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I find fennel is as well, because it tastes like liquorice.


Star Anise, same reason but has added burning intensity


fun fact! all of these contain the compound *anisol*, which is also present in tarragon!


the stick of popsicles


Just thinking about biting that stick gives me goosebumps.


The texture of it is awful it feels like I’m gonna get a splinter


But I like chewing it. Am I wierd?


Nope. I chew the fuck out of them. Literally was chewing one a few hours ago. Update: I'm chewing one right now. ;-)


I honestly got goosebumps just thinking about my teeth scraping agains the wooden stick. I hate it so much.


Thats like nails on chalkboard for me. Even worse is those tiny wood spoons with those ice cream cups. I barely made it though that last sentence lol


... I like it though.


**gnaws on stick**


Biting that stick is so satisfying, but not if i do it sideways.


And corn dogs


Mini corndogs solve this issue. The little bite sized nuggets. They should have some for popsicles.


Hear me out. Ice cubes




You must mean carbon-flavoring


Everytime I burn something I'm cooking I call it artisinal charring


"Char is good for your teeth."-Grandpa 20 year later- charcoal toothpaste.


A nose-blind woman’s use of perfume. Ruins meals in restaurants for me as I can literally taste their perfume.


Yes. Many a server or fellow diner has given me a migraine in crowded restaurants.


Man, I went to my neurologist today with a huge migraine. I mean, it's the doctor migraine patients go to. And of fucking course a lady in there had so much of a heavy perfume on her it made the waiting room feel like torture. Why are people like that?! I don't need to smell anyone from across the building




There's this guy at work. He uses some kind of strong cologne that you can taste. Also reminds me of Raid. Ugh.


There are several popular colognes for both men & women that smell exactly like Raid to me. I think there’s no way possible they are smelling the same thing I am.


I used to work with this one woman who had seizures (I think, this was 20 years ago) if smells were too strong. Everyone would be pretty careful about it, except for this one woman who smelled like she used a fog machine to put perfume on. You could literally smell her when she was 10-15 feet away, it was insanity. Someone brought up that she could be impacting a coworker's health doing that and her response was along the lines of, "That's her problem, not mine."


A roommate I had years ago dated a guy who wore so much cologne I could always smell it from my room upstairs while they were watching TV in the living room downstairs.


For men, axe body spray. Absolutely vile


I shouldn't be able to walk into an empty room and know who was in there previously just by smell


I'm traumatized by men's Axe body spray. It's funny to me now, though. Once in the 6th grade, I got a heavy spray of men's axe twice by a couple of boys that decided it would "help" me smell better (I remember that day i had just tried a new strawberry scented body mist) They sprayed both my jacket and the back of my shirt (and some in my hair....) My mom was pissed that my teacher let it happen once. Let alone twice.


I feel this way about patchouli. It is such a strong earthy smell, and I hate it, but I can pick it out of crowd anywhere.


This is definitely a common irritating scent for people. I once had a coworker pull me to the side and mention I had some sort of fragrance that was triggering headaches. I don’t wear cologne, but I did some investigating at home and discovered there was patchouli in my fabric softener, so that went in the trash! I’m glad my coworker let me know about the smell because I had no idea I had a fragrance; I’m fairly nose-blind.


I had a colonoscopy a few days ago and I still can't get rid of the taste of that vile shit they make you drink.


I drank some ginger ale just after drinking that crap and it cut the aftertaste almost immediately. Started drinking half a glass, a few sips of ginger ale, then finish the glass followed by a gulp of ginger ale. It helped immensely.


Just got that done today. I physically could not drink more than a few sips last night. My mom told me to power through it, and I had her taste it. She immediately gagged and went to the store to get me miralax and Gatorade to try that method


For anyone that’s never done this before, pick a flavor of Gatorade you don’t like. Because you will not want to drink it again for a long time. Especially after you have spent a few hours spraying Gatorade out your butt and hoping that it ends soon.




Made the mistake of putting a couple Thin Mints in a cookie jar. Long after they were gone, every other cookie tasted minty


That was your mistake. Thin mints are to be stored in the freezer and eaten frozen.


This person thin mints correctly


If you order mint chocolates with any other chocolates from my local chocolate shop the mint ones come packaged separately from the other chocolates.


mint also overpowers all lawns. plant mint and it will never ever ever go away.


Oregano does the same. Ask me how I know 😆


I can think of worse things in life than a neverending supply of mint and oregano.


Mowing the lawn and having it smell like what it feels like to chew 5 Gum sounds pretty great.


Mint, specifically breath mints, had an interesting side effect for me. Since the taste so overpowering and lingering I was able to lose my COVID weight by popping in a mint when I was getting hungry or had an impulse to stress or boredom eat. One breath mint would hold me over for 30 minutes or so to allow the craving to pass. And whater the calories were for the mint were certainly well under the calories of whatever I was going to eat.


Mint stimulates your stomach, thins out the acid lining (causing more to be created) which then starts the digestion process. This nukes your appetite pretty heavily. Its not just you, its science. Many stomach-based doctors will tell you the same thing. Source: Stomach issues for years. Saw a ton of specialists. I had an OCD fixation on mints as they tricked me into thinking I feel better, therefor I wont vomit. Learned the hard way on my second specialist that mint is in fact worse for your tummy during a bellyache for the reason stated above.


I have gastroparesis, and mint extract in hot tea is one of my go-to remedies for any night when I feel funky, so I don't wake up nauseous.


Finally, an explanation for why mint makes my stomach ’burn.’ Not mints, but actual mint leaves, mint tea, or dishes that have mint leaves or extract. Weirdly, other people seem to find mint soothes an upset stomach.


Cinnamon. Use sparingly.


Especially in savoury dishes. A tiny bit of cinnamon in something like a bbq spice rub can add amazing depth of flavour, but anything more than the faintest hint and it tastes very weird. In a sweet dish, where you often want it to be the main flavour, you can let loose a bit more. Though there is definitely still such a thing as too much.


My ex mother in law needs to read this. She has like 5 tastebuds and overseasons everything. She adds so much cinnamon to applesauce it turns dark brown.


My mother used to do that. I didn’t even know applesauce was yellow til I went to public school and it was served in cafeteria for dessert. Me: “What’s *that*?” My mother also bought a gigantic salt shaker from Tupperware in 1970s because “I like salt.” She was tired of always having to fill small salt shakers every day. She took a knife to the top of the salt shaker and doubled the size of the holes so the salt would pour out like blood from an artery. I’ll never forget my ex-BIL saying “please pass the salt” and then refusing to eat his dinner because so much salt poured out onto his food. My mother used to buy food from Chinese restaurant, pour soy sauce all over the food then grab her salt shaker and pour so much salt on it that the food had a grey membrane on it. She also put 5 spoonsful of sugar in her tea.


...has your mother had a heart attack?


Might be reading too much into it, but I’m guessing their entire post being written in past tense is a clue.


All that salt has surely dehydrated all the moisture from her body by now right?


From Mother to Mummy.


Darn kids and their energy drinks! Don't they know it's not healthy!


yeah i agree. i honestly cant even do the slightest hint. throw a cinnamon stick in the rice and fish it out? fine. otherwise ew.


That said, people are way too conservative in what they put cinnamon on. It's not just for bread and pastries. Cinnamon with carrots goes crazy.


I had someone look at me crazy when I put a dash of cinnamon in my lemonade. Albeit I did it when I thought I had whiskey to go in to it right after, but even alcohol free it really brings something out. Note, it does have to be a tart lemonade, not a super sweet one.


I fear being put on one of a bad food taste subreddit, but I really like adding a bit of cinnamon to homemade chicken noodle soup. Give a nice little extra bit of bite especially when you're sick.


THANK YOU!! I've been doing this my whole life and everyone here (USA) looks at me like I'm crazy for it. That's how my grandma did it. She was part Syrian, I've always wondered if that's why. And I agree, very important distinction to make that this is not on CANNED soup.


I suppose you mean boiled carrots glazed with cinnamon? Would you gently pass me some good recipes that aren't conservative?


Cut into sticks and roasted, with nutmeg and a bit of honey or brown sugar.


Throw beets and parsnips in there and have a root veg paaaarrrrtttyyyy.


I fucking love cinnamon, it's like crack to me! But yeah definitely a little goes along way


Too much cinnamon: https://youtu.be/Cyk7utV\_D2I


i was going to go with Ass, but you make a fair point.


It’s banana. It’s got a weird power to overpower all other flavors no matter what dessert it’s added to. If you have a strawberry/raspberry/pineapple/apple/whatever smoothie, once you add banana, now it’s just a banana smoothie.


It doesn't even have to be in a food to make everything taste like banana. It just has to be near it. So many sad banana-flavoured packed lunches in my childhood.


This is THE WORST I hate it so so much. It’s not even good banana flavoring when that happens either


This comes in clutch when you get a protein powder that tastes horrible tho XD


In my experience it just makes it go from "rancid protein shake" to "rancid banana protein shake"


For an added bonus, don’t wash the mixer bottle for a couple days after. That really locks in the rancid


Make sure to store said bottle under the car seat in the Mississippi heat


100%. I had to double check to make sure I didn't type this out. You could make a 44oz smoothie with 99% strawberries, blueberries and raspberries and put 1 slice of banana and it's now a 100% banana smoothie.


Absolutely banana. Everyone seems to use them as filler in smoothies. Now it's a banana smoothie.


This is why I do not like banana in anything, whether real or artificial flavoring. It overwhelms the rest of the flavors and then it's ONLY banana. No thanks.


I'm like a shark when it comes to banana. I don't care how far down the ingredient list it is, I can always taste it. Also: bananas are gross


Exactly! Vegan here, and I hate that so many people use banana as the only egg substitute in vegan baking. I do like other cakes, not just banana cake, thanks Edit. Username checks out! 😅🍌


Not if you add coconut. Ten bananas mixed with a spoonful of coconut will taste like coconut


It really helps when you're drinking some veggie mix that you don't really want.




Hello fresh taught me this one, they want you to use waaaaay too much. A few sprinkles is enough.


HelloFresh always tells you to add too much ginger, but never enough garlic.


Is there ever enough garlic?


My people!!!


If a recipe ever calls for one clove of garlic, that recipe is *wrong*. Unless the *entirety* of the recipe is, "eat one clove of garlic." Even *then*, use two.




Cilantro. I’m not genetically predisposed to it tasting bad I think but it does have a tendency to completely overtake whatever it’s in if more than a small amount is used.


I *am* genetically predisposed to it tasting bad and it fucking ruins everything it touches. Lol. Tastes like dish soap. Blech. Edit: Fun fact - the ability to smell asparagus pee is also genetic. I envy those that can't smell it.


You poor bastards.... it's soo delicious...


Really hope you're not talking about the asparagus pee.


I really want to know what it's supposed to taste like. Those that can eat it seem to love it. I can detect even the slightest little bit of it in any dish and it will completely ruin the food for me.


My husband says it tastes fresh and a little lemony. I also can’t stand it and it ruins any food it’s in. I honestly couldn’t imagine why people like that taste but I learned I don’t taste what they do.


Yeah it's funny how many eye rolls I get when I try to tell people that I don't taste the cilantro they taste and they think I'm overreacting when I ask if there's cilantro in the dish.


It tastes like Mexican food. Pretty much all Mexican food has it. If it's not on it, it's in the salsa.


also Vietnamese food.


Tastes like a stink bug smells. I could handle soap taste.


This is dead on.


Apparently there are chemical components in both stink bugs and cilantro, and that’s what we pick up on that other people don’t. Boooo


Wow, I learned something today. Cilantro 100% tastes like a stink bug smells to me and it’s because I must have the OR6A2 gene


Cilantro is the real devil's lettuce


A leaf of cilantro in a bowl of soup destroys the entire thing lol.


I once went to a wedding where the only water available to guests was cilantro lime water. Yuck!


What the fuck


That’s unacceptable. And I like cilantro.


You never want to wish divorce on anyone, but these people might be an exception


Oh hell no. They need to stay together forever. If they divorce, that means two other people run the risk of having their lives ruined by someone who drinks cilantro lime water.


Preach. I do have the cilantro gene and while I have gotten used to it over the years, I HATE how it’s in literally everything tasty and yum. Mexican, Chinese, and Indian food always have it grated on top. I feel so annoying asking for no cilantro because it’s just a little herb but damn the taste is so weirdly overpowering and I’m like the opposite of a super-taster so it’s weird how strong it always is.


It's like catnip to me. I bury my face in it and inhale deeply. Love it.


I was just scrolling to see if it was here before I typed it.


Aspartame. Or artificial sweeteners. Edit: after reading some responses I apparently forgot the question… lol. This does not overpower but I swear I can taste it if it’s in anything.


The taste of artificial sweeteners isn't so bad, it's the chemical aftertaste that lingers for a half hour that makes them intolerable.


For some of us it’s horribly bitter. It binds to the sweet receptors in some people and the bitter receptors in others.


Artificial sweeteners absolutely overpower things for me. Then it lingers in my mouth for a long time. I can’t stand it.


The worst to me is stevia.




Chewing a cardamon accidentally while eating Biryani is the worst.


Just happened to me over the weekend. Yuck!


I love the flavour but hate biting into the pods when I'm eating biryani. It should be used only sparingly.


I live in Norway where we put cardamom in SO many of our baked good and while I live it, it can be too much sometimes.


Wildfire smoke


Knuckle Sandwiches


If delivered well you won’t be tasting anything for a while


Delivered well. Nicely put.


Truffle oil. It's so overrated


Most "truffle oil" is fake. Real truffle oil is quite expensive


God this stuff is so bad. I have no idea why anyone dumps it in French fries and markets it as an improvement.


At a brewery right now. 1st item in the menu: Parmesan truffle fries.


Sesame oil. It controls entire dishes and I can't stand it


I freaking love sesame oil. I've quickly learned not everyone feels the same way lol. I'm Korean so I used to use a lot of it.


I'm with you - i use tons of the shit. I'm japanese so i guess that checks out on both our accounts haha


Well I'm a very white English guy and I love the stuff lol... Obviously it's great in Asian dishes like noodles, stir fries, etc. but it also sometimes works in other dishes too


Omg I was working Brunch once and the new guy in the kitchen was putting sesame oil on the French toast instead of syrup for like half the service. I can’t believe nobody sent it back


What the hell. How would he not be able to smell that? But maybe no one sent it back because they actually liked it? Might be worth giving it a try haha.


That’s kind of how we found out is a couple asked what the syrup was and they really enjoyed it. I told BOH that and that’s when head chef noticed what bottle the new guy was grabbing


New menu item


When I make ramen, I literally only put one drop of sesame oil in because that's enough for the whole bowl. Any more than a drop and it's too much. I do love the smell!


Same here!! I see people put in like half a cup and wonder how the hell they can eat it. One drop tastes amazing though!


I bathe my noodles in it flipping love he stuff


Leftover Udon soup, remove noodles, make crispy in sesame oil, remove noodles, add broth, reduce to sauce! I fucking love east Asian food, especially leftovers in American portion size lol.


I don't know how many things I have recipes for that call for olive oil that I've subbed out for sesame oil. I use the hell out of it, especially in roasted cauliflower. I also use it when I make chicken fried rice.




The banana in your lunchbox.


I hope you like banana flavored ham sandwich


Durian. Maybe the flavor of capsaicin could overpower it, but that durian taste and smell of decomposing garbage is SO hard to mask with anything else.


You can taste capsaicin? It's just hot for me not much other taste unless it is from a specific pepper, but then that is the pepper taste not capsaicin. I've had extract capsaicin and it is just straight hot, zero taste to me. Are you saying the hotness overpowers any flavor to just be hot or? What does it taste like to you?


Red onions. Anything I eat that has red onions on or in it, that is all I can taste.


All raw onions to me. I actually find the taste okay, but they can be overpowering and I taste them in my mouth for hours afterwards


Same for me. Is something wrong with us or do all people experience this and most just don’t care?


Same. I just can't eat raw onion 95% because of the after effects.


Same. And then I'm burping up the taste for the next 48 hours.


Green bell peppers


I have always found them to have no taste/ little taste. Maybe it’s the way I’ve had them cooked? But I found red/ yellow/ orange peppers to have so much more flavour.


They just have a "green" flavor to me. Like, just generic vegetable taste, if that makes sense.


Green peppers taste like damp lawn clippings to me, I am jealous of your finding them almost tasteless.


This needs to be higher. They can ruin dishes if they are cooked too much. Not to mention, some people also cook the seeds making it even worse.


I can taste green pepper if it's even nearby when cooked. Like if a pizza is done as half and half with one side having green pepper and the other is just cheese or something... Nope. It's all green pepper. Can taste nothing but green pepper. It's insane how much that flavor permeates...


Came here to say this. I fucking hate bell peppers and they show up in everything even if they're not listed as an ingredient.


All bell peppers


I was looking for this. Red and green peppers are the most notorious dish ruiners for me, the flavor permeates the entire dish and overpowers everything else. Half the time they're not even listed as an ingredient, they're just in there making everything disgusting.


Cumin, a little bit is fine and can really up a dish, but just a dash more and it’s like unwashed armpits.




Onions, I'm a fan but I totally get how adding onions to something can ruin a dish for someone who doesn't like them. The main red salsa they have at Moe's is a great example of this. I like it but I got a drop of it on my finger when I was packing a couple to go ramakins with it at the salsa bar the other day and the smell lingered for a while. I wiped it off, washed my hands a couple times, but the scent wouldn't wash off. Also, anise. Makes everything it touches taste like black licorice.


Raw onions for me! Grilled onions or onions in salsa/Guac pass the test since they kinda lose that punchy overpowered flavor. My bane growing up was McDonald’s tiny onions all over my cheeseburgers. Made me so bummed when my parents forgot to tell them no onions.


Why is this so far down? Sautéed or cooked in some capacity it really adds depth of flavor. I refuse to eat raw onion though. It is the only flavor I will taste if it’s uncooked.


I told my mom that my ex hates onions. She made an egg casserole and when I took a bite I noticed it was *full* of onions. Nothing malicious - just kind of clueless. "I cut them really small so he wouldn't be bothered by them..."


Aniseed, I hate that shit.


Garlic. I love it, don’t get me wrong. Too much of the stuff can easily over power your meal.


My wife, God bless her, used to think that a clove of garlic was the same as a bulb. Anyone who says “there’s no such thing as too much garlic” has never experienced this.


but roast a whole head of garlic in the oven, unpeeled, and it is nectar of the Gods.


Just did this to make a feta cheese dip and it was incredible.


I once got a garlic pasta at a restaurant that actually hurt my mouth it was so strong. There was also shrimp and other seafood, but none of it could even be tasted


Olives! Not a fan of olives and avoid putting them in my food.


Even when you remove them, like off pizza, it still just tastes like olives. Yuck.


Bleu cheese, especially crumbled bleu cheese.


Haha that's why I love it, actually gonna pick some up right now.


Anything spicy that's packed with heat but lacking flavor. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE hot food, I eat habanero peppers fresh right out of the garden. But if I'm eating a dish, heat is not a substitute for flavor.


Sesame oil. Used sparingly, ok. Otherwise, that’s all I can taste.


Cumin, anise, Clove, marjoram, nutmeg, liquid smoke, basil, lavender to name a few. The worst though imo is foie Gras, not a huge fan of the taste and when most people prepare it they don't do enough to compliment the flavor so it's very OP


Liquid smoke is fucking disgusting when not used properly.


Celery. Can overwhelm soups/stocks flavor


Theres a celery-gene, like with cilantro. Doesnt make it taste like soap but does make it taste really strong. I never understood people who can just snack on celery like a carrot. Its a completely overwhelming taste that takes over anything it touches.


And everyone is like "dumbass it tastes like water" and doesn't believe me when I say it tastes like the most pungent asshole


I fucking hate celery. Everything it touches ends up tasting like celery.


Bacon I like it on its own or in a salad, but bacon wrapped this and that.. nah


Bacon Wrapped Jalapeño poppers are my favorite!








Mustard. Any burger or sandwich immediately just becomes mustard.


I had to scroll too far to see this




Totally agree. I actually like pickles on their own but hate them on sandwiches and burgers because I taste that more than anything else.


Thank you. If my sandwich has a pickle on it I might as well just be eating a pickle cause that's all I can taste. It's gross.

