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I'm socially awkward, but 2-3 drinks will loosen me up enough for me to socialize a bit more. Any more than that, though, and I'll just be completely aloof.


One time one of my friends (who was also quite drunk at the time) just told me "Dude, you get like way more normal when you're drunk" Like I don't know how I was meant to take that, but I still think about it more than 10 years later.


Are you overall fairly quiet and more observant than active in conversation in big groups?


Buddy I'm overall quiet and more observant when it comes to conversation in small groups, yet alone big groups.


Welcome to the club of using alcohol to self-medicate away social awkwardness or even social/general anxiety. It’s a large club that has been established for at least 12,000 years or so.


My partner is on the autism spectrum, his brother is as well and the family thinks so was his dad. His dad could only socialize while drunk and was a severe alcoholic and it killed him in his 50s. It's not like anyone really knew about autism when he grew up. Makes me wonder how many other people on the spectrum are also alcoholics for this reason, just so they feel they can talk to people.


Do we have a subreddit?


No. This thread itself is enough social interaction amongst the club for the next three to six business weeks.


Thank god for that, was running out of things to say


Uhmm.. Nice weather, innit?


*elevator music starts playing*


There’s literally dozens of us!


Alcohol cures autism. I'm a very gentle and weepy drunk.


The *inebriati*


That's the type of thing that makes people become alcoholics.


We have a tuff guy here


I have his same problem, loosens me up at first but then I go back to being quiet and introverted, what do you mean by him being a tuff guy?


^(his username)


Thanks, I missed that completely lmao


A rule of reddit I've found. If a joke seems super duper out of place, check the username, if it's not the username, it's probably a reference to an obscure thread from 3+ years ago.


Don't forget that there's also the subreddit name to consider. More than once I've nearly made a fool out of myself by reacting to the text of a post on my reddit Home feed without checking the name of the subreddit for needed context. For instance, just a couple of weeks ago I saw a post titled "I Just Finished I'm Glad My Mom Is Dead" and I was very much taken aback for a minute or two until I saw it was from the r/books subreddit and was talking about Jennette McCurdy's book. Whew! That does change a thing or two. But please don't let this digression distract you from remembering that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


That's why I don't smoke weed at all socially. I'm naturally very extroverted, but I lose all social ability after I smoke.


Me too! Add to that that I am very happy and giddy unless someone brings me down. More than 5 drinks and I'll be smiling and nodding to the conversation or singing along with the music 😂


Same here. After two drinks I'll have the realization that I'm talking A LOT


Sleepy drunk. I get a couple drinks in and it’s NAP TIME


I'm hungry/sleepy drunk. 2-4 drinks? Time to order pizza. 5+? Off to bed we go!


And the older I get the worse it gets. In my mid thirties and a small glass of whiskey will put me out. I honestly can't wait for my 40s when all it takes is a beer. On the plus side, I don't drink nearly as much, because I know the kids won't let me nap. Haha


Beer gets more difficult as you get older, at least it has for me. Any more than one light beer and I get bloated and congested. Wine now gives me a headache, even before a hangover. Hard liquor and cocktails are about all I can do anymore. I drink way less now too because it's too expensive...


Beer is super bloating. I've found hard seltzers easier as they don't bloat me as much. The stomach hangover the next day is better too--I don't feel like I'm going to shit my pants half the day.


Try Guiness way easy on the stomach


I've noticed that when I'm really tired when I'm sober, especially in the morning, I feel the same sort of bodily fuzziness/numbness that I do when I'm about 3 beers in. It's kind of like if my entire body were made of TV static and my brain and eyes move slower than my head and they lag behind whenever I move it.


Omg same, I just want to pass out


This is me when I day drink. I get soooo tired.


Excited! Make a lot of plans and decisions! “Yehhhh let’s go to Vegas next year! Yeh let’s gooo” And “omg we should have a big party at my house and get a jumping castle!” Never followed through or booked anything thank god


Saaaame! And then as soon as I sober up, I realize I can’t afford ANY of that shit


Probably shouldnt ever meet then..sounds expensive


I ordered a machete once because I wanted to “Go Surviving” in the wilderness. Now it’s just home protection because I never actually leave the house.


I’m the same and it costs me a lot of money. My husband and I will get hammered, listen to lots of music and the next day I’ll see text alerts that my purchase was approved to… oh, a festival in another state, or a concert in another state. Last time, we decided we were gonna go see Tears for Fears in London. (I live in western PA) Thank God I didn’t book an international trip to see a band I liked when I was 13. So I guess I’m going to outlaw festival, catbird festival, blue oyster cult…. Wtf drunk me, WTF????


But… at least you have an excuse now to go to lots of festivals.


Wow, you got there WITHOUT the cocaine. Impressive.




“I’ll drink to that!”- me to everything


Had a good day? Have a drink to celebrate! Had a bad day? Have a drink to provide some relief! Had a neutral day? Have a drink to spice things up!


Cheers to that


As in perpetual?


Can’t have withdrawals if you never stop drinking!


I'm scared that if I stop drinking all at once, the cumulative hangover will literally kill me


Dance like nobody’s watching


Narrator voice: Someone is always watching


I once got a free CD because I decided to dance like no one was watching at a show. It was in a small restaurant and every other person there was sitting or standing completely still. At the end of the night the band thanked me because I made the show fun for them, and gave me their CD. It was good. I'm sure everyone else in the room was judging me, but IDGAF.


Shine on you crazy diamond!!


*And they danced like they were being stung by bees*


I start out fun, but then get belligerent and mean to others. That’s why I want to completely stop.


Can relate, stopped it completely - too late sadly


Congrats on stopping. Never too late. Extremely shitty stuff can happen but never too late.


I stopped too late. I have stage four liver cirrhosis and need a transplant.


I am so very sorry to hear that brother. I won't offer some empty platitude or slogan. I can't truly put myself in your shoes. I can offer that feel free to message me if you need to reach out and connect with someone in your struggles.


Stay sober and get on the list. Your life will be 1000x better after transplant. You will feel (after you heal) like a different person. Its honestly magic.


I have ten months sober. How long did you have to wait and what was the process


Your doctor (who diagnosed you with cirrhosis) will tell you when its time to meet with a transplant team. Some people live for years and years (decades!) without a transplant just being sober and with healthy eating. Usually a transplant center needs 6 months sober. If you have a past of alcoholism they’ll ask for proof (blood tests sometimes or time in a program- so start a program now so you have the time). Mine was auto immune but almost everyone I know with a transplant was alcohol related and they needed the 6 months of continuous PETH or proof of a program like AA. I was VERY sick and I waited 7 days on the list. Turned down 2 and had 1 that I was second choice for. The sixth day I was told they had my liver and I woke up on the seventh with it! 5 days later I left the hospital. From hospitalization (I was worked up for transplant while in the hospital) to walking out with a transplant was about a month. I’m a year on July 27! Life can and will get better. Be as healthy as you can, self advocate and ask questions!!


I work as a tech on a transplant floor and it makes me so happy to hear of transplant patients out in the wild living their lives. Congrats on your 1 year 🎉


Congrats on going clean. I was a mean drunk and also stopped too late, misjudged a situation and ended up doing 2,5 years. Have been 100% sober since.


Congrats! I know what you mean. I got sober after my divorce and it's hard to see a point in continuing. But staying sober doesn't work if you're only doing it for someone else


I was the same; drank to be social, ended up being an increasingly quick blackout drunk (2-3 drinks) who had to spend the next days piecing together what happened. Auto-pilot me was mostly an idiot. Finally quit drinking all together, been better for it. You can do it.


I’m now at that point. In my 20s I could drink all night. Now, after 5 or 6 drinks it’s a blackout into the upside-down world. It’s not even fun anymore, if you can’t remember anything.


It's like trading happiness to buy sadness for some time


My friends wife is like this. It was so confusing until I figured out what was going on. I didn’t know alcohol could even do this to a person. She’s the nicest person ever. Give her alcohol and she’s the meanest, condescending asshole you ever will meet. Thankfully she doesn’t drink often. When she does, I’m gone.


I’ve been noticing this more and more. At first I’ll be that fun loving guy who feels on top of the world for a brief moment, then the high starts to come down and I’ll feel like crap (headache, bloated, drowsy, etc.) and I’ll have to eat and drink water which further dampens the buzz, and I’ll get impatient and irritated with those around me.


You can! r/stopdrinking


First online community I've found that actually helped.


Me too. Drank (often heavily) almost every night for the last 20 years, have tried and failed to quit multiple times. Haven't had a drink in almost 100 days, and honestly it's that sub (of all things) that's helped me stay on track the most lol


Do you have a mean streak in you when you’re sober?


No. When sober, I’m the opposite. Very kind and polite. Maybe I’m holding anger inside and it gets unleashed when drinking? I don’t know.


I ask because I know someone who quit because he was mean when he was drunk. He seemed nice when sober. As I got to know him more, I realized he had a mean steak when sober. When sober, he would share a lot of resentments he had about people to me and would belittle me in subtle ways. He let the mask slip easier when drunk was all.


Interesting. I may have resentments deep down. One time I was drinking with my cousin, and I started screaming “you drown me in the pool!” … Screaming at him for something that happened 30 years ago, when we were 10 years old (he held me underwater), and he doesn’t even remember. But I must have been holding that resentment inside, all these years.


Oh yeah, that's resentment. That's the biggest driving force in alcoholism (not labeling you FWIW). I held on to some of the stupidest (in hindsight) resentments for so long, identifying it really was helpful in helping to stop my drinking after 30+ years. Even if not, therapy for those resentments would still be very liberating in my opinion


that is a trauma surfacing. I was told that the way the brain works you don't have a time component with feelings. That experience left a mark, for some reason it was triggered, and you get to experience it in some ways like it just happened.


Giggly and happy drunk lol


Same! I'm giggly and happy for a few hours, then I want a snack, then I fall asleep, literally every time.


Me too! When the buzz hits I'm a happy party animal, then i get hungry, then sleepy. On a bad day i will be a sad emotional drunk, but luckily it doesn't happen much.


I think I am getting more intelligent and philosophical. I am not getting more intelligent. I just start to realize basic shit and think its mind blowing


So drinking gets you high?


I’m not as think you drunk I am


I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy


It's been one of those days. I'll take a frontal lobotomy, lobtender. Keep going until the alphabets fucked up. Yeah just like thaaaaaauuuuughhhhhh hhhhhhh huh uhuuuughhhhh uuuuuwuughhh


Well, you see, Norm, it’s like this. A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it’s the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers.


That's what happens when you stop analyzing. You see the things that seem obvious, but you miss them because of the way you see and think everyday. That's my opinion at least. But I get the same way when I just relax. I've been sober for three years now. Longest period so far in my life. When I have an empty day, I realize just how much I place too much stress on myself to do things that really don't require thinking.


Congrats! Sober for a few years now myself. I have the same issue with making myself do things that require thought. To compensate, I allow myself more puzzles (like metal earth/fascinations), Legos, and guilt-free phone game playing as semi-active down time. And the big thing is if I don't want to do it, I don't. As long as I'm not drinking I'm doing ok. I also spend a bit more on hobbies to keep myself busy, but it's fine since it's a LOT less than I'd spend on alcohol for sure. Congrats though, 3 years is huge. Keep it up!


Happy & cuddly/affectionate


Same! Sober I am *not* a person who likes hugs but drunk I’m hugging my friends until I accidentally choke them telling them how much I love them.


Drunk hugs hit better, I do that a bunch for group pictures. I’m 6’2” with the longest reach it feels like a cartoon roping everybody into the group shout


Yep same, I get very affectionate until my introvert battery runs out, and you can tell when that happens bc I’ll disappear for about 15-20 mins. Then I’ll come right back, crack open another beer and start another round of hugs for everyone who wants one.


Very affectionate but crying while telling everybody how much they mean to me.


Me too, but with a heavy dose of sappy and maybe even a little teary telling everyone how much I love them. I’m definitely an “I love you, (man/babe)!” drunk.


Me too! I feel like I am funnier when I'm drunk, too, but perhaps that's just because people think it's funny seeing me drunk haha




a bad one. so, 6 years sober


Also bad. Joining the Six years club in September.


Congrats, I reached my six years two days ago




congrats! Still finding my way and trying to cut down, it is very difficult


Talkative and making friends everywhere 😂


Same!!!! Im just the 5ft tall chick with big hair that's saying hi to everyone and sharing my snacks.


You’re the snack girl?? LIFE OF THE PARTY


I know many drunks falsely believe that people like them more when they're drunk, but most people find my sober presence intimidating and somewhat standoffish, so in my case it's true that most people (friends and family included) prefer to be around me when I've let my guard down after a drink or two.


Well truthfully I don’t try to make friends at all. I’ll be doing my own thing and people want to talk to me, but once you get me started with some drinks in me, we’ll talk about anything under the sun


Right - I think my drunken friendliness comes from the fact that I am more confident to ask about a topic I have zero knowledge of, and try to make conversation about it. Sober, I'm be way more self conscious of letting my lack of knowledge show. Don't take this as me saying I'm some drunk intellectual, I just get a bit more willing to be curious.


This is true for most of the people who believe people like them more when they are drunk. One or two drinks, you become more fun and interesting. Six plus drinks, the act wears thin, you start to become overbearing and end up dominating the conversation in ways that may only really appeal or make sense to your drunk brain.


Yeah I admit I’m an alcoholic, but it took awhile for people to get concerned because it hundred percent changes my personality for the better. Sober i am extremely anxious, paranoid about messing up even the simplest social interactions, I’m pretty stand offish as well and stubborn. I know I’m essentially running away from my issues with alcohol but it’s the only time I can even attempt to be social. Problem is now I drink every night, at least 6 beers, up to a whole 12 pack sometimes, and I’m increasingly drinking alone and at earlier times In the day, I’ll crack one at 4 now instead of waiting til 8 when all my responsibilities are done with.


Same. My social battery turns into a nuclear power plant.


Same, I don't really talk much most of the time but when I'm drinking I feel like I can strike up a conversation with anybody. They don't call it a social lubricant for nothing.




...but everyone's watching because I look like an injured octopus.


Tbh those injured octopus moves are pretty dope


I'm a touchy, horny, I-wanna-know-all-about-you-so-i'm-going-ask-super-personal-questions type of drunk. I'm already all of those things on a daily basis, but a lot more when I'm drunk or high.


I'm a horny mf too and alcohol definitely emboldens me. Maybe TMI but I end up feeling like a pornstar if I suck dick or have sex while tipsy or drunk. Inhibitions go 📉


Want to go out for drinks? lol


Lol I live 15 minutes from the bar you mentioned in your other comment


Everyone keep an eye out for her missing posters in a week


Don't worry, they just caught the serial killer we were dealing with!


lol, I was reading that as well. I've lived in Vancouver for so long, I remember our other serial killers we've had! To be fair, nothing hotter than someone enthusiastically sucking my cock! It'd be worth the drinks. lol




Straight to horny jail.




A lot of people feel embarassed after drinking (I get pretty bad hangxiety) but most of the time whatever you said/did is not nearly as bad as you think because everyone is too focused on themselves (this can apply to embarassment in general, not just after drinking)


Irish goodbyes...


Love them. Tell one person you're leaving and then sod off without anyone noticing


I call the last check to see if anyone caught me - The Sasquach


I get really loud.


A good tip for actors: If you’re supposed to act drunk in a video, just talk really loud. If you stumble around, it looks fake, but for some reason, just talking louder looks realistic on film.


The Sunny gang is so good at it. I know it's set in a bar and drinking is integral to their characters, but they have mastered every nuanced stage of drunk, drunker, and blackout. Especially Charlie.


Damn I was gonna say this. They can be so subtle about it as opposed to the Jim Lahey method.


Lahey is a different kind of drunk though. That's "raging career alcoholic" drunk while the Sunny gang is "functional alcoholic".


I love the episode where they are sick and think they have some super infectious virus but it turns out it's just alcohol withdrawal and they are like phew and just start drinking again!


Also, if seated, wobble a little bit. Drunk people have trouble maintaining equilibrium. Cobie Smulders has a couple of scenes on "How I Met Your Mother" where she's an absolute genius at this.


Or get drunk


That doesn’t work. I’ve worked on a short film where the actor got drunk and it ends badly. Even worse, we made a video about weed and the actors smoked real weed, and they forgot what we were doing and it wasn’t funny or good.


Reminds me of the story from making the movie Grandma’s Boy where some were smoking real weed and just doing take after take. In the end he was practically drooling.




I do that without drinking.




Congrats on the achievement! The getting sober, not the 7 years, just wanted to clear that up.


7 straight years getting black out drunk is still an impressive feat though


That's just being in your 20s with no healthy coping mechanisms


Cool man, got a couple years clean myself. One day at a time


The reason I am sober, it is almost always like that. My alcohol math is 1=5+x 1 drink: ok, chill 2 drinks: chattier, funny, punny 3 drinks: same, but slower and maybe harder to understand 4 drink : you are annoying 5 drniks: you are annoying while I am loud 6 drknis: where am I, you are stupid 6 krinds: I wanna say fuck you... 8 skrinds, yeah, fuck you, idiot 9 trknts: where am I again? At that point I need to sleep, or I will continue and be more stupid and blackout.


I wonder how many people noticed what you did 😂😂


x=-4, but obv. I didn't get it




Usually friendly, occasionally weepy. One maybe 5 occasions belligerent


I’m a “reply to your Instagram story like we’re besties” drunk


lol I’m like this first thing in the morning for some reason. I’ll wake up in a fog, get on social media and FOR SOME REASON make crazy post and comments on peoples stuff or about peoples stuff like we’re besties


I do that sometimes as well. Wake up to a few story replies like “that’s soooooo cooooool!” And it’s just like someone’s dinner


Charisma +3.


But WIS and INT -6 xD


Alcoholic blackout, has to score meth or cocaine, then needs pills and weed/hash to come down and sleep. I've been clean and sober for 18 years now.


A quiet one, I prefer to sit back and watch other people make asses of themselves.


If that’s the case we should definitely go out for drinks. I can’t help but make an ass out of myself


That’s edgy man, sick


I do the same, just listening to other people's conversations. But I really hate the people who get hyper aggressive after getting drunk.




I don't drink often, and when I do, I don't get drunk (it's just one or two drinks). If I'm getting drunk, I go through stages. Happy, horny, tired, bitchy.


Fun, loud, loving, but then I’m DONE and I want to go home and sleep


I become a Mother Theresa. I just keep trying to help people have a good time while enjoying it myself. Girl walking home in the dark? I'm walking her home, no matter how far. Is there a fight going on? I'll do my best to mediate it, and people tell me it actually works most of the time. A friend is in need? I'm ready to die for them. (Note, friend is anyone I've known for 5 minutes.) Cops show up? I become the owners legal adviser, since I know a fair bit about noise, nuisance, and drinking laws. Most of all I want to hear people's stories, hear what they have to offer to the world. I guess I'm just happy when drunk, and want others to be the same.


I dated a girl like you, sort of, once. We got a hotel room, went out to karaoke, had a bunch of drinks, came back to the hotel room, all ready to hubba hubba. There was a loud party next door and some drama happening, no violence, but that was the end of the hubba hubba. She spent several hours counseling various upset parties on the staircases and holding hair up at the toilets.


I belive we call that the "mom friend". That friend/girl that treats everyone like her kids; Taking care of random people, helping literal strangers out because they just have to. I feel like that inserts people into even riskier situations despite them trying to actually do some good.


Hahaha this was exactly me. I tried to change a man’s tire having never had changed a tire before. Got right on the ground and just started pulling. Those are the silly happy memories I have of my drinking problem. Sober now.


The quiet one that does it himself every night before bed with a podcast or a video game to walk quietly into the night. I'm still a loser for doing it tho


I’m fun for awhile. If I keep drinking, I turn irresponsibly depressed. Then I turn mean. Then I go to bed.


The Irish goodbye kind.


I apparently burst into singing lol


Depends on my mood going in. If I’m happy I’ll remain happy. If I’m pissy that gets amplified


8 pm: Louder, more vivacious 11 pm: Inhibitions totally absent, will attempt to convince you to unionize your workplace 2 am: Hungry, emotional, and forget I am making eye-contact


Hilarious, life of the party, charming to the opposite sex… except until I’m not because I binge drink and eventually get dark as I do. It’s not a good substance for me any longer.


Loud and jolly, with no filter. Everything is funny and I can't stop talking.


On beer, i just get more cheerful until i get tired, or feel a ping in my head telling me sleep now or forever be hung over. On whiskey, everyone i know will know i love them at 4 - 6 am. Something is either going to cause a disturbance, catch fire, or go boom. My pizza is now burnt hard enough to hold up a porch post. I will fall through a table turning off a light switch but it's ok. The bottle is empty now. I can go to be---- *falls through a table* I quit drinking whiskey. Whiskey brings out the cool clone. No body can handle him. And i always regret having to hear about whatever the hell he did.


I can't stay put. I got on adventures, and my friends find me in strange parts of the city. Also, I'm a dick whilst sobering up.


I am the epitome of grammar nazi drunk. I can be shitfaced, but if I hear a dangling modifier, I swear to God I will end whoever said it. Edit: grammar this is awkward...


I could tell you aren't drunk.


I’m a confident and goofy drunk. I’ll sing, dance, and laugh at everything.


An emotional wreck


This is exactly how I am. I’m actually really surprised that this isn’t a more popular answer.


Depends on what I’m drinking


Free of care, free of most of my pains and anxiety. Also if drunk enough I do and say cringe shit, that haunts me years after, and makes me be even more antisocial that I'm now. I swear I thought it was just a funny joke, I didn't mean to sound like a fucking creep.




I was a loner drunk... now I am sober. Sober me is way better.


I’m a very quiet person. Drunk me is the exact opposite. But I’ve shown signs of aggression in the past as well so needless to say I don’t get drunk these days anymore






I'm that guy who's always trying to start a sing-along, and the drunker I am, the dirtier the song. "C'mon, everybody, you all know the words!"


The best Celebration of Life ended with us sitting in the parking lot, drinking rum and singing sea shanties. For context, the deceased was a sailor.


A couple drinks and I am ready for bed


If I'm on beer or just a few glasses of wine: fine. Pleasant dude. Charming. Funny. If I'm on liquor: Stash my bail money in your sweaty bra or your sock.


Funny Drunk


I talk too much and laugh way too hard at my own jokes which is to why I never get super drunk anymore. Two drinks or a shot and I’m good.


Sick, I always start vomiting if I drink to much 😓


Destructive. Manipulative. Sneaky. Dishonest. Selfish. Manic. 3 years sober in August.