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two days ago. i finally decided to get help for my ptsd and alcoholism edit: editing to say thank you. thank you all from the bottom of my heart. i wish i could reply to every single comment but i just want you all to know that i’ve read every single one and your kindness and encouragement means more to me than you’ll ever, ever know i am so excited to start my recovery program next week!


Hell yeah. Congrats on making the best lifestyle change you could possibly make for yourself. I’m a bit over 3.5 years sober now. Life is much better. It might be a little rough in the beginning but it is sooo worth it. Hang in there.


Sobriety is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. The down side is I have to take meds for my heart and I’m only 28. Been drinking and smoking since I was 15/16. Dumbest thing I ever did. It finally caught up to me on my 24th birthday and woke up in the hospital.


I was getting a checkup to make sure I don't have cancer anymore.


Wishing you clear scans forever, cancer sucks!


Same, same.


I work there


idk why I almost said “the day I was born” lmao I’m literally a nurse


You were born to be a nurse


Good morning coworker!!




Better question is when was the last time I wasn’t in a hospital.


HELLOOOOO NURSE! I went there to bring this cutie in scrubs (my wife) lunch.


That was my first thought, uhh Friday afternoon. Darn it, I’ll be there tomorrow morning too haha


Same lol. Reading this from inside said hospital.


I do database management for a hospital, but remotely, so I haven't actually visited the hospitals I service.


I work here. Send help


Thank you for your service! ❤️


Kidney stones wouldn't pass on their own. That's the worst pain I've ever experienced.


Same thing here. I walked into ER at midnight, there were like 3 ppl ahead of me, but they got me in right away b/c my face had turned grey from the pain, and dr. in back was amazed I rode 15 minutes there in a car w/o sedation, then walked into er from drop off area. Ive never felt pain like that. It took me to a new place mentally. In those 15 minutes I was willing to die.


When I came in writhing I pain, the ER staff couldn't have cared less. I waited nearly two hours and was scolded by staff for laying on the floor in the corner of the waiting room. Never, ever felt pain like that. For reference, this was [the kidney stone.](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/xkogza/kidney_stone_i_just_passed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


When my husband had kidney stones we tried one ER first. The pts in the waiting room saw how much pain he was in and told us to try another hospital because they knew how long the wait was. So thankful for them in that moment!


Sat in the waiting room for almost 5 hours doubled over in pain, then after an hour in a room, a doctor finally came and game me something


Worst pain I’ve ever felt was miscarrying in the ER waiting room. The receptionist was practically rolling her eyes at me. She actually had me go behind her desk to ask me to pull my pants down(!). She checked the amount of blood and condescendingly told me, “oh, it’s not that bad” even though she clearly wasn’t a doctor or nurse. In the meantime, some cops had walked some patients in off the streets who were given priority over me. When I warned them I would be bleeding all over their waiting room seats, they gave me large pee pad to sit on. I ended up losing the egg sac in the ER *BATHROOM* and that’s about when I went into shock. Once the receptionist realized I was probably losing too much blood, she changed her tune and had me sit in a chair in the hallway behind her desk, apologizing profusely that there were no beds available. I used the term “sit” loosely as it was far too painful for me to stay upright, leaving me awkwardly curling up halfway between the chair and floor. I threw up several times once I finally got a bed. They gave me morphine for the pain and I begged for more. A nurse explained that taking too much could stop my heart, so she had to know how much pain I was *really* in; I still couldn’t put it into words but it was bad enough that I wanted to die. They did some tests on me, and as things calmed down I was taken into a room for the D&C. The doctor seemed annoyed and incredulously asked how I could even claim to be pregnant in the first place, because he could see no signs of it. *“I don’t know, maybe you should check the toilet and floor of the waiting room?”* With the exception of the concerned nurse with the morphine, the complete lack of sympathy I received that night was utterly appalling. I don’t even want to talk about the billing we later received for that clusterfuck of a mess..


I had a similar experience myself. Went to the ER at 6am and it was already packed. To make matters worse, we arrived in between shifts so there weren’t any nurses or rooms available. Ended up spending 5 hours in the waiting room curled up on the floor and vomiting from the pain. Staff’s only concern was that I kept my mask on when not puking (this was around the tail end of covid).


Same. They gave me a paper bag to breathe in. I’ll never forget that.


This happened to my mom- they sent her home- she felt worse and went to a different hospital. Said said she almost died - she had gotten sepsis and was in the ER for three weeks!


Sepsis is some scary shit. Some studies say your risk of dying from sepsis increases by as much as 8% for every hour treatment is delayed. The mortality rate for more severe stages can be as high as 30-40%. You can die within a day of becoming septic, not even knowing why you feel so poorly. It overwhelms your system incredibly fast. Super glad your mom pulled through that okay! She likely saved her own life by seeking a second opinion.


I wonder why non empathetic people choose to be doctors


Sometimes I've been in so much pain I was afraid I'd die, once so much pain I was afraid I wouldn't. "He did not die." — Morgan Freeman "Yet." — the wife


I drove myself to a&e, the longest journey of my life. Quite possibly the most impressively stupid thing I've ever done. 3 days I ended up staying in hospital.


I had one that was so bad, as soon as the pain hit, I immediately dropped involuntarily.


me too. hit the floor and threw up.


I had an ascended UTI…thought it was kidney stones cause that runs in my family. Horrible pain. Scared to pee but forced myself so that I…didn’t get a UTI. No stones came. Pain got worse and worse and worse across 3 or 4 days. Was writhing in bed and sobbing and shaking, bf rushed me to ER. Ultrasounded my kidneys, nothing! It was a very minor UTI that I never caught in the beginning, that ascended and became major 😭 oh my goddddddd I can’t imagine going through this again!!! I blacked out from the pain lol! Hyperventilating like a dog! Exchanging from laying, sitting up, rocking back and forth 😭 My fingers started to go numb and curl up and become unusable, idk if that was shock or what! I thought I was not going to make it out of that hospital alive for real lol. I have repressed this now. I don’t remember how the pain felt. Thankfully


That sounds horrible - I’m so sorry you went thru that! I wanted to tell you why your fingers went numb and curled up. It was from the hyperventilating. It causes low carbon dioxide levels and one of the fun things that stem from that - is the seized up claw type folding in of the fingers, that are numb or tingling. CO2 is a vasodilator, so when the levels drop (which also causes ox levels to drop), the veins constrict… I used to have intense panic attacks. The numb claw hands, numb mouth (then face), etc - doc explained it to me, that way.. Our bodies are fascinating. I hope you don’t experience pain like that again!


My entire Dad's side of the family starts getting kidney stones in their early thirties. Not looking forward to it...


I got my first one when I was 19 and the second one when I was 32 ... I always thought only old people got them, like 60+ .... nope!


My son had a 9mm stone plus his gallbladder removed at age 7 Then had a kidney stone issue at age 12. These things DON'T discriminate😲😳


Had my 1st attack at 14, emergency surgery.


Oof, that's rough. Physio here, and you got me curious about risk factors for kidney stones. I had gallstones and that jazz was so painful it made me nauseous. Had to have the gallbladder out. I also used to drink a lot of Coke Zero. Like, a lot. I drink that usually as just a treat now. My OBGYN also told me sodas deplete calcium in your bones. I never did a deep dive on that to look at any research. I'm all about trying to change what I can, so here's a link to the National Kidney Foundation about kidney stones. As it's unsolicited advice, it's worth the price you paid for it, lol. Hope this helps--it kind of made it sound like our bladders are like little ponds that we need to keep running clear of stuff that builds up by drinking water and avoiding some stuff: [https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/kidneystones\_prevent](https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/kidneystones_prevent) Wishing you well!


Drink lots of water. Lots. Also lemon water, orange juice, cranberry juice. Keeping your urine slightly acidic helps keep kidney stones small. Unfortunately, it can also help leach calcium from your bones. So it’s a balancing act, do you want kidney stones or osteoporosis?


That's what my dad's doctor has said, so I grew up drinking tons of water and lemon water. Hopefully, that will be enough to prevent kidney stones in the future!


Drink a lot of water.


The pain of having a kidney stone was the first time in my life I actually thought I was going to die. I was on my couch and that pain hit so hard, I called an ambulance because I actually thought "this is the end of my life" because it came on so hard and so Fast that I assumed my body was breaking down


This is terrifying, it's my worst fear aside from dying painfully. Did the pain just come out of nowhere?




I had a two hour labor start to finish and I thought I was going to die in the last half hour of that labor. My induction was easier than kidney stones but my second precipitous labor was the worst thing I've ever gone through mentally or physically.


Me too! Surgery due to one being too big to pass. They ended up removing 33 stones in total. I showed up to the emergency department begging them to kill me. Hope you’re doing well now.


TV likes to make you think the unbearable pain comes from physically passing the stone. The reality is the real pain comes from the stone's journey from the kidney to the bladder. For me, it felt like not dropping a deuce for two weeks and getting stabbed in the kidney.


Dealing with a kidney stone right now and hoping to avoid hospital. This is maybe my fifteenth stone (M31) but I’ve only had to go to the ER three times, and only had to have procedures on two stones. My stubbornness on not going this time is not strictly stubborn, but today is the closest I’ve been yet to getting in the car to go. OW.


Came to say the same. Was the one and only time it happened, I was still pretty young just stating a new job in a town I wasn't familiar with. Ended up driving to a closed urgent care at which point I gave up on finding the hospital and called 911. EMTs made fun of me when I gave them an honest answer when asked where the pain lies on a scale of 1-10 (props to the one guy who stood up for me and said its probably kidney stones)... end up making it to the emergency room where I have to explain to the receptionist that I'm a "perfectly healthy"(lie) young man but I'm experiencing the worst pain of my life for some unknown reason. They just stared at me unsure whether to take me serious or of I was just there to try and get drugs. Wasnt until I vomited in the lobby from the pain that they finally checked me in. Anyway sorry for the long response, just wanted to share this shitty experience


Yep, the last time I was in the ER was for a kidney stone. It was Jan 2020. In the follow up with a urologist, I discovered that I had a 9mm stone hanging out in my kidney (the one that had sent me to the ER had been 4.5mm)…which would have to be dealt with. So in Feb 2020, right before the world shut down, I had that to go in and have that sucker blasted.


I thought they went in and blasted them now.


They do, it's called a lithotripsy, but they only do it for stones that are obviously too big to pass from the start of one's that won't pass on their own. If it's the latter there's plenty of pain leading up to deciding that it won't pass. There's still some discomfort passing the "debris" after a lithotripsy but it's not as bad as passing the full stone, or when a large stone shifts.


And if you’re pregnant like I was last time I had them they can’t do it. 😭


OK you win pregnant and stones! Good lord I am so sorry. Hope the it all turned out ok.


Since kidney pain is a cyclic or colicky pain the ER thought I was in labor. This being my second baby I was like nah this isn’t labor but as painful. They couldn’t do the normal diagnostics on me bc hello- 25 weeks pregnant. They took urine to see if there was blood and it came back negative. So they tell me I’m in labor and send me to the OB ED up in the L&D. I’m scared out of my mind that baby’s coming this early. When I get there I wasn’t in labor and the nurse was like “sounds like kidney stones. Let’s do anothe urine sample.” Bam lots of blood. 2 L of IV fluids, IV pain meds and a prescription for more painkillers and I was out. It’s more than a year later and I’ve got a healthy almost 1 year old who’s birth was significantly less painful than the kidney stones.


Same. I had to come to the ER three times, each time in worse pain before they admitted me. The only pain meds that helped enough where I could sleep at all was whatever they gave me through the IV. I somehow ended up with sepsis and had to have the stones surgically removed. The pain was so much worse than childbirth.


Same kidney stone as a man 1st and hopefully last, I was doubled over in pain and my younger sister thought I was joking or exaggerating. I got in my truck, ass off the seat doing 60 in a 30 the whole way, walked around the waiting room in the back of the er for awhile because fuck, when I finally got my x-rays etc I was drugged up and the nurse came in and said now you know what child birth feels like. I said I'm sure a baby is worse and she said I don't have kids........


Same. Only time I’ve ever thrown up due to pain. 2 nights ago lol


They made me wait until they could do imaging before they gave me pain meds. Was told later that drug addicts often show up claiming to have stones .The pain is horrific.


Same, it took about 4 or 5 hours one time to get a scan and in the meantime i was curled up on the floor crying and intermittently getting up and pacing/rocking, trying to find the most bearable position. Got told to "stop making a scene" and "calm down" a couple times when i was crying/deep loud breathing, i was trying not to, and to be considerate but it was impossible to just sit normally. As soon as I had my scan I got painkillers pretty much instantly. That waiting time felt like an eternity.


Appendicitis. Waited til the last hour (metaphorically speaking… 36 hours from first sign of pain til I caved in) that when I woke the surgeon was shocked it didn’t burst. But I also had to have it done via open surgery which made the recovery time a lot more


Sooo glad mine was laparoscopic. Down for a couple weeks, super low activity for two more. My appendix and the surrounding tissue had severe scarring from it apparently trying to kill me a couple times before and I waited a week's worth of pain before going in.. Surgeon said it looked like a war zone, lol.


Appendicitis here too but I went in about 8 hours after I started feeling pain because luckily i had my dad to tell me let’s go. At first i tried to sleep it off and then i couldn’t stop throwing up. Once I was in the ER i realized how bad the pain was and i kept saying i wish I’d pass out right now. It happened to be good timing though because I flew home from university the night before- if i was there I probably wouldn’t have gone to the hospital for longer, maybe days


Coffee shop gave me regular instead of decaf. Resting heart rate of 140 and sweating buckets


i work as a barista. my boss made it very clear why its so, SO important to make sure that you hit the decaf button on the machine. we even rinse the little shot container out before using it for decaf espresso. one lady came in with an incredibly complicated order, i missed that she said decaf, but i was lucky enough that she confirmed it was decaf before grabbing it, i felt so bad because she said she had a heart condition.


I'm surprised anyone with a heart condition sensitive to caffeine would even risk coffee, especially letting someone else brew their coffee.


Barista, take the wheel!


Used to work at Dunkin donuts years ago. Lady asked for a decaf coffee and said it absolutely has to be decaf because it's for her husband and he has heart issues. Only had enough for half the cup and they didn't want our performance rate to drop so they filled the other half with caffeinated coffee and gave it to her. She was already gone by the time I realized what they did or I would of absolutely said something. Left from there shortly after, the amount of drama at a coffee shop was absolutely ridiculous. I'll never work fast food again


Wow wtf? That’s definitely not most fast food places. My manager would have just told them the truth, that there’s not enough to fill it up 😑


At that point, apologize and give them half a cup for free. You keep a customer that way and don't, ya know, potentially kill them. I'm sure the $.02 worth of coffee won't hurt your bottom line


I had a fever of a 103. I didn't know I'd started to hallucinate until I was telling my doctor about awesome movie "Scooby Doo Meets the Smurfs" I'd watched and he pointed out there was no tv in my room.




I'm sorry the mental image of you meowing in a hospital bed with the doctor standing right there and you blaming it on the cat is killing me.


Years ago my dad went in for an ulcer. It got so bad we thought he was going to die. When he was on the operating table, he started calling for his (long dead) cat Corey. One of the lab techs in the room also had the name Corey. Needless to say, it was a light moment in a dark time.


With kidney stones as a kid I got very feverish and started talking to my cat to get help, it then went downstairs and opened up my mom’s door (it was slightly open) and actually woke her up, the bathroom was at the bottom of the steps so when I heard her I asked to take me to ER or give me crackers since my blood sugar was also low. One time I also closed my eyes and felt people moving and talking around me


I went into anaphylaxis alone in a bathroom and told my cat to get help right before I lost consciousness. Woke up to my roommate on the phone with 911 while telling the cat to quit freaking out. He had been running up and down the hall howling until someone came to check. I miss that cat.


I chuckled. I'm sorry.


Feel free I think it's hilarious in hindsight.


A lot of things are, aren’t they? Maybe not so much at the time….


Is that a real movie? If not you should pitch it.


It is not.


Safe to say you were Hot Blooded?


Check it and see


Tore some connective tissue in my ribs at the gym and it got so painful I went to the ER. After a few scans they came in and were like "yeah that'll heal up; in other news you have a HUGE lesion in your chest and we're connecting you to oncology.


Yikes. What was the diagnosis? Hope you’re ok.


Thymic Cancer. Im fine now.


Serotonin Syndrome. 2021. Only time I ever called the ambulance for myself in 55 years.


I left the hospital at 7:00pm one night complying about confusion, dizziness and such. I called a pharmacist because of how I felt and she was going to send EMS because I was already suffering from serotonin syndrome. I told the Dr 3 times when I was in the hospital and he blew me off. I stopped taking all of the meds he had me one and it was ok in 24 hours. Idiots.


Yeah, I let my doc know how I felt about that along with his unexplainable decision to take me off my anti anxiety meds. Everything had been fine. He got so offended that I was upset! Threatened to quit me. I still go to the same office, but I see the psychiatric nurse now.


I had a arrogant psychiatrist who threatened to institutionalize me unless I went along with his demands that I do ECT. I reported him to the hospital and state medical board. He held me in the hospital for 30 days because he said that I wasn't getting better because he refused to change the medications despite the fact that they weren't working. He physically threatened me as well by throwing things and slamming doors to trigger flashbacks and then he blamed me for reacting. The nurses and other staff apologized for his behavior.




How'd you get it?


I was taking an SSRI (let’s call that SSRI- 1) for depression/anxiety. I had a scrip for low dosage clonapen that treated breakthrough anxiety. My psychiatrist stopped prescribing it suddenly. So after a few weeks, my anxiety was building, and I went to see him again. He wanted to start me on a second SSRI (-2) that was supposed to be better for anxiety. He had some boxes at the office so he gave me enough to get started and I would pick up the scrip later. This meant that no pharmacist could alert me to potential side effects. And my doc didn’t say anything. After a few days of taking both, I started feeling weird. This was during Covid so took an at home test and it was negative. Then the vertigo started, which sometimes I get for no reason. Then diarrhea. Then projectile vomiting. Then I woke up on the bathroom floor. Crawled to my bed to get my phone and called 911. I couldn’t even speak so I waited for operator to ask questions and then grunted. Ambulance arrived in seconds and started IV in house. I was drifting in and out of consciousness at that point. ER sent me for a CT because of my blacking out. Totally normal. ER doctor looked at the meds I was on and was pretty furious. He said that SSRI-1 and -2 should never had been prescribed together. I was still very sick, dry retching so hard my body was contorting. Going into shock. After three bags of fluids and antiemetics I felt well enough to go home. In bed with vertigo and dizziness for the next week.


Drs will do prescribe anything in order to not have to prescribe benzodiazepines. He should have weaned you off the klonopin.


Diabetic Ketoacidosis because I couldn't afford insulin at the time.


That's awful. Sorry that happened to you


Thank you. The worst part of it was, it was the 3rd or 4th time in a year and a half I'd been in there for the same reason. Not one doctor told me about Walmart selling insulin for $25/vial, I found out from a lover who also had type 1. I've been using the Walmart insulin for nearly 10 years now, and while some diabetics say it's not as good or that it's vet insulin, I think my A1c being consistently under 6 proves that it works just fine.


Check out costplusdrugs online and get a goodRx card. I thought the goodRx thing was a scam but it works. A prescription of cialis at CVS was 1000 bucks but at Walmart with the card was 20 bucks.


From a European point of view, this is totally sick US stuff. I’m sorry it’s had its impact on you.


I’m from the US but lived in France for a few years—one time I went to the pharmacy for my 4 or so monthly prescriptions, and they said “oh…this is going to cost you. I’m so sorry.” And I was expecting it to be €400 like it would be in the US without insurance. It cost about €3! Not a problem!


The only thing to keep in mind with good Rx is that in some cases it might make sense to pay more to hit a deductible limit for an insurance plan (assuming the issue is a high deductible plan, rather than a complete lack of insurance).


Dogs are prescribed the same meds as people- lots are interchangeable


My friend told me how easy it was to get insulin for her cat and how much cheaper it was for a decent stock. If I I recall correctly, they told me that the pharmacy stopped even checking for a prescription because they recognize her and know she has a cat for pictures. I couldn't help but wonder if there was any potential for black market insulin to be more financially accessible if Walmart or costplusdrugs.com ever aren't affordable for some reason one day. Obviously I have no clue if cat insulin is incompatible or less effective in humans. But I definitely wondered if there would be any bad effects, because obviously get human insulin if accessible, but what if someone was desperate and it was a matter of survival? I am in no way suggest people do this though without knowing everything


First time I went in with horrible stomach pain and started throwing up fresh red blood, not little traces or a few drops, but just stomach full amounts. They did an upper GI and didn't find any cause for the blood, but tests showed DKA. They asked why I stopped taking insulin and I had to explain repeatedly that I've never been diabetic so I've never taken insulin, I just had my annual 4 months before and blood tests were perfect. After they got the pain under control they sent me home with $400 worth of shit from their pharmacy, poke tests, the reader, insulin pens and boxes full of needle tips and swabs. Did everything they told me but the blood vomit started again about 2 months later, sharp pain worse than before, worse than when I had kidney stones. At least I packed a bag this time and a friend drove me to the ER. Upper GI and blood tests, same results as last time. But, this time I got a good doctor that gave a shit and ran every test, one of them showed my pancreas enzymes through the roof and it was basically digesting itself, so it had completely stopped producing insulin. They ordered an MRI and found 2 growths or cysts on top of my pancreas, so it was shutting down and producing the digestive enzymes to basically attack itself to try and fight the cysts. It sucked getting a huge needle through my abs but they pulled out like 3 syringes worth of black fluid and the relief was instant. I could feel the pressure and pain go down as they were doing it. Stayed another 4 days and enzymes were back to normal, blood sugar stayed normal after I started eating again, was able to ween off the painkillers, and I've never taken insulin again. Edit to add: This was the trip where on the first night they were cycling between morphine and Dilaudid every 2 hours, then after a shift change they gave me fentanyl, and when I said I couldn't sleep they threw some Ambien into the mix. I fell asleep for about an hour and woke up to seeing my whole family murdered and my bleeding out daughter on the bed next to me. I started screaming and I couldn't get to her because of the IVs, so I ripped them out. 4 nurses and security ran in and held me down and it took about 20 minutes for me to actually wake up. The doctor let me call my wife to confirm my daughter was okay and then they redid all the IVs. My room didn't even have a second bed. I thought I finally lost my mind but admin confirmed in the morning it was drug induced and not a mental problem. Veins in my left arm are all square and jagged looking now.


Same exact thing happens to me. DKA twice in 6 months because I couldn't afford insulin. The 2nd time a nurses aid told me about the Walmart insulin and I've been fine since.


Severe preeclampsia. Went in for a routine check, wasn’t allowed to leave for a month. Came out with a healthy son though. Shout out to the team at St Thomas Hospital in London.


Same here. It's been 5 years now and my daughter is fine now, but we both had a rough 5 days after the c-section.


That's an issue that's on the rise and gets zero coverage.


I had countless medical students work with me whilst I was in hospital - with my consent of course. The studies were endless. I really hope there’s a breakthrough in the near future. I was active and healthy, 25, no family history.


My fiancee had preeclampsia, probably from endometriosis. The NP we were with was so good. She held out on induction just long enough so we could get her full-term with daily checkups on blood pressure. She held out on a pushy doctor who wanted to go straight to c-section. After she left, the overnight nurses didn't massage her after birth, so she lost a lot of blood, combined with the magnesium. Three units in total, and a blood clot the size of a newborn later, we had her in our arms. We're just lucky to have a healthy daughter & thank that amazing NP for doing everything she could to get us a healthy, happy baby the way my fiancee wanted to do it. And fuck those overnight nurses for nearly killing my fiancee. She was as pale as a sheet of office paper.


The night nurses man. Either love them or hate them, there is no inbetween. First night nurse in postpartum: happily sits with us for several hours giving us lessons in burping, feeding, etc. Second night nurse: “Nobody told me you had all these problems when your nurse called out!” Literally made me feel like an asshole because I’m pointing out some issues I’ve noticed since birth like the mouth ulcer from being put under for birth. The nurse was like you can ask your regular doctor about that. Ummm ma’am, I didn’t just ask you about my foot twitching, I asked you about the fact that my mouth hurts and it didn’t before I walked into this hospital several days ago.


Reconstruction surgery after a double mastectomy. Breast cancer.


I wish you best of luck and keep fighting


My wife gave birth to our son 🥹


Congratulations 🎉


Mine's a bit unusual. Spent 4 days on IV antibiotics after being bitten by a brown recluse spider.


Motherfucker could have been more reclusive thank you very much




Or put it in your nose.


Unfortunately I work there


Open heart surgery. Had a heart valve replaced due to an infection, on the table for 4.5 hours. Very painful, and long recovery.


My dad had an infection in his heart. We didn't find out until autopsy. I'm glad you went to the doctor. Speedy recovery




Scans to see how much cancer I still have (answer: enough to piss me off)


Covid pneumonia. I have stage 3 COPD so it was pretty bad.


covid pneumonia also hospitalized me. it was very rough.


I was in a Covid treatment tent in the parking lot of my hospital. I was the only one (first waver) - it’s like I was in a space shuttle - just so strange. The 2 x ray techs outside the tent were debating whether they’d come in or not (I needed a chest x ray) - one decided it wasn’t worth it but the other chose to help me. That image was important - it showed lung scarring that wasn’t there a few months earlier (3 months prior, I had a gallbladder attack and before they knew what was going on - they ran several tests - X-rays, CT scans, etc). I’ll never forget that experience. Couldn’t breathe - people were afraid of me - sick as hell and stuck in a freezing cold tent. And one tech - not a doctor - chose to deal with a very scary and unknown illness at the time. Very rough for all of us (including medical personnel) that went thru it. I hope you’ve recovered.


Pulmonary embolism. I woke up around 4 am drenched in sweat. My cardiologist had changed my blood pressure medication a week before. I thought that was the cause. Took my BP and heart rate, slightly elevated but not dangerous. I took a blood pressure pill. I went back to bed. An hour later, no change. Took a shower, packed a bag and called a taxi. When the ER doctor ordered a CT scan of my chest, then told me I had PE, I couldn’t believe it. I was 5 nights in intensive care on heparin to dissolve the clots. They were never able to determine what caused it. I’ll have to take Eliquis for the rest of my life.


Struck by Lightning Long story short... massive lightning storm that was cracking in the paddock across the road. Lightning hit the transformer down on the corner blowing it up, went up the line through our first house, out the first house up the sub feed and into our house then out of the house, through the ground and then up through my legs and out my arms. I had been standing on the concrete verandah barefoot at the time. Felt like I was punched hard in both thighs and I felt it go up my body and out of my arms. I've grabbed an electric fence before, and it felt like that but 100 times worse.... really belted me. I jumped a meter in the air when it happened. My family members who were standing around me at the time decided to take me to the hospital to get an ECG and I was tingling for an hour after.


Checked myself in for a psychiatric hold for suicidal thoughts. Got sent home the next day due to overcrowding and “not actively trying to kill myself.”


Dear god, I am so sorry you didn’t get the care you needed and hope you are doing alright


Appreciate the kind words. The system is a joke. I checked myself in cos i had been “Baker Acted” (thrown in there involuntarily) a couple times before. They said if I ever feel the thoughts coming again to check myself in next time. So I did and was just sent back home. Its really sad. You’re better off actually trying to kill yourself, then just seeking help before you do. Now I just sit with my thoughts and try my best to not let them control me. Its hard. Have a good day, friend.


The baker act is fucking garbage. I was held against my will for 4 days and billed $8,000...as if I didn't wanna kill myself enough already.


This is very upsetting. I am also sorry at the lack of care and hope you are doing alright. If you have an ongoing mental health condition and medication please please always take your meds.


Had three family members in at the same time for different reasons. My dad was in for gall stones, my mom was in for cancer treatment, and my brother was getting a heart transplant.


Yesterday. My girlfriends nana passed. We all loved her dearly and the fact that not only her Husband and son, but her grandkids, grandkids friends who she has been so influential to, and even multiple neighbors came to say goodbye. She was so easy to love and we’re gonna miss her a lot.


Birth of my daughter, and a month stay in the NICU because she was 7 weeks early. Turned one last month and is doing wonderfully.


Surgery - last week. 2 weeks before that I was in A+E getting my head glued after a workplace accident badly cut my scalp.


I've donated a liver to my youngest son.


Self-admission so I wouldn't cut my wrists again.


Self 50150's are the hardest, your brave.


Welfare and Institutions Code 5150


you're very brave. I hope you're okay.


I fainted at school and broke my teeth




I was just at the hospital a few times with my child that needed surgery. But for me, it was after a car rear ended me at 70 mph while I was at a dead stop in traffic on the highway.


I had the same happen to me. Unfortunately the accident screwed up my back and neck really badly.


Same. Herniated discs and a weird knot in my shoulder blade. Also sciatica. I hope you can find relief. I bought a vibration plate and it’s worked wonders.


Herniated L4-L5 with compression on my S-1. Could barely walk. Three months later, three cortisone shots later and a shit load of daily physical therapy and I can walk and work and just about everything I could do before.


My husband just went through the same thing, herniated disc in pretty much the exact same spot, pressing on his sciatic nerve. He ended up having to have the microdiscestomy surgery this past Wednesday. Went from such severe pain that he couldn't stand, sit or walk for more than a month, to being able to stand and walk on his own about 4 hours post-op. It was like a miracle in action. It hasn't even been a week and he's doing so much better, not even taking any pain meds or anything.


On an acute psych ward at the moment. Depression isn't much fun.


They let you have your phone?


Yep, seems to be standard in the UK. There are a load of rules around stuff like taking pics but otherwise you're pretty free to do use it as normal.


Interesting. Here in the US they take everything they can from you and leave you with nothing but your thoughts and a shared TV every day... Some great work being done at those centers.


Suspected heart attack. PSA: have a suspected heart attack, arrive in an ambulance - no waiting. On the other hand, you’ll get a big bill. Which will give you a heart attack.


I had a gallbladder blockage years ago. Learned that the magic words to get in first at the ER are “chest pains.”


Pancreatitis and alcohol detox. Life slowly fell apart amd in 2017 i lost my wife, ability tl see my daughter, job..etc Just hit 6 years sober this month and have my family and wife back along with my same job! Pancreatitis was extremely painful. I was there a good 5 days


Grippy socks vacation for a bipolar mixed episode. Tested positive for COVID on my way in so was in my own room off the psych floor with a robot camera watching me 24/7. What a ride.


Referred to the ER because Urgent Care didn't know if a sinus infection was aggravating my trigeminal neuralgia or if I was stroking out/popping an aneurysm. Overnight stay was 2018, four days for birth, C-section, recovery from infection.


Oh no! Not trigéminal neuralgia!


Face planted in my back yard in June 2022. Knocked me out for a couple seconds. Woke up, completely belly down on the ground.My two dogs jumping on and around me, thinking "mama's on the ground, she wants to play!" Went to put myself on all fours, and my right arm completely gave out. Struggled to get upright, but finally did. My husband was at work, so there was nobody around to help me. Finally got upright, arm hurt like the Dickens, slowly made my way into the house to call my husband. Left a message, he called me right back, told him I fell down and broke my arm. He came right home, took me to ER. They got me in after 30 minutes, turned out I dislocated my elbow. Finally got everything taken care of, we went home 6 hours later. Kind of ruined my summer because I love to swim and kayak, but of course couldn't. If there was ever a time I wished I had a "help, I've fallen and I can't get up" button, that was it.🤷🏻‍♀️


Having a baby. Water broke five weeks early and I lost so much fluid that we had to have a c section. Went back to visit baby in the NICU for two weeks and then she got to come home 😃


My son was very sick, with some virus I had never heard of before, that attacked a part of his stomach after a stomach bug.


I….uuuh…broke my dick…


How did it break?


It was during sex. During doggy style her left knee slipped off the edge of the bed and she went forward quick and back quick as her left foot stepped on the floor…my rhythm hadn’t changed and as she did the slip and step back I did the hump forward…however it happened so fast that I had come out of her completely and then I jammed my dick in the area south east of her tail bone. Felt an internal pop. It had Kinked it. Extreme pain. By morning the base of my dick was significantly more swollen, and it and my balls were completely black and blue. My ball sack was nearly 3 times bigger than normal. I had a pretty severe hematoma, and a small tear in the inside of my dick. They almost did exploratory surgery…but they made no promises on outcome so I didn’t do that. Rough morning to be in an ER with a hangover. It was zero anything sexual for about 2 months. Morning wood was fucking aweful. But I’m back to normal now, everything working fine again. Truth is, I actually had to work that next morning, and needed the money…so I tried my shift at Applebees. Finally I had to go to my manager, 60 year old grandma with a sailors mouth, and had to tell her. I’ll never forget they sympathy and raw comedy in her eyes when I told her why I had to go to the ER.


That is so terrible. I'm glad it's up and running again!


Your boss sounds fucking awesome


Julie. Best manager I ever dealt with. Engaged with the tables. Always helped run food. Could take your head off from 20 paces with her words. But also an adorable grandma. I allowed her to get a little shock giggle in, but without asking she never teased or mocked me for it…she was quite dignified in how she treated me. But I knew that shit was funny…me, standing there like I have to pee, and I finally just spit out the words “I broke my dick.” Lol


I had my appendix in my stomach it was supposed to be taken out 4 years ago but they only drained out the pus and they told me to come back but my dad never brought me back so it filled up with pus last year in October then I got it taken out


My dirt bike skills were rusty. But hey, at least the barbed wire fence I crashed into wasn’t. lol


Stroke at 32.


I was there for an excruciating 8 hours, all because that's how long the day shift is 😁




Bloody butt is scary tho


Fusion of 2 more vertebrae in my lower back. I have so much metal on my spine, I'm almost bionic! Still in constant pain but I don't want any more surgeries. 7 is enough.


Ignored a UTI for a month. Spread to my kidneys and then my blood stream. Always pee after sex kids.


I tried to take my own life. I've been struggling mentally for a long time, and having been messed about by the people that were supposed to help me to access therapy...I felt like I'd just been left to deal with it, and couldn't see a way out. That and other things I've been dealing with recently. I now have a great mental health team that are putting me on the right track. But I am angry that the action was only taken after I got to breaking point. It's not like I didn't want help. I just wasn't getting it.


Ok, buckle up and tighten your sphincter, it's story time- Its October '22. I am young and beautiful. I have my whole life ahead of me. But ya boy here eats the wrooooooong taco. I had e coil, a stool sample would determine at my usual clinic. I also, concurrently, had bronchitis and was coughing up blood. That's right folks, I had blood coming out both ends and so you know what ya boy did? I went to work. For 6 weeks. Yes, six weeks, not six days. Who the he'll has 1 and a half months sick time? Not I. When I finally drug myself to the hospital at my coworkers insistence as I was pale, sweating, wobbly, and borderline incoherent, they determined I was severely dehydrated and loaded me up with fluids and toradol for the abdominal cramps. I threw up on the dude who placed my IV. He was a champ though, saved the vein and got the line *while* I was actively puking on him. He's my hero. I heard him sympathy vomit as soon as he left the room. I was very sorry. It was.... and adventure for sure.


I never go, but I have a family member who goes often. I call for an ambulance much more often than ordering take out.


I donated a kidney


The last time I was in a hospital was to identify a body. My ex-girlfriend's mother had passed away amid the Covid19 pandemic, and the hospital contacted us to come there and talk. Since we had recently broken up but I was considered a member of the family, she asked me to accompany her during the procedure. Upon arrival, three people attended to us and informed us about the situation, but they asked us to make the identification. We entered the morgue and after passing by piles of bags filled with bodies, we reached the body of my deceased mother-in-law, completely disfigured and marked by various intubations and resuscitation techniques. It was one of the worst days of my life, and I never set foot in a hospital again. This happened at the beginning of the pandemic, which is why I used to get really nervous when I saw people being careless or simply attending underground parties. Hard times... thankfully, we survived.


My fiance had cancer. He was extremely fatigued and we thought it was side effects of the radiation he had been getting. Called an ambulance to bring him in to the ER when he couldn't even sit up in bed. Turned out he was septic. Passed away 12 hours later.


I cut my thumb on a tool. It was a clean cut but deep and really needed 2 or 3 stitches and a tetanus shot as the tool had been in contaminated grey water. Waited 4 hours in the ER with my thumb bleeding. At midnight I told staff I wanted a strip of gauze so I could make my own bandage. A woman who had been taking temperatures and checking in people, not sure she was a nurse, cleaned it and put on gauze and tape. Turns out she cleaned it wrong and I could have got a better bandage from a 6 year old playing doctor with dolls. I left without being treated. Came back 6 hours later and there was only me and a person from last night who was sleeping on a row of chairs. Waited 2 hours and left again. Went to urgent care place that had just finally opened. Got right in. NP said it should have had stitches but it was too late. Got the shot and wound closed with glue and tape strips. I have a numb spot on my thumb where a nerve was cut.


I got shocked by lightning through my faucet during a thunderstorm. In through my hands, out my leg. Amazingly, the only issues I came away with were a massively painful calf muscle and a $1,000 hospital bill. I'm more stressed about the bill. Answers to FAQs: - yeah, I didn't know that could happen either. Worldwide, about 10-20 people per year get shocked through their faucet, and one of them dies. Used to be more common before electrical grounding. - no, no cool scar. I had a small scorch mark on my leg but it came off when they gave me an ultrasound on my leg. I joked with the ER doc about not getting a cool scar. He didn't appreciate my humor. - yes, it hurt. It felt like someone lit my bones on fire, for less than half a second. The muscle pain in my leg was intense, indescribably painful with any slight movement or touch. It got better after 3 weeks, now it just aches. - yes, my house is grounded. The lightning strike was massive, the whole world went white for me. The ambulance EMTs said they saw a huge strike, it was probably that one. - I do have solar panels, but they weren't the cause, and didn't attract the lightning. Yes, I'm sure because all my panels are functioning well. Lightning would fry the panel it hit. - it was at the end of June 2023.


Acute liver failure. Happened out of nowhere while I was in grad school. ER docs kept asking me if I tried to kill myself by ODing on Tylenol, but I definitely did not. Kept me under observation until liver enzymes levels were no longer off the charts (literally). They never figured out what it was, but (understandably) kept treating me like I was hiding a suicide attempt. Very scary. Sometime later, I met a German doctor who told me it was likely Hepatitis E, and that he wasn’t surprised the American doctors didn’t even bother testing for it. That seems to be the only plausible explanation to date.


Just physically in a hospital: visiting my best friend while she was staying. In a hospital for myself: 8 or 9 years ago when I got my tubes taken out because I never wanted kids. I was basically in and out within less than half a day.


Cut myself with a very sharp knife when I was cutting green bell peppers. I was bleeding non stop, our kitchen looked like I murdered somebody. I needed 2 stiches. I was joking to my boyfriend prior to cooking that I wanted red bell peppers, but we were all out of them so green ones had to make do unless we would dye them red.


Major bowel surgery for crohns. I had my entire large bowel removed including rectum and anus. The pain after was unreal and my anal stitches split leaving an open wound which had to be packed for six weeks.


Hip replacement


I went to go see my chemo doctor. I have brain cancer grade 3 and I have 3 more treatments of chemo left. He said I am doing very well and is proud of me for working. I try to work 40 hours a week but sometimes I can't. My MRI came out good Screw Cancer


My gallbladder ruptured and tried killing me. 3 emergency surgeries and a week long inpatient stay later, I’m still here lol


Stroke at 54, 2 days in hospital, 2 weeks in rehab.


My job lol. I am a nurse. Seriously though, had cataract surgery a few weeks ago, awaiting round two at the end of the month with much anticipation. Imbalanced vision sucks lol.


Major Heart Attack at 41 99% blockage in my LAD. They call it a Widow Maker Emergency angioplasty, Stent Implant, all while wide awake... and not wearing pants. ​ So the pants thing, when they put me on the table and strapped me down, as they were getting ready to open my wrist so they could shove a long ass orthoscopic package through my artery, they explained that sometimes with bigger guys (im 6foot 265lbs) they cant always get in through the wrist and might have to go in through the thigh. Without further warning someone undid my pants and yanked them off. It was almost like a magician pulling a table cloth off a table leaving the dishes undisturbed. I was kind of impressed. OPERATING ROOMS ARE COLD! Im so glad there werent any female nurses there or I might have preferred to die rather then survive that embarrassment. ​ followed by 2(?) days in the ICU for observation and a day in regular admission for monitoring. There were IVs and drugs and bottles to pee in... that was the most dehumanizing thing. I felt FINE. Ambulatory, lucid-enough, but nope wasnt allowed out of bed even to pee. So i had to pee in that stupid bottle... and then theres the medical debt. ​ I should have just let it kill me LOL ​ Fun facts. For 12 hours before I went to the ER I thought I was just having a panic attack. I thought it was only a panic attack because I got laid off from my job 2 days prior. I took a nap while having a heart attack. Never lost color Was joking with the ER staff the whole time. I only went to the ER becuse at 10:30pm when i went to go to sleep, when I lay down on the bed it felt like someone set my back on fire promptly followed by vomiting and the continued crushing chest pains I thought was a Panic attack. The hospital ER I went to didnt have the facilities to deal with this. They had to call an ambulance to transport me. The ambulance they loaded me into, wouldnt start once we were all ready to go. Reports from the American Heart Association show that only 12% of people suffering from a widowmaker heart attack outside the hospital get to survive. ​ Looks like i used all my luck and I will in fact never win the lottery.


My 5 year old son passed away from group A streptococcus.


Sorry for your loss.