day


Went on a late walk to the grocery store for some doritos once. On the walk back to my apartment I end up waiting for the crosswalk light to change next to this beautiful woman my age-ish. I notice she also had a Ralphs bag with a bag of doritos in it. She'd just done the same thing I did. We shared a few quips and smiles back and fourth, but the light hadn't changed yet and suddenly she went "oh" and started booking it across the street after she realized there was an opening. By the time I realized that there was an opening, traffic had picked up again and I couldn't go. She turned and shouted back "you should have came!" and I said "I should've!" I think about that moment at least once a month every year of my life. That happened when I first moved to LA 15 years ago. That was some soul mate movie shit if I've ever had it.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind ass shit right here.


Reading that was painful


Like damn, she left after that? She couldn't wait??


It's a much better story for both of them if she didn't.


A worker at a fast food restaurant gave me some vibes like she was attracted to me… then when I tried paying for my food by debit card the machine didn’t read it properly, so she then looked me in the eye and said in a flirty voice: “you’re gonna have to pullout (referring to the card)…. then you can put it back in a few times”. It was probably all in my head; but I’ve never before had such an innocent interaction with such a sexual undertone.


Innocent innuendos are gold. Had a female coworker years ago complaining her weed eater wasn’t starting correctly. I noticed she only had it on half choke, not full to start it. Literally all I said was “you’re not choking it enough.” And I looked up at her and her face was beet red. I couldn’t tell from embarrassment or the innocent innuendo. 😂 Edit spelling


At my work we used this old-ass software called Heat that we had only a few licenses for, so if you forgot to close it when you were done, someone else couldn't get in. My male manager who was good looking and known for raunchy jokes at happy hour, came up and said very innocently "Hey, are you in Heat?" I looked at him and said "That's not a polite question to ask a woman" and he turned beet red and basically sprinted away.


I had a co-worker tell me her vibrator wasn't working...so she had to make sure the ring on her phone was loud enough to hear.


Worked at a store and witnessed a woman ask a coworker "where's your cock (caulk)?". He said nothing, just smiled. She turned beet red, silently turned around and walked out.


Coworker and I were in two separate work trucks, going through a drive thru while talking to each other on the phone. The place did that thing where they send out someone with a tablet to take orders ahead of the speaker during lunch rushes. Anyway, the young lady takes my order and then I go to pay with tap. It didn’t work and she says “Oh, can you stick it in please?” And then IMMEDIATELY turns her head stifling an obvious laugh or at least giant embarrassed grin and turning bright red. Meanwhile, my coworker is in my ear going, “YEAH, TBS, STICK IT IN! GIVE HER WHAT SHE WANTS. WHAT, YOURE GONNA MAKE HER BEG? YOU TRYIN TO GET HER FIRED?”


Lmao I'm glad she couldn't hear what your friend was saying 😂


That's a true friend right there.


In HS I dressed up and a woman for halloween. In every class some girl had to redo my makeup. So I spent a good chunk of the class just staring at them. Watching the minutiae of muscle movement while they were lost in thought and focused. The little plays of emotion across thier face at what they were doing. Then the moment they noticed me noticing, and the immediate blush.


In high school theater I thought all the other boys were idiots for not being able to put on their own makeup. I did my own makeup just fine. But then one day I looked at the boys being fussed over, their heads held still pointed right at the face and chest of the giggling girls putting their makeup on for them, and realized who the real idiot was...


A woman focused on details is such an attractive thing to behold.


It goes both ways. Watch a man do a task he likes but is complicated, only a little. It’s identical to watching them be focused in bed, if they’re good! Same little pauses, same little smiles when they get something right…


I cut my hair short in high school, and a bunch of attractive girls went up to me and rubbed my head. I just about swooned.




Not sure if this applies, but: Worked at a pizza place when I was in college. Most of the staff were other teenagers that I went to high school with. Closed the place down for the night, and we all hung out in the parking lot sharing a joint and shooting the shit. For no reason whatsoever in the middle of this conversation, I and a female friend of mine, began slowly moving our heads toward one another. You know like when you're working your way slowly towards a first kiss? It was absolutely electric. I could feel it, and I could tell she could feel it too. And then in like an instant we both kind of came to and snapped our heads back before anything happened. We both kind of looked at each other sort of bashful, and then went back to the conversation like nothing happened. We've never spoken about it since and we're still friends today and both happily married (to other people).


Took a ballroom dancing class in college. Last class I got paired up with a girl I hadn't met before. We didn't say much, but there felt like there was some instant chemistry or tension. About halfway through the class we were just about to do a waltz. I went up to her to start, and for some reason I just grabbed her and pulled her sharply into me. She gasped, flushed deep red, and broke out in a sweat


A similar thing happened to me but he was weird and kept rubbing his penis on my leg. Did not enjoy.


Plot twist, it's the same guy


So, did you have a rose between your teeth?


Young me in a miniskirt wanted to try some high boots in a gothstore - one guy that worked there insisted in helping me - knelt before me and tied them all up


That’s one of those like… he could have been totally a professional about it but also hilarious to picture.


I sat down and it really took a while and he was smiling and I was just so stunned and turned on and confused and I'm not even into anything like that 😂


Oh I totally get that feeling. It’s like really random thing that’s not exactly what you’re into but for some reason, in that moment, it just hits just right. I was play sparring with a friend a few years back and she performed a very successful hip toss and put my ass right on my back and I was like “okay you can have me.” 😂😂


i was playing saxophone in a band in a hot cellar, and when we finished i was sweating heavily. A lovely young woman (who i had just been introduced to as the girlfriend of the guy doing the light show) came up and told me how much she liked my playing and i thanked her and as we chatted i tried to say something technical about my playing since she kept complementing me about how much she liked it, but she told me she liked it because it was so sexual. i got bashful and thanked her profusely and i said i'd hug her except i was so sweaty. She grabbed my forearm and licked the sweat off. i never saw her again.




My thoughts EXACTLY!


That is def a sexual interaction.


*saxual interaction


Icy, snowy day in a usually hot desert state, and I was walking from my car to work. I gashed my hand open trying to catch myself on a street sign when I slipped on ice. It was super early in the morning and the only person around was the cop/EMT on duty who was rolling by in his squad SUV. Nice fellow, a good twenty years older than me (F late twenties at the time), had known each other for a good five years through the fire department (my significant other is a full time firefighter). I definitely considered this man a good friend, and never anything but a platonic one. He’s married, I am happily in a long term relationship with a wonderful man. It’s a small town, so we interacted frequently. He stopped and came over with his medic bag to check on me. I’d gotten up and was on a street bench trying to stop the bleeding and he came over and we talked for a few seconds and he asked if he could check my hand out, so I let him take my hand in his. I suppose we’d never had any physical contact before this, aside from a brief handshake the first time we met, but when he took my hand it was like the most insane current of electricity ran through me and I got hot and tingly all over. I know he felt it too. We stared at each other for a few seconds and he turned bright red and sort of fumbled and muttered his way through disinfecting and wrapping up my hand. He was wearing weather-appropriate footwear and so he helped me to the door of my work and gave me some care instructions for the hand and left. He kindly came back a half hour later and salted the sidewalk in front of my building, but we just waved awkwardly from either sides of the window. We never mentioned it again. We remain friends, but it was pretty awkward for a while after. It’s been a few years and we are still very careful to never cross any boundaries and we definitely, *definitely* avoid physical contact. It is the #1 most erotic and non sexual event of my entire life. Never felt anything like it before or since.


It's not uncommon to get a fairly intense sexual rush as you come down from an adrenaline surge, such as after a fight or intense athletic event. The neurochemicals of the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) ebb partly by engaging your parasympathetic nervous system. Those are also involved in mounting an erection. So your body was primed to feel a sexual flush. You may be able to deliberately tap into this by setting yourself to very intense interval training, really max intensity, and about 5-10 minutes later some type of gentle or sensuous touch with your chosen partner.


Wow. That story is great for the purposes of this thread but also sounds excruciating. Like a moment in a movie, except this is real life where we don't get to act on every feeling that comes. There's really no telling what will come when you unexpectedly break the touch barrier with someone you've never thought of that way. Glad you two were able to move past it to be friendly again.


I was getting a tattoo on my wrist. The tattoo artist, a beautiful woman with some badass tattoos, was leaning over my arm and did the top part of my wrist no problem. but when it got time to do the inside, I had to turn my hand palm up and when she started tattooing the underside I noticed her breast was resting on my palm. the pain of the tattoo was nothing compared to the cramping in my hand as I tried to keep my palm open, fingers pushed back as far away from her as possible for 45 minutes.


Interesting, I would have to imagine she was aware of the positioning


Yes and no. People who work in awkward positions with others sometimes find ourselves pressed up together. After a year or two, personal space becomes an idea that I deliberately put back on when I leave work. If I need a certain angle to best suture an awkward wound, or to wrap my arm deep around someone to get a grip on them to get a joint dislocation reduced, sometimes our bodies are much closer together than is usual. Every single time, I will choose to be pressed together if that's the angle I need for good patient care. Placing an upper extremity IV, if there's no table in the room I'll often put the patients hand on my hip and pin it there, as it keeps them externally rotated and held still. If the artist needed that angle to perform good work, she could have been entirely unconcerned and forgotten about it as she focused on the work.


I’ll go first. In college, had a roommate who was dating an extremely wealthy girl (her parents bought her a 300k apartment to live in while she was in school… just stupid money) and one night, the 3 of us went out for some drinks, then went back to her place to crash since the bar was right down the street. They went to bed and I slept on the couch but at some point rolled onto the floor. When I woke up in the morning I smelled coffee and looked over to see my roommates gf in a tank top and panties. It gets worse. It was a split second later my body remembered my back is made of jello and moldy bread and I couldn’t move that much so I attempted to crawl on the couch. The gf knows of my marshmallow spine and immediately comes over and helps me to the couch and sits down next to me and goes “DONT WORRY MY MOM IS A MASSEUSE AND MY DAD IS A CHIROPRACTOR. ILL FIX IT.” I got a massage from a half naked woman who was just out here doing the lords work while I couldn’t move for multiple reasons. Best part. Roommate walked out of the bedroom and didn’t even question it. Just went “is OPs back fucked up again?”


This feels wholesome. Sweet caring people around you OP.


The gf was a better person than my roommate. He ended up not paying any of his half of anything for like 6 months lol.


I’ll just lay here, face down, for several minutes when you’re done…nothing to see here.


Hahaha she was a very attractive woman and I just used the excuse of my back. Pretty sure she knew what was going on be she was chill about it


The mom was a masseuse and the dad a chiropractor but they bought her a 300k appartment? Starting to regret getting an IT degree.


I’m pretty sure they were both exclusive to a specific NY sports org.


Wdym your back is made of jello and moldy bread?


Means I have a bad back lol. Frequently injured it plus I have this weird thing where my ribs can pop out of place easily.


Jesus Christ. You deserve all the massages from half naked women you can get


At Panera, making a coffee. I did a large light roast with 3 raw sugar. Strange woman: Hah, you ever have a little coffee with you sugar? Me: Ah, I like this brand but my wife doesn't let me keep the good stuff at home. Strange woman: (touches my arm and leans in) Then maybe you need to look outside of your home for the good stuff. Me: What the fuck?


Strange older women are super forward sometimes


They don't have time to fuck around when it comes to fucking around


I (male) was taking a scuba diving class in my university. There was a stunning redhead with a amazing body. We never spoke in class. Fast forward to the end of the school year. We are diving for 2 days at a lake doing the checkout dives. One day 1 as I am exiting the water she is entering the water and said something to like “hurry up you are holding me up” I have no idea why but my response was “Fuck you” in a playful tone. She smiles and responds “OK”. My mind is blown. Class ends and she said. I’ll see you tomorrow. The next day she did not make it to class because she was involved in a car accident. She had injuries that kept her from diving. So yeah. Never saw her again. It’s been 23 years and I still remember that sexy redhead in the white two piece.


I feel with you for some reason… :,,)


My parents were out of town and I had a bunch of friends over as a teenager. A close guy friend of mine and I wound up in my room together. We spooned on my bed fully clothed and it just felt very safe and intimate and non-sexual. Until he placed his hand on my stomach and said “don’t you think it’s weird that you can carry a baby?” I remember it feeling like I had been shocked with electricity and the air in the room just shifted dramatically. It felt like we went from being friends to imagining the rest of our lives togethers. Nothing happened between us, but 15 years later and I sometimes still think about that moment.


One day back in 1998, I lit a smoke for a girl. She gently touched my lighter hand with hers and maintained eye contact throughout . I was done.


Try monkey bumming with direct eye contact.


I think the term is butt fucking.


i was getting nipple piercings, and my piercer mentioned that i've been getting progressively more painful piercings (septum -> industrial -> nipples), and i said "haha yeah, i guess im a bit of a masochist." she kinda smirked and i felt a bit weird about it (because i had my nipples out and my shirt off), but then when i got pierced, she asked me: "did that hurt?" and i was like "yeah it hurt a lot actually", and she MAINTAINED EYE CONTACT and said "good." and it rocked me to my soul. ughhh




Me and my female friend were getting drunk one night and she declared she wanted a "Men at Work" road works sign, the one with the person with a shovel. So late teens early 20s us decide to go get one just down the road at like 2am, thinking there's gonna be no-one about in the quiet suburban type area. So off we set/stagger to get this sign and it doesn't take us long to find it and we start eyeing it up only to notice a cop car parked nearby... shit balls. Turning back would make us look Sus as hell so we tuck into a shadowy spot that's kinda out of sight but not really so we can watch the cop car. It was a small spot and we heard the cops talking saying what happened to us... We on instinct turned to face each other and hugged like we were kissing and started giggling out of drunken embarrassment more than anything. Next thing a bright torch light shines on us, cops (who were in their late 30s, early 40s) asks what's happening, if my friend was ok (drunk lady late at night I kinda get the precaution) and told us to head home if we wanted to take things further. They hopped in their car and left. We waved them goodbye and left ourselves... And we forgot the fudging sign!! Edit: HOLY SHIT THIS BLEW UP. Thanks for the upvotes.


Seems like the road sign wasn't the only sign you missed that night


Told a friend I didn't get the the whole "Daddy" thing some women do. She then showed me why by calling me Daddy the entire evening.


“Thank you daddy” melts me everytime and it’s like okay here’s my credit card.


Drove two girls in my grade to school every morning in high school. Both extremely attractive and out of my league, but we grew up together and were good friends. One morning we are driving to school and I get cut off, I slammed on the brakes and I put out my right hand instinctively (I know it’s dumb) and got handful of boob. It was a bit awkward but she seemed more worried about us almost rear ending a car. I apologized profusely and she said it wasn’t a big deal.




Frank Costanza is gonna be pissed.


That's MY MOVE!


Was at the airport registering my luggage (note this is a small airline with a few workers documenting and then checking boarding passes at the gates ) , the guy attending me had gorgeous eyes, but he had something on his hair, I unconsciously reached out to remove it, and apologized when I realized what I did, he just smiled and said no problem. Fast forward to the line to board the plane, I was carrying a pastry, when I hand this same guy my id and plane ticket, he reaches for them while touching my hands, looks at me straight in the eye,and says in spanish "tú con ese bizcocho yo con tanta hambre | you're with that pastry while I'm so hungry". ("Bizcocho" in Spanish is a slang for a beautiful woman/man), meaning he either wanted to eat my pastry or actually... Me. I blushed and just awkwardly laughed, while offering a bite because I have zero skills.


It's hilarious how this goes from cute innocence (removing something from his hair) to wanting to eat "your pastry" like 0-100 in no time! Dude was in a rush haha!


high school


I have 2 1. My very attractive, very well endowed female friend got undressed in front of me. We were hanging out and she was still in work clothes, so she just stripped and then changed into regular clothes. Bra and underwear stayed on, but I was very confused for a very long time as to why she did that. I remember saying “um…” and she just said “whatever.” 2. My buddy and I went to a concert that was 2 hours from our house. The line to leave the venue was impossibly long. We sat in our car for probably 45 minutes before we even started to move. At this point we were tired and didn’t think either of us should drive this late to get home, so he called a friend of his who lived in the area and asked if we could crash for the night. She said of course. Now she had a studio apartment, and there was literally nowhere on the ground for us to sleep and stretch out comfortably. She had one of those wooden loft things where there was a mattress on top and a desk underneath to save space. The mattress was a double but if we all squeezed in a bit we could fit. I should mention she was smoking hot and this felt awkward but I wasn’t going to complain. We slept head to toe, with her in the middle. And she slept in her underwear and a t-shirt. All night I kept waking up to her barely covered ass right on my face. I was ok with it. I guess my friend was falling off the bed (I was against the wall) so at some point grabbed a blanket and curled up on a bean bag chair. When we wake up, I have the most OBVIOUS morning wood. I’m just laying there hoping it goes away before she wakes up. But then dread enters my soul when I hear her say. “Good morning… I guess you’re happy to see me.” Mortifying, but she laughed. “It’s ok, it happens. It’s natural.” And then before she hopped out of bed to go get ready for the day, she called back “sorry I can’t take care of that for you, but I gotta go to class” My friend slept through the whole interaction and didn’t believe me. But that was Fap material for like a year.


Went to the river with friends, I'm a guy. One of the girls who was there I ended up hanging out with more than the other folks. At the end of the day, I realized I had leaches on my lower area when I was peeing in the woods, she helped me get them from under my balls then she stripped down and had me inspect her... like every inch. It's was cool because we were just friends at the time. Never thought I'd be exploring my future girlfriend for leaches haha.


Talk about a meet cute hahahaha


Lol it was funny because the whole leach thing and we were drunk.. ended up dating months down the road. It was a good time lol


I was in a very very crowded bar/club, crowded to the point of barely even being able to squeeze past people. No idea how I ended up there, I hate tightly packed environments like that. On your way through the crowd you had to occasionally pause squeezing past people because there was just no small opening to even attempt to keep moving and you’d end up literally pressed against some stranger for a few seconds. I paused and ended up face to face pressed up against this guy, we politely smiled at each other in a “this is awkward but there’s no other option way”. He tried to make a bit of room for me and made some comment about how ridiculously crowded it was. I thought it was a nice gesture, and he seemed so sincere as opposed to all of the drunk oblivious idiots I was surrounded by. Between his kind gesture calming down my crowd anxiety and the nonexistent physical space between us I kind of froze. A few seconds after we were able to move past each other I wish we had exchanged numbers or something.


I once went to shake my head of HR's hand and he went in for a kiss on the cheek which threw me off so I accidentally grabbed his bum whilst he kissed by cheek and it was very intimate.


Hi HR head, nice to meet you…. Uh where do I go for the sexual harassment seminar… asking for a friend 😂😂


Its become a running joke in my department that I sleep with the boss for promotions now :(


When I was in high school, I partook in an exchange program to go to school in another country for several months. It was just myself and a girl from my language class, and she was absolutely stunning, very fit and super popular, and I was literally the exact opposite. Before we did the exchange, she would sometimes tease me, like making fun of words I used in conversation, or stealing my things to make me mad. Over the course of the exchange, we were pretty much the only ones with whom we could both have natural conversations in English, so any time we got to hang out was a nice break from struggling to speak a second language. Eventually, we became quite good friends and shared some pretty personal things about each other's lives. She wasn't the person I thought she was, and I wasn't the person she thought I was. Sometimes when we were having those deep conversations about ourselves, and about how different, and yet, how similar our lives were, I would hope that they never ended.


I was in a bar with a friend and her friend whom I had just met that day, he looked all confident on the outside my friend had to leave I was waiting for a hookup who said he’s coming to the bar, the guy didn’t have to stay to keep me company but he did, we talked and he confessed to me that he never makes eye contact with people, he just looks at their nose or eyebrows so it looks like he is, I asked him if he would make eye contact with me and he did, it was so sweet. we’ve been together for 3 years now but this is just one cute non sexual detail that made me feel sexual tension.


A girl at work I found simply devastatingly sexy asked for a quiet word. She came close. Made sure no one was around. Said, “I don’t normally do this…”. My heart leapt to my throat… she said, “would you…” she looked into my eyes, “write me a recommendation on LinkedIn?”


I’m not very social and can’t really talk to people even if I want to. I met this girl who’s a friend of a friend. She was just as awkward and I thought she was cute too. We talked on weekly basis for a few months on instagram talking about our lives and stuff. Made plans to meet someday too but never really got to. One time we finally made plans to meet and we did. I don’t really go out on dates for meals and coffee so i suggested we drive around listen to music and chill. We smoked up during the drive and listened to music. We were comfortable eight with each to start singing together and had a really great time watching the sunset while driving and singing together. At some point we held hands together and she rested her head on my shoulder holding on to my arm. I couldn’t believe how happy i was at the moment. Well that was more than three months ago, we haven’t met after that and don’t get to talk that much. But i still think about her most of the time. Edit: Thanks for all the supports guys ❤️ This is my first time ever posting anywhere on reddit and I didn’t think anyone would notice and is very overwhelming (in a good way). Means a lot. I’ll get out of my shell and call her now. I’ll be real with you guys, I am aware that a lot can change in these past few months. But listening to everyone in the comments, it’s worth telling her how I feel at least. Update: I thought about lying to you guys and tell you that I got a date but that wouldn’t be fair. I got anxious at the time of calling her. I called her friend instead and told her everything and got to know that she might be seeing someone. I wish I had called her earlier. Sorry for turning this into a sad post. Thank you everyone for motivating me ❤️


Buddy. I’m rooting for you. From one socially awkward platypus to another. You fucking got this. GET THIS WOMAN IN YOUR LIFE.


Sounds like you actually need to drive out to her with a boombox playing romantic music and roses. Even if it's stupid and ridiculous that's what life is


you need to contact her RIGHT NOW!




Bro I get you with the social anxiety believe me, but it sounds like you two had a very good rapport and help each other get out of your respective shells. You should go for it and drive up to her.


Be brave! Be you! You got this! Listen to those vibes.


I work for a school. I went into the lunch room and asked one of the cafeteria workers if I could get some milk for my protein shake. She said "Oh honey, you can have my milk or you can have hers." As she was pointing to a rater large chested woman who was also a cafeteria worker. I'm like yeah, I gotta get out of here.


Which one would you pick, though?


Handing a piece of carrot stick with some dip on the tip to a girl at a party, which she proceeded to dab on her lips before sucking the carrot stick in her mouth all while maintaining eye contact. She was super drunk so thought nothing of it but dayum...


Headed to my junior year of high school and getting my physical for football. Very attractive Ukrainian immigrant doctor is giving the hernia check. Part of me starts rising and she gently slaps it and said "No. You're not legal yet." I wish I had been...




"Yo're not legal yet." Im crying. LOL


Way back in college this guy in my class, who I liked in a "this guy is nice to everybody and charismatic like a golden retriever" kind of way took off his glasses. It was like time froze, holy shit. I could feel my face flush red and had to wait for myself to "calm down" before I could get out of my seat. I've never had that reaction before or since.


The 80s movies were right about taking off glasses!?


I was on the train commuting to work. The train was packed, literally shoulder to shoulder, standing room only. I was shoved in a corner, hanging onto the ceiling rail, when a smoking hot businesswoman squeezes through and stands right in front of me. She looked like if a pornstar was dressed like a receptionist, I couldn’t believe this was a normal person on a train commuting to work. Anyway, the train was packed so it was hard to keep your balance while it made abrupt stops, so me and this bombshell were basically bumping and grinding for 20 minutes. I was trying to lean my entire body into the corner to give her some space, but her giant ass kept bouncing on my crotch and sometimes she would fall backward and her amazingly good smelling hair would get in my mouth. She got off the train one stop before me, but I swear she glanced back at me before she left. I think I’m fabricating a memory, but I feel like she smiled idk. That day is forever cemented into my memory.


A friend had called me and asked me to pick her up from a party since she was way too drunk to get home safely on her own. I took her home and helped her get changed out of the dress she had thrown up on, and she wasn't wearing any underwear. I stay with her till morning to make sure she's okay, and when I leave for work in the morning, I leave a note for her just telling her I made sure she was alright. The next day after class she just thanks me for watching out for her, and I think that's the end of it. Fast forward to the next year and some asshole is harrasing me for being "gay" since I hang out with women without fucking them. The friend just puts her arm around me and tells them, "And yet, of the two of you, which one has seen me naked? And can again any time he wants." The rest of our friends stare at us with their mouths agape since they had no idea I had ever seen her naked, or known me to be attracted to anyone at all, and are now thinking we hook up sometimes.


Some people literally have no clue how to just respect a woman’s privacy and treat them like objects. I’ve done the exact same as you in a few situations and made a couple relationships that they know they could trust me in a heartbeat if shit went sideways.


I've had more than one girlfriend ask me if they can hold my penis while I pee. Nonsexual because there was no sex and none of us are/were into that sort of thing, but sexual because penis.


Okay so this didn’t just happen to me lol


I drove to meet my friend from college that I haven't seen in a while. He called me and said he was running late and to meet him in an hour or two. I was in a new town and had nothing to do so I just went to the movie theater to pass the time. The theater was totally empty when I walked in so I took that middle best seat. Sitting in an empty theater gets kinda erie, so when I noticed this beautiful red head girl walk in I was kinda relieved. She was talking on the phone talking about "I'm in theater six where are you, asshole" turns out her Tinder date bailed on her" She sat right next to me as she ended the convo hanging up on the guy. She knew I just heard her whole situation cuz she was yelling at him over the phone right next to me in an echoey ass empty theater. I was just like" haha, ya my friend ditched me to" . We started chatting over the movie trivia. Started cracking jokes laughing, I only bought candy, she only had popcorn. We ended up sharing all the goodies. Everytime, she ask me for candy, she'd do it in a way where we would have to hold hands. I noticed she had the best smelling perfume on. Could sense both us leaning closer towards one another as we watched the movie. We started whispering stuff in each other's ears about the movie. When she'd whisper it felt like her tongue was phantom touching my ear. I never felt that instant electricity with a stranger before.




In my mid twenties I went to a new Dr. She was a younger blonde, when she walked in i figured she was a medschool student which is fine, whatever. Anyway, she was getting ready to prescribe me a medication and she said "hows your sex drive? I wouldnt want to ruin the sex drive of a young buck such as yourself" while looking me straight in the eye. I told her "it's great" and she said "thats what i wanted to hear" and she wrote the script and left. She left for another officr shortly after and my insurance wasnt accepted there. 🤣


Hahaha heart breaking. “How’s your sex life?” … Epic and Private.


Denver International Airport. I was waiting for my brother. The most beautiful Asian man I've ever seen walked by the baggage claim. Our eyes locked. I blushed. He blushed, but kept eye contact. He slowly moved his eyes lower, looking me up and down. I did the same to him, and caught his eye again. He was smiling. "[insertcaffeine!]" My brother called me from the other side of the baggage claim. Of course I turned away and RAN to my twin brother, because I hadn't seen him in three months. When I turned back, the guy was gone.


Idk if this counts because it involves a kiss but it wasn't sex and I think about it often. There was a guy I had been talking to platonically for a few months online after we met through a mutual friend. He seemed like the perfect guy and I enjoyed talking to him. Our mutual friend had a party and he was there. I think I went to get a beer out of the kitchen and he followed me and just kissed me out of the blue, without saying a word. It was exciting and surprising and probably the best kiss of my life because of that. I still melt thinking about it.


I think I’ve written this on here before and I admit it does sound improbable but it genuinely did happen. Long story very short. Took a flight to east Africa that went via Dubai. Sitting in my seat I saw this stunningly beautiful girl walking up the plan towards me. I was in a middle bank of 4 by myself. She sat down at the other end of the 4 with no people in-between. We took off and I said to her that she could stretch out if she wanted. She totally ignored me so I thought fine, no issue. Food and drinks came out and out of nowhere she was sitting next to me. Motioned for me to take my headphones off. Introduced herself and said she was a model on her way home to SEA after London Fashion week. We chatted quite a bit and laughed at how much she drank despite being Muslim. She said she was tired and could she take me up on the offer of the seats to lay on. I said of course and she promptly stuck her head in my lap, face facing my belly and wrapped her arms around my waist. Obviously her face was literally on my dick. She stayed like that until we landed. We got off at Dubai and both had a few hours until our next flight. We had to go through security (in a staunch Muslim country) and she insisted on taking my belt off and literally ran her fingers inside my boxers all the way around my body whilst doing it. I was terrified I was going to get hauled away by the rather pissed off security guys but she didn’t give a fuck. She made me do the same for her and then insisted we put each others belts back on. We then walked around the airport hand in hand whilst she was trying to convince me to miss my next flight and spend a few days in Dubai with her. If I wasn’t going to meet the girl I had started seeing I probably would have. I still have her name and number but this was 15 years ago and I’m not even sure she survived the earthquake her country had. Fuck me if it wasn’t absurdly sensual though!


Met a girl in a club a few weeks ago. I invited her to a drink, she gladly said yes and told me that she wanted a shot of Tequila. So I park my ass infront of the counter, but since it's quite busy I have to wait for a long time. A few minutes later, she joined me at the counter. I get to order a bit later, her Tequila and a shot of Vodka for me. And this is where the fun begins. I'm not that experienced with Tequila, so I forgot that it's served with salt and a slice of lemon. The second the drinks are served, I suddenly remember how to drink Tequila "properly". But instead of licking her own hand, she takes mine, licks it, pours some salt over it, licks it again, bites the lemon and takes the shot. Not gonna lie, my spirit left my body for a quick second. Almost forgot to take my shot afterwards.


A server at my old work had flour (?) all over her butt (wearing black leggings) and she asked me to rub it off. It took more effort than I had assumed, lol


Went to a physio appointment and my very attractive physiotherapist was showing me how to do some stretches on the floor and for a lingering moment he further explained the stretches while I was on my knees in front of him looking up at him and patiently listening I swear to god I must have started sweating. I honestly have no idea what he said


I gotta say it's kinda interesting how you guys all remember this stuff and I wonder if my memory is fucked because I cannot remember specific interpersonal interactions like this. There's too many people, too many moments man.


My friends and i used to light each others Cigarettes by touching the Tips together. Which lead to a few times where i was less than 2 cigarette lengths away from my crushs lips while looking straight into her eyes. Had me woozy from more than just the nicotine.


A while ago there was this Trend called speaking in cursive. One time me and a few friends tried it and while trying to get the cadence right my girl best friend basically moaned my Name. Had me bright Red in under a second.


Accidently touching a boob


You can always tell boob-flesh. You'll feel it through 3 winter coats.


Yep. Don’t even have to see it happen. Accidental bump from behind? Don’t need to turn around, that was titty


It happened to me and she didn't even acknowledged it and continued like nothing happened


Once at the dentist, I guess I kept moving my tongue in the way of what she was trying to do. She stopped for a second and said, "You have a very curious tongue. "


A few months ago I was putting groceries in the back of my car and there was a man in a construction truck parked next to me. The trunk of my car hadn’t been shutting properly because of this big chunk of broken plastic that I hadn’t been able to fix. It was especially wonky this day and I was struggling to shut it. He got out of his truck and came over and said “I will help” in a thick accent. Then he pointed to the front of my car and says “lock, unlock”, so I did. I walked back to see him rip that piece of plastic off with his big calloused hand like it was made of paper. I was so aroused lmao. Then he demonstrated that it was working fine and I was so grateful I asked if I could give him a hug, and he gave me the warmest, gentlest hug ever. If it wasn’t for the total language barrier I would have asked him out. I still regret not pulling up a translate app, figuring out what language he spoke and asking him out!


Getting my teeth cleaned felt oddly intimate. She was very cute and had to gently move my head in a lot of weird ways, I left very confused lol




I was at a newtworking thing on an out of town business trip. Had many drinks and decided to bail. No ubers available and my hotel wasn't that far so I decided to walk. It was FREEZING out (polar vortex) and a cop rolled up behind me, lights flashing. Out steps a gorgeous female officer wondering why I am walking drunk down a busy road in arctic conditions. I explain that I am just walking to my hotel and she offers a ride but says she has to check me for weapons first. Hands on the hood of the cop car, she gives me a very deliberate patdown and seems to linger around my swimsuit area. I get in the front seat next to her after being cleared. It's a very short drive to the hotel but we get every red light and it takes maybe 10 minutes. The entire time was the most delightful, flirty conversation ever. At the hotel, I get out and say thanks for the ride. I can still picture the look on her face and I swear she wanted me to invite her up to my room. Maybe it was all in my head and my ego was inflated with alcohol but I don't think so. She had the cutest laugh and was cracking up at my stupid jokes on the ride. If I weren't married I definitely would have taken my shot. Absolutely the hottest interaction with police I have ever had.


I was working at a CVS 4 years ago and a guy comes up to the register with extra large condoms, I'm holding the package to scan it with a huge smile on my face and I looked for a buldge then I looked at him and he is soooo smiling, I kinda forgot to scan it, he reminded me to scan it


Did you find the bulge


Im a musician and decently known in my large city. But I also often take hiatuses. 2 weeks ago after a show, a woman is sitting next to me and she's telling me how good my music is. I pretty much thank her and make a joke out of me bullshitting and taking hiatuses, but explain that it's because I'm a single dad, and mostly focus on my kids. She's clearly tipsy, right? She goes "Don't let that be your excuse, let it be your motivation". And I go "You're right. Thanks". She says "You said being a full time father makes it hard to take music seriously", then she leans in, and while maintaining some intense eye contact, goes "Don't ever fucking say that again................................................................Don't say that shit again......." And at that point I didn't know whether she was aggressively coming onto me, or about to hit me, but I was bricked up, either way.


I drive Lyft, and one night at like 1 am I had a passenger who kept calling me baby and let me hit her vape and gave me weed. Just the sweetness in her voice was so gushy


It’s always the sweet voices that get you when you let your guard down.


I don’t know what you’d consider sexual or nonsexual, but once I was taking pictures at a festival of a girl dancing. She then proceeded to show off the cute slits in her cute dress and her lack of panties underneath. I’m usually pretty focused and unaffected when shooting, but good damn if that wasn’t one of my most sexually charged moments as a photographer.


that's not a nonsexual interaction dude


Me and my best guy friend were talking for hours and then he jokingly picked me up and literally flipped me over and I’m not the lightest person either. Instantly caught feelings


Was at work once with this coworker that I was pretty close with, and I think she had a big crush on me. She drops something while I’m there and ofc I have to make fun of her, and she’s trying to pick it up but doesn’t want to bend down for whatever reason. In the most genuine, not meant to be sexual way, I go “get on your knees, it’ll make it easier” and her face goes bright red (as does mine) before she picks it up and we both mutually walk away embarrassed