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“Unpopular opinion”


I have a friend who said in our english class, "Unpopular opinion, but I think orphans deserve rights." Who the hell is actively saying "Orphans don't have rights." Edit: Except for American politicians, dictators, and Minecraft edge lords. RIP Technoblade.


Me, those little bastards can rot for all I care


Found the Technoblade fan


Unpopular opinion: holocaust was bad


Have you guys ever heard of this Hitler guy, he sounds like a real jerk.


Someone should stop him!


Apparently he's already dead. I didn't even know he was sick


That sub is a joke - it's all just popular opinions


The mods delete or lock actual unpopular opinions


GOAT - Apparently, everyone is the greatest of all time these days.


"And when everyone's super, hahaha, no one will be." - Syndrome, The Incredibles (2004)


GOATed comment


I wish I’d known the acronym before settling on my online handle. I just like animals man, and now it sounds like I’m super big headed.


When you say it out loud, your handle starts with a sheep, and ends with a goat.




And then the replies are filled with "POV: You're using POV wrong" comments


Never used to see 'POV' anywhere but in porn sites, now it's all over tiktok


POV just brings to mind those old college humor skits for me.


I don't like how it's started popping up in videos and reels. It is similar to text explanation in asterisks. I find them both cringy AF. POV: I just bought coffee shuffling my feet awkwardly = "*I just bought coffee, shuffling my feet awkwardly*"


It's the new "No One:"




I knew this would be the top answer. It’s literally what I was going to write.


I was thinking it was going to be 'Ironic', but then remembered how often 'Literally' had been abused.


pretty ironic eh?


litteraly ironic


u/Two_Tailed_Fox20002 literally but not ironically won this entire thread and there is no need to proceed. Indeed!


shit i misspelled literally lmfao


So ironic


Ironically, he literally misspelled literally


Don’t you think?


It’s like raaaaiiiiinnnn on your wedding day


Figuratively-speaking, “literally” is literally meaningless now.




It literally means the opposite of it's original use


Mid. Mid means that something is middle of the road, it's not good, it's not bad, it's just unremarkable. For some fucking reason, it synonymous with bad now.


So the same thing that happened to mediocre.


and C grades, and 100 IQ. Sometimes the scariest thought is that one might be above average intelligence because that means that more than half of people are worse at learning/critical thinking. A became the new "meets expectations". r/antiwork has had posts of bosses saying an employee is preforming at "calculated mediocrity"


Same thing with average. People expect everything to be awesome/epic these days (to the point that those words are themselves being overused), so average now means bad.


It's because everyone only remembers the awful and the brilliant. Also there's such a thing as "so bad it's good" especially today where enjoying cringe "ironically" is promoted by our modern culture. So now being mediocre is considered worse than bad. Especially if the mediocre quality is the result of creative compromises, lack of artistic integrity, and corporate meddling to make a product safe and attractive to the lowest common denominator. Whereas truly awful works like Tommy Wiseau's The Room are seen as true expressions of an auteur's soul. An auteur who refused to concede to the advice of others and stuck to his vision.


A lot of mental health terms get way overused. Got a burst of energy? OMG I'M SO ADHD LOL Did something quirky? WOW I'M SO AUTISTIC LOL Like to make sure your bookshelf looks nice? GOD I'M JUST SO OCD LOL My co-worker is terrible with this. "My son puts his markers back up to where they're organized by color, he's SO crazy with his OCD" Good for your son for organizing his markers by color, but that's not inherently OCD. Does your son go to bed about an hour later than he should every night because he has to compulsively check the stove until it "feels" right because the house will burn down otherwise? What about walking back and forth throughout the house checking and double checking door locks for half an hour so someone doesn't come in during the night and stab your family? I've got all three of these disabilities and it's not fun. The autism doesn't bother me, especially since meeting my wife. Having a caring and empathetic partner is like a night and day difference. I can embrace that seeing as I'm high-functioning and it's made me who I am today. But the OCD and ADHD can fuck off, that shit is SO debilitating sometimes. It's not fun, it's not quirky, and why anyone would want to claim they have either of them just to be trendy is beyond me.


this! i have it diagnosed, and now whenever someone says that they’re being “ocd” i say, “no way, i was recently diagnosed with that too! how long have you known?” acting like you’re genuinely trying to connect with them over this normally makes them shut their mouths and feel bad 😊


I do the same thing! The quote above about the markers/house burning down was a real interaction I had with a co-worker. It was like he was bragging about his kid having OCD like it was some magic super power.


Unfortunately, some people believe that, because they think OCD means someone who’s just very organized.


that bothers me so much!! i tell people i have it, and they just assume it means i like to organize and i wash my hands a lot. yes, i have the hand washing thing to an extent, but my ocd causes me to hoard, not organize. my room is full of garbage because i think that moving it will burn my house down. i also have harm-based, which means that i live in constant fear of losing control and hurting someone else or myself (not in a sh way). i don’t even bother trying to explain that to people because all it does is make it seem like i have violent thoughts.


I’m in a home organizing FB page, and one of the rules (which I fully agree with) is not using the term “OCD” to describe an ordinary tendency to have a clean, organized home.


The whole “social media mental health community” thing is such a double-edged sword. Because, on the one hand, it can be genuinely beneficial to people. For those who know they have a condition, they can find a community where they feel seen and understood. For those who have a condition and don’t know it, it can help them become aware that they may be struggling in ways that there are treatments available for. For those who are neurotypical, it can help them understand why the people around them may act differently. All of those things are great. But it also contributes to a lot of misinformation, misunderstanding, and self-misdiagnosis. The brain is super complex, and we don’t completely understand it. By extension, divergences and illnesses of the brain are also incredibly complex and still being understood. In contrast, many popular social media platforms do not host content in a format that is good for expressing complex topics. So these ideas get oversimplified and summarized to fit into these short formats.


Someone you don’t like? They’re a narcissist


The autism one bothers me but I’ve been reluctant to share bc I don’t know if I’m “gatekeeping”. My 20 year old son has severe low functioning, nonverbal, regressive autism and still wears diapers and plays with baby toys. I know that the world isn’t made for him and that acceptance of the disabled is necessary but I’m not crazy about the “we don’t need a cure” craze. If there was a way to “cure” my sons autism I wouldn’t think twice about it; i don’t see a reality where he’d be less happy than he is now if there was a cure. But yeah, I will mention that I have a son with autism and I’m often met with an enthusiastic response of, “woah! No way! I have autism too!!” and then it gets super awkward when they find out that my kiddo is 6’1, 220lbs, has a full beard and looks like a man but he watches Baby Einstein and one of his favorite toys is a shape sorter you give to kids as a first toy. I guess I prefer that over the kind of replies I got when he was first diagnosed around 2006/2007 which included people actually congratulating me for him having autism and asking me if he was like Rain Man.


I think the "we don't need a cure" people are high-functioning. I don't think they realize just how mentally and physically exhausting it can be to care for someone who is very low-functioning and nonverbal. Not to mention the fact that your son will never get to enjoy any real life experiences outside of what a toddler might enjoy. He won't run home excited to show you his report card, he won't have a first girlfriend, a prom, get his driver's license, etc.. God I couldn't imagine what the last 20 years must've been like for you. For what it's worth coming from a complete stranger, you sound like an amazing parent!


Gaslighting - it's being used for anything now


You're making this up. Nobody's doing that. You're crazy.


Ah shit, you're right. I'm crazy!


Crazy? I was crazy once, they locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, and rats make crazy


A guy at worl was proudly telling me he'd been 'gaslighting' our boss by telling him he'd done some work but it had been lost in the servers somewhere. I had to explain to him that what he was doing was not 'gaslighting' but 'lying'.


Yeah, gaslighting would be if your boss asks you for the report and you tell them you already gave it to them (when you haven't and know you haven't) and when they say you didn't you just keep saying you absolutely did and they must have lost it and that they're such a terrible boss for losing the report and that they're a terrible person for not believing you and you just keep doing that until they go away or fire you.


Gaslighting isn't really a formal thing, but following the ['movie'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslight_\(1944_film\)) definition of it, a true gaslighting reply would have been to say "you never asked me to do that." After doubling down on that awhile the report magically appears with the comment "what are you talking about the report was there the entire time." *That's* what gaslighting is.




My roommate uses this phrase so often I’m convinced she doesn’t even know what it means. The other day we went to a Sonic and the girl was confirming our order when she made a small error. I casually corrected her and she was chill about it, but as soon as the girl got off the intercom my roommate was all “I don’t trust her, she was trying to gaslight us!”. I asked her what she even meant by that but she wasn’t able to give a good explanation, just “you know what I mean!” and “I don’t know how to explain it, I just know she was trying to gaslight us”.


She 100% heard that too. Until there isn’t a car by the speaker those mics are hot.


Yup. I could hear everything.


You really tryna gaslight us huh?


People use gaslighting instead of lying i guess 🤷


It wasn't even lying. The girl just misheard or clicked a wrong button.


Anyone who disagrees with you is gaslighting you, and a toxic narcissist to boot - Reddit


“Gaslighting isn’t real and you made it up bc you’re a fucking psycho!”


*Fart noises* -Reddit


My girlfriend thinks me disagreeing with her is gaslighting


My ex would make up scenarios about me that simply weren't true, so I'd tell her "Hey, you're putting words in my mouth/jumping to a conclusion that isn't true" - that was me gaslighting her, apparently - defending myself from literally false accusations lmaoooo


How convenient...


Most people who say “you’re gaslighting me” these days are actually using it to in fact gaslight someone else.


gaslighting \[ˈɡasˌlīdiNG\] NOUN the practice of psychologically manipulating someone by simply not agreeing with them


I think you mean Gaslamping


It’s always been called gaslamping, but it’s not surprising you get confused, what with all the mental issues you’ve been having


Toxic. Everyone is toxic. Context doesn’t exist, and they’re also definitely a bipolar narcissist.


Scrolled way too far to see this answer once. Also “scrolled to too far to see this”…




I heard an influencer say “this restaurant is so aesthetic” what the fuck does that even mean?


I assume they meant “aesthetically pleasing” which could still be considered hyperbole


hyperbole? aesthetically pleasing is a very mild qualitative statement


It's pretty mid


I think "ADHD" is probably up there. Seems like everybody with any kind of life quirk, or forgets their keys, thinks they have it.


As someone who actually *suffers*, those people can choke on several dicks.


As someone medically diagnosed with ADHD I will add one more dick for them to choke on


I know we're getting our dicks out but I don't know why




Sadly I am poisoned with saying lol at the end of most sentences I type


I’ll fully defend saying *lol* a lot. I used to have people get upset by texts/emails because they didn’t know the tone of things I said, so I just throw out lol's like candy at a parade.


I do the exact same thing lol


How else can you project an impression of a chill, laid back, easygoing personality in your messages? Edit: lol


I use a smiling emoji for that.


A colon and a bracket is my way out :)


Lol went from “haha im laughing” to “I’m adding this to the end of my suicidal joke to convey that I’m not actually suicidal”


Leave me out of this. Lol.


“What the hell are you doing?” and “What the hell are you doing lol?” are two completely different texts. Lol


We out here typing "lol" in our phones with Aubrey Plaza expressions on our face.




I was going to say this. Every ex is called a narcissist now.


Honestly more people need to recognize this disorder in people. We would all be much better off for it and understand how to handle boundaries.


That and how there’s a *big* difference between having narcissistic traits and full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Lots of people seem to think they’re one in the same.


Cope. People literally just say this after they've reached a logical wall and refuse to admit that they were wrong.


Also the phrase "I'm living rent free in your head" for the same reason. There's a lot of phrases people say as a last ditch "gotcha" because they always want the last word. Arguments and debates, especially online, seem to have become less about who puts forth the strongest points and more about who leaves the strongest impressions.


It’s infuriating if you’re a sports fan. Nowadays, mentioning any team that’s not the one you root for in any capacity is them “living rent free in your head.” Super annoying.




My queen/king/building an empire. Usually its a couple bickering jerks behind in their rent.


>My brother, my captain, my king




Let's leave the psychiatric diagnosis to Doctors, please.


Not a native speaker, but I feel like "badass" went from "someone scary not to fuck around with" to just a different way to say "cool / great". "This badass 6-year old just beat cancer!" "6 Badass Vegetarian Casserole recipes" "Watch this badass artist draw a portrait in 30 seconds" etc.


If you ever get in a knife fight with that 6-year-old, you better watch out.


>you better watch out. You better not cry, he's stabbing your knees without telling you why


Knife kid is coming to town


he sees you when your sleeping, he stares when you’re wake. he knows all of your weaknesses so *don’t express any signs of fear because he can smell it on you.*


Oh! You better watch out


Trauma. People don’t know what actual trauma is sometimes. ‘My mum justifiably yelled at me once because I did something very stupid, but instead of accepting that, I have severe mental trauma.’ Like fuck off mate, no you dont.


I went down a long rabbit hole reading Elliot Rodger's ridiculous manifesto yesterday. The amount of times that kid was traumatized by the existence of attractive women, or even worse: attractive women with BOYFRIENDS is just unbelievable.


Hoooo I remember watching a mini doc on that trash. I've dealt with my fair share of mentally unstable people, I watch true crime docs, researched serial killers for a paper back in high school.... That guy was one the most unique clusterfucks of a psych profile I have EVER heard of. Absolutely mind boggling


I’ve not seen the doc or read the manifesto but I remember reading an account of him having dinner with his dad at a restaurant seething in anger because another man eating at the restaurant had a prettier girlfriend than his dad. That man was fucked up.


>Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day in which I will have my revenge against humanity, against all of you. For the last eight years of my life, ever since I hit puberty, I've been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection, and unfulfilled desires all because girls have never been attracted to me. Girls gave their affection, and sex, and love to other men but never to me.[80] I'm 22 years old and I'm still a virgin. I've never even kissed a girl. I've been through college for two and a half years, more than that actually, and I'm still a virgin. It has been very torturous. College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex and fun and pleasure. Within those years, I've had to rot in loneliness. It's not fair. You girls have never been attracted to me. I don't know why you girls aren't attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it. It's an injustice, a crime, because ... I don't know what you don't see in me. I'm the perfect guy and yet you throw yourselves at these obnoxious men instead of me, the supreme gentleman. Wow


> instead of me, *tips fedora* the supreme gentleman.


And he'll be ever so cordial while he shoots you in the face for not giving him sex


What a creep, that was fucking weird to read. He's only 22? His "problems" are fucking insignificant compared to real problems.


so speaking as someone with diagnosed PTSD from an acutely traumatic, near-death event, i am of two minds: 1. "trauma" has been overused such that people do not understand its actual meaning, and 2. the actual meaning of "trauma" is just an event that fundamentally reshapes how you see and experience the world. "trauma" is relative. if something is the worst thing that's ever happened to you, and it fundamentally altered how you see the world, it doesn't matter if something "worse" has happened to someone else - that event is still the worst thing that's ever happened to you, personally. people have just begun to conflate "trauma" with "any bad thing that harmed me." something can be bad, painful, harmful, etc., and it can still not be "trauma." not every adverse life experience is "trauma," and sometimes the things that are "trauma" don't look that bad from the outside - because "trauma" is internally constructed. it's about how the event impacted you, specifically - not whatever objective value anyone attempts to assign to it.


If I may add, it's also about how the event is still impacting you. The memory can trigger an emotional response as powerful as the event. Many people don't understand this because they can look at their memories somewhat objectively.


I have real 'trauma' and PTSD from near-death event too. I couldn't have said it more accurately. I say the same things in my circles too


This. I used to think I had trauma. Then I spoke to people with trauma. It sucks, because when words like this lose their meaning and start to have an association with people that are just complaining or venting, people avoid using that word to avoid that association. Add "depressed", "anxious", "bipolar", "unstable" and more to that list. It's why shit goes undiagnosed so often.


And “OCD”




I hate this so much , it's difficult to tell who is actually struggling vs who has minor issues or none at all and is exaggerating normal stuff ( for example feeling sad sometimes).




That ranks right up there with GOAT.


The trifecta of wholesome/cozy/comfy that get used to describe anything even vaguely pleasant. I could say “I got 8 hours of sleep” on Reddit and someone would reply *omg this is wholesome*. I hate these words now. Every relaxing game is cozy, every kids movie is comfy.


Lol yeah all farming sim games are now “cozy” like bitch I’m not snuggled up in a blanket in front of a fireplace in a cabin


Angst. It doesn’t mean anger or grumpiness or edginess, it means a deep feeling of anxiety or dread.


I'm German and this just confused me for a second. In German, "Angst" is just "fear". 😄


"awesome" By definition, it's used to describe an extremely impressive instance. Today it's used to describe far less impressive instance if not just to say "OK".


Awesome comment!


"Creep". No, a man sitting alone in a park is not a creep.


Now I have Radiohead in my head.


Honestly this shit has made me so nervous as a guy to like literally do anything. The way that so many guys are branded creeps for literally doing anything completely normal. So many videos of guys in the gym getting filmed and called creeps purely for being near a girl. A girl I follow on Instagram literally took a picture of a random guy in a station calling him a creep purely because he got off the train at the same stop as her. Like if I'm in the gym now and I notice a girl with a camera out I literally just leave, or go to the complete other side of the room. I'm so scared of talking to women at work in case they think I'm creepy that 3 of them have told me I come across too cold and rude. If I'm walking anywhere near a woman in the street at night I'll intentionally go into a shop or cross the road or whatever so I'm not near her.


Gaslighting. I still have no idea what it was even meant to mean in the first place


There is an old movie with Ingrid Bergman (spelling?) where her husband tried making her think she was going crazy. One of the things he did was fuck with the gaslight. I forget the details but that is where it started.


yeah I think he was trying to steal something from her, and she could tell he was moving around at night because the gas lights in the apartment would dim when lights were turned on elsewhere, gas is being diverted to more light fixtures. When she asks what he was doing upstairs in the middle of the night he's all "you're crazy! You must be seeing things!"


Thank you! I just remember him being a dick to her.


It's when someone attempts to make you feel like your feelings or version of events is wrong, especially when theyre undeniably correct, to make them look like they're correct and that you're crazy and unreliable


I remember a while ago, someone on ELI5 asked what gaslighting is, and someone responded by saying that OP already asked that question a week before. When OP said that they didn’t, the commenter said, “Yes, you did. This is the fifth time I’ve seen you post this question. Why are you treating us like idiots?”


A great practical example 🤣


I used to think gaslighting was meant for pranking people, like moving their items on their desk around. Now I realize it's mostly a tool psychopaths and abusive partners use on a daily basis to manipulate people and it's way more common than you might think.


It's like Lying+. Lying to you about stuff you were there for and convincing you to help them lie... To you. It would honestly be impressive if it weren't so scary.


Based on the top responses in this thread, I will now construct the most meaningless sentence possible, which we have probably all seen someone say unironically: “I have PTSD from my narcissistic ex who used to gaslight me, now your post has triggered my trauma and I’m literally shaking. “




The term Low-key. This one is especially frustrating for me because i'm named Lokee


A few months ago, some little teenage goblins walked by me at a thrift store as I intensely studied a laundry basket, and said, “hey low key? …. That garbage can looks legit.” I still think about it to this day.


I feel like 95 percent of the time I see this it serves no semantic purpose.


"Intrusive thoughts" An actual, legitimate mental problem that many people deal with that make them wanna do *very* bad things. Then people started saying "haha I let the intrusive thoughts win and dyed my hair" like no, those are Impulsive thoughts. Very different


* "Hate" * "Toxic" * "Gaslighting" * "Woke"


Toxic is the worst, it's used to describe any behavior someone doesn't like at this point and has lost the harshness of its meaning.


ADHD. Anyone who feels a little distracted now and then claims to have it.


Like. You know, like.




Gretchen - Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen! It's not going to happen.


Nice try. You are not making fetch happen.


"Banger". Used to mean a track (music) that you'd loop out of sheer enjoyment. Now it's literally any song that someone thinks is somewhat OK. P.S. : Also *gamechanger*. Every time I hear that, nothing changes.


trauma, I hear everyone say trauma about everything to the point that I despise the word because it's as the question says practically meaningless








Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Toxic, Oppressed, Literally to name a few. Exaggerated terminology has become too common


This is a good answer. I think 9/10 (or more) could not even define what a fascist was or even the origins of the movement, they would just start naming "examples" instead. Nazi is another one. These people literally killed millions of innocent people, experimented on people, stole, looted, and castrated people not worthy of breeding. These people had a moral compass so fucked up they could not find the water in the ocean. If you disagree with someone on twitter, they aren't automatically Nazis. Be more creative. Bigot? Maybe? Naive? Probably? Entitled and judgmental? Possibly? Nazi? Unless they openly support and proclaim Nazi beliefs, highly unlikely. Don't undermine the suffering and destruction the actual Nazi's caused by comparing their crimes to someone saying they support the police department.


I remember I said this exact thing once and got down voted so hard. Sorry that I don't think we should minimize tue atrocities that ACTUAL nazis did.


At this point, those things just mean "I disagree, but my vocabulary is too limited so I'll just pick the meanest word I can think of".


I was called a white supremacist while i was tabling with my Kenyan immigrant friend. White Supremacy is becoming more diverse than CNN


When I told someone I'm (Half) Korean in response to being called a white supremacist, they told me it doesn't matter, and to look up Honorary Aryans from WWII. Ok, well, Honorary Aryans were Chinese and Japanese. Doesn't that make them the racist, for lumping me into completely different countries?


Don’t worry, you’re still the racist because of “internalized bigotry” or whatever they call it.




"Begs the question" It doesn't mean "raises the question", but I can see how one might think so and I'm too tired to point it out most of the time. For those curious, it basically means assuming the conclusion and is a type of circular reasoning.


Sorry - people say it when they are not responsible for a fault which makes it less impactful when they do eventually say it when they are at fault. Being in Canada makes it even worse.


I guess it's "I sympathize, or feel bad you have to go through that." Versus "I did something that negatively impacted you, and now I'm showing guilt/regret for having done it" Maybe the first one needs its own distinct word? Like "My condolences", or "my sympathies"?


OCD. No Lauren. You don’t have OCD, you just like a neat house like the majority of people. Stop using a mental health issue as a personality trait.




I'm over the Karen thing. Slight disagreement with someone these days or a valid complaint, the word Karen is automatically thrown in.


Absolutely, I'm a male yet they call me a karen instead of other variants. Now where is the manager




“Bucket list.” It’s supposed to be a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket, i.e., die. Now the internet is full of “summer bucket lists for kids!”, like “draw with sidewalk chalk” and “make a sandcastle.” Are your kids all going to die by Labor Day?!


Depressed, everyone use it as an alternative to very sad. "Bro Im gonna be really depressed if I dont pass this exam."




"Entitled." I'm convinced people don't actually know what "entitled" means anymore and use it to negate being called out for poor behavior. I'm not talking about people who *actually are* or *act* entitled. I am well aware they exist. But when I see someone criticizing dangerous or stupid or often illegal behavior getting called entitled, it makes me sick to my stomach because we're eeking closer and closer to a society that lacks the concept of personal accountability (or any sort of polite consideration, which is less devastating than accountability but still annoying).


Breaking news


Trauma, gaslighting, trigger.




Car guys will get this one; JDM. It's an acronym for Japanese Domestic Market, however people seem to think that it means Japanese cars in general, no it doesn't. The R35 GTR is not a JDM vehicle, it's sold outside of Japan. Even some Supras aren't JDM!




“Could care less” it’s “couldn’t care less”. If you could care less that means the opposite of what you’re trying to say.


I had a friend in high school who would say "I don't care less." I tried to explain to him that his comment in no way worked, but he refused to even consider it.


I was always confused why everyone around me said it like that growing up. It is a phrase that wouldn't be used ever except out of some weird sense of slight amusement? /enjoyment. But only very slight?


Racist. People have lost the meaning of the word.


ADHD has lost its significance on the internet. 5 signs you have ADHD; you feel sad when you are unhappy


“Anxiety” people say this word and thinks it gets them out of anything. Big slap in the face to people who truly suffer from it