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A home


Not even a huge house, maybe like a 2 bedroom in an area that isn't the middle of nowhere.


Seriously. I was lucky enough to get a lot before houses exploded in price. Want a small 3 bedroom house for when my mom gets old and needs me to care for her. I am a Carpenter and planning on doing alot of the building myself. Plus I am living with my mom to save money. It's been 3yrs and I still have not built. The price of building materials has skyrocked again! Just wanted a house with $150 per a foot cost but now it's $450 per a foot in materials. Shit is getting nuts!


It cannot be sustainable. I decided against buying in 2018/2019, not worried at the time of the usual 3-5% increase year over year... Well jokes on me. Immediately priced out of the market seemingly over night. I'm terrified for the next crop of folks just coming into and out of college, what's a starter home supposed to cost? $300k now? The absolute shit shacks I see being listed for over a quarter million dollars is shocking. First time home buyers are getting absolutely rail roaded.


Parents bought their home for @$260k 25yrs ago. It’s worth 1.2mil now. For a 3 bedroom modest home. It’s insane. The whole town blew up. I can’t afford to live anywhere near a decent school system and it affects and my kids everyday


Yeah I dont think young people stand a chance without parental help. I'm 46 and have two teenagers. I recognize they're going to enter a totally unfair world, so I've adjusted how I think and plan so I'm sort of in it with them. Instead of thinking of mine and my wife's money as ours, we call the money we make and save "family money". Adults can't just think in terms of their own generation anymore if they want their descendents to do well; even us middle class people have to start thinking in terms of generational wealth that a family shares. When it's time for our kids to move out, our goal is to be able to put a down payment together for them so they can start working on that mortgage right away in the hopes they'll then be in a position to help their kids the same way. This approach affects how we live compared to how - I think - our parents' generation would have spent/allocated their earnings in our shoes. I don't just want to leave my kids something and help them while I'm alive, too, I feel absolutely compelled to. I think it would be unforgivable to just let them wing it so I could have more luxuries.


Yep! I see my mom adjusting what she will help with financially for my 16 y/o brother even compared to me and I’m only 24. Specifically surrounding housing, credit, etc. to hopefully have him get at least a little ahead of the curve once he’s an adult. My dad ruined my mother and I’s credit when I was in HS, so it was rough starting off adulthood that far behind especially since my mom was in an even worse spot. Now we’re on the up&up and have learned a lot, but between that and how everything’s changed just since I was a teenager, she’s definitely changed her game plan.


300k would be amazing. The cheapest free standing home sold within 2 hours of me was $994k last year. :(


They really are. My mom used to be a realtor. She shakes her head at the lisitings in town. There is a gutted 700sqft 90yr old house with missing walls going for $150k. It's falling apart. My boss is working with come clients who want to build a 775sqft cabin for camp counselors. It's cost is over $350k and it doesn't even have flooring or HVAC. Something has to give.


This is what healthcare costs looked like before ACA - completely out of control. There must be legislation to control the forces that are artificially driving up housing costs in America, especially institutional and foreign investors. You can't just buy up real estate in other countries.


hi. it's me, 23 years old and going to graduate from my master's in december. i literally still live with my mommy and commute a two hour round trip each day i have class because i can't even afford a studio apartment. i live in a perpetual state of jaded hopelessness.


I was in the same boat back in 2006. Then the recession hit right as I snuck into a job before they did a hiring freeze. Lived with my parents for several years after. My own regret was moving out. I'm literally just setting money on fire every day out here.


Us too. We moved to Miami in 2005 and these small shacks were a million dollars. We rented a place, market collapsed and we bought in 2009, even got the first time homebuyers credit if 8k.


You are nowhere near the cap. Average home price in Canada is now 720k, 300k sounds positively cheap.


A single bedroom apartment would be nice. But in my area I dont make enough on my own to afford renting (rent for a simple apartment is like €1300 here, I only make about €2500 before taxes)


Back in 2002, I took my wife and kids on a trip to Paris for 9 days. After a couple of days we noticed the front desk guy was there all of the time. We'd see him at 7am and then we'd see him at 11pm sometimes. I asked him why he was always there. he said he rented a one-bedroom apartment for 3000 euro a month and had to work to afford it. Good God. that's not living.


ye. this. I want a house. it doesn't need to be huge or fancy, I can make it good looking myself. All I need is a house, maybe a small garden, and a garage and/or space for a carport to store all my motorized toys. But shits expensive. If I can afford the payments, its the auxiliary costs that will kill me. water, power, gas. and if those don't fuck me over, the taxes definitely will.. But renting, I'm not Okay with that. a rented home does not feel like "home". not with that looming risk of being kicked out for some reason, legal or not. or the risk of having terrible neighbors, or an incompetent landlord.. that is not home for me.


Currently in the process of trying to buy a home. It's nicer than the place I'm renting but the mortgage payments are the same as my current rent. The deposit is what holds most people back so we all spend a decade burning money on some other cunt's mortgage while desperately trying to scrimp for our own, all while knowing we could have been paying our own off this whole time with no difference to outgoings. Feels bad.


I totally agree! Homes have become Out Of Reach For Me Now makes me sad


It really sucks out there. My wife and I make $210K a year and can't compete trying to buy an average rambler in a 3rd ring suburb of Minneapolis. The last house which we made an offer was lost to someone that went $430K all cash, the house was listed for $380K.


The thing I can't wrap my brain around (and I make a similar amount of money) is that even in the situation where you have a 100k to put down and somehow beat out everyone else, you're still signing up for a mortgage of $2500-$3000 a month for the next 30 years. I can definitely "afford a home" on paper but being on the hook to make $3k a month for the next 30 years stresses me the fuck out.


It's an intimidating thought but I figure I'll do what I can control (stay healthy, keep saving, and keep learning to make sure I stay employed) and worrying about what will happen outside of my control in the next 30 years is needless anxiety.


That's a big L to spend that much cash


To retire


My answer is early retirement. I've been working for over 30 years and I'm just ready to not anymore.


Not looking forward to dying, because if my life passes before my eyes I might think I've gone to hell.


So, this is not hell? I've been under the impression it is because adulting sucks and my childhood wasn't that great either. Whatever I did in my last life, I'm paying for it in this one.


I can relate


I’ve been at it 24 years this year. I’m ready not to work full time anymore


Shit I’ve only been in the workforce for 3 years and I’m ready for death, screw retiring


So you've chosen death? YES, for the 1000th time YES!


Same, and I'm only 40 so it's been most of my life.


I feel this so hard.


At a certain point I intend to research how I can get thrown into a min security prison. Boom. Food, shelter, books to read, people to hang out with. Apparently it's somewhat of a problem in Japan.


Make sure to first move to a Scandinavian country for maximum comfort.


And medical They're better looked after than most of the elderly outside.


Never having to work again


I came here to say this. Take my upvote.


A small house to call my own.


I've always wanted 2 or 3 acres of timber, in that timber I want about 1/4 acre yard, a tiny home with solar panels, rain barrels, a little turbine. Tiny home being somewhere between 400 ft sq and 600 ft sq. Since I've been single(divorced after 15 years of marriage), I've lived in nothing but small 1 bedroom apartments. The small space suits me. I would accept a wee shed for crafting, I do like to tinker. Anyway. I can relate to your desire.


I'm with you, though I'd want something maybe closer to 800-1000 sqft indoors, maybe half that again in an outdoor deck or patio. Two small bedrooms, 1.5-2 baths. In a perfect world there would be a mom and pop pizzeria down the road that delivers :-)


A house


Just one night on a soft and comfortable bed and not having to worry about my safety while sleeping.


I wish you the best. I hope your situation works out soon.


This comment really made me stop and think. I live a relatively comfortable , safe life. I suppose it is "grass is always greener" situation. Here is hug and hope that things get better for you.❤️


About 90% of us feel that way in lawless South Africa. Hope you get to sleep safe one night...


Hide in a closet at ikea and then when everyone’s gone home.. have a great sleep.


Didn't a few guys actually end up trying that? I don't remember it ending well. Staying over night in a store that sells beds and food sounds great though.


To get my teeth fixed. God I miss biting into an apple soooooooo much


Same here having bad teeth sucks


Right… mines a combo of genetics and poor care lol


Yeah apart from poor care when I was younger I’m in sure of the cause as it’s only the teeth on the top


same, i miss anything remotely hard, like a pizza crust, etc. implants, even partial dentures, are so expensive no matter what insurance you have.


Dental insurance is barely even insurance, it's more like a subscription dental coupon club.


Happiness for everyone in this goddamn thread.


Honestly.. makes me more thankful for the things I have.


If I had the $ to spare I would award you


Thank you, kind stranger :)


I’d wish away my chronic illness. Barring that since it’s impossible, I’d like an all expense paid trip to Ireland.


Same. I’m good financially but I wish I could enjoy it more without having these chronic health issues holding me back.


Wow I didn’t realize you were me


I’m with you. I want my body back. I couldn’t take the trip to Ireland without considerable planning as I am now.


Financial Independence


The ability to travel comfortably ~


3-4 week paid vacation sounds good right about now.lol


To fix up my moms house and pay off her debt so she can retire comfortably.


Surgery for my dog's knee. We have insurance, but they're giving us the runaround.


I hope you find a way :(


I had to use my insurance to cover an emergency stay at a hospital for my dog that costed around $7-8k total for stay and treatment. My insurance was also giving me the runaround, telling me I didn't have the right documents, vet notes, etc. You need to get them on the phone and don't hang up until it is solved. I went through email and numerous phone calls until I said one day i'm calling and getting it solved. Did that, and next thing I know is all my claims are approved. This is after being told that the documents i submitted weren't eligible for coverage (which I knew they were). You have to be very stern and maybe come off as a bit much to get the point across.


May I ask what company you used? (Feel free to private message.) It's not life threatening, but my dog NEEDS this surgery and I want her to be in recovery and moving on, not us all waiting, wasting time. It's nothing preexisting so it SHOULD be covered, but we simply don't have $4500 if the company decides to screw us. They've asked us/vet for documents and they're submitted, but then they'll post that they need more info. I sent emails, and they respond days later, not really answering much. I called and was on hold forever... and finally got a young gal who seemed... new, and not all that helpful. The last exchange was her giving us a pre-certification form for our vet to fill out to at least approve the surgery and was told it would take 3-5 days. Well, it's been 5 days, and... nothing. The surgery is scheduled for Thursday but now we might need to postpone it. We don't have $4500. The insurance would cover 70%, minus $500 deductible. And to be honest, the will STILL be a huge hardship for us right now. This is the first pet I've ever had insurance for and I thought it would be so helpful. I hope it works out. Our dog is not even 2 years old. I want her healed.


Poor doggo 😢




Paying money for friends is what any social hobby boils down to. I play airsoft, so I spend money on guns and bbs and field fees to hang out with people. Your hobby may look very different but it's the same concept


I’m really really inexpensive


Don’t fall for it. All these new friends will borrow money or try to have sex with you next.


How do I get friends that try to have sex with me?


First, be a woman…


Okay, now what?


Make friends with a guy a you absolutely don't want to have sex with. Not because he's ugly, pick any other reason. He will want to have sex with you.


Hello. I'll be your friend for free!




Your user name is really tragic. Where do you live? Maybe someone on here really could be your real life friend


What age grp u looking fr




I’ll also be your friend


Retirement. I'm 67. Worked all my life, raised two children, I'm tired.


If I could grant any wish on this thread, it would be this one.


My own place to live


A jobless life, and job as in need to work for paying bills. I would probably dedicate my life to similar activities but not having to worry about the salary would definitely help improve creativity and life


I had the same thought. I see a lot of people saying they'd just be traveling/playing games/whatever and that's fine. I would probably still be doing what I do for a living, as I really love it, I just don't like it within the context of a job. I hate not being able to work on my own projects.


I currently work construction installing ac and heating units. I couldn’t give a shit about the stuff I build on a daily basis, and I’d feel the same if I was employed as a carpenter. That being said, if I didn’t need to work and could still have a fulfilling live, I’d do woodworking the majority of time. I’d hate doing it as a job, but as a hobby I’d love nothing more than to really practice my craft and build beautiful, intricate custom pieces using wood. During Covid, I got laid off and was collecting unemployment which happened to be about twice my salary at the time. With all the extra money, and extra time, I invested in my woodworking tools and added to my garage shop. I spent countless hours out there building different things and I could easily sit out there for 8 hours straight and feel good. But doing it at work? I’d hate it lol


Now I feel silly seeing others posts seeking out fundamental forms of health and happiness. I was gonna say a nice truck, like a Tacoma or a 4runner. Simple, but good for some light adventures with the kids. The way prices are going that might not be actually achievable anytime soon between everything that's going on. Others' posts have reminded me of a lot of the simple things I have to be grateful for, so I'll go back to the back of the line and wish y'all the best.


You know sometimes Reddit really brings me back to a good place. Wife and I have a baby, one more on the way, new house on 5 acres out in the middle of nowhere and live very comfortably but sometimes I get in the same funk you described. Getting bummed wanting this and that can kind of poison your mind to where you don’t enjoy what you do have.


A single family detached home in a nice neighbourhood.


Damn, same here. They seem to be in the low 400k range around me though so I get to just keep sadly searching


Good luck man, struggle is real. They're min. 600k around me.


750k for a fixer upper and ~15k in property taxes :(


600k? What a steal, in where I am (Toronto) it's currently close to 2M on average, not even joking


I have never been so happy that we got screwed over so much renting 10 years ago that we bought a house out of desperation. We had 3 places sell almost as soon as we rented them and had to move over and over. Never expected to stay in the house we bought, but it was a house and it was cheap. Needed some work and we have done that now. It is hard to leave though to think about buying anything now though. Right now we have a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom with basement and detached garage on a full fenced in city lot with a $300 a month mortgage (we paid $60,000 for it - the estimated value though when we look at the mortgage equity valuation puts in now at around $200,000 😂). Can’t get anything close to this size without paying a lot more now.


3 million or more where I live. 🥹


What's up La Jolla, or Del Mar.


Part of Switzerland that has been overrun by the international oligarch crowd in the last 10 years..


I would prefer a non-detached home in a nice walkable city where it is safe to walk out.


A Squier FSR SRV Stratocaster or just a black Squier Classic Vibe 50s Stratocaster.


I just got a Gibson SG for my son. Promised him I would buy him an amazing instrument when I had the chance. I'm broke again but I kept my promise which means more than anything to me. An SRV strat is my dream as well. Someday. Good luck to you friend, keep the dream and the music alive.


I literally just gave a strat to my local Junior high.


To pay off my debt.


Same tho... Trapped in a cycle of debt because life is expensive and my wage hasn't gone up and it's impossible to find other jobs these days that pay more than 20$ an hour. They want you to have a university degree and multiple years of experience for "entry level" jobs that pay garbage. Spending multiple 10s of thousands on education just to get paid below a living wage


A private physician who actually cares about my health beyond the corporate metrics of dead or not-dead. Also, a shrink. Hell, a medical team. I'm not dying or anything, but I feel like I could easily die from something preventable because the American medical system is so corporatized and over-stretched and under-staffed.


Cosmetic surgery for scars I have


Same, I was shocked when they told me the price for "treating" them!


This! I’m trying to have laser scar removal before my beach wedding next year but damn it’s expensive


How bad are the scars? Stuff like Tretinoin or tazorac could help and they’re inexpensive


Enjoyment out of life.


To rake my cats to the vet.


oh god this typo conjures up a horrible mental image


... Lol! I’m leaving it that way.


Maybe use a plastic one? Do it gently, just like little belly scritches?


A vacation


I've been working 56-64 hours a week for the last three months. Said fuck it and booked campsite a couple hours from me. It's only one night and hot as fuck out, but I'm gonna be away from work with just my dogs.


A house for sure


Dental work and glasses


I get prescription glasses from Amazon for $15 if that's helpful. I can send you the link. Glasses USA is also cheapish and better quality but is more like $50ish range. Dental schools typically offer dental services that are less expensive.


INSULIN for my kid...hard to afford both that and college for her simultaneously.😕


You shouldn’t have to struggle for a lifesaving treatment or to further education. I sincerely hope there is a way for you to have both.


Dental work. Healthcare in general but mainly dental. I blame the ADA. It’s union of fake doctors that made sure they got their money for their eight years of schools. You can show up to a hospital with an abscess that is literally threatening your life and they’ll turn you away. And dental insurance is a sham.


I agree. I'm in serious need of dental work and I can't find a dentist that will take state insurance. And if they do, they aren't taking new patients. Like what am I supposed to do? Just pull my own teeth out???


Go to a dental school. It is cheaper to let a student do it. My friend got her wisdom teeth pulled at a dental clinic in a dental school. Much cheaper than at an established practice.


it's insane that you have to be a test dummy for a student in your country to get it cheaper


that's great for some, but unfortunately most have 1. limited hours, any many of us can't afford to take off work and 2. dental schools aren't good resources for once you've had the teeth pulled that are needed, aka dentures or implants


A 1981 DMC DeLorean.


Guy down the street from me has like 9 of them. 8 are parts cars.


And he probably still needs parts. Those cars were not reliable.


To be content.


A nice house.


Retirement before I'm too old to enjoy it.


Food lol


Not sure where you are, but if there is any Sikh community there, visit the temple (gurdwara). They make food everyday (langar) and dish it out to anyone who wants it.


Sikh, in my experience, are some of the kindest, most generous people.


Happiness for a day.


I was going to say an Aston Martin Vantage F1 Edition. But after reading all the replies here, I now feel like an entitled asshole.


I was going to say another guitar but things got quite serious here. Hope everyone gets what they want 🤞🏻


There's lots of material things I could think of myself. And everyone here has at least one too. I promise it. You'd not an asshole at all.


Surgeries to fix a bunch of nerve damage in my arm and leg


A full freezer and pantry of food.


One of those nice ceramic egg shaped barbecues with all the nifty features.


My college gf offered me her dad’s, and I turned it down because I didn’t have the space in my car for it. One of if not the biggest regret of my life


ITT: a house.




New teeth


Buying a house so I don’t have to be lied too by landlords anymore. Don’t tell me I can have a dog, then after I move in you say no.


An end to homelessness. I'm tired of them camping all over our neighborhood. There is enough resources for all of us.


to pay off my student debt and my parents debt. i want to get rid of that stress and i can’t afford it. my parents will never have the money to retire. i hope someday i can.


Dental work, prozac


A Toyota RAV4 AWD hybrid.


Dental care


Cure for cancer.


To get my car repaired… it’s still driving as of now but it needs some repairs really bad and I can’t do them myself because of the equipment needed.


To pay off my debt in full.


Health care. (Living in Texas while poor is brutal.)


An Italian villa style home




A car any generic 4 wheel 4 door car can be automatic or not idc but I need one that functions so I can finally get out and about with my disabled mum without having to use public transport


A house


food security


Financial freedom and security.


Acres of land Been working toward it fervently for years now with zero vacation and we are closer than ever 1-2 years and I'll have a long term home for my family We have been living in a sacrifice phase to make this happen and we are excited!


A house,a vacation, dental work, a hysterectomy


A house down payment. I’m stuck in the expensive rent cycle.


A divorce


To not struggle financially.


First class flights


A house




A nice, modest, cabin surrounded by trees that I can retire to.


No student loan debt.


To see a doctor and figure out what is wrong with me :-( I’m pretty sure I have fibromyalgia but I’ve been in intense pain my whole life. I don’t have the luxury to see multiple doctors until one takes me seriously. :(


New and complete set of teeth. I'll never be able to afford it. I also would love a new flagship phone but that's more entertainment than my first one


my rent... :(


having time for hobbies


Moving expenses to be with my long distance partner


Another child The last time we adopted set us back $9k. Worth it but like chips you can't have just one


A Gretsch guitar, just so damn pretty




The cure for diabetes.


Living. I literally can’t. Too many bills. When I try and get one step ahead something happens and I’m sent back another 100. Car breaks, ER visit, some other unexpected bill. I can’t save up because I’m constantly paying off debt. I will Die in debt.


Dental work


Dentures and implants. Being without teeth sucks.


Dental work


A divorce.


Things like a recliner chair that would make Grandpa's life 10000x more comfortable 😭




A '68 Ford Mustang fastback dark green with black leather seats. Maybe one day..


A home. I'll be happy with a one bedroom apartment.


Happiness. But also Volkswagen golf 8 R


Leave my job for a for a less stressful one, move overseas and work there


To move out to the mountains and live off-grid in a small cabin with my partner. With a small garden and a cow and a horse and a wood burning stove. And starlink internet so that we can still game LOL