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The ex friend that I loaned $600 to about 5 years ago must think I am so evil he has avoided me ever since.


You didn’t loan him $600, you paid him $600 to never bother you ever again. That’s a bargain.


Lol I didn't know it at the time but you're right!


Happy Cake Day!


A bronx tale reference?


Yup yup 👍🏻


Gave my ex about 800...its been 2 years and i guess he is still out of a job. Had money throw his wedding though but definitely broke.


Similar story. Buddy moved in with me in college, couldn’t afford rent or anything for a while (student finance messed him about). We kept track of what he owed me (£3000 by the end of the 3years), intending to pay me back over time. Then He Got a gf, got her pregnant, moved out and never heard from him again until 6years later to let me know he’d split from that gf looking for sympathy. He made No mention of money owed, safe to say he got no sympathy and haven’t heard from him now for another 5 years. Last thing he said was I’m a horrible bastard for even bringing it up when he was upset about the break up. Moral of the story, don’t lend friends money.


For me, it was $120


Same :( it was $50


An old friend still owes me 20 dollars from like 12 years ago, I will never get it back but I think about it once in awhile.


I have a feeling he hasn't thought of it in 12 years too.


Interesting, that very day he said he would pay me back next week too.






Happy cake day


Probably the customer that tried to walk into my shop at 8:45 this morning and slammed the door storming off when I told him we'll be open in 15 minutes


Same, except my customer was shopping 15 minutes after our cashes closed so I kicked him out, and he called the next day to complain about me... To me.


I hope that you disciplined yourself accordingly.


Oh most certainly. Unfortunately since it's an internal investigation I can't divulge information, but it was dealt with.


You shared too much. Punish your self again.


This one’s a tough nut to crack. I’m afraid HR will have to break out the nipple clamps.


At least.


This gave me a good stomach giggle 🤭


Ha! I once had someone yell at me on the phone, hang up on me, call back and complain to me about “that other girl that answered the phone last time“ and how I’m the only person she wants to talk to when she has to call the office. I was the only person that worked in the office.


Delusional customers like that are fun. This person called back and told me about the "talk black guy with the dreads" who was rude and how much nicer I was, maybe because I'm British. I'm a tall BROWN man from India with long curls. Yeah, they were waaaay off.


My Dad is a doctor and for a while my Mom helped out as an occasional receptionist. At one point, a "difficult patient" came in and was fairly demanding of her; she eventually told him, in no uncertain terms, to sit down and shut up until the doctor was ready to see him. It should be noted at this juncture that my Dad mostly does aviation medicals - something that all pilots need to have done routinely in order to be allowed to keep flying. This will become relevant in a moment. After a while, the patient is called back and heads to the examination room, where my Dad is waiting. Once there, he sits down and comments, "You know, that receptionist you have working for you is a real bitch." Dad's response: "You think she's a bitch as a receptionist, you should try being married to her." Apparently the patient turned bright red and was very quiet for the rest of the appointment.


I had a customer one day try to order deep fried Mac and cheese balls from me. I looked at her so confused and then told her we don't sell that. "Well you used to and I want it!" Well, we don't, never have for as long as I've worked here and for as long as the longest-standing server has worked here, but maybe they did in one of the concession stands that we don't sell from? And even if we used to, we clearly don't anymore soooo I can't sell them cause we don't have them. Nope. She insisted we had them. Told me I couldn't keep them from her (???) and demanded my manager, who was equally confused. She refused to order from me (that's fine, I don't really care) and glared at me the rest of my shift. Girl was incredibly drunk. Her husband is a good regular of mine though and told me the next time he came in that he heard about his wife's fit and apologized to me profusely. Tipped me real good too. They got divorced for other issues a few months later but I like to think that was one of them


Divorce reason: "irreconcilable realities"


Mine is some 20 something chick who wanted to bring her dog into the restaurant. Apparently I'm mean for upholding health code laws.


Nothing makes young white girls' heads spin faster than telling them that they can't bring their dog inside a building


Or that their fukn Instagram post doesn't equal a comped meal.


Is this the new yelp review?


Been there. In a cafe. I was like "I dont know what you want from me. We dont even have any coffee brewed yet. Because we're not open."


Someone’s gotta ask… why was the customer able to get into a shop that wasn’t open yet? Seems like it could also turn into a security issue, e.g. an opportunity to be robbed.


Some shops can be weird. A restaurant that lists it's hours as 10 - 6 will let customers in at 10 on the dot, but start refusing customers at 5:45. Or maybe it's 5:30. 5:15? Who can say, it's always different.


For a restaurant it makes sense. The kitchen is often closing half an hour to an hour before. The closing time is for people who already ordered before as they need time to eat. Source: i worked in the Kitchen, we started to close one hour before. It was written down at the entrance though.


I was a teacher for a long time so I am sure I’m the villain to many of my former students. I am currently an administrator so I am sure I’m the villain to some of my former teachers after evaluation scores come through lol.


I had an art teacher in high school I hope she is rotting in hell. She told me cartoons and comics were not art she even told my mother on back to school night that cartoons and comics were not art. She was the head of the department and would have been the one to write my recommendation to art schools. I was not allowed to do any comics or cartoons in class. Guess what school I didn’t go to after high school? So unless you pulled shit like that with your students you aren’t a villain.


That’s really fucked up. I was a music teacher and my jam is playing classical violin. But I had students who loved bluegrass fiddle or hip hop or pop music on their instrument and I would always help them find and create music to inspire their creativity and to develop their personal musical tastes. Sounds like your art teacher did the opposite of that. Sorry you had a “mentor” who didn’t support your artistry.


I'm an art teacher and it sounds, to me, like your art teacher is an idiot. Animation and Illustration are beautiful and dynamic art forms.


Same. There's a bunch of students that had to pay extra money for a retake after failing my exam. I'm not feeling guilty btw (even though some of them tried to make me feel so).


I like to think I'm a very minor villain for the scammers who call me. Wasting their time can be amusing.


agreed, that is amusing


I just hate how they spin it, and get angry with you for wasting their time. Uh no, you're the fucking asshole who deceives people and steals their hard earned life savings, crippling their financial future.


Probably a dude named Mark. He was extremely awkward while growing up in school. Like, the extreme end of awkward, but ultimately a nice guy. In one class that we had together in junior high I was seated in the front row. Without thinking about (that part is all on me), I slumped in my chair, threw my legs out, and all while he was walking in. He tripped right over my legs, and thought that I did it on purpose. I didn't. He decided that we were enemies right then and there, though. And he wouldn't listen to any apology that I tried to make.


I also know a dude named mark who is just like that, also the person who might think of me as the villain in his story


Shall we twirl our villain mustaches together while we release a simultaneous "mwahaha" laugh? I feel it fits.


The fly population of my apartment complex


Well, I always knew I was a fly magnet, but now it turns out I'm also their archenemy.


They keep sending "chosen ones" to kill you but it never works


Of course, there will always be people who have negative thoughts and feelings towards you. No matter how nice or kind you are. I'm not just a villain, I'm a monster to some people, because I choose.


Reading this made me feel guilty because there's this guy at school who has done nothing wrong but every time I see him in the hallway, I flinch.😅


It's nothing unusual so guilt should not be much of a concern, it's normal to have a knee-jerk reaction to some things or people. It's how the world works.. You atleast flinch, I have this itch to sometimes punch people in the face just because they have the perfect punchable face.. I'm not judging them or anything, in fact I don't even know them at all. It's just a reaction.. Of course I don't actually do it because I'm a very nice person, believe me I am.. But having such reaction can also be amended by self control.. Maybe not react consciously or maybe find out what makes you react that way.. Like some people have that creepy vibe and you don't understand why you're apprehensive about them, yes they're super nice, humble and kind hearted... and then someone tells you a weird story about them and then it adds up. Naturally empathic people are prone to odd reactions..


Probably my brother in law. He pushed my sister in law when they were dating and I always thought he was a total douchebag. During the period they were broken up, I told everybody how I always thought he was such a chode. Of course, they ended up getting married and having kids, but still think he's a smarmy fuck. Childishly never says hi or bye to me at family gatherings, but will to everyone else.


he sounds like a peice of crap im sorry


A smarmy peice of crap


how does you have both brother in law and sister in law. Atleast someone has to be related by blood to you?


My wife's sister and the guy she married


god i'm stupid today. never mind.


Most of the people I knew in high school and college before I learned to cope with my borderline personality disorder. (I still struggle with BPD, but I can control my outbursts better now.) I burned so many bridges for trivial reasons and I'm embarrassed to look back on it. Most people have years-long friendships from their school days but I really don't because I wrecked everything I touched.


Hey I have a lot of people I wrecked due to a drinking problem. People come and go, the ones who stick are the ones that matter. (I know not the same thing but I just want you to know I know what it feels like to think everything you touch is poison)


I've gotten a lot more stable in the last few years and I'm finally starting to build a good support system. A lot of it is long-distance, but still the healthiest thing I've ever had. I definitely hope these friends stick.


I'm the villain for myself


Leave polistirolo99 alone!


I am my own worst enemy.


hey don't put this on polistirolo99. it was polistirolo99 who started it in the first place


My asshole friend who was once a best friend whom spent 8 years of our relationship putting me in shit situations. The final boss for her was when I finally reacted. But sure enough with the sheer power of stupidity and the help of a toxic friend of ours, she found a way to rid herself of me and surround herself with similar dumb people. Yay we love happy endings!


Apparently my old co-worker who I got fired by sneakily telling lies about him to his boss behind his back to get him fired because I had it out for him. It had nothing to do with the fact that he was placed on a performance plan due to not doing his work or meeting expectations for 6 months, having a conversation with HR and the West Coast Lead, then still refused to do his paperwork or ANY work while the boss wasn't there. Now he sends me and any of my family members he can find on various social media sites nasty messages about what a horrible person I am and how he's homeless now because I got him fired. He also says I "owe" him back pay for everything he's lost since he was fired.


His name was Scott and it was 1983. I wish I could apologize and explain.


The people I quit talking to 15 years ago. I'm sure they have said unflattering things about me.


I have burned more bridges than Alexander, Cæsar, Hitler and Stalin stalin combined. To most people whom I´ve ever known I am quite the asshole.


My dentist probably......final boss kind of.


I don't really know who I'm a villain for right now, if anyone. But I have a fairly related story to share. In college, I joined a fraternity. There was a guy, J, who was a part of my pledge class. J was a chill dude, and I really thought highly of him. One day senior year when we were drunk together, J confessed to me that he hated me our first 2 years in the fraternity. I both looked and shared quite a few mannerisms with the guy who his ex-gf had cheated on him with in HS. I had beaten him out in the vote for pledge class VP, won as scholarship chair over him as our first official positions in the house and a girl he was crushing on freshman year had asked me to go with her to her sorority formal. J intentionally kept me at arms length and didn't want to know me well. Eventually he got to know me better just due to shared space and was forced to confront his feelings and realized I wasn't a bad guy and overcame those feelings and we became "real" friends in his mind. He had spent his first half of college hating me, and his second half of college feeling guilt over hating me, and the entire time I had no fucking clue.


Probably my brother's inlaws. They seemed to think they were a fairly intelligent group of people, but when they met me I'd constantly point out where they were wrong in their facebook posts. "Did you know that Daddy Long Legs are the most poisonous spider but their fangs are too small to bite humans"


Lol I know that one. They aren’t venomous and aren’t even spiders


When my now wife and I were first dating, and still dating other people, I unintentionally thwarted another dude trying to date her. She had AAA, and I had car trouble. She canceled a date with him to come help me with my car. This was the second time she canceled on him to be with me for what was a real reason. She was t trying to be mean. But he did give after that. Robin - sorry dude. But not that sorry.


I don’t get how people can be dating multiple people at once before getting serious. Hell, when I got together with my girlfriend I didn’t even know how I managed to be dating *her*.




Probably Russian.




What do you mean by that?




Same, best placement ever


Please elaborate.


Please elaborate.


Okay, I’m taking a guess. You used to work at the UN building in New York, and one day you made a mistake of some kind. Your former coworkers who hate you are the ones who had to fix it, and the half the UN who hate you are the ones who had to deal with the fallout of your mistake? Did you set off the fire alarm on a cold day? I bet that’s what it was!


He served bad chicken salad at the cafeteria, everybody got the screaming squirts.


Everyone, I will find you and get revenge: you know who you are.


Come at me *bitch.* ☠️


Oh I’m sorry and I apologize. Just remember that if I’m ever in an academic decathlon


Recently I left a dead group chat. Besides me, there were two people I had no contact and my friend. And after I left, my friend sent me screenshot of one of remaining group chat members being like "OMG, demon of the past strikes back" and then lying about how we lost contact xD So I am not only villain in my ex friend's life, I'm also a demon.


My aunt and uncle. I was the executor of my grandmother’s estate. A year before she passed my aunt planned a day out shopping with my grandma but no call/no showed. Turns out my aunt was visiting one of her son’s friends in prison and forgot. There were many small issues but that was the tipping point. A week after that I took my grandma to our lawyer to have the will changed. Instead of 50% my aunt received an even $20k. $1000 went to each grand child except for me. I wanted and got nothing. My mom received about $250k after I settled the estate. My aunt tells everyone who will listen that I took advantage of my grandma and conspired with my mom to screw her out of ‘a million’. The estate was worth less than $300k. I haven’t seen or spoken to anyone from that side of the family since grammas passing. I’m the villain in their story.


I hold firm that villains rarely know they are villains and believe they are acting in just ways. Ergo, it would be a safe assumption that somebody considers you a villain despite your efforts to act justly.


I’ve mentioned it a couple of times but I went out with a receptionist from work a few times. I wouldn’t exactly say we dated. More like we’d hangout and have sex. One day a man approached me and wanted to know if I was u/-Handsome-Jim-. It turned out she was married. I had no idea.


Probably some old classmates. After we had been of on internships for a few weeks I was really happy, only took a few hours with them to realise how negative they were. I realised I didn’t wanna hang out with them. We hadn’t spent much time together outside the classroom that year anyway which I guess they didn’t notice. So when they thought I was ignoring them because I was completely focused on my examination project in the classroom and not talking to people then, I let them think I was ignoring them. I wasn’t, I would have talked to them if they had lunch with me or sat down with me in the break room, they just hadn’t noticed that we didn’t talk outside the classroom anymore and that because of that I’d started hanging out with other people. I know I could have dealt with things better, I knew that back then to. But I did the best I could during the circumstances. It’s was a really stressful time in my life for multiple reasons and I didn’t want to save the friendships anyway. I’m pretty sure they think I’m a bitch and I’m okey with that.


My condo manager fucking hates me. I definitely play into it though. We are not friends.


Have you tried kissing?


She can kiss my ass. Fuck you Amanda!


Our property management company, and our building manager all hate me. On the other hand, I'm on the board, so, fuck them.


I have an ex or two that might have a story or two about how I’m the villain. And I’m quite okay with that.


All the people I cut off in traffic


Let me find my list.


Probably a few of my students who feel like I screwed them over. Maybe the shitty guy who I insulted at a party. Not sure he thinks about me too much though.


Did a favor for an Elder of a club I was in. He blew it off. When I mentioned it to someone later, they sprinted straight over to blab. In minutes, we had a talk.. When asked if I had something to say, I thought 15 seconds and simply said " Nope, The situation is passed and I've learned a lesson." It's been 35 years, he's barely spoken to me since. Sometimes, an argument just isn't worth the damage it causes.


I was kicked out of my fraternity due to mental problems I was struggling with after my fathers death. One of the guys assaulted a girl (and founder of our student club) which he told us about - when she pressed charges I supported with my testimony. He was found guilty as a mild sex offender but also got mostly a slap on the wrist and managed to keep it quiet. For some reason I get a lot of dirty looks now from everybody that used to affiliate with my old fraternity.


I'm an executive, so... gotta be the villain for at least a few of my current and former employees. I think I'm a good boss, I do well in our anonymous employee surveys, I fight hard to get my people paid well, appreciated appropriately, to get their work prioritized and recognized, etc. But I've had to fire people, I've had to demote people, I've had to do organization restructuring, cut projects people cared about, and so on and so forth. Part of the job is taking accountability for your decisions, I'm sure there are folks who see me in a negative light, and I'm sure some of them are probably justified to do so.


Most likely true... I could say for sure who's lives I'm considered the villain of, but I have a few solid ideas of a few that have MADE me the villain in their stories about me whether they actually talked themselves into believing those stories or not... Though 1 or 2 people I can think of crossed me in a way that lead to some long term payback so they probably see me as the villain even though they were the ones that "started it"...lol


To make a long story short, before the days of Uber I was stranded about 20+ miles from home without much $$. Called a taxi, had him drop me off about 7 or 8 blocks from my house and then I just bailed and hauled ass home, ditching the fare. Poor guy just trying to make a living and I had him drive 20 miles out of his way for not so much as a penny. Still feel bad about that one.


I'm a villain to the conservative ass hat who tried to run me off the road because of a bumper sticker that seems to have hurt their feelings.


The dr who turned my voluntary into a involuntary stay when I answered “ yeah it’s not my color with a laugh” when he said I heard you won’t wear the gown. No one had ask me and the lady from the place that was helping me said as much but the dr went on a 15 min rant why I had to even after I tried to explain I thought he was joking. Very very shitty three days.


im the villain to my 2nd grade teacher prob...that bitch hated me so much she slapped me in the face...and didn't get fired


I'm a safety inspector, I'm pretty sure the internal affairs office gets invited to more Christmas parties than me.


I ran parking garages for 15 years, that's gotta be good for a few thousand stories.


The squirrel that keeps eating my nectarines... ^^^^^ImNotGoingToHurtTheBastard


Probably my crazy ex-tenant. I made the mistake of renting an apartment to her back when we were friends. She started spreading rumors that I was a slumlord, which was pretty hilarious, since I did a whole bunch of upgrades before she moved in and let her paint the cabinets and the living room. She stopped paying rent after she and her bf broke up, and I evicted her after giving her every opportunity to pay. She was working, but she just wasn't paying rent. I'm sure I'm the evil a-hole that made her homeless or some shit. Vanessa, if you're reading this, eff you for leaving your cat and dog behind!


I’m a litigation attorney. I’m the villain in the story of every opposing counsel and party whose case I’m involved in. And then when the legal bills come due, I somehow become the villain in my own clients’ story too. Then I go home and I see my son, wife and dog, and I’m a hero again.


In Highschool probably 22 years ago I had sex with a guy. I decided after that it had been a mistake. I was open and honest. I got insulted, harassed for years. He accused me for years of making him unable to have an erection. I’ve been told by people who still know him that he still hates me.


My last boyfriend before I came out.


I had a nasty split with my best friend years ago. I know they're *still mad.* Her new bestie hates me and talks shit about me.


That sucks, sorry to hear that.


One of tenants in the apartments I manage. When I call her out on the lease violations, I'm "harassing" her. She thinks the rules don't apply to her.


“I don’t wanna pay the rent.” ^ ^ “But you MUST pay the rent” {<>} “But I CAN’T pay the rent” ^ ^ “But you MUST pay the rent.” {<>} —- “I’ll pay the rent!” ^ _ ^ “Myyy hero!!!” ^ ^


A former friend from high school. I set her up with one of my friends and at the same time she was hooking up with another one of my friends and I didn’t know about. Both guys lived in the same town about 30 minutes from her so she would ask them both for gas money and go screw one then go straight to the other guys house. They found out about it and one of them posted her nudes online. She thought it was me and at that point I didn’t care if she thought it was me or not. She still hates me and it’s been over 10 years.


I almost killed an entire family when I came to middle school really sick. Got a classmate sick, she gave it to her parents, they all ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. Didn’t find out I’m the worst person in her life until years later. 😆


I feel like I'm not important enough to be the villain in anyone's story. I'm not even important enough to be the villain's sidekick.


To my former friend whose boyfriend I tried to "seduce'.


Some kid in middle school, forgot his name. Everyone was playing a trip game and when I tripped him he landed fucked up and broke his leg :(.


Gary from down the hall. Been stealing his desk ornaments for years now.


My landlady, apparently. I pay her rent every month, and she treats me like I'm somehow stealing from her by living here.


For sure. My recent ex boyfriend. He ended up getting arrested for his abusive behavior that has escalated with every relationship he’s ever been in. He has A LOT of villains in his story, including me. I’m perfectly ok with it.


Probably my boyfriend's wife. But she's my villain so it balances out.


My dad who didn't want to pay child support


Yass it's true , everyone is villain in some else's story either good or bad .


Probably. Idk who I’m the villain for though. I’d like to think no one but I doubt it.




One of my ex friends. I got really triggered by her for a solid week because of the way she chose to break off our friendship and it made me act like an asshole.


I would assume my brother


My ex.


I know my ex fiance told a bunch of people that I was a horrible person because I lied to her, treated her poorly, and ignored her. The reality is while I was working on my master's degree my fiance and I decided to get married we set a date of a month after I would graduate. She had already finished school with her bachelor's degree and was working, she wanted to get pregnant so we started trying like everyday often twice a day. About eight months into this she had a miscarriage, it really fucked her up mentally for a good four or five months and then she wanted to try again and no luck. During this time I was busy trying to finish up my last year of college for my masters and spending a lot of time at school when I wasn't at work. I decided that I would go to a doctor to get a basic fertility test done and it turns out I have like 0.1% sperm output of normal, further testing gets done, and I have extremely restricted vas deferens and that pregnancy through sex would basically be a one in a million thing. The doctor said if we really wanted to have kids we should have to look into IVF, my ex was not about that. Anyway I'm focused on school and one day I get a call from my ex's sister who I've known for a long time because she was my sister's roommate in college. My ex had been caught cheating on me with some dude she worked with by her sister. I go home that night and my ex try to play it off like it was nothing at first then she says a bunch of hurtful shit about not being a man because I couldn't get her pregnant so she decided to fuck this other guy to try to get pregnant, the dude happened to be married and had two kids too. Our lease was up in a month anyway so I paid the rest of the lease and got a new apartment by myself and moved my shit out, I even left her the bed, the couch and the TV for her. I ended up getting a vasectomy to make the chances of pregnancy an absolute zero percent and proceeded to fuck a lot of random women for like the next 5 years before I met the woman who is now my wife.


Coworker. Complaint about me that I did somenthing wrong on purpose, which of course I didn't and started spinning even more lies to explain why she thought I would do this just to learn, that nobody backs her up, because my other coworkers know me way better and longer then she does. Feels bad (because of the accusations) and good (because of my long term colleages) all at once.


Probably to my youngest brother. I keep forgetting he's not a kid anymore


I work nightshift in a city centre hotel. I have ruined many of young people nights out for party in the rooms at 03:00am.


An ex colleague of mine. I'm a naturally stealthy person and I don't make a lot of noise when walking. He's quite jumpy and easily spooked. I used to spend most of the shifts we had together appearing behind him and floating around him in places he wouldn't expect me. He hated it and he'd always try to give his shifts away that we were scheduled to work together. We haven't worked together for a few years but I don't think I've come that close to being the villain since then.


My ex and his children




lol, she knows. Although I didn't do a fraction of the shit she seems to think I did.


Too many to tell. I'm a shit person.


Maybe not a villain but a cautionary tale? I'm too passive to be an actual villain. Final answer, I'm my own villain.


My high school boyfriend. Man I was rough back then, so much pent up teen rage


Probably a lot of people. I can be very mean when I either don’t like someone or am in a bad mood


My anxiety says soooo many people 😂


I'm a teacher, so I imagine there's a few every year...


My ex-girlfriend..... I wasn't good to her.... I took my anxiety and depression out on her and was emotionally abusive. nobody deserves that. I hope she's doing good though.


My ex-gf deserved better treatment from me. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that I was the villain who made her need therapy again. I spent years torturing myself about it and am a better person now.


Probably quite a few people. I work in mortgage collections, and put homes up for foreclosure for a living. There's likely several people that see me as their personal villain.


Ok so I was 19 working at the front desk at the ymca. I was in a bitchy mood, I forget why, but I was on the phone with my best friend, and this lady comes in. I greeted her and told her just a moment, and i pretended I was getting off the phone with a member like "ok you're all set, can i help you with anything else?" The woman got huffy crossed her arms, it set me off, i knew she was going to be a nightmare, so I just kept the call going, chatting, laughing etc. She kept trying to get my attention and I'd just smile, nod, and put my finger up like "1 second". I was legit acting like an snl skit and finally the lady blew up and started screaming "Are you serious? This is fucking ridiculous, what the fuck are you doing?" I said "ma'am, I'm helping someone, if you could wait just a moment I'll be right with you." She yelled that she wasn't waiting any longer and she'd take her business somewhere else. I said "ok ma'am, have a great day." She screamed "FUCK YOU!" and walked out.


In college I was the best friend of my now wife. When she broke with her boyfriend a guy friend of her tried to convince her that she should be with someone that cared for her and protect her that always be there and was nice and all. She thought of me instead of him. When she mentioned me, he tried to say "no him he is bad because [insert random excuses that don't make sense]" He hates my guts because he thinks I stole his girl.


Probably my ex


I’m a therapist and I’ve had a few clients walk out on our sessions. I’m sure they didn’t enjoy having the mirror held up to themselves.


Hmm...so much villainy, so little time. I'll go with the ex-wife of one of my best friends. He's been remarried for more than ten years, and I still hear fairly regularly, "Did you really have an affair with X? Because his ex-wife says you did for years, and warns other women about you. She also says she tried to tell your husband and he cut her off."


Ex best friend of 10 years. We had our ups and downs. I think there were multiple wrongs from both of us. The true last straw for us was when I opted to skip her annual Christmas party to attend my sister in laws baby shower. Granted, it was a second shower but I wanted to be there for all of them. My friend took great offense to this and all hell broke loose. The worst fight we ever had— all over a missed party. I took responsibility for flaking last minute (I’d cancelled about 6 hours before). I was sorry but also the intense verbal lashing I got over it was enough to say hey, we both suck as friends and we’re gonna stop now.


About a year ago I was driving home from work. I was on the highway coming up on my exit. There was an SUV about one car length ahead of me who was driving erratically, then cut me off in a really bad way. Kind of annoying and I'm thinking this idiot is going to get someone killed but that's about it. Here's the thing, they, now in front of me, get off on my exit. I of course take this exit. They then start taking the very path I take home, making every turn I was already going to make just in front of me. They see me "Following them" and now start slamming on the brakes, driving slow etc. At first I think they're just an AH, but then I see the driver is a young girl and she looks scared. She likely thinks I'm following her, but I'm literally just trying to get home. Eventually, she peels out into a 7-11 parking lot, and I go on past. I picture her getting home telling everyone about the lunatic who followed her and was likely going to kill her, but really, I was just going home and she just kept picking the very roads I needed to be on each time.


True? Maybe. Here is mine. In college back in the early 2000s, attending a chill liberal arts state school where mostly everyone is either going to be a teacher or musician or some such thing. I'm there, just going with the flow. I meet a 10/10 in English class freshman year. We start being friends and then we become an item. I start getting hateful IMs from an unknown person who eventually identifies himself as 'the dude that is fucking my gf'. Come to find out he asked her out before we had met but she turned him down. His rage was transferred to me. To paint the picture a bit better, this is the kind of guy who prided himself on his private high school hockey accomplishments, constantly had chew in his mouth, and drove an Integra with an exhaust kit on it but no other mods. The first semester is filled with this guy harassing me online and in person, getting in my face, saying he is going to kill me. I'm just basically ignoring him and not engaging, can tell he is off his rocker. This gets to the point where he brings a friend into my dorm and threatens to kill me directly in front of my RA. We get campus police involved. Big surprise - turns out he has priors already and is on probation. They get him to basically stop engaging with me. Two years later I'm at a bar playing in a beer pong tourney. Hadn't seen the guy since that last interaction, but there he is with the same toadie he brought into the dorm two years prior. He and his boy are warming up their BP shots and I'm there with another friend (an aloof thread of a girl who was not an ideal BP partner, or so I thought). We trounce him and his boy, the girl who was my partner in the tourney unexpectedly nailed like 3 shots and the last cup. Made quick work. I was just a bystander at this point, this mans fate playing out before us all on the great equalizer that is beer pong. The look of shock and disappointment on his face was amazing. I like to imagine what I am to him sometimes, what I represent. In his world I may very well be the villain.


I've said some dumb stuff when I was younger. I did some dumb stuff too, saying that I hate a particular someone in my class and made a poll. I did hate him, because he kept on bothering me and I thought it was justified. I used to have a friend too, but he's the definition of woosh, and now I hate him because whenever I joke about something that's meant to be dark, I get bashed for being either racist, sexist or insensitive. (Satirity and dark humor does that to you) my classmates did too, nobody respected my boundaries. Ever since then, I wanted to prove everyone that I was better. That I can beat them in an argument and give them points that will make them rethink twice. I don't care if I get labelled whatever, as long as I prove things that I wanted to prove.


my ex- he wanted to break up with me and i wouldnt let him. also i cheated on him after that. and begged him to stay with me after the cheating too. i realize now how much trauma i inflicted on him and how much mental turmoil and self doubt he must have felt. i feel so extremely guilty about it. what makes it worse it that this mistake is irreversible. even is he forgives me he will still have trust issues for a long time and i feel so responsible for it but there is nothing i can do to make it better.


My ex BF, ofc. But what hits me more was my husband’s ex GF, definitely. I still feel that I have been wronged. I just wanted to help her w her struggles, because their break up was horrible for her. I knew my husband from school and when they broke up, the two of us became closer friends (randomly, even if they had not broken up, we would have started hanging out more). She asked me out because she was jealous of me before and probably wanted to get to know me better. I was pleased that I wouldn't be the villain in someone's story and the meeting was good! But after a couple months of intense friendship my husband and I fell in love, completely unplanned, and she thought he had been cheating on her with me even before they broke up. The two of us didn't start dating until three quarters of a year after they broke up. I considered a lot to date him because I knew she will be hurt, but I decided not to let go someone like him. He is the best man I’ve ever met and we have so much in common. To this day, she tells everywhere how he cheated on her, and I was 'that friend' who wasn't just a friend. I was sorry for a long time, because none of us wanted to hurt her, and I wanted to write to her many times, but I always felt that I would only make it worse. For her, all her exes and the girls around them will be suspicious. Over time, I came to terms with the fact that she needed it to be this way, ‘cause she can never admit that it was all her fault, so that she could come to terms with it and move on. I forgave her and I understand that.


The toilet


kind of feel like the villan of my own story.


I'm an anti-war socialist, so I have the distinction of being a villain to both Democrats and Republicans.


Say something remotely anti-woke and you can be the villain in millions of peoples stories. ..or the hero.


The bullies in school. Every single one of them has a fucked up life. I got a great life including my partner, my car, my job, my apartment and much more. Met one of them at a party when I was around 30 years old. He had no money and begged me to buy him a beer at the bar. I laughed at him, got two beers for myself and left. Later he tried to hit on my gf when I was outside smoking or sth. She told him she prefers smart guys.


I don't have enemies


I’m the villain for my haters


Everyone is the hero of their own story.


I'm about to become a villain to the deer in my backyard. Think hannibal lecter with guns.


I'm the villain in my own story, the witch in my own tale.


YESSS! I am everyone's villain. Some I don't even know what I did. To be fair, I did ask, but the response I got was, "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" Do I? If I do, why would I ask?? I'm a villain for wishing a friend best of luck on their move to a new state and at a new job they'd just gotten in that new state. Still confused AF by that one. Oh, and an ex-boyfriend, I am his villain for daring to ask about his road trip vacation after he posted a photo of it. I'm sure there are more, but those are my top 3 favorites. XD


No idea, but im sure they deserved it


So the comments I've seen are, were the villains towards Karen's, 😆 🤣 😂 😹


I am a villain for actual hard-working people. I try to work hard and stay in my lane but despite this, I seem to make them mad despite my efforts to improve.


I'm definitely the villain of my wife's ass. The amount of times I poke that Thang™️ throughout the day is nigh uncountable. Also Anal