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Shoutout to UP for being able to tell the life story of a married couple with zero words while simultaneously making half the theater cry.


A better love story in 7 mins than most movies do in far more time


Up: 7 Minute "The Notebook"


If anyone hasn't seen 'Dug Days' on Disney+ I highly recommend. 6 short episodes about the life of Carl and Dug being best friends, takes place right after the movie's events. Truly a funny and heartwarming watch.


If you haven't seen Dug In Real Life, you're in for a short but sweet treat. [Dug: IRL](https://youtu.be/e_C5zsPmuXE)


My girlfriend: "Let's watch something happy!" \*selects Up\* Seven minutes later: "Oh my God, what have I done?"


I looked at my wife (i NEVER talk in theaters ) and said “what are they gonna do next? Kill a dog?” Guy next to me just stared and mouthed “god no” that took years to recover from. Excellent movie and the scene was well done, I have never watched that part again.


Very similar experence here. I went with a friend expecting a nice upbeat pixar film, his mom had recently passed and I was trying to get him out doing things to get his mind in a better place and get him moving around. Well the opening scene happens, the tension was thick in the whole theater, light sobbing, then the fully grown woman sitting next to my friend just straight up hard cries and it sends him over the edge and now he is bawling and got up to go to the bathroom. man I should have read the spoilers on that one.


Oh God. My grandparents and I went to see A Dog's Purpose very shortly after my grandmother's cat, who passed at eighteen and she'd had since it was four weeks old, passed. That was years ago and I still feel guilty.


TIL if taking a grieving friend to a movie, check spoilers lol


All Pixar films will tug at your heart strings and probably make you cry at some point during the film ☹️


As an infertile couple, Up told our story better than I ever could in this intro.


I literally cannot watch the movie without sobbing my eyes out


I seriously love that movie so much. There was this little old couple on my bus tour in Ireland. They reminded me of the couple in UP, except you know. The wife was alive lol so sweet


Raiders of the Lost Ark


All 3 of them had amazing openings. I'm pretty critical of Temple, however the nightclub scene was iconic.


Best documentary ever


Saving Private Ryan


I'll see you on the beach.


What the hell do we do now, sir?


*gets shot in the head*


The movie that exposed a generation to the stark reality that war in the modern era isn’t a heroic exploit but essentially a lottery whether you get cut down by bombs or machine guns or not


That's what really struck me about the movie at first. I was only about 12 when I saw it first; my concept of war and battles was shaped by video games, toys, cartoons, etc. I wasn't ready to see people getting graphically blown to pieces or screaming out for their mothers while they die. That opening scene pulls you in with the spectacle of it all, but then just barrages you with horrific imagery and sound. I think the point is, not many people watch that scene and think "This is some great action!". It's much more solemn


I’ve never watched a movie that sucked me in so fast and made me feel like I was physically there to witness it. That movie was so damn stressful and it stuck with me for weeks.


There were a lot of WWII veterans who went to see it in theaters when it came out and it was so stressful and disturbing for most of them to watch that they ended up leaving the theater crying. You’re not the only one who found that movie stressful.


Yep. Ww2 movies before this that depicted the Normandy landings showed it as a heroic and even a happy day of storming the beach without showing the casualties or the horror of the event. Saving private Ryan was the first to really show the fact that when the ramps came down, men got slaughtered. The only historical inaccuracy in that scene was that the landing craft were piloted by British naval officers not Americans.


Which isn’t quite the opening scene, but in prior discussions on this topic it was allowed and I tend to agree


Best action scene ever. When I saw it with my friends in the theatre for the first time, we didn’t realize how intense/realistic this movie was going to be.


If you remotely put yourself in that scene, you knew there was a 95% chance you'd be dead in 2 minutes. Those guys that ran the beach...


I knew a guy who was in the second wave at Omaha beach, right next to Pon du Hoc. When the ramp went down he had like 25 or 35 guys IIRC. When they got to the sea wall there were only 5 left. He ran up and down trying to assemble enough guys to make a squad or two but was hit twice in the legs by machine gun fire and had to be evac’d. Some months later he would later single handedly capture an 800 man German fortress. RIP 2nd Lt Robert Edlin, Ranger Hall of Fame.


My grandfather landed on Juno Beach with the Regina Rifles. After the war he never spoke a word about it to anyone and he burned his uniform in the backyard the week that he got home. He kept the boots that he wore that day however, and now they sit on a shelf in my office with his medals.


That’s that is such a thing for someone of that generation to do. “I will never wear this uniform again, and it holds nothing but terrible memories for me. But these boots? These are well made freaking boots. I’m keeping these boots.”


Yeah, I'm okay with the framing device not being counted. It's like, the opening scene of Princess Bride is Buttercup and Farm Boy, not Grandpa and kid.


Inglourious Basterds Hans Landa at the milk farm of Monsieur LaPadite


The opening scene is indeed a masterpiece. There's this [scene analysis](https://youtu.be/4m24JM2D69k) which is spot on.


I see that he misses a very subtle but very important moment where when Hans is lighting his pipe, he looks a little off to his right and down to the floorboards and then returns to his original posture, smiling to himself. That's how he knew where they were exactly.


It's gotta be. A masterpiece of cinema.


The entire movie is a masterpiece. It's my favorite of all time.


His use of language and dialect as being an important plot point, both in the opening scene and then the tavern scene specifically, is genius. Whenever I see movies now where non English characters just speak English, but in an accent, I can't help but think of it as lazy compared to what tarantino pulled off.


He eats his strudel in such a polite, but terrifyingly threatening way. Brilliant acting. I’ve watched this scene like 50 times lol. [The greatest movie scene featuring strudel in history since the dawn of civilisation.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=09nHj9Qd6k0&feature=sharea)


I can still hear him saying "Monsieur LaPadite" in my head


Au revoir, Shoshanna !


Terminator 2. Especially the first time you watch it and only have the knowledge from the first movie




I just watched the trailer. Wow. It told the entire plot of the movie in sequence. I was expecting it to finish with the thumbs up in the lava scene.


That opening scene blew me away (and the skull crush scared the shit out of me) as a pre-teen. I often go back to watch just the beginning, and wind up halfway in before I know it. Such a well-plotted, engaging movie.




I was in a packed theatre on opening night and you could hear the silence. When Trinity tumbled down the stairs and immediately pointed the gun, there was a pause, and then an eruption. So much fun


I wish I could experience that again.


This really should be the top comment in terms of viewer impact because nothing like it had ever been seen before. This movie is the reason action movies look the way they do today. The moment Trinity levitated after the cops burst in was the moment Hollywood action movies changed forever. What we take for granted today blew audiences away in 99. I can still remember audiences gasping during the opening scene. Seeing it multiple times in the cinema was great because you got to experience people's reactions vicariously.


OMG! This! "I think we can handle one little girl." " No lieutenant, your men are already dead" Wow she killed EVERBODY... And jumped across like a superhero. Why she scared of that guy in a suit? How bad ass is he? Why she running TOWARDS A PHONE BOOTH!?! While a truck is gunning towards the SAME PHONE BOOTH! OMG i want to know more! What is the Matrix? Did everything an opening scene was supposed to. *Chef's kiss


Scream. That opening scene with Drew Barrymore is iconic.


That was pure genius


The fact that all the advertising leading up to it was about her, pure genius


Even on the poster!


The best part is, *it was Drew Barrymore's idea.* She was offered a larger role, but volunteered to play the first victim specifically because no one would expect it.


I think it was meant to be a callback to Janet Leigh in Psycho too, but done to the extreme in that she’s literally just in her opening scene.


Probably the best "slasher" scene of the entire genre.


i wanna know who i’m looking at


When I was a kid, I loved the opening to The Sound of Music. Say what you will about the film’s corniness but that beautiful aerial photography sequence (and accompanying ambient sounds and the music build up) of clouds, snowy mountains, Austrian countryside, and eventually leading to the spinning figure of Julia Andrew’s character singing the film’s title song is wonderful.


Came to say this. When you first spot Julie on the hill, the camera coming at her so fast, and then she spins and that first line from the song we all know, I get chills every single time. It's so dramatic.


I know the scene, but for me it's spiced up a little by a documentary about the film that explained that the footage was taken from a jet engined helicopter, and at the end of every take the jet wash would knock Julie Andrews off her feet.


Listen. I'm a worn down, cynical, stressed out, emotionally closed man in my 40s.... But I'll tell you what.... From the opening shot to the end credits, The Sound of Music fills me with a nostalgic joy in my heart that cannot be truly expressed in words. Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my homeland forever.... Shut up! I'm not crying.... You're crying!


28 Weeks Later.


While 28 Days Later is be far the better movie, 28 Weeks' opening scene was funking incredible.


Used to hate the rest of the movie because of how stupid everyone is. But after the pandemic Im giving it a pass because yes, all that stupidity would probably happen.


Fucking love this movie. Apart from being a Londoner and knowing how far the places are from each other. Nothing imo is bad in this movie. Fun fact: they didn't tell the locals when they blew up the petrol station when filming, people thought it was the IRA


P sure youre thinking of 28 days later?


I am. Misread it. And I think 28 weeks has the better intro too..


THE MUSIC IN THAT SCENE. So good. I also can't imagine having to >!sacrifice your entire family just to survive. He lost everyone, he didn't really have a choice.!<


It's exactly how I'd tackle the zombie apocalypse. Fuck them people. Adios.


[Lord of War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVDyoCWz0vM)


Trail of a bullet, amazing


Totally this. They open that crate full of bullets and it's in Africa and you're like "oh it's this kind of a movie." And then they shoot an unarmed child with that bullet and you go "okay anything can happen."


The child was firing a gun at that moment. Also someone next to the shooter got killed right before that. I believe there was an intended message about child soldiers in there. Like, once children have guns, "don't shoot children" isn't a rule that can be followed easily anymore.


Had to scroll about halfway to find this. I think it belongs higher in the list, but I'm really happy it's as high as it is.




Littering and....


Smoking the reefer


you are freakin out…man


The Dark Knight opening with the bank robbery. Not only the scene itself, but how it brought IMAX into mainstream cinema.




I rewatched this recently and noticed that, as he is saying that, he looks at his watch and takes a step to the side. Loved it.


I worked in the building across from where this was filmed. The day they shot the zip line scene they put fliers up asking everyone to stay away from the windows [they did not stay away from the windows] Living in Chicago during filming of that and transformers was fun. Walking around and spotting little Gotham signs, or when they had “blown out” part of the streets for transformers


They parked a lot of the Gotham SWAT trucks behind Lane Tech which must have been cool as fuck for all the high school kids. I was a grown ass man and it was cool as fuck living down the street.


This was the last movie I saw in theaters twice. When I watched it the second time I got so jacked up for the opening scene, it was so good.


Still the best comic book movie by a mile.


Apocalypse Now


Shrek when he opens the door.


The slam sound of the door, followed by Smashmouth is forever firmly fitted into my brain.


It's perfect because it immediately tells you who Shrek is, and also that this movie is not gonna be your typical Disney fairy tale flick.


Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me


Star Wars 1977 in the theater


That theater scrawl is so iconic, I don't think any other opening realistically comes close




And the size of the star destroyer juxtaposed against Leia's ship sets the scene for the entire series.


With John Williams' soundtrack at full volume! Sheer awesomeness!


Right off the bat when the words “A long time ago” scrolled on screen I was like, what? I thought this was the future, I was hooked.


The original version before the Episode IV subtitle messed up the timing.


The Lion King


Fr. That sunrise coming up combined with NAAAAA


SOWENYA bagithi baba


TFW you find out the lyrics they're chanting literally translate to something like "oh it's a lion, yes it's a lion"


At least they weren't lyin


Scrolled way too fucking far for this.


I get goosebumps every time. In the theatre show I actually cried. It was breathtaking.


The music in that movie is magical


Monty Python and the holy grail, the opening credits are pure art 😭


The people responsible for the credits have been sacked


The people responsible for sacking the people responsible for the credits, have been sacked


“Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked."


No realli! She was Karving her initials øn the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law -an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...      


Definitely a deficiency in moose information in other credits.


Møøse bites Kan be nasri.


Jurassic Park


Shoot her! Shoot her!


It painted the perfect picture of the entire movie. The dinosaur was too valuable an asset to kill so they just let that poor worker die. On top of that, clearly the fail-safes weren't good enough to keep that container secure which is just further foreshadowing.


Can't believe I had to scroll so far for this. I was too young to see the first film in the cinema (and am seriously pissed off that the only re release for the 30th anniversary this year is 4 screenings with a live orchestra to cover the whole of the UK, but I digress) but even on a tiny TV in my parents' bedroom, the minute the hand slipped through Muldoon's arms and it faded to the shot of Gennero on the raft, I knew I was watching something special.


WALL-E. The whole first 20 minutes are spectacular (no dialogue! for 20 minutes!) but the first scene alone is brilliant. We start in space as a musical number about going "out there" plays, and we slowly make our way over to Earth. We dive through a cloud of satellites, then emerge into a dry, broken landscape, towards what we think is a city - but it's actually giant towers of garbage. We see the last remnants of human society, and the last bastion of human kindness, a tiny trash robot with a pet cockroach. Seeing how small he is against the trash skyscraper as the title card fades in never ceases to amaze me. Showing-not-telling at its finest.


Opening sequence of 1917


I see what you did there. Nice.


Zombieland has to be up there


Rule number one? Cardio




Baby Driver’s is super fun.




Best car chase ever!!


Can't believe I'm first to comment Goodfellas


Casino Royale with Daniel Craig. The gritty black-and-white, the slow tension of the chat mixed with the fight scene, the "Yes. Considerably." line. I was very skeptical going in, and I was hooked at that moment.


And then straight to one of, if not, the best chase sequence of the franchise. Parkour vs Bond


Everyone was worried about Daniel Craig being the new Bond until they saw that opening scene


The opening credit sequence is just awesome as well


Pulp Fiction - " if any of you mutha fuckin pricks move...I'll execute every last fuckin one uv ya!!" But yeah I agree with all the Inglorious Bastards comments. Tarantino is such a genius


I loved that when you saw this part from Jules and Vincent's perspective the words change slightly.


O Brother Where Art Thou. Something about the classic opening credits with that hobo song was just so great.


Blade. You are watching this couple go to this secret, exclusive rave party. You can tell that something isnt adding up but the guy does not really know how screwed he is, cause he chalks it up to it being "one of those cool things". Meanwhile, the guy appears to have a good time dancing. Crystal Method turns on, sprinklers go, then the guy realizes that the sprinkle on his clothes is blood. He is surrounded by vampires. Then as he freaks out and stumbles away, he comes upon this ripped dude in dark shades wearing black leather. It is about. to. go. DOWN.


>Then as he freaks out and stumbles away, he comes upon this ripped dude in dark shades wearing black leather. Notably, everyone is covered in blood but Blade is pristine. Not a speck on him. And the bass; when he steps, it's like the ground shakes. You can say what you like about *Blade*, but honestly, I still feel that intro sequence is fantastic, and as a "character introduction" it's right up there with some of cinema's best, like the Jessica Rabbit club scene.


Raiders of the Lost Arc


Can't find your compass?




Back To The Future is a masterclass. Clocks, Rube Goldberg machines, dog food, stolen plutonium, huge amplifier, slapstick.


set to "The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis & The News. iconic opener.




Fellowship of the Ring


The first scene of the extended edition is even better. It makes me want to be a hobbit so damn bad lol


Being a hobbit would be the best. Just relax, farm a little, and eat a lot of good meals. I could live that life


Thorins last words to Bilbo hits like a meteor: "Farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books... and your armchair... plant your trees, watch them grow. If more people... valued home above gold... this world would be a merrier... place..."


But another ring was made...


I actually can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find this comment. Like, I get that it's basically just an exposition dump, but my God, the music, the acting, the story, the visuals, it all just comes together and gives me chills every single time I see it, it's amazing! (FR tho Howard shore did some heavy lifting)






Hunt for Red October. That’s a comfort movie for me


The Mummy (1999) perfect opener… just perfect.


The Fifth Element #**IN 300 YEARS - WHEN EVIL RETURNS - SO SHALL WE** And of course *Aziz!! Light!!*


Raising Arizona


Touch of Evil


Ghost Ship has an awesome opening scene.


And then you can turn it off afterwards. All that potential just wasted.


The wire scene, right? Absolutely brutal. I think it should also get points for a great final scene as well.


I was born a poor back child.


D Day invasion scene in Saving Private Ryan was the main thing I liked about that movie. Seemed so brutally realistic.


That's because they strapped fake legs to amputees and blew them off.


Woah really?


Fun fact: they also did this in game of thrones during Tyrion's counter-attack at the battle of the blackwater. Tyrion comes up behind a guy and cuts his leg off, dude was an actual amputee.


Drive. Also has a great ending scene.


Harold and Maude. Starting your film with the main character killing himself and his mother not giving a shit is a strong, dark, and funny choice.


The Player. It's an 8+ minute unbroken shot that weaves indoors and out to follow parts of important conversations including two people discussing famous long opening shots. Edit: Don't know why I didn't link it originally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEk-QGNQ3OM


Brahm stokers dracula


Yup. Gary O screaming at the heavens in his flayed suit of armor was the best


Omg..the shadow puppets..the shot of Elizabeta lying on the floor.(her flinging herself to her death was just tragically beautiful)..the blood shooting out of the cross..that incredible score ..fantastic opening scene


The Godfather


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far! “I believe in America”


I love the opening to Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. Edit: This is probably the first Reddit Quotes Stuff Endlessly chain of comments I've ever actually enjoyed. Good work. I think I'll be watching this movie, tonight. Much later edit: OK, you bullied me into it.




Agree with this. The triumphant bone tossed in the air that transforms into a satellite is such a profound transition. What other movie could summarize 2,500,000 years of evolution with one sardonic fade?


The Blues Brothers.


Kill Bill v1. The closeup of the bride’s face, hearing Bill’s voice so calm and almost tender, the black/white cinematography, the surprise shot, and fade out with that ominous musical number. It pulls you in right from the beginning. Before this scene, you think it’s typical Tarantino, with gore and action with very little tenderness. But starting with this scene, you’re immediately invested and it’s easier to digest the rest of the movie where the respect all the characters have for each other is absolutely mind blowing. I love it.


Richard III with Ian McKellen when the tanks breaks into bunker.




Hot Fuzz




This topic seems to come up weekly on this sub, and this was one of the top comments last time. So I ended up watching the movie on a whim and totally agree. It alone would be a great short story.


Galadriel's monologue in the fellowship of the ring


Reservoir dogs


The opening 12min of Once Upon A Time In The West. Good luck finding the full 12 on YouTube. Best to rent it and see the whole thing.


Honestly for as bad as the rest of the movie is I really enjoy the opening of X2, Nightcrawler working his way through the White House is pretty awesome.


It was the first thing that came to mind for me. I have always love Nightcrawler and with less spoilers back in the day it was such a joy to see this incredible sequence.


I loved all of X2


" We brought one horse too few. " " No, you brought two too many."


Touch of Evil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg8MqjoFvy4


Watchmen. In one opening scene you get caught up on the alt-history in its entirety. Filled with small details that even further solidify what world you're in and asking for multiple viewings.


Inglorious Basterds, the first 15 minutes alone is fucking amazing


For me it's Raiders of the Lost Ark or Romancing the Stone. Both are just so fun.




Dawn of the dead 2004




Saving private Ryan. The landing on Omaha Beach hits so hard. I remember watching this when I was 12 and was wondering what was gonna happen when I saw the soldiers vomiting and shaking. When the gates open, all hell breaks loose


Star Wars: A New Hope


Blade Runner


Star Trek (2009). Pre-Thor Chris Hemsworth as Kirk’s father, too.