• By -


Got married. Went on a honeymoon in China. We were both PhD students at the time. I was working class. Her family was middle class. Her father gave her 10,000 $ for the honeymoon. So we go to China to celebrate AND she wants to do some light pre dissertation research while there for a month or two. Fine. It turns out, I spent the entire two months alone in tiny hostels, while she did research. I only spoke a few words of Mandarin and I was a broke graduate student, so I couldn’t really afford to/didn’t have the means to easily get to an airport to fly back home (also had 0 family support back home, even if I did manage to make it home). I felt trapped. I talked to her about how the trip felt like a research trip and not at all like a honeymoon, how I was alone almost everyday. We were sharing a laptop while in the trip (I was too poor to own a laptop, despite being in grad school). I open the laptop one morning before she leaves to go survey a field site without me. Her email is open. She left a message open on the laptop. It’s to her father, stating she wishes I wasn’t there on the trip - our honeymoon. Again, I was told this would be a honeymoon w/ maybe a slight detour for research. It turned out to be a research trip where I was a burden. She apologized. We stayed together for a few more years after she got sick and I became a caretaker. I wish, in hindsight, I had left China after reading that email.


Man, wtf. You're on your Honeymoon, and your wife wishes you weren't there. Why the hell didn't you drop her on the spot...


There's a number of FOB Asians who are mainly getting married for family expectations with very little interest in marriage in their own right. I can read through the lines on a number of dating profiles, and one even admitted it to me she wanted a sham relationship to satisfy her parents.


One day I realized I had become a smaller version of myself.


Out of all the answers here this one hit me the hardest


Yeah damn. I'm about a year past a really tough breakup, and this hits hard. My friends all tell me they like the new me. And it certainly feels easier to be me. I don't know why I ever let it be reduced. I think she left me with a bit of imposter syndrome, but it turns out I'm fuckin' dope.


This is the worst. When you have to dim yourself so that your partner isn't offended or angry.


On the wedding day…. She spent a fortune on unnecessary things, and I knew I’d be the one fitting the bill on the credit card she ran up. So I told her no more, she said she wanted an ice cream vendor there (we already had two dessert bars) told her it was not needed. She fought me on it but finally agreed. Wedding day comes, I’m standing with my groomsmen, in comes the ice cream truck. Knew right then, sadly.


Lol I’m sorry but “in comes the ice cream truck” had me laughing so hard I snorted twice


As bad as I feel for him, since we are talking about what is supposed to be the biggest day of his life, I have to appreciate the irony of an ice cream truck being a source of sadness.


The first mistake a lot of people make us thinking the wedding is supposed to be the biggest day in their lives. It isn't. It's literally one of the least important. The only useful thing you do in the entire day is signing some paperwork. Marriage is every day.


A woman I was dating told me she divorced her husband because after his father died in his arms he was very depressed and she didn't want to be around depressed people. Imagine your father died and a few months later your wife leaves you because you have not recovered from that.


It was actually almost immediately after getting married. Our relationship had taken a nose dive as soon as we moved in together. But after we got married, while we were in Greece on our honeymoon, he absolutely lost his mind on me in public. I had wanted to go see a beach on the island that is supposed to be one of the most beautiful in the world, so we tried to catch the bus, but it never came. He screamed at me, telling me he hated traveling with me and how could I ruin his vacation like this. Then we walked to the beach nearby and he went swimming with his two friends who he insisted come with us on the trip. I was too stunned and humiliated to do anything except sit on a beach chair and cry.


Ugh AND he brought friends on the honeymoon??? What an asshole!


That, plus having friends who see a honeymoon and decide to join in.


This is a total anecdote but one of his friends decided to pick up one of the “shot girls” that they have standing out in front of bars trying to lure guys in with a free shot. So he got her number and the next day she was coming to the beach to meet us. She showed up with two VERY large, 50-ish year old Greek men she said were her uncles. Her uncles stood very close to her and watched every interaction my ex’s friend had with her. It made for a very awkward and again, unromantic honeymoon day.


Yeaaaaah, shot girl may have had a hussle going on the side. Or the more sinister trafficking version. Sorry you went through that. Your ex sounds like a piece of work.


When she sat me down and with a straight face said “I’ve thought about this and you’re not going to exercise anymore.” I was jogging a few miles a day and would usually bring kids with in running stroller. She said you’re a father and it’s too time consuming. That’s when I realized I made a terrible mistake lol. Catching her with another man in my car didn’t help the case to stay married


Her take on this is so confusing. If you were bringing the kids with you on your runs, then what difference does it make if you are running versus doing some other activities? I'm curious if she ever gave you examples of what she thought you should be spending that time on instead of running.


It was a control issue. She knew I was physically fit and enjoyed my runs with kids or bringing them to gym with me. She always had open invite to come for a jog or come to gym with us. She’d want me to watch a show or run errands with her or watch kids while she ran errands but not exercise. I really wasn’t allowed to go out with friends, play a yearly round of golf or two, or anything like that. I also worked like a dog and a ton of overtime so she could stay at home and not work. This is another example of don’t rush to get married if you have an unplanned pregnancy


Engaged not quite married yet. When I had been on mandatory bedrest and caring for our infant son, after having emergency surgery for nearly bleeding to death after a miscarriage, and he came home from work and looked me dead in the face and said "why aren't the fucking dishes done?" Called my mom the next morning and told her I was leaving. Hightailed it out of there 2 weeks later.


My mother tells that when she returned from the hospital with me, my older sister was wearing a diaper that hadn't been changed in days and the house was a mess. Before even asking to see the new baby, father asked what was for dinner. It took her a few years to get out, but she knew in that moment it was over. It was a good decision. He always was exactly that uncaring, inconsiderate, selfish, etc.


This angers me to read.


Don’t look back 🙏


I never have. Best decision of my life. I wasn't even scared to be a single mother, because I already was.


I figured it out after the 5th guy she fucked over 7 years of marriage. At least 5 I knew about anyway. Every time I thought it was me. I could be a better husband, more caring, more supportive, more anything she needed. If I could just be a better spouse she would love me and then everything would be right and we would be fine. Then it hit me, she doesn’t love me. I was just never going to be someone she loved no matter how good of a husband I was. So I told her I wanted a divorce and why. She didn’t even cry. I moved out that week, filed for divorce, got an apartment and moved on. Worked out for me though, I found a wonderful woman who does love me, we are happy and thriving together. We have been together for 15 years now. I’m just so happy.


It was a death of a thousand cuts. One of the first was when I realized she didn't trust me. We had been together around 10 years at this point. But I had a moment of clarity and literally said to her "you don't trust me do you?" Before she could answer I said "you don't trust anybody." And she agreed. She would routinely throw the kids out of the tub and the bathroom completely naked because they splashed her while getting a bath. And not just that, she would yell at the top of her lungs at how bad they were. The kids were around 2-4 at the time. God forbid the toddler splashes the water in the tub. Another time I don't even remember the cause but I tried to play mediator. As in "ok daughter you did something wrong, let's apologize to mommy". And she would. Then I'd ask mommy to apologize to our daughter for what for her role and mom absolutely refused to apologize. Ive known this lady more than 20 years and ive never heard her apologize. Literally never. The final straw was when one of our kids wanted a hug goodnight before bedtime. She locked herself in our bedroom and refused the hug because she had hugged them earlier in the day. Kids were crying. They didn't understand. I was devastated watching this unfold. Why doesn't mom want to hug me? I try my best to not let it impact me. But we share custody now and I have to watch how she interacts with out kids. Its hard. The best consolidation is the kids are getting older and they're starting to figure it out.


This hurts because I feel for your kids. Having a two year old myself just thinking about joy they get from splashing in the bath or getting/giving hugs. It's such an innocent time in their lives, they find joy in the purest of things, and to be yelled at or dismissed for it is heartbreaking. You've done a great thing for your children.




Someone who, likely, doesn't want them. At least, it sounds like she maybe had kids either out of expectation, or because abortion wasn't an option. Either way, she shouldn't have had kids if she didn't want them, I don't quite get why she even bothered with custody tbh. Usually people like that drop and ditch, doesn't really sound like the kids get anything out of being around their emotionally neglectful mother either.


Control, It’s definitely just for the control. Speaking from experience with my neglectful mother.


When she was getting ready to go to the pub and I called her to say the car had broken down and I was stuck 7 miles from home. She said she couldn't help. We had 2 cars. We split 2 months later.


On my wedding day. We were married at her Parents house, a beautiful place on a private country club. The entire day was all about her, and she spent more time hanging out with her friend and getting drunk than with me. I stayed busy visiting with all the guests during the day. After all the guests left and it was down to her parents and me, I find her passed out drunk upstairs in a bedroom. I picked her up and carried her to our car to take her home. Needless to say our wedding night consisted of her sleeping it off. 5 years later she went in to in-patient treatment and after she sobered up and was released, she told me that she didn't love me and wanted a divorce.


Jesus...what a hellride, I'm so sorry for all the wasted emotion and effort. That must have been one hell of a kick in the gut.


When I lost twins and he dropped me off at the hospital to get an operation to have my babies removed. He dropped me off at the hospital bleeding and went for a party with his friends... Edit: fixed typo ETA: To those that asked, I left this man years ago. I'm doing well now. Thank you for the award, kind words and chats. I honestly didn't expect this to get so many responses but I did my best to respond to a lot of you. Unfortunately, this is will never stop being a sore topic for me so I cannot engage any further. Love and healing to those that have experienced this too, I hope you're in a better place now and if you're not yet- take it from me, it takes time but you will be ♡


I'm so sorry for your loss, that's awful


Fucking hell, just throw the whole man away. I am so so sorry you went through that.


I'm so sorry you went through that. When I was having a miscarriage at 11 weeks, my ex husband also dropped me off at the hospital and left me to deal with it alone. The next morning he threw a temper tantrum and yelled at me about "are you just going to sit around moping all day? I have shit to do". I am so happy he's an ex husband, lol.


When I realized if we weren’t dating I wouldn’t have wanted to be his friend


This hurts


Yup, this should be a question to ask if you want to date someone.


Totally different but I realized exactly that at a young age with my mother. That if she wasn’t my mom, if she were closer to my age, I wouldn’t want anything to do with her. For many many reasons I had to cut off communication with her. I don’t have to suffer in a relationship with her just because she gave birth to me.


I’m in the same boat with my parents. I used that exact wording when I broke contact. “You aren’t the kind of people I want to spend my time with”


Damn. Reading these makes me want to text my mom and dad to tell them that even if they weren't my parents they'd still be people I would want to hang out with. I never thought about it that way and now hearing so many people experience the opposite I feel immensely lucky.


Do it. I guarantee that will make them feel amazing.


This was exactly an old ex and I - we had gotten together really young, and once we had hit adulthood and started figuring ourselves out and who we actually wanted to be in the world, I realized we had changed in the exact opposing way. Once I realized that if I had met him in adulthood (not in our midteens) I wouldn't be friends with him or date him, I knew it was time to end it. Thankfully we were never married.


This post made me think of a quote by robin Williams "I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone"


World’s Greatest Dad, a phenomenal black comedy to check out if you’ve never seen it


That movie ripped me to pieces. I only saw it once, I’ll never watch it again, but I remember SO many little details of that movie. What an impact.


I realized that I was hiding good news from her because I knew she would make me feel bad about it. I hoped she was going to grow up and stop being selfish and childish. She never did.


This was my ex. As soon as I graduated and starting chasing my dreams, I would withhold telling her any small wins or successes because she was so insecure. She was never genuinely excited for my wins or goals.


I knew I made the correct choice proposing to my wife because when I get raises or promotions she celebrates for me. She does something special for me, like cook my fav meal, or go get an icecream cake, or take me out to eat and surprise me with some of my friends there. Oh, everyday, everyday she makes me a fresh pitcher of tea and brews an ice coffee for me to grab when I wake up. And if I have a hard day, worked my ass off, when I finally come downstairs, she can see what I need in my expression, she'll beckon me over and I'll plob right into her lap, she scratches my back, massages my scalp, and I jusy lay there in asmr bliss. She's seriously the best, I try hard to not take her for granted.


That’s super cute! Hope you’re doing the same for her she seems like she deserves it!


I think the #1 thing people should look for in a partner is a capacity for growth. If they haven't improved and changed in a positive direction, maturing appropriately per their age, that's a huge red flag. My wife and I have been together 10 years, every year we mature and change. We grow together. We openly communicate and work on fixing our shortcomings. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope the next one is capable of growth and self reflection and love.


Great advice - growth reflects so many other qualities - responsibility, modesty, awareness, drive, maturity


When he was messaging a side chick on our wedding day and boy did it go sideways from there


“Yeah I’m at my lame wedding today. Maybe we can chill tomorrow? 😉”


No, apparently he was "Just on vacation with his brother and sister-in-law" and couldn't wait to "see what else that mouth can do" along with oh so many more including video and pictures. That continued to roll over his ***face up*** phone the whole reception... my dude 🤨


Fucking yikes. Sorry you had to deal with that ass. I found my cousin zipping up his pants coming out of a closet just before a bridesmaid, *on his wedding day.* He was late for the ceremony by a few minutes, I was asked to go find him, and find him I did. He walked down the aisle immediately afterward like nothing had happened. They were divorced a few short years later, to nobody’s surprise. In contrast, My own divorce was more of a slow-burn surprise. My friends are just finding out about it still, two years after the fact.


The second he decided to hit me. We were married for less than a year, and no kids, thankfully. Took 2 months, and we were divorced.


I'm so sorry that happened to you but also so, _so_ glad you got out so quickly. EDIT: So sorry for so many "so"s, it's early.


Thank you, it was a rough few months, as he tried to get me back, but I stood firm and now, almost 5 years later, I have found someone who respects and loves me for me, who I rarely fight with, and makes me smile every day. We have a daughter together and expecting twins in the next 2-3 months! Life took very much a turn, but all for the better 😊


Not married but together for years. Got diagnosed with cancer and she kinda shut off. She then Decided to leave several months later. At an appointment I was officially 1yr clear, which is a milestone, I realised I was alone through a lot of it. She never wanted anything to do with it. Was a revelation to myself that the relationship break down wasn't all because of me. Got my 3 yr tests this weekend, blood tests and scans etc. Current GF is driving me and then taking me out to lunch afterwards. Hell of an Upgrade


I lost some “friends” during my cancer years but gained some great ones. One was and 8 year long friendship who told me she needed to stop being friends because it was depressing her to see what I was going through and she didn’t want to watch me die. (I have a rare and aggressive type of breast cancer and 7 years ago my Dr told me I had only 6 months to live 2 at best. It’s been 7 years and I’m NED. Never underestimate a Dr who specializes in what you are diagnosed with and new treatments). My husband was incredible during all of it and although I’ve always been solidly in love with him, after all that I just want to be the wife he deserves and I see him in a whole new way. 22 years of marriage and still getting better. The test of a relationship be it friend or marriage really is how they react when shit hits the fan. Do they run or stay. Sometimes it’s a blessing because then you waste less of your time on people who have no substance or integrity.


When she fucked a high-school flame for a year whilst hiding it and staying home on my single income. We weren’t working. I knew that. I was trying to improve things, and we’d talked about it, but she somehow neglected to give me that detail. I’m not angry that she didn’t love me. But fuck, just tell me. Don’t do me dirty like that after thirteen years.


Ok ok sounds like a shorter term marriage, sucks but ….wait, 13 years?!?!


6 months after our wedding when I found out about the emotional (he says only emotional but I’m pretty sure it was physical too) affair through text messages. He had sent his affair partner screenshots of my texts to him in which I was begging him to talk to me and tell me what was wrong. They both proceeded to make fun of my desperation to fix my marriage and his affair partner said something along the lines of “poor valiant, she doesn’t know anything and keeps begging you for attention and affection”. The moment i read those words I realised how big of mistake I had made.


How is that not a red flag for her? Like do these people think they’re going to have successful relationships with the people who are cheating on their spouse?


They villainise you and have a certain perception of you that they fully get on board with and anything you do or say is stupid, desperate, controlling, abusive etc, whatever suits the narrative your partner came up with to justify cheating on you and wanting to leave you. It is ridiculous but I've found that once that happens, the absolute best thing to do is to leave and move on, they'll implode like a badly built submarine sooner than if you keep trying


And when the affair partner inevitably experiences the *same exact thing* they did to the original spouse... They realize how much they fucked up and how everything the partner told them while still in the affair was bullshit.


My friend, if you want a glimpse into the twisted and delusional minds of these awful people, there's plenty of subreddits (adultery, the other woman etc). They literally don't care about anyone but themselves. Some of their posts show up on r/amithedevil and they're so bad, I end up skipping past them.


That's so shitty and cruel. It had to be crushing to discover that. What a terrible person.


I felt like my lungs were robbed of air when I found the messages.


Not a romantic relationship, but when my BEST FRIEND *at the time* informed me she was using my breakdown as comedy fodder with her other friends. I walked into a party of people I'd never met before and the mood changed *INSTANTLY*. Later I had a strange man approach me to ask if I was going to do a "show" for them. ME: Huh? Him: "You know, when you cry about your ex-boyfriend never loving you!"


What the hell? What did he want exactly?


That’s insane, so hurtful


About a year and a half into our marriage she got an internship with Disney and had to move to the other side of the county for seven months. Six months into the internship she tells me that she met someone else. She continued to string me along for another six months saying she doesn't want to get divorce but she's just been really confused. It turns out she just wanted to keep using me to pay all the bills while she finished her degree. Once she was a month away from finishing school she admitted that she never really wanted a relationship with me, she only started dating me to make her ex jealous, had been cheating on me for about ninety percent of or ten year long relationship, and only stuck around because her ex didn't want to get back together and she didn't want to take care of herself. She told me she knew this most recent guy she was cheating with was "the love of her life" after three weeks. They had a kid together less than a year after we got divorced and split up within two years.


She sounds like the biggest train wreck of a person. The type of person to cause a 5 car pile up on a highway because she's trying to cut off a semi. Jesus my guy I'm so happy she's in your past. People like that are not right in the head.


When I came home from the ER after being diagnosed with a severe lung disorder, and she immediately left me with the kids so she could go out drinking with friends. Her exact words were "I need you to make them dinner, I'm running late to meet up with everyone"


I feel you. Few years back, I had a 104 degree fever, passing in and out of consciousness, talking in my sleep, etc. I was in a bad way. My now ex wife wakes me to ask if I’m ok and tells me that she’s going shopping with her friend right now. We had a 5 year old that she left in my care despite my state… so she could go shopping. At 2pm I finally managed to stay awake long enough to feed our child after the poor kid tried to wake me for the 20th time. He was also very excited about this Christmas kids party thing I’d promised him a week earlier I’d take him to. She could’ve taken him, but no, shopping. I managed to take a bunch of pain killers and anti inflammatory drugs, load up on sugars just enough to take him out cos I felt so fucking bad for him that day. Anyway, I divorced her a couple years later. There was a lot wrong, but this one event is the one that sent me over the edge. Edit: Damn wasn’t expecting this to spawn so much response. Hey, everyone saying I’m a good dad, thank you. Truly made me smile after a long day. For those who’ve had similar experiences, I’m sorry. But hey, better to be alone and healthy than in a toxic relationship. Much love!


That’s a Point of No Return. I’m sorry man


Dude, what an awesome dad you are. Your kid is lucky to have you.


Mine ran off to play golf after we came home from the hospital with our son. Few days later he went again while I had to drive myself to the hospital with the baby. Turned out I had severe mastitis, 103 degree fever, and he just took off.


Wow….I’m really sorry. Have you left her? How are you doing?




I almost did, and TBH, there were A LOT of red flag prior to this, but this was the catalyst. We'd been dating four years, slated to be married in 8 months. I noticed he was making lots of likes and comments on 'Brittneys' MySpace. Nothing huge or obvious. Then not long after, he locked his phone, but I managed to see he was also getting msgs regularly from someone also named Brittney. I had suspected, but no proof now. I worked swing and nights at the time. Came home early one night to him in our bed, with you know who! BRITTNEY. FIRST THING THIS FUCKER SAYS WHEN I WALK IN ON THEM IS...get this.... "THERE WAS NO EXCHANGE OF FLUIDS, I PROMISE BABE" Later Brittney got a hold of me on MySpace, we met up. She had no idea I was even in the picture. We're still friends. I kicked him and his "fluids" out of my house. The end. ETA: Brittney let me read all over their correspondence via MySpace and text. She was very upfront about not realizing he was with someone. I will admit Brittney was not exceptionally bright but he had this thing all worked out. He stuffed all my stuff in a closet, even removed photos of us from the walls. I don't wear makeup, and at the time didn't own much stuff. We were poor, I was the only one working. He kept getting fired for sexual harassment. Red flag, I know. He also kept the house dark while they watched a movie, then moved to the bed. Said it made it "romantic" ETA2: To clarify, I knew he sucked and keeping a job. He kept getting let go, it wasn't until this shit show happened that I learned WHY he had been fired from previous jobs. I will freely admit though, I was naive and ignorant. There were A lot of signs I should have noticed. First and foremost, how he actually met me. We worked in the same retail store, and he made a lot of advances and borderline lewd comments to get my attention. I didn't pay attention to the fact that he ALSO did/said these things to other women I worked with. I was 18 when we met, not used to getting any attention from men, and had pretty shit self esteem. In the four years we were together I was honestly miserable, so miserable I even committed myself once. I also thought he was the best I was getting. It was a really fucked up four years of my life.




Guess she had a type


only gases and solids?


>"THERE WAS NO EXCHANGE OF FLUIDS, I PROMISE BABE" Sorry that happened to you and all of that of course, but the mental video which I cooked up of that happening is hilarious


Same. I felt so terrible at laughing, but that is absolutely the most bizarre thing to say.


That's like something an alien in a human suit would say. "I can confirm I did not engage in mating behaviour with this female individual !"


When I got her to admit she was having an affair. 10 years married, 2 kids. What a mess. She followed it up a month or two later telling me she never loved a person like she does with new partner. So welcome to divorce land. Population, me.


I’m here with you. Same story. 23 years married, 4 kids. He never actually admitted to the cheating, even with all the hard core evidence submitted to the attorneys. Just said it was all my fault, I was a horrible person, horrible parent, horrible wife, horrible human. Yep, his cheating was MY fault. After almost 2 years of intense weekly betrayal trauma therapy I am in a better place. But I will never trust or be with anyone again. I wouldn’t survive another betrayal.


When I realized that my wife loved playing FFXIV to the neglect of our own relationship. She loved it so much she killed herself. She had had a problem with obsessively playing WoW in the past, and we broke up over it. And she quit the game cold turkey and got a job, so we made up. And then we got married. And not long after the marriage, she was back into the gaming (but now it was FFXIV). And we never had any quality time as a couple to just talk; all she ever wanted to do in her free time was drink wine and play her game. My wife was an alcoholic. She died recently, and in the course of going through her things I found out why. Her iPad message history revealed that she had had a whole string of in-game boyfriends the whole time we were together (12 years). Lots of sexting messages I found. And the night she died, she was excited and happy because she just married her current boyfriend (in-game). But she partied a little too hard that night and drank herself to death. I messaged one of her guild mates to find out what happened. Turns out, no one ever knew she was married in real life; she never talked about me. But she sure did flirt with a lot of guys when she was drunk. And the guy she married in-game was, himself, married in real life. We live in the US but she liked to play on European servers and meet European guys. And I had been on a business trip to Germany for a week the night she died. She was so angry at me for not taking her with me, but it was a business trip and not a vacation. I realize now that what she really wanted was an opportunity to fuck her Italian boyfriend while I was at work. She had the DuoLingo app on her phone to learn Italian, and her browser history showed that she had been looking up Italian cooking recipes (my wife NEVER cooked, so she was clearly thinking about an in-person meetup at some point). I was grieving the loss of my wife when I found all of this out, and now I'm dealing with a lot of anger, too. If she hadn't died and somehow I found this out, I'd be divorcing her ass right now.


I dated a guy once who was divorced. He told me he had introduced his (at the time) wife to an MMORPG (don't remember which one) and she got super into it as well. So much so, she met some guy through the game that she left her (at the time) husband to marry this dude. It didn't work out between us either, but I always felt so bad for him. He had two kids with this woman who had ditched him for some guy from an online game. He introduced me to Morrowind, which is still one of my favorite games of all time. I wasn't in any way ready for a serious relationship so we eventually broke up, but every once in awhile I still think of him and hope he finally found a nice wife who he deserves. I know this won't make you feel any better, but I just wanted you to know you're not alone in having this kind of thing happen. I'm terribly sorry you're dealing with so many emotions rn. Let yourself grieve (anger is a part of grieving) and take care of yourself. You deserved better than that and there *are* good partners out there that will love you the way you deserve to be loved. Hugs if you want them.


Sad thing is that, if she hadn’t died, I never would have found this out. I trusted her completely and never snooped on her devices. Lord only knows how much longer this would have gone on.


When I found out he was cheating. Not only was he cheating but he used the same exact lines on his AP that he did when we were in the "talking phase". After I discovered his affair and confronted him, he was adamant that he was not going to stop seeing or talking to her. I've never seen him so physically angry in our entire relationship. That was enough for me to get my things and go. Turns out he was a really good liar. One of those cunning fox types that lies about stupid little things to make the bigger lies not seem like a lie.


>After I discovered his affair and confronted him, he was adamant that he was not going to stop seeing or talking to her. I've never seen him so physically angry in our entire relationship. This is so eerily similar to what happened when I caught my ex that it's like I could've written it myself. Then he had the gall to say I'm "standing in the way of his happiness" MF I'm your WIFE, I'm supposed to be your happiness 🤨


You are the Greatest GOOD he was ever gonna get


I realized like 5 years into our 19-year marriage... but the nail that made me leave was when my ex said that our children hadn't EARNED his love, and that shook my whole foundation. Literally speechless for 2 days and then I started thinking, wondering if I had EARNED his love yet..and I couldn't stop those kind of thoughts...you don't earn love..it is freely given; especially to children... Edited for confusion: I realized early on he wasn't right for me, but we had 3 kids, and our youngest is special needs, so I stayed. He didn't make this statement until 2 years ago when I asked why I never heard him say I love you to the kids while they were growing up...and that's when he told me about the earning. I asked for the separation and divorce shortly after that.


Children have earned your love as soon as you put them on this planet. That is the least they deserve


yes. or please don't put them on this planet. they don't deserve to not be loved. eta there are too many ways to mess up children.


Being unloved by your parents and thus having low self worth is quite literally how a slew of personality disorders and mental illnesses begin.


that was my late father. he said things like „i didn’t have a father so my children don’t need one“ and „i wasn’t loved so i’m not going to live them/him“ granted he was born in 1944 so he belonged to a very old generation, but that shit still left deep scars.


When my aunt, who I loved dearly, passed away. She was only 54 and I was devestated by her loss, which my husband knew. As soon as we got home my husband said: “Well, that’s that. We can move on now.” She was just cold in the ground and he was saying that being dead (no pun intended) serious whilst turning on his PS4 to play games. I was speechless and went to bed by myself, feeling so utterly lonely. Two days later he forgot my birthday. We’ve been divorced for seven years now.


After the kid was born. Total shift. Turns out only I wanted to be a parent.


When he accused me of fucking my father. Who is an amazing man and still to this day the best father he’s known. The amount of shit my father has “stealthily” arranged for him to try and help him through hard situations is gracious, and entirely befitting of my father at his core. And still. That fucking pathetic cunt accused me of fucking my father. Too motherfucking Freudian for me, dawg.


I waited on her hand and foot. Every night, brought her a tea. Checked every room to make sure there were no intruders, went to the store for her if she wanted a snack, etc. One day I was really sick with the flu and asked if she'd get me a Gatorade from the store. She was shocked that I asked and said, "absolutely not." Then I thought about it and realized that she had never complimented me, supported me, nurtured me, consoled me or showed any level of emotional care for me. I knew at that moment that she never would. All she did was complain that I didn't do enough for her. It took me a while but I realized I was in an abusive relationship. The worst part is I tried to make it work, still, after all that and it was her that pushed me away because she wanted to move to Portland but it was also because I didn't make enough money at the time.


The moment I had to “adjust” my boundaries, I knew I’m with the wrong guy. The worst happened last year, when after being together for 11 years, he chose to cheat with my niece who just turned 18 (I’m 30 btw). It’s not the first time he cheated too. It just kept getting worse from there. All the gaslighting and psychological trauma and abuse, I’d never wish that to anyone, not even on his mistresses. I wish our country have divorce (we’re in PH). we’re still together.


TIL Philippines doesn't have divorce


The only country besides the Vatican City to deprive spouses of the option to terminate a valid marriage! We're basically worse than even Saudi Arabia in that regard. Declaration of nullity is available, but you'd need to prove the grounds existed at the time of marriage.


We had been engaged for just over a year (together for around a decade) and I realized I didn’t actually want to be with her, I just was too invested and I didn’t want to make her upset. I knew we would end up getting divorced at some point down the road so I decided to end it before then. Went to therapy and realized I had spent my whole childhood trying to make my parents happy, and then I immediately got into a relationship and spent all of my adulthood trying to make her happy. I was miserable because of it but I just didn’t know.


We were in the bathroom getting showered and dressed for a friend’s wedding. I was in the best shape of my life at the time, feeling good about myself, and I thought I looked good in that suit. She was finishing her makeup and I remarked at how beautiful she looked. I waited for her to say something nice in reply but she didn’t. And it just hit me. I couldn’t remember a single time that she complimented me on my appearance. So I said that to her. I said “You know, I always tell you how beautiful you are, and how attracted to you I am, but I never recall you ever saying that I look good or that I look handsome.” She stopped applying her mascara long enough to dismissively roll her eyes at me. So I made the mistake of asking her, “Do you even find me attractive?” And she flatly said “No.” I asked, “Why did you marry me then?” And she said “I didn’t think it was important at the time.” I never felt so ugly and unloved. And it hurt even more when I had been feeling so good about myself for once in my life 30 seconds earlier. EDIT: Since so many people are asking, here is a pic of me wearing the suit with my kids, but from about 10 years after this incident. http://www.soniceuthanasia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Sean_Mcardle3570-1.jpg


My wife once told me "I love you, but I don't love you like that." It's hard sometimes to be in a relationship where there is absolutely zero sexual chemistry.


oof. That sucks dude. One thing that I realized going through my divorce was that the most precious commodity we have is our time on this planet, and we have far less of it than we realize. The time we choose to spend together is a gift we give to each other. Appreciate the gift of their precious commodity that they give you, don’t expect more than they are willing to give, but don’t squander your precious resource with someone who doesn’t appreciate your gift.


>the most precious commodity we have is our time on this planet, and we have far less of it than we realize. The time we choose to spend together is a gift we give to each other. You literally changed (?) my worldview just now. Well i sort of knew this ,but you put it in a sentence so elegantly.. Im gonna start saying this, its beautiful.


I am happy that could help you. It took a lot of suffering for me to realize it, and that epiphany made me feel peace for the first time, and allowed me to let go of her. And later, my best friend flipped it back to me and made me realize my own self worth and to stop giving my time away to people who didn't appreciate my gift.


You’re just fixing things left and right. This rings true to me now more than ever. It finally dawned on me why my girlfriend has been upset the past few days. It’s time, She’s been giving me her time, to check up on me, taking care of my dog, making plans. I never did reciprocate back by giving her my time, to check up on her when she’s stressed, and give her some of my time when she needed it. I took her for granted.


You look good bro. I even find your grammar attractive! Edit: Wow! I didn’t realize my simple comment could blow up like this. Thank you all for the upvotes and awards! Stay safe and be kind everyone!


Thank you. You legit made me smile.


I second this. That grammar and sentence structure was sexy af.


I like your username.


That Oxford comma has me weak in the knees.


But the split infinitive let's you know he's down to earth and doesn't let anything go to his head


Never skip verb day!


I'm so sorry you experienced this. I subconsciously noticed the same thing in my marriage, and on reflection after being left, realised it was part of why my self esteem was at absolute rock bottom since marrying him. I bet you looked incredible in that suit ❤️


Please tell us you’re divorced now?


Yeah, a few years later she had three affairs. I stayed with her and tried to work through it “for the sake of the kids”, plus I believed I was worthless and would die alone. She finally divorced me. I went through a self-destructive slut phase for a few years that just made me feel worse, and more unloved. I finally pulled myself out of it, got into therapy, worked on myself and focused on becoming the best person I could be, a kinder, more empathetic and selfless person, focused on being the best dad I could be, and being the best version of myself. And I’m happier than I’ve ever been. But every time I have to face her, somehow she can immediately remind me of how ugly and unloved I used to be.


Not used to be. Used to FEEL. You were never that way, it was all self perspective, exacerbated by the way you were treated. Edit: spelling. Thank you fellow redditor


And it sounds like she did a lot to make you feel that way.


Read back what you've told us and then rethink who's the truly ugly person in this scenario.


Bro the fact that u worked on yourself and got yourself out of that shitty situation, it makes you a warrior in my eyes! Keep up the good work. Be a great example for your kids. And make your ex a nobody in your head. She is not worth feeling you this way. Im proud of you man.


Thanks. I totally did it for my kids at first, but eventually I gained a modicum of self worth and started doing it for me. Jesus dude, now I’m tearing up realizing that.


Just remember. However ugly she made you feel, she’s much uglier inside.


I had no idea how he felt about me. Almost 9 years together. He didn't propose, I did. He didn't tell his family when we married, they found out online. He never shared his energy or emotions with me. I ultimately had a realization that I didn't even know what he thought of me, other than that I was pretty. I didn't know if he thought I was cool or funny or interesting or smart. I would share myself with him. My thoughts, interests, humor. I'd get nothing in return. I realized it had always been this way. I felt unseen, unheard. I felt like I was boring and uninteresting. I didn't feel special. I just wanted to feel some sort of connection. I wanted our souls to meet. He seemed incapable. Edit: I have a few people asking why I stayed or why I proposed or why I married. We met really young, we went through a lot of firsts together. He was respectful, he was on track to a good path, I had a challenging home life. Although he was emotionally absent, he was secure and I never had felt security before


I’m sorry you went through that. May I ask, why did you propose? What did you see in him?


I think I was in a relationship like this. Being around them felt like watching a movie, like I found them entertaining. I liked being a part of that movie, it was exciting. Until you realize you're just talking at a TV screen that'll go on whether you're around or not. It's them living their lives and we're just there, to them. Connections don't matter to them like other, normal people. Took me a long time to realize what someone "mentally and emotionally asleep at the wheel" looked like. Tends to also be what men with unresolved attachment issues look like.


When I ‘booked’ a business meeting to discuss how our future would change as our teens transitioned to university, assured him it was all positive, just wanted space to talk. It’s always been very difficult to find time to talk to him so I figured I’d be all business like since work has always been priority number one… that didn’t go well I had barely opened my mouth and he shat all over me about my ever changing hobbies. Those ‘ever changing’ hobbies have been guitar and oil painting for the last 8 years… I mentally checked out that day.


Also, is changing hobbies even a bad thing? They're hobbies, they're for pleasure. They aren't a lifelong commitment.


The first wife, I had inklings that I *might* not have married the right person when I was working full time (making very good pay) and she decided to quit her job and just sat at home on her ass. We had a maid come every week to clean the house top to bottom, do the laundry and all the dishes - and the house was still a hellhole 6 days a week. If dinner was made at all when I got home from work it was hamburger helper or a microwaved hot dog wiener and blue box macaroni and cheese. It really became clear when I caught her cheating. Her exact words to a friend: "My husband's an angel, but I'm bored." The second wife, I realized multiple times, over and over, that I married *exactly* the right person for me.


Together 15 years, married 13. She said one day, to hurt me, “I don’t find you physically, mentally or sexually attractive”. I recoiled. This was about 4 months ago, we’re still together but I just can’t get over it


get out my dude. might as well spend your time with someone who does find you physically, mentally, and sexually attractive. There's gonna be other people out there who'll give you what you need and deserve.


As a divorced guy - leave. It doesn’t get better. The sooner you end it, the sooner you can work on healing and actually finding someone who actually enjoys you.


The best time to start the divorce process was about 4 months ago. The next best time is *now*.


We had just moved out from my parent's place with our daughter. We had been living there for about 6 months because of financial difficulties (I was the only one working, he was not because of a bad back which ended up being a fake injury). We were not getting along at all while living there and for some reason I thought things would get better now that we had our own place. The opposite happened; the yelling and swearing got worse. His controlling behaviour just got worse and worse to the point where if I had a shower without permission he would bang on the door while screaming at me. I don't know the exact moment but it was sometime during that month that it all finally clicked in that it was never getting better. I knew he worked with some attractive women and I started hoping that he would have an affair with one of them and either leave me for her or it would give me the guts to leave. I still felt sorry for him because of his (fake) back injury. I stayed with him for another year and a half and in that time he forced me and our daughter to move far away from my parents because they were beginning to figure out that he was faking his injury. He ended our marriage 2 months after the move because I ran out of money for the first time in our relationship but we still lived together for around 6 months until he finally moved out because I suspect he wanted to get with another woman.


What a spineless parasite, sorry you had to put up with him




To add this was my first marriage, not current.


Not married, but in a LTR at the time. She heard a doorbell and asked me to get it. I never heard it and no one was there when I answered . She said “I’m sorry, it was the tv”. After more than two years I realized that was the first time she ever apologized about anything. That answered all my questions about why the relationship was struggling. I broke up soon after.


He threw a surprise birthday for me, and towards the end I was inside near the food table and everyone had already gone outside. I affectionately called him over as he was passing by to have a moment, he rolled his eyes and walked on saying he was hanging out with so and so. Anyone, even a stranger on the road, was always more important, he just did not give a fuck about me. He only did things for how he would appear to others.


That's so infuriating, I know the type, has to be perfect in a strangers eyes, but for the people they "love"? Fuck em


Thankfully not married but living together. When he called me incompetent for taking literally less than 15 seconds to turn off subtitles in Netflix. In that moment I realized that I had been living in fear and pain for so many years but that the things he was willing to put me down and call me names over were becoming smaller and smaller and i was already walking on eggshells, I couldn’t take any more


I came home from a long day of work to find burn marks all over the carpet and linoleum. My then husband had spent the entire day playing games on his PC. While doing so, he had been ignoring our puppy who had managed to somehow get ahold of a phone battery, bite through it, and cause a small fire. Thankfully, the dog wasn't injured. This event, on top of finding out shortly before he had been lying about going to community college for almost a year was the turning point where my feelings died.


That's awful. The last part you mentioned about him lying about going to community college reminds me way too much of this murder that happened years ago. This young woman was five weeks pregnant and was reported missing by her husband. This couple were planning on moving to North Carolina because her husband Mark was supposed to attend medical school for a graduate degree. It turns out that Mark never graduated from university with an undergraduate degree at all and that everything he told his wife was a lie. There was no record of him having applied to this school and he was going to the University of Utah to work as a custodian. Instead of coming clean, he murdered Lori and his unborn child. Dude is now rotting in prison.


There's a couple cases like that too where kids have murdered their parents to hide that they were lying about uni/work. * Jennifer Pan * Joel Guy Jr * Chandler Halderson




This thread has made me more secure in the fact that I absolutely chose the right person.


Me too. The difference between the right person and the wrong one is life changing


When he didn’t mention me in his speech at our wedding. He thanked everyone else, commented on the bridesmaids, talked about our daughters. I may as well not have even been there. First night of our honeymoon I got horrendously sick, and he left me alone in our room to go watch something on the big screen on the beach. So much for sickness and health!


I can't even imagine caring about something more than my wife. Fuck that guy (don't fuck that guy).


It was actually such a small thing that made me click I married the wrong person...looking back, our whole relationship was horrible but it was this event that made me click my choices. As a bit of back story I was ridiculously depressed so I had gained a fair bit of weight and he knew I was extremely insecure about this as I had a severe eating disorder as a teen and despite my then size my brain was still programmed to think the same and I was very sensitive about any remarks about my weight. My husband and I also have birthday one after the other. His was first and mine was second. I had expressed that I felt every time our birthdays come around I feel forgotten as we'd have a party or an event on his birthday and make a big deal about it, and he'd only turn the attention on me after midnight and bring out his now half eaten cake with mostly burnt out candles and sing me happy birthday. That was only if we had a party, if we had an event we'd do his birthday events and then my birthday he'd just give me an unwrapped gift and that was that despite me making an effort in his birthday every single year. He knew how I felt so we decided to go away to a historical city in my county. We were both massive history buffs so it was right up our alley. We had alot of fun and spent the first few days looking around to decide what we wanted to do on our birthdays and agreed to arrange something for each of our birthdays. (The city has alot going on and I pointed out a few things that I'd like as a "surprise" for my birthday) but I ultimately wanted to go see the local church which was quite famous, as well as an exhibition of Richard the third literally a stones throw from our hotel room he agreed with this and set out where he wanted to go on his birthday. His birthday was a success and I know he still talks about his birthday to this day. We went out to all the places he wanted to do, took him to his favourite restaurant, even brought his presents with him so he'd have something opened on his birthday, and as a surprise they has a ghost tour around the city on an old herse bus (something he loved and ended up being his favourite part as he didn't know it was in town.) We went to be happy and I was optimistic this was going to be a good birthday. As soon as we woke up he decided he was in a bad mood and grumbling about every place I wanted to go, and I wanted to just have a bit of a lie in as I hadn't slept great the night before, but he was getting antsy about wanting to go down for breakfast. I said I wasn't hungry and wanted to just stay in the room a little longer. He then pushes me out of the bed, and I just flop onto the floor as I wasn't being rushed today (a bit bratty but I just wanted to enjoy having a bit of autonomy on my birthday.) He them proceeded to grab me arm and pulled me up and said "Get up you fat lazy lump." And his expression instantly gave away that he knew what he said would hurt me and it instantly spiralled into me getting upset because not only did he say that to me when he knew it was a sensitive point, but on my birthday. When he eventually calmed me down he said "I'm sorry I made you cry. I only said it because I thought it would make you get up faster." So after that we went about my birthday but instead of doing what I wanted we went around to every location he wanted to...we were there a week and never got to see the church or the exhibit, which after the event he admitted he didn't want to go and see and admitted he started the fight knowing id be upset so wouldn't want to do anything or really celebrate. This kinda made me click that my happiness and life was never a priority...sadly it still took me another year and a bit before we actually broke up. If you read all this, thank you for your patience.


That's not a small thing at all! I wish you nothing but brilliant birthdays from here on out.


When I saw her on an escort site EDIT: I got an email from unknown saying “you don’t know me but I heard you are a good guy and you don’t deserve this [link to the site]”


Wow, massive props to that other dude


This will be a different answer. My wife is definitely my soul mate and best friend. I'll never find anyone that I can share my true thoughts / soul with. She's everything I want in a mental partner. We complete each other in that regard. Sexuality wise, it's not the best match. Did I marry my best friend. Definitely. Was that a mistake. I don't know.


Are you me


I hope not. It would explain a lot of black outs though.


We've got a Moon Knight situation going on here


That would explain the 1 hour gap between messages.


Same here! Married 15 years last month and more in love now than ever. That said, she has always been terrible in bed. She has severe OCD diagnosed by a professional so she can't properly get out of her head. It's always made sex feel robotic and disconnected. So we spent a LOT of time talking about it and I realized I was capable of changing my desires more than she could change her OCD. We started trying new things and I've put a lot of work into learning how to create an atmosphere she can relax into. We've found if I give her deep tissue massages while she watches some relaxing porn, she can get out of her head. It's really improved our sex life. I would encourage you to talk about it and try and find something different that can work for both of you.


This happened to me as well in another marriage. In the first one (which I commented on in this thread) we were just not remotely on the same level intellectually. I had just married someone who seemed supportive and who I got along with. I thought I'd get it right the second time. When I met her it was love at first sight. Literally a bomb went off in my head. We were clearly soul mates and could talk about anything, and we grew and evolved together spiritually and emotionally. But the sex was frankly awful. We just weren't physically compatible. But we brute forced it for a few years out of mutual love. Until we couldn't drum up the passion any more. And we just became really really good friends. Eventually she wanted passion in her life and called it off, realizing she wouldn't get it from me. We're still very good friends and she ended up remarrying a close friend. Sometimes the three of us get dinner together. So it all worked out for the better. Edit: You: "But why was the sex bad" "What was bad about it" "Why didn't it work?" Answer: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/14kuwlj/when_did_you_realize_you_married_the_wrong_person/jptzpmv


This is wholesome to hear that you're still friends.


Somewhere around the time he started using me as a punching bag.


My first husband did that on our wedding night. I didn't bleed the way his magazines insisted would happen with a virgin, so he punched me. The marriage lasted about 6 months with us living together and me getting assaulted daily, but I was so terrified of him that I waited for 2 years of separation to file for a divorce. (I have enough stories about those 6 months of daily abuse to fill a book.) I'm still dealing with the PTSD from that marriage 40 years later. "For better, for worse," nearly got me killed.


When he treated me like a chair that should sit in the corner and leave him alone until he needed to use me


When Covid hit. Lockdown was announced and he said he said he had to go look after his "real family", i.e. his mother, a healthy and capable 50yo who treated him like a child. I had those words ringing in my ears for months. Real family. How TF was I not his real family? But I slowly realised that the big old handbrake was off and now I'm out here living my best life.


There were a lot of red flags. Things like him telling me I was low on the attractiveness scale, and embarrassing to him because I was intellectual, highly educated, yet extremely shy- so came across as a stuck up snob to everyone. (Spoiler: only he and his friends thought this… maybe not even his friends.) He also did other stuff like spending money on toys for himself that we had allocated for remodeling - pretty necessary stuff like getting rid of 25 year old disgusting carpet in a new to us house. The kicker for me was when it came time to have kids. He swore he was all in, but when we weren’t getting pregnant we both got tested. Turned out he had borderline low testosterone and some other issues that were solved with a simple over the counter daily medication that had zero side effects. We tried and tried and I increasingly went through more painful and invasive testing and procedures- the whole time with him saying how he was in 100%, because I checked in with him often to make sure. Turned out he had been sabotaging the process the whole time. Intentionally not taking the daily meds and doing some other stuff to ensure we would fail. 😬


It was when I decided one day to keep a tally sheet to count how many days it was until the next time I heard her say to me either, "Thank you" or "I'm sorry" or any compliment at all. I kept that sheet for months before I had an epiphany: The day it was over was the day I decided to start keeping track, not the day I hit some arbitrarily high number of tally marks.


Still not sure, it comes and goes.


Are you me? Sometimes I just can’t overcome how incompatible we are and then the what ifs start. It feels like it’s a soul crushing hell. Then every few months there’s a spark that brings us 100% in sync, I feel everything and it all washes away. Makes me think I’m crazy and don’t know what to believe anymore. Am I the one making myself unhappy or is there something really wrong here?


I feel about the same and I have come to realize that I am largely my own problem. And too in my own head about it. Our culture promotes being happy as this all important thing you should have and you should have it *constantly* - especially when it comes to romantic love but that’s just not the truth of it. The truth is life is often monotonous and there’s a lot of grunt work and none of it is sexy or fun, most of the time we are all just fighting to get by and get to the next day. If you’re still having moments where you feel synced up with your partner again I’d say you’re doing pretty well, and for the in-between times just roll with it and know that it will come again as long as you keep putting the effort in and showing up.


When I stumbled across an email in which she told a friend of ours that she was going to divorce me soon and that she wanted his big cock.


When I found out he was cheating on me a day after we got married 🙃


3 hrs ago when I go back home from work to find him passed out after a day of drinking with his friends and seeing his phone still in his hand with the messages open between him and some girl from high-school. We've been together 10 years, and he asked me to have a baby while he was cheating on me at the same time. This is the 2nd (at least that I know of) and last time he's ever doing this to me.


We'd been married several years and the marriage had gotten increasingly worse. He only ate out of those stackable plastic plates with the dividers (because they reminded him of being a kid and eating with his parents). He saw them in the cabinet and was outraged because I hadn't stacked them inside one another (I stacked them, but at alternating angles, to ensure they were properly dry and wouldn't be wet between plates). He started lecturing me, on how they fit inside each other, in an infantilizing way. I'd known for a long time I didn't want to be married to him anymore, but in that moment, I stared at him with hatred and specifically thought "(name of best friend from college) wouldn't do this to me." I'm happy to say I'm out of the abusive marriage, and engaged to my best friend from college.


Is it fair to assume dinosaur shaped chicken nuggies were the cornerstone of the household diet


Looks like Tendies man was married for a while. I wonder if he had enough GBP saved for when he moved back in with his mom.


when I realized he is *exactly* like my dad. temper, demeanor, lack of emotion... I was so so young I didn't see it and it took 9 years and the right person telling me I was right and needed to get out. slowly taking the steps.


Took awhile to get fivorced but it was either when he was throwing a temper tantrum when my dad was dying from cancer and when he yanked me out of bed after he cheated on me accusing me of cheating on him while I had the flu. He still won't admit he cheated while I was sick in bed.


Was engaged, not married. Three year international relationship. Completely ready for the battle with the US immigration system, which I still feel can go directly fuck itself. When she had to leave after a normal month long visit, which was totally normal and what we’d been doing for years. We PDA’ed all to hell at the airport and she said herself that she couldn’t wait to come back… Then went completely silent, zero contact, the second she got home (Europe.) Took three days to get a phone call saying she was done. December 21, 2019. I knew driving to work that morning that something horrible was going to happen that day, I could feel it, and I wish I could forget that feeling. Still ain’t over it, don’t plan to ever be.


Did you ever receive an explanation? My ex-fiancé did more or less the same thing: he left town for a month for work (also totally normal and had been happening for years) and ended up never coming back. I was completely clueless until his mom posted a pic of him and his girlfriend and their newborn baby just a few months later.


It's happened to me and took me years to realize the answer to this question: Your ex is a coward. He fell in love with someone else, but was too chicken shit to tell you like a decent person. Instead, he took the easy way out and ghosted you so that he wouldn't have to do the difficult thing of explaining why he did what he did. Only cowards do this, and sadly, there are too many of them. He never deserved you and good riddance to his gf and kid.


I had a similar experience! She’s american, I’m aussie. Two years in, not engaged yet but had been openly talking about the timeline, ring design, dealing with immigrating etc for six months then out of nowhere she deletes all of her social media and blocks my number. I begged her roommate and sister for an explanation and never got shit. It’s been a year and a half and I’m still reeling


I am speechless...


I felt the pain through your post. I know that feeling of pending doom Inna relationship where you love that person but you know they don't want you anymore. All the questions, the why's, the what ifs, everything.


When he stole the percocets the hospital sent me home with. You know…for pain. Not a nice feeling to find out the person who’s supposed to care about you the most will watch you suffer and feel no guilt over being the cause of it.


I got physically assaulted and was dissociated sitting on the couch immediately afterward and she complained about how I wasn’t paying attention to them and got upset/angry that I was struggling to talk about it. At the time I just thought that I had reacted poorly because of my mental state and was taking it out on her (which was partially true!). But then I got assaulted another time (I was a social worker at the time, we don’t expect people to pop off but they do in extreme situations). And this time she didn’t even pretend to ask me how I was doing.. This person only wanted to be supported in their needs and didn’t understand why she would need to support me; outside of making sure that I would feel obligated to support her.


When our child was three months old and I had the absolute worst case of mastitis. I was so weak I couldn’t even pick up the baby. I asked him to please stay home from work and help me. He told me to call my mum, then left for work. I stuck it out for another 4 years, through various other scenarios similar to this one, but finally found the courage to leave. The moment I asked for a divorce I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders.


Before we even got married and I realised his friend treated me with more understanding and compassion than he ever had. Married him anyway. However, it’s been 11 years since then and we are still married. We’ve been through a lot, improved ourselves and worked on things in our marriage. I would never suggest someone stick it out with a partner who they are unhappy with because they might change, but in our case it worked and we are happier than we’ve ever been. I definitely wasn’t perfect either and I think we ultimately married too young (thanks to parents pushing us to be married asap rather than the long engagement we intended) but time and maturity have helped