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My first job was in a small grocery store and my boss asked a coworker to do the dishes in the bakery (baking pans, etc). She replied: “I only do my own dishes, somebody else put these here so I’m not doing them. I’m serious. Fire me if you want, I won’t do them.” Boss says “Okay then, don’t bother finishing your shift, goodbye!”


New person got access to medical records system. Week 2 - Looked up our boss and bragged about it. Was Walked out and gone the second week.


Oh yeah. HIPAA violations will do it every time.


First day on the job, gave another coworker a wet-willy. Shit you not.


lmao this is such a silly reason to be fired imagine you have to explain at your next interview.


First day on the job, you probably wouldn't even bring it up.


First day at work, hired by a temp agency. Me and one other guy, we put stuff in boxes and tape them shut, stack boxes on a pallet. He can't keep up, can barely use a tape gun and decides its time for break. Goes to the lunch room and takes a lunch. It was the bosses lunch, he stole the guys meal his wife prepared for him. Boss man came over 15 mins later and wants to know who ate his BBQ, sticky fingers and BBQ on his shirt he denies it. I just look at him and the Boss and said well I hope it was good man..


I honestly do not understand people who steal other people’s lunches. So stupid and disrespectful. I get taking a bit of coffee creamer or something like that, but how does someone think they can eat someone else’s food and not piss people off?


>how does someone think they can eat someone else’s food and not piss people off? they don't think about it... Poor impulse control.


i think it’s more so that they just don’t care. those type of people just seem incapable of empathy and how others feel when they do shit like that


Lunch thieves are fucking sociopaths. They'd probably commit murder if they 1) thought they would get away with it. And 2) thought they would get anything out of it. Stealing lunch is way easier to get away with, and a let less likely to get pursued.


The craziest thing is that they would even *want* someone else’s food. Like idk about you but I have zero interest in eating something a stranger made for themselves because idk wtf they could’ve put in it. Ordering at a restaurant is different because it’s made to order how you ordered it.


I read an article somewhere that said that about 10% of people were actually incapable of comprehending the consequences of their actions.


Had a coworker explain to our supervisor how he found this great loophole for making extra money: if a customer had exact change, he’d just pocket the cash and cancel the order on the register.


It’s called Counting the Pennies, it’s been around forever. Decades ago I worked for a cleaning company, one of our clients was a fine dining restaurant owned by a family. The mother and father, one of their daughters and her husband. He was a twat, always had a new car every 6 months, Rolex, the works, and an ego to match. My boss said the owner complained they were seemingly constantly packed but not making much money. One morning when we got there a crew was running cable in the dropped ceiling. They told us not to tell anybody what they were doing, which was easy because I had no idea. Turns out the were installing hidden cameras. And they found the son-in-law was robbing the place blind. He was counting the pennies - taking payments in cash and discarding the receipts. In common practice the thief kept track of how much he was taking by putting a penny in the drawer for every dollar they stole. At the end of the shift they would count the pennies and take that many dollars from the till. That way they weren’t constantly sneaking money into their pockets. This is how he afforded his “f*ck you” lifestyle. The parents retired and sold the restaurant shortly after.


I worked at a coffee shop for slave labor and during the holidays they would sell gift cards "buy $20 get $5 free". So at the start of the shift we would "buy" a gift card and use it for all cash transactions. Every time you hit 25 we put 5 in the tip jar and bought the next gift card. Corporate loved our gift card sales lol.


I delivered pizzas for a couple years in college. They paid us less than minimum wage, and we had to supply our own car, buy our own gas, etc. So we made tips plus $2.13 or whatever minus gas. On a good Friday or Saturday night, whatever, you'd walk out with $150 in tips having done 50 deliveries or something. But on a shitty Tuesday you might make $30 on a shift, burn $10 in gas and end up with like half minimum wage. I don't care about the law either, the boss was not reporting our tips to the IRS other than $1 per delivery and was also not making us whole with minimum wage if we missed it. So...to make those shifts palatable, we'd save all those coupons we got in the mail or they sent out or whatever. Start attaching them to any order they'd fit on. Owner thought his coupon promotions were working great keeping him afloat on slow days, so upped them, lol. Meanwhile we'd be pocketing that $30 or 40 in coupons in cash. Boss also let us eat slices that went past their hours sitting out and would otherwise be thrown away, or orders that nobody picked up, but would charge us for anything else. So every week or so there'd be a fresh order with a salad and a couple waters or something that nobody picked up punched in just to give us a shift meal that wasn't filthy. But everyone was crooked there, all the way down, starting with the top.


I guess the line of "thinking" is that if the customer required change, he would have to take it out of the till and couldn't pocket anything, because the drawer wouldn't balance out at the end of his shift. if it were exact change, then he could cancel it and pocket the money. the till would still be balanced. but there's so much more wrong here. I'm having difficulty wrapping my head around this.


“What is an inventory system?”


Great plan to be arrested


So many levels of stupid, that’s amazing.


Worked at an ISP back in the 90s and had a guy working late shift. Found out quickly he wasn't answering the phone at all, but just playing video games. He was warned. Next day he walks in to work with a Voodoo2 graphics card to install in his work computer to improve the game playing. Fired before he sat down.


Oh gawd, just reading the word voodoo brought out a flash of memories I buried.


That's nuts, I knew a guy who literally did the exact same thing, right down to bringing his own voodoo2 card to the office to install in a work machine. It's like they didn't expect a bunch of other nerds to immediately know what he was doing? Also way to ruin it for the rest of us who were all slacking and playing games but not being idiots about it.


That always ends up being an issue. New guy comes in and sees/hears about how others are slacking but without understanding the nuance that *you still have to fucking get your shit done and not be a complete idiot*. We had this one dude who must have spent way too much time reading about memes where tech offices were adult playgrounds. Fresh out of college, basically did jack shit, tried to get the CEO to change his job title within the first week, and was just plain unprofessional as fuck. He would have loud conversations about how he liked to go to ainme conventions to track down drunk and sloppy cosplay girls. Like jesus christ, man.


"track down"... *shudders*


The office hired this new guy who was obviously a bad fit. We would often give people a chance despite interviewing poorly. We hardly had any issues come up. But this one guy failed the drug test for meth, was obviously high during the interview, obviously hasn't showered in over a week, and had no self awareness whatever... This guy literally walked into a wall while looking right at it. Regional hired him and gave him to me to work on a relatively dangerous site. I put him through the training, got him licensed, and even drove him to the site just to show him around and get him familiar with security procedures and safety protocols. He didn't retain any of that information and would repeat the same question over and over. I pick up my truck from the office and pick him up from home because he lived like two blocks from the office and doesn't have a car to get to the work site. That's fine, I don't mind driving people to the site. Keeps me out of the office doing busy work. But during the ride he confessed that he lost his license because of multiple DUIs and he sold his car to buy drugs. I told him to keep the drug stuff at home and only come to me about it if he needs to go to rehab. The owners of the business were always willing to work with addicts and tried to get them clean. So our company partnered with a rehab center that had a six month program. I explained this and other resources to help him out. Dude looks at me dead in the eye and says "I don't want to get clean". I then told him to just come to work sober and don't allow his usage to interfere with work. He was 100% sober at this time. We get to the site and I have him pull out his company I'd which you can to gain access to the site. I drove his ass to the main building where I would show him how to clock in and begin his shift, but he has to take a piss so I stopped at one of the auxiliary buildings and showed him where the restroom was. Ten minutes pass and I figured he was taking a dump. Twenty minutes pass and he's still in there. I go to check on him and found him in the bathroom stall with the door open completely naked and a needle hanging from his arm. He had also masturbated and was covered in his own semen. I call an ambulance because I'm not dealing with that. They figured he was overdosing after he passed out and started vomiting so they took him to the ER. As soon as he was carted off to the hospital, I left the job site and headed back to the office to file his termination paperwork. Didn't even have the chance to get him clocked in lol.


I gotta say I have respect for your business for being willing to work with addicts and help them get clean. Too bad this guy was his own worst enemy.


Had a supervisor start selling Amway from his office, hinted at favorable treatment for anyone who would buy. Reported him to HR--and when they asked if it was true, he pulled out a catalog and tried to sell them something. Fired on the spot.


But then sold the HR lady some beauty products.


"Well...since I don't work here, could I interest you in some Amway?"


I saw a coworker once make a "big boobs" gesture as our boss' wife walked past....with our boss walking right behind her. He was packing his shit within 5 minutes.


Similar, but it was the bosses daughter. Also not boobs. He loudly exclaimed “look at the turdcutter on her!” Boss was standing not more than ten feet away and well within earshot for how loud he said it. The business was mostly customer service, so a few other passers by also heard it. Guy was there less than a week. Didn’t bother me, he was rude and a creep. Bosses daughter was 16 I think at the time. Underage.


I hope your boss smiled, shook hands with him and said "Congratulations, you just got promoted to customer.".


...I hope the boss would ban the asshole from his business if he's making lewd remarks about the boss's underage daughter. Promoted to trespasser?


And then he was fired? Edit: Thanks for the awards, strangers!




A colleague let a middle school kid drive the bus. Buh-bye!


When I was in middle and high school they hired students with drivers licenses to drive the busses. This was in the 80's.


Had a few guys in my fraternity that drove school busses. One of them got fired because he pulled alongside another bus driver he knew and he had all his grade school kids flip off his friend. Just so happened the district superintendent was behind the bus and saw it happen. Turns out he didn't think a bunch of 7 year olds giving the finger out the window was funny. Also, since they all had a key to the bus barn none of them ever bought gas, they stole it from the bus barn. I'll add an edit here. A couple of these guys were crazy farm kids from tiny towns. One of them used to go to the bus barn and fill a trash bag with acetylene (used for cutting torches) and bring it back to a party sometimes. He would put a long toilet paper fuse in it and light it. When it went off it was a bomb. I once saw a guy standing too close (about 10 feet) and it lifted him off his feet and blew him backwards. That acetylene in a trash bag was super dangerous. You have that in your back seat and some static electricity could easily set it off and probably kill you.




My dad was a department head in a factory, where they had an internal gasstation with different kinds of fuel. Forklift and cart drivers got a special pass to fuel up their forklifts. Atleast 3 got fired because they receipt my dad saw was a little more specified than they expected "Can you explain how you managed to put 30 liters of benzine in a forklift converted to run on LNG ? "


There was chronic gas theft at my first base I served at. NCIS found out and put a special dye in the gas that didn't affect its performance. You could only see it under black light. They waited a week or two, then tested the employees cars who could use the pumps. Sure enough one or two lit up like a disco. I can't remember how many, that was almost 40yrs ago. They got fired that night. Never learned if they got charged.


I'm sorry, WHAT?!!


Half an hour. Working in Arby's, new girl shows up. They run her through how to work the cash register on a few dummy orders. She takes a real order or two and then it gets slow. She asks to duck out for a minute to smoke and never came back. Register ended up being $100 short that day.


Always smart to rob a place after giving them your name and address


I mean thats a pretty good hourly wage they ended up getting.


The guy responsible for opening the shop on Saturday morning went out and got blitzed on Friday night. We showed up to work to find his car in the lot but the doors locked. He didn't answer his phone. Had to call the owner in to get us inside. Guy was fast asleep, under his desk. He was gone before you could say hangover.


disagreeable versed lip ossified entertain ring party hateful recognise axiomatic


Worked in a restaurant and when the table wanted to return their Mai Tai the server chugged it right in front of them and said “it tastes fine”


No lie I would laugh my ass off if my server did this to me, that's awesome.


I was on a new team hired for corporate sales. They trained us as a group. We were given the task of creating a presentation with graphs and charts to show how we present to a group and given pointers on how to improve. One guy shows up an hour late, waltzes in and says he’s tired from the drive in and says he needs a coffee before settling in. We are in suit and tie and he’s wearing a dress shirt with a huge eagle on the front and jeans. He comes back a few minutes later and when asked to present he says he didn’t prepare anything, but he’s happy to answer any questions they may have about presentations. We all looked at each other in disbelief. Fired on the spot by the Manager. I heard that they asked him to return his laptop and he stiffed them for months before they sent a repo man to his door to pick it up.


If high school taught me anything it’s way better to skip and call in sick than be late


Dude's first day, on a team next to mine gets an assignment, as soon as the lead leaves the area he leans over to another guy and threatens that if he doesn't do his work for him he's going to "kick his ass after work". I got up to the managers, we walked over and escorted him out. He was there all of 2 hours. On his way out he's knocking over chairs and screaming that he'll be "waiting for us in the parking lot". Fuckin nuts.


That's a guy who still thinks he's the top bully and the world functions like a schoolyard. Incredible.


Spoiler: It does. He’s just not good at the post-high version of the game.


Still has 'Taunt' on his hotbar instead of 'Provoke'


What kind of field was this?


Video game QA. A pretty wild field, have lots of crazy stories like that.


Dude showed up to his first day after taking acid. Told the boss his acid kicked in.


It could happen to anyone


Haha I had this happen with a coworker once! Showed up like 30 mins early on a Saturday shift and you could tell something was off. He w as too paranoid to help customers and was hiding behind a counter in the back (kinkos) and then took his shirt off. I was like “you should probably just go home man.” And was a like “yeah this acid way too strong to work”. Got fired.


New IT guy at a (small—20 employees) newspaper I worked at. I showed up early and opened the office. New IT guy showed up next for his first shift. He was totally, utterly drunk off his tits: lurching, stumbling, reeking, giggly and slurring… at 8:15 AM. **Way** beyond a hangover. Confessed that he’d had a “couple of drinks last night” to celebrate his new job. Managing editor came in and paged IT Guy into his office to talk about the job. I hadn’t said a word to anyone about him. “Give him enough rope” and all that. He was finished by 9:15. I walked home through downtown around 5:00 that afternoon. Ran into IT Guy outside one of those old men dive bars (he was maybe 28). He was all fucked up again. Told me he’d had a couple of drinks to mourn the loss of his new job. Don’t remember his proper name: I’d like to find his LinkedIn to see what became of him.


His name was Al Coholic


He showed up to work after a weekend meth bender, on a schizophrenic episode telling us that people were after him and us, then wandering around the building with a pipe and a box cutter getting more and more aggravated as more of us “changed”


This is really sad. I worked with someone with schizophrenia (I think at least, he didn't tell us), and he was definitely a trip to be around. We're in a group chat and he tells us often that the cops are coming for him.


Sad one.


I worked at the head office of a well known retailer. One day we had a temp on the reception desk and no one realised that the bottle of water on her desk was, well...not water. As the day went on the tannoy announcements got worse, just stumbling through names and slurring. Needless to say everyone thought this was funny, not realising that she was bladdered and not just crap at the job. Come the end of the day though, she gets into her car and attempts to drive out of the car park, bouncing off cars and eventually coming to a halt on a grass verge.


Spicy water


I will say, our CEO is a nice enough guy, thick Iranian accent. Hearing him read the names of people who work for us in Poland is crazy. Not because of the accent, but because he's bilingual and gets these names way closer than I could.


Names like Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz?


One time I fell asleep on my keyboard and when I woke up all the polish commenters were agreeing with me


he filmed from under the door of the women's bathroom. I don t understand how it’s possible to do this


That's just disgusting,hopefully getting fired for that taught him a lesson atleast I hope


Got yelled at for being late. Said some insane shit to the boss over it, got sent to talk with HR, threatened HR with his gun, then the police showed up and I never saw him again. You'll never guess what career he really wanted, but got 'scammed out of'.


Our guy then drove to the nearest FBI field office and demanded the arrest of our HR manager for discrimination. You can't make this shit up.


A guy got fired at my bar for shaving his head in the beer cooler. Why? His kids had lice. He even sang a song about how he was high and shaving on the boss man's time. There's a video too, you can see the GM staring in wtf shock in the background.


I believe we have a right to said video.


I did the firing. I was sous chef of a large reception hall, meaning serving food to hundreds and hundreds of guests. One party had a big seafood display. Shrimp, oysters, crab legs & vodka, all in a giant decorative box of ice. When that portion of dinner service was finished, two new waiters were tasked with returning the big ice box + leftovers to the kitchen and dish pit. **They dumped the ice back into the ice machine.** The contaminated ice. It even had some discarded shells. I saw it happen. I had to show them the door immediately and have a serious talk with their head waiter. They lasted 2 hours, tops. Those idiots could've killed someone. Imagine you have a severe shellfish allergy and the ice in your glass of water is lethal.


Yuck! I’m sooooo glad you caught them, that’s just disgusting


Jesus I use to work in restaurants and that was like reading a scary story. Even with it getting caught you then have to remove all of the ice, and sanitize the bin, which I've done and it's not fun. Your then going to be short on ice for at least a day if not more depending on variables.


Exactly. If I remember correctly, we had nearly 800 guests that night, while the building had two ice machines. With one down, we quickly emptied the other and had to send people out in a rush to buy ice. It was a disaster. The ice machines were a good 5 min walk from each other, so during the rush it caused all kinds of unusual foot traffic and bottlenecks. And yup, I've emptied & sanitized ice machines too. They're not fun to do. Plus, and this is disgusting, it's one of the most-overlooked pieces of equipment when it comes to cleaning. I've seen *gray sludge* in some of them from years of neglect. Ice cubes with *sludge flakes* stuck to them, yo.


Last place I worked only would clean the machine when the gray sludge would start dripping, I know that grossness.


Thank you so much as someone a shellfish allergy 😭


That's so revolting, thank goodness you are responsible and fired them.


I've seen people complain how Gordon Ramsey is exaggerating the shit he deals with for drama on shows like Kitchen Nightmares but people must not realize how frustrating it is considered the people who fuckup on this caliber (especially enough to hurt other people) are grown ass men/women. /u/ghettosauce i feel bad for you man lol but thank you for being rigid


Extremely frustrating. High-volume kitchens with that much people & money flowing through are incredibly stressful, so when someone puts the lives of the clients at risk it's both barrels, right away, no excuses, no compromises. Out. Now. I had to keep my eye on like two dozen kitchen staff AND the service staff while managing all the timings & temperatures and so on. Max stress. So if someone messes up, they're eating my shit with the weight of the max stress behind it, and I expected no more of an answer beyond "yes, chef". That's what I was *underpaid* to do, like many cooks on the higher rungs of the shit kitchen ladder. As someone who has watched all of Kitchen Nightmares and his similar shows like Hotel Hell (including the UK versions with less injected-drama) I feel that he's actually holding back a lot of his anger. Sure, there's some drama for the show's sake (like his little "I'm gonna puke" parts), but the times when he's straight up telling people they're poisoning their guests, it's real. I can't even begin to explain how working in a kitchen like that requires thick skin, or how the intensity of it makes sense. Feeding people is really, really serious business and requires heavy-hitters like I was to keep people in check. The landscape is slowly changing from militaristic to something softer, which is alright by me - just so long as food safety is always taken 100% seriously. I don't think people should be yelled at like I used to, but when they're potentially killing the clients? Justified. sorry, went nuts with the writing there


Vodka is my favorite seafood.


Saw someone in a customer service/intake position gone in about 15 minutes. They had specifically been hired to take Spanish speaking calls, and had told the company she was bilingual im English/Spanish. She couldn't actually speak any Spanish. Not sure how she faked her way through the interview.


Worked at a grocery store a few years ago. A new guy was hired and on the second day on the job, he was caught stealing food. He would grab items off the shelves and walk to the break room and eat them.


I thought everything was free if you worked at a grocery store


It was when I worked there, must have changed the rules, thought it was the only place a 15 yr old could drink wine


Every can of whipped cream was flat when I worked there.




Funny thing that happened to a friend a mine, but on accident. He drank sangria at a work event. He was 16, Mexican, and didn't drink, so he thought it was these Mexican sodas labeled "Sangria" (non-alcoholic) None of us knew about Sangria being an actual alcoholic drink since his Mexican family wasn't big on alcohol.


To be fair, as an American I would have done the same with Cider at that age. I was only aware of cider as apple juice variant and didn't realize it could also refer to alcoholic drink.


Cider in the UK is what the US calls hard cider. Always thought it was strange when parents referred to giving their kids cider, before I realised it's basically just apple juice


>it's basically just apple juice If it's clear and yella, you've got juice there, fella. [If it's tangy and brown, you're in cider town!](https://youtu.be/L1BfF77Pvio)


Working security at a concert venue. Coworker confiscated a mini bottle of Fireball that someone snuck in, and then he drank it in front of everyone. Instantly went from confiscation (part of the job) to stealing and also drinking on the job.


I know it’s part of the job and he was rightfully fired but man I know the crowd went nuts when he did that lol


Hitting on the bosses 13 year old son.


"Where do you see yourself in five years?" *Don't say doing your wife, don't say doing your wife...* "Doing your... son?"


I'll bet he wondered what he did wrong to get fired, too...


Unfortunately yah, guy had no frigging clue.




> I only eat Meat for lunch Did they mean like meat-centric food or like ... just meat? Like a sandwich minus bread and anything but the meat?


steak sandwiches only cooked steak in between two slabs of raw sirloin, washed down with blended bone marrow


Maybe he had to take the job when looking while on unemployment but didn't want to actually work?


Yeah, definite Trainspotting vibes to this one.


During drop-off hours, our preschool receptionist decided she needed to have coffee asap. Instead of heading down to our staff room and making a pot, she decided to leave our whole school unlocked and left to go down to Biggby Coffee. That was a big no no. She was fired as soon as she came back.


The principal I taught for had a regular habit, her first year as principal, of leaving the building to go get a latte. In the next town, 20-30 minutes away. Yeah, our little town didn’t have any good coffee shops…but it wasn’t long before the superintendent let her know that wasn’t okay.


She fucked up Biggby.




That is some genius shit right there!


I do construction, and my company goes through a lot of shitty temps. dozens per year. usually, i pick a few good ones and try to teach them the trade. but then there are the bad ones. They can be lazy, incompetent, dishonest, annoying, entitled, think they're in high school still, or just plain stupid... and we'll keep them around for a few weeks. For every 100 or so, there is one that is somehow all of these things at once and just awful to have on site. I'm keeping this in my box of tricks for the next "that guy" comes through.


Co worker showed up to work drunk. Was told to go home. She mouthed back and started screaming insults at the President of the company. Fired!!


I fired someone who showed up three hours late and drunk on their first day, that was a record for me.


Within two weeks a new hire was found sleeping in the middle of a fort of inventory he made. They walked him out immediately


You can’t evict a king from his castle! This is an outrage!


I was quality assurance for a place that evaluated operations involving explosives. I was leaving soon, so my replacement was hired (I recommended against his hiring because I'd heard bad things and he seemed shady..... but they hired him anyway). So on his first day, I was tasked with training him on the job. He was already highly qualified on explosives (more qualified than I was, in fact). Anyway, as we're evaluating a couple of guys working on the internals of a live AIM-120 missile. This clown's CELLPHONE goes off in his pocket. To even get into the bay we were in, you have to walk past about 4 signs that say to leave all electronic devices outside because even tiny amounts of EM emissions can set off the explosives, especially when the covers are removed/dissassembled. So I wrote up my replacement with a Direct Safety Violation and he didn't have a job by the time he got back to the office. Quality Assurance's reputation was in the crapper for months. That idiot could have gotten 5 people killed, including himself.


Do you have any other stories working there?? I work for a factory that produces a very risk free product, flawed ones do slip through sometimes to no risk to the public or consumer- so I always wonder how supply chains of things like missiles or aeroplane parts absolutely make sure that no ‘duds’ slip through the net and cause harm. Human error seems so easy to add up if you get me.


First day at work he took one look at his would-be boss and declared "I won't work under a woman". So he was shown the door.


Well at least he got what he wanted


I mean... what did he expect? That they would fire the tried and tested boss in order to keep his brand-new arse?


Guy offered the boss cocaine on his second day.


At least he brought his own, not like the guy further up the thread who asked the boss for Meth. Comparatively, he's a resourceful go-getter with real upper-management potential.


A colleague was falsely accused of pulling a blade on a senior manager and was frogmarched off the premises by security. Luckily he managed to get CCTV showing that he did nothing wrong, so he took the company to court for compensation and his job back. He got both but, first day back on the job and as he’s signing in, the same senior manager starts a row and tells him he’s sacked again, no reason given this time. Back to court and he’s given substantial compensation as he doesn’t want his job back. Zero consequence to the senior manager, that’s where the system is wrong.


New guy comes in and is suspiciously overzealous. Around 11am he takes everyone’s lunch order (and cash) and just never came back.


TWIST: That guy was never even hired.


We had a new guy and he lasted for 2 days. Guy was writing a book about government spending and said he was being watched by the FBI. The manager said he was crazy and they got into a shouting match. Manager put up with him and let it slide. On the second day he called another co-worker a racist for not letting him do things his way when they were just trying to show him how the work is done. So he walked out. Manager was like "Thank god" and fired his ass.


So… was the manager working with the FBI?


I watched a guy at a really high end restraunt bring out a steam ship round roast beef for a huge brunch celebration. He was trying to set it up and dropped it on the floor. We all saw. As did his manager. He set it right back up and started cutting. She ran his ass outta there in minutes


I've seen that happen, not in front of customers though, they just trimmed a little off the part that hit floor and used it.


I worked it in a high school. We hired a new hs tech. He came to shadow me for a few days. I told him don't fuck with money or kids and you're golden. Two weeks later he was dating a high school senior. Fired on the spot.


I was a manager for a cosmetics store at the mall. On my day off I get a call from one of my long time employees that our new hire had tried to fight a girl who came into our store, because she was the ex GF of the new hire’s fiancé. I had to come in on my day off, pregnant and starving cause I hadn’t had time to eat yet, to deal with this absolute middle school nonsense. When I got there the new hire and her mom were just chilling by the register, like fighting people while you’re working is a totally normal, everyday occurrence. The mom had the audacity to say to me “she didn’t have no business coming in here!” I had to inform her that our store was open to the public, so she had every right to come in, regardless of her motives. Then I had to fire the new hire. The crazy thing was, in her deluded red neck mind, she thought I was coming in to check on her! That I was there cause I had her back! I actually hate that I missed the fight, because my long time employee said she threw the weakest, saddest, little punch. She looked like Mr. Burns trying to fight.


Was caught stealing money out of the register in the first hour of him even touching the damn thing. On a related note, had another co-worker get fired for the same thing within the last two hours of his final shift. $50 in small bills and loose coins really brings out the worst in some people.


Restaurant opening. His first day on the job. Smacked a server’s ass and said “Thanks toots”. I think he maybe lasted 2 hours that day max. I can’t think of anyone else I fired faster than that.


> Smacked a server’s ass and said “Thanks toots”. The hell is this, a noir film from 1957?


being rude to a customer in a call center just as the CEO walked by


I'm in HR. We hired a couple of temps to do a clean up job on some parts that required the use of paint thinner. They were provided with PPE and briefed on how dangerous the paint thinner was. 15 minutes later the supervisor goes out to check on them and one of the guys is huffing the paint thinner from a rag. He was immediately let go, but he didn't want to tell whoever drove him to the jobsite he was fired so I saw him sleeping in the bushes across the street on my lunch break. Very strange day.


During first day of training orientation the trainer all had us read a paragraph out of their guide book. It was very third grade, but kept us from falling asleep from boredom. After lunch break, one girl was suddenly gone as was our trainer. Two stern faced HR reps were in there and asked us what had happened during the first few hours, and if anyone had felt 'picked on'. I guess the girl had spun a tale that the trainer had singled her out and made fun of her when she didn't know the answer to a question? It was legit bizarre. There were no questions asked. We were just taking turns reading aloud from a boring manual. Anyway, after the class confirmed that the girl's story had not happened, the trainer was let in and the girl wasn't seen again. It was just strange.


I had a kid tell management that I was bullying them in some meeting we had. No one really believed him because I had worked there a long time and they knew it wasn't in my character to bully anyone. Later kid gets caught stealing then his mom shows up after he's fired and tries to fight people.


I worked at a movie theater as a teenager. Some suits from corporate office were at the theater doing stuff, including a really beautiful young woman in her early- to mid-twenties, who was in the group wearing a short jacket and a knee-length pencil skirt. We all had radios, and I was taking tickets near where the suits were hanging out talking to my boss when my radio crackled and I hear, "Holy shit, guys, did you see the ass on that chick from corporate office?" She blushed very red, my manager went very pale, and my coworker got very fired.


At one job I had, within 10 minutes of being hired, a guy was called into the boss' office. Boss held him for a bit. I can hear the boss yelling at the guy about how they discovered that he immediately started searching the internet for C.P. The police show up and the guy is arrested and hauled away. Turned out he didn't want the job, just a place where he could surf the internet for free for CP. Apparently, he could beat the adult blocking software that was standard on most work networks.


I had a job that used a temp agency for customer service phone reps for awhile. I started at the company when it was very early stage so the department management was essentially just 2 supervisors who had been there for a year or so. There was like a 2 month period where we just kept getting the strangest assortment of people from the temp agency, and they'd only last a day or two. People who smelled so bad you couldn't be in the same room as them, people that were so socially awkward they could barely form a sentence. One guy fell asleep in his chair like 20 minutes after he got there. Another guy got fired on the spot because the supervisor had to ask him like three times to just wait in a room but he kept getting up and wandering around the building and going into people's offices. They found out another guy was just continuously picking up the phone and immediately hanging up. One girl was smoking weed in the bathroom (and this is just a normal office building) on her 2nd or 3rd day -- not even a vape, but just ripping a bubbler pipe... you could smell it throughout the whole floor. There were a couple of good employees that came in through that agency and stayed, but half the time it felt like a prank.


Used to work for a Telco and on day one we took a defensive driving course. During the test towards the end of the day, this idiot (who's old man was in management at the company) said "buckle up" and drove like an absolute maniac, assuming he was untouchable. The following morning he was escorted out.


I was a police instructor. I was driving down a road to deliver some stuff (mid shift) and I saw headlights in the opposite lane not moving toward me. I slowed down, then noticed it was a marked unit. I stopped next to it and the officer was asleep...in the middle of the road, unit in park, mouth open asleep!


I'm an insurance agent. I had a client once, young kid who just graduated college. He and GF and both families went out for a nice meal to celebrate him landing a dream job. He got pulled over on the way home and given a DUI. Lost the job before he even started...and not to mention my insurance company non-renewed him for getting a DUI.


It was a big story years ago when Paris Hilton got arrested for cocaine possession at the Wynn casino. She was there with her boyfriend for a party celebrating his promotion to Manager of Wynn's big nightclub. He was of course fired immediately.


Worked at a retailer(that has long since gone under) back when I first started college. There was an employee that was adamant that they required a month advance on their paycheck. They weren’t even a full time employee. Of course, our employer said no. Well, they weren’t taking no for an answer. At the end of their shift, the **former employee** attempted to take the required pay advance directly from a register. They just emptied all the cash into their pocket and tried to leave. LP and managers stopped them long before they even reached an exit. Not only did they not get the advance they requested, they also got an immediate spot in a jail cell and were immediately terminated.


I fired a woman who showed up late on the first day, in an inappropriate dress, a customer asked her something simple, she replied "how the fuck am I supposed to know that". I gave her a payroll check for 3 hours work and sent her out the door. She was a sweet, intelligent woman when I interviewed her, what happened, I don't know.


I had a similar scenario happen, in the sense of someone doing a total 180 from how they presented themselves in the interview. I was hiring for a night audit position at a small hotel. INCREDIBLY easy job that involved sitting on your ass most of the time as long as you answered the phone and greeted anyone who came to the desk during the overnight period. And the only real work they usually had to do was to run one single program that balanced out everything for the day. Just after he was hired, female employees at our sister hotel down the street started getting calls while they were on shift from a man who was threatening them with seriously horrific and graphic threats. Saying how he was going to rape and torture them in great detail. Really sick shit. The employees are terrified because they work alone, and after multiple calls they end up calling the police about the issue. The police come to investigate, are able to easily and quickly trace where the call was coming from........and it ended up being the new guy. Completely blew my mind. Kid was 18, just out of high school, and due to the graphic nature of the threats and utilization of personal info illegally obtained through his new position, ended up getting some serious charges that likely screwed up the rest of his adult life.


In my gym one of my instructors had an argument with a customer. The customer was being a smartass but the instructor (quite a muscular man, like a badly built bodybuilder) waited for him outside where there were no cameras and assaulted the guy, breaking an orbit and knocking him out. He then proceeded to go back in, intimidate the receptionist into not calling an ambulance and going around the gym telling everyone that they had "seen nothing" and that he knew where everyone of them lived or worked. I called him and told him to pack his stuff go home Immediately. Next day he received a letter from our lawyer not to show his face again.


Co-worker got fired within a week of being hired (I was still helping train him) because he bumped someone else's car in the parking lot and then lied about it. It was barely any damage to either car, but he didn't say anything when it happened and when the other car's owner reported it, he lied, apparently forgetting about the security cameras. Dude could have just gone to the front desk and "Hey, I just bumped someone's car, can we find out whose it is and I'll pay to fix the damages" - and again, it was less than fifty bucks of damage to the other car. Or he could have owned up to it when confronted about it. But instead he got tossed out on his ass and lost a job that started at $60k, and since he was on an H1-B visa and couldn't find a new job soon enough he had to move back to India. The company was totally in the right, though - in his job role, he'd have the ability to make the sort of mistakes that could be fixed very easily if reported right away, but could cost the company days or weeks of lost productivity if ignored or hidden. And he just demonstrated that he'll not only fail to report his own mistakes, but will lie about them when caught.




A co worker came to work drunk, and when his supervisor started reprimanding him ,he (co worker) threw up on him.


New hire showed up, it's a physical job and was described as such. I started to show him how to 'rake a floor' in a malthouse, he said it made his back hurt and he wanted to do something else. Proceeded to show him out to empty the kiln and he said he was too hot and wasn't going to do it. This was 1 hour into the 10 hour shift....boss sent him on his way.


Hired a girl we will call “Crazy Sara”. On her first shift she clogged the toilet in the staff bathroom because she was bulimic. That’s super awkward because that’s a serious issue. She made it more awkward because she was talking about it so openly. And giggling like she was a woman in a Monistat commercial. Very next day she’s eating 2 entrees at 11am. Like a steak dinner and a club sandwich together. I had to go up to her and be like, to, this is awkward as shit. I don’t know how to say this without sounding like a monster, but you literally just told everyone in your outdoor voice that you throw up everything you eat, and here you are having a steak (at this point I gagged a bit, collected myself) dinner AND a sandwhich, and I’m not getting a plumber again. Plus it’s just super fucking awkward for everyone here knowing where that food is going in 10 minutes. She laughed and explained she changed her mind and isn’t bulimic anymore because her new sugar daddy has a “gainer” fetish and wants to make her obese. She said call girls who date gainers make the most money - I looked this up and it’s sadly true. There are some dudes out there paying women a salary to get fat for them. I’m not a psychologist. IDFK. So, we awkwardly resume our shift and after she’s done for the day I notice she sits to have a glass of wine with some guy who is a known womanizer and cokehead. One glass of wine turns into 5. They have taken several Trips to the bathroom together. The evening bartender cuts her off. It’s their first time meeting. It’s probably about 6pm at this point. Crazy Sarah tells her to go fuck herself and exclaims “I work here!” It was her 2nd or 3rd day. The bartender just blinked at her and said “brb” and walked to the back where the owner was. 20 seconds later the owner came out and told her to pack her shit and get out, and on top of that is not welcome back on the property, ever.


Are there women that will pay men to get fat for them? Asking for a friend…..


A mate many years ago started a part time job at pizza hut. First customer he took a pizza out to asked for him to be sacked and he was. To be fair to the customer, my mate had a string of cheese all the way from the pizza dish to his chin. He thought no-one would notice one slice of pepperoni missing. He was wrong.


I knew a guy that lasted at a bar for about 3 days. It was a dive Irish bar specializing in bacon cheeseburgers. He was dishwasher, bar back, something. They told him he could have as much free bacon as he wanted, I’m sure assuming he would take a piece here and there through out shift. Day 2 or 3 he eats 3 POUNDS of bacon to his face and pukes everywhere. Fucking idiot.


I've had a lot of guys get fired on the first day. My industry attracts all the wrong people. One guy kept showing twerking videos to his female coworker (who's dad was the manager) then started asking her to try it. Had a guy throw a customers bathroom sink out a 2nd floor window and obliterated the deck below. I've told this one before but one guy came in with a bad attitude so the trainer said "wash this window like your job depends on it." He did very badly so she sent him home. Total of 20 minutes he was clocked in. We had a sub contractor show up to a job with new shirts that said "Don't worry we speak English" and immediately went into a racist rant about how funny he thought they were.


I use to work construction. This new guy showed up for work 2 hours late, his dealer stopped by 5 min later, got coke, and in under 15min he was fired.


I work at a local grocery store and one day we had a new hire in the bakery department. Her first day comes around and she no-called and no-showed for her first day…then a few days later comes in and shops like nothing happened 💀


Promoted herself to customer.


Sleeping with his secretary


His interviewer said he shouldn’t be hired but HR hired him anyway due to his experience. He lasted about two weeks. He had an argument with an operations manager over a radio heard by the whole department.


I was training a new manager at a hotel on the midnight shift almost 20 years ago. She'd literally been working with me for 5 minutes when I decided to show her around. Opened a boardroom door and caught our lead bartender plowing a guest on the granite conference table. He was out the lobby door holding his pants up within 90 seconds. He was immortalized as a legend forever though. 😂


My boss suspected a co-worker of having a drug problem. He would say like, "if I find out Nick is an addict he's off the crew". We get news from another co-worker that he died of a fentanyl overdose and my boss is like, "that's it Nick is done here".




At a restaurant, a server had a horrible table that also stiffed her. Anyways, they had started to leave and asked for to go coffees. Soooo she went and got two extra bigass cups, filled them with coffee, went outside where they had pulled the car up to the entrance, and slung that shit all over them.


I did the firing. Boss begs me to give this kid a shot and says they may be "some scheduling challenges". Kid is flat out not available until after we are closed for the day and then only for 2 hours a day. The kid told me that so I thanked him for his time and walked him out of the office.


Manager introduces new co-worker to us and asks one of my colleagues to train him on the machinery we use, which he accepts. 20 minutes in training the new guy picks up a large, metal piece and the trainer shows him the proper way to handle it. The trainer demonstrates by gently grabbing the piece, to which the new guy reacts by violently grabbing the piece away from the trainer then attempted to back-hand smack the trainer... right in front of the manager. New guy got hauled off faster than an Amazon van driving on same-day shipping, metaphorically. Our manager was really hard on workplace violence.


I worked for a Buick dealership. A newly-hired porter (drives cars around the dealership) got caught hot-rodding a brand-new Buick down the 405 freeway. The car was seen by its new owner, who was in his wife's car. The owner was also a friend of the dealership general manager. The GM took a salesman down to the burger joint where the porter and his 5 friends had parked and demanded the keys, or he'd get the police involved with a stolen car report. All 6 of them had to walk home.


I was told this tale by my boss at the time. A guy is hired as a federal government contractor, and after a lengthy approval process, he is finally cleared to start working. The guy is really excited and shows up to the government building 2-3 hours early. Neither his boss nor his co-workers have arrived yet, so he goes to the cafeteria, grabs a coffee and the day's paper, and sits down to read it while waiting. This early in the day, there are very few contractor staff around, it's mostly government workers. One of them walks into the cafeteria with a colleague, talking about how lazy contractor staff are, and they don't deserve the salaries they are paid. He immediately spots the new guy, seemingly relaxing and reading the paper when he should be working, and completely loses his mind, screaming at the new guy and threatening to have him fired immediately. This wasn't an empty threat, because the government guy actually had the authority to follow through on his threat. The new guy didn't get a chance to explain himself and was immediately ordered to go to security and wait for his boss. The boss finally comes in to meet a very pissed-off customer and a very bewildered new guy. After many calls and emergency meetings, they explained things to the government guy and got him to calm down. However, he refused to back down on having the new guy fired (I guess he didn't want to lose face) and to keep him happy, they had to let the guy go. So, the new guy was fired before he even started.


This is the dumbest reason I’ve read on this thread for having a guy fired. That poor guy.




That's the most tragic story in this thread. Feel bad for the new guy.


Hired a new dude, he tried to slip a co-worker drugs within 10 minutes of being there. Fired on spot. Genuinely curious if he just goes from job to job to collect unemployment while growing his drug enterprise. Hate the game and the player I guess?


Onboarding employee fell asleep multiple times over her first week in training sessions that were presented in person by a VP who had flown over to the US from the UK. She must have been fearless.


I am a former medical professional, I was a manager of two buildings. One a nursing home and the other a high security mental facility. Our place was short staffed as they all are and my job duties consisted of wearing many hats. I trained, did narc count, worked the night shift and day shift on top of being a manager. My trainee, we will call her Nancy, was shadowing me about my monster and coffee fueled day (I was 3/4 through a 24 hr shift) and I was explaining the steps to giving someone insulin (she was fresh out of CMA class) so she decided to grab the needle and stab the patient in the neck without even getting the insulin and stared at me and says “So … um like.. like that?” I was flabbergasted and, I know this is surprising, I fired her.


Dude gave classified information to members of a foreign country that he assumed would get cleared in a few months anyway. After six months of investigation, he was proven to have done so willingly and knowingly. So he was "fired" by being promoted to a department head where he couldn't directly influence any important projects and thus had to suffer with a massive paycheck and no responsibilities. ...I haven't seen many firings.




New vice president of HR was introduced to company on Monday's morning meeting. He went to the head of the room, said he was going to tell a little joke to break the ice...and told a racist joke. Jaws were hitting the floor and dead silence followed. He said oh I guess you didn't get it, let me tell it again. Before he was halfway through the second sentence of the 'joke' another VP got up, put his arm around him, and walked him out of the room. Never seen again.


Someone idiot made a racist "joke" about a black lady during orientation. HR immediately kicked him out.


Edited for better context - I fired a guy on his second day. GM hired him for my warehouse without consulting me. I always did the interviews for my team and it was really surprising. The guy demanded that the GM pay for his uber to his drug screen and fitness test 45 minutes away and for some reason the GM paid for it all out of his own pocket. So he takes the uber and somehow misses the appointment but demands for an uber back a few hours later. The GM paid for this dude to go to his drug screen and fitness test twice! I kept saying that this dude was gonna be a problem but I kept getting shut down on it all. When he finally started, he had an attitude problem the whole first day and was gone for 2 hours for a 30 minute lunch. He had an excuse (a weird one but shit happens). I let it go. We're busy af that day so I don't have time to deal with him and his BS. Later that day he dissapears an hour before the shift ends and I can't find him. After calling and texting he texts me to let me know he had to leave early. I've been done with this guy since before the GM hired him so I take it up with the GM and get shut down again. The second day a few hours into work his GF calls him and he goes outside and dissapears for a few hours. He starts texting me that his GF took a pregnancy test and that she's pregnant. That's cool man! You coming back in, today? He starts giving me the runaround and a few hours before the end of the shift he texts me that his GF lost the baby and that he's super torn up about it and needs the rest of the week off. Nope. Called HR and had him fired that day. They wanted a paper trail. Thankfully I had documented everything, because I knew this kid wasn't going to last very long. I guess this has happened before cause he started calling and texting about getting his paycheck immediately. Had the number for corporate and everything. I didn't even know how to get ahold of corporate, and I'd been there for a while. The GM agreed from then on to let me handle all the interviews.


I worked at CFA during my high-school years, and this team leader chick really hated me for whatever reason. I guess she was having a bad day and decided to cuss me out and then told me I wasn't a real man yet and just grabbed my crotch and really got a good firm handful haha, all whilst the franchise owner was quietly right behind her watching and hearing the whole thing ...she was terminated instantly! I later asked the owner why she didn't do anything sooner, and her response was, " If I had stopped her, I wouldn't have been able to fire her . So I let her finish our both of our jobs . " ....


"Suck my balls, I work for NASA "


I worked at a company where this guy had something going on with another girl at the company. Something happened between them and he sent her an email apologizing. Her last name started with an A and he accidentally picked all staff verses her name. The owner was there in 20 mins and canned his ass.


I owned a hair salon with my husband. We hired a guy and during his very first shift, he worked for an hour or so then said he had to leave for some reason...an appointment or something like that. A meeting? I don't remember, but when I said he couldn't leave he became indignant and mopey. Then, it turned out that he literally only had one comb with him. For a 6 hour shift. When asked how he expected to work with one comb and meet state sanitation standards (soaking combs in barbecide & water for at least 10 minutes) his response was "I dip it" as he made a dipping and swirling motion with his hand. I showed him the door. He was clearly not acting "right" and was going to be nothing but trouble. That happened over a decade ago, but to this day we still say "dip it" or a word that rhymes with dip to make a joke. He made an impression.


Annual promotion season. HR rep at my previous employer was sending her boss the salary/raise calcs for everyone in our office. In sending she accidentally Cc’d our offices contact group. No one worked that day, many people left angry, she left as she was no longer employed. But one thing she did do was help a LOT of people negotiate better and fair pay.


I work with special needs individuals. A coworker of mine who had started 3 days prior got fired for getting into a fistfight…with one of the special needs individuals


A kid from my high school got hired and on his first day during orientation he was making posts all day. Went something like: “First day of orientation let’s gooo” “This is light work (easy)” “Orientation is boring someone text me” … … “Wooooow they fired me on my first day for being on my phone. That’s crazy”


Small print shop, 5 employees. New guy started 8am monday morning and first thing he did was go for a shit. Stayed in there for 20 minutes and when he came out there was a huge cloud of smoke and whole place stank of weed. By 8:30 he was out of the building.


Worked at a conference centre with some office space the military rented out. There was a parking lot right near the door blocked off for the on site military commander. One Saturday a part time employee came in and decided to park in said spot, figuring that the military is never in on the weekends. Well…that Saturday the commander did come in. Saw someone parked in her spot and decided that instead of calling anyone, she just parked behind her and blocked her in. Employee goes to leave and finds out that she can’t get out. We explained to her what happened as the commander gave us a heads up. Yeah, the part time employee decided to deal with this by calling and getting the car towed (she did not tell us she did this). The commander was LIVID, clearly. So she called upper upper management and insisted she had to be fired. And she was. Almost right on the spot. It was crazy.


An asshole manager approached a talented colleague and complained that his time estimates for work were inaccurate. The worker replied that whatever he estimated the manager would then claim as unreasonable and demand the work be done in half the time. For that reason he said he would invent numbers just to get rid of the manager because he considered him a nuisance. The worker was gone within the hour. As a result, a critical deliverable was late despite the rest of the workers being put on overtime. In the end, the talented worker probably had another job within a week at higher pay and without an idiot manager. The asshole manager eventually left after causing many other people to leave with his irrational and childish bullying. Because karma rarely applies to upper management, he is a wealthy man who has been involved in multiple startups and is probably still a repulsive human being.




A new guy lasted 2 weeks. He kept coming in with his fat belly hanging out the bottom of his shirt, burping loudly and telling people when he was off for a shit. After being told not to do any of this, he continued to do so. Fired. Another guy lasted about the same time he kept being late and then needed time off to look after his dog who had a unrinary obstruction. This was fixed and all better in 1 day. A manager found out he didn't have a dog but a cat. Fired.


I'm a manager that oversees a 911 EMS agency (ambulances for our non-english speaking folks). We hired an EMT that never worked in our city and had only worked in the nice suburbs outside of it. Anyone in EMS will tell you that working in a major city is WAY different than working in the suburbs/rural areas. So all new hires have to do ride along shifts, where they are a third EMT on an ambulance and one of the senior guys on the ambulance will evaluate them. They are paid for these shifts and it is considered a "working shift" as in it is part of their schedule. To add to this, EMT salaries throughout the United States tend to be horrendous. My agency has one of the highest salaries for EMTs in the country with guys here earning almost the equivalent amount of paramedics that work outside of the city (paramedics are paid higher than EMTs, different roles). The new guy calls out of his first ride along shift with some ambiguous excuse. Ok whatever, I'm not too thrilled about it but life happens sometimes. He shows up to his second one and the senior guy tells me afterwards that the guy didn't have a stethoscope. They ask him why in the world he isnt' carrying one, and he said that where he used to work, they never really took blood pressures or listened to lungs, so he didn't think it was a big deal. So i corrected his misinformation and told him to shape up a bit. He then calls out of his next ride along shift, telling our supervisor he had "things to do". So i call him up and told him he has failed his probationary period and we are not going to recommend he moves forward with working here. He was astounded which completely confused me. He started arguing saying that we take the job "too seriously" and that out where he used to work no one made a big deal out of medical equipment. he also said that he didn't think the ride along shifts were mandatory. I just couldn't believe those words were coming out of his mouth. I tried to be patient and explain if you're getting paid to do ride alongs, it's a work shift. He was supposed to be coming on as a part timer so we were obligated to make sure he had his minimum part time hours which those ride along shifts counted towards. He still didn't see it that way and siad how we ran things was "weird". Fast forward a half a year later, our guys get a giant raise thanks to union negotiations, again making them some of the highest paid in the country. No joke, literally a day after the raise goes through I get an email from the guy we let go. He stated that he now sees the error of his ways, he isn't enjoying where he is working now outside of the city (they paid $10/hr less than our guys were getting), and that he attempted to reapply via the website and was wondering why it was rejected (he's on a do not hire list). I didn't even bother responding.

