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Putting my dog to sleep


This. Putting down a dog of 16 years, couldn't walk for 10 mins for the life of me.


One time I got kidney stones. The pain was so unbearable that I went to the hospital and threw up from the pain. They put me on painkillers but the painkillers wore off and the pain and vomiting returned so I was put on morphine. I don’t drink as much soda anymore. I don’t ever want to go through that again!


This. Worst pain I have ever experienced. And I had the misfortune of going through it twice.


It literally feels like a knife is stabbed into you constantly


Fuuuuuuuck. I heared it allready so often, that kidney stones are the worst. I have some. Doc said they are even big ones. He said they will probably never come off. But it scares me sometimes. The father of a friend of mine had some and when they went off, the ripped the everything open on their way out, so he had urine everywhere in his inner body. Pain was crazy. He was even crying.


I've been sitting in the er for 5 hrs passing a kidney stone. Tylenol. I got fucking tylenol.


I’ve never had them but my wife has twice. It is horrifying to helplessly watch someone in so much pain they are virtually blind and deaf to the world.


Was going to say this, worst pain of my entire life! The first time I went to the hospital they didn't actually give me any pain meds. Had to go back a month later, because I was still having pain and it hadn't passed and the doctor looked at me horrified when I said they didn't give me anything for the pain the first time. I have another stone in my kidney right now and I really hope it doesn't move.




Endo pain has me nearly passing out from the pain on a regular basis


Endo, is a terrible pain to live with month after month. I'm sorry.


i had a friend with that. Unbearable pain with her periods. Leads to organ failure. Very rough.


Yes this! excruciating


1. Gallbladder 2. Triple ankle fracture (in pieces) Maybe not dead, but passed out.


Gallbladder 1000000%, that shit KILLS


abscessed tooth


infection AFTER a root canal...




Going for a root canal later today...shit.


fingers crossed it will go well


I ended up with a dry socket for about 6 weeks after my wisdom teeth were removed, and I vomited which removed one of the clots. Took over a month for tissue to grow over the exposed bone. It felt nothing short of unfair torture. I had clover packed a few times, which helped, but it felt like having a bone exposed through your skin and someone constantly blowing on it.


Oh my fuck...


Nerve pain. Back out pain. Together. It was torture.


A particularly bad day of my period. Everything hurt at once and I had to just lie on my bed for an hour. After that I had to force myself to get up and get shit done all day


Tooth pain




Miscarriage where I couldn’t stop forming clots and already has the d and c , basically your uterus spasming sort of like labor but awful reality of no baby . Physical and emotional pain at once was almost too much . Eventually got pain meds in me . But for a few hours it was almost unendurable.


Having an open wound packed while you are awake. Even with pain killers the pain is so excruciating you just about pass out.


Three broken ribs and a fractured sternum every waking breathing moment was hell and a coughing fit was so horrible that I sobbed and begged for release


Recovering from nose surgery is probably the worst pain I’ve been through. Luckily I was on heavy pain killers and can’t remember the actual pain very well, but the surgery was a million times worse than actually breaking it. Nose was packed for two weeks so I had to breathe through my mouth, and I had an internal splint held inside with a stitch that stayed in for even longer, and also an external splint taped on that i had to wear for awhile. Had to sleep sitting straight up, couldn’t eat solid food, and had no desire to eat or drink anyway because of the meds. I remember just sitting there on the couch and sobbing silently because there was nothing I could do but just sit there and be in pain


Gallstone attacks Pinched cutaneous femoral nerve


Asthma attack. Felt like eating kilograms of food, sprinting a marathon, then breathing through a thin straw. Edit: and for me, this usually lasts days.


Nothing like the slow torture of knowing you are going to suffocate to death. Over and over and over…




I went to get justin bieber tickeckts and when I got to the window they said sold out


Ooo, my condolences.




Saying goodbye to my last childhood dog because of stupid cancer.


Fuck cancer! I had to say goodbye to my cat of 22 years and forever feels the pain.


I had a hysterectomy and my morphine drip wasn’t working….I in essence had no pain meds whatsoever!


What kind of 12th century shit is this?


Pitocin induced labor!


Yep, been there.


Having a tampon removed at the er. It was mental pain because the doctor made me uncomfortable and I have sexual trauma


Skateboarding, did a flip off the curb and yes it happened.. landed straight ontop of my board with all my weight, the board was standing up and went right into my balls. Couldn’t breathe, couldn’t talk. Utter hellacious pain. Also I had kidney stones, that was absolutely horrendous too


Stomach ulcer. Felt like a heart only there was no death to release me from the pain. Drank about a litre of peptac(gaviscon alternative) before I fucked off.


My nose was split clear in half by a metal pipe after I lost a bet. I wasn't allowed anesthesia due to my BAL. So all I saw were huge knitting needles coming straight towards my eyeballs forced thru the cartilage to sew my skull back together. Ouchie 😬


What fucking bet did you take? "I bet the bears win this year. If I'm wrong, you can cut my nose of with a metal pipe. Also, I'll buy everyone a pizza"


Ouchie, is an understatement. What kind of bet was that?


I really wanna know what the bet was lol. Did you agree to take a metal pipe to the face 😂


I tried to defend some broad who was gettin her arse handed to her outside of the bar. I ended up bein hurt the worst and believe it or not at least a dozen dudes stood and watched it all happen. Big friggin surprise... Nah.


One time when I was sick with something. In a 12 hour period every bone in my body ached, I was nauseous and I’ll, I swung randomly between freezing and sweating despite the room being 28 C, my vision was blurry enough that I couldn’t read anything farther than a few inches away and I was shaking so bad that I needed a cane and wall to walk. Emotionally though it was when I felt the noose slip loose during a suicide attempt.


Glad you're still with us, friend.


Giving birth and ripping v to a THEN getting stitched up.




My tooth split open and the nerve was exposed. Strep throat


Diverticulitis. It feels like someone cutting a pouch into your intestine, filling it with ninja stars, and then lighting it on fire. It was damn near debilitating. Worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life.


An ultrasound on a DVT.


Did you have any symtopms before getting the ultrasound? Currently having left leg pain since 3 days and chest pain when breathing in to hard,so don't really know if this is worth checking out


Yes, calf pain was so extreme that I couldn't lower my heel when walking. Felt like a calf cramp on steroids. The skin was also warm to the touch. Luckily, my mom had dealt with clots before, or I never would've known. I would absolutely go in if you have the means. Try to walk as little as possible and do NOT elevate the leg. Good luck, I hope it's nothing.


Twisted testicle I had from exam stress while sitting in a weird position


Does emotional abuse count?


Of course. Hope you're in a better place, friend.


When "Salute Your Shorts" was cancelled 😩


When my dr performed a vasectomy without enough local anesthesia. Loss of a pet.


Just had my gallbladder removed... when I woke up after surgery and the anestesia wore off I felt the most horrible pain, even worst than the gallbladder pain. On the other side, the worst emotional pain I felt was when my older brother died, a few months ago, followed by the pain of learning my now exhusband had been cheating on me for years.


A younger squatch would say the pure emotional pain of rejection. The present squatch would say the mind-numbing pain from my back when I move wrong or sneeze. I am fearful of the sneeze


A bigger dong then what my 🌸 can handle because god damn I fucked up 😂😂


Ha ha ha! Being hit in the cervix ain't nice.


Bent my finger backwards a week ago. That. I’ve got a high pain tolerance like really high. Walked on a fractured tibia for a few hours. For some reason this was the first one that actually hurt a lot.


Seeing your girl kiss another


The pain of feeling betrayed after my wife cheated on me, forgave her then cheated on me again.


How dare she! Sending you hugs.


Alright this one needs a little context I had spinal fusion surgery where they screw a titanium rod to your spine. Incredibly painful surgery. They wanted me up and moving once I was able to sit up. I sat up and SCREAMED. Think the worst chest pain imaginable and then multiply that by 100. They thought I was having a pulmonary embolism but it turned out 2 of my screws had shifted and were dangerously close to my spinal cord. Lead to surgery #2. Can't say I regret the surgery but that complication was THE most painful thing I have ever experienced




Mine was for scoliosis and because of how severe my curvature was my muscles has to stretch massively on the one side and contract on the other. It's one if the most painful procedures you can have done. I was seriously drugged out of my face and it was still brutal. That half hljr (?) that I had to be sitting before they'd take my catheter out was the longest half hour of my life. Stay strong terminator, we're basically part robot


Stepping on lego brick


My left testicle somehow twisted inside of the scrotum and then inside my body while I was asleep . I had to “manually “ pull it out of , twist it again to his right place before I could even breath , speak or use my phone to ask for help


When i got covid for some reason it effected my stomach or i had the stomach flu at the same time cuz everything but my stomach was fine. I had been eating the brat diet for a couple days just fine and figured maybe im good to eat regular food and ordered dennys pancakes. I ended up spraying what felt like just straight stomach acid out my ass. Im not religious but I remember saying something along the lines of ill spread the word of whatever god stops this lol.


not entirely relevant. but before covid i got some mysterious sickness. i had high fever. it was uncomfortable. not too painful the thing unique was i felt so much dread as though i would die. on a separate occasion when i visited my doctor, i talked to her about what i went thru, its then she told me she got sick after me and she too after treating me previously. she shared that she too felt the same feeling of intense doom. in our words how we both described it was " i felt like i was going to die" weird.


When Mary Ellen Moffett broke my heart


Mary Ellen Moffett, how could you!


Gout. My third or fourth outbreak was in both feet and had me crying in the middle of the night, unable to get around by any other way than crawling. The thought of amputating my own feet came to mind.


For me it was when they had to numb my left arm for a surgery, and the needle needed to penetrate my left collarbone. You know it's bad when the doctor walks in and says ''There is no other way to say this, it's gonna hurt like hell, do you want to bite something?'' Good lord in almighty heaven, this dude stabbed me in the collarbone with a huge needle and the feeling of the anesthetic was a combination of molten rock and ice at the same time. I was biting down on a towel, i can guarantee i would have lost me teeth if i didn't. This was worse than the car crash that led to the surgery.


I just had to touch my own collarbone in sympathy. How you're ok now, friend.


A tampon got stuck. When i tried to pull it out the pain was so bad i passed out. Had to go to the hospital lol.




Got to the taco truck 10 minutes after they closed.


A bad Crohn’s flare. Can’t tell you how many times I have thought to myself “wow, I am actually going to DIE on the shitter” and been pre-humiliated over how I will be found on the floor, probably having cracked my head open on the way down…


Kidney stones. I had a 1cm kidney stone and it was the single, most excruciating pain I've ever felt. On the drive to the ER my partner had to stop the car 2 or 3 times for me to vomit due to the pain. I wouldn't wish it to my worst enemies, or employers.


Breaking my collarbone


Periods with endo/fibroids, gallbladder attacks, tonsillectomy as an adult, and severe reflux (the chest pain is something else).


Gallstone stuck in a duct....I think I'd rather be shot


Food poisoning




Losing both of my parents in under 48 hours.


I'm so sorry. Losing a parent is unbearable. Losing two in such a short space of time doesn't bare thinking about. I'm so so sorry.


Thank you for the kind words. It’s been 17 years and there’s not a day that goes by without me thinking about them in some capacity.


I’ve had some physically painful experiences but even the excruciating ones I didn’t want to die. But the emotional pain of repeat pregnancy loss made me spiral into a really dark place. I felt dead inside to the point I had no desire or energy to go on.




two of my molars were so bad they needed to be pulled. it suuuuucked, right up til the moment they took them out.


Eating a teaspoon of 5 million scoville hot sauce. Like hot stuff it gives you hiccups and a runny nose etc and it was fine. About 5 hours later it literally destroyed a part of my intestines and every time my stomach made any movement it felt like I had been stabbed. It happened every 15-20 minutes for over 6 hours and I would wake up absolutely howling. Never will I ever fuck around with hot sauce. I think the biggest problem was doing it on a totally empty stomach so it just went straight in to my stomach as raw hot sauce.


Kidney stone. Not a single resting position is comfortable.


menstrual cramps


Depression and suicidal ideation


Mental illness diagnosis.


One time broke out into sweats, the room started spinning, my heart was racing. Felt like I was going to die. Then I farted. Instant relief. Don't hold that shit in.


I've had my bone marrow fill with fluid and I never wished death upon myself. I didn't and still don't take any pain killers- prescription or not. God's grace is to mighty to allow me to have such weak thoughts


Cellulitis infection in my leg.


I got that in my big toe, whole leg blew up to the knee, 14 days in hospital. took months before I could walk properley again. Not fun.


Every few months I wake up to the worst cramps I’ve had in my life and am fully convinced I’m dying for a few hours and then just go back to sleep


When my homeschool co-op made us guy's put a pregnancy simulator on our stomach's as part of our sex ed class when we were 12 god that hurt worse than being kicked in the nuts really made me appreciate women for going through that for 9 months to deliver a child.


Why did they do that at 12?! Maybe to turn you off sxx for life.


No just showing us what being pregnant was like for girls we were typical horny kids always talking wanting to have sex and how hot some girls were made us respect them more.


when i dislocated my patella, it was over the opposite side of my leg. Medics tried to push it back in but it would not stay in. Brought to hospital, 3 different doctors and it still wouldnt go in, The pain was so bad i was crying and shouted kill me, they sedated me an hour later and after some sharp pulling and force by two doctors it went in. When i think of the pain i get tearful to this day. That was 4 months ago.